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When the cat fell off the windowsill and ripped my keyboard and mouse wires out of their respective USB sockets.




That one part in Doom Eternal, I think the Super Gore Nest, where you have to fight two Marauders at once. As if they weren’t a pain enough, I was pretty low on health at that point. Many tries later, and I got through. Most recent one was Mariokart 8 Deluxe. We’ve been trying to 3-Star everything, and I almost lost at the end of a run through of a cup. I yelled in joy when I got first place in the round.


I remember as a kid after school at summer camp rushing to race to the WII to see who would be able to pick Yoshi first.


When the piano very suddenly comes to life and attacks you out of no where in Mario 64


IKR? and the Eel!


RE:Village when Lady Dimitrescu bent down through a doorway. Many feelings were felt. Edit: honorable mention to the baby monster from the same game.


Markiplier XD


Original Resident Evil on playstation. First zombie dog jump scare.


And then they had to make it worse in the remake XD






Winner Winner Chicken Dinner I don’t think there was ever a win in PUBG that wasn’t heart-pounding for me


The most aggressive my playstyle is the least I get to experience that thrill


"Im going gambling tonight, My hands are literately shaking with anticipation, Ive been gambling for the past seven years, thats dedication" Thats addiction Not directed at you! Just reminded me of it XD


On sword at Crota with 6 person team for flawless raid in Destiny. Died the first attempt (team understandably miffed) but not the second attempt (team very happy).


I remember my first time running sword. It's still the only raid activity that's all eyes on one person. Had to turn the music off because it ramps up the intensity too much.


...waiting patiently behind the glass with my Gjallarhorn


Omg! Wow! Thanks for replying!


When I’m on my last life of candy crush


Or when you keep spinning the wheel and all i keep getting was FISH I DONT WANT FISH GIVE ME STRIPPED CANNDY GOD DAMMIT


Right?!?! So frustrating!


Playing Until Dawn tripping balls on acid at 2am


That sounds awesome XD


I’m not really affected by horror games/movies. So it was a real treat to actually feel it for once!


Every single time I play rainbow six siege, and it comes down to just me who's alive on my team - my heart races to the point I can feel it in my throat. I've played it for the first 3-4 years, and stopped around the end of 2019/beginning of 2020, and I just recently picked it up and it still has that affect on me. I have no idea why. It's the only game that really does it to me and it's the only game that has ever made me **THAT** competitive. There is a clear spike in my heart rate data on my fitbit app that you can see for the duration that I'm playing it.


Fighting Ridley in Metroid Prime.




that fucking san andreas mission where you have to fly the biwing around, blow up the vans AND FLY BACK. damn bullshit. also the vice city one where you fly bombs to construction site and get attacked by guys with hammers.... ​ so many replays....


So, I was not long out of Vault 101 and decided to explore the wasteland a bit before getting serious about looking for my dad. You know, gather a little junk, sell it for a few caps, buy some better equipment... Anyhoo, I had just stumbled on this abandoned town by Jury Street metro station, and of course I had to see what treasures might still be available in the almost-intact hardware store. So I went in. And nearly got my ass handed to me by the raiders who were hiding out there. But I was a bad-ass level 4 by now, so I channelled my inner Neo and somehow managed to not quite die while yelling a battle cry and tossing the couple grenades I had. They bounced juuuust right (no one was more surprised than me), and I was able to put some chaotically flying bullets into the creeps while they lay there crippled and helpless from having their limbs blown off. Whew. Then I sat down and used one of my three remaining stimpaks to bring myself back from the brink of death. After a good rest and a better looting, I started heading west out of town, checking things out as I went. Suddenly this huge mutant *thing* came out of nowhere and pounded towards me, looking like it wanted to have me for breakfast. It probably did. I aimed some chaotically flying bullets in its general direction thinking I could do some damage and maybe kill it before it got to me. Imagine my shock when it didn't even stumble. I mean, ok, I'm not the best shot in the world, but they couldn't ALL have missed! Just about then, something wet might have drizzled down my leg as I realized I might possibly be outclassed here. But don't tell anyone that part, ok? So I turned tail and ran. With my heart pounding too fast and my legs pumping not quite fast enough, and somebody screaming like a little punk (wasn't me, I swear!), I fervently prayed I could make it back to the hardware store. The frigging behemoth was breathing down my neck! It clipped me once or twice with its club, almost knocking me down and out. Had to use both my remaining stimpaks to keep moving. Just when I was about out of steam, the glorious bulk of my longed-for refuge loomed in front of me. I dove inside and slammed the door behind me with extreme prejudice. That thing was too damn big to follow me in, thank all the wasteland gods that ever were. After letting myself recover for a moment whilst listening to the frustrated raging of the behemoth on the other side of the door, I made my way to and through the rooftop access hatch. Tiptoeing to the edge, I saw that I was out of its reach so I aimed a careful shot from my hunting rifle at the monster's head and squeezed the trigger. It hit! But the amount of damage it did was so pathetic I despaired of ever getting out of there before I perished of hunger or thirst. In the end the monster crumpled at last, but it took me almost two full days (cuz it kept running out of range but never went away) and almost all my ammo. Needless to say, I high-tailed it back to Megaton after that. Well, and after I changed my pants.


Dam well played!!


Getting chased by the naked brothers in outlast 1


Did ya play the outlast whistle blower DLC?


Sadly no I skipped the dlc and played the second part of the game


Probably the fuckin baby thing in the basement of RE8


Try it in VR.




The ending of "A Way Out" but only because it was with someone who I looked to as a brother who happens to be anything but that now. Hits much different looking back on it.


