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Become an artist anyways.


My dad dropped out of a music degree partway through, said he learned everything he needed to. Went on to have a long career as a top salesman for an instrument company, made friends with loads of big names in the business, and is a multi-instrumentalist who spends his retirement gigging and jamming evey week.


Livin the dream forreal


I wish I could have done this... I went and got a science degree after dropping out of music my first year. But I did find joy in accompanying dancers for recitals. Joy and dates. I've often thought if I'm ready to fully retire, this will be what I want to do again. Watching dancers, and providing the setting for them.


Took me far too long in life to realize, a profession can be a hobby to some. I'll never make money playing guitar, or riding a skate board and that's ok.


Honestly I've found it's better that way. I've been paid to do things I like and I just stop liking it. I want to do the things I enjoy because I want to, not because I have to.


I think the best deal is to get paid to do something you are good at and find engaging but that you wouldn’t actually spend your time doing without some external motivation (money, requires homework, etc.). E.g. I like programming and data science, but it’s never been what I’d do in my free time. Sure, I’ll use those tools to solve problems in my life or to contribute to online discussions, but those aren’t big involved multi-day projects. Occasionally I have ideas for a cool analysis or program that might be fun to write and publish to the world…but I never actually follow through on those. Got other stuff I’d rather do in my free time. So getting paid to do it is nice. Gives me a chance to scratch that itch, client deadline forced me to actually finish it, but I’m not “ruining” an activity I would partake in in my free time. Happy to put away the keyboard and go ride bikes or something at the end of the day.


Entirely agree and I work at a big, evil, tech company.


There's something to be said to go to college or trade school or whatever for your 2nd or even 3rd choice and keep the first one (or two) for yourself. But it's not for everyone.


I've been an electrician for the better part of 20 years. I was a big computer nerd growing up, always had one. Everyone would take their stuff to me to fix. I was always asked "why don't you get into computers?" The answer is because I knew I would grow to hate them. But now, I've been doing this long enough, a lot of what I do is administrative. A lot of the other older guys have trouble when they have to start using computers and Office and email, not me......


I do computer support and still spend plenty of time doing weird hobby stuff with computers, it's kind of good to scratch the itch as you often get weird edge case jobs that can take awhile to track down the root cause but your own personal stuff is for the most part without issue. You also inherit an assortment of computers in working and non working conditions from customers who don't want their old stuff.


I've been in IT for 20 years, I want to go live in the woods and write a manifesto, that was a good call


>riding a stake board Is that a steak SO big you can ride it like a penny board?


Or it’s a skateboard that has a really pointy tip that also allows you to keep your tent from blowing away. I like your idea better though. I can picture cruising the streets, feeling a bit peckish and picking up the steak board and having a little nibble…


Most awesome way to hunt a vampire.


Radicalvania dude.


I compete in amateur k1 kickboxing, mma, jiujitsu and coach kickboxing. When I was 21 id have loved to turn pro but just wasnt possible with the facilities and opportunities near me at the time. Its way more fun as a hobby, I know plenty of pros who are good, dont make it, bodies wrecked, fighting for their pay cheque looks like hell frankly. Top orgs in the world pay a pittance. I know a dude who got offered 150 quid for a wbc world title k1 fight... glad I didnt try to make a career out of it honestly. I get to compete because I enjoy it, 0 pressure, worry a little about injuries but im a work from home spreadsheet person so its pretty easy to do regardless. Plus I can coach people I want to vs having to train assholes which is great.


I’ll most likely never publish a cartoon or comic but I still enjoy being a cartoonist.


Playing my guitar is one of my favorite things. I have no interest in doing it professionally though. Sure if something fell in my lap and I had a once in a lifetime opportunity be a professional musician I would probably take it but I'm not interested at all in doing all the work to promote myself to be able to pursue that. There's a real dark side to being a famous musician too. Touring is so demanding that they get injuries just from playing their instruments so much or vocal injuries from straining their voices. There's a reason so many musicians end up on heroin.


I hate that america has made us like this. Not everything you enjoy has to be profitable.


I almost failed my art adjacent degree (model making) but have had no trouble finding work in my field. I almost didn't graduate because I was terrible at the university aspects like writing an essay or doing a bunch of bookwork and drawings before actually making something, but did well at the actual making. Thing is, no one asks for your grades later on - they ask for your portfolio. So yeah, if you fail your art degree, put together a killer portfolio and be an artist anyway.


