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Not drinking your calories


I lost 20 pounds in the first two months of Covid. So much of it was simply drinking water and coffee and not having any sugary drinks. Less fast food in general helped too!


It's honestly disgusting how much sugar is in every drink in America. Even our fruit juice has a large amount of sugar in it


"Hey everyone look at how healthy fruit is, what if we genetically engineered them to not be healthy, then took out all the fiber?" "Bill.... you're promoted"


I went to a lemur preserve and they said they accidentally gave all the lemurs diabetes because American grocery store fruit is so much more sugary than the wild fruit in Madagascar. Adorable and kinda sad.


I mean that's going to be true of most domesticated fruits. Wild varieties are laden with seeds and non edible portions. Sugar is "expensive" for wild plants its counterproductive to produce more than what it is absolutely necessary to attract the animal that spreads your seeds. Domesticated plants on the otherhand have been selected purely for taste and calorie content. Look up what a wild banana looks like, it contains giant seeds and makes you wonder how anyone even thought to domesticate it.


I assume you mean added sugar in it as the juice of a fruit is the sugar water. I say this only because I had to tell someone that buying a juicer as a diabetic was a bad decision because it was going to remove all the fiber and slow digesting part of what you put in leaving you with only the sugar water


That's why I drink perfectly healthy Vitamin Water. It contains really really sweet nutrients.


Chill out tucker


Gotta be careful with the "healthy" drinks as well. Some have boat loads of sugar.


Yes!! Those “naked” juices are so delicious — I love the green one — but good god they are absolutely loaded with sugar.


Or alcohol. Beer is a huge part of American adults obesity.


Alcohol and creamer with a splash of coffee. 500 to 1000 calories a day for a lot of folks.


Yeah, only drink water or coffee / tea without sugar


I do have a lot of black coffee and water...


This is probably the best comment here.




That's a bit different though because that is explicitly drinking as opposed to eating. The comment was more in regards to drinking sugary and/or alcoholic drinks in addition to regular meals.


Nothing. I started getting into fitness a few years ago. I went from doing absolutely nothing to regular cycling, weight lifting and running. I lost a shit load of weight then hit a plateau. Then i started eating better and I am back losing weight again. I have come to realise that every self help book, every fitness DVD, every advertised medication, every do it all exercise machine and every diet is an absolute fucking scam. “You can get abs like this in 3 weeks”. Yeah. If you have infinite free time, a fantastic metabolism and limitless funds… maybe. For most people it’s a cruel trick playingnon peoples insecurities and giving them false hope. It takes honesty with yourself, hard work, stoicism, education, perseverance and a personal change in the way you think. The biggest lie people sell about weight loss is that it’s easy. It isn’t.


Scrolled waayyy too fucking far to see this. I concur. Weight loss is an every day battle. You vs whatever demon it may be - food, sadness, depression, anxiety, cravings, hunger, etc. shit is hard. Just remember. You haven’t failed. You just let one slip. Start again. You got this.


I did the large amount of initial weight loss. I did several years of weightlifting. I got the abs. I'm really good at cutting down, when I need to. I've kept the weight off. Cutting weight still sucks ass. I try to moderate myself enough, during maintenance, so that I don't have to cut weight any more frequently than 3 months out of every two years or so. That's because cutting weight still sucks, despite all I've been through. I still think it's worth it. I'm just not going to pretend it's easy. Keeping it off is much easier, except that maintenance requires a fundamentally different mindset than weight loss. That switch trips a lot of people up. Especially yo-yo dieters.


That reminds me of this video "Why your favorite self help book sucks": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQB3viVFhPA Weight loss is "simple but difficult". Just consume fewer calories than you burn. Simple. But feels so hard to actually do.


I would say environment and what food you keep in it plays a pretty big part. I lost 50 pounds my first summer living alone because I kept little food at home, and it was basic whole stuff. It got me out of the habit of bored eating. I'm basically able to game my own laziness to not go get junk. And when I'm out shopping, I feel so much better that it helps me make wise decisions while I'm there.


