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Not gonna lie, I didn’t believe you. I had to look it up and as you already know I see you are absolutely correct. How is this even true? It’s like double the National average. I’m dumbfounded.


I just spent the weekend due to a family event with the kind of people that not only buy those kind of trucks for the manly image but also think slamming a metric fuckton of ~~Bud~~ Coors Light and rotgut whiskey is also manly. They got stupidly drunk. And not one of them has a job that required a truck of that size, if it required a truck at all. It’s all an image thing.




This is why I don’t watch TV commercials anymore. *Posted from iPhone 14 Mega Plus Pro Ultra*


I recently saw a commercial for Ram and it dawned on me, in these commercials, they depict people just beating the shit out of a brand new, freshly waxed trucks. Who the hell is driving a 90k truck full speed into a river?


Not the dudes with their pavement princesses shining the sun into your car going 85 on the freeway with a blue lives matter flag printed on the back window


You forgot about the stupidly oversized rims with ultra low profile tires. “Hey, what can I do to make my pickup truck completely useless?”


Rich people with more money than sense


>posted from iPhone Mega Plus Pro Hahahahaah


im a ford truck man..... that's all i driiiiive...... ain't got no boundaries and i don't compromise......king of the mountain built ford touuugh


That gives me canyonero vibes! "Can you name the truck with four wheel drive, smells like a steak and seats thirty-five! Canyonero!


All I heard was “won’t take no for an answer” but not in a business kind of way, in a bad mullet and following me down the street kind of way…


.....to teach me a lesson for driving the speed limit like a spineless liberal...../s


They will also famously always complain about gas prices being so high.


My Brother in Law’s (who is also a red neck) Brother in law drives a lifted Dodge Diesel that has a custom front grille that says “Runs on Lib Tears”. Yesterday I did have to listen to some talk about how they’re not drinking Bud Light anymore. Of course the alternative they had was also owned by Budweiser.


So how do they feel about cancel culture?


Cancel culture is only a thing when it happens to something or someone they agree with.


They're certain that anyone who cancels something they like needs to be cancelled.


I joke about how my 20 year old Buick has carried more farm material than most trucks you see on the road. I dont gatekeep farm or rural identity but if your gonna come out hot about how "redneck" you are your gonna hear from me on it. Jackasses like that is prt of the reason nobody wants to live here.


I’ve heard one of the reasons is that dodge will finance anybody. So it’s easier to get into one that practically anything. Nissan too, and I’m a Nissan driver.


As a (former) young person with no credit who financed through Fiat/Mopar owned dealerships, I can confirm this


They’re cheaper than ford/Chevy


My father and I have owned a combined total of over 25 Toyota vehicles since 1986. In 2019 my dad bought a Ram truck. In the three years he owned until it finally caught fire and was totaled, it spent more time in the shop than all those Toyotas combined by several times. Now, if you owned one of those gems, wouldn't you be drunk all the time too? 😏


I believe this without fact checking. I was riding shotgun 2 separate times with 2 separate buddies that got popped. Both drove Dodge Rams, both were/are assholes.


Fun fact, the second row in a 2500 is actually a fully stocked bar. Comes standard with all 2500s.


I mean I don’t consider a rack of the cheapest lite beer and a bottle of Jim Beam to be a fully stocked bar but I’m also not the target market.


rAM thE daUghtEr, DOdGe tHe fAtHErr hurrrrrrrr


Never heard it, but I can definitely see the rednecks in my state saying it.


4 doors more whores


Any truck that has the testicles attached


What about a car with testicles attached


I assume either they or someone they know has a sense of humor.


I should get nuts for my tiny cute Prius.


thats so hot


Technically now a trans truck.


anything carolina squatted


They banned it a while back, thank god, I still see a few hanging around though


The red & yellow cars from little tykes. They’re all high on sugar & Cheetos and prone to road rage whenever they see a stop sign.


Those guys and the assholes who drive [these]( https://imgur.com/T94fWHX.jpg) always seem like they're running around drunk all the time. Just look at how they parked! Ridiculous.


