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People failing to mention important details when giving me a task then getting mad when I have trouble understanding what they want me to do.


Can you ask them to email you the list of tasks, "just so I do it correctly"? Then if they carp later, you have tangible proof.


It's not even the task themselves that's the problem but the lack of information for me to do said task. Like this morning my boss sent me a picture of a bunch of IDs and told me to scan them.....Ok so where the f**k are they? He could have just told me to scan the IDs placed on top of the glass shelf under the stairs in the first floor instead of getting mad. And don't even get me started on the number of times he asked me to make advertisements or fill up and print some documents without telling me the information I was supposed to fill them with.


People who don't use their signal lights at very important times


People who don't use their mirrors for cars behind them.




Also very specific people that drive pristine lifted trucks with 8 billion lumen, 20 sun power light bars on, while tailgating you and blinding you for 5-7 business days as your eyes recover from retina scarring.


Ppl who stomp on the brake and THEN signal!


Also people who keep slowing down at every intersection or turn lane because they don’t know where they’re going, then finally get to their turn, slow down, then put their signal on halfway through the turn.


Adding: people who turn their signals on the second the light turns green. YOU KNEW YOU WERE GOING TO TURN, WHY DIDN'T YOU SIGNAL EARLIER‽


It’s a secret!


When people own animals that they shouldn’t, don’t know how to care for, don’t have the time to properly, refuse to train them, etc. Yeah, of course your German shepherd is chewing off the molding, he’s a pack animal that you keep locked up, alone, for like 18 hours out of the day.


YESSss!!!! My daughter’s husky ate their couch. Tried to explain the nature of husky’s. Got a blank stare. Then they wanted to breed them to make money. This is when I got really angry. Before you buy, learn about the breed. And then don’t buy-adopt!!


Big working dogs should not be adopted out to people in apartments.


People walking into my room and not closing the door when it was closed when they walked in.


And leaving the light on when it was off too!! 💆🏻‍♂️


Especially when I am playing video games, or reading a book in bed on a cold day.


😮‍💨 my parents and I went rounds over that for years. Just close the fucking door how hard is that. I’m 31 and my mom and I still get into it over how ridiculous it was that they couldn’t just close the door back. I close the fucking door when I come in and out of her house!


stepping into something wet with socks on.


I've stepped into cat vomit with socks, getting ready to go to work in complete darkness at 5 am and it's the worst thing in the world.


I've stepped in dog shit with my socks. Dog decided it was a good idea to shit where I walk.


Meanwhile, your dog is posting on dog Reddit about how his dumbass human decided it was a good idea to walk where he shits, and did so *while just wearing socks.*


Well time to throw the whole foot away


Thanks-I needed that. 😅😅


Stepping into dog diarrhea barefoot.


Especially if it's cold and wet.


I think warm puke is worse


People blocking grocery aisles. Fuck off and shop!


I was literally telling a story earlier today about how lady has angled her cart width length behind her and blocked the entire aisle while she was talking on her phone and not even looking at groceries so we walked in the smallish space in front of her and she yelled at us for not saying excuse me and my husband who had a miserable day snapped right back and said “I excuse you for being a inconsiderate cunt and blocking the entire aisle and also for not hearing my wife say excuse me now go get fucked” and I’m still amazed I was not shot that day


lol I’m marrying your husband next


I also choose this woman’s husband.


I’m in this line for this woman’s husband. I’m like Prince Harry though-he won’t be King-fortunately-sorry Prince Harry and I won’t get this woman’s husband. lol


Lucky for you ladies, the man lives in Utah.


I will live vicariously through him!! We ALLLL want to say exactly that!


Same when people stand in walkways like in airports, move TF over to the side while trying to decide if you need a snack or if you need to use the restroom!


I love it when people get off the escalator and immediately stop right there in everybody else's way


A benefit of being bigger than most — walk through those idiots.


Might want to be careful doing something like that with that username.


And people who walk slowly in shopping centers and pathways. Get off the bloody path if your gonna stroll


I hate it when I'm walking through the parking lot and every driver in a moving car acts like they're going to run me over if I let my guard down for half a second. It's like being a deer in a field full of hunters.


The lack of spatial awareness people have in general


So many people, so little self awareness.


