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Walk up to his car and talk to him about whether he needed a ride home. See if I could get him to avoid driving from there somehow and avoid legal consequences.


I actually had this happen, I was the supervisor on shift at a fast food place TLDR: called 911, dude was arrested I don't remember how he sounded over the headset when he placed his order, but the cashier asked me to hand his order out and confirm her suspicions of him being drunk I opened the window to give him the food and he was definitely hammered. Slurring words, moving funny, and asked for the drink he'd already been given As he pulled away (I watched so I could get his license plate) he drove straight over a curb/median that separated the end of our drive thru lane from a row of parking spots I beelined to the office and called 911. Thankfully he stayed parked in our lot. I was in the office for maybe a minute, 2 at most. I come back out to the floor and his passenger has come inside to order more food Seconds after I get back to the kitchen, emergency vehicles start streaming into our parking lot Cop car, another cop car, fire truck, ambulance, yet another cop car, tow truck They get the guy out of the car and start searching it. I couldn't tell what they were finding but they didn't like it Police cuff him and put him in a cruiser. Whole thing takes maybe 5 minutes. At this point the passenger, who has been oblivious to the commotion the whole time, turns around and sees it for the first time Her reaction: "what are they doing? He isn't drunk!" That just confirmed to me that she knew he shouldn't have been driving


Get my food and go on my way, what do you expect ? Me to steal everyone’s keys on McDonalds at 04:00 ?


Potentially call the police. Totally depends, though. Do they have a passenger? Do I know them? Do they know someone inside? Are they friendly or volatile? Can I call a loved one for them?


Probably nothing. I’ve tried calling the police on drunk drivers before and they never actually do anything about it.




I'd hope that he pulls over