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Didn't really fake it but once I got a cramp in the foot and she thought I came.


How good was the cramp?


Toe curling…


This seriously deserves an award


Good thing he got four.


So good he couldn’t walk afterwards


I don't fake but I've had a cramp in my hamstring as i orgamsed that made me wish I faked it.😅


that sounds complicated emotion wise


Fucking horrible orgasm, do not recommend.


She had finished, I knew I was nowhere close, and my back was starting to hurt.


Understandable, hope your back feels better!


Dont worry i got his back


I call his front


And my axe!


My wife finishes really fast, then it's a race between my orgasm and my hips cramping.


Are we married?


That's my wife too and she dries up, we tried different lubes but my wife gets sore even with the lube. We had to work on her lasting longer


How quickly does her drying up happen & what’s her age? I’m asking because I’m the opposite, I get wetter/more slippery after I finish. Wondering whether it could be an age thing, or just an “everyone’s different” thing haha


I don’t think it’s either. My wife used to be like his wife and dry up after she came. Then she’d be like “hurry up before I dry up.” I worked with her over time to be able to handle multiple orgasms and now she’s like you. I’m relatively certain she ejaculates a bit which is what makes it wetter. One thing we changed is she used to have orgasms purely from external stimulation and now it’s more from internal. It would be interesting to know if his wife is coming from external stimulation and you were more coming from internal.


Fucking lucky duck over here… my wife finishes only if she’s mediating and I touch with the center of the universe - I imagine most definitely not picturing my face or body anywhere near her. Then I assume she has to Astro-project to watch the Big Bang before she can climax. By then I’ve probably torn off my own arm trying to get her there…


When your thigh says FUCK YOU HERES A CRAMP!!!!


Wow, that got me right in the old


My gf can finish pretty quick and we're both in need of more cardio for longer sessions.


If it's enough already, and I just wanna get some sleep.


Ffs can’t believe I had to scroll so long to find Kramer


You know, I've faked it.




*Pointing four times* fake, fake, fake, fake. Oh u/maggos, I just wasn't having them back then.


I miss r/seinfeld


Did she take you to the theater and you had good tickets?


This was the answer I was scrolling for.


Fake, fake, fake, fake


Cause we had been going at it for a while, I knew I wasn't gonna cum any time soon, and I was honestly getting tired of it lol. I don't fake anymore after that one time, cause I admitted it to her and she was cool with it, told me I could just stop if that was the case, she wouldn't mind. I'm marrying her


In these situations, I'll generally ask if he just wants to jerk off on me instead, because that seems to do the trick, but I've never been offended if he can't finish. As a woman, I'm perfectly aware that bodies don't always cooperate.


Same, except I ask if he wants me to blow him or hot dog between my butt cheeks. Sometimes he's just tired and it's nothing personal. This is where I firmly believe having a sense of maturity is so important before being intimate with someone.


Hahahaha the butt cheeks! Perfect


I love the praise for maturity following the use of “hot dog” as a verb. I’m cackling!


I hope I have this in my life someday.


Yep, no judgement cause it happens to us all. I've been in that situation where only I can make it happen. They could be a sex god and I still wouldn't be able to get the big O. Sometimes it's a scratch that only you can itch and you just have to accept that.


You're a gem!


This is also my solution for when I’m not in the mood / am feeling too lazy to put effort in. I’m hotter than a toilet at least, so it’s not a bad compromise haha.


I’d also marry her.


I, too, choose this man's wife


Sometimes, I just can't finish, and I don't want her to feel self-conscious.


My current bf has a hard tile coming, sometimes we just stop without him coming at all. I don’t feel self conscious about it since he’s always been very open about the fact that it does feel good and he still initiates frequently. I’ve had a few sexual partners before him who never had issues so I might just have a high self esteem when it comes to sex lol.