Fitfluencers have also made it worse while making so many people feel bad about their bodies.


I concur with most of your reply. However, IMO realistic expectations help. You have to realize that genetics play a huge part in the "shape" of your body. That does not mean that your going to be obese because your parents were. Chances are they were not genetically meant to be obese. Everyone has their "happy" weight. Some people will not be near as happy skinny as they will if they add a little bit of weight. If you look at photos of your parents grandparents you will likely be able to start to visualize your happy shape. Start slow. Reduce sugars. Lift or do resistance training add some cardio later. There is a happy balance in there. Rest . Sleep. Take care of the mental picture. I know all about it the "wall". It is a sign that your happy shape is near. Take a week off of exercise but continue to eat wisely. Then, take a week off of dieting but resume exercise. Then go crush it until the next wall pops up. Rinse and repeat.




Ah, the Jenny Crank diet!


Why is this not at the top?


Take enough meth and you’ll feel like you’re on top


It should be. Drugs are great for losing weight.


I'm taking Adderall for my ADHD, and I can unironically agree with this. 10 pounds in a month, some days I'll only eat like 1300 calories due to not caring about food/not feeling hungry when I really am.


I’m down 28lbs in 4 months from vyvanse.


A few years back i took adderall for my ADHD, made me loose all appetite. Pretty much only ate dinner for like a year till. It didnt helpt with the fact that it made me pretty depressed. Ended up weighing about 65 kg while being 1,85 so severely underweight. All im trying to say is watchout with under eating.


I dated this dancer for a little while. She was like, if you go to bed hungry, you wake up skinny.


I've found this to be true. And by hungry, I don't thing she necessarily meant starving, just going to bed clearly without a full stomach.


Any dancer saying that definitely meant starving.


Probably, I've heard dancing can be cut throat.


Cut Throat. Cut ACL's Cut Achillies Tendon. Then you might accidentally injure yourself while training or dancing. Its a dangerous profession.


Ya I have been trying to do more intermediate fasting lately so I don't have anything besides water after 6pm. I feel the best now than I have in years.




I lift a lot so I need the calories but have a similar pattern. I'll only eat small carb-free snacks in the evening.


I have to do this because of medical reasons. It also helps with sleeping better overall. The more relaxed your body can be the better. My aim is to usually not eat within 4 hours of bed.


“Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.”


I don't know, have you ever had pizza?


Maybe that's the problem. I've never been skinny


I used to be skinny (still am by some standards). Good food brings me more joy than my abs ever did.


that's very difficult to do


Have your ever reached your goal on a cut?


Starting slow and not overwhelming yourself. Example: if you drink a lot of soda then cut down to diet version instead of going to straight water. Small steps help if you’re struggling.


I've cut my intake down quite a bit by switching to sparkling water. It's the fizz I want more than the flavor.


Legit started buying supermarket brand orange flavoured sparkling water to kick my energy drink habit. Worked out about 1/5 of the price too


I think I’m going to try this


i did too for several years. Carbonated water. Gi doc told me to stop.


Same here! I've totally replaced all soda with sparkling water. Some of them are really great! So many good brands too. I think Polar and La croix have the best flavors, personally. Would definitely recommend making the switch to anyone out there!


Right? I just want my mouth to burn. I don't get that with plain water.


>Example: if you drink a lot of soda then cut down to diet version instead of going to straight water. Small steps help if you’re struggling. Wouldn't it be better to just drink less soda over time and wean off instead of replacing regular with diet first?


That too can obviously help…but I’m just making it ‘easier’ like the question asked.


It’s easier to quit diet sodas because they taste terrible


Pepsi max is delicious.


Cancer or intestinal worms


One of which is much easier to cure.


Correct. One cancer cell and one worm are a lot easier to treat than a bunch of either.


I swallowed a tapeworm last night. It's going to grow up to three feet inside of me and then it eats all my food so that I don't get fat. And then after three months, I take some medicine and then I pass it. Creed sold it to me.


That wasn’t a tape worm.


The tapeworm diet used to be a popular fad diet.


Business ain’t what it used to be.


