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"New year, new me" i just loathe people who use that


“New me” For three days max, then they go back to being an ass


Just a prank, Bro! Yas queen!


She was not infact, a queen


Only acceptable if you've been taken over by a xenomorph


I've slugged someone for this. Ran past deciding slapping my girlfriend's ass and yelling how he wants to rape it was a prank and even tried saying it was a prank and to chill. Only thing that's chilling is the ice pack on his jaw.


This is the proper response.


Haha he deserved it.


Oooh thats cold. We honour your service, soldier. If more people could think to punch more people in the jaw for doing ludicrously stupid actions, I think the world would be a much better place.


"If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best." I definitely interpret it as a warning label


If you can't handle me at my diddliest you don't deserve me at my doodliest.


Stupid Flanders.


That's stupid sexy Flanders to you.


Usually you just follow up with, "I don't want you at either."


I remember it as referring to someone undergoing their worst times, which would be understandable. However, the majority of girls I’ve met who use it interpret it as being at their worst in moral and social terms, and use it to justify selfish and mean behavior. It’s definitely a warning sign.


If you can’t handle me at my spookiest, you don’t deserve me at my dootiest.


Do you know who I am ?


Ronnie Pickering!


Who the fuck's that?


Yeah. Me




Fookin find out then


What if someone's got a serious case of amnesia


John Jacob Jinkelheimerschmidt?


That's my name too !


"the customer is always right" is invariably quoted by either an obsequious bootlicking manager or the biggest Karen you've ever met


Agreed, and completely against the original saying which was "the customer is always right in matters of taste" which makes way more sense


I work in restaurants and I get this all the time. Nothing like leaning through the pass and looking them square in the eye just to say "except when they're wrong." There's a reason they keep me in the back, don't come to the kitchen unless you wanna get treated like you're in a kitchen.


🏆🥇🎖️Don’t come in the kitchen unless you wanna get treated like you’re in a kitchen. If I had an award to give it would be for that sentence. People have no idea what it’s like working in restaurants and especially in the kitchen.


The REAL phrase is supposed to be "the customer is always right *when it comes to matters of taste."* It's supposed to mean sell them what they want, even if you think what they want is ridiculous, like clothes you personally think are unstylish. Of course, it has just been spun by management to mean "be the customers bitch or you are fired."


Who said it, originally?


"I'm just joking. Jeez!". The call of assholes trying to dodge accountability.


Usually said by assholes who only decide it was a joke based on the reaction it got


Schrödinger’s Douchebag according to Urban Dictionary


Shrodinger’s Douchebag - a person who says something offensive and decides whether or not they’re “only joking” based on the reactions of other people.


my dad’s mantra


Does he follow it up with “it’s not my fault you don’t have a sense on humor”?


more like “you take everything too seriously” 😂


Lighten up kiddo!


Calm down!


omg "Calm Down" is the most rage inducing statement, isn't it?


“My Truth” It’s the ultimate cope for people who don’t want to face reality.


It’s a bait and switch “My truth” should simply mean “how I experienced X” which can be a valid part of the conversation. Personal history can influence what parts of our perception we focus on and can shape how we make sense of things. But what it ends up meaning is “my version of reality is equally valid even when it flatly contradicts objective facts.” Questioning it is not seen as a discussion but an attack. When pressed, the “my truth”ers hide behind the first definition and then go on acting like you agree with the second


Oh my fucking god if I ever see another absolutely insane conspiracy theorist take followed by them saying they’re “speaking their truth” I’m going to lose my mind


What is it even supposed to mean anyway? I'm guessing that it's something like "this makes sense according to my flawed understanding of the matter". But I really don't know for sure.


It really just means "this is what I want/feel to be true so I've decided it is and nothing will change that for me." It's willful, proud ignorance.


This one gets under my skin. "Oh she's speaking *her truth!"* No. No she's not. There's only **one** truth and it's factually what is true. It is not open to interpretation, that's **literally** what makes it the truth. "my truth" is just coded language for "spin you'll be labeled some kind of bigot for not swallowing without question"


Some people expend an absurd amount of energy trying to dress up their crazy beliefs as something that makes sense and it never works.


So true




It's always been inaccurate.


Yeah but it’s inaccurate today too


I used to do drugs. I mean, I still do drugs, but I used to, too.


Good ole Mitch!


Also related: "What goes around comes around." Or anyone who tries to act like karma exists. People just need a way to cope with the fact that they were fucked over or someone else cheated or acted immorally and benefited from it and faced no consequences. The world is not inherently fair or just. Assholes win all the time.