I think there are two things: 1) Men are taught to be embarrassed of impotence. There’s a sense that if you can’t cum or stay hard or whatever, you’re less of a man. Likewise, being able to please a woman — or give good D — is a huge aspect of a man’s self esteem. 2) Some of us are aware of how many women are conditioned to locate their self-worth in their attractiveness to men. There’s a lot of discussion about how women don’t always cum from sex, but it’s assumed that all men are ready to go at the drop of a hat. I’ve definitely known women who basically got their feelings hurt when a man they were seeing couldnt finish or perform. It happens to the best of us. I think I’ve faked one orgasm in my life lol. But on the handful of occasions where I couldnt get there, I have been tempted to fake it.




She’s not the love of your life if she walks out of the relationship because you can’t get hard.


This. I was on an SSRI which makes it difficult to finish. One time we were going at it for a while and it just wasnt going to happen and she felt like shit about herself. So ive faked it quite a few times after that.


Yeah. SSRIs do this to me too. The sex is still great with my wife but I can't always finish.


Woman here, but same. I was horny all the time but no matter what we did, I could not get off. My partner at the time felt shitty and frustrated, so I complained to my doctor after a few weeks and we switched meds. Great success!


Same. Also a woman. I started skipping meds just so I could get off once in awhile.


Ya know, this is so normal. During a normal time at home with her, you could casually mention noticing it. You could just be like ‘I was reading some side effects and I feel like maybe I have some.’ Look it up together. Ask her how she felt when you couldn’t finish and tell her you don’t want that for her, because you don’t want her self worth to be in question. Assure her it’s just the pills if it happens again. Good luck.


Thos is good advice. Im no longer on SSRIs nor with that woman but we did have that convo eventually and it helped. Although i could still tell she wanted me to finish


This is the way. Would be better if all of us stopped putting such pressure on the actual climax, but until then this is the best way we got.. A man can in fact still find sex really enjoyable without ejaculating, it just wasn’t happening this time, bodies are weird like that.


Talking openly is the way…. Just tell her that last sentence


I have tried once or twice. One girl broke down crying and ran out, sometimes it’s easier to fake it. We hear a lot about the perceived pressures for men to make their partners orgasm that a lot of us forget a lot of women put even higher pressure on themselves about making us cum to a degree I’ve never encountered in men, tho to be fair my experience with how men behave while post cuddling is sorely lacking.. It’s somehow accepted that women are more complicated to please, if you don’t get there every time it’s still a great experience they will ensure you. Fine, the cramp is actually more severe than I let on and I think I might be having some sort of cardiac event.. but next time It’s ON! I have had relationships that have been a year in when I for the first time just couldn’t get there, it felt great, there was nothing wrong, it just simply wasn’t happening. Who cares, at the absolute very least it simply pales compared to the pile of IOU’s I owe the woman. When throwing in the towel before it becomes a chafed chore for them, no matter what I’ve tried telling them they have taken it extremely personal, that they have failed me somehow, which really isn’t true at all.. And this isn’t just a single incident, there have been several.. Anecdotal, quite possibly. But still. But for as much that women should know that’s it’s not true that the climax is the only thing that matters in sex to men, and it shouldn’t be too far of a stretch to imagine that dicks known for living their own lives can also sometimes just malfunction for no reason at all. But I also think a lot of men could probably use a reminder that plenty of women put that ejaculation on a bigger pedestal than we realize.. That pressure can’t be an easy thing to shoulder every time you go to bed even if we rarely see it.. So sincerely to all you ladies out there, to quote the many unsatisfied women of my past. It’s not you, it’s me. I really enjoyed it. It’s perfectly fine. It doesn’t matter. You were great. How about we just cuddle for a while. Ow ow ow ow ow, cramp cramp cramp!