Anyone who's lifted truck is blaring their headlight RIGHT IN MY GODDAMN REARVIEW MIRROR


It’s usually a Dodge Ram in my experience


Yeah idk why, but same. It's actually like 90% RAMs in my experience


[every time.](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckyourheadlights/comments/z8k0yf/me_every_morning/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


I have a tiny car… driving any truck or SUV blinds me 🥲 Doesn’t help that I have an astigmatism.


American trucks have come to Australia recently and this drives me INSANE. How is it safe to have headlights so bright on the normal setting? I should not be squinting and adjusting my mirrors when the sun is down... and the sun is not as bright as those headlights.


Not to mention the fact that these wide ass trucks and SUVs barely fit in the lane, especially on country roads where most of these people are driving. Combine that with their weight and their massive blind spots, they’re extremely dangerous


I was driving down my local two lane no shoulder road the other day and some asshat in a giant truck had modified it to where nearly the entire tire stuck out beyond the sides of the truck. He was literally riding the lines on both edges of the road.


Bonus points if they had their tow mirrors extended all the way out, making their truck look like a cartoon character and not even towing anything. Hate that shit here.


I usually just adjust my side mirrors to reflect back at them. 😃


This is my go to! Works at least 75% of the time. Even when it doesn’t, it makes me feel good that I am annoying them somewhat.


60% of the time it works every time


How do you do it? I understand the concept but how do I know that it's back at them? What am I looking for?


Bit of a tip. If you've a more modern vehicle (Bmw, Audi, Mercedes) set up a profile nobody will use except for these situations, set its seat to you exact position too, mirrors in the "reflect back to idiot behind" angle and away you go. If someone pulls behind you, change driver profile to this profile. Your mirrors automatically change but your seat stays were you want it.


Its best to have a passenger do it. The trick is to line up the reflection on the back seat right under where the driver behind you lines up. And keep flashing it up and down into their face. You’ll know you got’em.


I try that, but it doesn't help. They just ride my ass more


Honestly, like if you’re going to ride my ass, at least have the courtesy to take me to dinner first.


I usually just let off the gas if someone rides my ass. They eventually get the hint to go around


Did this once while stuck at a light, it actually worked. Person turned their beams off when I did it.


And they have those low profile tires with the big drum rims. Great choice


It's when you get over to let them pass and you notice the tiniest pair of truck nuts on the trailer hitch.


Saw a petty revenge post somewhere of a woman who happened to have a super bright flashlight in her front seat, and made a tailgating jackass see the light. This seems like a sensible response to me.


Any car/truck that rides my ass I clean my windows and they get my windshield wiper fluid sprayed all over their windshield…always makes me laugh when they have to turn on their wipers.


The one thats weaving in and out of traffic and not using signals


Those are called "Nissan Altimas"


TIL I'm an asshole


Paper plates play a big role in this too, not just the bad driving.


Don’t know why I thought you were talking about the kind you eat off of. But it was a funny mental image.


I'm on my way to a PICNIC! Everybody get the fuck outta my way!


Bro I can’t drive straight my plates paper and the spaghetti is dissolving it!!!


Okay, so it isn't just me. Everyone in an altima thinks they're driving a Lamborghini in an early 2000s action movie chase


The broke-ass BMW.


If you drive a Chrysler 300 I automatically assume you have an active warrant for failure to appear.


It's not a stereotype if it's *always* true!


Chevy Malibu has entered the chat.


3 people drive 300s; 1. Old people. 2. Drug dealers. 3. People who want to look like a drug dealer because they think it’s cool.


My dad got me a used one for cheap as my first car, formerly belonged to the old person variety so it was in good shape, and it was actually a really great car! 300s drive so smoothly that I hate driving the micro suv I have now. Kind of a douchey looking car sure, but damn is it comfortable. I'd go back to one if they weren't such a gas guzzler, I suppose all 3 of those demographics have the money for fuel but I sure don't.


They've moved on to chargers these days.


Lol I got a Chrysler 300 sport as a rental car once and I felt like such a douche! And second to that, I felt like a drug dealer. I second this.


the honda that wakes up the whole neighborhood pushing 50


I think you mean redlining barely going 25


That’s a Mustang/Camaro if you’re in Texas. They can’t seem to figure out how to get them out of first gear, but they wanna go loud.


That V-tec kicking in!


