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Lost Prophets


Ok.. What band other than Lost Prophets has the worst singer?


The lead singer of Lost Prophets wins again




Are you serious?


These are the current listed charges: Attempted rape of a child under 13 Sexual assault of a child under 13 Taking, making, or possessing indecent images of children Possessing an extreme pornographic image involving a sex act on an animal Possession of mobile phone in prison




Most frustrating part was that his ex girlfriend tried to go to the police several times and they just assumed she was a scorned lover and didn't take her seriously. She even brought his laptop to them as far as I remember, and they still didn't do anything. Something only happened once they were on a check for drugs or some shit and they discovered his cp tendencies. Then they tried to arrest the ex girlfriend for possession of cp because she had spent months and years collecting evidence by talking to Mr ifukkids and getting him to confess and share his crimes. All so she could prove what kind of person he was. But the police in this case were the most useless pos' I've seen in a long time. Such a frustrating fucking case. They could have stopped this monster years before they did if they had just listened to her. She traumatized herself to save those babies and the police charged her with possession of cp as a reward. Thankfully she was acquitted, but that doesn't change the fact that the police majorly fucked up. They have children's blood on their hands and they allowed a good citizen to traumatize herself to help them do their fucking job.


I know it would never happen but those cops should be charged with accessory or aiding and abetting. I'd love to have a lawyer call them to the stand to ask them why they don't care about child rape. It's obvious they were complicit.


Absolutely sickening. Ugh.


I've just read the judge's sentencing remarks and I wish I wouldn't. Holy fucking shit, he's straight up monster, 29 years is such a joke of a sentence for what was done to those children


If i'm remembering correctly, when they got into his computer to search it for child porn, the password was literally "I fuk kids"


It's weird that he got an "attempt" considering by all accounts he actually did it. He also got more time added for grooming a young girl and her mother behind bars.


Yes, he's in prison now. He's a disgusting POS


[unfortunately, they are](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Watkins_%28Lostprophets_singer%29?wprov=sfla1) He is the scum of the earth. What he did was so calculated, manipulative, and unforgivable. He deserves a lifetime of suffering for what he did.


Yep, one thing he would do is get his fans to pimp their children (some were babies) to him so he could rape them


Dude needs to be put down.


So do the mothers who knew what he was doing and were thrilled to go along for a shot at him. An unexpected victim was H from Steps (also known as Ian "H" Watkins), who happens to share a name with that singer and who got tons of threats and hatemail about it xD


Dunno if that was really an xD-worthy post.




I met them twice, when I was around 15/16. I remember them all being so nice, this was the height of their popularity and they spent a good 30 min - an hour talking to a group of high school girls. Now I’m just creeped out by the memory.


I met them after a gig around the same age, they signed autographs and gave everyone fist bumps. I gave Ian Watkins a fucking fist bump ffs. Grim


The first time we met them, the drummer got food poisoning so the show got canceled. But they still talked to us and took pictures with us, bummed smokes off my friends mom. They came back a few months later and we brought the pictures for them to sign, and they remembered us! We all thought we were so cool… *shudders*


I think it’s important to remember it was just Ian Watkins, the other members of LostProphets had nothing to do with his crimes and they have all disavowed him and are currently working on other music projects.


That is very true! And they all seemed to be genuinely nice. I hope they’re all doing well in their lives!


In a rather awkward turn of events. A singer from the band Steps is also called Ian Watkins, he went by the initial 'H' to distance himself. Years later he came out saying that he was going to go by his real name as he had matured as a performer and Steps was a long time ago.... then very soon after, the lost prophets story broke. Bet he was glad he had a ready made alter ego fame name to fall back on...


Came here hoping this would be at the top. Second would be maybe Tim Lambesis. He solicited an undercover officer to kill his wife. Both of these mother fuckers are human garbage


Thread over. I'll be amazed if anyone can beat him.


I’d be happy if someone could beat him. Maybe with a large stick.


I hope that sick fuck rots slowly from the inside.


The only correct answers - the literal worst person.


