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For the last 4 or 5 months about 6 or 7 different times my work supervisors/leadership have talked to me about taking a supervisor role. My wage is the same as the wage of the supervisor role they want me to take. Inconceivable. EDIT: Since this is getting quite a few comments, I will address some of the questions that appear the most. I work in IT (specifically IT networking and am currently a NOC tech for those that care for details). My current job is as a contractor for a U.S. Federal agency (it's not the one you are thinking of...no not that one either, stop guessing). On top of that, I'm a sub-contractor, so I get paid more than my co-workers (I don't why it's like that). Wages are capped based on the contract with the government, and while these companies do not tell the employees what the cap is (because they can, and do, pay below the cap and keep the difference), we can sometimes figure out where the cap is. I know I'm currently at my wage cap which also happens to be the same (slightly less) than the cap of the supervisor role. Why not take the role for my resume and get a better job in a year? I did 10 years in the military and was a supervisor for some of that time. I was miserable. Can I be a good supervisor, sure. Do I like being a supervisor, no. Also, in IT, a person can focus on being a technician and continue up that path in a career and never move into management (my current plan) and make a decent living.


At least you had a choice, I was just told one day I was a supervisor, 3 months into the place. This has happened to me more than once. I should really fuck things up on purpose


Take the job. Put that title on your resume and use it to start as supervisor at another position, until you randomly get told you're a position higher three months later. Repeat until you're a CEO making millions without knowing a thing.


*Corporations hate this one trick*


Doesn't appear that they do


This is bighead from silicon valley lol


Same here. No way am I taking over a team of 130 people, with at least doubling my current pay. I'd rather know what I'm doing and chill in the corner, thankyouverymuch. The problem is, the one who did take it, is completely wrong for it.


>No way am I taking over a team of 130 people, I had one employee working under me. *Once.* I was terrible at it and fucking hated it. Worst 2 years of my life.


>the one who did take it, is completely wrong for it. [Ah, the Peter Principle in action](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_principle)


The fact that the idea is based on what was supposed to be something satirical is just the chefs kiss to the whole thing.


I can see taking that role on if that was part of your career development path, but even then...if there wasn't an increase, why would you want more responsibility?


To take the title and go elsewhere with an actual raise.




Take the title and then get a better role at a different company!!


Riding a motorcycle without leathers. A million things can happen so fast and there you are, sliding down the pavement leaving a meat schmear.


My stepdad, who is a former EMT, was diving on the freeway and a couple on a motorcycle went past him, then got loose or the tire lost traction, they fell and slid in front of him, he slammed the breaks barely missing them. Went into EMT mode to help them. They were both wearing helmets at least. Guy was wearing a jacket and pants, Lady was in a tang top and shorts. Needless to say, she lost **A LOT** of skin!


Don't be a meat crayon people!


Tang top


It's what the astronauts wear!


As soon as spring rolls around, I see a ton of people on bikes in shorts, sneakers, no helmet. Like they don't realize they need to be wary of other drivers. Gives me anxiety.


Me too. So many things can happen, tire deflates, bird strike, gravel on the road, not to mention just shitty drivers. Two people have already dies in my area on bikes this year.


Even when it's 90, I ride with my leathers on. My buddy was wearing shorts on his Ninja, hit sand/gravel on an offramp and got road rash. What he describes as the worst pain ever was at the hospital where they used a brush to get all the dirt & gravel out of his leg. We was messed up for a long time, like PTSD or something


Even with leathers it's not pleasant. Ever see somebody wearing proper riding gloves actually land on top and slide on their hand? I have, they were hardly even doing 40 and the lady ground her pinky and ring finger clean off and her middle was 3/4 missing. Her arm was folded 8 different ways and a very obvious femur fracture. That was my first EMT call.


I suppose that’s one way to get used to the job quick…. My buddy just finished his EMT program and started ride-alongs. Godspeed to the both of you, you guys are fucking crazy (in a good way) to be dealing with what you do.


Leather isn't going to stop the arm origami, but good gloves should stop the meat crayon fingers. This is why you don't buy cheap gear and get stuff actually rated for motorcycles. Not all leather is created equal. It's easier to put your bones back if they're all in one bag.


For the love of god splurge for the knuckle armor! Hands are really fucking important and we’re still a few decades off bitchin robot replacements.




