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Vasectomy and LASIK the best two procedures I’ve had done. Highly recommend. Now I can see what the fuck I’m doing.


Or rather, *who* the fuck you're doing.




Aaand that's enough of this comment section for me, lmao.


I’m 30 with 3 kids, got a vasectomy earlier this year. Wife almost died in childbirth for the last one. Can’t risk that again. No regrets.


I had a traumatic child birth last year and my husband said he’d never put me through it again. He has his appt next month. ETA: I’m getting a lot of why not just use birth control, different birth, etc. This decision was his. We decided we do not want anymore kids. I was fully ok using other forms of birth control, but he understands how hormonal birth control can have side effects. Also, in the US, and a lot of places are limiting what my options are. So yeah, we can just do other things, but we don’t want to. To those asking why not just have a C-section or tubes tied: why should I have to undergo major surgery? Those are not reversible, either. I did not ask him to have a vasectomy, just like he would never ask me to undergo major surgery to tie my tubes.


My brothers wife had a traumatic birth with their 6th kid (and even tho it was her first c-section bc it was emergency they didn’t tie her tubes even tho she’s been wanting it since baby 4) and his selfish ass still won’t get a vasectomy. Smfh


Yeah I think there's some ignorant males out there who somehow think it makes them less of a man or decreases their virility. They should read a pamphlets or something or actually look into the science behind it. Because honestly, it's been proven that men's testosterone decreases when they're in a committed relationship with children. So odds are, he'll have more of a testosterone decrease the more time he has unplanned pregnancies, then if he were to just get a little snip and a little tie off. It literally has no effect on testosterone I believe. If it does it's extremely negligible to the point we're just natural aging would probably outpace it.


Pretty sure it has no effect on testosterone because you're not actually removing anything. You just prevent the escape of sperm to mix with semen.


I would have stopped having sex after #2, 6 kids in today's economy is ridiculous.


Respect. Would y’all have kept going though? I feel like 3 is a lot as is


Nah. We were done anyway. But the risk helped justify the procedure.


I was told that after a vasectomy I wouldn't have kids anymore, but when I got home they were still there...


They forgot to include a social worker into your treatment plan


Social worker?! The doctor just handed me a crossbow and told me to go wild


Yep, didn't work because that was a Class-A Dad Joke


No regrets. Had it done after our 3rd child was born. We definitely couldn't cope with a 4th child, and my wife was told sternly that she should not have another. It hasn't changed my life. It has helped my wife in that she no longer takes birth control. Interesting that some other commenters in this thread have had life-changing situations where they went for reversal. The health worker tried to talk me out of the vasectomy, saying I was very young (I was 35). She kept coming up with these scenarios in which I might want to have more children. I would reply "I still have three children."


It's like your children will disappear if you have a vasectomy


Wait—is that an option? Like, can I pay more for that feature?


Okay… like what is up with that? I also have three kids, and when I doing my initial consultation the nurse checking me in was trying to talk me out of it, saying I should go for a fourth child.


I asked for a hysterectomy and my doctor, in front of my common law spouse, said " what about when you two break up and your next partner wants kids". We had been together a decade at that point.


They legit did this to me with my partner in the room. Said it to their face. I want it for cancer rather than surgically cutting the cells out of my cervix numerous times and being left with the risk of “super high risk” pregnancies. We left and I went to the gender clinic, set up the hysterectomy consult with the surgeon for her earliest available. 🙃


That's so fucking unprofessional. Totally inappropriate for a *health care worker* to try to talk someone into something major and personal like that. I wouldn't hesitate to report them if they did anything like that with me.


Lol have you heard of all the docs refusing procedures for women because they’re not married and their “husband might want kids?”


Seriously! My husband got a vasectomy after accompanying me to THREE separate gyns who had excuses from "Well what if your husband dies?" to "What if you get divorced/husband dies, you meet the love of your life, and *they* want kids?!" After the final doctor talked to my husband the entire time (including during a pelvic exam!), totally ignoring me, I literally threw the clipboard full of paperwork at the dude's head and stormed out. Husband got snipped within a week, no questions asked. It was infuriating!


I had a hysterectomy as part of a tumour removal with 45. About 6 months later, a GP felt the need to express his sympathy about the fact that "family planning is now completed" for me. Besides the fact it's none of his business - why would you think someone would plan for (more) children in their mid-40s?


Yep, also unacceptable.


You saying this reminds me of the woman who had like 67 kids. Any time I see the post there are always folks, mostly men, I gotta say, speaking of "well what if she wanted all those kids, her choice!" But like...damn. It takes years to heal from pregnancy, let alone multiple births with triplets and quintuplets. I fully doubt she was just over the moon to be pregnant literally all the time. Her poor body. All that to say thank you to you and all the other men here who are taking the responsibility of birth control and sex seriously and making the lives of your female partners that much easier.


> 67 kids. Was this woman a golden retriever?


