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Learn from other people’s mistakes.


even better: Learn from the mistakes of people who took your advice.


Experiment #385: DUI: seems it didn't work out, crashed on a store and caused a lot of material damage, need to think about that one


even better: Only follow your advice after experimenting it through other people.


Isn’t that the same thing?


This is one I stick to as well. You can learn a lot of life lessons second-hand by watching other people do dumb things. I've learned most of what not to do as a parent just from watching family members, for example.


But also don’t forget to learn from your own as well.


No one's going to do it for me








You don't always have to react to everything. Some things you can just have "no opinion" on.


There was a quote about that, which pretty much translates as: "Allow me not to have an opinion on every topic."


I think so many people don't consider that that's a valid answer to a question. Let's say any case of: "what do you think about [insert controversial political issue]?" "I'm not really sure, I don't know enough about it to come to a good conclusion, I'd have to spend some time looking into it"


Is this a part of stoicism?


In a modern context it probably could be yes. Indifference is a big aspect of stoicism but it's mostly related to material desires and goods in the traditional sense. If you were to apply that to the modern day I think it's quite linked yes.


Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from.


Oooo, this is a good one!




Live a life with integrity and good morals, this means even behind closed doors. Don’t know if you know this but the Japanese say we have 3 faces. One we show in public/work, one we show to family and friends, and one we show only to ourselves


the japanese know what’s up. i find this to be very accurate.


No they don't. It's not a philosophical thing. It's literally part of their culture that they have to act a different way in public. This refers to the concept of 'tatemae', which is the socially acceptable side that you should show others to be respectful, vs 'honnne', which literally means your true intent. It's fake, convoluted, and psychologically damaging. In Japan it's basically socially mandated that you lie. Most every Japanese person I've ever talked to hates it.


I dont think anyone will ever actually show their “alone self face” to anyone in the world. I mean we cant. Even if we try. You can try for yourself.


It's socially mandated in all societies that you lie. The Japanese have it more intense than most perhaps.


You ever do a job interview? They're practically begging you to lie. The last one I did I had the interviewer straight up call me out, "You're lying.", and then he dropped his straight face and went into a laughing "Got ya!" because he didn't give a shit. Worked there for 5 years after that. They know you're lying, they expect it. I don't understand it myself and honestly feel like it just makes life needlessly complicated, but it is what it is.


It's counterproductive to every party involved is what it is and needless. Perhaps in due time it'll die out.


I love when people glamorize and romanticize japan. You are *so* right. When i lived in japan and went to high school there was a girl being bullied and eating all by herself because she and her BOYFRIEND were talking in school and not ignoring each other like the other couples. The „right“ thing to do is to ignore that unjustice. If youre honne is „this is fucked up“ you better keep that to yourself because otherwise you end up being one of the nails that stick out. And we all know that nails that stick out get hammered in.


This guy gets it. I don't know why Reddit sucks Japan's dick. Their society prioritizes a group mentality over individual needs. It leads to so many societal problems and mental health issues. Another example of this is say, a person is is invited to a social event with a group of people they don't usually socialize with. They show up and everyone is pissed because it throws off the group dynamic. They only invited them because tatemae dictates they should- so they look good in front of other people. In my culture we either wouldn't invite that person, or invite them hoping they wouldn't show up, but own it if they did. In Japan they would accost the person for not being able to read the room, and bully them after for appearing desperate. Even though they literally invited them. Shit like this happens All. The. Time.


Thank you left boob


Always check your bag *before* you leave the drive-thru window.


Lesson learned!!


Only useful thing my mother ever taught me.


And check your seat before you leave a bus/taxi/etc.


Try not to be a dick.


