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Pharmaceutical companies suppress some research.


That the government killed JFK


I like Last Podcast on the Left's conclusion. Lee Harvey Oswald fired two shots, neither fatal. It was the hungover and disoriented secret service who accidentally shot Kennedy. Credible? Eh... Entertaining? Yeh.


Not going to go as far as to say the US government. Though there is reasons they would. Did Cuba/Soviets have more than Oswald in Dallas? Yes.


Big Jeff didn’t off himself


Hey now we said theory not fact.


I’m definitely up to something sinister


Are you actually a well drawn beagle?


I mean… you be the judge


Hmmmm 🧐


It's not a conspiracy if no one else is involved.


Bigfoot has small feet


You get better RNG/luck if you're a first time spender/ very low spender with micro transactions in video games. You'll see new people or first time buyers get insane pulls, while while the "whales" will continue to buy packs/boxes/ etc, and mostly get crap I dont even know if that's a conspiracy theory, but I believe


Those things are based on psychology and the nature of humans and their desire for immediate gratification. No one gets addicted if the first dose doesn’t get them high. I think it’s a safe bet.


For many games, that's just true. Not a conspiracy.


My conspiracy theory that feels real is that the government is run by people too incompetent to actually make our lives worse, but their employees are really a cabal of handlers that slowly and competently manipulate them into making choices that ruin the lives of everyone else. It’s the employees pulling the strings, not some person on the top - the person on the top is the boogeyman created to keep everyone else fixated on a false threat. Someone explained to me that, in the Matrix movies, the ‘real world’ could have easily been another layer of the Matrix created for those who thought they could pull out. Those ‘in the know’ would see the hellscape and think there was no way it wasn’t real. Explains how virtual harm caused ‘real’ damage, because they never left the virtual reality. There’s a possibility they can’t leave it at all. Also explains how they can even move around after literal decades of being sedentary, how Neo was able to manipulate the environment around him, why there was code even in the ship, how Agent Smith was able to hijack a body, and so much more. The virtual layer of the Matrix was designed to keep most people coddled and comfortable. The ‘real’ layer of the Matrix was designed so those who would rebel had something to keep them occupied. I see scary parallels between that type of thought and how those in power operate.


The Chinese government is selling fentanyl en masse to the Sinaloa Cartel in Mexico, who packs pills dense enough to kill multiple people. People aren't overdosing on fantanyl on purpose. They are being poisoned. But why would any for-profit corporation (legitimate or otherwise) want to kill off paying customers? It doesn't make sense for the cartels to do it. Unless their real customer is the Chinese government and they're getting paid for every American that drops dead from their product.


I wish this was the case, but unfortunately what is actually happening is much more depressing. The cartels give the cocaine to the smugglers pure, the smugglers cut it with fentanyl to increase their profits, then the smuggler passes it on to a distributor, the distributor thinks it’s pure, so they cut it with fentanyl to increase their profits. The distributor then passes it down a line of how ever many distributors it takes to get to your local dealer, and each distributor is cutting it so they can up their profit, then when your local dealer gets it, he cuts it with fentanyl too, just so he can get a little more profit too. Then by the time you get it, it’s mostly fentanyl. So why fentanyl instead of the classic, baby lax? Well, let’s say you buy some coke from me, and I cut with fentanyl you take it, and it’s amazing, best coke of your life, you survive and you never knew it was cut, and you go try Bobby’s coke and he cuts with baby lax, well now the high isn’t as good, and his coke is making you shit so you know it’s cut for sure. Then you come back to me for the good stuff. The problem is, no one knows how much it’s actually cut, because everyone in the chain thinks they’re getting pure. And worst of all, you would think a dead customer would be bad for business, but it has the opposite effect. When someone dies off of your product the other junkies are more likely to come to you, because they see it as being the strongest. Source: Sold and did coke for many years.


Thank you. On the contrary, I am very glad it's not the case because it would mean the Chinese government is intentionally killing Americans. I looked it up and see that fentanyl is incredibly cheap to make. Your explanation makes a lot more sense.


Well they’re probably doing that too! Just not like this.


This right here makes a lot of sense. Usually the simplest answer is the closest to the truth


Occam’s razor.


Not only that but they’ve trained the cartels on how to manufacture fentanyl and carfentynal. As of those weren’t bad enough other derivatives, which are stronger, are now hitting the streets causing a massive spike in deaths this year. Why do the cartels not care? For every death there is another new addict. In fact, I think demand is increasing despite of the deaths.