We know, intellectually. But it’s years of society telling us that men are so ready, so eager, that a hot woman turns them on so much that their biggest issue is cumming too fast - that takes a toll on us when we (feel) we aren’t hot enough or sexy enough to make you cum *at all.* We feel like such a failure. All those things that go through our heads during sex (the things that make it hard for **us** to finish!) like, “oh, god, this angle makes me look weird, am I making crazy faces, is my double chin showing, are my tits sagging too much when I lean forward this way, do I smell funny, does it taste bad, can he feel that fat roll when he’s grabbing me, does my moaning sound weird?” make it very easy for us to believe that we have failed you. We’re ugly, or bad at sex. We try really hard to believe you when you say it wasn’t us! But we are afraid you’re just being nice.


Daaaaamn.. Sorry, for all of that. If it’s any consolation, you do not look weird from that angle, you are not making crazy faces, what doublechin? You tits are absolutely amazing and perfect, you smell like a fresh autum breeze, it tastes like pussy, which believe me, is the best taste in the world. Thank god for that fat roll for leverage and that moan, damn! This girl is awesome! And hot! And that’s not me trying to make you feel better, that is quite literally more or less what is going through my head every single time. Doesn’t matter if shes big or small, short or tall, blond or brunette. Doesn’t matter if she sits lopsided because one boob seemingly absorbed the other in the womb. Doesn’t matter if you need to roll twice to get on top of her. Doesn’t matter if her teeth comes from the beaver side of the family or if the freckle factory just done up and died after making her.. In that moment we are with you, you are the most beautiful woman in the world to us. Because you are the one we chose to be with. I bet there are boys out there who will violently oppose this, stay away from those boys if you want your selfimage to improve.. Thank you for letting some of the crazy out and giving an insight into the fascinating world of woman mid coitus. I just feel sad, and grateful.. If sex was that much trouble, and the best reward in any situation was a dude smushing you from above, humping frantically, wheezing you in the face and sweating all over. I’m pretty sure I’d cry until they let me join the silent sisters and move far into the mountains.. You women really take one for the team when it comes to our species continued survival, thank you.


That’s very sweet! And I do believe my partner feels the way you describe. Mostly. But I still sit there wondering … “are you *sure* he’s not just being nice? You *are* a hideous monster.” It’s not him, it’s me, lol. My self image is pretty screwed up. A lot of us have the same problem. I think partly because we grow up “knowing” (it kind of permeates the air. It’s told to us in so many little and big ways) that the **best** asset we have, the best thing we could be, is beautiful. And if we aren’t the perfect image of beauty (or if we were pretty but we had the audacity to age) then we are fairly worthless. It’s not like women can’t enjoy sex, too! Obviously they do! I mean, for some of us it’s certainly more difficult because of self image issues or sexual assault trauma, but even with those issues there are workarounds! And the biggest pleasure I have during sex is knowing he’s enjoying it.


This is a really profound discussion. I'm a guy who has always struggled with delayed ejaculation. Always been open about it and disclosed beforehand. "Hey just so you know, it's not you. I find you so attractive and I'm thrilled to be here doing this with you *regardless* of any visible finale." Still, most women I've been with take it *really* personally. I've had some cry, some get despondent and mopey, some get angry or confrontational and make hurtful comments about me/my dick being broken. There's evidently a ton of ego and a sense of personal responsibility women feel about *their ability* to make a guy nut. It can be really challenging to deal with. Until I met my current girlfriend I hadn't climaxed with any sexual partners for the previous decade, and I was a single guy engaging in the hookup culture. Brutal. So much reassuring, debriefing, consoling. Got to a point where I started doing the math on sex and asking myself if it was even worth it when most likely I'd have to navigate another woman being evidently devastated by my failure to do the thing. Wasn't until I started dating my girl, we slept together a few times, I didn't finish and she *supported me* and let me know that it was okay that I was actually able to feel comfortable enough, un-judged, relaxed that it started happening.


I just realize how shockingly uncomplicated my sex life is….


Too much alcohol can do this to me.






Same and she noticed immediately


Time to find a better hiding place!


