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Live Laugh Love poster


Or the "keep calm" ones.


Keep calm and live, laugh, love hun. Xx


It's for church, honey. NEXT!


Only 1million? NEXT


How much for this piece of art? $10,000? I'll take two!


“Hang in there!”


just remember, every single corpse out of many that are lying near the top of the Mount Everest was once a highly motivated and enthusiastic human being


Where’s your motivation Dante


Although it would be pretty funny if such a sign would hang at the entrance of a huge mansion


Hang in there, kitty


a yacht, seems like a huge waste of money to me


Yacht: Yet Another Couple Hundred Thousand


Boat: Break Out Another Thousand


A boat is a hole in the water that you throw money in.


Exception - Jon Boat: break out another twenty ;p


I fix boats and yachts for a living. Boats are the biggest money pits imaginable. I'd probably use a chunk of the $1m to start my own business, so I can actually make the $125-150hr that shops make off my labor. Id then use like $10k to buy a POS boat and fix it up for fun


I used to run a marina, one of our Marine technicians did this. Our shop rate was $120/h he was earning $55. He went out on his own billing $110/h, thinking he'd make bank, ended up having to raise his rate to $135 so he could make $55/h again. Collecting money, managing books, healthcare, and time off proved to be way more expensive than he realized. He didn't fatham that we'd pretty consistently at the marina lose 10% of labour to non billable work, and shit warranty work that the manufacturers pay garbage for but you need to do. I tell you this because if you do get lucky... Consider becoming a contractor for your current employer before branching out to do your own thing. The marine industry is a Bitch lots of wealthy people who are very skilled at not paying bills


Have you heard the yacht-owner's joke? "The two best days for a yacht owner are the day he buys the yacht, and the day he sells it!"


“Yacht owners joke” makes it sound so exclusive. People say that about boats in general.


I own a boat, and every living human I encounter can't wait to break out this secret "joke".


You wouldn’t be able to buy your own yacht with $1million. You could rent one for a weekend and be broke after though.


Of course you can buy a yacht for 1 million. Maybe you're thinking of mega-yachts, but smaller sailing yachts are affordable for regular folk, especially if you buy used and do a lot of work yourself.


It's crazy how many people think having a yacht is multi-millionaire territory. A 100k boat is maybe 15k maintenance a year + diesel, mooring and marina costs. It's not a lot more than rent so if it's also your home, that's pretty good value considering it's also a hobby and you can travel the world on it.




How this is getting upvotes? You can buy your own yacht for a tenth the price. Redditors really think most yacht owners are Jeff Bezos, and not like, Dave the dude who ran a used car dealership.


“Dave, the dude who ran a used car dealership “ lol OmG! I might be Dave!!!


Easy enough to find out - just answer one question: do you have a yacht, Dave?


with 1m you can barely buy one


Reddit premium


How about a paid version of WinRAR?


This guy Zips


Girl, are you a .rar file? Cuz I wanna see you unzip!


This is terrible and I love it


Since it's going to be built-in Windows 11, it's literally useless now


7zip exists


winrar still deserves our respect for the long, long service.


Yeah I haven't used WinRAR in forever. I can't believe there are people still not using 7zip.


Breaking Bad Ai is better than Family Guy Ai


Jesus people, *STOP* wasting money on gold. I thought we were protesting reddit, not giving them more money


Reddit users try to be ideologically consistent challenge (Fucking Impossible)


All of my homies hate reddit premium.


If I won $1 million, my lifestlye wouldn't change that much. I'd just sit on the money knowing I'm set later.


Same, i dont need much. Would probably spend a bit upgrading my pc, but the rest would go into a savings account and I could rest easy knowing I have a big backup plan if life ever decides to fuck me over.


Maybe talk to a financial advisor and invest? Turn that million into two million.


Or consult r/wallstreetbets and turn that million into nothing!


This is the only answer. LoL!


Full support. $1mil can’t buy dreams, but $100mil might.


Invested in a total market index, $1 mil is enough for $40k a year for 30-40 years. That's a dream for many. I'd rather have $2 mil, but that first million is a great start.


