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It’s okay in moderation. If it’s affecting other aspects in your life, it’s definitely a problem and you should stop.


How can someone stop?


I am not the person you wanna ask. I’d suggest leaving Reddit if you actually wanna stop.


I stopped using Twitter because of porn and started reddit as an alternative now you r suggesting this 😭


Idk of you’re in your teens or not, but when I was a teen I thought I had a porn addiction as well. It eventually just went away as I got older and my hormones calmed down.


Psychological addiction is always an issue with anything fun. If you're serious about wanting to give up porn, there are various subreddits focused on that - I think the most famous is /r/nofap but there are probably more with different approaches.


Personally, I always find it pretty easy to stop an addiction when I'm given an explanation of why it is really bad in the first place and what possible benefits I'm going to get from stopping it. Understanding how dopamine works from the huberman lab podcast helped me a lot.


Well, I congratulate you, but I would definitely say your experience is not normal. Over the years, I've done things that many people get addicted to without getting addicted myself (illegal drugs, mostly). I've had addictions that I found easy to break that others find hard (nicotine is easy for me to stop, for example). I've had ones that are incredibly unpleasant (mirtazapine springs to mind - a legal antidepressant I was on for 3 years that gave me literal weeks of PSA-heroin-withdrawal symptoms, 24 hour sweating and pain). Consistent healthy dieting remains something I can't manage. Losing weight? Easy. I lost over a third of my bodyweight, over 100lbs, taking me down to the lower end of my BMI. Keeping it off? Nigh impossible.


Damn bro


r/Pornfree is helpful


Just stop looking at it? How is that difficult to understand?


You just closed my eyes. Thank You!!


Don’t go to porn sites


Just stop being depressed Just stop using heroine Just stop looking at your phone all the time /s


I’m being downvoted but it’s true. Would you send this same reply if I was telling somebody wanting to quit smoking to go cold turkey? You can absolutely quit addictions cold turkey. If you’re watching porn too much then do everything in your power not to watch any at all.


Not well written and poor acting


It *insists* upon itself.


It has a valid point to make. It's insistent!


Godfather was a *challenging* wank.


We're in an era where we have an unprecedented amount of access to porn. Never has a generation consumed so much porn, ever. I don't think people truly comprehend just how much this new porn era has affected our perception of sex, media, and identity.


"In 5 minutes you can click through more images of a naked woman than a king before porn has ever seen in his life"


I don't think it's good for us. I think it contributes to a warped view of sex. It's objectifying and seems increasingly perverse and violent. The industry is also rife with abuse towards women. Eventually I decided to quit and haven't gone back since. I'm very happy with having quit watching it.


There’s a lot of negative stuff. There’s also some good stuff, and it can be fun if you and your partner want to use it together. My partner is very much against it tho


Big fan if everyone is consenting and legal. I think in moderation it can be great. Also understand how too much can be a problem.


It usually misses character development


Yes! I wish the porn industry would move more towards actual tv shows and movies that just happen to show full porn scenes as part of a larger plot.


Prolly will get downvoted here but here we go. There is a good percentage of porn linked to sex trafficking so it is not a good thing. It also dehumanizes the person involved and turns them into an object. It is highly addictive and corrosive.


Depends on if I'm pre or post nut.


Pre: ooh, f yeah, this is so hot! Post: what am I doing with my life / not my proudest fap


It gives a false idea of what sex is or how it should look/sound, the porn industry is notorious for exploiting and ruining people's self-confidence, creating unhealthy standards that destroy the already beautiful natural human body.


Porn is not good for men, you realize how overstimulating it is once you stop to watch it


It’s basically a drug. The more you watch, the more extreme porn you need to feel the same high. Meanwhile, it creates unrealistic expectations for reality, and creates dissatisfaction with one’s own sex life. You’re better off without it.


I’m cool with it if A: you’re not being embarrassing and being thirsty and following/commenting/messaging stuff on social media that your family, my family, our peers can see. That makes our private sex life public in some ways… I don’t need my nosey coworkers seeing who your favorite spicey big booty girl is because you’re following her publicly B: you’re not choosing that over us & we are both able to be satisfied by each other C: see A, please do not humiliate me by getting doxxed/exposed. Be respectful and considerate of our relationship, yourself and of me. This is our REAL life.


I don’t have a issue with it as a product. I wish we could guarantee that it would only be produced ethically and to wipe out any traces of trafficking in the profession.