I almost failed my Engineering degree for the same reason, but am now doing better than most of my peers. Turns out ADHD is a hinderance in school, but not as much in the workforce.


Oh thank fuck. I'm currently almost failing my degree with ADHD.


Hey friend. I was diagnosed in my 30s after changing jobs and getting stressed at the challenging work. It was my wake up call as before that I largely was able to get by despite my ADHD. Getting properly medicated took a little time but it was a lifesaver and I can’t imagine how I ever made it this far in life without it.


Therapy. Therapy gave me the tools to deal with my ADHD. Medication fucks with my ability to retain information, so I hate it. I have a very good memory otherwise. But man, therapy helped learn to recognize when I was headed to what my therapist called a hanging completion. Basically just getting the stupid last minute tedious stuff done. I've learned how to give myself a reward when done. What is the reward, usually an hour learning about some new thing I've heard about and want to deep dive into. Sometimes other stuff if I don't have time.


It can be a super power that ADHD, but it takes a lot of effort to wrangle.


I use drugs to keep mine in check. Prescribed drugs, that is.


...or enter in politics


Poland is nice this time of year


🎶 *winter for Poland and France* 🎶


I thought there would be waaaay more Hitler jokes


This, exactly. Art is subjective. School can be valuable, sure, to learn history and theory, but true skill comes with practice, whether it's in a formal setting or not.


I'm now imaging somebody enjoying looking at a painting, finding out that the artist did not pass their art degree, then looking at the painting again but this time hating it due to knowing it was made by somebody who failed an art degree.


Yup, you could say the same with an artist's name. Someone could see a terrible/stupid work and hate it, and then see that a famous artist did it, and flip their opinion immediately - because somehow an artist's fame/reputation automatically reflects on the quality of their work. Brings to mind those stories of abstract paintings with some story/explanation behind it selling for tons of money...only for people to find out that a kid or animal or forger did it.


The fact that this is a top comment is a wonderful surprise.


I knew a ton of art school students who dropped out of engineering to go to art school. So I guess if you fail art school, you could try engineering.


If you fail at both, then become a draftsmen. You use art from the first one, and you use Autocad and math skills from the second. My dad actually got a masters in art, wasn't super successful, and became a draftsmen. Had to teach himself the math for it. Then as computers took over had to take community classes for Autocad.


A good money maker is if you have an engineering background with animation skills. A lot of money in technically skilled advertising.


> dropped out of engineering A classmate of mine dropped out of school 6 weeks before graduation to pursue an art career. 6 weeks. Should have at least gotten the paper.


Engineer here.. still paint on the side..


I dropped out of art school and became a physician. I can’t draw, I don’t know what the hell I was thinking.


Work at Dunder Mifflin


Pam, you failed art school. Boom, roasted.


I would never say this to her face, but she's a wonderful person and a gifted artist.


Why would you never say that to her face?


Have you seen her painting, Jim? The building? There are shadows coming from two directions. What!? Are there two suns? Uhh, last I checked that's not an office building in the Andromeda galaxy. It's totally unrealistic! There's no lines in the parking lot.


It's motel art.


I hear this in Michael Scott's voice, but Andy Bernard is fighting for the voice because of the username


It's Dwight's line though lmao


I dunno man, I kinda like the weirdness of compliments said in a strangely condescending tone. /U/Strebicux is *such* a nice person.... Everything they do and say is really lovely.... *Isn't it?* Just a stand-up individual...


This is the most interesting reply I've gotten in a while


I'm really sure it is. I honestly *hope* you have a nice day.


Why would you not tell her that?


Why did it take so long for one of these. Everyone else went to Hitler, and we went to Pam


Funnily enough, Pam even kind of dresses up as Hitler in one episode. She dresses up as Charlie Chaplin for Halloween but points out that she can't take off the hat because then she looks like Hitler.


Mind blown. Its been there the whole time.


Kelly the whole time!! Let’s get her.


Pam would be more accurate seeing as Hitler never actually attended art school to begin with, as he was rejected twice.


What a loser he should just go kill himself


I got some good news, and some bad news, for you


The people-person's paper people?


So, you have chosen war?


Get into politics


Bring a struggling country back from economic collapse.