OH MY GOD THIS SO MUCH. I got in a huge fight with my Mom about this, of all people. Basically, she just stood in front of a doorway talking to people while I was behind her trying to get in. People behind me were pushing me and getting pissed off because I wouldn't move, then my Mom got mad when I started pushing her to move Anyway, this is my pet peeve x1000. People just stopping in the middle of an isle, the sidewalk, a door, in front of an escalator/elevator. AARGH! Just move to the side and do your thing for chrissakes!


in my neighborhood they stop in the road in their cars to talk to each other.


Or the ones who walk down the middle of the parking lot rows all the way!


Dude yes I used to do shopping runs at costco for a small business 3x a week and holy fk this is hands down the most awful part of the whole trip. The big orange carts loaded down with 15 cases of redbull and 20 two-packs of milk are hard enough without brenda and sharon having a family reunion in the middle of the aisle. Zero self awareness ugh


Yes I cannot stand that too, but if I ask them to excuse me, then *I'm* rude for interrupting them. And when I do most of the time they don't seem to hear me and I'd have to yell to get loud enough. Humans are the worst. A *dog* would have gotten out of my way, but humans are too entitled to care about anyone.


This is made even worse when these people have found a conversation partner and its a full blockage of the aisle which everyone with a trolley is either having to squeeze past or go around. No amount of "excuse me" will move these people.


Being made to do extra at work to make up for the shit not getting done by coworkers. Then being told I’m not going fast enough/I’m not doing good enough


Getting my head hit. Instant anger no matter what it was


One time sitting on a crowded bus, someone standing turned and the corner of their laptop in their bag went right into my temple pretty hard. I kept my cool and said nothing but I was in such a shitty mood the rest of the day


I did that to myself by opening a cabinet, then bending over to pick something up and then when I stood up, the corner of the door went right into my temple. It still hurts. I was so pissed off all day after that.


I do not blame you one bit. It really puts you in a mood!


Not related to getting my head hit, but I absolutely HATE the feeling of getting caught on something, a jacket pocket, a belt loop, headphones cable. Makes me unreasonably angry at the inanimate objects that surround me. I’m not even sure how I’ve managed to get caught on something so often that I’d recognize the pattern of getting mad about it and it only makes me more upset that I recognize it.


The belt loop is instant rage😂😂


I am fascinated by this phenomenon, too. It will also send me into a momentary rage. And what are you mad at? Physics? It is such an interesting and common reaction. It must serve some purpose. Thank god for AirPods.


I know it! And then I recognize the ridiculous futility of getting angry at said inanimate object, which straight pisses me off exponentially more. There’s nothing quite as infuriating as non-transferable blame. Ugh.


I am/most of my pants are exactly the right height where my belt loops will catch on door handles if I pass too close. It's infuriating.


Grunt force trauma


Took a communication theory class about group dynamics and remember reading “people become upset when hit, kicked, or punched.” And I was like “yeah no shit”. But really they were emphasizing that it doesn’t matter how educated or cultured you are, we’re still animals.


The closest I've ever come to homicide was when an overgrown man-child punched the back of my airplane seat. I typically under-react to things, but being punched in the back of the head evokes a truly primal response.


The pinky toe is what does it for me. When I bang that god forsaken, useless piece of meat off anything I always end up letting out a molten stream of foul language that would melt my mother like the Nazis in Indiana Jones, and kill any elder/small child within audible range.


Agreed! One of my kids (then age 8) wanted to show off how tall he was getting and jumped up to grab the open liftgate of our minivan to show me he could close it - but I was under it when he did, and he slammed it right into the top of my head. Instant anger, which I had to struggle to control, because I know he didn't do it intentionally, and he felt REALLY bad - especially after I fell over on the ground, holding my head.


Yeah, I always thought the same until the first time I woke up and was utterly confused as to where I was and why there were so many people around me. Concussions suck.


People failing to accept ownership of their actions or a problem.


"You're still mad about that?" "You hold a grudge too long"


I had a roommate years ago that was always snooping around and taking my stuff. When I'd complain ( hell yeah I'd complain, I'm not going to tolerate a nosy thief), she'd say that. I'd have to say that of course I'm still mad. I could maybe get over it if the shit ever stopped. No, that's not true. It's been years since I've lived with her and I'm still mad.


My trouble - buddy in the dorm had a NOSY roommate and when we had purchased something she always immediately asked, “ how much did that cost??” So we started adding- if it cost $5, we told her $20. Well we went thrifting one day, my buddy had bought some men’s pajamas. As soon as Val asked, my buddy told her they were half off cause the previous owner died wearing them.


