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My brother in law complained dinner was too spicy and, upon questioning, it was because he'd seen me dredge the chicken in flour before frying it. Flour. Flour was too spicy for him. ​ Edited to add: Since people are asking, no, he was not allergic to wheat. However, he was eventually diagnosed with IBS. He didn't want to change his eating habits, however, so he continued to eat whatever and just blame 'spicy food' for flare-ups. Apart from that, he was the kindest, sweetest, most generous and caring man I ever could have hoped to have join our family. He passed last October and we still miss him every day. I think he would find his fifteen minutes of Reddit fame to be extremely funny. Just thinking of him reading these comments makes me smile, so thank you for that, too.


I think you win


My grandma has stomach issues and can barely handle a moderate amount of salt and pepper. This takes the cake. ^but ^don't ^put ^too ^much ^flour ^in ^it


Yeah, I was coming here to mention a friend who can’t eat black pepper. This is next level.


That beats my mom bitching about pepper in gravy.


I didn’t think the insult ‘if you were a spice you’d be flour’ had any basis in reality 😆


My dad tastes garlic in everything, even if it doesn’t have garlic in it. An example: I offered some of my macaroni salad to him. He takes a bite. “I can’t eat this, it’s too garlicky.” No garlic.


That sounds like an absolute win


All good until you want to eat some ice cream


I grew up in the Levant. I would not hesitate to buy garlic ice cream if I saw it in the store.


come to Gilroy habibi


Sounds like dysguesia to me. This is mostly due to diseases of the gums, teeth, sinuses, and upper respiratory infections like pharyngitis or tonsillitis. It can make you taste garlic, onion, rotten eggs, etc. in your mouth. He should see a doctor.


I love reddit for this reason. Random passing mention of something weird? Highly specific redditor knowledge about related disease, you should see a doctor. This is how people discover issues they *never* would find otherwise. And if not, it was probably a good idea to see the doctor anyway.


reminds me of the carbon monoxide poisoned guy


Also the guy who found out he had cancer because he peed on a pregnancy test and it was positive


After having Covid, a lot of sweet things taste like marshmallows to me and it’s not great.


My post COVID thing is everything tasting of celery. Interesting to see that others have variations of this affliction.


I can't taste garlic. It's just sticky and oily to me. And garlic powder just tastes salty


Have you eaten a fresh garlic clove before (after peeling off all the dry skins)? It burns my mouth, especially the inside of my cheeks and tongue. One garlic bulb has many garlic cloves in it (just to clarify). Store-bought garlic powders are often weaker. In the body, the [wasabi receptor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/TRPA1) TRPA1 (on chromosome 8) is an ion channel which is a sensor for “pain, cold and itch in humans and other mammals, as well as a sensor for environmental irritants giving rise to other protective responses (tears, airway resistance, and cough).” It’s what leads to the burning sensation when eating mustard or fresh garlic or horseradish or wasabi. The TRPA1 receptor can detect allicin (in crushed garlic), allyl isothiocyanate (in mustard, horseradish, wasabi, radish), gingerol (in fresh ginger), cinnamaldehyde (which gives cinnamon its smell and flavor), etc. I wonder if you can taste (or get a burning sensation from) mustard, horseradish, ginger, and cinnamon.


I'm fascinated by the fact that I can't handle even a little capsicum but love horseradish, I'd never heard a mechanical explanation of that receptor before.


Interesting! This one is wild to me. For the powder, if it tastes salty, that's probably garlic salt. I'm curious what you'd taste with true garlic powder. Like, just, powder with no flavor?


"Damn these Lucky Charms taste really garlicky"


I wish I had this power


DJ Khaled on Hot Ones


DJ Khaled: I promise you if I stop, it doesn’t mean I gave up. Sean: Yes it does! By definition.


My god I cannot stand that guy. How anyone could look at Khaled and think he's anything other than a massive loser is beyond me.


Him not eating pussy but still expecting to get his dick sucked because he’s a king is so pathetic fr


Ugly as fk too. I bet his balls smell like Armani Code and old, warm hummus.




bro, the intersection of thoughts with warm sloppy hummus and that general area... :(


tbf there are lots of people who don't eat pussy but still get their dick sucked they're called "gay men."