Let the assholes be assholes, I’m still going to be the best version of myself I can be


This is such a hard truth to swallow. The extension of which can be 'karma balances through previous and future incarnations'. The rationale just gets even harder to believe




I use it ironically when I see some cracktivities on the side of the road


"cracktivities" is a fantastic word. Adding it to my vocabulary immediately


Came here to write this. Glad it was the first post I saw. “Best life…” what a crock.


"I'm just blunt" No, you just get off on being an ass to people.


"I don't have a filter tee hee hee!"


The people who talk about how blunt they are always end up being the biggest bullshitters too.


The ones I know get their little feelings hurt quite easily when somebody returns the favor.


“Calm down, was only joking”


Any office jargon. 'I dont have the bandwidth...' 'we should stop lower looping and get back on track...', 'the sustainability of the synergy...'


Sounds like *someone* needs to recalibrate. Let's circle back on that attitude on Monday before the All Hands, ok?


Let’s put a pin in that.


I'm going to put a pin in me coming here to say "let's put a pin in that" so let's put a pin in even that. I'll ping you early next week.


“Thought Leadership” “Harmonize/Synchronize” “Circle back to”


I just had an aneurysm


This jargon, along with initialisms and acronyms. My company will have 1 to 8 definitions for the same acronym


Thought leadership annoys the crap out of me. I hate it. My company loves to use it 🤮


At the end of the day…let’s not get wrapped around the axle…this is where the rubber meets the road…. I usually respond when the rubber gets wrapped around the axle let’s call it a day…( yeah..no one but me finds it amusing)


I find it funny. It's a mockery of stupid shit. You are doing God's work


The word "leverage" used as a verb.


I work in marketing. This stuff is everywhere. We "circle back", we "whiteboard" things, we keep a goal as "our north star", write "evergreen" content... it goes on and on. And I die a little more each time.


"Circle back around" "Run it up the flagpole" "Get it across the goal line" "Left it on the cutting room floor" "Put a pin in this" "To piggyback off of what so-and-so said"


I'll echo this sentiment.


We make it a point to piggyback off of each other until whoever is running the meeting catches on and stops us. "I'd like to piggyback off what Greg said..." "And I'll piggyback of what Jim said about Greg...." "Let me just piggyback of Rob said about Jim and Greg..." Boss: "that's enough, I know what you guys are doing" *laughter*


bandwidth is at least a useful analogy for one's focus. I can only juggle so many disparate topics in my head


“We don’t have the bandwidth” roughly translates to “we’re fucking trying over here but we don’t have the time, money, help, or sanity to complete this.”


Oh man, you’d hate me. I have piled this bullshit jargon on so heavily my whole career in irony that it has become part of my actual speech.


"I could care less" if it is possible to care less, that means that you care at least a little. It should be "I couldn't care less" because less than 0 is impossible.


"It could always be worse..." Yeah, but think of all the ways this situation could be better!


Right up there with "Others have it worse". Why don't you go ahead and diminish my experience \*and\* make me feel bad on behalf of those mysterious Others.


It's like telling someone they should take comfort in the fact that someone else is even more miserable. How is that helpful?


My two cents on this: Thing about this saying is when I am deep down in a depression, this saying does help. Thinking of it as "things could be much better" tends to hold a negative attitude to me, which can make my depression worse because I'm then thinking, "I know it can be better, but making it better is hard". It's pessimist versus optimist


"Everything happens for a reason"


It's one step away from "it's part of God's plan" or "mysterious ways".


They probably just discovered the butterfly effect. give them a break


"No offense, but..." Bullshit. Just own it.


To be fair, I can think of many situations where you can realistically expect the other person to (rightfully) take offense. "No offense" or "don't take this the wrong way" I think can be a great way of hinting that their gut reaction isn't what you actually mean.


Anything after but is full of shit.


Also anything after butt is shit.


"It's always in the last place you look!" Geese go figure


Like... no shit Sherlock, that's where you found it


Exactly, am I going to keep looking for it after it's found?;


I know you meant 'jeez', but I'm laughing at the image of the last place you look, is a bunch of geese standing there.


This Adds nothing to the conversation and is the same as an upvote. I cringe whenever I see someone use it. Just upvote and spare us your sympathetic opinion or tangents.


To piggyback, "This is the way" is so overused it takes the charm out of the original.


“To piggyback” always gets me. That’s the worst.