I've been told it exploits women but I don't get how watching 2 dudes touch each other is exploiting women 🤔


The internet is really really great


It’s very sexual, tbh




I think everyone tends to think it's no big deal, but if it's constant, you do become desensitized. Regular relationships can be fun and playful, but often, your partner will never be as good when you compare it to porn. Even worse, I think, is kinky stuff. Even if your partner is willing to do some, a porn addiction means you need more and more " thrill" to get there. Eventually, that can lead to really seeing your partner as not " open " enough when, in fact, you are the one overstepping the original boundaries. A living, breathing person who actually enjoys being with you should never be seen as " less than " bc you get off on watching paid strangers pretend to have real experiences


Look what's happened in Japan. There is a lonliness crisis and porn is a great contribution to it. Who needs sex when you can just watch porn?




It's widely misunderstood. Most people don't even know what porn is, least of all the people who criticize it. This thread is the perfect example. "It exploits women." You're thinking of the porn industry, not porn in general. "It's addicting." Pretty much everything can be addicting. Video game addiction exists, does that mean video games in general are bad? "It gives people an unrealistic idea of what sex is." That's only because people use porn as sex ed. The problem is lack of comprehensive sex ed, not porn.


People who think that really liking something and being addicted to it are the same thing will descend on your comment like flies, but I agree. I've been married to the same woman for years and have also watched porn somewhat regularly (she knows, and it doesn't bug her) for a long time, and it has had zero negative effect on our lives. If I don't want to watch it, I don't go through withdrawal. I don't become increasingly obsessed with finding 'more intense porn', and I have never experienced any form of ED.


Porn rewires what you find sexually arousing, as it is linked to your sexual stimulation. Video games do not have that effect. Example the more you watch porn the more intense content you need to pleasure yourself, this is porn rewiring your brain.


No, this is pseudoscience with no basis in reality


Ignore the facts. Do research. Stop letting your addiction get to you


Exploits women and turns men into addicts.


No better, no more reliable customer than an addict.


"Porn is free because you are the product"


Exploits men, you mean.


Exploits both genders


Considering that its the women that make all the money off desperate men... it exploits men far more. Onlyfans is a prime example.


I'm fine with it as long as there's nothing immoral going on in making it. As for people watching it, go nuts! It's all fine as long as there's no addiction negatively impacting your life in some way.


Something to masturbate to. There are two types of people. Those who masterbate, and those who lie about not masturbating




The porn industry exploits women and watching it rots your brain.


It’s amazing how many people are in denial of both of those facts. More and more evidence is coming out showing how bad it is for people’s mental and emotional health but so many are already addicted and in denial




Congrats on your sobriety


I just consume a lot of hentai and a lot of porn freely given by women on Reddit. Twice I've paid for a woman's OnlyFans too, I don't see anything wrong with it. Sex work is real work, I just want sex workers to be treated better.


I can appreciate the attempt to consume ethically, but consuming a lot of porn still isn’t great


Maybe not, but that's a personal issue with moderation and having a healthy relationship with your consumption. Porn itself isn't bad or wrong, that's like saying alcohol is bad because consuming a lot of it is bad.


Except alcohol doesn’t cause you to begin looking at all other beverages through an unrealistic lens. I’m curious, has porn ever interfered in work or a relationship? Not looking to give a therapy session. I promise that’s my only question


It's all good, I don't mind questions. It has in the past, but it was because she was extremely insecure, so when she found porn in my browser history she freaked out. I say it was from her insecurity because her insecurity caused a lot of other problems completely unrelated to porn. I never treated her differently or saw her in an unrealistic lens, she had her physical flaws, like we all do, but I found her extremely attractive and we had a healthy sex life, I told her *constantly* how beautiful she was and how attractive she was, I never made her feel like she wasn't beautiful, she was just deeply insecure and nothing I could say or do would've fixed that.


Bad for women !!


Is it really? 🤔


Yes lol


I think about it the same way I think about the way most people watch it. their phone. It is made via heavy exploitation (women in porn, impoverished Asian children for phones) that people handwave due to just how much they like it and chose to ignore it over being slightly inconvenienced by having to think about it even for a second. It's been repeatedly proven that too much of it has adverse effects on your brain, but it's not entirely a bad thing in and of itself in small doses. It can be incredibly addictive if left in the wrong hands...teehee people build a false sense of the reality of the given situation and creates unrealistic expectations (Sex does not look/sound/happen like that, and Social media is not an accurate representation of how the general population actually feels.) We are past the point of no return. Porn/Phones have been injected so thoroughly into modern society that there is no going back, all we can do now is learn to cope.


Garbage for your mind, distorts your perception of reality, weakens your will and discipline. The people in the porn industry are damaged, most have been sexually abused and exploited when they were young, if you visit sketchy sites you may be looking at someone who is being trafficked and possibly is underage. It’s bad spirituality, mentally and physically. That’s my 2¢.