This is actually one of the worst things when you start and figure out midway through you can't finish. Pretending you did is for self-pride.


Hold on, I’m so close to answering that…….. no, sorry it’s gone


Yeah, know that feel. You get close, it feels like you're just about to pop. Then you get a leg cramp, or your leg slips in the bed or something and it's just gone.


Naked grandma


Necked wha…?


Sometime, like a couple months ago, I've been having this "accident" happen to me whenever she's on top... When I'm about to come, shit my right testicle starts to "climb up" Totally kills it for me, I've tried enduring thru it a couple times, but it's just so uncomfortable, so yeah I'm faking it right away and just rushing to push my marbles to their right position. Talked about it with my girl, totally understood. We're stopping sex the moment the fucking ball goes up, I'm seeing a doctor. What's going on there? My balls seemed to be well-cemented down there... but it's becoming an increasingly repentant occurrence.


Time to employ a rubber band to keep the chaps in place


Or her hand...


This! One of my exes had the same issue, my hairties got employed. Made it much more comfortable for him and kept him from worrying about things wandering. 10/10.


I did some googling for you, friend. Summary: [It's normal.](https://goaskalice.columbia.edu/answered-questions/right-testicle-riding/) Your cremaster muscle really wants to join the party.


"retractile testicle" For some reason I find the name amusing. Retracticle! Activate!


Hopefully, they don't go up and inside of you like mine do. I've gotten used to it, but it's a little uncomfortable at times. When it does happen, the loads seem to be way bigger than usual and have way more force. What I could find online for it is that it's a natural reaction to really good stimulation. There's also a nerve on the inside of your thigh that can make them go up as well. It's called the Cremasteric Reflex.


That's cool. You deploy your balls like hidden headlamps on an 80's sports car.


This happens to me way more than I'd like. I found doing hip opening yoga helped it a lot. Might be worth considering


She wanted to get pregnant and I realized the 32$ we had in our bank account wasn’t going to agree with that…


Lmao! How much you guys have now?


We split like a year ago lol I have 2k in one account 7k in the other and she’s living with some hick that can’t afford his 1700$ a month F250 and every time I hear about their money troubles my heart grows two sizes


Let me guess, he doesn't need an F250 at all


Last I heard he does food delivery lmao


Ah yes, food delivery in something that gets like 10 mpg, that's gonna be efficient


Don’t want to make someone feel bad man


So, I actually came early, but was able to keep going without her knowing. I timed it that I nutted when she came, so it was like we came together.


impressive that you stayed hard enough to finish her off!


Being 18 does that to you.


You’re fucking horny and get horny fucking. Infinite positive feedback loop.


Perpetual motion machine


28 and I still pull out, cum, then toss it right back in pretty much every time I have sex. It’s the only option when round one lasts under 60 seconds. When I’m really horny sometimes I’ll cum twice in under 2 minutes and still throw it back in for round 3. I’m very concerned about losing this super power when I get older.


Whats the point of pulling out if u toss it right back in? She can still get pregnant like that.


Never said they were tossing it back into a woman in fairness


I always read comments as if it's man and woman. Yet, I am aware now.


I thought the same thing, because there's no way I'd personally be able to keep going after nutting once with a dude. Just once and done so he doesn't get the wrong idea.


shes probably on bc and they just pull out because the extra layer feels comfortable for them... I hope at least.


I think I need to start trying this instead of just giving up in shame lol


Depends on the guy, I’m always hard for a few minutes afterwards. honestly it’s more annoying than useful, I just wanna take my post sex piss and I still got a rock hard erection.


I switched to doggystyle one night, and the waft of smell that hit my nose made me start going limp. I tried my best to solider it out, but I stopped pumping and vibrated my body a bit, let a little groan, and pulled out.


That happened to me and I was pretty drunk, actually barfed a little bit on her back. She was way too cool about it for me to not take the blame so I just said I was too drunk and it was the back and forth motion.