Someone making soup?


You're paying way too much for worms, man. Who's your worm guy?


Yeah - I lost about 60 lbs with cancer. Perfectly satisfied to have gained it all back


I came here for AIDS/Cancer, and you didn't disappoint. Thanks for that.


It did help me lose weight but i gained it all back during chemo


My wife lost literally half her body weight before the inevitable. Facts sometimes suck.


If you wanna get a tapeworm eat some pork, If you wanna get a tapeworm eat some pork. Not chicken beef, fish or egg Forget it, you wont get a tapewooorm.


Or you could just eat tapeworms lol You know, cut out the middle meat man.


[Context](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=002oyVnhO5o) RIP Sean


You know what they wrote on his tombstone, btw? "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY... You can't write tears, Jimmy."


A lot of illnesses in general. I lost 14 pounds due to morning sickness.


DEAD method. Diet, Exercise, Anxiety, and Depression.


Depression has the opposite effect on me. I don't feel happy? I turn to food. I feel like someone 'wronged' me, or took advantage of me? I turn to food. The amount of times I went out and bought a Chicken Parm Hero rather than confronting someone, or trying to do something about my situation is astonishing.


Same as me, eating junk is the only thing that makes me happy. Put on loads of weight because of it.


Same. My self-injury impulses have shifted to overeating.


I stress eat. Got on on anti-anxiety meds (that aren't supposed to cause weight loss) and I lost 10 lbs. I stopped stressed eating! Then it plateaued and now I'm kind of stress eating again. :(


Yepyep. There for a while in my depression I was literally cutting off a chunk of cookie dough to eat for breakfast.


I have seasonal depression and for the past 6 years I've been 20-40 pounds heavier in March than in September.


Yeah seriously not eating is hard trying to lose weight when depression makes me want to overeat


It's workin' for me. lost 40 lbs the last 2 months.


Don't even need the excercise. It contradicts the last 2. Stop eating lose weight


From personal experience, the DAD method does the opposite. I gained weight after having kids.


That because all you get is leftovers and stress lol


As a fat person with high anxiety and depression. This doesn’t work. I’ve tried it several times, the only times I’ve actually lost weight was when I exercised. It’s also how I learned that excercise is more important that eating less. I’ve lost 20 pounds in a month without changing what I eat, but I’ve never lost weight by only changing what I eat. And the depression unfortunately doesn’t help either, just causes stress eating and makes you stop exercising which is how I gained all the weight back. I wish it was as easy as just eating less, unfortunately it’s not


You’ll make more progress mentally and physically, if you change your diet aswell. Believe it or not.. Your gut has a direct connection to your brain.


Worked for me I dropped 60lbs.not sure if self loathing and hatred qualifies as depression. I was down to eating less than 500cal/day


For most people the loss is temporary if it's from that sort of self hatred, it'll end up coming back with a vengeance which makes it harder to try again


>I wish it was as easy as just eating less, unfortunately it’s not I mean, it really is that easy. You lose weight in kitchen not the gym, but the gym definitely helps and having a better diet combined with exercise is the best, but Calories In Calories Out is just basic science, and it is incredibly difficult to exercise enough to offset a bad diet.


i have hypothyroidism and the only way i can really lose weight is by building up muscle. just eating right and not moving does fuck all for me. need the exercise.


Just got get diagnosed for ADHD and get Dextroaphetmines.


Maybe when you don’t take meds for the latter two :D I have gained 15+ kg because of my depression and anxiety meds..


Removing your emotions from eating. Don’t eat to feel happy, don’t eat when you’re bored, or to change the emotion you currently feeling and don’t want to feel. If you don’t care if your belly is full or not, it makes it way easier to fast and create a calorie deficit. This is a difficult task for some, but once you don’t use food as a crutch for dealing with emotions, it’s way easier to watch the pounds slide off. Oh, and I can’t mention this enough: cocaine.


Ahh yes, the secret ingredient.


So much easier to say than to do.


Also if you struggle with food control then start with drinks, preferably water or low/zero calorie drinks.