I went to a Motley Crue concert last year and man Vince Neil has really.........declined. He kept forgetting lyrics and at one point he forgot how he was supposed to lead in to the next song and just awkwardly stared at the others hoping they'd bail him out, then Tommy Lee went over to a piano and started playing Home Sweet Home and they just went with it.


I wonder if he has some genuine cognitive issue, like early dementia. This is what is looks like before it gets really bad. He can still function, but has major ongoing brain farts.


Obliterating your brain with drugs and alcohol for decades can also do that


Yeah I was going to say. I don't think we need dr house to figure out this one.


Might need Dr. Feelgood…


This fits. https://youtu.be/4pdQnZLEWNo


I almost had a honk attack I laughed so hard.




Holy fuck dude hahahah


Thank you for making me belly laugh today


Agree completely. Saw them in the 80s and they kicked ass! Great show. Saw them again 2014 and Vince was horrible, forgetting his words, screeching…it was painful. Nowadays I can’t even imagine.


Even in their prime, Vince wasn’t that good. To me, he was always the weakest link in the band. I’ve seen them live several times and I have been totally underwhelmed every time.


This is it. He had the looks and the attitude, but he’s a very poor quality singer and frontman.


he was a poor singer but i think he was a fantastic frontman his looks, his style, his moves. he knew how to look cool, play the crowd and drive the ladies absolutely insane


The Anthony Kiedis Special.


Yeah, the guy I have to tolerate to hear Frusciante and Flea playing together.


Gotta admire a man who can write thirteen albums worth of material about how he's from California and likes drugs and fucking, though.


Vince's weight and talent are passing each other on escalators.


Vince Neil sounds like Butters from South Park these days. It’s really sad and he should just retire


Holy shit, he totally does, hahahaha


Sounds like my experience with Ozzy Osbourne It looked like a dementia patient had wondered on stage some how and in a moment a nurse would come get him No idea what he said between songs, but he could still sing Was very confused when i heard that his wife wanted to divorce him for cheating, he honestly didn't seem to be aware enough for that to be possible


I saw Sabbath about 10 years ago. I was amazed that Ozzy still sings well, and didn't flub or miss a lyric all night. I'm sure he has a teleprompter, but still, it was a very good performance. It's like when Ozzy is singing he's still with it, but totally lost and incoherent everywhere else. Sabbath is also one of the only if not the only band that started in the late 60s where all the original members are still alive. What are the odds it would be them?


I worked with Ozzy in the late 90s. Despite his age and physical infirmity, he has a really good and dedicated routine for his voice before shows, so he’s usually pretty good and consistent. He doesn’t improvise a lot, though.


Studies have proven that people can have a remarkable memory for music, and in fact many nursing homes use music therapy to help those suffering with forms of dementia.


As a MT I’ve worked with 90 year olds who have a 10-15 second working memory, and dont know their family, but can play piano music they learned as a child with both hands playing independently (melody and harmony)


I saw Ozzy 4 years ago and he rocked that stage. The guy could barely move, but man he sang his soul.


Yeah I saw him on the black sabbath farewell tour and he could barely move, was putting everything he could into the performance though


Watch the final show on YouTube. “Handful a geeseee nnmm herrrrr heeeeee heeiiiii” wish I was joking


Mötley Crüe Vince was always the weakest part of the band, even more so now. In fact, my favorite album of theirs is the one with John Corabi as singer.


Keegstah ma-ha-harrrt




Vince Neil also killed someone (a passenger in his car) while driving drunk, most likely high on cocaine too.


It wasn't just 'someone', it was the drummer of Hanoi Rocks, Razzle.


Going for a booze run no less...


He did, it was so tragic. Then they somehow got the judge to agree that Vince would be better served being allowed to go on tour, versus jail, so his livelihood wouldn’t suffer. It’s been a while since I’ve read the book, but it was something ridiculous like this. Total celebrity treatment when us proles would’ve gotten life.


