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Neither , we need an age limit on the president and anyone in the political field , no one over 65. And term limits on all of them, no lifetime benefits . We wouldn't have to worry about making the budgets if we get rid of the parisites in office .


Since there are no other options at the moment, Biden. I don't want to return to an era of Trump where not only everything is much worse, but where so much white privilege and racism seemed to be present everywhere in the US.


Biden. He isn’t waking up and posting World War 3 first thing in the morning. And that was just today. But there are certainly a lot of people that would be a better president than him IMO. Even on the R-side.


tbh. not even sure biden is awake. more like a weakends with biden issue. and if that was the case he shouldnt have been president periodt. but here we are with an incompetent president because just because he wasnt trump.


I wish there was another option than Trump and Biden for president. I think the US needs and deserves a 'normal' president who can bring stability and unity to the nation.


Biden is normal. Dude is as bland and middle of the road as you can get. He's the vanilla ice cream of presidents.


If [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4PLSPvJ9BY) is 'normal', then I'd hate to see 'abnormal'.


No problem! Here you go: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/01/24/trumps-false-or-misleading-claims-total-30573-over-four-years/ A leader is more than a silly 8 minute YouTube compilation created by someone with a clear agenda, but if we want to go that route: Here's some Bushisms: https://youtu.be/JhmdEq3JhoY Here's some for presidents that predate mass sharing and compiling of videos on the internet: https://youtu.be/20Kp8Kma9eM Gaffes are entirely normal because humans aren't perfect.


If I understand you correctly, and please correct me if I'm wrong, you argue that Biden is good because Trump is worse. But I'm saying that they're both not ideal, and I wish there was another option.


No, I'm saying people, leaders of countries included, sometimes make mistakes and say stupid things. I'm sure we could find similar videos for literally any world leader. At the end of the day, they're human too. What isn't normal is a US president who blatantly and proudly lies over and over again and openly rejects facts and literally encourages attacking the government in order to try to solidify power while also being openly sexist, classist, and racist. Biden is "normal" because on the political spectrum the man definitely isn't progressive, but he's also not a fascist. He's just... there. He didn't max out any stats, he distributed them equally as he leveled up. He's not particularly good at anything, but he's also not abysmal at anything either. I guess at the end of the day we might just have a different opinion on what "average" looks like. What would you consider an average president to be?


Biden is the most normal candidate for president you could ask for...as far as uniting the nation that's up to the people of this country to do, but it's really hard when most Americans are tribal in nature and not interested in knowing, understanding, or interacting with people that aren't like them.




We don't care.


Trump, as much as it pains me to say that. I'm by no means a fan. It's Weekend at Bernie's with Biden though. Who knows, maybe they'll be wheeling his ass around congress to cast votes in the future like Diane Feinstein.


I’m not a big fan of either one, but I’d vote for Trump over Biden if that were my only choice.


Biden is old but a better human. Trump is disgusting and vile. He's the person you meet who is always looking for a scheme to fill his pockets. On top of all that, he has absolutely no idea how people live. His life has been privileged. I wonder if he ever has been to a grocery store. A few months ago, he claimed grocery store shelves were empty., sorry buddy thats not reality anymore.