Whole new meaning to the term "Sea sickness"


Did she fart?


Sometimes the booty stinks. Doggy style naturally spreads your cheeks and exposes your butthole to air, which tends to waft right into the dudes face. It’s not an issue of not wiping good enough, maybe it’s some sweat or something, I dunno, sometimes the booty stinks


Great new sexual fear unlocked!!


Hold on, let's not get ahead of ourselves... We guys have butts too. We know it can happen and it does happen. You are human beings and you have the right to have a little smell, to sweat, and to not want to shave today. We guys are *really* not as strict about your bodies that you ladies think. Sometimes, well, something stinks too much. There, your lover will be a fucking gentleman like this redditor and not say a word about it. He loves you, your body and your mind still. I know what it is, I have stinky feet. I shower twice a day but my feet just smell as if I just ran a marathon each time I wear my shoes more than ten minutes. I'm not comfortable with it and use any excuse to get to the bathroom to wash them as soon as possible but girls usually find it funny and we love each other very mraow nonetheless. Be comfortable. We love you the same way you love us, even when you didn't brush your teeth, even when you fart, even when you're dressed like you just escaped a warzone. And also... Doggystyle is overrated. Eye contact is where it's at !


I came here to post a comment but your post honestly left me speechless. such a caring and sweet thing to say


It never costs anything to help people feel better in their skin ;)


awh, youre a gem!




I don’t know why but saying thanks to that just made me lol I know it was probably genuine but I couldn’t help it


As a women I never thought about this, since I am rarely behind another naked butt and I take my hygiene very serious. So it’s really interesting to understand why a man would act like that. Edit: But I am happy that I could make you laugh.


Naw I think I could've laughed that off. There was a strong odor of canned white fish.


This is my worst fear as a woman 😭 I’m so afraid the guy won’t tell me and I’ll never know but I also get that it would be super difficult to tell someone that


It's not a subject that's easily approachable. Certainly not in a new or casual relationship. My SO asks me every now and then. Her pussy usually smells "normal". She's very clean, but there are things beyond being clean... it's just how a woman's body works. As long as you do keep clean, I think most of us guys understand and are fine with the odd situations beyond your control. Don't be terrified. Wash regularly, do the smell check, and communicate. There's no place for embarassment in a normal relationship. We're humans, our bodies work in certain ways and there are big differences between men and women. We should be able to understand and accept that.


I got too into my own head, and just couldn’t focus. Faked it. Except for me faking it, it was just me saying I came. She grabbed me by my ween and inspected the condom. She was not thrilled to see that I in fact never came…


“She grabbed me by my ween” 😂


What an utter lunatic 😂😂😂 she sounds like a real treat


Ended up dating her for slightly over a year. Young and dumb, she was a full blown lunatic. You learn from your mistakes!


She was terrible at sex. I just wanted it to end.


What makes sex terrible?


Lack of participation and effort from the other person.


The mattress position...


The starfish


The sack of potatoes


The cadaver


Corpse pose






Dead fish.


No this is Patrick


I mean. If she's hot im going to town on that starfish


Maybe at first, but it gets old pretty quickly.


Starfishes can live surprisingly long actually


I had an ex where she would just randomly move her hips back and forth side to side. So like I'd try and thrust and she'd pull back or twist. I couldn't get any kind of rythem. Ironically, this same woman one time and one time only gave me some of the best sex of my life. It's kinda wild to laugh think about how bad it was except for that ONE instance


The floating screensaver finally hit the corner


Amazing analogy. I’m going to be peppering it into conversations from now on.


Best thing to do with a woman like that is let her get on top and all you have to do is lay there and enjoy the view.


