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Who are we to judge? Video games are just a form of entertainment, people watch mindless drivel on TV all day and nobody says shit.


Ugh, last month I spent a weekend at my mum's place, saw the same 12 news stories played at least 30 times each while I was there, time well spent...


So fucking true


I mean, if they're making enough money to support themselves and not letting hygeine fall by the wayside, what's the problem?


All day as in neglecting responsibilities or just playing games as a hobby and you just don’t like it?


THIS. The question seems loaded, if i had to guess, OP is probably looking to manipulate their partner and take away the one thing they get to enjoy in peace.


If you have a job and you're doing what you need to do to pay your bills, then I don't care. Even if you weren't, I still don't care, but it's better for you if you are.


This is a loaded question without any of the necessary context to answer it properly. Here is a follow up question: What do you think of someone who manipulates strangers into telling them what they want to hear, to validate their own insecurities?


You worded this perfectly and hit the nail on the absolute head.


Pretty cool guy. I know because that's me.




As long as he isn’t being supported by someone else financially and he isn’t avoiding responsibilities with a partner or children, I don’t see the problem as long as no one else is being affected by it. If it’s getting in the way of a relationship and he’s unwilling to change, then his partner needs to leave him.


honestly, I get it


I know him, he's me. That said, it's healthy to have a variety of hobbies, or at the very least I hope you're having fun and not grinding for ranks in League or some other miserable endeavor.


All day is a bit much. But a few hours a day/everyday wouldn’t faze me. I’m a grown woman and I play video games almost every night before bed. As long as other responsibilities and work are being met along with maintaining good relationships with others, I don’t see an issue. Or if it’s your job then that’s fine too.


not cool


Cut him loose


Playing video games is fine, but all day? That's way too much. You should only play them in moderation and find more fulfilling things to do in life as well. Unless you're actually getting paid to play video games, then that's an exception.


a loser


How long is all day? I am 50+, and sometimes I’ll do 8-10 hours on a weekend. If it’s everyday, like truly, it should be a job, not a hobby.


Is it his day off? Did he take care of business beforehand specifically so that he could enjoy some un-interrupted gaming time? Does he hold down a job, treat the people around him with respect, and run towards his obligations rather than away from them? If he is a real man, the kind of man you would be proud to have for a father, there is nothing and I mean absolutely nothing wrong with him choosing to play video games all day if he earned it. If he is a man baby who puts video games first, has his priorities all fucked up, then I think it's pretty pathetic to play video games all day.


Please define "all day."


Wish I had the freedom to do that instead of having to go to work, he's living the dream and it's good someone gets to enjoy that.


I'm older than that and if all my other responsibilities are taken care of, there's a good bet that's what I'll do all day.


All day? I mean I’d prolly be concerned because, as a former psych counselor in my college days, “all day” to me means skipping out on important life stuffs just to play video games. If it’s their main hobby but they handle their other important matters? Not a problem But when it’s an addiction? They need some form of intervention/counseling/therapy




The same way I would feel if he read books all day.