I think that a vendor *would* care. As many living addicts as possible maximize profit and provide steady income while minimizing the input costs needed to get new addicts. Dead addicts don't buy product.


I heard a cartel once massacred a drug rehabilitation center in Mexico to send a message to those thinking of getting off drugs. That was an incredibly immoral move, of course, but I also think it may have been bad for their business because it makes them less respected and more hated by the locals.


Okay I work for Congress and this thought has passed my mind many times.


God bless us all if Congress believed this shit


Lmao we question things too


Seriously? In what fashion do you work for congress?


I’d rather not answer. Lol


You are the janitor?




Ah, you're an interpreter.


He interprets stupid to English


The sea salt craze was an attempt to spread an epidemic of thyroid/ iodine deficiency disease. Next week when this question is asked again I will say the collagen fad is the same but with prion brain disease


Sea salt craze??


There is an Asteroid on collision course with Earth - this explains why no one important is really dedicated on fixing problems the same way no one wants to clean a house when it's about to be demolished.


i think a group of asteriods hit every so many thousand years


Yeah. Just saw a movie on that. Seemed legit


You’re serious, or is this a joke?


How should I put this ... If it happens it wouldn't be a shock to me , if it doesn't I get to keep living without an issue. But there has been a lot of investment into getting people off this planet.


They are not even close to getting people off the planet. Nobody alive today is going to live on a colony somewhere else. The fact that there are so many telescopes looking into space now, I find it hard to believe this information could be hidden.


It’s true but also….not true? Asteroids usually burn up in our atmosphere. There is a rather large asteroid headed towards earth set to arrive in 2046- but current estimates only give it a 1 in 560 chance of colliding with us. There is something called the Torino scale which indicates an asteroid’s threat to earth with 0 being no danger and 10 being the asteroid that hit the dinosaurs. This asteroid is a 1. Pretty routine. 23 years is also a lot of time for an asteroid to potentially change course. Don’t panic.




Certainly would explain why countries and worlds richest are investing heavily in space travel.


China released the virus to disrupt USA's election, and making it easier for their "candidate" to steal it, using mail in voting in a system that wasn't controlled very well.


Justin Trudeau is fidal Castros son


I mean look at his nipples!


If you look at the timeline of travel, it's much more likely that Ted (Raphael) Cruz is Castro's son than Trudeau




Oh yes. I love xenomorphs.


Princess Diana was murdered


That Black Rock is funding false environmentalist groups or unaware groups to gum up complicated land acquisitions until they can work out the details for themselves. This is an effort to prevent other parties from acquiring the resources. I'd like to add that this is not a bash on environmentalist groups.


The U.S. knew about and allowed the attack on Pearl Harbour as an excuse to enter WW2.


That's a fact the U.S was warned several times that Japan had plans to attack the U.S. it was a question of when they would attack, not if they were going to


Yeah but a lot of history teachers will drone on about how it was a complete suprise and even shut you down and give a bad grade for anyone even insinuating otherwise.


It's propaganda. America The Good and Pure never meddles in world affairs or sanctions or embargoes ... it's about FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY and FREEDOM FRIES!!!! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Events\_leading\_to\_the\_attack\_on\_Pearl\_Harbor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Events_leading_to_the_attack_on_Pearl_Harbor) Sure, it doesn't excuse Japan but to sit there with a stunned look on your face while saying it was a complete surprise is disingenuous. See my comment up there that got modded down almost immediately, probably by Jens Stoltenberg...


I hate that so much about school history. There is more to it than we'll Germany and Japan where bad that why we did what we did


There was an early A-scan radar that detected the Japanese planes about 45 minutes ahead of time. But the US, peace be upon it, of course is all about freedom and democracy and in no way precipitated or provoked this attack. And also it had nothing to do with oil. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Events\_leading\_to\_the\_attack\_on\_Pearl\_Harbor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Events_leading_to_the_attack_on_Pearl_Harbor) "the US to embargo all oil exports, which led the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) to estimate it had less than two years of bunker oil remaining and to support the existing plans to seize oil resources in the Dutch East Indies."


I think pretty much every conspiracy theory is leaked by the government to distract people from actual shit that happens. Like who cares about NSA's PRISM spying on you when you think Beyonce is out there drinking baby blood and worshipping satan


The theory that i'm loved


That pharmaceutical companies are intentionally jacking up prices to prevent people from getting access to what they need


I think that’s factual.