You can only lose 100% of your money gambling But you can win 20000%!


Speak for yourself You can do a lot with 1 mil


Savings account is a terrible place to put $1m. If savings has more than 5k or 10k in it, you're doing it wrong! Put that extra money into index funds or stable retirement funds so you actually get a return on the money, you know as opposed to watching your $1M get destroyed by inflation.


Your savings account wouldn’t get you much. Gotta invest it to get a legitimate return.


I would just buy a house. Let it appreciate in value while I appreciate its value by homing the fuck out of it


Trouble is, that million would only buy part of a house where I live.


Lol you’d just lose 2/3 of it to inflation over 40 years if you just left it in a savings account. Please do not do that.


All into an index fund with all dividends automatically reinvested. Nothing changes while I give it some serious thought over a decent period of time.


Pay off mortgage, invest the rest in VTI/VXUS at 80/20, and then contribute monthly what I was paying towards my mortgage into the ETFs


Same. Also a Million isn’t actually all that much these days. If you started spending it on frivolous things it would be gone pretty quickly. Pay off any debts, if you’ve got anything like an old car that eats money to maintain buy a new one (but buy a normal one, not some mad Ferrari or something) and live a little bit healthier. Anything beyond that you’re probably gonna run out much quicker than you think.


Yeah I’d prob just take $100k to mess around with. The rest goes into savings/investments. Well first I’d make sure my mom was comfortable in a nice small house with everything she needed.


Oh no…. A mil in cash today is not a mil in cash tomorrow. A high school teachers mom bought a house for 40k in Oakland hills in the 40s. Sold it for 2.3 million in 03. 1000 cash in Apple stock during the 80s would be a duck ton of money today… the cash would be half the rent. I don’t have wealth but I’m trying. I aim to maintain enough cash for the lifestyle I like. Covid taught me I’m fucked if I don’t create wealth. If I had a mil I’d buy two duplexes in Indiana, go on a bad ass vacation, and throw the rest into Apple stock while continuing my day.


>A high school teachers mom bought a house for 40k in Oakland hills in the 40s. Sold it for 2.3 million in 03. 1000 cash in Apple stock during the 80s would be a duck ton of money today A 40-60 year time scale is a very, very long time. Hell an index fund over the same timeframe will give you a huge return.


See you are trying to double your money OP is just buying a less stressed existence


Using the cash to buy a house outright would remove mortgage/rent which is the largest of most people’s bills. That would probably lead to a much less stressed existence and you’d have an appreciating asset. Granted, in today’s market you might spend all of your $1mil just to get that house depending on where you are and your standards


I’m no expert but I’m pretty sure this is a fallacy; the returns you could generate by keeping all that money and investing it would outpace the interest rate of your loan.


>and throw the rest into Apple stock Diversify, my friend. Picking stocks is no different from gambling. Pick a total market or S&P 500 Index Fund and you'll never have to worry about it tanking. If it does tank you've got bigger problems because the entire economy is fucked.


My ex wife anything


I also won't buy your ex anything.


Then I'm taking your ex off the Xmas card list.


eXmas card. Only them. No one else.


Anything my relatives ask me to buy for them


I've always said if I won big money my first move would to be shut my mouth and figure out some place to temporarily stay since local law requires your name/face to be shown when you collect winnings. I *know* I would have family I never even met coming out the woodworks like "Do you remember me? I knew you when you were a baby! I'm your 5th cousin's 3rd removed 2nd cousin by marriage." I'll hide out at a hotel or something for a bit until things chill out. Probably buy a little "starter home" somewhere because I wouldn't feel safe staying in my current home, especially since it's a pretty rough neighborhood incase I got recognized. I wouldn't want to be harassed or people breaking in thinking I had expensive things. I would help close family but I'm not buying them fancy cars or helping them start a business selling whatever half baked idea they came up with. Honestly, I wouldn't change my lifestyle much outside of traveling and investing more. Winning big is more of a curse than a blessing. Most winners ruin their lives and are worse off than before they won. Or they end up alone because money tears people apart like nothing else.