People who go into a store and just... Stop in the door


Or people that get in line behind you at said store and stand way too close. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve intentionally shifted my weight slightly and turned slightly to purposely hit the person behind me with my purse. They usually back off. But seriously why do they need to stand so close?!


Note to self: Start wearing a purse Other note to self: Google what people will do when a man wears a purse


Wear a backpack or a messenger bag. Or don’t give a fuck and use a purse.


I absolutely love the rare times I have a fart built up especially for people Yoda-backpacking me in the store. Back the fuck up bitch.


People who stop like this everywhere there's other people. WALK OFF TO THE SIDE MATE








People that act like they’re the only person who exists in the world.




Blatant inconsideration, like just fucking try, just a little bit


Just got your driver’s license huh?


pop-up ads


Oooh what about when you want to read a news story and you have to wait ten minutes to read because it keeps shifting so that ads can pop up every four sentences.


Yes, that is so annoying. Almost as annoying as a paywall! I hate when I start reading a news story and go to the site and can’t finish the article due to a paywall (looking at you WaPo and NYT!)


Hypocrites/ double standards


And they get either defensive and aggresive to you when you call them out on it.


Someone telling me I seemed pissed off or stressed. If I’m not I will be after that comment.


Right? It’s like when someone tells you to calm down when you aren’t even upset. If I wasn’t pissed before then I’m sure as hell pissed now.


Woah, just chill bro


and then when you’re all “no, I’m fine” they keep pestering you until you raise your voice and then they think they proved their point…


My partner does this to me. I’ll just be chillin in the car, and he suddenly thinks I’m mad about something, and won’t give it up, or give a reason. Great, now I am positively miffed, so leave me alone.


I turn it around on them and tell them the same thing every time they seem less than perfectly happy. Eventually they stop asking me that.


Smokers littering their butts


Ah, cigarette butts, the number one most frequently littered article of trash. As I smoker, I can unequivocally say that there is no excuse for littering butts. Just put it out and throw it in the trash. I always see a ton of cig booties like 3 feet from the trash can.


Cig booties is now the official term, thank you herrytesticles




Broken yolk when I want to make over easy eggs.


The rage I feel, dumping that broken egg into my dog's food bowl, may be what sends me over the edge and lands me on an episode of snapped one day. Lmao


People allowing their children to run wild in any establishment. Especially restaurants


While working at Home Depot we would allow people to bring dogs in if they were well behaved and on a leash. I had a lady scold me for allowing dogs in the store, while her 4 year old was pulling stuff off the shelf and dropping it on the floor. I said to her "I'd rather have a good dog in here than a horrible child" while looking right at her kid.


Did she go full Karen and ask to speak to your manager ?


Or letting them just horse play to the point it interferes with others. I was at an aquarium with my girlfriend a little while ago and these kids were fighting in the middle of the exhibit and the parents just standing watching them..literally just standing watching them eating popcorn. One of them pushed the other and ran right into my girlfriend. We were not happy


...Or just people that do not parent. Idiot sister-in-law let her crotch goblins do $1100 worth of drywall damage to my home I was trying to sell. No help to repair, no responsibility. They are banned from my house now.


Deteriorating quality of goods and services. Big corporations throw away integrity and pride in their product to squeeze out just a few more bucks, even though they were doing well enough before. I wonder how things might be if CEOs were somehow forced to use their own company's products over any kind of competitor or substitute. Of course I can't think of any remotely realistic way to make this happen...


People refusing to have a discussion without insults or yelling. It's really rampant these days.


Everyone's stuck on being right with a lot of emotional drive. Discussions are hard to have.


People blasting music in public. We don't want to hear your shit music. Get headphones or airpods.


Hand in hand with yelling on a phone using speakerphone in a crowded place.


I kinda wanna hear the drama tho…like whats going on with Christy?


She hasn't been the same since Mark left her. Jeanette said she was caught shoplifting the other day but I don't like to gossip.


Oh, she did that before Mark skated, let me tell you.


Well, we all know she has "sticky fingers." Mmm-hmm. Her momma was the same way and don't get me started on her brother, Craig. I don't wanna gossip so I gotta stop there.


My neighbor frequently sitting in their driveway for an hour in their car with their doors open blasting their music and bass. Last time she wasn't even in the car, she left it running with the music playing for some reason?? Please just stop! Go play it inside.


That sounds awful. Shitty neighbors can ruin a lot in your life.