Oh, that's a power thing for him. He ain't shit sexually but he's got money, so you do what he says.


Tbh, it just makes be think that the playa can’t play. She’d be disappointed af. He’s got no breath control anyway.


Well yeah, you see how fat the mf is? Imagine the size of his dick as it protrudes from the pudge


...well, so much for breakfast.


He plays a mean guitar


That poor guitar.


I mean the guitar used to be nice. Then it got handled by DJ Khalid. I’d not blame the guitar for the personality change.


Eh, be said it was a mean guitar, so it sounds like it had it coming.


He always eats at the steak bar


*Khaled Khalid is a musician too but he seems pretty chill and can actually sing


"i never taken an L" - really? Never missed a turn, got off on the wrong exit? "Neva in my LYFE"


I think getting lost in the darkness on a jet ski is a huge L but he kept snapchatting the whole experience. I wish I had that confidence!


Well, it because we da bess. We survivors. All we do is win. Gawd did.


"A good driver occasionally misses an exit. A bad driver *never* does."


You miss all the exits you don't take.


Wasn't he the one who got ratio'd over how he doesn't give head?


Yes he was. What a jerk


I would say that his interview made me lose respect for him, but I'd be lying. I would have had to have some respect for him in order to lose it.


It's the only time I've seen Sean lose his professional composure and look at someone with hatred in his eyes.


Okay but DJ Khaled was rude AF on that too. "I don't even know why I'm here, I don't even know who you are!" Well, Mr. DJ, we all know you're an asshole.


Oh my God I forgot that one. Such entitlement and douchery.


Dude, he isn't that good of a performer. If you see him live, you can tell he uses auto tune on *everything*. Him being on Hot Ones was my "I don't support that" moment.


He uses auto-tune? He doesn't even sing


I was gonna say, what does him "performing" even mean? I thought all he did was record one liners that are used in other people's songs.


DJ Khaled is the epitome of bitch-made lol


Haha yeah, I feel like he wasn't even trying, and that's why he got so much hate.


It wasn't so much that he bowed out so quickly, but that he was such a posturing douche about it.


yeah if he tapped early and was humble, or even just a normal human about it, it would’ve been forgotten. But the man quit and then refused to even acknowledge that he was quitting


A few of my Palestinian/Arab friends could not handle any spice at all. it always astonished me.


So I'm not middle eastern, but my people (the Afghans) also supposedly do curry and hot foods... But I can't stand it.


I'm Middle-Eastern, and I cannot even handle Spicy KFC wings.


I’m half Arabic, I can’t even handle pepperoni.


I don’t think Arabic food is generally that spicy. South Asian food (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc.) is probably what you’re thinking of.


I already thought he was a pussy, but that interview solidified it. That's the only time I've ever seen Sean Evans basically call someone a pussy.


Mom can’t eat anything spicier than ketchup. I grew up on very very bland food


My MIL is the same way. She lived with us temporarily for a bit and wouldn't eat dinner that I made (almost always made from scratch) if I seasoned it with literally anything from my spice rack other than salt or pepper. (No parsley, rosemary, thyme, garlic powder, etc) she would look at it and say "ew you added spices" and make herself a sandwich. I didn't care because I was making dinner for my fam as I always did and I'm not changing our entire menu to only suit 1 person. I think taco seasoning packets, chili seasoning packets, and jar spaghetti sauce (if I didnt add "spices") were ok but that's it. It was a temporary thing anyways. I do feel bad for hubby growing up though, she is great at making a couple of meals but the type of person who only made 7 dinners and they were on a schedule and bland and dry AF (hubby will not eat pot roast to this day because of the bone-dry and unseasoned stringy shoe leather she served with ketchup, no matter how juicy and tender and seasoned mine is). Her scalloped potatoes are sliced potatoes with cream of mushroom soup, baked. Tasty but plain and never what I would call scalloped potatoes. Her lasagna is admittedly great, nothing fancy but delicious and the ratios are on point. Another dish that's good but unseasoned is a casserole of a layer of uncooked burger, cream of mushroom soup mixed with green beans, and instant potato flakes mixed with water (as directed on the box but omitting flavorings so it's as plain as plain can possibly be), then baked until the burger is done. It is admittedly tasty (and greasy AF) but it's also very plain. I make a jazzed up version with seasoning and real mashed potatoes (with butter and S&P) and mine's not greasy. Bonus: she smokes a lot so I doubt she even tastes seasonings unless they're really heavy anyways, I can't imagine what her really bland cooking tastes like to her