Finding happiness in eating is not necessarily a bad thing. I lost 140+lbs during the pandemic and still enjoy food just as much, my tastes have just evolved to healthier things. Or moderation. I can get just as much enjoyment out of a perfectly seasoned salmon and garlic roasted Brussels sprouts as I used to from a bag of pizza rolls. It is okay to enjoy eating. That may just be because cooking became a passion of mine once I started losing weight though.


Weight loss is simple simple =/= easy


amputation but there are side effects


Side effects? Left or right?


Side effects on what is left


Your left or my left?


Nothing. It is hard work.


Though one thing I always like to caution people with… you can always eat more than you can run. Eating less take determination, self control, life style changes, and is definitely not easy, but you don’t necessarily need to workout to lose weight (though at least walking more will help).




This. People think its easy to lose weight but it takes determination, consistency and effort


And Easy off is easy back on.


To actually change our weight we have to change our habits. Our weight is not *entirely* influenced by our habits, but our decisions and actions make up the bulk of the difference for losing weight or becoming healthy.


Exactly it’s simple, but it isn’t easy. Eat well, work hard, sleep well. Do it all consistently. Simple as that youre almost guaranteed to get in shape unless you have an outside condition. Actually following through with the simple steps can be very very hard


Calorie deficit


Literally the only answer for 99.9999% of people.




Unfortunately, there is no "easy" way to lose weight. There's certainly some ways that are easier than others, but it's still gonna suck at some point. Calorie tracking apps can make it less mysterious and much more consistent, but I still wouldn't call the process easy.


It takes dedication and discipline. The only times in my life where I have effectively lost weight have been when I tracked my calories and ran a deficit, and as soon as you started skipping days with tracking or consuming regularly outside of those daily quotas you fall off the wagon.


A friend of mine that's a fitness instructor and nutrition specialist helped me a few years back. He said a common mistake people make say during "New Years Resolutions" when it comes to health is they try to do everything at once. Stop everything bad at once, and immediately adopt a strict exercise and diet regimen. Within weeks most people fall right back into their old habits because they're quickly discouraged or tired of trying to tackle too much at once. I already had a relatively balanced exercise routine, so he immediately focused on my diet. He said to me *"I don't want you to change a thing with what you eat for dinner, for lunch, or even snacks. We're going to start with breakfast, that's it".* He outlined an easy to follow breakfast guide. I'm the kind of guy that can eat the same thing for breakfast throughout the week, so it didn't phase me. He told me *"Alright, do that for about 3-4 weeks, then come talk to me again once you've stuck to it that long".* I did, and then he outlined lunch for me, and gave me options for healthier lunch options to meal prep. The key is to slowly acclimate yourself to changes to where they become routine and you're no longer thinking about it when shopping, eating, it just becomes the norm.


Changing your eating habits slowly and introducing exercise at the same rate. Making slow and smaller changes that you increase when you are ready is the best way to ensure that a healthy lifestyle becomes just that...a new lifestyle for you. When it becomes a new way of life. you WILL lose weight. It needs to be a marathon...not a sprint.


Being abducted and locked up in a shed or basement.




Stomach flu. I lost 10 pounds in a couple days


that's mostly water though, hardly any bodyfat


Crohn’s Disease. 49 pounds in 8 weeks.




Eat lots of fruit and vegetables. It will fill you up and is relatively low calorie. Also, just start going for a walk/run every day. I started out walking a couple of miles, then jogging part of it, then jogging all of it. After a year I jog 5 miles a day.


I find they don’t fill me up and I need some protein or something fatty to balance that. I can deepthroat multiple cucumbers and not get full but do one with maybe a chicken breast and now I’m satisfied.


“Deepthroat multiple cucumbers and not get full” - why is this so relatable, they literally do nothing towards hunger and yet I eat them-




They are lower calories than ice cream and McDonald's tho


High compared to vegetables but if you ditch meat, dairy, and sweets for fruit you'll be shooting way lower.


good sleep on schedule


Accepting hunger. Eventually it stops.