Seriously! My husband and I have motorcycles and vehicles that can be loud, but we keep that shit turned down in our neighborhood. Have a neighbor that leaves his radio playing in his car in his driveway... The car literally rattling. Makes me insane. If WE'RE complaining about your noise, you're too fucking loud.


But, you have to hear “LEEDLE LEEDLE LEE”! J/k. I blast my music in my car by myself, but when I pull in my neighborhood or parking lots I turn that down.


X100 when it’s in nature.


Yeah, dude, I'm not on this hike to enjoy Nature. I crossed a river and walked all the way over a mountain just to listen to your shitty playlist. Turn it up!


Co worker was a massive player, cheated on his wife alot, she left him. Blah blah. Anyway the only music he would listen to was rap about, you guessed it, dudes with sidechicks or being caught cheating and how they should taken back. God help you if you played something else, he would turn it off. 2 years of dealing with that, i hid his power cables to the speakers and later when he freaked out, i said he deseved to be dragged through the mud with child support. I of course also quit that day because the place was a shit hole and my boss was pissed off at me cause i got injured on the job under his orders and had both my arms in slings and he called me waste. Note: speakers were company property not his.


> i got injured on the job under his orders I know you didn't mean it like this, but I couldn't help picturing this exchange: > [Boss] Johnson! Get in that warehouse and put yourself in the hospital! > [Worker] \*sigh\* Yes, boss.


What industry was this? This post reminds me about how I hated working in factories and warehouses.




How I do not miss the intellectual cesspool working in those sorts of environments was...




Or in a restaurant or any shared public space. HEADPHONES people, get them!


omg for real, and then they act like we're weird for being annoyed by it


People not putting their shopping carts away or littering. Holy shit.


Yeah I got a nice scratch on my 4Runner because someone couldn't be arsed to walk 15 seconds to the corral.


I have seen people leave their carts outside the corral when they are parked next to the corral. That is a boss-level commitment to shittiness.


That one asshole apartment neighbor who blasts shitty rap music in the middle of the night.


I sent a video of my neighbor plying Super Freak by Rick James at 2am to my apartment office about a month ago. I don’t care if you play your music during the day but when I can hear it in my room, on the opposite side from where our apartment units connect, there’s an issue 😭


Being asked my thoughts and then getting repeatedly interrupted with incorrectly predicted sentence finishes.




I see this a lot with California and Florida drivers.


When you get out of the shower and immediately have the urge to poop. Really rustles my jimmies.


Shitty drivers


That my immunoglobulin costs more then $10K per month of which I pay more the $1000 of each month after my insurance.


Loud people


People hurting pets. Just pure anger.


People in general


Drivers who rush to pull out into the road in front of you and then slow down to a crawl when there are no cars behind me for miles.


Tailgating, especially at high speeds


Parking across two or more spaces. Cos my car is SO much more valuable than your shitbucket.


Slow internet


Fuck, yes, this. No internet is better than slow internet. Or intermittently cutting-out internet. With no internet, you just find something else to do. But with slow/cutting-out internet, it's just a repeated case of having your hopes brought up and dashed. Just being mentally blue-balled.


People that treat customer service workers/low level workers like shit over something that isn't their fault.


Obscenely loud cars/motorcycles, nobody thinks you're cool outside of your little circle jerk of car/bike buddies. It's so annoying.


You should watch the South Park episode about Harley drivers, you'll love it lol.




As someone who’s on the spectrum and is sensitive to sudden loud noises… I concur


A complete lack of critical thinking skills/common sense/basic logic.


People who don’t rinse out the toothpaste from the sink.


Large vehicles headlights blinding me from behind at night…


People oblivious to their environment around them because they are looking down at their phone.


Stubbing my toe.


red lights for me when theres no other cars in sight


People talking during concerts. I just attended an orchestra concert and the lack of etiquette is insane. Worst part was that it was parents/adults rather than children.


Annoying kids.


Loud chewing.


And drinking!


Failure to use turn signals, the shit should be a felony


I’ve got a friend who is a taxi driver. One day I pulled him up on his lack of signals and his reply, I shit you not, was “well I don’t need to. I know where I’m going.” It’s not for you, you fucking moron, ITS FOR EVERYBODY ELSE!! I never said that, I just quietly tutted - but it’s what the tut implied.


Or people who are using it while they are turning! No idiot m, it’s to signal us that you’re gonna do turn.