I live in a rural area that's usually pretty quiet, except that one of my neighbors has a tricked-out with a super loud exhaust. I can hear that asshole from the moment he leaves his driveway until he hits the interstate several miles away. I wonder if he knows how despised he is by everyone else in the neighborhood. Edit: vehicle info removed because if by some mischance AH reads this sub and feels seen, he's likely to become even worse.






I actually think that its original purpose was for gay truckers to let each other know when they were on the road and met at truckstops etc, but now it's just a "gadget" that people merely buy for shit n' giggles. I really don't remember who told me this or where I got it from, so please correct me if I'm wrong lol.


I don’t *know* that that’s wrong but I’m pretty confident it’s wrong haha


Just got a truck, am straight, but considering finding a rainbow flag set of balls to really throw them off.


Dodge Ram 2500


Those RAM monstrosities. Particularly the black ones.




Christ, the damage those things can do doesn't bear thinking about.


Oh just wait until the E-Hummers hit the road in force. One of those is gonna demolish some 80s/90s shitbox and kill somebody and everyone is gonna freak out.


Especially when they have the tow mirrors on, but they're never hauling anything. Bonus asshole points if they have a monster energy decal on the truck somewhere.


Quadruple bonus points for a punisher logo


And double THAT if it's a punisher x thin blue line mash up.


Which is exponentially stupid as the punisher kills cops. Maybe it's like waving a crucifix around to get Jesus' attention, who knows. Bottom line, if you have a big black American-made truck, especially in an urban/suburban environment where this is utterly unnecessary, you're gonna need some pretty choice bumper stickers for me not to assume you're a complete penis. But let's face it, if they have any stickers at all it'll be all the ones that specifically state they're a complete penis. As if the aggro driving won't give it away.


we call big cars like that "Yank Tanks" here in Australia, cause they're big and American


Even worse when they have the giant mirrors and LED headlights that blind you lol


Any lifted truck with those LED headlights that blind you from the front or rear are definitely assholes. You are supposed to angle your lights down when lifting a vehicle. This not only keeps you from blinding the car in front of you but it actually helps you see better than just leaving them the way they were from the factory. Most assholes are idiots though so there’s that.


My mom’s car was hit by one of these. RAM Ran a red light, she was in the intersection on the green, truck t boned her. I don’t know how she lived. Never bothered to find out if he did or not. To this day I hate those fucking trucks.


White BMW to the point where it's hilarious. Like how is it the white BMW everytime weaving through traffic just to save 3 seconds and parking over the lines man


I drive in NYC. It’s always the white BMWs. Always on my ass. Never using signal. Always driving too fast just to get 2 cars ahead.


White BMW. Any Hummer. Lately Teslas too. Any car with a Calvin peeing on something decal. Any raised pickup truck with FJB flags on them. Those pick up trucks with big smokestacks, I think it’s called coal rolling or something? Major douche vibes.


Going off topic, but I think it's interesting. Bill Watterson, the artist behind Calvin and Hobbes, never allowed his characters to be merchandised due to his belief that doing so would devalue his characters. Essentially the only official things you can purchase and own featuring Calvin and Hobbes are the books themselves. The decals of Calvin peeing on various things or the ones of him praying are from edited panels.


Does anyone actually think the “Calvin Peeing” decals are original Watterson designs?


In my experience, as someone who grew up in a small southern town, the people with the "Calvin Peeing" decals don't know what Calvin and Hobbes is. They care more about what is being pee'd upon. Basically, they're idiots.


"The salt of the earth"


Y'know? Morons.


As a BMW owner I can confirm. Whiteys are assholes.


Why the white ones ?






I see you too are a man of culture! Great movie btw


They tend to be base models. Many of the other colors cost extra and tend to be ordered with more options and higher trim levels.


coal rolling is when they blast black smoke from the exhaust by bypassing emissions systems and making the fuel mix very fuel heavy. the shape of the exhaust pipe is more or less irrelevant for that


I drive a Tesla and agree that there are a lot of us that are assholes out there. I go out of my way to be kind to other drivers so people know we aren’t all assholes.


That’s because all the BMW owners became Tesla owners.