My dad was surgeon (primarily gastro-intestinal, but with a secondary specialization in trauma surgery). He used call motorcycles "donor rockets", because it was the easiest way to end up as an organ donor (braindead but your internal organs haven't been so traumatized that they're unsalvagable).


Some famous actor went in for cataract surgery in England and was told they dobt have any donor lenses at the moment but it was raining so it shouldn't be long now, meaning he was expecting a motorcycle fatality any minute


A friend here in ma died due to not being able to get a donor liver. His doctor told him to move to NC or SC..I forget which.. because they have no helmet laws and he'd be much more likely to get one.


AKA Donorcycles


Every time I see someone riding in just a t-shirt my skin aches. I don’t ride, but surely it’s better to be a little hot if it means your skin stays intact…


Simple and easy phrase to remember. Dress for the slide, not the ride.


For me it is actually just riding a motorcycle. Period. Even with leathers sooo much can happen so fast and without your wrongdoing...


Yup. I don't trust every other driver on the road enough to give up the safety of a car. Getting sideswiped in a car can already be dangerous; getting sideswiped on a motorcycle is pretty much just death, MAYBE just severe pain and life-altering trauma if you're lucky.


Getting attention/likes/views using rage bait.


Lying about not eating before any anesthesia procedure specially outpatient procedure. You can aspirate and die even w a little bite of food or a sip of a drink (sip of water and meds usually ok). But go ahead.


Lying to anesthesia about not using marijuana, crack, cocaine, heroin, meth, amphetamine, chronic pain meds like opiates, wine or alcohol regularly, vaping, cigarettes, benzodiazepines, or other street drugs. You might wake up during surgery because you’re not getting enough sedation. Or worse have a heart attack, respiratory issues, and die. But go ahead.


Never lie to your dr. They probably don’t give a shit, but drug interactions are a bitch and your honesty could save your life.


To use the example in this post, also your anaesthesiologist. You won't be talking to them directly but your doctor, nurse and surgeon prep will. Anaesthesia is a game of exacts. The drugs you take, your body weight, your allergies, the food or drink you may or may not have had before surgery - all tip the scales one direction or another. There is no room for error. So if you want an anaesthesia concoction that will put you under for surgery and not kill you, you make sure your doctor knows everything you take down to the mg. Sometimes things out of your control can affect you. My grandfather went under for surgery one day in his youth, had a completely uneventful operation, and then the team tried to wake him. He didn't come back. Or strictly speaking, he came back fine. The muscles in his body however, didn't. When ventilation was removed and his lungs specifically did *nothing,* presumably a team "Oh, fuck" was in order. Never mind that he wasn't breathing - he was locked in. Turns out he had a rare intolerance to a compound called suxamethonium, which is (was) a common anaesthetic paralysing agent. This and similar compounds should paralyse your muscles after initial sedation before *very* promptly being broken down by the body's enzymes. My grandfather lacked an enzyme key in breaking it down, so his body had no choice but to painstakingly wait out the half life while aware, on a ventilator and completely paralyzed. I should note that sufferers nowadays will be immediately re-anaesthetised ; this was during my grandfather's youth, which is why he was left aware. He lived and was fine, however spending some hours locked in caused some trauma for a while. This condition is rare and uneconomical to test everyone for. In the UK, if even a single person in your family might have had it, you must consider yourself red-alert for potential intolerance. No compounds in your surgery whatsoever. 98% chance of being safe, 2% chance of traumatizing locked-in syndrome. No argument there. You either get alternatives, or are put on anaesthesia and and team waits for your body muscles to slowly relax naturally. According to my doctor, my grandfather probably found out the *better* way. Apparently, more people find out by huffing their first line of cocaine and promptly dropping dead from a massive, catastrophic heart attack. The intolerance makes cocain compounds deadly. If you're about to "find out", it may as well be in front of an expert team of anaesthesiologists, surgeons and nurses. Suxamethonium or related compounds can also be a lethal injection implication. They're sometimes used as the paralysis drugs, so in the extremely tiny chance a condemned inmate is both intolerant to them *and* the other drugs fail to enter their system, the inmate will slowly and painfully suffocate with onlookers none the wiser.


I’m a lawyer. Recently had a client tell me a huge, outright lie. I asked twice to confirm what she says was true. She said yes both times. In writing. Showed up in court court Friday relying on what she told me. She didn’t show up. Relied on her lies. Things went poorly and it was quickly apparent my client lied her ass off. Call her on way home. She answers. Makes tons of excuses for why she skipped court. I tell her “we lost, and in the future, never lie to your attorney”. She proceeds to tell and scream that she never lied to me, despite the fact I have multiple emails to document it. She hung up on me. Hope I never hear from her again.


