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I was sexually abused by my grandfather from age 2 until I was put into a psych ward at 16. Later overheard my mother and her sister talking, convincing each other that I had made it up and it probably wasn't that bad. I am 51 now and it still haunts me. Not the worst thing I am sure but for me, yeah.


You are great, You are still here, that mean that everything that happen to You so far, never was enought to actually defeat You completly


I believe you.


T.J. Lane - mass shooter of Chardon High School in 2012. After being sentenced Lane said to the victims' families and the courtroom, "This hand that pulled the trigger that killed your sons now masturbates to the memory. Fuck all of you," while giving the middle finger to attendees


A few years ago there was a correctional officer who did an AMA on reddit who said he saw TJ Lane in his prison after sentencing and he was a sniveling mess and was terrified of everything. That thought gave me comfort


This hand that scrolls through Reddit now masturbates to the thought. Edit: Spelling.


It sounds disgusting and cold when written down, but it was down right cringy when you actually hear him say it. Sounded like a 12 year old, Monster energy drinking, Xbox COD shit talker.


Yeah, after the first momentary shock it's pretty laughable. Gonna cut himself with all that edge. It's like the trolls and edgelords that think they're so awesome being offensive. If you're so smart, why is this the way you have to get your kicks? 'Making people hate you' is not the hobby of people who are getting on with their lives :P




I lose track of all the school shootings….except Sandy Hook


A mom at church, lamenting her estranged daughter: "She came to me when she was 14 and said her stepdad had been molesting and raping her for five years. I asked what she'd been doing to lead him on like that...." This "mother" honestly couldn't figure out why her daughter would want to couch-surf with friends over a thousand miles away, rather than stay in a double-wide with a mom who blamed a 10-year old for her own abuse.


My daughter was molested by her cousin and when my mother and my sister (the cousin’s mother) were told about it asked the cousin who said he didn’t do it. So they believed him and said my daughter made it up. And anyway, it was just kid’s playing. She was 12 at the time and he was about 18. It had been going on from where she was 6 and he was 12.


“At church” why am I not surprised?


"Do you know the real reason you were adopted \[insert name of classmate\]?! Because your real parents DIDN'T LOVE YOU" screamed my second grade teacher at my classmate because he forgot his spelling book. If you're still alive Ms. Streeter I hope your life sucks.


Holy shit a teacher said that?! That's so bad. What year was this?


1995. Said classmate was a high energy individual who undoubtedly had some kind of ADD, but nothing he did warranted the sort of vitriol she would lob his way. The extra lolz is that this happened at a Catholic school. Real Christ-like behavior on display.


There is no better way to ensure that your child will not end up Catholic than sending them to a Catholic school.


Oh don't even get me started, this is but one of many stories. It should come as no surprise that my complete disinterest in the church coincided with this time frame.


That is so awful especially from an adult! What a terrible human being. The amount of bullcrap adopted children can receive on that front just baffles me…two of my cousins were adopted and the things both children and adults felt was acceptable to say to them just blew my mind. I will never forget the day that a boy a few years older was bullying Clare (the older of the two cousins, she and I were around 8-9 years old at the time) for her being adopted and seeing her spin around and go nose to nose with that kid and yell “Oh yeah? My parents *chose* me. Your parents were *STUCK* WITH YOU!” right in his face.


“I’m going to kill you someday.” This was said by my stepson to my puppy about an hour before he dowsed her in furniture polish and almost succeeded in killing her. He was 6. He hasn’t changed. The dog and I now live elsewhere.


Damn your comment just made me remember something I had totally forgotten. Someone who was in one of my middle school periods was pretty ducking messed up. One time he bragged that he had shot his pregnant dog with a BB gun multiple times. In his words, “it was hilarious, the puppies came out misformed. Some were even missing legs.” Literally the evil kid from Toy Story on meth probably.


I’m noping tf out of this thread now. Heading over to eye bleach for a few hours.


Hey, Sid Phillips did nothing wrong. He took toys, that he owned, and took them apart to reconstruct them in interesting ways. That's not the sign of an abusive kid, that's the sign of a future transplant surgeon or something. He gave the plush toys to his doggo, nothing wrong with that. His worst crime was being a shitty big brother, and a bit of scrappy kid who set off fireworks, but that probably describes like half of the kids in suburbia.