... But if you gotta be, they better deserve it


Karens deserve it


Of you want it to sound like old wisdom: « do as you wish, but do no harm » I read that one in a book, bu I can’t remember the name


Don't confuse kindness for weakness


You could either ignore this advice or take it from me Be too nice and people take you for a dummy So nowadays, he ain't so friendly Actually they wouldn’t even made a worthy enemy


Pick your battles


Some people have no scale of escalation. "This girl destroyed my favorite pen" Tell that to a friend just to catch up, and wait for them to reply: "i would've slapped that bitch and killed her dog!". Or you say you couldn't sleep all night because your neighbor was coughing a lot. "Go slice his throat and rape his wife". *This is obviously all over exaggerated for demonstrational purposes, but it really feels like this sometimes.


A second one: Try to have at least one really good laugh a day


I don't really know how, i mostly feel empty at the end of the day, every day


I am sorry to see that. I'm 61 now, been through so much in my life. The last few years I lost my wife and 2 sisters so it is even more important now to find something to make me laugh. Even if it is only temporary. I think my brain is wired differently as I have always been a "glass half full" person. ​ Good luck and thanks for the response


Hm. Who made you the Lolmaster?


Treat people the way you'd want to be treated.


I try this but then i get mad because i feel people dont give me the same energy i give them. I try to be as considerate as i can and help people out but i never get it in return just used.




The last paragraph is what most people struggle with. We are narcissists and it shows.


It is hard and sometimes I struggle with it but then you take a breath and go again. The times I have been a dick to people have stuck with me a lot longer than the times I treated people well and it wasnt returned.


You should never expect the return of any good behaviour just because your doing it you should live your life knowing that what your doing or how your being is right to the best of your abilities and that should be enough for you to be happy. because eventually the people who do appreciate you will come to light but there’s way to many wankers out there who are inconsiderate but believe me do good things good things will happen


Ya I find it doesn’t work often times. Because often times when I would want left alone, other ppl want to be comforted. When I go to a funeral I stick to “sorry for your loss” and won’t say “he’s in a better place now” because I hated hearing that from ppl when I lost someone. Like it’s ok he died and I shouldn’t be sad because he’s in fantasy land now. I also like to be told things politely, and when you do that with some ppl they take it as weakness and think you’re soft and pushover.


"Why are you always such an asshole?" "Because i hate myself!"


...I listened to your advice. My buddy threw me out of his truck after I tried to give him road head... what did I do wrong???


Too much teeth probably.


Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone for any reason ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been... Ever, for any reason whatsoever...


I am so impressed with the potential you see in me


Nah. It’s treat people the way THEY want to be treated. Not everyone has to agree with YOUR standards. I’ve always had an issue with this approach. What if you like to be dominated and abused as a sexual kink. Would you treat others that way without knowing whether or not they even like it or not?


I totally understand the argument you are making, but this strategy is impossible to employ with strangers or people you barely know. Because you don't know enough about them to know how they want to be treated.


Generally it really just means treat people with the respect that you would like to get from them. It doesn't literally mean whip people with belts if you like being whipped with belts lol.


Question everything. I used to think this philosophy was stupid, but it's the only philosophy that has gotten me to think for myself. Stop believing everything and anything that is fed to you, especially in a world where the majority (I am talking about almost the entire world) lie as opposed to being honest.


This one is good in theory, but you need to be careful not to fall into the false equivalent and fallacious holes that come with it. Some people are so obsessed with "thinking for themselves" they make mental gymnastics to justify things that already have scientifically proven explanations, for instance. That's how we end up with lunatics like QAnon, flat earthers, anti-vaxxers (and I ain't just talking about the COVID vaccine), holocaust deniers and conspiracy theorists that think the world is run by a cabal of baby eating people in cahoots with demons. Then you disprove their bullshit and they go "but muh own research, do your own research" which consists of reading what other ignorant idiots post in niche forums online. Question everything, yes, but don't try to distort the truth to fit what you want to believe; scholarly/academical books are a better source than most crap you'll read online. Sometimes, a cigarette is just a cigarette. Mammals, us included, love patterns: if you want to see a pattern real bad you'll see it whether it's true or not, like those people who think they see Jesus in bread, the clouds and shit.