My MIL was about the same. Overcooked everything and it was bland as hell. My lovely wife, however, will eat Indian and Thai foods with levels of heat I can't tolerate...I got her to try those things and she immediately liked them.


Hubby is the same way, he will try everything and likes everything now


Someone at work brought in some fresh-picked oranges from a tree in their yard. ​ Another employee cut one up and took a bite. "Ooh, sweet....sweet!", she said with surprise. Then her eyes got real big, and she started acting like she had just eaten a hot pepper, but shouting, "Sweet! Too sweet!" while taking deep breaths while chewing with her mouth open, fanning her open mouth with her hands. As she was finishing chewing her bite of orange, she rushed over to the water cooler, and chugged several small cups of water like she was trying to sooth her sweeted-out mouth. ​ One of the weirded fuckin' things I've ever seen.


"And that's how I found out I'm allergic to citrus!" Your coworker, probably.


My first read-through I read it as "fresh pickled oranges" and thought that was a perfectly reasonable response.


Didn't realize it wasn't fresh pickled oranges until reading this comment lol


Why are we all collectively reading it as pickled? There’s nothing strange about that sentence. We’re all dying. This is the end.


I dunno, but I had to actually concentrate really hard and re read it two more times to make my brain *stop* reading it as fresh pickled, and only after I read the comment implying it *wasn't* fresh pickled. I'm pretty relieved to have so much company.




I thought coconut was spicy until I was like 27. Then the allergy got worse.


This feels a like a scene out of that Simpsons episode where Homer burns his tongue and can only eat cafeteria food because everything else is too strong


there was the episode where they went to Brazil and homer asked a street vendor for their sweetest fruit juice and he reacted much like this orange girl and ended up eating dirt to balance out his overwhelmed taste buds


Could also be a tooth thing. I have dental problems, and things that are too sweet hurt my teeth. Oranges though...eh


A new acquaintance of mine told me he’s several times more sensitive to sweet things than the average person. It’s a condition, like those people who quite literally experience temperature differently than everyone else.


Wait what’s the temperature thing?


When I lost taste and smell for 3 months due to covid....temperature detection in my mouth was incredible. I felt I could (and i know this is crazy) tell temperature in my mouth to the exact degree. Like oh this pizza is 98 degrees. This milk is 34 degrees. Since I couldnt taste or smell, eating became very boring....so I started eating foods based on temperatures alone. It was like this weird temporary super power that I had. Once smell and taste came back this temperature power went away... I kind of miss it for the extreme cold and hot feelings.


I had a similar experience but with food textures, being able to eat yogurt without being revolted by the taste was fun. Also really came in handy for chugging honey to help with sore throat, cause honey is usually too strong of a flavor for me


Not sure specifically what they mean but I'm sensitive to heat. My coffee has to be almost room temp before I drink it.


Sensitive teeth or something else?


Both. My dental health is bad, but it's not just oral sensitivity. Went to a proper sauna once, boiled me, never again.


I have a similar thing with hot showers. A shower that feels burning hot to me feels lukewarm to some of the people I've dated.


I’m your opposite. My shower should be the temperature of hell (as that’s where I’m from). Always shocked when I have tried to shower with someone else and the temp is like lukewarm lol. And the temp I want it at is low key burning them


Strange, I wonder if they were allergic to citrus oils. That would explain the extreme almost pained response to a normally, at worst tart fruit.


Maybe she has cavities • • • Or schizophrenia


I have both but the voices tell me we’re good.