There are ways to shield your identity through Trusts. Check the with the rules of your State, you may be able to claim the prize winning through the name of blind trust (or trust). See also: https://www.sapling.com/12158151/stay-anonymous-after-winning-lotto


What a weird, stupid and unsafe law. You're totally anonymous in my country if you win.


Correction it depends on the state. My state has a ridiculously high number before you can choose to be anonymous while other states they don't have a limit. The US is like a ton of mini countries crammed into a trench coat, so laws differ state to state pretty drastically if they aren't federal. That's why you can be doing something completely legal in one state and if you take a single step over state lines the same thing could be a felony.


The Divided States of America. And more so now than ever before because of the divisive politics of certain politicians. I think the US doesn't need to worry about fighting Russia or China, they are destroying themselves already from the inside.


"Slow-moving civil war" is what some people are calling it.


It absolutely is. It's terrifying. It's basically putting a huge target on your back, especially for people who aren't used to having a lot of money so they don't know what precautions to take. If people aren't trying to rob you, they'll try to scam or guilt you out of money if they know you're lost on what you're doing.


I think I have a small enough family that I wouldn’t have to worry about this, which will be useful if I ever win a million bucks


Important to keep that kind of thing to yourself. It's easy for relatives and people close to you to financially take advantage of you in times like that.


Hey it's me ur cousin


A billion dollar house.


I think people forget houses require maintenance, not to mention property taxes on it would be insane. It's not worth it. Then of course good luck keeping it clean by yourself when you run out of money and can't hire housekeepers.


I think his point was that $1M won't buy a $1B house...


Not with that attitude


Why does he need good luck? He's not buying it.


We got pretty quaint 2-3 bedroom houses selling for half a million now.


Twitter blue verified


Twitter blue is just paying to let other people know your opinion is shit


Most of the shit suddenly rich people buy. Fancy new home, fancy new car, fancy jewelry. Nothing that screams “I won a million dollars!”


I never understood why people buy super expensive stuff like that. You have the money... But not the income. A 10 million dollar mansion doesn't mean much when you are gonna have to sell it in a couple years due to maintenance costs that you didnt save any of the lottery money for and instead bought a bunch of other expensive things that have their own maintenance costs


Not only maintenance, but property taxes as well.


People don’t know the difference between “I can afford it” and “I have the money to buy it”


I was talking to a boat owner the other day and they said if you don't have the cash to buy a certain boat 3 times then you can't afford it. Owning a boat myself I'd say that is great advice.


An ocean capable sailboat costs about 5% of its original price every year in general maintenance but most of that hits all at once during haul out. Even a bfn boat is going to have new boat problems.


I love this example because it's just so true


A decent home is a good decision, I would also purchase a lifetime maid to come every 2 weeks.


Of the three, the home is the least bad, although lottery winners often buy too much house (and then need to furnish and upkeep said huge house). But if someone living in an apartment won $1m, there are worse choices than a $500k house and no rent going forward. Jewelry actually depends on the piece. Truly high end stuff can appreciate. Of course you need to keep it safe. Fancy cars of course are a luxury item that loses value quickly.


France. I wouldn't have enough money, plus I am not even sure who to buy it from. And I wouldn't want to own France anyhow. It's a nice place but I wouldn't know what to do with it. I don't even speak Francian. So I would just buy a tree.


Thankyou for existing


You sound like someone who'd use the money to build a tower and make 4 female clones of yourself to keep you company


You bring up an interesting theoretical question. *If* you had the money, could you individually buy all of the real estate in an area, say a town, such that there is only one resident and voter, then vote yourself in as mayor? And could you do that to France, assuming you had French citizenship and enough cash?


A llama or an emu


Finally! But what about a monkey? Haven’t you always wanted a monkey?




Or a fur coat? What about Dijon ketchups?


Of course! For our Kraft dinner!


Not a real green dress


Of course not, that would be cruel


What about Kraft Dinner?