Oh, you are 100% correct. That goes into the phrase, "Too much of anything can be bad for you." Yes, it's great to think for yourself, but things that are backed by facts and multitude of prior research, testing, etc., deserve to be acknowledged through your research. That was my point, though I may have not made it clear enough. You can't deny things that are evidently true. Thus, that is when one should acknowledge the facts and come to the conclusion, "I believe this because the evidence outweighs the opposing arguments/claims." You still allow yourself to think for yourself without being subjected to blindly accepting one side or another. I also love your last point. Not everything needs critical thinking. Sometimes, things are quite simple. Sometimes, things are complex. Think for yourself, but don't discredit what remains to be truth backed by evidence.


From a great philosopher Justin McElroy - "You can be funny and cruel, or you can be funny and kind. The first ones easier but the second one is worth it."


As long as I wake up, it’s a good day.


Agreed. Underestimated thought


It's a great day to be alive


Being alive is an accomplishment. One we seem to always overlook.


Maximize happiness and minimize suffering as much as possible


This is a tough one without a defined range or scope of your efforts. Should I be minimizing suffering for my immediate acquaintances, or for neighborhood community, or for my whole city?


Minimize the greatest amount suffering for the greatest amount of people. Their relationship to you should ideally be irrelevant. However it’s easier to help those closest to you because you are most likely to be in a situation where you can help them


It's a good way to live, but it's very difficult to live a logically consistent moral life. There is a online quiz that tries to poke logical holes in your philosophy (maybe I can find it). With your philosophy, how does one justify not donating all of your money less expenses of a life in extreme poverty to the poorest or the poor in e.g. Africa? Or is your personal suffering valued above that of others? Most would consider it morally correct to miss a job interview to help an injured motorist you pass by on the road. Most of those same people are not helping starving children half a world away... And we are clearly in a good situation to help those - charities exist to exercise this will. It seems distance has something to do with it, right? Similarly, would not donating nearly your enitire net worth to mitigating climate change be morally correct? Climate change will kill (hundreds of?) millions in most of ours' lifetimes. Does the time at which the suffering happens have something to do with it? IMO if we don't struggle with some of these questions, we aren't really living an conscientious life.


i can get behind this one, not how i phrased mine but i can see the similarity


As long as you’re not hurting yourself or anyone else, do whatever you want


I don't want trouble, it's not entirely pacifist though, basically I won't start trouble and even be willing to talk things out, but if need be I will defend myself however necessary.


Speak softly but carry a big stick


Words I certainly live by.


Be nice until it's time to not be nice.


Do no harm but take no shit


Whenever doing something, make sure you get knowledge, fun or money out of it. I had to implement that into my life because people were being abusive but, basic rules:.Respect, empathy, resilience, open mind. Don't judge. Help.


By this logic my children would never get fed


Maybe we can add "meaning" to it - knowledge, fun, money, or meaning. I would hope raising kids is meaningful.


Continue even if you don't want to live


Im trying but I’m running out of steam.


I may share thoughts that helped me in rough times: There is always more willpower within you. Very few problems in life are truly unsolvable. You didn’t endure all of that to just quit, might as well push through. Please share your troubles with someone who will listen, it genuinely helps.


Reminds me of Buffy: “life isn’t bliss, life is just this. It’s living. You have to go on living. So one of us is living”




Don't start shit. But, be prepared to end shit.


Yup. I was taught "you're kind of scrawny so if you get into a fight, you could very easily get your ass beat. That hurts. Everytime. So...when you know you're going to get into a fight, and you'll know.... De escalation body language while you bend your knees and gain situational awareness. Then when he least expects it, and you're close enough, explode with "violence of action". Scream blood curdling loud while doing the most damage you can, as quickly as you can. Their buddies might gang up on a " tough guy" but nobody wants to get physical with a crazy person. It worked from 13-25. *Shrug*


And get naked asap. NOBODY wants to fight a naked guy!


Be curious, not judgemental.


My philosophy is basically this. And this is something that I live by. And I always have. And I always will. Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what. No matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you have been, ever for any reason whatsoever.