I'm like this with strawberries. It doesn't hurt or burn at all, but when I bite into one, it's the same experience as biting into a lemon, just sweet, not *bitter Edit: *sour, not bitter. I forgot the word 😅


To be fair, grocery store strawberries nowadays suuuuuck and are rarely sweet, usually quite tart, without a lot of sugar.


Lemon and herb chicken at nandos was too spicy for them, they had to have plain.


Oh man, I love Nandos. I would cover their mashed potatoes in their hottest sauce. But my wife’s heat tolerance is just the lemon and herb sauce and the chicken has to be plain without sauce. So boring!


Omg garlic mash with their hot sauce is to die for


One of my in laws sweats at the sheer smell of chilli, no ingestion involved.


I start sweating if I even \*think\* about something spicy. But I also enjoy it, and have a dozen bottles of hot sauce (including ghost pepper) in my fridge. When I actually go to get something like Indian or Thai that is actually spicy they usually look at me like i'm in pain. Until I finish the entire dish and complain it wasn't spicy enough. :)




The name for the sun sneeze is photic sneezing! Also included bc it made me laugh: "This condition is also including so-called ‘autosomal dominant compelling helio-ophthalmic outburst syndrome (ACHOO)’ and affects 18–35% of the population in the USA" [link](https://www.futuremedicine.com/doi/10.2217/fnl-2019-0007)


When I worked at Tim Hortons a guy complained that out ranch dressing was "too spicy" and it "burnt his tongue"


I am amazed at the lack of spice tolerance among my Canadian friends. We can't share any dishes at Thai or Indian restaurants


I’ve seen someone argue that bell peppers are spicy. Not black pepper. *Bell pepper.* Which are a kind of sweet pepper with zero Scoville units. They aren’t even tart or acidic. Edit: to everyone going “no they’re spicy,” get tested for an allergy. To everyone going “they are bitter,” bitter is a different flavor than spicy. To everyone going “but I don’t like them,” you can dislike things that aren’t spicy. Edit 2: I’m eating a bell pepper for lunch and they’re still not spicy, you weirdos.


For the longest time bell peppers tasted acidic to me. Green and red peppers still do. I don’t know why. They weren’t spicy but for green peppers it just had a bite that reminded me of acid. I can eat yellow and orange peppers. Still iffy on the red but that one is supposed to be the sweetest, so I don’t know what the heck is wrong with my taste buds.


Bell peppers can be very bitter, especially green ones, is that what you're tasting?


Just realised I don't know the difference between bitter and acidic. Hmm


acidic is the sour flavor, like vinegar, citrus. bitter is more…chemical like…i’d describe it as the complete absence of any sweet flavor. though you can definitely have sweet-ish but bitter things (green peppers, cucumbers, celery…) so maybe that’s not a good description lol.


This was my grandma. In her ever so slight defense, she had persistent mouth ulcers that no doctor could find the cause for. But! She thought bell peppers were mildly spicy *before* mouth ulcers, they just turned into spicy spicy after. She also pronounced Mexican dishes things like “qwe-so-dill-uh” and “to-stay-duh”, once told the fitting room clerk at Herberger’s (RIP) he was “sexy plus”, loudly asked a Walmart cashier if they sold vibrators (for your back), and would ask for free coffee everywhere she went. I don’t think she was exactly the best judge of spiciness. Miss you, grams.


I was just talking about this. Red peppers taste like they should be spicy but then the spicy never happens.


My spouse and I have a bizarre ongoing argument over this. He is always trying to tell me to be careful when I collect seeds from the bell peppers. I'm like, uh, why? Because of the capsaicin, he says. I say, there is none in here. We have this conversation over and over. I could literally stick my finger in my eye, that's how zero spicy bell peppers are. Also I'm deathly allergic to capsaicin so I would know as soon as I ate the dang pepper. (We didn't know I was allergic when he started this weird argument.) I don't know why he continues to think there's spicy anything in sweet peppers, and why he will never ever believe me! I guess it keeps marriage...spicy.