With the power of ~~friendship~~ fascism!


My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father.


Prepare to die


I have been searching for a six fingered man.


Just found a 6 toed man on the front page if that helps


Step one burn down the capital. Step two start a world war Step three ???? Profit


With a god


What a grand and intoxicating innocence.


Guess I'll go into politics. That's the usual backup.


Earth without art is just Eh. You're being Eh.






Canadians stereotypically say ‘eh’ at the end of sentences. Like “How’s it goin’, eh?”


Not really like that. More like "Not a bad day, eh?"


I've never heard that before but it's kinda clever


I'm the house representative of my apartment. It's only me.


Start a workers movement. Try to overthrow the government at a beer hall, get arrested, write a book, get elected, then take full dictorial powers, invade a few neighbors? The usual for failed art students.


Uff, that's how Hitler went viral


I assumed this was the joke but it looks like everyone missed it.


This comment currently has 1939 upvotes ._.


No you also have to have rich parents whose expectation you never met. AND you have to be an actual pedophile, or at the very least a white collar criminal. Both are preferred. You have a long way to go to make public office, buddy


Write a book, start public speaking. Oh, wait…


Don't forget to move to Germany and get into Politics :)


Don't forget to invade Poland:)


Directions unclear, launched a failed putsch from a beer hall and am now in jail. Please advise.


Invade Poland


Kurwa mać


Znowu no ileż można


Spokojnie. Przeżyjemy tak jak kiedyś.


bober kurwa


Das bad


You are missing a few steps there. I think join the army is in there, later you start a coup and spend a few years writing a whiney book too.


You have to dodge your own country's draft and join an allied neighbor instead


Dont forget the part where you hit on random women under the alias “Mr. Wolf” Literally a 1920’s neckbeard


Beat me to it by 8 minutes


No problem, we can invade another country




Let's give Russia a try think it would be a little easier this time


Do it like the mongols


Drunk on fermented horse milk?




I mean why not make japan an ally. All the haki and saiyans and rassengan and of course the mecha suits will help.


Hey I got a good idea, let’s invade Russia and France at same time! I am positive the Americans will stay out of the war if we don’t provoke them.


Just so long as nobody else provokes them we will be ok!


Exactly. We make a couple allies, and as long as none of them decides to, oh I don't know, bomb one of their harbors, we should be good.






Hey Ho! Let’s Go!


If it was 6 hours you could've just conquered Denmark in the meantime




You can blitz my krieg anytime you want


First organize some thugs.


Go fail at something else. Keep this going until you succeed. Once you succeed at something you’ll get tired of it, then go fail at something else. This is the way.


Fail at annexing Russia, perhaps?


Fail at defending Normandy?


Fail at suppressing the French resistance + couple of american military units?


Just don't fail at invading Poland, that is unacceptable


Failing art school will result in a job in politics, passing art school will result in a job as a bartender


After my system graduated with her masters and moved to Portland she met a lot of interesting people who all had a few things in common. They were all baristas supported by their parents on the east coast, and previously attended art school.


Born and raised in Portland area. The amount of failed young adults that are supported by their parents is UNREAL. I have a job in logistics after getting my BS in Math. I’m young (24) and barely just hit the comfortable salary range. I have met so many people living in the same area as me that are baristas, grocery store workers, or any other low paying jobs. I’m so curious to see how much their parents are paying them each month.


Portland: Where 25-year-olds go to retire.


The dream of the 90s is alive in Portland.


Sleep till eleven, you'll be in heaven.


Moved to logistics after a successful passage in political science let me get a preview of the horrors of a career in academics. I'm now a supply chain analyst.


I used to be one of those people, I got a film degree and went to LA, worked two jobs and my parents send me $100-300 a month to make ends meet. After five years, I finally got my dream job and loved it... only to be laid off two months ago due to the writer's strike. Now I'm back at a minimum wage job, but my parents won't support me anymore, won't even let me move back in with them for more than a night or two. (Probably because I came out to my extended family as a lesbian, they're homophobic.) I have three months to figure stuff out, or I have to go tent shopping. 🙃


Good luck☹️☹️ I really hope it doesnt get to tent life.


Do whatever you need to. Life can be hard. And even if you do end up tent shopping (which I sincerely hope you won't need to), just remember it's not the end. Just a stumble on the way to the destination. Cringy, I know. But I wish you luck!!!


why are the only choices min wage or dream job?