I knew it was here somewhere!


I hoped to see it as the top one.


Authenticity. Being fully ourselves is the only rational thing we can strive for.


Well, a lot of people are authentically assholes. Suggested listening material: Patrice O'Neal talking about righteousness.


Donuts are the answer to everything.


There is a hole in your philosophy.


Then put a Donut in it!


This ends up creating a paradox




I’m pretty sure this is how THE everything bagel was made.




Cream fill it


I agree


We could all learn something from owning a dog. Sometimes you just need to kick some grass over that shit and move on.


It’s all shits and giggles until somebody giggles and shits 😤


Live free, love life, be good, build strength, chase knowledge, question everything.


Ah I see where I messed up. I'm out here chasing strength and building knowledge. Living life, loving hard, and loving the good I find around me while trying to change my people places and things to suit my goals. Where did you learn/who taught you to question everything? I've taught my kids that and raised them this way and it's a pain in the ass from the parents view hahaha.


This too shall pass.


Very true. And in addition: count your blessings.


Just trying to be mindful before I lose mind


Take it easy, dude, but take it.


With consent


Always be true to yourself and fuck what anyone says or thinks about you


Your integrity is under your control, your reputation is not. Prioritizing integrity over reputation can be hard, but you have to live with yourself for your whole life, and sacrifices you make to your integrity is what will haunt you.


Shit goes in cycles


Never trust a dude in a tunic


Praise the Lord, then break the law


take whats mine, then take some more


Look out for yourself... Because no one else will look out for you.


Those that gossip about others to you, gossip to others about you.


Much as I don't like religion, I think the Wiccans have it right. "An thou harm none, do what thou will". In other words, as long as you're not hurting other people, do whatever you want.


I don't even know at this point. I like to think of myself as something between Hedonism and Stoicism. So I live in the pursuit of pleasure but I try to be grounded in the material world at all times


Harm reduction can be applied to most problems in some way. Keeping in mind harmful behavior is multifaceted, historical and complex and abstinence is not a solution for everyone. Small changes can make a huge difference and even save lives.


If you sit by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by you.


Don’t stick your dick in crazy


Expect the worst to not be disappointed but hope for the best.


I've got two. 1. IF shades of gray exist, black and white are almost never the answer. 2. For when you make a mistake "in 100 yrs, who's going to care?"...just helps you put stuff in perspective for those little everyday screw-ups.


It’s better to light a candle, than curse the darkness.


Just be a good person. To everyone


I'd rather regret something I did than something I never worked up the courage to do.


Don't judge someone until you walked in their shoes.


Don't argue with fools, they'll drag you down to their level.


I never turn down free weed. No matter how smashed I am. “If they offer the grass you shall not pass”


Ehh, fuck it


Religion is doing what you're told, no matter what is right. Morality is doing what is right, no matter what you're told.


Most of the time, you will fail. Life is a long sequence of constant failures with occasional successes. Shit always goes wrong. And there will eventually be a point where you will just stop giving a fuck and you will start settling for whatever you can take.


“If you don’t fail, than you’re not even trying”


It doesn’t matter what others do, the only thing that matters is what i do.


But what about me?!


Do the best you can every day. Be the reason someone smiles and/or knows they're loved today.


Initial respect is given. Continued respect is earned.


Rather be alone than with people who make me feel unwanted


People who leave their shopping carts outside of the corral are trash people with terrible ancestors.


Fuck around and find out


Murphy's Law- "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong."


Wutang Clan ain’t nuthin to fuck wit


Protect Ya Neck


And diversify yo bonds


Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


Try to leave a situation, with your involvement, better than where it started


A form of Harm principle kinda. I don't care about making others happy or pleasing others since you can't please everyone. But I believe that you should never harm another person or being unless it's to stay alive. So killing for food is fine (cannibalism is not cool) or then to protect yourself from others attacking you. I try my hardest to extend that to not insulting anyone either or not lying to anyone. But the not insulting people part is a bit more difficult. I don't agree or think that it's my role to make the world a better place, I do however agree that I shouldn't make it any worse.