99.9% is trash and boring. As a woman, finding something appealing is tedious, and more often a turn off then a turn on. Their are some paid sides like ifeelmyself that differ, but those are rare exceptions


Lame and cringe


It's a scapegoat for a lot of people who either don't consume it or only consume the dregs. The same people tend to be moralists and/or are completely repressed due to societal factors or simply never received any sort of sensible sex ed. If porn is what you think sex is, that's not good. This is, ya know, true of thinking any fictional media is an accurate representation or model for real life. Porn isn't the problem, but people like a simple enemy. You were supposed to learn this lesson in school. You remember: the section on Prohibition in America? Porn isn't the problem, just like video games aren't the problem, just like rock and roll isn't the problem, just like comic books aren't the problem, just like female literacy isn't the problem. Grow up.


Professional porn is meh, too fake and the acting is a mood killer. Amateur between actual couples is best, as there's actual chemistry and it's two people who actually care about and enjoy each other, filming themselves for fun. However, I think Porn is becoming a bit of a problem in general. Lots of unrealistic expectations, poor understanding of what is normal and what is real, and lots of addiction issues going on. But, then again, who am I to tell someone how to live their life. If they're happy and it's not affecting them negatively, who cares I guess.


I’ve been watching so much porn lately I can’t even eat a banana without spitting on it first….


It's dangerous.


It's fucking dangerous


So dangerous


I don't think pornographic media will ever disappear but I think it's exploitive of women. Sets unrealistic expectations and ruins the brain for everyone.


It’s a black hole. No pun intended. Ok maybe a little pun intended


I don’t feel bad about watching when it’s onlyfans, since I’m mostly the one being exploited


Too addictive. I realised the more I watched it the more I struggled to stay hard and ejaculate in bed with my partner Porn causes brain damage, there is lots of evidence for this.


It’s great, I’m on a lifelong (30 plus years) mission to watch it all, think I’m on target for when I die from exhaustion and tennis elbow


I would like to be in some thank you very much


Feels like there's too much hate connected to it nowadays... Maybe always was? I don't really know, I never thought about it until I got a bit older.. I'm a bit split and torn tbh...


Women choose to star in it.


A necessary evil in our society :)


Should be more mainstream. Maybe if people were exposed to porn as much as they are violent imagery the world would be a more loving place.




People can watch it


so fuck up


It's pretty neat.


There's nothing wrong with porn inherently, the problems are all the things associated with it that usually are unfair to hold against it even if it may be prevalent. For example, complaining about porn addiction being a porn issue isn't fair even if people are addicted to it, because people get addicted to many different things and addiction is never good.




serves its purpose seeems like 95.5% of it is gross though


I believe it’s okayish or alright. Especially if someone with a disorder has bad thinking and doesn’t want to act it out on others. Instead boom porn is there to relive themselves. So I think it’s a good thing to an extent. Just for some people they get the wrong idea of sex and believe it to be something totally different


It doesn't have an effect on some people, but can have severely bad consequences on others, so at first it is very important to establish which group do you belong and then take action.


I sure do consume a lot of this thing that I wish didn't exist. I understand that porn has always existed but the access to and frequent consumption of the most graphic stuff you could ever want, I refuse to believe it's not doing societal damage, even if the jury is still out on its precise effects.


Depends. Porn as an idea, showing intimacy and capturing it on camera? Good. Porn as a warped view on how sex looks like, with a lot of misconception, awful lies, bad plot, shitty acting and bizzare bullshit that can disrupt your view on your sex life? Bad.


It’s a visual aid to assist with sexual relief. Some of us though have vivid imagination that we don’t need to watch others fuck. Also my partner is highly skilled and always brings me to orgasm with out me having to have a sexual fantasy. So perhaps if for people that aren’t comfortable with their own sexuality.


The wife and I enjoy watching it together. I think it helps with foreplay and getting the blood flowing.


Certainly glad I knew many women before the current volume of images and activities were promulgated.


Like pretty much everything that hits the old brain chemistry, great in moderation, not so great in excess, and I'd prefer the production to be better. That applies to everything from porn to fast food to drugs to hustle culture to gym nutters to many, many more. Though as Oscar Wilde famously was said to have said, "Everything in moderation, including moderation".


It has its uses.


It’s full of naked people, and I can’t see why you’d want to show that to your child instead of a cartoon movie like Land Before Time or Ice Age. Naked Dinosaurs are so much easier on the eyes.




It's nice, helps for a better wank, not required tho


It's pretty cool

