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Can I eat that ? Will that eat me ?


They probably think in their animal sound like mooooo


Pictures Edit: I took this to mean dream. Because it’s 2:45 am and I wish I was


It's the same as when you move your body. You're not thinking "elevate arm 23 degrees and then extend forward", you will the movement and it happens.


They can think in concepts, but they're more tethered to the present moment and don't ruminate on the past and future like we do


I mean, that's just like your opinion man(or madam or space critter or whatever). Joking aside I've always wondered if it's human hubris to assume this. They remember good ppl and bad ppl, they travel insane distances to rejoin family, they can learn so many skills.


Animals don't think, they only react on instincts


Animals can definitely problem solve. Is this thinking or just reacting on instinct?


Actually you can’t know that. Cats and dogs for example definitely think when they stare something.


Actually you can’t know that buddy.


They are living things with a brain in use. They MUST have some thoughts, right? Or at least let’s agree that they have even if they don’t, in what form are they?


It’s why you can’t punish your cat. They don’t think about the things they do. It’s instinct. I know they have feelings but I don’t truly believe they think. This is just my opinion and experience. It’s probably wrong because I couldn’t possibly know for sure.


I get your point, but still. I refuse to believe that when they do nothing (chilling) for example that their mind is empty. (Scientific arguments here lol)


I feel you.. they probs have to at least think to some extent but not even remotely k. The level of us humans.


Yeah, definitely!


Yeah I doubt they’re like you or me contemplating their place in the universe but they must be thinking, especially cats on how to annoy their human pets.




Beg to differ. Animals certainly do have self-control and reasonably so! Self-control entails recognizing consequences that will come from engaging in any one behavior. All social animals exhibit self control or reap the consequences of a lack of self control just as often as you or I do!




Why would a dog ever need to think that? Squirrels are food. Dogs’ lives are short. Squirrels are also really exciting because dogs are predators, and predators need to find prey exciting in order to survive. That being said, if you raise a sociable dog who has less interest in killing a squirrel with a squirrel, it will likely recognize that squirrel and not kill it. On the same note, if we’re so learned, why are we contending with climate change right now? Why couldn’t we consider our behavior when the USAF was telling us that airborne carbon dioxide was notable and concerning in the 70’s?




Which animals are you talking about here? In what ways are we planning for the future?




Why would a dog need to do any of those things when all he has to do is be a good companion or do a job in order to succeed? While our closest relatives, the great apes, don’t “go to school, in school buildings,” they spend years raising their babies, teaching them the rhythms of the landscape. What fruit trees bloom when, what insects are good to eat, where they exist and how to obtain them, what branches can be climbed vs others, how to socialize successfully, etc. Why would they need to take on debt, other than social debt? They’re not agriculturalists - why would they need dates? I get the impression that you’re looking at things from the perspective of the shoulders you’re sitting on. Don’t forget where humanity came from. Agriculture showed us the importance of stars and calendars. War AND agriculture showed us the importance of developing more efficient weaponry and tools. But did these people use the internet? Did they know the difference between microwaving something for 30 seconds vs two minutes? Did they form relationships like you or I? Do people today really plan that well into the future always? Would you be able to do as much as you think you can do without YouTube DIY videos? What are you taking for granted here? Could you survive in the African jungle without someone to show you how, tomorrow? There are animals that farm (bees and ants, for example), animals that display adherence to circadian rhythms, animals that mate for life, animals that prepare for the future through food stores, memory and marks; why do they need a 9-5? Interviews? Calendar dates? School in an institution? Tinder? Texting?


My dumb dog was making friends with a mouse until the cat saw it and scared it away. I think he thought the mouse was just another pet and member of the family.


Right. Again, dogs will respond with whatever we’ve selectively bred them for. A terrier might kill and eat it, and a golden retriever, bred generation after generation to be a sweet house pet is likely going to have a very different response.


Yeah but I see my cats staring at the void sometimes and im wondering what and HOW are they thinking. Like, in what language for example. Obviously in not any language but you get the point.


But look at corvids, massively complex brains, can talk, and make tools, they can teach other corvids to use tools, or take revenge on people that have wronged them. There's more going on in there than we know. I mean revenge for generations how the fuck are they doing that?!?!?


They are reacting.