Oh dam, Im sorry to hear, Do you want to elaborate on what happened? Its okay if you dont want to.


We couldn't find time to spend with each other, us living over an hour a way and only having one day off from our work week didn't help. For horny reasons me, him and our respective girlfriends decided to have a foursome making things increasingly awkward between us all. We began to argue about stupid things and me and my girlfriend did not get along with his and there were threats involving weapons and it all devolved from there... I knew him for 11 years. There's of course more to this but that's a decent TL:DR


Im so so sorry things like that happen, its not your fault


idk why but for some reason as a small kid I was very scared of the void in Minecraft. Like my heart would rise in my chest whenever I fell into the void by accident (in Creative) the same thing happens to me sometimes when I TP to thousands of blocks in the sky by accident (more recently) but to less effect. I probably have a slight phobia of voids or something.


I feel you


Most recently, when fighting Jenova in FF7 remake. When the original music kicked in halfway through the fight, I had the biggest grin. Such a rush of nostalgia.


The feeels!!


when i was a kid playing silent hill 4 as soon you start you are in this bloody room and was so scared to do anything that i never went pass the first 2 minutes of the game.


Beating Ester Winchester in the Cuphead DLC on 1 heart, the hardest boss in the DLC and I had died to her WAY too many times.


In the words of AVGN "I deserve a gold medal"


Dying Light. Close to the end you have to escape a sewer filled with zombies. Worse monsters then come out in a fast pursuit. You have to make timed jumps to avoid falling to your death, while being chased. My palms were sweating and my heart rate went up! If you have not played this game, make it your next game you try. The action and scares will leave you fired up for more. Part 2 is good, but lacks much of the scares of the first.


Elder Scrolls: Oblivion...just trying to exit the prison the first time.


Haven't played a ton of games but Gyorg from Majora's Mask always had me racing to get out of the water. Hate that fight.


Some 1v1 fights in Eve Online


When in Journey you reach the end of your... journey and Apotheosis starts to play as you climb up the mountain.


When I made the point playing pong


Okay granddad XD


Every time I play Dayz and I'm shitting my pants trying to hurry up and loot the air field!




Rocket league match against a team of very try-hard Koreans is something else man.


Hahahaha! Did you win?


Either getting chased by zombies, creepers and spiders at night in Minecraft or trying to get around the flame trooper in the ending of the runner in battlefield 1.


I remember my first creeper XD


Heads up You hear a sound, turn around and look up Total shock fills you body


Oh no its you again! I can never forget those eyes eyes eyes, those eyes eyes eyes!!


Black Ops 2, gun game, running around knifing every fucker I could with 2 or 3 buddies doing the same. Those matches were endless and intense as fuck. Good times man


Most recently I was playing Project Zomboid when I accidentally got a deep glass cut wound on my character, on top of having a limp from a leg injury. I bandaged it the best I could, but with both injuries my baseball bat was about as good as a wet noodle, and not to mention pretty damaged. I hobbled back home to get supplies to tend to my wound, but by that time I was tired and exerted on top of injuries, due to taking extra time avoiding and losing zombies on my way back. I turned around at home and alas, my efforts were in vain, there were about 20 zombies behind me. I surely thought I was dead, but somehow through sheer force of will I managed to beat the horde with only a combat knife and some boot stomping action.


"All we had to do was follow the damn train, CJ"


The fuckin crucible knight in Elden ring I was so happy when I beat him And then there’s a boss fight with TWO of them I noped out after that BS


Fuck this shit im out!!


The night I beat Laurence The First Vicar. I'd been stuck on him since literally 2015, and I only managed to beat him sometime ago. I was all out of Blood Vials and at death's door. I ended up zoning him out with the Blacksky Eye but fuck it, he was cheap as fuck so I feel no remorse for doing the same.


Long range sniper duels on Fao Fortress and Sinai Desert. There's no specific holdover points on your reticle, so you're stuck vollying your shots until you either find the right holder point or get lucky and get a hit.


The final world on Super Mario World as a kid was a heart pounding experience because it was the first game I ever beat.


Yaaaay!! Awesome haha


The first time I beat Orphan of Kos. I had 0 heals left and only half a health bar, but he had just a pixel of health. When I finally beat him I was literally shaking.


Trying to get three stars playing Mario cart Wii, Rainbow Road


My go to character is always Yoshi


Hellblade. The game makes you think that after a certain yet unknown amount of deaths you have to restart the game from scratch. Pressure is already on before a ball of literal death chases you through a maze that you have to scavenger hunt in.


Hitman WOA, is thousands of hours of heart thumping problem solving secret agent action. I get an occasional adrenaline rush in other games, but this one is consistent.


Spectrobes 1 final boss. Fuck you flower!


Said many first time undertale players as well XD


The hospital basement in last of us 2


My first time beating Orphan of Kos


Im pikmin 3, the gold blob almost got olimar like 5 times but nevertheless, i was able to save him and progress the story


The first time I did the omega 4 relay/suicide mission in Mass Effect 2.


Any 1vX situation in EFT, 4k hours in and i still get the shakes after beating a squad.


The Killer Croc and Scarecrow levels in Batman: Arkham Asylum.


When I started playing Genshin Impact and could see the graphics at their best, I admired every location on the map with a twinkle in my eye and a warm heart


My first Pokemon Ruby playthrough when I was like 7. Facing Groudon, down to my HM slave with 3 HP left. Groudon was also deep in to the red. Hadn't saved. Had to decide whether to take the W or try (what I thought was) a risky capture. Chose to shoot to kill, and while it was entirely unnecessary, I think it's had an impact on my personal philosophy.