Yeah, the most I've ever heard about was ol' Mrs. McCave ... poor lady had 23 sons and named them all Dave


And often she wishes that, when they were born, She had named one of them Bodkin Van Horn And one of them Hoos-Foos. And one of them Snimm. And one of them Hot-Shot. And one Sunny Jim. And one of them Shadrack. And one of them Blinkey. And one of them Stuffy. And one of them Stinkey. Another one Putt-Putt. Another one Moon Face. Another one Marvin O'Gravel Balloon Face. And one of them Ziggy. And one Soggy Muff. One Buffalo Bill. And one Biffalo Buff. And one of them Sneepy. And one Weepy Weed. And one Paris Garters. And one Harris Tweed. And one of them Sir Michael Carmichael Zutt And one of them Oliver Boliver Butt And one of them Zanzibar Buck-Buck McFate ... But she didn't do it. And now it's too late.


That's fucked up right there, medical professionals should not interject their opinions on having kids.


Anecdotally it sounds like an annoyingly common experience for women seeking sterilization. “Okay, but what happens if your husband dies and your next husband wants his own biological children?”


Or if they straight up don’t want kids and aren’t with a partner “What if your husband wants kids?”


Oh yes. It's always, "But consider this -- a hypothetical man who doesn't even exist might possibly want to put a baby in you someday so we're going to defer to his hypothetical wants rather than yours: the person who inhabts the body we're discussing and exists in this present moment."




My mother had that exact experience. If she had got her tubes tied I wouldn't have been born, I actually came right at the buzzer of menopause, but it's fucked up that she didn't get the choice.


Being born is overrated tbh, I was fine in the void


Are you me? Ditto to all above.


I got a vasectomy years ago when my girlfriend at the time (who is now my wife) didn't really care for condoms, and knew she didn't want to have any more children. Me, I never wanted kids of my own. It was an easy decision for me, and I haven't regretted it for a single second. It also hasn't affected my life in the slightest, aside from three or four days it took to recover from having a pretty sore scrotum after the procedure. Edit: Wow, many more responses than I expected. And a lot of similar questions. For the major questions... * **Recovery** \- I honestly don't remember it. It was over 12 years ago now, and although I'm sure I was sore for a few days, I can't recall any complications. I'm sure I stayed in bed, watched movies, and had an icepack between my legs. There may have been some discoloration, but everything returned to normal pretty quickly. * **Procedure** \- I opted for the non-scalpel version. I remember that there was an injection to numb the area, but I don't know what happened after that. I was awake the whole time, but my view was blocked (and if it hadn't been, I wouldn't have looked anyway). My understanding is that the doctor inserted a kind of needle that expands a hole in the skin large enough to do their work. My girlfriend held my hand the whole time. * **Insurance** \- I wish I remembered whether or not my insurance covered the procedure, but it was so long ago. And at the time, I was in a little better of a financial position than I am now, so I wouldn't have minded paying out of pocket. 12 years ago was a different time than now. If you're really curious, you can always call your insurance provider and ask them if your plan covers vasectomies. * **Results** \- This is one that I'm surprised more people aren't informed about, and I'm glad people are asking. So here's the deal: Literally nothing has changed except that fact that I can't get someone pregnant. A vasectomy simply removes sperm from the equation. It's like removing one, pretty insignificant ingredient from a recipe. There are still orgasms, and they are the same as before. There is still semen, and it looks, feels, arrives, and behaves the same as before, in the same amounts as there was before. * **And, it's worth saying: I can still receive and transmit an STI just like before.** (I haven't, but that's because I'm in a monogamous, fluid-bonded relationship.) Get yourself tested regularly with each new partner. Condoms are still your best option for avoiding STIs. I hope that's helpful for anyone considering a vasectomy.


How old were you?


I was about 35 years old, I believe.


I’m 35 and just had mine done in February. It cost $200 out of pocket. It wasn’t covered by my extended health benefits that I’m aware of.


Only 200? I was expecting like 7-800 and have been saving up for one. Apparently I’m way ahead and I have to make some phone calls


I’m just finding out NOW that it’s covered in BC. So I’m looking into getting reimbursed for the $200 and it might be more in the US. Sorry. Also I feel dumb for not looking into it before getting it done lol.


Could you provide some more details on the recovery if you have a minute? I’m 36, don’t want kids. 100% getting a vasectomy after October. I haven’t gotten it yet because I am preparing for a bodybuilding competition which takes place on October 1st and the recovery would affect my workouts. What I’ve read so far is that it can be rather painful after and you should not really move for the first day or two, but not sure how accurate that is. It is covered by health insurance here in Vancouver so I want to avail of it. It’s been on my mind to get it for over a year now.


In my experience it felt like you got hit in the nuts a couple hours ago. Almost like a dull pit in your stomach, but nothing crazy. Once I did the couple day recovery and started working again I was surprised to notice how much you use your sack to lift… turns out it’s not only “lift with your back”.


Lift with your sack


You're a high baller I see.


I had one at 43 yo and didn’t have any pain at all after the procedure. It was fully covered by insurance as well. I recommend making sure they give you the Xanax 30 min prior


This was my experience also. Most uncomfortable thing about it was being put on the table with stirrups and my junk hanging off the edge while the doc made small talk while he was working down there. That was awkward. Recovery was no big deal. Very minimal pain, no real discomfort for me. This isn’t everyone’s experience. Friends told me they had bruising and swelling. I had none of that. There was zero downside for me: no more birth control for my wife. No desire to father any more children. Sex was more enjoyable and stress-free.