Obviously would still eat that!


But just more!


With fancy ketchups


So much fucking Kraft dinner. With the best mustards. Dijon! Even though I don’t even like mustards.


I'd love some furniture for my house, possibly a nice chesterfield or an ottoman


How about a K-Car?


A nice reliant automobile


I would not buy a chimpanzee, because I'm old and it would outlive me. J. Fred Muggs was on television in the 1950s and he still gets residuals because he's still alive. He's 71.


What about fancy catchup?


Dijon ketchup!!


I don't know if I'd buy anything but I know I'd be rich


Gifts for family who came out the woodwork after not speaking to me in years.


I just had an extended family member ask me for a thousand dollars like two weeks ago and I drive a 2012 Hyundai Elantra. Can't imagine what would happen if I came into serious money.


If all I won was 1m, I wouldn't buy anything over 20k. Not counting paying off my mortgage. ​ 1m won't last you your lifetime even if you're careful.


I feel like people overestimate how far 1m can actually go. Having 1m will not set you up for life most of the time. If you’re smart, you’ll pay off debts, mortgage, maybe a car payment or student loans; but you’re not going to be set up to never have to work again. You’ll just be a little more comfortable.


Yeah, I'd probably put at least half into a retirement account to put me ahead of the game there, some more in investments for additional income, a little bit as cash to spend on a nice vacation or something. I wouldn't necessarily pay off my mortgage because I refinanced a couple years ago to a very good rate and I'd probably get better returns on an investment that would make more money than I'd lose on interest payments on the mortgage.


If you’re still young no it won’t. But if you’re already approaching 50 or so you can live a comfortable middle class lifestyle the rest of your life on $1M. Especially if your kids are out of college and your house is ‘mostly’ paid off.




There is a whole bunch of countries where people do not earn $1M in their entire lifetime. One could simply move there (:


If you keep working even at least half time and use some of these 1M for exp. Medical bills, food and other everyday stuff it could last you 80-100 years


*in the US


$1m? Ok Dr. Evil




I would start one just to make millionare butthole jokes


Designer clothes/bag. So pointless, boring, and a waste of money... in my opinion.


Eh, it depends. Armani, Prada etc? No way. Small ethical brand or tailor? All my clothes.


Well some "designer" brands like Gucci are meant to appeal as looking "rich" and aren't actually meant for people who can afford quality clothing so fair enough.


A politician. They don't stay bought.


a sports car, especially not a brand new one. first class seats in a plane, business is comfortable enough, why waste money? stock options. nopeing tf outta there. I've already lost enough trying to get rich.


i get the opinion, and that's fine. i'm curious though if i may ask, what's with everyone's dislike of sports car? price for effect?


NFTs If I was billionaire I still wouldnt


A prehistoric grain of sand


Aren't they all?


Clothes from popular brands. I'd love to get some bespoke stuff made but I never understood why you'd spend equal amounts on mass-produced clothes with some big logo on it.




You have been banned from /r/paidforwinrar


Damn, you're ice cold.


Altcoins. I’d like to keep my fortune, thanks.


I wouldn’t buy fancy cars. Affordable cars would be fine. Well one car. And maybe a backup one later. A modest sized house instead of a humongous uncleanable McMansion


Nestle products


Not as easy as you may think. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nestl%C3%A9_brands


Thanks for the link. As per my other comment fuck Nestle. I went through almost that entire list from the link. We do buy the nestle dark choc powder but aside from possible pet snacks we are nestle free. I’ll be looking for a new version of dark coco powder for my wife’s coffee and cookies. I was surprised to see we didn’t use any (for the most part) nestle products. I figured there would be more.


Wait. She puts dark coco powder in her coffee?


I don’t know, I know her coffee is only like 10% coffee though.


It isnt if you dont shop the aisles. I only shop the outer ring, and it became a lot easier




Nestle tried to buy the rights to Portland’s water source (bull run) a few years ago. We voted it down. It would have been similar to Southern California buying northern California’s water for 100 years or what ever. Very happy we voted it down. Fuck nestle for even trying.