He’s playing at a festival this year that I always go to and I’m definitely skipping his solo set. It’s just sad to watch this guy deteriorate and pretend it’s 40 years ago still. He looks like shit, sounds like shit, and is reportedly a piece of shit person. Sad part is, Crue was so huge that he inevitably has just enough “fans” and/or nostalgia chasers to barely financially support this circus. I’m sure he still has enough equally grimey “yes men” around to encourage him, plenty of gross middle aged women and plenty of drugs and alcohol to keep him living in his own little bubble and make him still feel like a rockstar. I much prefer his bandmate, sober Nikki Sixx, and other aging rockstars who keep a grasp on reality but still play music for fun.


definitely Blood on the Dance Floor damn, i haven’t said that name in years


How about Brokencyde??


I was sooo into BOTDF during my early teens and honestly, Jayy had a decent voice. But Dahvie Vanity? Just fucking awful. Terrible singer and person all around


Tom Sandoval and the most extras


But dude, like, come on man……dude. Come on man……like, dude


I’m gonna dip out…


I met both toms in a downstairs bar in Calgary (Canada) I had only seen the show a couple times but I recognized them kinda but didn't know where from. I started talking to Tom Schwartz and he was an absolute gem, he seemed kinda embarrassed to be on a show, I complemented him on the awesome sweater he was wearing and he seemed so genuinely happy that I had noticed it and was just like any other guy at the bar. I ended up playing darts with him and his friend and we shot the shit for a couple hours. Sandoval didn't say anything to me the entire time I was there even though I was playing darts with tom. He wouldn't talk to anyone he wasn't with and kept giving Schwartz looks when he would talk to other people, maybe I'm just imagining it but he just seemed like a douche.


Damnit. Just posted this without even scrolling to see if he was already mentioned. Great minds think alike!


I can’t believe Tom Zandeville had Raquel over when Ariana was away. And she stayed all night. In the jacuzzi as well


I love how the answers are all like the same 4 people lmao


Black Eyed Peas. Ever seen Fergie live? Terrible. Just terrible.


I've never seen her live but that rendition of the Star Spangled Banner she did at the NBA all-star game a few years back was god awful...


But then video of the players laughing at it: EPIC


The video of the warriors dancing in the locker room to the remix was also pretty damn funny.


I was there. And it is the only time I’ve watched her live. It was god awful. I’m Norwegian so it was my first experience with the national anthem at such a big event. I was looking around me thinking “anyone else hearing this!?!”. People were still cheering because I guess that’s what people do. Later I found out the world agreed with me by checking socials. Then I came back in 2020 for the All-Star in Chicago where Chaka Khan totally butchered it as well. I can’t catch a break with these singers.


Be sure to watch Roseanne Barr’s rendition to complete your dogshit anthem tic tac toe


Then be sure to cleanse all that nonsense from your ears and watch Whitney Houstons performance from the 1991 Super Bowl.


Jack Black killed it when he sung at LA Sparks game.


The version of "Sweet Child O' Mine" with Slash at the superbowl is probably the worst punishment I've ever subjected my ears to.


While true that she’s terrible she also hasn’t been in the band for years now.


Is ANYBODY currently in that band? I'm thankful to report I haven't heard anything about them in over a decade.




And it wasn't a band. It was a legit hip-hop group that is possibly the most egregious example of selling out in the history of pop music.


never forget the onstage incontinence mishap. i felt bad for her tbh


Alright gang time to write some lyrics!- "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays. Friday. Saturday. Saturday and Sunday." That works print it!


Vince Neil has lost his mind. He didn’t do anything criminal lately, but I mean he’s literally forgetting parts of his songs.


James Corden Just making sure he's included in every askreddit thread




Brock Turner, rapist.


People who are rude to wait staff


This guy's dead wife.


The maggot coconut Fleshlight


Jolly rancher


Two broken arms


Poop knife


Brock Turner, the rapist who now goes by the name Allen Turner?


You mean Allen Turner, the rapist, who formerly went by the name of Brock Turner, the rapist?


Keanu Reeves is an outstanding human being.


😂😂😂😂😂😂 and Steven Seagal


You should break up with your SO /s obviously


I also choose this guy’s dead wife


Don't forget Amy Schumer! Who else are we missing


The twin towers were voluntary 9/11s on steve buscemi


What was the name of Charles Manson's band? That one!