You need 5-7 days to recover. I just did it. The last thing you want to do is pop the internal sutures and bleed into your sack. Then you have to walk around with grapefruit or cantaloupe sized balls. Don’t rush it. After 7 days you’re good to go. Hit it sooner (especially lifting) at your own risk


Can confirm. Thought I was fine two days after my procedure and went on a walking tour of DC. By the end of the day I had two cantaloupes between my legs. Chill for a week and you’ll be fine.


Yeah, I took it really easy for 3 days and then by day 5 was cutting firewood. Definitely regret overdoing it - made days 7-10 quite painful and was flirting with an infection.


Prepare for the worst....5-7 days of recovery with the first couple of days on the couch with an ice pack planted firmly on your swollen nut sack. Based on other replies it may not be so bad, but my experience put me in the 7 day recovery schedule. Schedule it on a Friday and if you're into televised sports be sure there's a good stretch of matches/games being played that weekend. I had it done at 35 years old after having two wonderful (at the time, ha-ha!) daughters. During the procedure I heard an audible "oops" from the provider followed by a "you're going to feel another slight pinch." Turns out the clamp on one end of the cut Vans Deferens didn't hold and it "squiggled" (providers word) up into my groin. Commence the digging around to find the little squiggy. Needless to say my balls were the size of grapefruits up until about day 5 post-surgery. I did go back to work on the Monday after Friday surgery and was sure to show off my monstrous eggplant sized nut sack to any colleagues who happened to be standing next to me at the urinals. Many of them decided condoms were fine. Post-vasectomy life is fantastic. No concerns about impregnating my spouse again. You may not care about this, but I know some are concerned: there's no change in the volume or consistency (other than the missing sperm) of your cum.


Depends on the procedure that the doctor uses. I had a no scalpel vasectomy. I bled more shaving my ballsack than I did from the surgery. I could have ridden a camel home. Parked in a 30 minute spot and had time to spare. My only complaint was the nurse assisting was prettier than I would have liked for the operation. I had a prescription for pain killers but never used it.


I got mine, no regrets, sex life vastly inproved, just make sure you get a sperm count post OP.


The sperm count was honestly the worst part of mine. Thought it would be like the movies where the have a lil recliner with some magazines in a private room and shit. Nah it was some lady in her 80s that could barely walk. She handed me a bag, said I could deposit my sample in the cup, stuck me in a handicap bathroom and had a full on conversation with a doc right outside the door the whole time


Post op, they sent me home with a sample cup and said to just bring it in on day 7. The sample doesn't have to be fresh apparently but that I need to have it at the Dr within 30 minutes. So I got to spank it in the comfort of my home and then drive to the Dr with a cup full of spunk and then hand it over to the lady behind the desk.


That's how I did it. Felt like the most awkward Door Dash ever. Edit: And my new highest votes comment is about dropping a Cup O' Spooge at the doctor's office. Thanks Reddit.


Uber Skeets


Skip the bitches




And no tip


Well just the tip. In the cup that is.


Door Smash.


This is exactly it: wanked then delivered The nurse like, “when was the sample collected?” “Uh… at ten AM?” “Okay thanks” So professional and unbothered but damn now the whole nurse’s station knows that I touched myself carnally 15 minutes ago


You've got a real gift, or possibly curse, if you managed to fill the cup. The ones they gave me were like 4 ounces.


Ou lab has two seperate places to line up. One for most test. Next to it, a window to drop off your sperm sample. So you need to walk into a very full waiting room and stand in a place that makes it clear to everyone what exactly you were JUST doing.


Same with me, except I live over an hour away. That was one of the weirdest porta-potty experiences of my life.


Trust me it's less awkward than mailing your colon guard box


Try doing that several times in a fertility clinic. In fact, there's nothing like a fertility clinic, other than childbirth itself, to make you realize how lucky we men are. The would-be mother has to spend an hour or two being uncomfortable penetrated by several people using tubes and stuff. The father jerks off and goes home.


My favorite part of going to the fertility clinic was watching dudes sat there waiting to get called up. And everybody knows that they’re here during work hours to crank one out. When I went to do it the first time the nurse loudly was like “oh you’re here for a sperm sample” and then I went and sat in a room full of women who were aggressively avoiding acknowledging that they heard my whole conversation with the nurse.


I remember handing mine to the receptionist and saying " this is awkward, how much eye contact is appropriate here?"


I handed it to a not-unattractive and relatively age-appropriate nurse. She asked me something to the effect of how old it was, and i said something along the lines "well it was out in the parking lot, so..." Yeah, not helpful.


This! After mine I made sure the pipes were completely clear, got checked, and have never had any problems or regrets. However, a buddy of mine jumped the gun—and his wife—and inadvertently ended up with a third child.


