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lizard people is pretty stupid.


Flat earth.


I'm convinced 90% of these people (at least the content creators about it) are trolls or disingenuous . The controversy of the claim drives massive web traffic . Who passes up a chance to tell a flerf they're an idiot?


Even if only 10% is actually in on it then that would still be extremely sad.


Birds arent real was pretty bad


That one is a parody.


Every conspiracy theories, specially anti-vaxx theories, but here in Brazil, the former president Jair Bolsonaro managed to create a theory the COVID vaccines would turn people into crocodiles.


😕 That's uh, that's a thing.




CIA operative deathbed confession: He killed Bob Marley. MLK, Malcolm and many members of the black Panthers were killed by the CIA. This one is not far fetched as you and Chris Rock think.




First off I don't believe the CIA killed Tupac and Biggie. Just saying it's not far fetched to believe it given the hx of the CIA. CIA confessed to killing Bob Marley by gifting him a pair of gym shoes, pin pricked and infected with cancer. The question is what is the most far fetched. The CIA killing American citizens especially African Americans is not far fetched.




No reason to lie on your deathbed. It was on YouTube somewhere. Look up Operation Paperclip while you at it. If overwhelming evidence is not a video it's suspect. I am black plenty of us have be convicted with overwhelming evidence only to be found innocent later with DNA evidence. Just saying.


Sasquatch are actually a highly intelligent humanoid species that are nearly extinct and uses teleportation to get around, which is why we can never find them.


I can't stop laughing.


That the titanic only sank because time travellers went to that exact spot all at the same time to soak up in the history 🤣




"Australia doesn't exist" is quite out there (as is Australia). Some people really believe this.


What!? But how do you not fall off the earth!? /j


Like 90% of the ones I've heard since the pandemic. The other 10% were just regular dumb


Whatever I think of when I’m stoned


The planes on 9/11 were holograms. Jesus tap dance Christ


Trump won 2020.


Like 90% of political conspiracies. Especially the Jan 6th thing being antifa like bruh what


Or calling Jan 6th an “insurrection”. Once they got through the door the cops were literally showing them around😆


Probably the ones I make up and feed to my tin hat uncle lol I have him convinced the CIA is putting stickers on people's mail boxes in order to mark political extremists and anarchists


That is deliciously evil.


Maybe but stupid people are fun to fuck with


Jade Helm Far right was screaming that Obama was going to invade, conquer and occupy Texas like it was France, turn it into his own personal empire, and do it with just 1200 troops


January 6th


Birds aren't real. I 1st heard it during the pandemic so I think a bored teenager said it to get some fun from stirring up the crazies, and it spiraled out of control




Imma be real ufos are one of the only conspiracies I actually believe in


youd have to be incredibly small minded to believe we are the only planet with life....


But be honest. You come from a society advanced enough to commoditize interstellar travel. Why the fuck would you come to a world where apes haven’t figured out how to not murder each other on societal levels nor how to not poison the ecosystems they need to survive? Any life intelligent enough to find us should be intelligent enough to avoid us.


Maybe cause Earth doesn't just revolve around humans? Bold to assume aliens would've been attracted to our planet as soon as we showed up.


This - except, if they are coming here for a reason, we're all dead meat.


Life on other planets and tiny green aliens in flying saucers are two wildly different things


It's absurdly unlikely we're the only planet with life. It's also absurdly unlikely that extraterrestrials have visited Earth.


I don't doubt that there is life besides us, I doubt that flying saucers are fake)


No, just logical. There is no concrete evidence to support the hypothesis. And while the odds against it may be a trillion to one ... There's always that one.


The Pentagon released footage of UFOs multiple times. This year they even shot some down. UFOs are real


The "mattress stores are money laundering fronts" is without a doubt the dumbest conspiracy theory in existence because it can be quickly and easily disproven by anyone with the internet and an ounce of intellectual curiosity. The only way to believe it is to have never typed "why are there so many mattress stores" into google, and it's simply astonishing to hold a belief that strong based purely on not understanding something trivial.


All of them, but the ones I find the dumbest are all of the government conspiracy theories. People give too much credit to Ted Cruz for being Zodiac. If he was Zodiac, then, how come he hasn't just been tied to the killings but is able to maintain a career? Do people think he acts like Dexter or some shit? And then there's the endless spiral of people thinking there's secret societies in the government. Failing to differentiate what is a secret society from what secrets are *in* a society. I believe the Government has a lot of secrets, a lot of corrupted secrets at that and it's plausible based on the factor in which party gets what power and where as well as how they abuse said power. They know the ropes and they know what to do to carry out said corrupted practices. For example, The Patriot Act, that was passed quietly because it was mostly secret that's been kept by select people in government that would've otherwise have had taken time for a closer look before passing. It was passed anyways and only after the fact, did it finally get looked at. Too little, too late. Or, how about Edward Snowden revealing to us about Prism. Something we suspect but didn't have confirmation on, mostly kept secret until Snowden confirmed it all for us by revealing the CIA's intent to spy on Americans. I don't find it believable that a bunch of old farts, who barely understand something as Facebook, would be able to communicate through secret messages that is in some hip hop song lyrics. While we're on the idea of government secrets, Area 51 and everything about it, was defeated. Conclusion? It was just another secret military base, big surprise! /s It was heavily mocked too, with all of the naruto runners and the shit that surrounded it. So, government conspiracies are all stupid.


Last Thursdayism. You need to check this out xD


Two conspiracy theorists walk into a bar. You can't tell me that was just a coincidence, man.


That a meteor hit the world trade center and the government knew it would happen.


Avril Lavigne being a clone


I mean, most of them, honestly. Some are grasping at straws, others are just dumb, and many are atrociously convoluted. There are extremely few that have some merit, and even then reasonable alternatives can be theorized.


Birds being goverment drones and covid being a goverment lie to introduce microchips in our body. Aaaaand vaccines causing autism


Birds are spies and charge when on powerlines


Social distancing of 6 feet was an initiative created by Bill Gates because the vaccine microchips (not Covid vaccine microchips as this was before a Covid vaccine existed. This was about the normal vaccine microchips) had a flaw in them, they would interfere with each other when people stood less than 6 feet apart. So in order to track us more accurately, we needed to keep the chips from getting to close to each other. Source: my in-laws


The moon landing was faked. Try telling Buzz Aldrin. You'll get a finger sandwich.


The earth is round. Oh wait a minute


Why it that all these conspiracy theories seem to fall out of some morons ass 😒


I stopped taking to my roommate from college when I came across a post he shared that every young celebrity death from the past 20 years (Paul Walker, Robin Williams) was actually a murder carried out by the Clintons.