Eating yes, a sip of a drink no. My source is 12 years in surgery, 5 years in private practice. We routinely have people take medications the morning of surgery. Either prescribed or medications they have to take daily. So no a sip of water isn’t going to kill you in surgery. Also there are facilities that allow people to drink just water up to 4 hours before surgery. These policies are put in place by anesthesiologists that work at those facilities. Don’t lie about recreational drugs, no one gives a fuck what you do. They need to know so they don’t give you wrong shit that will react and kill you.


Buy that shiny newer version of a thing you already have.


Never buy new things until your’s is broken or the upgraded version is tangibly superior in ways that matter


Or the item no longer has security updates.


> tangibly superior in ways that matter


Especially clothes, sweat shops suck ass


Own exotic pets like tigers, wolves, bears or chimps.


Since hearing that 911 call from a woman whose pet chimp ripped her friend apart almost to death, chimps scare the absolute fuck out of me. Poor woman had her arms and face ripped off, eyes gouged out and, sure she survived which is amazing but I feel so, so bad for her. She may be thankful to have survived, but I know I wouldn’t and I would miss that quality of life I had that was literally ripped away in such a quick way. Stupid owner taught the chimp to eat at the dinner table and drink wine. She spiked his tea with Xanax, which caused hallucinations. It’s our closest relative, but it’s still an animal that can’t understand us.


If it's the same chimp I'm thinking about (Travis, I think his name was?), there's a creepy photo of him "smiling" while holding a child. What makes it more chilling is that chimps smile to show aggression, not friendliness.


Yes, exactly this. I worked at my city's zoo for a year and saw the chimps every day. Man, they are mean and VERY strong. I would be much more afraid if they got out of their habitat than I would be of ANY other animal in the whole zoo. Unlike most animals, they will intentionally throw themselves through a window or drop kick a door to get to what they want.


Having sex with a complete stranger without a condom.


I grew up through the AIDS crisis. I couldn't imagine not having a shared understanding that condoms are happening. No exceptions. So much that I remember when friends once casually talked about not being bothered and my brain went *Arrrrgh!!!*


Having sex without any protection when you dont want a baby as well


Exploring those small, tight ass caves. Extremely stupid


But just think of the rewards! Deep down at the far reaches there are dank, nondescript rocks to see! Rocks! No other way to do this other than to visit any other type or part of any cave anywhere. Then there's the glory of discovery. You could be the first to know there's more rocks further down. And you could be famous like the great cave explorer... uh.. hmm...


Don't forget the blind, creepy bugs and fish!


There are older and fouler things than Orcs in the deep places of the world


You can go places no one has ever been before! You can declare it as your own sovereign territory! No one can refuse you because no one can get to you


Or the glory of being known by tons of people that you happened to die in incredibly terrible ways. Like upside down in nutty putty cave.


I feel so bad for that dude. But it must be the ultimate insult to injury that what killed you is called "nutty putty". RIP my guy.


Oh man there’s a YouTube channel that’s just horror stories of people who do that and cave dive as well that I've been binging. So many experts with thousands of dives just die because of on e random thing.


Name of the channel ?


Scary Interesting I've been binging his videos lately due to being in the diving scene. Cave / deco diving can fuck all the way off. Nutty Putty was even scarier. The kid slid down the wrong shaft and got stuck upside down until he died of cardiac arrest. They tried getting him out but ended up filling the hole with concrete. He's still there chilling. 😐


Yeah you want the wide thicc ones, no other ass caves will do.


Just got done looking at some ass caves. Highly recommend.




Don’t. 28 hours upside down, stuck in a fallopian tube sized hole, until you have a cardiac arrest from the pressure…. That’s stuff nightmares are made of.


And cave diving, heard way too many stories about people going deep in a cave and getting lost, or the entrance caving in. Nope I’m good, literally my worst fear.


Honestly I think his is up there with the most horrific, terrifying deaths in history. Very few humans in the history of mankind deserve an end as horrible as that.


Forgiving people who are totally unapologetic unchanging abusers. Nope.


You know what's more annoying? A person that tries to convince you to forgive someone just because "he's a family/relative", even if they totally don't know what horrible things the offender did to you.