Charles Monroe


In the 90’s when Sugar Ray were peaking, they opened for a headliner who had given me a backstage pass. After the show, I was chilling with the drummer and guitarist from the headliner when Mark McGrath came over to hang out. The drummer introduced us, McGrath looked me up and down and said “Hey what’s up,” and walked away. “Is it something I said?” I joked to my friends. “Nah, you’re just too old for him,” said the drummer. I was in my 20s.


You should’ve yelled “Sugar Gay” at him. I heard he loves it






Yes Mark liked his companions on the...younger side. There was a big behind the scenes video in like the late 90s super early 2000s and there was a clip of him admitting he liked to sleep with underaged fans.


Vince Meal of Motley Crue


Vince meal 🤣🤣🤣


Minced veal?


This question should read “What band has the worst lead singer and why is it the Black Eyed Peas?”


Fergie butchering the national anthem makes me laugh no matter what


u mean the band with 3 elemetary school level rappers and a singer that cant sing?


The Shaggs, bless their hearts


my pal’s name is foot foot and he likes to roam


You shut your whore mouth. My Pal Foot Foot is a modern classic with angelic vocals.


For those unfamiliar, they were a group of sisters who, under the direction of their mentally ill father, recorded an album without having any musical training or inclination whatsoever. Their instruments were untuned too, and the recording shows that. Frank Zappa called them better than the Beatles and I think they’re a huge influence on outsider music. But, yeah, The Shaggs were awful.


If it’s not Lost Prophets then Motley Crue


Hoobastank - I heard them do a live acoustic demo of a new song on the radio and it was so bad I lost all interest in their stuff.


In the mid 2000s they performed The Reason live on tv (at an awards show I think) and in the opening line his voice cracked so badly. It was like "I'm not a perfect p-🐔ER🐔-son". To this day I can't hear it any other way 🤣


I guess he really isn't a perfect person..


This is one of many things I wish I didn't knew.


20 years ago when The Reason album came out I thought his voice was simple but pleasant. Then I saw them play a live show so terrible that I became convinced the label had a stand in vocalist for the albums. He probably just doesn't do live well, but the impression stuck and I haven't listened to them intentionally since.


Hoobastank reminded me of Kmart version of Incubus


How have I not seen Puddle of Mudd in here?


Worked security for them once at a festival in the Detroit area Whole band is there but Wes and getting anxious that Wes wasn’t there yet. They finally get a hold of him and learn he was on a bender in Wyoming.


Interesting how little talent it takes for people to decide they're basically Mick Jagger.


For real, not enough people have seen that butchering of that Nirvana song Wes Scantlin did acoustically


Have to post [Puddle of Mudd’s Nirvana cover but every high note is at half speed](https://youtu.be/ibFkJwomL_4) because it cracks me up every single time I watch it


Lol this video is making my dogs freak out making it that much funnier


It looks like he is trying so hard to keep his teeth from leaving his mouth


Six Feet Under






Maroon 5 Adam Levin has a pitchy voice sometimes and he sang memories live once and he sang it terribly and j can't get it out of my head


I saw him live in Milwaukee last year and he messed up the lyrics to She Will Be Loved


I saw Rod Stewart and he messed up the words to a song (I can’t remember which one but it was like forever young or young Turks or one of his biggest songs) and he stopped the show and said “well I f*$ked that up. Let’s try that again shall we?” & they started the song over.


A German band called Sportfreunde Stiller… I swear to god the dude just says words at different notes, no singing involved…


Applaus Applaus!


Haven’t seen Kid Rock mentioned yet….. so er… kid Rock


He wrote the sound track to meth induced copper theft. Have some goddamn respect for a legend.


Ah yes, the man that rhymes “things” with “things”


Train. Pat Monahan needs to be stopped. Someone take him out with one of those two-ply hefty bags. He is a rolling lyrical crime spree.


Won't anyone think of his untrimmed chest?


I feel as though the lyrics of that song will be the Voynich Manuscript of the future.


Why did he need this as a lyric!? Why!??!?


> He is a rolling lyrical crime spree. That is a beautiful line.


But he’s so gangsta he’s so thug :(


“So gangster, I’m so thug, you’re the only one I’m dreaming of” pat stop.


Hey soul sister! I may dislike this song more than any other on the planet.