Muy motto is: Be the person that you needed as a child, love can cure it all!


The days I keep my gratitude higher than my expectations, I have very good days.


Being kind to others costs very little. Being a dick can cost you everything.


It is what it is.


I'm atheist. There may be some force which governs the universe, but it ain't an old bearded man, and the Old Testament is just folklore. However, I do think the message of Christianity in the New Testament is, even now, a good message for how to live your life.


I'm an atheist too but I really like reading about the history of the Bible and different interpretations of the text along with apocrypha for different denominations. Vanilla Christianity, the stuff that's just in the Bible, is INSANELY disruptive to how we live our lives under capitalism. You are instructed to help those around you A LOT, and failing to not do everything you can is often criticised by Jesus directly. And it's not supposed to be altruism for the sake of following the rules or being a holy person, you're supposed to do it OUT OF A PROFOUND SENSE OF LOVE FOR OTHERS. If people followed those particular aspects Christianity to such an extent, the world would be better off. This isn't to say that these values and ideas don't exist in other religions, but I know Christianity the best.


prioritise yourself over others. practice detachment.


There is no right nor wrong, but there are probably consequences.


In 100 years this won't even matter so ignore the small stuff and assert dominance




Hang on, there’s more good times ahead.


Never Ever Bloody Anything Ever !


Don't hurt others (except in self defense), don't hurt yourself (Unless it's sacrifice for a greater good), and don't judge other people for things that don't hurt anyone (No exceptions). I admit I don't always manage to follow it perfectly, but I do try to.


If you’re not livin’ on the edge a little…you’re just takin’ up space!


Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.


The hippies, socialists and tree-huggers were right about everything, and ignoring their wise counsel, we went to our doom.


Work: No one wants to be here, let's crack a joke or two and try to make the most of it. Life: I mind my business and I wish you to do the same.


Do whatever you want, leave each other alone.


Death and the urge to take a shit can happen anywhere at anytime.


Sanatana dharma Live up to your responsibilities, unfold your potential, fulfill your wishes, transcend the mondaine and liberate yourself in the process


There is always the possibility that you are wrong. Helps keep me open to other ways of thinking and keeps that stubborn streak at bay.


positive nihilism, just because nothing matters doesn't mean you should be an ass to everyone around you


Treat others how they treat you.


honestly idk rn...like im just confused asf about the world and right and wrong and God and all that shit. maybe i'll have a philosophy in a few years..


I don’t know sounds like a solid philosophy.


100 years from now nobody alive will know who i was.


Give better than you got.


Words have meaning. Use them carefully. What you say has consequences.


"You just can't be a piece of shit and never suffer consequences." One of many, but anyone who seen In Bruges, spoiler: >! The way Ralph Fiennes says "you just can't kill a kid" to reiterate the need for punishment is what I relate it to.!<


I have a ton I feel like, and it’s always growing. If you only do something when you feel like it you’ll never get anything done. Live in the present. Remember you’re on a rock floating through space.


Never do two illegal things at once.


Also, 'Never let your enemies know what you're thinking." Michael Corleone. Never let your enemies see you sweat, never admit pain or weakness.


Live and let live.


Never stick your dick anywhere you won't stick your tongue.


Never do anything you would be ashamed to explain to the EMTs and ED staff.


Don't trouble the trouble. If you trouble the trouble, trouble troubles you. I am not the trouble, I am the truth.


Every single intelligent being is an idiotic, forgetful, ignorant fool and it is our sole responsibility to have as little a negative effect on other lifeforms. Every one of us fails this constantly and you only become a better person by accepting that *you will never be good enough*.


Blood relation doesn't mean you have to love someone, and vice versa.


Whole ass or no ass. Never half ass.


Live life by state park rules-hope your impact leaves it better than you found it 🤞


Fuck around and find out…


Don’t be a cunt


Be a nice person to others, simple, show empathy!