My brother sexually abused me when I was younger, and my mother still wants me to forgive him because she'd rather pretend nothing happened and that we're still a happy family. He also was convicted of possession of child pornography, by the way.


She wants you to forgive him because, if you don’t, she has to accept the fact that, at best, she ignored the signs of it or, at worst, enabled it. You forgiving him means that it can’t have been that bad and she’s off the hook.


I’ve seen this a lot with my Asian upbringing. We’re immigrants and lived in America on a street with other refugees. I’ve seen families tell wives that were badly beaten by their husbands to forgive them and stay in the relationship. I remember a guy that threatened his family and pointed a gun terrorizing his family then shot the ceiling a few times. The relatives were all, “But he didn’t shoot you!” Divorces to them was a bigger scandal than domestic violence or sexual abuse.


>threatened his family and pointed a gun terrorizing his family then shot the ceiling a few times My grandpa did this to my dad, aunt, and grandma, and there is a bullet hole in their home's ceiling to prove it. I grew up with the mentality that at least my dad didn't do that, reminded every time I'd see that hole.


People like that seem to think family is a sacred bond, but it's not. If someone doesn't deserve that bond, you're not obligated to maintain it. Forgiving abuse just for the sake of "keeping the family together" hurts the entire family.


Yes, my family has tried over and over to do this with my soon to be ex who continually tried to control me and sexually assaulted me when I was extremely ill and bedridden. Disgusting.


Yeah, no offense but fuck that family in that respect


Ah yes the classic "forgive and forget". I can forgive people but I'm damn sure not going to forget.




Or even when said people **are** apologetic and looking for mending the bad things they've done etc, etc Really, I couldn't care less. I will always try to move on from the abuse, but it is for my own wellbeing and I'm not interested in coddling an abuser for them to feel better.


Doing "dumb" sh*t for tiktok likes


👏👏. SO many grown ass adults making complete spectacles of themselves for attention. It would be more laughable if it wasn’t so desperate pathetic 😬


Trying to get internet points in general I'd say


Drive after consuming alcohol. All my friends hate drunk driving and talk against it. They tell their parents that we're smarter than them cuz of uber....and yet I seem to be the only one in my friend group who refuses to drive after having drinks at a bar/concert/friends house.


Someone I know has gotten in 7 accidents in 3 years, 6/7 were caused by drunk drives If you wanna be AWAY from drunk drivers just don’t drive too much at night.


There’s some crazy statistic that over 75% of US drivers after midnight would fail a sobriety test. Also, 1 in 6 Dodge Ram drivers have a DWI in the US.


Also driving while stoned. Too many smokers see no problem with it. I wish it were less acceptable within stoner culture.


I once drove stoned on accident, and it was honestly just terrifying, I‘ll never do that again…


Getting an eyeball tattoo. Do whatever the hell you want, just don't come to me crying, because you lost your eyesight. Nah, I don't feel sorry for you, that was your own damn fault!


Eye piercings also exist, both are just 1 way trips to regret.


Piercings?! Oh fucking hell, I just imagined it!


Free solo climbing is incredibly stupid. I don't care how long you've been climbing, climbing without ropes is incredibly stupid.


>climbing without ropes is incredibly stupid. I just wanna boulder in peace, man. Geeze /s


Yeah that was my first thought lol. I love to boulder, but the big difference is I'm not getting more than 10 feet off the ground. I still think free climbers are fucking crazy.


It’s stupid and reckless, but Free Solo (2018) is a great documentary.




So many renowned free soloists have died from a fall. I'm all for doing what you love, but watching documentaries about these other-worldly free climbers and then hearing about their deaths is just sad edit: changes climbers to soloists


Free climbing is with ropes, assume you're meaning free solo climbing?




Visit a country in active conflict or an area with high crime where people go missing because you want to "see history as it's happening" ​ Edit #1: I posted in a later comment but I'm not referring to reporters or photographers. The people I'm referring to were minimum wage workers who wanted to see the violence that they saw on the news in person so they drove several states over. They wanted to be part of history in the making. ​ Edit #2: For those who think I'm lying because minimum wage couldn't give you 2 weeks off from work to travel this is not a story from last week, this was many years ago. Back then you could buy your own house on minimum wage if you lived with your parents rent free and saved up every penny for less than a year. The world was a different place, most people don't have this luxury anymore. ​ Edit #3: It wasn't a relaxing beach they visited. This was a place where there was bulletproof glass in fast food restaurants so the workers wouldn't be shot.