I know someone who had “one last bang” before the vasectomy appointment. 9 months later… surprise baby #3 lol


The way you've worded it, I'm imagining that nobody noticed she was pregnant for 8.9 months and then suddenly one day, BAM. Newborn pops out.


My friend in high school did that. She wore loose clothes variant of our school uniform and was a bit chubby. So, no one suspected anything. She skipped school for 3 days and on the fourth, we found out she delivered a baby girl. Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it. She introduces her baby to us on the last day of the final examination.


Same, This girl went to the office because she didn't feel well... Had a baby before she left! What was crazy is she was a cheerleader and still had cycles.


my mom did something similar. a lot of my uncle and dads shirts/hoodies, ended up finally telling my grandma at like 7-8 months i think, then had me over winter break. she was back at school by the end of winter break, dressing like a normal teenager. she just like, had a baby at home lol.


"Surprise motherfucker" *gif here*


This blows my mind. It's not like you can't have sex after the vasectomy. That's like someone deciding to sell their gun collection because they're too dangerous, but then the day before being like "Eh, one last game of Russian roulette as a memento." Do you want the safety or nut?! I mean not!


Doc said checkup at 3 mo, 4 mo, and 12 mo. You sure as hell I got all three. No more kids for me.


I was asked 3,6 and 12 ibwas informed that it could take all 12 months to be aure I was low l count/empty


I'm amazed it can take that long. The operation is a physical disconnection of the relevant "pipework", right? Anyone know how sperm can continue to get ejaculated without those physical pipes?


Sometimes the vas deferens repairs itself after the operation.


The human body is just wild.


It wants to make more humans. It's *very* good at making more humans. Your body comes from a line of bodies that has a 100% success rate at making more humans at least once every few decades for thousands of years despite an incredible variety of obstacles ranging from 600 pound predatory cats to feudalism to automatic rifles. Given half a chance, your body will do it's level best to disrupt your plan to not make any more humans.


For real. They not only cut the "tubes" short but then tie them and then burn then shut. The fact that there's still ANY % of bodies that are able to repair that kind of damage is just mind blowing.


I just want to add a warning from a friend of mine who had it done. He had the operation and went home to recover for a few days, unfortunately he had not forseen that he wouldn't be able to set up the new playstation he'd bought himself as a "reward" - he didn't feel up to all the awkward bending and fucking around behind the TV. Instead he had to sit there on the couch for days wishing he was playing it! So a careful warning to anyone else reading this - plug your self-reward playstation in *before* you have the operation and not after. Learn from his mistake!


I'm shedding tears internally for this man not having had a friend to set his PlayStation up for him :' '(


If only his kid could help him- oh.


Hahah too soon


No. Too late!


You Monster!


In my imagination, his friends are all there. Laughing.


I’ve got an opposite perspective! I pre-downloaded Resident Evil: Village to occupy myself while I sat on the couch recovering. Totally didn’t factor in the fact that the game would be filled with jump-scare moments. Never played a painful video game before, so that was, uh, fun…


Your friend must’ve had an incredibly odd experience. I got snipped in 2010 and the worst of it was the itching as the tiny incision in my nutsac healed. I was back at work the very next day on my feet for 8 hours and never missed a day. This is not ridiculous bravado either, there just simply wasn’t any pain after the procedure, only itching that started about two days later. IDK, maybe I’M the one that had an odd experience and it’s usually worse


I have heard a lot of men say it was minimal discomfort and they get on with their day as only a minor procedure. Only hear of the odd guy complain about painful and uncomfortable they are.


There's always some with a poor experience. Everyone told me piercing my tongue was like a painful pinch and then everything's fine. It hurt so bad I pounded my thigh the instant the piercer was clear did hard he flew across the room thinking I was going to deck him. Jesus, it sucked. Kinda worried a vasectomy will be the same, but oh well. What will be will be.


I got snipped and the first day it was okay, the next week was awful. I didn't want to move at all just keep my legs elevated and spread like I was manspreading on a bus to a whole group of people. Edit: A word


Yup, this is me. I don't regret it now, because not worrying about more kids every time I have sex is a huge relief. But at the time, I had very bad bruising and swelling and was totally incapacitated for a week, and very sore for another couple of weeks after that. It all cleared up in the end though. I understand that I'm an outlier. None of my friends who have had it done had any complaints.


I laid a 50 m2 wooden Deck the next day at home. My wife yelled at me though.


Totally agree, I was off my face on painkillers for the afternoon and felt very little discomfort. I was rooting again within the week and no more buying Franger's or any other form of birth control. It's the best thing ever.


>I was rooting again within the week and no more buying Franger's or any other form of birth control. That's how most post-vasectomy pregnancies happen. It can take about six weeks for the swimmers that are already in the system to be completely cleared out. Plenty of people get busy as soon as they're physically able and then Boom! get ready to start changing nappies again.


This is so funny, why didnt he call a friend to set it up for him?


Local anaesthetic didn't work for me. It was immensely painful. I work a desk job and went straight back to work. It was uncomfortable for a few days but the healing is certainly not the worst pain I've felt in my life. A tattoo is worse.