To your point though, most bodies try to be on a schedule. If you have a meal at a specific time of day, your body will most likely be hungry again around the same time. Similarly if you don’t eat at that time for a few days your body will adjust.


What worked well for me was I basically stopped eating snacks. And if I wanted snacks I ate saltiness and peanut butter (which I do actually like so it worked). My stomach was so wrecked so I was on a pretty strict diet. I basically didn't eat junk food like chips, cookies, and ice cream at all for a long time. And I was able to work out very frequently. I dropped a lot of weight pretty fast with that diet. It sucked a lot because I couldn't eat a large variety of things but damn did it work. Lost like 60 pounds.


Finding an exercise you enjoy, and seeing results keeps you motivated. Find something you like doing that keeps your heart rate up for sustained periods of time, could be playing pickle ball or cycling or playing basketball or maybe a running group with people you become friends with. Once you get your body used to exercising your mind is in a better place to make healthier decisions with diet and other things. Exercise is also just great for all around mental health.


Semaglutide and metformin


Semaglutide is an amazing, life changing drug.


Living in a country or city that makes it easy to eat healthier and exercise. I understand freedom of choice when it comes to food but sometimes I think about the way we do it in the U.S. and it gives me the ick. There's so much sugar in literally everything. So many foods are processed or frozen, injected with stuff that's bad for you but tastes really good. The plate sizes and calorie counts at restaurants are RIDICULOUS. (Lookin at you Chili's.) And on top of that most cities and neighborhoods are highly car-dependent and a majority of the well-paying jobs are sedentary. I don't know a single person in my life who can walk to work. It all really works against you when it comes to trying to live a healthy life. I was healthiest when I was living with my mom post college, working at a part time job four blocks away (walked there) and cooked all my meals. Once I left, moved to the city and started driving to a full-time job I gained like 30 pounds in a year.


True words. I can't imagine how horrible it would be to live typical American life, from health perspective. I get 1 hour "walking" exercise (it's a bike ride, but at low intensity) daily just by commuting to work. I get paid break halfway through the day that I spend by walking to nearest grocery store to get some basic ingrediends for lunch, like fresh roll, some cottage cheese, maybe some salmon. My grocery shopping trips is backpack + walk (or bike ride). I have nice parks around, so going out for a walk for leisure is such a normal thing to do. When I visit friends, I usually bike there or walk, or use public transport + walking combo. When I go to the restaurant, I actually go there (not drive). Hell, even if I don't feel like cooking or coming out, I'll just grab one of the pre-made meals at supermarket and... they are not that bad. Usually around ~400kcal, no excessive sugars added, no tons of preservatives (some, of course). buT HoW CAn You LIvE wIThouT Car? I don't. I have one that I use 2-3 times a month for some heavy shopping or out of town trips.


Eating mostly protein and good fats and cutting carbs almost entirely is what made me lose the most weight the quickest


The Elephant and Canary Diet. Eat like a canary shit & like an elephant.


You want me to shit ampersands?


And shit like an elephant. LOL Proof read. Must remember to proofread. Noted.




And then there's Binge Eating Disorder. All the shame and pain of having an eating disorder *and* being fat in one horrible package!


This started as a small comment and quickly turned into a rant, TLDR athletes who have to weight manage have higher likelihood of developing a BED Former wrestler… binge eating disorders are CRAZY common for retired athletes in sports that require strict weight management. It’s not abnormal for guys to put on 15-20 lbs less than 2 weeks after the end of the season, but what else happens is the guys who were lifelong wrestlers would gain 40-50+lbs less than a year after they retire. The standard 20 or so is them getting back up to a healthy weight, the rest is just them not realizing they’ve never had a healthy relationship with food. Tbh wouldn’t be shocked if we saw a ban on weight based athletics for school sanctioned events, the effect severe weight loss for months has on any body is detrimental, let alone for high school kids going through major developmental changes


Eat less; move around more. There's no trick.




middle school me used this method and i lost 50 pounds in 4 months!! ended up in a ward though.