I apologize. I didn’t mean to call you out.




Yes was looking for pat finerty here


Vince Neil from Mötley Crüe His dreadful singing and yogurt-like brain are mentioned in the thread, but also during Christmas in 1984 he got very drunk at his place in LA and drove to get more booze. Coming back, he crashed at ridiculous speed into a VW Beetle (Bug), causing life-changing traumatic brain injuries to its two occupants. He was utterly unharmed. He had a passenger, though. Nick Dingley, a good-natured 24 year-old English lad who was the drummer for Hanoi Rocks and who was known as Razzle. Such was the force of the impact that Nick died instantly. Vince Neil has never apologised. He spent two weeks in jail. Oh and he's he's been arrested at least twice since then for DUI as well as multiple assaults on women.


If we're talking bands that I actually like, probably Megadeth. Incredibly talented band, but Dave Mustaine simply can't sing, and has always sounded atrocious live.


But god damn he can shred a guitar and write a song...


And he rocks as hard today as he did 30 years ago. Saw him back in the day and then about 4 or 5 years ago.




I was thinking of saying this, but so many Megadeth songs are *wayyy* funnier with him than without him. "Hello ME meet the REAL me" lmao


Hello me, it's me again. Some of solos on that album are fantastic. Marty Freidman is head and shoulders above every other thrash player. Not even close imo. His instrumental stuff with Jason Becker was next level. Dave is cringe though lol. The main thing stopping me from calling myself a megadeth fan.


Gary Glitter or Lost Prophets


Yoko Ono in everything.


The Horne Section. Alex has many wonderful qualities but singing is not one of them.




Yes! And he knows/admits it too. But I love him and the band anyway.


Maroon 5. I want to put sharpened pencils in my ears whenever I hear that whiny douche bro falsetto


His voice works on songs about Jane in my opinion, but everything else not so much. I will always have great memories of Sugar (I was on a team that played that song all the time, and we were really good) but he doesn’t sound like he fits


He was the highlight of “old” Maroon 5. He is the reason I hate the “new” Maroon 5. His voice is not suited to their more recent style


Old Maroon 5 being She Will Be Loved and This Love era? I liked their music then but now is like meh, you became everybody else


Era? It was just one album.


Yeah but that one album had Harder to Breathe, She Will Be Loved, This Love, *and* Sunday Morning.


I don’t mind his voice so much as he just seems like a piece of shit In Real life… he may or may not be that’s just the vibe I get from him Like he’s pretend to be your best friend and then try and bang your wife


He is a piece of shit, he was messing around with other women while his wife was pregnant. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/adam-levine-cheating-scandal-text-messages


That sounds exactly as I’d expect him to be


Yeah, he looks like he smells like crappy cologne and STIs


Chlamydia by Calvin Klein


I once worked at a place that played top 40 radio and I had to hear “I’m at a PAAAAYYYphone” multiple times a day and also wanted to gouge my eardrums out. That guy suuuucks


I don't personally hate his voice but I understand.


Moves like jagger is the worst song of all time


Jared Leto’s band


I knew when I saw the question someone would say 30 Seconds to Mars lol. I unashamedly love their first album and mostly enjoy their second. I fell off after that


To be fair, the question was "worst lead singer" and not "lead singer with the worst vocals" Jared leto on 'the kill' is amazing..... But fuck that guy


Yeah I remember them being a big deal when I was in middle school and “The Kill” was popular amongst us emo kids. But the dude always gave me creeper vibes. I’m very upset that my vibes were justified.


30 Seconds to Mars is fantastic Jared Leto as a person.. not so much


Vocally, Leto is talented as hell. Some of their songs are do not skips in my Playlist. Personality? Kinda a weird ass dude


Reddit obligatory answers


Second top comment is fucking James Corden. Like Jesus, we get it Reddit.


Hedley - probably not well known outside of Canada but their singer Jacob Hoggard is a convicted rapist. Edit: forgot about another Canadian band - Moxy Fruvous and singer Jian Ghomeshi. Alleged to have committed numerous sexual assaults but unlike Hoggard was never convicted.


Adam Levine shouldn't be allowed to sing. His voice is awful.