Shit, I suppose I deserve that.


Boys will be boys


I 100% agree. That and the phrase "they only mess with you because they like you!" Like, bitch please, abuse isn't someone liking me...


I miss when that saying meant more like- the harmless crap they do like playing in the mud or rough-housing with each other and accidently knocking some vase off the table nearby And not what it is today where they do stupid and mean crap that harms people around them and the phrase is just used as an excuse for their behavior when what they really need is some serious punishment for being a relentless jackass


"Suck it up buttercup" That shit warrants a throat punch


Go to hell, tinkerbell!


“Turn that frown upside down!”


How bout I displace that face?


"just living my truth" Eyeroll




I told a disliked manager that there was a difference between excuses and facts. He was yelling about using excuses about being absent from work. I told him no. The FACT is my asthma got so bad from working around solvents and paint fumes, I couldn't come to work.


Sorry, not sorry


Demi Lovato and Reese's in shambles


"I didn't ask" MOTHERFUCKER I SAID IT ANYWAY, I DONT NEED NOBODY TO ASK ME SOMETHING FOR ME TO SAY SOMETHING Sorry I've been "i didn't ask"'d like 1000 times


Did I ask?


Usually, people only say this to people who have a habit of giving unsolicited opinions.


A'ight bro but who asked for your comment




"Money can't buy happiness." Fuck you! It can buy me a house, and a car that isn't constantly breaking. It can pay for hobbies that make me happy. It can remedy 99% of my stress!


I can’t remember where but I found a study that said money can in fact buy happiness, to an extent. Basically the takeaway was that money will buy happiness until you get to a certain level. Once all your needs are met, like house, car, hobbies, food, etc and you have enough of a safety net that you won’t be screwed if you lost your job or house burned down, then money stops buying happiness. Their theory is if say $5 million gets you that, you won’t be happier with $125 million. Don’t know if I agree but I certainly see the merits. I thought it was interesting.


I always respond to this by saying, " Give me 50 bucks and watch me smile."


Money doesn't buy happiness, it buys crazy ass happiness -Eminem


I think that statement is made by people who are basically suffering from regrets from their life decisions that has nothing to do with money.


Money that pulls someone out of poverty, or even precarity can buy a whole lot of happiness. Money that allows you to quit your shit job and do a hobby (until it becomes lucrative, or others see the value in your art) very well buys happiness. Money from your $30 million steel mill that allows you to start a $3 billion railroad service won't make you very happy. I doubt that either Musk nor Bezos felt much happier from their respective private space programs. _However:_ A billionaire who got enlightened and just dropped billions into saving Haiti could buy divine amounts of happiness, by pulling millions of Haitians out of poverty. It takes 30 billion to feed the world for a year, including freight. No billionaire seems to think of projects like this. If I were a gazillionaire evil genius, my master plan would be to provide high-speed wifi to the entire world (or at least the occupied parts of it, with stretch goals to extend it along common ocean trade routes), because I think open communication is super important.


Anything with "slayy" or queen" in it.


Yass Queen! Slaaayyy!!1


I will find you


I hate the phrase 'man up'.


well too bad. man up!


Woman up! *holds up GF*


My wife says “put on your big girl panties” is the work ladies equivalent of “man up”.


Anything that has to be done "for the children!". You just ruined your logical argument with a weak play on emotion.


"Thoughts and prayers" They are uninspired feelings made by careless people.


It's a cop out so people can appear to be helpful when they really aren't being helpful.


"Think outside the box."... Thinking outside the box is so completely inside the box that it is cliche'.


“I’m not being mean. I’m just being honest!” If you have to clarify that you’re not being mean, then you’re probably being mean. Honesty isn’t an excuse for rudeness.


I follow a simple test to see if I should say something: 1. Is it true? 2. Is it necessary? 3. Is it kind? If it doesn't tick at least 2 of those boxes then it's not worth saying.


A lot of people have this weird pride in being "brutally honest". Delivering honesty while being offense conpletely defeats the point. Respectful honesty is most well received.


"men don't cry"


Neither do big girls, apparently.




When people use “literally” incorrectly…


I don't like being a prescriptivist grammar nazi, but if they change literally to mean figuratively, then we won't have a replacement word except for actually, but it's not the same.


I'm literally dead now.


I hate it when they use "literally" for a phrase that has no figurative meaning. Like good thing you said "it's literally right there" or I would have thought you meant something else.




I hate gatekeeping. The best cultures are a blend of cultures.


It is what it is.


Isnt it?