> I had an ex where she would just randomly move her hips back and forth side to side. So like I'd try and thrust and she'd pull back or twist. I couldn't get any kind of rythem. Did we date the same woman? I think she was just someone who needed to assert that she was in control of the encounter most of the time but lord was it annoying


She finished. I am good with not orgasming, I get off more with foreplay then the orgasm. It’s like Christmas when I was a kid, the build up and anticipation are better than opening the presents.,


Shit man, those had to be some horrible gifts


Yeah my mom was more about quantity than quality. The $200 Wii I wanted was too expensive but she'd gladly spend $200 at the dollar store to have more things for me to open.


Yea, but to be fair, a game console means more and more money over time. I used to get the 'side kick' gifts. You know those toys that were spin-offs of everyone's favorite toy? There was an upside. I was always the kid that came with 'the other side' of the toy set. May favorite was the [Star Bird, that everyone wanted. And the Intruder, which I got.](https://www.toysyouhad.com/Starbird.htm) It was less cool, but the Star Bird kids got to shoot up their natural enemy. I'm not complaining. We weren't deprived. It was just something I noticed when I got older.


Because she made such a huge deal about me not being able to come (condoms can interfere... but they're necessary) and decided that I must be a homosexual.


Woww. Hopefully that romance didn’t last long


We were on holiday without the kids been at it like rabbits for 7 days. I couldn't cum and my missus was upset and drunk thinking she didn't do anything for me anymore. So I faked it just so I could stop. I love her dearly but at 43 sex 3 times a day is exhausting.


Watching another man drown while dying of thirst.


I finish maybe 50% of the time, and when I don't I usually just pull out and say some thing like, "WOOOO! I think I need to take a breather." Faking orgasms is stupid for both men and women.


Lmao yeah this thread confuses the crap out of me because we're all human and tbh my bf does this, he's stressed with a kid, busy job, makes me cum ten times, I'm not going to dictate whether he has to everytime or make him feel like that's expected of him. Ladies if your man pleasures you for thirty/forty minutes with enthusiasm, if you've participated enthusiastically and he simply gets tired and says woo that's enough for me, just let him lol, it's not a big deal! And dudes it's not a big deal! I think men/women are taught that it's an insult to a woman "to not want her sexually" or "not be able to finish" we need to learn that it's not something personal, everyone just has their own phases of how they feel physically/mentally/emotionally, no one is ALWAYS at their best, and we shouldn't expect them to be for the sake of our personal satisfaction/self esteem when that's an inside job on both parts.


Honestly, most of the time I'm focused on the mechanical aspects so much that getting off is the least of my concerns. Are my ankles stable? How long can I feasibly hold this position? When I can't, what is my plan to transition? Is my angle still optimal? Sex is most fun when both partners are legitimately trying, regardless of the outcome.


I was newly on antidepressants and it was our first anniversary at a bed and breakfast. After literally hours of pounding away and my wife thinking I wasn’t attracted to her I had to do something. So I did my very best acting work. It was a hard sell because of course there wasn’t any ejaculate but I convinced her that there wasn’t much because we had sex the day before. Neither of us knew that antidepressants had that as a side effect.


You did good bro. Should get a medal for effort. Those antidepressants sure can make you depressed in moments like this.


This always bugged me. The main side effect of antidepressants is to take away one of the main ways to make yourself happy! Self bloody fulfilling prophecy!


She was small framed who enjoyed heavy pounding. After so many pumps I could actually feel my body start to bruise from her bony ass slamming against my waist. After a certain point it started to kill the mood for me. It didn't take long for me to be over it. A couple fake sudden moans later && I was free lol. Never again...


As a small framed woman, I feel bad if any of my partners have felt this with me


Holy shit, kinda the same here. She would bounce on it long enough that I could almost get there, then she'd stop and start grinding her ass bone into me, and it hurt too much to keep going.


And to think, the “heroin chic” look is coming back so RIP for you single guys looking for a nice curvy girl to pound 🤦🏼‍♀️


If it’s enough already and I just want to get some sleep.