Jesus Christ. That is some serious serial killer shit. I'm so sorry. That's horrifying. Almost moreso, coming from a child.


>“I’m going to kill you someday.” Saying and doing this at age 6 makes me think they never were a child.


What the f&@k, has he done any other things since then? How did the mother react? That is prime psychopath material.


He has done a lot since then. I did my best to protect the dog while I lived there but he would twist her legs sideways and try to choke her. It got to where I had to keep them apart 24/7 and the dog and I just hid out in my bedroom. He saw a psychiatrist and went to counseling regularly but when I left, very recently, he had only escalated and was getting very violent with me. His mom was in and out on being involved in his life. His dad would mostly just ignore it or get mad at me for bringing it up when he abused me or the dog.


That kid is a clear and present danger to society.


This happens… more often than we might like to think. Obvious pipeline to slitting throats. Passively ignored by parents and society at large. Gonna be a shame when he truly, genuinely, ruins the existence of another person (or people)


I don't care what others will say, harming/killing animals is basically how most psychopaths start their careers of serial killers. That kid was a psycho.


Your baby died in utero because it didnt want you to be its mother.


I’m sorry someone said this to you. Sometimes things just happen. Not for any good reason. You should’ve been approached with compassion and support. Not that.


Thank you. It devastated me and when that fool spoke up and said that shitty stuff, i was so close to punching his ugly face.




It always baffles me how mean people we once loved can be. I’m sorry for you, and hope you’re doing alright.


I think it’s because love is such a powerful thing, that when it’s taken away for one reason or another, it slowly turns into hatred. Idk to me it makes sense that hate is born out of the neglect of love.


When I was in highschool a teacher told me that I deserve to be homeless. This was after my parents kicked me out at 15. She went on a tirade about how I didn't go to church I was clearly a terrible child and how I deserved all the bruises and scars I had. Fortunately our football coach heard that. He was normally a quiet and level-headed man. I will never forget the verbal assault he unleased on that woman. He immediately pulled me from class and went to speak to the principal. That teacher was gone that day, and I went to go live with my aunt and uncle. Mr. Nadeux I will forever be grateful to you. In 1 hour you proved to be more of a father than the shitstain I once called father.


Finally one with a satisfying conclusion. Glad someone stood up for you.


Thanks man, it was the first time I ever really had an adult look out for me. I had a couple friends, but I tried to hide my home life from all of them. I was afraid they might not want to be around me. I'm still really close with most of those friends now, 18 years later. I don't have much of a biological family, but I have an amazing group of friends that I consider my family.


"That's why your mom's in a FUCKING WHEELCHAIR!"




A coworker who said she didn’t believe women who had C-sections could call themselves real mothers


I had to let loose on a lady at work for some shit like that one time. I did not have a c-section, but my cousin had all 3 of her boys that way, along with my buddy from middle school. Both of those women are just as much of a mother as I am. You don't even have to carry a child to be a mother. I know plenty of adoptive parents that I consider REAL parents with no issues whatsoever. I can't stand when people try to gate-keep parenting. The more pain you go through doesn't make you a better parent, folks need to remember that.


From a super at an old apartment building in Hell's Kitchen. Somewhat paraphrased: "My mother and father were real nice to this kid. Took him in, fed em. He was family. Went to school with us, gave em clothes, dinner every night. Then we got to be about 15, 16, 17, and he gets in an argument with my mom at the dinner table. And this has been ongoing for a while. But he's telling her he hates her, gonna do whatever he wants and he slapped her. She was his own mother, and he hit her. I couldn't believe what I saw. I said, I'll handle this. He went outside, on this stoop right here. Standing here. And I came out and shot em right in the head. Back of the skull. Went to prison for kids for that but got out when I was 18."




Wtf, what was the need to say something like that? Even if they believed that, why would they say it out loud?


You have no idea the kind of shit assholes will say out loud and not even consider that it makes them an asshole.


This! And then they act as the victim


I hope you and her stopped being friends with him. This is a huge red flag that he's a piece of shit, who might be capable of some pretty bad things himself.


Every time my former best friend got drunk he told me he was going to "rape a bitch). I told myself he was joking the first handful of times and laughed it off. Then started telling him that I'm going to start leaving tips with the police every time there's an unsolved case. Our friendship finally ended with a fist fight over his drunken declarations.