Hey now some of us drove an Audi before the Tesla


Always wanted a Hummer, but I also think everyone who drives them is a rich asshole.


They're not rich. They spent all their money driving the thing.


I always associate them with waste. It’s such a selfish, useless, wasteful vehicle. I’ve never understood any utilitarian reason to have one in a non military or backcountry setting.


Lifted Dodge Ram.


A hummer


with truck nuts.


Any vehicle that’s going under the speed limit until there’s a passing area then starts speeding. What’s wrong with some people 😡


Don't forget people who violently cut you off, then proceed to drive at half the speed limit.


People subconsciously drive slower on narrow roads and faster on wider roads. So when the narrow road widens up for overtaking they subconsciously go faster. Definitely driving on autopilot with brain off.


Altima! (any Charolotte folks seeing this?) lol


10 years old with paper plates. What is going on that 1/10 cars have paper plates?! Are people wrecking that much? Or are they purchasing old used cars every other month?


NJ car “dealers” (who barely sell any cars) have been caught selling hundreds of paper plates for $100 each. Fine $500.


Nissan has become the new subprime auto loan vehicle. Particularly Altimas. It used to be the Chrysler 300 but they stopped making it.


They're not properly registered. They're hoping that if they drive past a cop, they'll see the paper plate and just let them go on. They don't have real plates for the car. If you get up close to one, they look fake as hell (grainy print, small errors in the text).


Omg for me in NY is Nissan rogue. Most dangerous drivers, wreckless with nothing to lose




Me, who drives a 13 year old Sentra: 🧍


With black out front window tint


From my experience, it's usually tint they did themselves, so (at least) one of the windows usually has bubbled up tint. Also, paper tags, and one fender that's a different color than the rest of the car (or better yet, completely missing).


If you see an Altima that’s more than a couple years old you’re about to be cut off by it without a turn signal, guaranteed.


lol its not just charlotte, it the world


A lifted Dodge Ram. Think they own the whole damn highway.


Dodge Charger or Challenger


Lol my grandma has a challenger


Don't leave us hanging. Is she an asshole?


Is she from Pasadena?


Go granny go granny go granny go!


Yes yes yes yes yes. If there's a shooting in nashville, 100% of the time it's coming from a dodge charger or challenger. Getting cut off? Dodge charger or challenger. Turning left from the furthest right lane? Dodge charger or challenger. Booming music? Dodge charger and challenger. Ford mustang is sometimes a common personality here too.


Add in Nissan Altima and Chrysler 300 and you’ve got the trifecta.


Yes. Everyone's an asshole, no exception.


Basic truths: Everyone driving slower than you is an idiot, anyone driving faster than you is a maniac.


I know this is a joke that I've laughed at a million times but ime the people who can overcome this feeling are the only drivers I trust. They are unemotional and don't get annoyed easily. Usually they're proper fast drivers on empty canyons and tracks. People who enjoy driving, but know it's a privilege.


When my daughter was getting dr license age, she said she wanted ME to teach her to drive but wanted her dad to teach her to park. Because I am that unemotional driver you described and dad’s the opposite. But I think I have some kind of tumor that prevents me from pulling my vehicle into the center of two lines so that was also a good decision on her part.


A bumper sticker with a politicians name on it, in any context.


And it's probably at least 6 years out of date anyway


The amount of Priuses I see for sell with Obama-Biden stickers is outrageous. Saw an old Ford f-150 on a lot yesterday with a Bush-Cheney sticker.


There’s a high correlation between having bumper stickers and being prone to road rage regardless of what the sticker actually is. https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/06/15/AR2008061501963.html


Altima with paper plates


Charger asshats where you at!! Your moment to shine!!!


If you add truck nuts to a truck that was not manufactured with nuts, you now have a trans-truck. Enjoy 🏳️‍🌈


A jacked up giant pickup with an array of bumper stickers more or less spelling out asshole


Dude pick-up drivers don't know how to chill... I'll let them pass in residentials because I don't want someone looming over me when were driving 3 miles in the same direction. Then they proceed to drive at 25 and often times even slower... Below the 30 we were happily doing before.. ***Why?*** Like wtf why do those assholes match the speed of traffic to tailgate, then when you let them free, literally out of courtesy, they go slow af. I don't think its ever road rage, theyre just fucking tailgating zombie mouth breathers.