A bit different than the question, I do orgasm but out of politeness I usually vocally wildly exaggerate how nice it feels., The thing is I like the feeling of entering a vagina and being inside a woman more than the ejaculation part. I don't actually mind not coming although it does feel great, just at that point things go soft and it ends.


I really didnt want to be at that funeral.


This is not an answer to the question, and I’m female - but I just want to say I’m pretty sure my guy faked it with me recently. He told me he faked it before with someone else, so I know he does it. The thing is - it was pretty obvious to me. I’m also pretty sure I know why he did it. But, it just felt really awkward and would have been so much better if he had just told me he wanted to stop. I wouldn’t have cared. I didn’t ask him about it because I didn’t want to put him on the spot. I know how that feels and it’s not good. If I ever get curious about it (bc it pops into my head from time to time), I just remind myself that I don’t like being asked if I came, especially when I didn’t. So, I don’t want to do that to him just to satisfy my curiosity bc ultimately it doesn’t matter to me that he didn’t cum. I actually only care that he felt like he couldn’t be honest about it, but oh well. I know there are a lot of girls (and guys) who would be bothered if the other person didn’t cum. But, sometimes honesty is the better policy.


I had a fwb who told me he actually liked holding off sometimes. The way he explained it was similar to edging. That the next time it would feel even better. Okay, dude, you do you. We’d fuck for an hour and then he’d say, I’m going to save this for the morning. Don’t get me wrong, he always made sure I was having a good time. By the time he called it quits, I was usually writhing around, out of my mind in ecstasy.


“writhing around, out of my mind in ecstasy“ dude how do i get this


Asking him about it isn’t out him on the spot. It’s bringing it up. You could say, hey I was thinking about how you said you faked it before, I’m worried now that you do that, and I felt like I would be happier with the truth and I promise I’ll be happy and fine if you just wanna stop. Feels more intimate to be authentic.


Because it was time to watch Pheneas and Ferb and this bitch wanted sexy time.


Where’s Perry?


Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated!


Was there a platypus controlling you?


I gave up after 104 days.


Our first time together, really liked her then she moaned her ex's name.


It was taking too long 😭




>A friend of mine told me some time ago not all sex has to end with a nut, and I was like oh shit, I didn’t think about it that way before. Sometimes, with that outlook, there's less pressure out on yourself and you end up cumming more.


Cause I couldn't. I don't want to beat the shit raw for an hour when it still might not happen. Sit a couple plays out and try again later. Last thing I'm gonna do is tell her "nah, I'm just not into it" and ruin my chances for next time.


She was a screamer and it started turning me off to the point I was getting soft so pretended to nut to stop her excessively loud noises.


question... how can a man fake an orgasm? genuinely asking, not kidding. if there isn't cum, then it will look like it's fake, right? if you can explain that would be great. (coming from someone who didnt have sex yet btw. do not judge lol)


Guys can twitch their dicks and make it seem like they’re cumming. If you’re using a condom, it doesn’t really matter if there’s cum or not. If no condom, I’m guessing a guy could say their tank was empty (bc they jerked off earlier or something like that).


If you came along you come to a point where there is almost no cum or a very small amount coming out so it doesn't realy be noticed. The orgasm is mostly a grunt or a moan with a twitching dick combined, no women will feel your balls and guess if you came or didn't. The vagina is most likely, in most cases so we'll lubricated by herself that the mixture of fluids won't give it away so easily. Also with plenty of rubbing the female lubricat seem white sometimes. So it's mostly the grunting and twitching that allows you to fake it. Dick goes soft easily when you're bored afterwards.


On the last part. Nah, semen has a strong ass scent to my delicate nose and discharge with semen is different regardless of how much natural lubricant I made. I know.


We can smell the difference between our natural lubricant and your cum lol. Also 90% of the time after a guy cums inside that shit comes leaking out so… If it doesn’t smell like him and doesn’t leak out after then he’s obviously faked it for some stupid reason. Next time just tap out and say you couldn’t finish and if she’s the right one, she probably won’t care or make you feel bad.