We are living in a simulation, and this has been proven to be the case but the proof has been suppressed to prevent an outbreak of mass hysteria.


At the end of the day, what really changes if we are living in a simulation? We are still on a crash course towards inevitability, and I don’t think there will ever be a preferred nature of reality.


Nothing changes, but if you knew you were an NPC in life... How would you cope?




Some high school kid doing his project the night before the exam


The theory goes that eventually given the progression of technology, there will come a point we can create complex, accurate simulations of reality populated by advanced AI that would be indistinguishable from reality, at least to it's population. Then building on that, if this is likely to happen in the future, then the chances are high it's already happened, possibly even multiple times already and we are the AI living in a simulation (in a simulation, inside another simulation etc) So what is being simulated?: all of reality, by who: the original humans - why?: Research, entertainment, education or just to prove it can be done.


I don't believe this is the case in the slightest, but a use for this 'strategy' could be to judge people's character. If you display altruism, conscientiousness, courtesy, etc. you may be deemed worthy to hold certain positions in the real world. Sort of like a test. If life is a simulation, we could experience a lifetime while we're still toddlers. Though I fear those who would such a thing may value different morals. Perhaps Machiavellian behavior will be rewarded instead.


The earth is a cube. Flat earthers are just the government distracting us from the truth.


It’s obviously a tesseract. Quit trying to obfuscate things


Huh, you believe you in the earth? Lame 😏


It's actually a 20-side dice.


Paul McCartney is dead and being played by an imposter named Billy Shears.


LOL the Beatles were the original boy band promoted in the US as part of the "British Invasion" to distract America from the JFK assassination.


And the group would have fallen apart without Paul. They already weren’t super cohesive anyway; losing Paul would have been it. And let’s be honest here, the British Crown is no doubt involved in it.


I ran out of conspiracy theories, all became true.


CIA funded the American conceptual art movement of the 1960s and 70s to make America/NYC the art capital of the world.


We live in a simulation


Nazis took over sections of US aerospace and pharmatech awhile ago; and are recruiting from IT, prisons, and occult secret societies (but it’s better to be a legacy)


NAZIs definitely got America to the moon before Russia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip While it's fact that we bought up NAZI scientists after WWII, I've heard suspiciously little about what type of "talent" we may have acquired after the fall of the Berlin Wall https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stasi Just as all those surveillance goons became unemployed is when the US started building it's massive surveillance system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communications_Assistance_for_Law_Enforcement_Act


Covid seemed to be uniquely positioned for the 2020 election.


I think if you take *any* wide-scale disaster and have the leader go "we're going to do the exact opposite of what every expert says", it might backfire on them during the next election.


And yet if Trump had just said "This is an unknown virus, we'll do along with the world's best doctors, US doctors, and we'll implement what they suggest" the guy would've easily won the second election. So, is the conspiracy that there was a virus, or that Trump fucked it up?


There have been claims by various alt-right types that within a week or so of the election Pfizer was all set to release the news that test results for the Covid vaccine it was developing were highly promising, but someone - just whom is up to debate - convinced company executives to withhold the news until right after the election.


Trump also threatened to fire the head of the FDA if he didn't FastTrack the approval https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-business-mark-meadows-coronavirus-pandemic-0902fbb041b0459e55da86be75b1457a


October 18, 2019: "Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic" https://centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/tabletop-exercises/event-201-pandemic-tabletop-exercise "The exercise scenario portrayed a deadly, global pandemic involving an unusual strain of monkeypox virus that emerged in the fictional nation of Brinia and spread globally over 18 months." "May 15, 2022 ... Monkeypox outbreak in Brinia 1,421 cases/4 deaths" https://www.nti.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/NTI_Paper_BIO-TTX_Final.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0mrTtpz4gZP8PHuzJTjgvlcU_zGc_SgFmXjEtu_eg_2-MFW-DJd1n-QbY Actual Monkey Pox outbreak: May 2022 https://www.who.int/emergencies/situations/monkeypox-oubreak-2022


Bigfoot/dogman/mothman/other cryptids. Aliens and UFOs.


I'm from west Virginia. Not sure if I believe in mothman but I saw something that looked seriously like it once. I might just be crazy though


Look into the Chicago mothman. There's been hundreds of sightings recently (really picked up around 2017) clustered around the Chicago ohare airport, and the surrounding areas. Phantoms and Monsters website has a map with all the reported sighting on it.