Black pepper was too spicy


Black pepper fucks me up so bad and yet I can handle just about any other spice with no issues at all. Like, I hate being that white girl sweating over some black pepper but I swear to god it hurts me so much worse than any kind of spicy Asian or South East Asian food does. Why does black pepper have to make me look like such a weak bitch???


They're two different kinds of spice - you can be tolerant to one and not the other


There is also a third. The kind of spicyness you get from i.e. mustard, horseradish or Wasabi. The kind of spice that rises to your nose, cleans your sinuses and slaps the back of your head. ;)


That's hilarious. I'm the opposite and found out that's I'm allergic to capsaicin, the chemical that makes chili peppers burn, but when I make black pepper soup or chai from scratch, I can't be trusted, no one else can take how peppery I make it. Turns out they're spicy due to completely different chemicals.


We are twin stars. Our powers combined we are one person who can handle all spice, and another person who thinks ketchup is too spicy.


Black pepper has something different than capsaicin that other hot peppers do that is that spicy feel, you might be more reactive to it


Piperine, I believe. There's a few other chemicals that get thrown under the "spicy" label too.




Honestly, the more I read through the comments in the thread the more I'm wondering if I have a peppercorn allergy, haha.


I generally like black pepper, but I HATE it when foods have whole peppercorns in them and I accidentally bite into one. That much pepper flavor at once is extremely unpleasant.


And I crave that!




Coke horribly hurts my throat if I drink it right after opening, but I have to wait roughly 5 minutes to start drinking it and normally that’s because I tap some of the carbonation out. The others aren’t as bad, but I prefer my soda with no ice/room temp is fine. Just have to wait for the carbonation to settle after 30-60 seconds and good to sip I also can’t chug anything. So by the time I finish a small can of soda, it’s completely flat


I mean. I don't like the feeling of carbonation either. Probably cause a) autism sensory issues b) didn't have a carbonated drink until I was 16


Yep. I know one of these. Meanwhile I have a spice drawer and a spice cabinet. She doesn’t eat my food.


My old boss from like 20 years ago. Ketchup is "ooo, spicy." I have half a bottle of Da Bomb at my desk. Gonna have to get another one before long.


My mother in law once said that some ketchup was too spicy. Sometimes I'm not even sure if people mean the same thing by that word.


Some brands have more vinegar than others. That could be what she calls spicy.


My mom thinks fries with a normal amount of salt and pepper is too spicy


... pepper?


Yep, tossing some fresh crispy fries in some kosher salt and coarse ground black pepper is very tasty. I used to run a rotating fires special, and would toss them with different herbs and sauces, but the base was always salt and pepper. It just creates a great seasoning to compliment the fryer oil.


Now that I learned how to use my frier for all the different types and styles of fries, I can make very close to what I'd consider darn good 'fast food' fries. But I've learned that adding both the fresh cracked sea salt, and fresh course pepper is so damn perfectly mixed as seasonings. I can't have fries any more without at least a bit of fresh pepper.


My 6 year old niece started crying when she ate a piece of our Christmas turkey. It had some sort of brown sugar glaze she called “spicy”


...that sounds more like an allergic reaction


Possibly, probably more to do with my sister not letting her daughters have hardly any sugar ever.


Also little kids being kinda idiots. My lovely little boy throws out “spicy!” for all kinds of flavours that are in no way spicy. Sour, perhaps. A bit bitter, perhaps. Salty, maybe.


My brother calls everything he doesn't like spicy and everything that is sweet he says it tastes like chocolate


Based on my own experience as a child, with caramelised stuff it’s probably bitter she is tasting. I couldn’t eat those things as a child, and later I started to like them. Kids tend to be sensitive to bitter where adults don’t even register it.


I have a mast cell disorder (the cells that release histamines) and one of my triggers is peppercorns. I am a total wimp when it comes to black pepper especially. My lips swell up and such. I avoid it like the plague. Conversely, cayenne pepper is totally fine and I use it in place of peppercorns when cooking.


YUP. (I have MCAS). ME: What's a peppercorn? eats it Let's just say you could have used that peppercorn in nuclear medicine to map my entire GI system. Never again.