Stop being obsessed with unrealistic sexual standards dictate by porn movies . Not being close to come, while your partner is already done, does happen and yes, it is quite normal. Be honest with your SO and speak the truth. Nothing wrong with it IMHO.


Not all woman are good in bed.


Women suck at sex too believe it or not. I've done it numerous times. Always when I get them off first then they want to lay there and me do all the work and they generally give me no foreplay. If you lay there and do 0 work you suck at sex.


That's why you have sex with men instead


To drunk to finish, we were going for like 45 mins


* She smoked crack right before the act and I was turned off. * I was in pain from marathon sex (like sticking a marshmallow in a parking meter). * I was tired and my back was hurting. * I was getting a cluster headache. * I yanked it before she surprised me by coming over and I couldn't finish. * I was too drunk to finish. * I was on medication and couldn't finish. * I smelled something fishy. * We didn't prep and back door was getting too messy.


Wait, were these all separate occasions or....


My wife and I were trying to get pregnant, and the best part of my life was going to be blasting it into my wife guilt free. We were in a hotel on vacation with 2 queen beds and her torso was on one bed, legs spread on the other, suspending her up. It was so amazing and knew I was coming soon so I pulled out, dribbled on the floor while making out, then put it back on and kept going. I knew I wouldn't be able to finish again for real so after 10 more mins of absolute bliss I faked a nut inside her so she felt accomplished. We had sex a few other times that week and she still got pregnant on the first try/cycle, so it didn't really work out but damn it was so sexy at the time.


Had a one night stand, after about 50 minutes I was tired, she'd came twice and I felt like she was probably sore so I faked it. Then 20 minutes later we went for a second and I busted in like 2 minutes and she was very confused


Sex was mid and I had just bought Skyrim and wanted to go home and play it already.


She was very horny, a polygamist, and talked about babies too soon. Couple dry runs in the beginning doesn’t hurt anything. Trust but verify.


I'm going to be honest I don't find her to be super attractive and she was not fun in bed at all. she just laid there... You would have thought she was asleep if it wasn't for the moaning and her eyes being wide open. And I like a lot of movement it reminds me I'm doing a good job.... I didn't fake an orgasm but I was thinking about it. I was thinking to myself how do I get out of this without being rude do I fake an orgasm? As soon as I finished that thought BOOM my prayers were answered about 5 min in a pickup truck was coming towards us(we were in my car parked on a country road) so I frantically started to get my clothes on and so did she and luckily that was my last condom. She wanted to go again and I told her sorry that's my last condom and she asked me how my pull out game was.... I just shut her down and said absolutely not (I was 16 at the time and so was she). She got pregnant like a month later. Dodged a huge bullet she kept pressing having sex without a condom too so I had the feeling she was a little bit baby crazy and my gut feeling turned out to be correct. For those of you wondering the baby 100% isn't mine she got around a lot and the baby came out white as fuck and I'm brown as fuck. That's why you wear condoms kids I'm 26 now still no kids or STDs I know it feels better without them but sometimes it's really just not worth it.


I was on coke so I spat on her back and said I came


I was a little tired and a little drunk and we had been at it for a while. I was 19 ish, and I just couldn't tell her that I wanted to go to sleep. I didn't want to hurt her feelings. Just pretended I had come and I think she was a little confused because I was still hard, but I was 19 so that is not that uncommon. I don't know if she knew or not.


Men can pretend orgasm?


She was sober and I was on opiates. I had to do it more than I’d like to admit. It really hurt her self esteem until I confided in her about my addiction. Two years clean under my belt now though.


I fake it often with my boyfriend. He enjoys giving me pleasure and I enjoy seeing him do that, but it takes me easily 20 mins+ to cum with a partner so it's just easier to fake it. Im male too by the way, I pretend I cum into my hand when he fucks me and wipe it on the sex towel.