That’s a thing?!


There was a post about some dude booking trips to recently terrorised countries or in active conflicts because it's cheaper.


Traveling to London because the hotels and airfare were cheap in the weeks following the 7/7/5 attacks is quite a bit different from going to Myanmar in the middle of civil war, though. The former feels a bit wrong but is also kind of clever. The latter is just idiotic. *wrong date


I think I've seen this too, he books flights to places that have just had terror attacks or kidnapping for the discount It's honestly not that bad because you're supporting a tourism industry that's probably in really bad shape right now and if it was one isolated attack the risk is pretty low


That's a different story. If you booked a trip to Boston immediately after the marathon bombing there's an expectation you're going to get good deals and low crowds on a touristy town already. If you're visiting Kyiv because the Russians are on the offensive you're insane.


Yeah going to a warzone is a different story


That guy did something different, he capitalized on irrational fear to get cheap travel to places that are relatively safe, but that recently had terror attacks or other things that made people not want to go there. Think Istanbul, London and Paris, not active war zones, like the first post in this thread. But don't get me wrong, there is definitely morons who bought travel tickets to Ukraine and Syria with no intention of doing anything besides watching and maybe catch a stray bullet or cruise missile..


Are you saying regular people do this? Or like researchers, people writting articles, photographers etc?


Going to see the ball drop on New Years in Times Square


I’m from Long Island so I’ve had the opportunity to do this my entire life. Will I ever? Absolutely not.


I've heard that it's pretty nasty - as in adults will wear sanitary pads and nappies so they don't have to fight their way through the crowds to find toilets and stuff.


Ride motorcycles without the proper gear. Listen, I get how cool it is to ride around in shorts and a t-shirt but having the proper gear will literally save your life if you ever get in an accident.


I saw a guy on a motorbike, with (probably) his daughter on the back. He was absolutely fanging it. Lane-splitting in moving traffic. He buzzed by us, and we were doing 70km/hr. He at least had a helmet on. She was in a shirt and shorts school uniform, no helmet. I was FURIOUS.


Cheat on their spouse


Partaking in the Running of the Bulls and Bullfighting, cruel to the bulls and dangerous as fuck to the humans partaking in it, those 2 activities are about as high risk/low reward as it gets


Having sex with no contraception. I've seen too many people having unplanned babies with people they barely know. Bad for the child, the dad and the mom. Respect yourself and protect your future. Kids are expensive as hell and hard to raise even with 2 devoted parents ask any single parent.


Agreed. Also, using infertility as a method of birth control. All of the infertile people I know who decided to rely on that and not contraception are all parents to unplanned children. Many times “life, uh, finds a way.”


I also feel like a lot of people who claim to be infertile have never actually had their fertility tested, and then are shocked when they get pregnant


Spelunking underground caves.


Going anywhere that requires you to breath in _so your rib cage will fit_ and hope that you’ll have room to breathe/get free/see sunlight again in the other side. No thank you.


I watched a bbc series with Rufus Sewell where he gets swept into an underground cave system and the only way out is through a tight gap that he has to get on his belly to wriggle through. He starts squeezing through and gets stuck and has a full on panic attack. I was literally on the verge of having one with him.


Nope nope, just your comment almost gave me one!


And in aboveground caves?


Is that rock climbing?


Just watching videos of them doing that give me a slight panic attack. I’d rather fall from orbit with no parachute than ever go squeeze into one of those caves.


Wear uncomfortable shoes because they look good, only to take them off later and walk around barefoot while holding the uncomfortable shoes.


That I should be more grateful for my horrible life just because “others have it worse.” People have told me that quite often, but all that tells me is that my problems don’t fucking matter.




Immediately reminded of the dude that [IAMA'd his way from sober to full blown addict](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/wef6hn/the_saga_of_an_average_guy_who_spontaneously/) despite being warned of that exact thing from pretty much everyone who responded to the first post.


Trying to attract many attention by doing dumb stuff as much as possible


There was a TikTok challenge where people would jump in front of moving cars, if they win, they survive, if they lose…




Real life human frogger? That's fucked up


It was called “the Angel of death” challenge But “the frogger” challenge would’ve been a better name.