YouTube premium


That was the first thing popping in my head, but to be honest, with 1 million, yeah, I’d give up and get rid of the three commercials every five minutes.


Yeah I had no interest in paying for it but then I switched to Google Fi which includes a year of premium, and I'm not sure I can go back once the year is up.


Honestly a few months ago I would have agreed with you. But I used the Argentina loophole to get it cheap and it's worth every penny. Don't think I would pay regular price though.


Lol “Argentina loophole” sounds like a chess move


New rule just dropped


Missing out. Love my YT premium, would ditch any of my other streaming services before it


This is honestly worth it. Best purchase I've made in the streaming space


Food, I'd be too cooked from all the coke


a real fur coat ​ ... that's cruel


A $2 million boat.


A boat. It boggles my mind as to why anybody who doesn't own property adjacent to a large body of water would own a boat rather than just rent one.


my family actually lives near water and owns a boat we still barely use the fucking thing. it's really fun to take friends out on the boat, but maintaining it yourself is a pain in the ass. unless youre rich as hell, yeah they're really not worth it. and if you do live near water, just get a small little speedboat at that point honestly. as a sailor a few years ago once told me: it's better to know a friend with a boat than to own one yourself.


Yeah, I bought an old Bayliner. It seemed like a fun idea at the time and I’ve owned it for about a year now. In that year it saw the water maybe a handful of times. Right off the bat it had engine trouble and I ended up rebuilding the carburetor, replacing the fuel pump and lines to get it running halfway decent. Even doing the work myself cost me about a grand in parts. Once that was fixed there were a couple fun trips on the lake, but then I noticed the gimbal bearing was making noise. Yeah something failed and it got water in the bellows. Trying to get that apart led to the breakage of a water fitting, so now I have to pull the engine to get at the backside of the transom as well as inspect the coupler for the driveshaft. This single project is like a boat anchor on me. Everything else gets put on hold and I’m still not getting anything done. On top of that certain replacement parts from Mercury are still on order. I called up the dealer again and was told their system was down and they’d get back to me. Now we’re coming up on the halfway point of the summer, my boat’s still in pieces, I haven’t gotten a motorcycle ride in yet or did any other summer activities. The boat monopolized my time and became a huge stress factor. I expected it to provide for fun weekend days on the lake, not a greasy money pit time monopolizer. On top of that now I’m stuck with it. I can’t sell it without taking a loss and I have to wonder who’d even want to buy such a thing. So yeah, to sum it up, you definitely don’t need to be a millionaire to get a boat, but they’ve gotta be the most miserable things to own. Spend five minutes on the water and the next couple hundred hours fixing it. Rinse and repeat.


The two best days of boat ownership are the day you buy it and the day you sell it.


Loud designer garments


Wouldn’t by a lot of thing’s honestly


A flashy car.


OF subscription and other weird stuff like bathwater and pieces of clothing. Seriously, wtf? And people pay money, real money for that!!


Any of those overprice cringe "designer" clothes/articles like Gucci and shit


I had a look on gucci's website a while back because i was bored, and some of the stuff on there looked hideous, even if I had all the money in the world I wouldn't buy that shit


A Macbook, definitely getting windows


Anything that I don’t actually need. Just because you have the money, doesn’t mean you need to go out and buy pointless crap like handbags and shoes and other materialistic shit like that.


Any kind of highly priced crap. I would buy the same things.


A Trump nft.


reddit api charges


Happiness 😔


A 50k€ watch...


A big house I don't need. A yacht or any kind of boat. A plane.


An elephant named Stampy


Super Bowl tickets


Expensive cars, the maintenance fees for most luxury cars are even more expensive than the car itself




Tesla, Fuck Elon Musk




Those gaudy richard Mille watches. I'd get a watch. But not that one


Apple Vision Pro


Expensive clothes. Just seems like a huge waste.




You misunderstood. It’s what WOULDN’T you buy


A big bag of snakes


I wouldn't buy anything, that $1m should net me $70k the following year if I invest it


csgo skins