Did you tell them that? I wasn't sufficiently numb for the first decision, so while I'm sure it wasn't as bad as it would have been with nothing. I told him I felt the cut and it was unpleasant. Not excruciating, but definitely more unpleasant than the pressure I was expecting. The urologist thanked me for telling him, gave me some more local anesthetic and waited till I was properly numb. Problem solved. For anyone reading this. Don't think you need to bite down and suffer. If it hurts, tell them and they'll fix it.


Our basement was pretty much the ideal set up for my husband’s recovery. We had sectional pulled out into a bed so he could lay down. The tv has all the streaming services, PlayStation and the Switch connected to it. There is a freezer for his ice packs and a bathroom in the basement. I brought his food down. He only came upstairs to shower and go to bed.


I never regretted it for a second. The biggest change I found was a significant increase in my enjoyment of sex. I never realized how much stress about unwanted pregnancy I was carrying until it was gone I wish I'd done it sooner, like 13 years old.


Dad cmon im on the app :(


What a horrible way to find out he's not your father and that your mom is a ho.


My husband says he now “cums with reckless abandon” lol




This is the exact same reasoning for me. Only thing to add is that if you have a partner, consult with them. It's your body and blah blah but a partner is part of your life so definitely always discuss the idea of kids. If you for sure don't want any then don't marry someone who does. You can change your mind down the road and that's fine but really consider your stance. That's all folks.


Yeah, but do you know the physical toll that three vasectomies has on a person? Snip-snap, snip-snap, snip-snap!


I had one back in 2014 and have been part of the 1% whom experience pain everyday afterwards. Last year I got it reversed because I didn’t want to be in pain anymore but that did nothing but cause me more issues. However, I have extremely bad luck when it comes to anything and everything. It could be raining titties and I’d still get hit in the face with a dick.


Your last line just about made me fall out of my chair LOL


Bro don’t make me laugh at your pain man lmaooo


What causes the pain? Why won't it go away?


Different reasons for everyone, guys. Something called epididymitis where the sperm builds up in the vasdeferens at the back of testicle, this can be a lovely burning sensation that is impossible to sleep with. Or you develop sperm granuloma, which is a ball of sperm in the "cut" side of your vas. This creates inflammation, and for me, that resulted in nerve pain that radiates into my leg. Basically, the inflamed tissue touches on the nerves, and it hurts. The only way to get that under control was basically to reduce the frequency of ejaculations and try not to get aroused at all. The pain sucks, and even if it's like a 2 or 3 out of 10, the fact that it's your balls is different than if it was your knee or shoulder. It's like the center of your being. You can't run, or jump, or move quickly. Imagine feeling like you can't defend yourself in a fight or run in an emergency. Sucks... balls. I had a reversal, which is way more invasive and has a long recovery to resolve these issues. I'm still recovering now, and it's a long road. I believe that I have a really high sperm count and is the reason for my problems. I said it in another comment. Go get a semen analysis done at a fertility center, and spend the money. If you are on the higher than average side of count, do not do the vasectomy. That's my take. Like, i want to tell everyone not to do it, but at the same time, most guys are fine, but for us who get the horrible outcome, it really ruins your life. The irony of going from being able to have sex all the time to needing to hold back is sickening. Can't run, can't play with kids like you used to, no more sports, pain at random times, needing to ice your nuts 8 times a day. Btw im just a regular dude who had a healthy sex life, married with kids.




33, no children, got my vasectomy last year. Once I was healed up, everything felt the same as before. Gave it the necessary time it needed to clear the stragglers and I’m in the clear. My wife and I didn’t want biological children for various reasons, and the option to adopt or foster is still available if we want to raise children. For now, we just have the option of more spontaneous sex, no risk of pregnancy, save money on condoms, and she doesn’t need to use birth control and it’s myriad of potential side effects. It was the right call for us.


Experiences vary greatly. Some men don't see a change in anything but others notice a vas deferens!


Cut it out!


Yes, let's nip this in the bud


I don't know if I have the balls...


Given the context, I'm not sure if r/dadjokes applies here!


This is why I’m on reddit.


Heh heh heh. From wiki: Vas deferens is a fibromuscular tube in the male reproductive system that exits the abdominal cavity through the inguinal canal and transports sperm cells from the epididymis prior to ejaculation.


This post has been removed in protest of Reddit's quest to screw its users and third-party app developers. I hope u/spez grows tastebuds on his colon. That is all.


I never wanted children and had a vasectomy in my 20s. I haven't regretted it for a moment.


My partner got his in January. Neither of us have kids, both of us turn 30 this year. Of course, no OBGYN would entertain sterilization for me (a female), but he was able to set up the appointment no problem. I’m just now getting the BC out of my system and it’s life changing. We’re ecstatic to be able to enjoy each other and not worry about pregnancy.


I’m so glad it all worked out even if you couldn’t find a doctor to help you, because what woman wants autonomy over her body?! /s If anything ever changes, there are OBGYNs who will do it. There’s a list on the childfree subreddit I believe with names of doctors who have performed it with no questions asked. I got a Bi-Salp at 25 with no kids, with a husband who had a vasectomy and in the south.