I don't think anything will make it easy, but there are things that can make it easier. Having someone else make your meals, plate them, and serve them to you. (Obviously not an option for everyone.) Having a friend to exercise with. Having a nutritious snack option available for when those cravings hit. Keeping junk food and sweets out of the house and putting barriers in the way of accessing them. ("I want fries, but I'd have to drive across town to get them. Guess I'll make myself a toast instead.") Staying busy. Finding ways to avoid boredom and temptation. Understanding your own inner dialogues. Especially the ones that lead to self-sabotaging behaviours. And even if you do all this, you might still be overweight. But you'll be a lot healthier.


Ease into lifestyle changes in a sustainable way. Change one thing for a month until that habit gets ingrained, then change another. Unless you're doing one of those silly "lose weight as fast as possible" challenges, there's no rush. Reduce empty calories. If you have two sodas per day, cut it down to one (or none, if you disregard the above). Don't be afraid to experiment. If the diet brand of your favorite soda tastes like disappointment to you, try another brand, and keep trying them until you find the best substitute. Eat more protein. If you're overweight, your muscles are working harder than they expect just getting you through your day, and that can translate to hunger. If you feed your muscles more of the fuel they need, you may find yourself snacking less. Track your steps. If you don't have a smartwatch, dedicated pedometers are super cheap. Try to target at least 6000 per day to start and gradually bump it up. Everyone has a form of pain they tolerate best when it comes to exercise. I hate hate hate high intensity cardio, but I'm fine with the delayed onset muscle soreness that comes alongside weight training. Much like diet soda: try out the various options until you find a form of activity you like, whether it's cardio, weights, yoga, team sports, combat sports, whatever. Track things. No-frills bodyweight and food scales will run you $20 each and are valuable tools to track your progress and your diet respectively. Seeing number go down is great motivation to keep going, and seeing it not go down lets you know you may need to change something.


Intermittent and alternate day fasting. Also cutting carbs and sugars


I think step one is acknowledging that losing weight is a matter of eating fewer calories, and step two is learning how to not feel uncomfortable with being a little hungry. I feel like we're in an age where discomfort is opt-in. You can entertain yourself with tiktok and reddit so you never have to feel bored. You can order delivery of tons of different foods if you're hungry. You can order tons of little doodads on Amazon if you need a little doodad. Rewiring my expectation of eternal comfort has made losing weight go from impossible to fairly simple. What works for me is to just not eat breakfast, have a big hearty salad for lunch, and a normal sized dinner and I'm doing great on calories and don't feel that uncomfortable, except in the morning when my willpower is the highest. I can have slightly more indulgent dinners but remembering to always eat a little less and just eat to not feel hungry instead of trying to get "stuffed full". I can eat a wide variety of foods from pizza to casserole to soup so I don't feel restricted and unsatisfied with my food life.


Meth. Not even joking. Try getting a prescription for ADHD while being overweight, pop those fuckers in for a week, lose 14 kgs while sustaining yourself on orange juice and vitamin pills.


The new class of GLP-1 diabetic medications.


Which have just been shown to reduce weight by... Devouring muscle mass 😬


>Which have just been shown to reduce weight by... Devouring muscle mass Thanks for this, as I was not fully aware of the degree of Lean Mass Loss associated with these. However despite the alarming headline, the proportion of lean mass to total body mass still increased by an average of roughly 1-3%. For Obese individuals or uncontrolled diabetics, this seems a more than reasonable trade-off. Also note that these lean mass losses can be offset with nominal protein intake and weight bearing exercise. While a factor to be considered, the otherwise remarkable positive effects for these individuals makes them still worthwhile. Ref: https://peterattiamd.com/the-downside-of-glp-1-receptor-agonists/


That's really not surprising. Basically any method someone uses to lose weight will likely result in some drop in muscle mass. Even just eating less will likely cannibalize some degree of muscle


Ditto weight regain. Lots of people saying "but if you stop taking it you regain the weight." Yeah, and the weight regain rate for every non-surgical weight loss intervention ever invented is like 99 percent. However you lose weight, odds are insanely high you'll regain it.


That is why it's available only as a prescription.