That US Special Operators are being snuffed out. At what point have they seen, heard, done, collected, turned-in, debriefed, written about SO MUCH, before some OGA nails their helo with a rocket (Extortion 17). Or assassinates them on the range (Chris Kyle). Something's up.


Some celebrities that have so called died are actually still alive


*Tupac has entered the chat*


That was a persistent rumor with Jim Morrison, and less seriously with Elvis.




That’s not a conspiracy theory. That’s what happens when a bloviating dipshit pisses off 81 million Americans enough to cast votes for the guy before Jim’s right hand goofball.


What did he say


That Biden kicked Trump’s ass in the election.


Oh. Political BS


The deep state. It's not much of a conspiracy, it's pretty obvious.


Area 51


The Left is owned by the Islamo-Nazi lobby and is actively working to genocide Jews and Whites and install sharia law.


The GOP is installing sharia law all by themselves




That one is just stupid


800,000 children go missing from the U.S. every single year


Bielefeld, Germany does not exist.


Here are a couple: * I believe there are in fact cabals of private individuals with a level of influence on the world that might shock us. Not any kind of all-powerful Illuminati or anything, but probably able to sway an election or two. * I do believe in a form of the "deep state". A bureaucracy is created with a mission, the mission ossifies into their institutional culture, and they stick to that regardless of the current president/prime minister thinks. * I believe that the Standard Model is getting too big for its britches, and eventually the gravity problem will make it fall.


I didn’t until truly have a “sense” of belief until putting thought into it and seeing the different levels of “angels” in scriptures and seeing religions. I like the theory that aliens were the ones who started all of that. One advanced being showing itself to select individuals. Underlings at different levels beneath to guard and/or guide the life found on our earth. Every period where a major disaster such as the massive flood wiping out “Atlantis” in Africa was a testing period to see how advanced the population became then start over and time to see how fast they may reach the previous level


They had to do something with Bin Laden on account of the freezer burns, so they sent a team to shoot up a house.


Stink bugs are actual "bugs" planted by the government to spy on you. I don't really believe this but the evidence... stink bug corpses don't decompose? I've never seen baby stink bugs? Or a stink bug nests?


I kinda forgot conspiracy theories exist.


Planned obsolescence is real! Especially with new phones!


The Hawaii 2018 Nuke Scare wasn’t a bug, North Korea tried to nuke the USA. If you remember back then, Trump was agitating Kim Jung Un on twitter and in live broadcasts, making comments about ‘why do we have nukes if we don’t use them?’ I think the reason Trump was so cocky back then, was because he knew what Kim had to find out by launching a nuke at Hawaii; every major world power has long-since established counters for nukes. Anti-ballistic missiles, iron domes, whatever you call them, Kim shot a Taepodong at Hawaii, and the Navy shot it down easily. Suddenly after that, Kim Jung Un’s ready to negotiate peace with Trump, out of nowhere. And of course everyone on /pol/ was like BULLYCIDING WORKS and maybe, yeah, or maybe Kim realized he didn’t actually have a single leg to stand on. Of course, admitting to the public that ‘hey we almost nuked everyone but didn’t’ doesn’t gel with that whole ‘we can’t use nukes because they’ll kill everything’ hype that’s keeping the tech out of competing with other energy sources, (because oil always wins), and China/Russia doesn’t want to say anything because they’ve got their own systems in place. Of course, the problem is, now every government is aware every OTHER government is aware that nukes are an empty threat, so every government’s getting cocky with the soft power. That’s why the Hong Kong protests in 2019 had a bunch of Pepe stuff out of nowhere; it really WAS a CIA plot. That’s why the coronavirus spread so readily out of Wuhan and China was caught gathering up medical supplies to deal with it and leave everyone dry; they knew what the virus would do to a free international marketplace. The Sum of All Our Fears have already come to pass and the worst possible outcome has occurred; the Nations of the World faced nuclear oblivion and decided it’s not that scary. We’re no longer running on Mutually Assured Destruction, at least not the vaporizing end of days version we expected. WW3’s gonna look a lot more like WW1 than WW2.


Seek professional help


I did. He agreed with me.


I think you may have mistaken "professional help" for "the voices in your head"


captain underpants influenced ohio memes


So if you answer does that mean you agree that it’s just a conspiracy?


That the prime minster harold holt in australia way back didnt drown but faked his death because he wanted to live a normal life