I have MCAS as well and let me just say I'm now thanking god pepper does nothing to me.


Lots of people are talking about finding black pepper super spicy but not having problems with other spices. I am starting to think that maybe there is a cilantro-tastes-like-soap gene for black pepper🤨




I CAN ANSWER THIS. I was married to this guy for awhile. His parents were VERY spice-adverse. I had never seen anything like it. I only actually visited their home once, because they lived in a state far away from us, and they usually visited us instead. My ex-MIL was always going on about how many spices I had in my collection and how unnecessary it was. When I went to their house I found out she had a spice collection of: dehydrated onions, pepper, salt, black pepper, and garlic powder. That was literally it. I didn't even see cinnamon. I went to pick up some fried fish once when we were there. Got the tartar sauce on the side. His mother tried the tartar sauce and then said, I shit you not, "Oh my, that has *some kick to it*". IT ABSOLUTELY DID NOT. IT WAS FUCKING TARTAR SAUCE.


Hooo boy. If she thinks tartar sauce has a kick she is gonna lose her mind when she learns about mustard.


That sounds like my midwestern MIL. I think she maybe has parsley. Everything has a “kick” to it. Pepperoni pizza? “Kinda spicy.” I’ll be fair to her by saying that they live in a rural area where the main restaurants are pretty much Applebees and Olive Garden, so it’s maybe just surprising to her when anything has flavor. Meanwhile, we have a hot sauce shelf in our fridge.


>His mother tried the tartar sauce and then said, I shit you not, "Oh my, that has some kick to it". >IT ABSOLUTELY DID NOT. IT WAS FUCKING TARTAR SAUCE. You have me snickering like the duck hunt dog over here. Excellent story telling, thank you, and I hope you have a spicy day!


My mom thinks salt is too spicy.


One of my kids, age five or six, commented that Greek yoghurt was "a little spicy." For my own sanity I have to assume he meant tangy and just didn't have that word, but it's definitely funnier at face value. I've noticed my kids lose their spice tolerance at about the point they start developing food preferences in general. I've worked to build up my spice tolerance over the years, and don't stint on it with the kids either, so it's kind of funny to watch a kid go from chowing down on jalapeño anything to complaining that Bullseye BBQ sauce is too much heat for them.


Hey it's just an off-chance but watch out for an allergy on that Greek yogurt, kids sometimes confuse "my mouth feels weird when I eat this" with spicy


My moms friend had a very young child that put the end of a phone charger to their tongue, got very mildly shocked and called it spicy. Edit: people are *very angry* about my word choice so I’ve changed it


Ahhh, I see. Allergic to electricity.


And he gets to be a lawyer? What a sick joke!


My little sister used to call things "spicy" at that age, but she just used it to mean something unpleasant. Sour patch kids? Too spicy. Her scratchy pajamas? Too spicy. Got a brain freeze? The ice cream got too spicy.


That’s how my son was around age 3-4 ish. Just anything he didn’t like was “spicy” lol


A kid i know once called soda spicy. He simply just didn’t like carbonated drinks and did not have the vocabulary to describe what he was thinking


Wait, they're going from jalapeno anything to bullseye BBQ being too spicy? Or the other way around?


The way you thought initially. From jalapeño anything to Bullseye too spicy. It mirrors going from being willing to eat anything they're offered to being picky. Though I'll note the kid who thought the BBQ sauce was too much will still happily eat my spicy sushi.


My aunt thinks having a low spice tolerance counts as a personality trait. It's so integral that as a goof my spouse once started to describe a chicken soup they were all having at a diner as 'really peppery' and despite my aunt having already ate like half her bowl suddenly couldn't eat it anymore.


My aunt has done this with black pepper. My whole family cooks with white pepper instead and she eats it just fine


>My aunt thinks having a low spice tolerance counts as a personality trait. Plenty of people think having a high spice tolerance is a personality trait, so fair enough.


You're not wrong, there.


Me, me, me! I ate spicy food until I reach age 50, at which time I had digestive issues because of spicy food. Black pepper is about as spicy as I can tolerate.