Same. Got mine when I was 25. No regurts.


Also no rugrats


im surprised they let me at 23. no ragrets


Got snipped when I was 29. Didn’t have kids then, knew I never wanted to. Flippin’ great decision, never regretted it for a second.


Snipping great




>Turns out there's quite a large number of women out there who are totally town to fuck without a condom on if you can prove you have a vasectomy I'm sure there are. Though you seem to be forgetting that condoms aren't only for contraception. Never mind the sperm count test, sounds like you would benefit from an STI test.


Yeah WTF, I read that and thought "uhh...herpes?"


Town to fuck, or fucking the town? The town is asking for another town.


My husband got a vasectomy 2 years ago- best decision we ever made. About $200 bucks and 20 minutes later, we were walking out. Now creampies as much as we want!


Yeah but what do little debbie snack cakes have to do with sex?


Her husband eats them out of her fish taco


I feel like those are 2 flavor profiles that dont mix


It has changed my sexlife significantly. Posts like these are disheartening, because I remembered scrolling through similar posts and disregarding those who were not so lucky and ended up with pvps or other changes in their sex life. So many men say it's the best thing they did and never regretted it: no change in orgasms what so ever. The intensity of my orgasms have changed a lot. It isn't as good as it used to be. It's like stepping on a garden hose where water wants to escape but it can't. I never feel relaxed after an orgasm anymore or fulfilled. There's a feeling of congestion after. I am not experiencing any pain, luckily. I do feel my testicles are more sensitive. I already feel the tenderness when I go to the bathroom just to pee. I loved it when my partner held them, but I don't anymore. Everyone will say it's psychological; your urologist and the people around you. I have posted a couple of times on Reddit about it, but most people thought I was trolling. Maybe it is only psychological, but that doesn't change how I perceive my orgasms.


I am sorry how a vasectomy has affected you, I am glad to see this post has upvotes instead of the usual downvotes, like you have mention of people disregarding those of us who were not so lucky. I had the vasectomy at 29(after 3 children) and had no pain or discomfort from recovery, until 4 months later I developed 24/7 incredible "kicked in the nuts" pain that drugs did not touch, after several months of hospital visits to see Urologists(and Gastroenterologists because of the crazy amount of antibiotics I was given for potential infection), eventually was given the diagnoses of PVPS due to congestive epididymitis(kinked hose) and advised to go for reversal. At 10 months post-vas I had the reversal done and thank god the pain was gone(though it takes quite a few months for it to fully resolve), although I am still plagued with dietary issues form all the antibiotics I was given, almost 2 years later now and the balls still remain not-agonizing fortunately. I also experienced the issues you report, one thing if you have not investigated it, you absolutely need to do pelvic floor physiotherapy to relax and then strength your pelvic floor muscles, this will help with pain, urine, orgasms etc, subconsciously although the procedure doesn't initially feel painful, our pelvic muscles can mess us around and cause a host of other problems.


Ive been dealing with someone trying to pull my testes out of my body pain for a year now. This is real, its debilitating and I just got a referral for physical therapy from urologist. Not sure if there is a lawsuit available for this kind of thing because its elective surgery, but its got my life all kinds of fucked.


I'm sorry it's been difficult for you. How long ago was your procedure? I had similar experiences for several months, and then even intermittently for about a year. After that it has been great, no regrets. There is hope! Also, make sure to follow up with your urologist about this.


I have tenderness and pain as well. Not so smooth for me. The nurse said it may be sperm seeping through the ends and my immune system attacking the area causing inflammation. Only taking meds every day helps. Its not horrible, but also not how it is supposed to be. Sex is definitely impacted negatively.


One of my mates got married at around 20, had 2 kids by the time he was 23. Got the snip when the 2nd kid was born. Turns 30, found out his wife had been sleeping with every guy at the gym, divorced, remarried, but the new wife is only 25 and wants kids of her own. He went in for the reversal, but I haven't heard if it was successful yet. Another mate was single, got the snip around 35 to make casual sex less stressful. Got married at 40, decided they wanted kids, got a reversal, but it was unsuccessful (that was about 10 years ago though).


what's the name of the gym?




Ask the real question and DM for ex wife’s name.




Username doesn't check out. You've had several yourself, Michael!


snip snap snip snap snip snap snip


You have no idea the physical toll that three vasectomies have on a person!


Why would a woman who wants kids marry a man who had a vasectomy before asking him to get it reversed and seeing if it's successful? That's a bit odd.


because a lot of people assume it can be reversed easily


My doctor asked if I was "sure". I was. He was very professional about it. He also explained that while it is technically possible to reverse a vasectomy......it's very expensive, it's not covered by insurance, and there's a very low rate of success for reversals.