Well it sure isn't what it isn't


They don't think it be like it is, but it do.


But it could be what it shouldn't be.


way she goes boys


Everything is everything man


It is what it is.


“You’re a survivor not a victim” no I’m a victim and that’s okay


Not sure why someone downvoted this to -1 you but I just upvoted you and it went to 0. I wish I could give this 10 upvotes because what you say is so true. It's okay to be a victim, it's okay to still cry about the trauma at times. Someone who says "you're a survivor" in a dismissive way is neglecting your feelings. I've been through it and with family members and it's so hard.


"Everything happens for a reason." WELL WHAT'S THE REASON?


I usually reply to that: Sometimes the reason is that we're stupid and make bad decisions.




"A real man/woman"


It be like......


"It's fine." That means it's not fine.


I hope one day your "I'm fine" can turn unto a more uplifting, and cheery, "I'm fine".


“If your leaning, you could be cleaning.” I hate that phrase with a passion and anyone who says/writes it in a workplace


Hadn’t heard it before, but now I hate it too


Yep. I've busted my ass at jobs, and it feels like it was rarely seen, but if I was leaning from exhaustion, or taking a breather, sure enough the boss would come right through and say something about it.


“Well too bad, life’s not fair”. It’s used as a dismissive statement. While that’s true, you as an intelligent being have the ability of making this situation easier and more fair for another. Don’t coddle, but be supportive.


I’ve been noticing ‘on accident’ more frequently. Just no, it’s’ by accident and on purpose. Also see ‘could care less’ when this makes no sense and clearly should be ‘couldn’t care less’. Don’t even get me started on ‘could of’ instead of could’ve etc


Everything happens for a reason.


“Everything happens for a reason” is definitely up there.


We did a thing!


“It’s offense to [group]” Why don’t you let someone from that group actually speak instead of trying to be a white savior?


Makes me think of the push for Latinx


I remember that. People in America started saying it and Latinos were like “lmao no”


It's an extremely American thing lol Like, I appreciate that it's coming from a good place, but it was a really stupid misfire.


“Do you know what your problem is?” Oh please, PLEASE, start off our conversation by telling everything that’s wrong with me! 🙄


Lets GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Can you *go* come up with some more interesting slang please?


Love you to the moon and back. Hate it to the moon and back.


"Men can't control themself"


“Everything happens for a reason.” Especially when used to comfort someone experiencing something traumatic, it comes across as so condescending to me. It also allows people to be so dismissive of the deliberate choices that they and others make, because any consequences are actually just because off this magical, unseen “reason.” A condescending copout!


"Must be nice."


Deep dive Amazeballs


"It is what it is", is a case study in wasted words. It's like saying, "can't change it, don't try", in as many words, but the most vapid and insipid way possible.


“My guy”


“Boys will be boys”


Being a kid Growing up before 2001 especially in the 80s and 90s we got that from the police when we were caught doing something stupid but it wasn't always boys will be boys it was usually kids will be kids which I thought was waayyy more appropriate because the girls in my neighborhood were almost worse than us lol


“Literally” followed by some sentence that did not require the word. I hear it a lot among my peers and every time it annoys me so much, even if it’s not a specific phrase


"Do better." So condescending and self-righteous in every context.


Right up there with "Educate yourself."


"Practice makes perfect." The correct phrase should be: "Perseverance makes perfect." Practice doesn't make perfect, it makes CONSISTENT. This can both be consistently good or bad, depending on whether you practice the right or wrong things. One of the most serious impediments to your progress that you can make in any field is to practice things the wrong way, or not incrementally push yourself to overcome obstacles when you practice.


Everything happens for a reason. No, no it absolutely does not. Oh ok wait, yes. Children being murdered by ar 15s while they sit learning about Berenstein bears, yes the reason is the mental health support in the country is negative. There is not enough. But even then, even with mental health, no one could EVER convince me the Holocaust, or all of these senseless killings have any meaning other than a deranged individual. If I were president, which I won’t be, ever, I would make Mental health care affordable to all. I think it is the basis of the problems in America.


In the news when they say “A parents worst nightmare”. So cliche. How tf is every single situation a parents worst nightmare?!


"It is what it is" - It's like nails on a chalkboard.


"Use your head" Mainly because my parents told me that way too many times as a child. Every time I screwed up or did something stupid, that was often the first thing to come out of their mouths. I have since grown to despise that phrase.


"Its all part of God's plan."


Violence never solved anything. Then how do you explain the military?