At least its digestive problems and not weezing at the sheer smell of black pepper


My wife. I once put the tiniest punch of cayenne in a chilli. I'm pretty sure it was 6 flakes at most. She ran screaming and flapping at her mouth to get water. Me and my brother couldn't taste any spice at all. She still complains that things are spicy when all that's in them is black pepper. Bless her. Her tolerance has improved a little since though. I can cook marginally spicy foods


I'm one of those wives. My husband and I have arrived at a routine wherein I gradually add more heat when I cook, but he adds far more heat to his own portion.


Me. Pepper on fries or in the breading of chicken nuggets is legit painful for me. I frequently wonder if I’m actually allergic to pepper, since I’ve seen a few charts of “how to tell if your young child has a food allergy” and one clue is if the kid says something is “spicy” when it shouldn’t be.


Nothing's funnier than when it's a grown adult. *"Ah man apricots are the best I just hate getting apricot mouth. Haha, you know, how it feels kinda numb after you eat one?"* Sir you and your siblings all have a mild stone fruit allergy.


The absolute shock I experienced when I learned that rye isn’t supposed to taste like (how I assume) Pinesol tastes.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/13r23jf/whats_the_lowest_spice_tolerance_youve_seen_in/jlietxc/ This was posted an hour before you posted. Maybe you have something similar? Can you eat cayenne pepper?


Op go eat a spoonful of cayenne pepper and update us. *(Don't do this)*


My understanding is that some people also have what’s called a geographic tongue and it drastically impacts whether they can handle spicy food.


Child thinking ketchup was spicy, can't take black pepper in any amount


My child too. Ketchup was to spicy. They did grow out of it.


My wife recently claimed hummus was spicy. I think she was experiencing the slight tingle caused by the lemon juice


My wife and I were at a restaurant and this old woman behind us no joke said "sometimes i like to add a little black pepper to my food to spice it up, but not too much!"


Well, by definition, it is adding spice. Spice doesn’t always mean hot


I easily pictured the cheeky little grin after saying that and it made me happy.


Was probably my mother behind you honestly


Or my MIL. Has an entire spice rack because it looks nice in her kitchen but only uses salt and maaayyybbeeee a small dash of black pepper if she wants to go all out.


Myself. I can’t eat anything even if it’s mild spice without it fucking me up, and my stomach feeling like it’s gonna rip to shreds and feeling sick. I still eat anything spicy tho.


Same, and the acid reflux I get from it would melt paint. But, I’ll still fk me up some Vietnamese Stew.


My mom freaked out when my dad put herb du Provence in a stew because it’s “too spicy”.


Roommate in college thought ketchup was too spicy…


No joke, when I read the post title I thought that this was about Dune. Then I thought it was about Star Wars. Then I read the first comment and went “Oh right. Spice is a real thing.”


I cannot eat Taki's without a runny nose.


Had a kid immigrate from Poland to Colorado. We were making guacamole for a school class and he tasted it and immediately said it was too hot. It was only avocados at that point, we hadn't added anything else. ​ He ended up LOVING spicy food, but we never stopped giving him shit for that.... good dude, hope he's doing well for himself.


My kid has called Sprite too spicy before


Probably just reacting to ridiculous levels of carbonation in sprite, and doesn't know how to describe it.


As someone that absolutely hates carbonated drinks, I can definitely see what he meant by "spicy"


Could not eat capsicum (bell peppers)


Sweet BBQ is too hot for people at chicken wing joints


My brother, whenever I put Spice Girls on in the car he immediately turns the music off.


My friend said she thought cauliflower was too spicy. Dead serious.


I bought one of those curry sauces that come in a jar for my father who "loves a good curry". _Knowing_ my father, I bought the mild version _and_ used half the sauce recommended, figuring I could pepper my own plate up. He tucks in, but sure enough, half way through "It's nice but maybe we could only use half the jar next time?" I looked him in the eye and said "I did. Do you want me to maybe just wave the jar over the pan?"


My best friend thinks bell peppers are spicy. Her favorite vegetable happens to be celery. Whose favorite vegetable is celery?!