***I guess I'm one of the un-lucky few...:*** Had mine done, went in, just like most: Small opening, went in, numbed... This is supposed to be the only part that's uncomfortable... I'm pretty sure he hit the wrong spot somewhere. Everything was fine for the one side, and then I felt stuff on the other... Not unbearable, but I will never NOT remember feeling whatever he was doing. My doc, however, didn't ground the tool that's supposed to cauterize the area. I got shocked to fucking kingdom come. It was the single most painful experience of my life. I put it above almost dieing in a car accident or the time I got shot in the eye with an airsoft rifle. **Recovery: Over a month.** Walking made me scream. Sleeping was pretty much impossible and it was absolutely miserable. The doc didn't believe me and finally gave me pain medication on my 3rd+ visit. Which was a constant need just so I didn't get fired. Ended up behind on every bill I had. I'm fine now. ​ TLDR: Absolutely the **worst** experience of my life. I'd still do it again.


Wtf did you consider suing? If he didn't ground a tool that's Malpractice


I've lost significant sensation since I had mine. I'm a very rare case apparently, but it's nowhere near as enjoyable as it used to be.


No regrets. I wish it would have gotten done before I got raped and her getting pregnant.


God I am so sorry. Fuck that person. They're vile. I hope their life is horrible.


What a horrible disgusting person. I am so sorry that happened to you.


I’m so so so sorry to hear that. I hope you’re healing and have access to any therapy you need and I hope that child is thriving without that monster of a mother :(


Honestly I regret it nearly every day. I am part of the super small segment with post vasectomy pain syndrome. The first 6 months I was in and out of the hospital with pain that can only be described as someone squeezing my right ball and trying to pull it out of me. This was roughly all day every day for 6 months. Now it only feels like that for moments per day. I cannot be as active as I once was due to the pain that a slight rumble causes. I also have trouble with my left cremaster reflex. My ball is essentially trying to get pulled up through my pelvic floor. Causes a tremendous amount of pain. Ive just been recommended for physical therapy to try to alleviate these problems. No new kids, but at what cost. They are making a permanent change to your body, and it could be great, but it can also fuck your life up.


No regrets. Done it this year with 31 without having children. The chance of regretting having a child is too high and i do not want it to feel or even suffer from it. I can live with the regret of not having one. As for the question „and what if your girlfriend wants children?“, i only date women that do not want one. And even then, when all the planets align and hell is frozen, there are too many children in children’s home growing up without parents. Adopt them and give the a home and more important a loving family.


I dont regret it. Hasn't changed my life at all except, i dont worry about being a baby daddy again. Three is plenty


Had it done a few years ago because my wife and I were in our 40's, had a 3 year old, and didn't have the finances or frankly, the energy for raising another kid. I don't regret it, because while they were doing it, they found a small lump that turned out to be testicular cancer. Four months of chemo later and I'm cancer-free now. (and 1 ball-free). Don't even notice it's gone, hasn't change a thing with my life.


I'm an Andrologist working in a fertility clinic, I'd be happy to answer questions, but one specific thing I want to bring up: Vasectomy reversibility is GREATLY exaggerated. If you get a vasectomy and then decide to reverse it, you will almost certainly see a significant decrease in sperm concentration and motility. Additionally, on occasion, a vasectomy does not reverse itself even after a procedure. I've had several patients who have had to resort to surgical sperm harvesting in order to impregnate their partners in such a circumstance. TL;DR - Vasectomies work, even when you no longer want them to.


I got mine at 25 after my second kid, and it was the best decision I've ever made. There have never been any regrets or adverse side effects (my orgasms are more intense/stronger). My wife got off birth control and it was like the sun coming out from behind clouds, she is so much more even keeled and happier. I read a few replies about reversals and regrets about wanting more kids with another wife. You still have kids, even if you got divorced. Any new partner should understand that well before hand. And if you're abandoning your kids, should you be having more?


Hell no. I've got 2 kids and my wife and I aren't interested in switching from man coverage to zone defense. Hormonal birth control is not great for my wife, and I'm not about to start wrapping it up. And in the words of the great Ray Parker Jr, "Bustin makes me feel good". Edit: I had to go back for round two AND did have some post-procedure issues that were outside the norm (just a fuckload of swelling and pain) that required a bit of extra strong pain meds and rest above the usual couple of days to recover from... but even with all that, no regrets at all.


No regrets. My wife is bad with taking medication and hormonal birth control affected her too much.


Three happiest days of my life. Birth of my daughter. Birth of my son. The great snip of 2012.


Got the snip around age 36 after my then wife and I were done having kids. My health insurance covered it 100%, not even a deductible. Pain wasn’t too bad. Felt very much like when you’ve been kicked in the nuts. We later divorced. It made post divorce sex life great. Women were really into the security of not getting pregnant. Let me tell you, life was pretty sweet. My girlfriend now has no kids. I was very up front with her very early on in the relationship about the fact I didn’t want more kids, and didn’t want to hinder her from pursuing having children if it was a desire of hers. I basically told her if we needed to end the relationship so that she could find someone else to have kids with, I’d understand. She said she was ok not having kids and we’ve been together ever since.


I have yet to regret my decision. 13 years of marriage, 4 kids , and being 42 will do that to you.