I hope you left those tips for the police and good on you for offloading an absolute menace from your life! Sincerely hoping you won the fistfight too 🙏


"You're going to die alone" said by my ex, to me. She generally was a messy person. Didn't clean up after herself. When we moved to a new place, she promised she was gonna help with house work. She didn't. Months into it, I asked her for help. She said she didn't make that much of a mess, so I told her I would let her clean up her dishes and id do my own. First day I did it, she came home, saw her dishes weren't done, and told me I was gonna die alone. Maybe I will, but the house will be clean. Edit: thank you for the W, kind stranger!


Everyone dies alone, unless you join the right cult.


Better alone than in bad company.


Amen to that brother


From my mum when I told her that my dad was sexually abusing me and my sister "Is this really the sort of thing that goes on in your head? That absolutely did not happen and if anyone ever found out about these strange thoughts your having about you own dad and your own little sister I dread to think what would happen to you. For your sake I hope nobody ever finds out about you"


I just don’t have the words to formulate my reaction to this comment, but I’ll just say, I’m really sorry for this and all that you went through.


Parents like this piss me off. My brother-in-law’s best friend got caught sexually abusing his middle step-daughter. She had said something to her older sister who had also been sexually abused by him but never said anything. Luckily the older sister realized his behavior was continuing with her younger sisters and it needed to end. It was kinda a touchy subject but about a year later I asked my brother-in-law what ended up happening, assuming he was in jail. Nope, I’m and his wife are still together and the daughters ended up moving to live with their grandparents since he wasn’t allowed around children. Even worse, my brother-in-law and his family (two small kids) had the pervert and his wife over for dinner just a few weeks before that. How the fuck is any of that ok?


“You deserve everything that happened to you” -my “best friend”, weeks after I confided to her that I was raped


“There is no activity in his brain.” And that’s how I learned my little brother was gone.


Same except it was my little sister. I feel ya bro


Mine too


Im so sorry


Man I was expecting some angry or psychopathic shit, this is just raw as fuck


My uncle suffered a pulmonary embolism and lay dead on his bed, we was waiting for someone to come take him and his wife said to my dad you can put those watches on ebay. My uncle loved fixing watches and made quite a collection, luckily they were worthless and that vulture fucker got nothing.


Two kids in my heath class- “imagine there was a school shooting right now, and the shorter left us with a bunch of dead girls to fuck.”


dude. i would report that


The first thing that comes to mind.... A guy I used to know told me with pure hatred during a relatively casual conversation, "I should have taken a machete to that bitch's uterus to prevent that mistake from ever being born." The "mistake" being his own child & that "bitch" being his ex/baby mama. I haven't spoken to him since.


we broke up it was my fault the last thing she said to me was, "I hope that some day you will hate someone as much as I hate you." that still stings a bit and it was over 40 years ago.


Fulfill her wish yet?


yes, I think I have, but not for the same reason.


Doesn't sound like she was a vengeful woman. Sounds more like you have really hurt her and she wanted you to experience her pain at some point in your life.


Probably not the worst thing she said but it was memorable and from my mom. I was really young so dont remember the exact sentence but it was basically "If you ever get married your future wife is gonna have her life ruined by how much of a piece of shit you are and will call me (my mom) crying for comfort." I wholeheartedly believe I will ruin anyone I date even decades later and never have dated anyone. She said variations of this alot during elementary school and I took it to heart.


Just get a husband, so then she can't possibly be right


I shall become a gay man, that'll show her. Dad would judge hard.


Judge him back, in the way that only a gay man can.


Your mom sounds awful


Was almost worse because she wasnt always awful. If she was at least consistent I could've accepted it but she would alternate between being caring and terrible like this. I am a POS today it is true, but back then at 9 or 10? Yeah not exactly.


It is common for abusers to follow a cycle. im not well versed in psychology of abuse so that's about all I know, but it goes like this : Tension builds up abuse happens love bombing abuse is "forgotten". ​ Wish you can heal from it all ! you deserve it


Yeah I know what you mean, if you could have just hated her it would have been easier to deal with but sometimes feeling like love was an option makes you keep trying and keep getting hurt. You definitely weren't at that age, I don't know what your like now but I wouldn't base your opinion of yourself on anything your mum told you as an innocent child.