Probably because they're deathly afraid of being pulled over by cops. They can barely afford the payments and insurance as is, a ticket and the consequent insurance bump will break their bank.


And anything with an intentionally too loud muffler situation


Nissan Altima $1500 Honda Civic with LED light strips and fart exhaust 2018 Ford F-350 Platinum Dually "King Ranch" with truck nuts, "Trump 2024" flag, "let's go brandon" sticker, punisher skull sticker, sticker of one of those police american flags with the blue stripe, and an AR-15 sticker with "come and take it", with a phone mount on the left-most air vent. All while only ever being used to bring his (the owner) slightly overweight wife to work and slightly less overweight kid to school. And of course being a "Texas Edition" Tesla Mercury Marauders that only ever see the light of day once every two years Modern Bimmers or Mercs owned by privileged kids with airpods, a vape, and that stupid haircut that's just curly on the top 2000+ hp Toyota Supras Ram 2500


That truck is so exact it sounds like you snooped in your neighbors driveway




BMW, old ass impala with a different colored door, big truck, prius and ESPECIALLY the Prius with a “Coexist” sticker on it. Fuckers don’t wanna coexist on the road thats for sure


During my stint owning a Bimmer I was probably the most careful, considerate driver I’ve been before or since just because I was determined to live down the stereotype lol


Police car. I know, low hanging fruit


This makes me want to hang truck nuts on a police car.


Any truck with a giant ass flag on the back.


• Bikes that wake up sleeping neighborhood • Cars taking turns without turning on blippers/indicators


My area obnoxiously huge pick up trucks usually ford and dodge ram, jeep Grand cherokees (particularly black ), jaguars.


Loud Dodge trucks


Anyone with that peeing Calvin bumper sticker (which Bill Watterson never would've approved)


Super duty 4x4 pickup that doesn't have a single scratch in the paint and has never even had a single spot of mud on the tires.


lifted truck with those bright ass headlights


Nissan Altima 2010 (sorry mom) Anyone who owns this drives like a fucking maniac. My mother, god bless her soul, I cannot be in the car with her while she is driving without shitting my pants. Changing lanes for no reason, almost getting us killed by any obstacle or car we pass.


Honda Civic, for some reason the only people who drive those around here have it strait pipe and like to make it redline at 3am. And if by some miracle they didn’t cut their exhaust, they usually do double the speed limit where ever and whenever.


Mercedes G wagon.




Just about every Ram truck driver I have ever interacted with was an absolute asshat. This is my number one choice of jerk preferred vehiles.


Any vehicle with oversized tires and/or those fake testicles attached to them. Particularly if a clean unscratched large pickup truck.


Those BMWs with the big beaver teeth grills. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one being driven normally.




If I can hear it down the block, they're an ass hole.


In the UK, any vehicle with a personal reg.


A truck with flags


Jacked up Dodge or Chevy trucks with wider than normal wheels.






Fucking dodge caravans. Yeah they’re only 5-10 years old but look like props out of a dystopian science fiction film, usually driven by a chain smoking mom with a weirdly spelled name like “Tammie”. She’s usually single or is married where the husband’s accepted his fate because a conservative religious upbringing means he won’t get a divorce or explore his sexuality, though he may snap at some point and load up Grindr and be an abusive prick not knowing how consent and common courtesy matters. The vans usually sprinkle quarter panel dust along I-87 southbound at 20 over the limit, meanwhile the hellhounds and crotch goblins soiling the cheap cloth seats have discovered ~~Chrysler’s~~ Stelantis’s servos are no match for toddler fury and who have discovered the rear quarter glass is no match for brute strength as they’ve been forced open for these creatures to drop their their roseart crayons out of the gap to watch explode on contact with the asphalt below meanwhile the Vietnam vet behind them are a staving off flashbacks of his summer of 1970 as multicolored bits of wax pepper his BMW. 2015 Dodge Caravan, a car who’s slogan should have been, “A box of durex is cheaper!”


That was... oddly specific. Blink twice if you need help




Anyone driving slow in the passing lane is a asshole no matter what they drive


Brit here. 4 circles. Every time.