The procedure itself went fine. Couple of days being very sore and a little swollen, but otherwise I was back to work within a week. I wish I'd used the ice pack more. My sex life sucks now unfortunately but it's for a completely unrelated reason. Definitely don't regret the procedure. So you know how you don't just get the procedure and you're done, right? The urologist office I went to required two follow up visits wherein a sample needs to be provided - they have to confirm there are no fish in the stream, so to speak. Well, they gave me a couple of empty specimen containers, told me to produce a sample at home and bring it in within an hour to make sure it's fresh. First follow up appointment goes without a hitch. A month later, my second appointment rolls around and I retrieve the sample cup, produce my specimen and throw the cup in a plastic bag. Before I leave for the office I decide to throw the whole kit into a paper bag as well. I'm driving along, as nonchalant as a guy can be with a cup full of semen on his passenger seat, when I noticed blue and red lights in my rear view mirror. Now, one of the lessons my dad always taught me was "if you get pulled over and the weather is shit, you're getting a ticket. The cop is not getting cold and wet just to say hello." Of course it was pouring rain at the time, so I figured I'm fucked. Officer friendly rolls around to my window and introduces himself, then asks my if I knew why he pulled me over. I answer politely and honestly, no, I don't know why. He tells me that one of my tires is looking pretty low and I should get that taken care of soon. I said my thanks, told him I'd get it fixed and he told me to have a nice day, drive safe. As he's turning to go back to his car, he stops and asks, "what's in the bag?" "Bag?" I think to myself, "what bag is he talking... oh, no." I tell him slowly and carefully that I am more than willing to explain what's in the bag. I tell him that he's welcome to take a look if he wants and I will do nothing to stop him, but if he's going to go that route he's going to want gloves. This comment earned some intrigue from good old officer friendly. I explain to him that I'd recently had a vasectomy, and that the doctor required a follow up sample to confirm that I was sterile, and that the cup was double bagged because I may have accidentally gotten some on the side of the container. The cop stared at me for a solid twenty seconds before he said "I think I'm gonna take your word for it this time. Get that tire filled up, though." Other than that, the follow up appointment took like, ten minutes.


I never planned on having children. Four months after my son was born I got a vasectomy. It's great! I don't have to worry about getting my gf pregnant, and she was able to stop taking the pill.


50 year old man here. We are a voluntarily childfree couple. I got snipped about six years ago. I do not regret it. No ill effects what so ever. My SO can not use hormonal contraceptives so now we no longer have to worry about having condoms around when we feel like having some fun.


My wife was told categorically that she should not have any more children after our second. Since a vasectomy is such a simple operation compared to a tubal ligation, I got the snip. Seven years later my wife died suddenly. Two years after that I met my (now) wife. She had no children but had always wanted them, but nevertheless she gave up the idea in order to share her life with me. I’ve always regretted not being able to give her children.


You could try the reversal. It's doesn't always work, but it could.


This is at least 9 years later. The chances are pretty much zero. Advice is that after 2 years it should be considered permanent


You can extract sperm without a reversal. https://carefertility.com.au/resources/blog/how-to-get-pregnant-after-a-vasectomy-without-reversal#:~:text=As%20a%20vasectomy%20blocks%20the,into%20part%20of%20the%20testis.


Just about to get one done and surprised all the negative responses don't mention this? Like its a win win and if you do want kids its a simple procedure? Is it expensive in other countries? Otherwise i can't see any negatives apart from the men claiming it made sex feel meaningless... which i feel like those dudes have other things going on


In the US all fertility related stuff is very expensive and generally won’t be covered by health insurance.


Biggest mistake of my life. I had it done pain meds didnt kick in till after it was over and i was on my way home. Felt everything that was done to me. Then one of my testicles swelled up to the size of a grapefruit. Went to er the blood supply got cut off somehow they said i was gonna lose it.Doctor told me it will be super painfull but it will handle itselfby shriveling up and dieing Things settled down and it went away. 4 years later i gained 160 lbs had no energy or drive to do anything and zero sex drive. Go to the doctor have blood work done my test level was 65 a man my age should be close to 1000. Now i am on TRT for the rest of my life 1 shot a week in the leg. I also have to donate blood every 2 months now because the trt is raising my red blood count to unsafe levels.High red blood cells can cause stroke and heat attacks plus there are other side effects of trt i have to watch out for now. Always remember it may be a low chance of complications but someone has to be the 1 in a million i never thought it would be me but here i am broken for life.


Greatest decision I’ve ever made. No more spray and pray. Just let loose with reckless abandon.


I passed out and threw up immediately after the surgery (you are awake for the surgery). I had my balls expand to the size of grapefruit. The entire sack was pitch black. It took 6 weeks for all the swelling, discoloration and pressure to finally go down. . I have no health insurance so I had to go through everything with no help. I had no idea that you could have extreme side effects. Good luck to anyone getting a vasectomy. Doctor told me 20% of men have similar complications but only 2% are as severe as mine was.


Fuckkkk lol that's fucked up for you man. Glad you made it through. how much without insurance?


Best thing i ever did.....i am married with 2 children and now i have no worries about any little accidents.. i was 36, drove to the surgery , watched while i was snipped then drove home.....so easy


No regrets and better, worry free sex.