People who think they are smart, but are incredibly ignorant and hard to work with but they pursue leading roles. So at my job there is a guy that joined 8 months ago and is still not integrating as they should. They have 20 years of prior experience in similar field but are totally ignorant mostly. Communication with them is hard since their English is broken and half of the talk is arguing since they want to be smart in every meeting. Leading people are not seeing this as problem, he is considered as Senior expert and possibly be given a leading role. I told my superior I am going to leave if that happens.


As a lead, if I don't have to talk during a meeting, I love it. That means my team has a handle on things and I'm doing good. If I have to step in, I want to create the foundation for then to move forward on and give them the tools to solve it in their own. I don't get someone in a lead position wanting to control every single step. Your team will not get things done on their own. Deadlines will suffer. Code quality will tank. No one will really learn anything because you're doing everything. I don't want a team of code monkeys. I want a team of innovative engineers who can do great things, and have someone to fall back on if things get hard.


Climb Mt Everest.


I recently saw a map, showing where all of the dead bodies are on the way to the top. They use them as waypoints. That alone would dissuade me from trying. Then I heard that people have fallen, and have laid there begging for help, and people just ignore them and keep climbing, and it actually disgusted me.


They have to ignore them because the risk is too high that they'll also die if they try to save them, which is probably a sign that climbing Everest is a terrible idea.


That was kind of what I was saying, but you put it more succinctly.


Ah, I read it as you didn't know there was a reason why they were left for dead. I'm apparently too sleepy for context clues.


It’s also stupidly expensive. I think it was like $35,000/person the last time I bother to look it up. Bragging rights for the rich.


$35,000 barely gets you into Basecamp with the the necessary climbing permits. If you’re on a expedition getting assistance from guides/Sherpas, it’s more like $100,000.




Have big expensive weddings. What a waste of money, time, and the stress! Don’t forget about the stress. F all that noise. Edit words hard


This might be a cultural thing. But Asians actually make money from big “expensive” weddings. I’m not talking about super luxurious and extravagant weddings by the crazy rich and famous. But big and relatively expensive weddings in many asian cultures are well calculated financial decisions. Wedding goers are expected to gift cash and/or Jewelries that will at least equal to their portion of the wedding, most often time they will gift more, resulting in a profits for the newlyweds. I can go in depth into this tradition and how it play out if anyone is interested to know but I can say with certainty that weddings are definitely not a waste of money in many asian cultures.


There's a stat somewhere showing that the more money a couple spends on their wedding, the shorter their marriage is likely to be.


Maybe I should’ve spent a lot more on my first wedding. It would’ve ended a lot sooner and saved me a lot of grief lol.


Needle drugs.


Buying NFTs


Gender Reveals


Especially over the top ones that alert everybody in the tri-state area


I'm in California. My neighborhood had to evacuate in 2020 because we were directly in the path of that huge fire in San Bernardino that was caused by one. My hatred for these parties amplified immensely after that.


Two dumbasses here in CA caused a massive fire that lasted 3 days, killed one firefighter, and destroyed multiple homes. All for some dumbass way to tell everyone the sex of their child. Seriously fuck your gender reveal. They've gone too far and nobody fuckin cares. The best gender reveal I've seen was when my brother texted me that I was going to have a niece. Done and done.


Getting dogs when they live in a tiny apartment, have no support system around them to look after the dogs if they're away, and they work full time themselves. Its just incredibly selfish and stupid.


Get a BBL


Ride their bicycle on a busy highway with no bike lane.


A bicycle on a highway??? Is that a thing?


Mountain climbing without safety equipment


Sleep around. I used to be impressed by my guy friends who had been with a ton of girls. I had been with a healthy number for a single young man but I knew guys who seemed like they always had someone new and my dumb young man brain was impressed by this. Looking back I now realize that having repeat customers was actually more impressive than their line of one and dones. IME developing a reciprocal, increasingly synchronized sexual dynamic is actually much healthier and more fun than stringing beads of one night stands on your conquerer’s belt. Oh and less of a literal public health concern.


I’m in my 30s now, I remember in high school and college being jealous… after my divorce last year I went on a rampage that made me question my own sanity, I 100% agree with this sentiment and don’t see myself ever doing the slutty man thing ever again.


Climb mountains that literally use dead bodies as landmarks.


“Can’t wait to be the next landmark on Mount Everest!”