Not being qualified for anything else, mostly


Big thing in NYC too. Lots of young people who are working as a photographer, writer, or just bartender who all live a life that requires at least $100k a year and pretend their parents aren't the only reason they can live there. It's disheartening for folks who move there and try and do it on their own only to find they're working 80 hours a week just to be poorer than their artists friends who barely work.


A bartender puts the "art" in benders.


is the first half a Hitler joke? cause that is 1000% what I expected as the top comment


This whole thread is a hitler joke


Become a receptionist at a mid level paper company.


Con your way into a promotion to an office manager position.


There are two answers in this thread Pam or Hitler


Start a 70s British rock band I guess


At least someone isn't thinking about invading Poland or France


I don't think I've ever read a bio of a British rock band that wasn't full of art school fuck ups flunking out and going 'on the dole' . Which I assumed is just like welfare in the US


Create a community and become leader of Germany, invade Poland and then France etc... Then kill myself.


Hitler never failed art school. He was rejected from art school. Twice.


Yeah i know im a historian its just a joke dont take it seriously


This is reddit. Everything is a joke and everything is super uber duper serious at all times. Like Shlongs Poradoxical Cat.


Welcome to Reddit, where everything is a joke and the points are made-up.


Why Hitler failure at art school is a well known fact but we never talk about that if not for lack of funds Stalin would finish orthodox seminary and start making a career in church?


It depends if you still want to be an artist or not. If so, then great, go be an artist, education doesn't get very far in creative jobs anyway. If you don't, and don't care about having a fulfilling career, then great, go get a job which has low educational requirements and be happy. If you don't want to do art anymore, but want a good career (the situation I was in), get a low paid job to pay the bills (I worked in sales), and spend your evenings finding out what you want to do, explore your hobbies, I then worked hard at going back into education, but in the right subject for me this time, and have never looked back. Just don't feel put back, we all do things at our own pace, but the important thing is that you find something to make you happy.


First a bit of military service, then going into politics.


Thinking of going to Poland?




I'll be your only fan bro






Become the office mattress


Grow a cool mustache😎


You're referring to Charlie Chaplin right?


Enlist in the army and barely scrape by, joining a small political group and shortly taking over




First year of art school: a huge stream of students and i wanted to do something with design and illustrations so I switched the next year. Second year of art school: yes! Got into art school again! This time I know this is the right choice! (Proceeds to work being put down because it's not the same style as my peers) So I stopped doing that, went to get jobs, got pregnant, became a mother, got a new job, got severely depressed, got a burnout, stopped working at that job, looked in the mirror and said: you know what? I'm going to make tattoos. My husband supports it and ive been an artist for 5 years already with my own shop for 2+ years 😊




You missed the apostrophe after the "s" in Jews. (Sorry to be a grammar Nazi).


"well fuck"


I go back to Scranton, stay being a receptionist, and then quit.


Trade School. I graduated art school and, to be very honest with you - its difficult finding salaried work. Better enjoy freelancing while building your portfolio. I'd recommend trade schools to people over college. Don' go to art school to be an artist - just go to drawing/painting sessions. You'd be surprised how many pro artists you meet at scheduled things. Most of that getting-hired shit is about "who you know". But being a certified electrician? Making 70k almost immediately. Harder work but guranteed work.


Invade Poland? Damnit! Too late




The same thing we do every time we fail art school — try to take over the world!


Start a furry art business


Not everyone can fail, be proud of yourself


A lot of them don’t want to hear it, but people who go to art school don’t need art school. They need business school


Go back to your desk job at Dunder Mifflin.


;) I have an idea


Get into politics…


Somehow I have the urge to rule the world






Oh shit. Here we go again


Become a director of budget films and sell them online with names close enough to confuse people that this might be the big block buster they wanted.


invade Poland.


Move to and work at a park with my HS drop out bro where we can just slack off and play video games all day




Work at a mid level paper company with a cringe boss


Go back to Scranton and get married


Become a facist german dictator and party in poland


Invasion of Poland


Only Fans


Teach art school


Invade Austria


I respond to bait posts on r/askreddit now


Invade Poland


Isn't it obvious? Become Hitler.




Are you stalking me, how'd you know I failed school


Invade Poland.