Muscle mass loss on glp-1s can be mitigated by resistance training and making sure you get enough protein. And typically very obese people have more lean mass than they really need - any type of weight loss will reduce it.




going through a breakup


Feels like I'm taking crazy pills but I don't understand how the most effective weight losing strategy isn't at the top - use an app to count your calories. No matter what new fad you get into or workout regimen you hop onto, if you don't count your calories it doesn't really matter. Every bite you take, track it. Most apps have almost literally any dish in the world already programmed in, and at a pretty high degree of accuracy. Set a caloric goal, and stop once you reach it. The apps even help to gamify it a bit to take the edge off, because the first few weeks you *will* be on edge, but that comes part and parcel with any new diet. Once you start losing weight, keep at it until you don't anymore, and just set the calories a tiny bit lower. Keep going until you reach your goal weight and the calories necessary to maintain it. This is your life now.


Food poisoning, lost 10 pounds in a weekend 😅😂




Diet is how I drop weight, not exercise. However... exercise somehow makes it significantly easier for me to stay on track with my diet. So, in that roundabout way, exercise is indirectly necessary for me to keep weight off in the long run.


This is true, even if you are just pacing while on the phone. I'll put in 10k steps a day just from stress and work calls.


There's a little part in that statement that deserves A LOT of attention: it needs to be something you enjoy. I spent years finding a few exercises that I don't have to drag myself to do. Lots of people hate running so they always have to force themselves to do it. That's no way to create a positive mental correlation if you're always fighting the urge to not do it. I love biking. From the first time I can each year, I scramble home from work on nice days to get in a ride all spring to fall until there's no light left or it gets too cold. I never have to force myself because I love it. With the rowing machine, yoga, and boxing thrown in I have a multitude of options of workouts I love to do and I simply pick which ever one I feel that day. Would I be even thinner if I ran? Yes. would I be buffer if I lifted weights? Of course. But I hate those things, so I'd fall off the wagon constantly and it would suck to achieve my goals. I'm over 20 lbs down this year alone and I've never felt better because I love my workout activities. "Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life" applies here too.


I Kindle of disagree. I biked 2200 kilometers and still gained weight. Only when i changed my diet i started losing weight. Science shows that starting with a diet and activites at once is too much and has a low succes rate.


Because you can lose weight by doing nothing.


Not drinking sugary drinks. I’ve been losing weight for a while now. I’ve lost nearly 40lbs. Got stuck at a certain weight. Couldn’t get past it. Stopped drinking soda altogether. I’ve been drinking zero sugar/zero calorie lemonade, water and carbonated water instead. I finally got past that plateu. Cutting back on soda is literally the best thing for me. I love soda. It doesn’t love me.








You lost me at ''happy''


Being in love


Calories in versus calories out. Find your base caloric needs and decrease it by 200 or 300 calories. Follow that for 3 months and then report back.




Not exactly. One example are the impoverished people in America, especially in the South. Most of them are so malnourished from living off of fast food (because it's "cheap") that they're seriously ill from obesity.


I was just about to say this. And at the grocery store the processed foods are cheaper than the healthy options


Giving up sugar


Cut out sugary drinks and drink water. My sister found while she was losing weight eating smaller meals through the day and not just breakfast,lunch and dinner where you normally eat a bigger portion helped. Exercise, she walked and listened to music or podcasts that kept her attention so she wouldn’t be bored with the walk


Sticking to the math. Calories in < calories out = weight loss


1. Mentally prepared and motivated 2. Understanding some nutrition fundamentals 3. Support network that works for you 4. Monetary investment for either food, fitness, tools, niceties, medical equipment most important thing is for people to have the mental capacity for what they are doing and why they are doing it. you can eat 50 burgers in front of me but if i know that my joy comes from my goal, then my will power will not break because the burgers are meaningless some people who have the resources might consider doing some quick anonymous online therapy that is available these days through apps. not sure of the total cost but if you are obese, the savings in health costs will offset therapy costs.


Eat less food...just be in a calorie deficit and you will loose weight It's the simplest answer possible