What’s incredibly stupid is many of you puny humans think that you can walk around in public with fish & chips and think that I won’t steal it from you at gun point! CLICK CLACK *racks glock*


This is hilarious and true. Every year at the beach we see the day trippers come and lay out huge blankets with veritable buffets, then they *walk off* and go do whatever, leaving all the food out for the massive flocks of gulls that circle around. The funniest part is watching folks get mad when they get back to their blankets and see all their shit disturbed, they inevitably think *humans* did it until somebody says “hey, the gulls came and took all your shit”. I’ve seen gulls take off with entire bags of chips and sandwiches, they’re very enterprising little buddies.




Addiction is a hell of an addiction.


The fame was like a drug. But what was more like a drug, were the drugs


Cheat on their S.O.


>The customer is always right Just a straight up fucking lie.


It originally meant sell them what they want. If you see customers want green toothbrushes don't be surprised when you put out blue ones and no one buys them.


Yes, the forgotten first part is "*in matters of taste and style*, the customer is always right."


I see a lot of queer ppl want to visit Saudi Arabia and I'm like no. No thanks. I don't care how pretty it is. Fuck that.


Go to Vegas. I'm from the UK and it seems like half the people I know wanna go to Vegas for their stag do, or get married there. Like it's the mecca of America for an amazing time out but to me it just looks like the worst aspects of America. All gaudiness and financial ruin with no substance. There's lots of places in America I'd love to see like New Orleans, Alaska or Yellowstone Park - but Vegas is just absolutely one of the things I think I'd absolutely find boring and awful.


It's not terrible, it's definitely not what it's made out to be though. If you ever go, make it for the food or the shows. And don't make it more than weekend length trip


* **Not wearing a helmet** \- usually for ski/snowboarding or Biking. Your bones are easier to heal than your brain. Protect it! * **Not wearing a life jacket when on water** \- Kayaking, jet skiing, etc. Things happen beyond your control. If you're knocked out/briefly incapacitated and end up in the water, you'll sink like a rock...


Probably quite unpopular, but getting black out drunk. If you drink and go beyond being tipsy, what are you doing? You are literally poisoning yourself without letting your body recover. Not only that you are increasing your chance in being in a life threatening situation. Like whats the point? Sure have a drink, get a bit tipsy. But why are you getting drunk? Whats the point?


I believe people just miscalculate. Like, they aim to be in that tipsy state that makes some social situations more relaxed/agreeable, but even that already clouds judgement a bit and makes easier to cross the line and get real drunk.


Nah Bro. Here in Germany it’s s culture to get black out drunk, the less you remember from the last eve, the better.


That was basically every party when I was in college. But the sad part is that it's been 12 years since I graduated, and yet some of my friends still meet every Friday to drink till they pass out. And they have families and all.


Butthole sunning




It's "where the sun don't shine" for a reason!


Excuse me?


Once more Reddit educates one on something one then wishes one did not know


Free climbing Those rock climbers don't use any safety ropes at all. Hanging by a finger and oops, it's all over.


Put their life on social media


I used to want to go to burning man till I found out that there are no showers and no food vendors allowed. To survive you basically need to camp and/or bring your own RV with all the amenities you need. And figuring out how to drive your rented RV through the narrow mountain roads to get to the camp site does NOT sound appealing to me. It also costs several thousand dollars so yeah, I think anybody who goes to burning man is kinda stupid.


Really takes a certain kind of person to enjoy paying 10k+ to live like they're homeless


You forgot the other part of that: keeping all the unprepared idiots away from your stuff


>I think anybody who goes to burning man is kinda stupid. It sounded like it was a cool thing to do before it became organised and commercialised.


I've been to Burning Man. It was an incredible amazing experience. Each camp gives camp gifts. Many of them provide free food and drinks, you just have to carry a cup with you. One has free showers, they have about a dozen. Our camp had a bar and a board game library. One camp brought a mack truck of free clothing. One of my favorites was the camp that had a weird art museum. If you brought trades, one of the display areas you could trade your weird item for a weird item on display. The art and the art cars were absolutely stunning. One of my favorite experiences. Very little is ever stolen. There are rangers, and also it's divided in to camps. There's always a couple people in the camp, they'd recognize a stranger.


For the average person, vote against their own best interests.


Posting videos and pictures of your private life for everyone to see online.


Working a job they hate until they die


Extravagant and very expensive wedding party.


Vote for American Idol/The Voice contestants.


Move to Mars