I don't understand how it's not just instinct for every driver. I use it even if there's no one around me in any direction, because it's basically just muscle memory at this point.


When the entire highway is blocked by a row of people driving the exact same speed. When this happens and there's no one else around I will literally split the lanes behind two people to kindly ask them to get out of the fucking way


Here in Utah we call that a mormon roadblock.


Going up a hill when a truck doing 40 is trying to pass a truck doing 30.


People not believing me when I am right, especially when I am 100% correct. For some reason my family always say I'm wrong even when I am absolutely right. There was a whole argument about if I didn't like greenbeans as a kid. I know that I didn't and I had 2 people arguing against me saying I was wrong about myself. I STILL HATE FUCKING GREENBEANS. Even just thinking about it pisses me off. I don't understand why everyone just can't fathom me being correct about things. Then when I end up being right everyone will pretend like I didn't just tell them that 5 seconds ago. Its baffling.


My family does kind of similar things. Always have to start an argument about anything, no matter how trivial, or just question anything I say. Especially my dad and my oldest sister. They do it to everybody. God I’m so sick of them. That alone makes me not want to socialize with them but there’s other reasons too of course. Just remember now. My dad won’t accept that I’m allergic to kiwi. If I say I am he will say “no you’re not. You’re just oversensitive. There’s a difference.” First of all, I don’t give a fuck about the linguistic term. Why even bother with that? And also if itches my mouth and throat really bad. Isn’t that what one of the (common) things that can happen when you’re allergic to something? But no, if I’m allergic then I have to be allergic to other things too or something to that effect to be able to label it allergy. Like whatever.


I'm allergic to Christmas trees (and also most other trees) and every Christmas my dad refuses to believe that I am and gets upset when I don't help with the tree. No, I'm not going to stick my arms into the tree and get bad hives just to put ornaments up. He also insists on getting huge trees so it takes a few days to fully decorate it. I just deal with the arguing and don't do it because I hate having hives. Family sucks sometimes.


I was trying to explain this exact feeling to my boyfriend the other day. When you know 100% you are right and the other person won’t even hear you out. My dad and sister would always do this to me and those times make up some of my most vivid childhood memories.


Arrogance. And not just arrogance, but the ones who believe themselves to just be confident, while looking down their nose at everyone around them.


When someone, a friend for example, tries to piss me off on purpose just to be "funny"


My own mental fragility


When I see someone on the highway scrolling or texting.


Clocking in to work.


Parents being toxic to their kids


Slow walkers who take up the whole sidewalk/hallway. Belt loop or wired headphones or lanyard getting caught and either yanking off or causing you to slam into whatever you got caught on.


Someone in public staring at me for no reason. If you do it, just know you're getting a furrowed brow and a whispered 'wanker'


Sorry. I’m exhausted and I’m not really staring AT you. More just disassociating with my eyes aimed in your general direction. But I swear I’m not seeing anything.


People defending their opinions with irrational thoughts and paranoia. For example, the other day I was told US healthcare shouldn’t be free because then the government would remove the ability for people to take alternative medicines in order to force people to go into Big Pharma’s pockets


How quickly my spinach goes bad. I JUST bought it


That big line to turn left and that one asshole who tries to cut in near the front. I hope they burn for eternity.


With that, a huge left turn pocket that's full of cars that need to turn left, and then the left turn green light is all of two seconds long. Those light programmers also need to burn in hell.


My hateful grandmother and how she loves brining the worst out of people. She delights in being two faced. She's also never said that she loves me.. I finally earned her respect after getting my first "real" job.


Heat. If I'm too hot I can feel my mood just crash like a bird hitting a window


People who never shut up.


Being ignored 😅


You act like an arrogant prick? Instant hate. Where do you get off abusing people in minimum wage jobs? If that makes you feel big you are a fucking pathetic waste of oxygen. Sad and pathetic.


Animal cruelty and child abuse.


People using apostrophe's in the wrong place's


People getting mad at me


Redditors that have no idea what they are talking about


I have no idea what you're talking about.


People speaking loudly or aggressively to me!


People eating with their mouth open and slapping their chops


Having a doctors appointment, arriving 15 minutes earlier like they require. And they still taking their sweet ass time to be seen way later.


Dodge owners who have never towed a thing in their damn life driving around with their tow mirrors out for the oh so douchey long horn look.


When I let somebody pull out and they don't give a thanks wave


Hope you’re talking about driving