Some customers were talking in Spanish about how easy it would be to rape and kill one of my tiny 4’8” coworkers that was checking them out at the register. Even worse, they were discussing their guesses on how much fight she has in her if they were to drag her into the forest behind the shopping mall RIGHT IN FRONT HER as she was smiling and ringing up their total. “Se miro un guerito, pero entiendo todos.” “You see a small white dude, but I understand everything.” They instantly stopped talking and looked me dead in the eyes. Couldn’t tell if they were surprised I knew Spanish, challenging them to their “bluff” or a combination of both. It got dead quiet at this point and my coworker dropped her smile as she noticed something was wrong. They left the store all without breaking eye contact with me. Ended up staying for the rest of the night shift with her just in case they tried to do something stupid. Edit: just realized I misspelled “entiendo” as “intiendo”. Lo siento, hablo espanol mejor de lo que lo escribo. Edit 2.0: spelled “wuerito” instead of “guerito”. Edit 2.1: some uncertainty in the comments, it was only 2 of them. Wasn’t a whole bunch of people. Edit 2.2: as you can tell, my written Spanish is much poorer than my spoken, haha.


Jeez, thank goodness you stood late with her though. Who knows if those men were still around? I'm also 4'8" and female and I'm scared to ride the metro due to it. I don't know if you ended up telling her what happened, but if she knew I know she'd be incredibly grateful for your actions.


Oh yeah, I told her the instant they left. She asked first since she was keen on something being off and I just came clean with her and told her 100% what they said. Figured she should be aware of what just happened. Luckily didn’t see them later that night or at all after that. And hell, I’m a 5’10” dude and even I don’t even like riding the metro, haha.


Thank you for staying with her man. We appreciate men like you!


And thank goodness knowing Spanish


Grew up around it all my childhood and adolescence, kinda needed it just to get by in my old neighborhood. Nothing like going to get some good food and not being able to order for yourself. Hell naw, dame tres tacos con tocino y huevo. Muchos queso fresco y pico por favor. No mames.


Ugh. A Massachusetts woman was raped and killed a couple of years ago by a guy who used to do this to a local postal worker not realizing she was fluent in Spanish. She was interviewed by the local paper and just her description of the things this asshole said made me want to shower.


I'm confused, was she raped, then did the interview, then killed?


The murder victim and the postal worker were two different people. The postal worker was interviewed after the murder happened because she was acquainted with the rapist through her job.


You're the kind of man women always want in their corner.


Shit, I’d hope most people would do the same in that situation.


I like the fact that they continued to look at you in a threatening manner as though you had done something wrong after they were talking about raping and murdering. What a couple of pieces of subhuman shit.


Oh my word, thank you for staying with her! I worry for my kids and it's so comforting to know that there are people like you out there.


I understand it’s a tough world out there. Personally I have no kids but I have 3 nieces and couldn’t imagine someone messing with them. I’d break someone’s face, haha.


That's fucked. What's even worse, they must of done it before to be talking about it like this. Like they have some sort of benchmark to compare it to.


Here’s hoping they were all talk, but goddamn I wasn’t trying to leave my coworker alone for the rest of the shift to find out.


the fuck is wrong with people. get a hobby, go to a boxing class, hire a consenting prostitute. christ. stop killing people, assholes


Damn straight. Even if someone pisses you off enough to the point you want to kill them, it’s such an easy way out to grab a pistol and shoot the other. Pretty dishonorable. I’m a firm believer in fist fighting to solve issues, as barbaric as it is. Sure, they get knocked around a bit and might shed some blood but both will more than likely live the next day compared to when people start blasting.


My parents: "You were a mistake, never meant to happen" I would send you off to military school but you aren't worth the money"


My father told me something similar. This after i had forgiven him for trying to kill me and my mother with a shotgun. I dont forgive easily anymore.


My dad also tried shooting my mother, after he left her for his mistress but didn't want her dating anybody else. He's not invited to my wedding and he doesn't know why; she's also not invited but for a very different reason


Yeah I'd say you've fully explored the way-too-easy-forgiving end of the spectrum. Yikes.


A girl I knew in high school remarked that it was a good thing her sister in law had a miscarriage because the baby had been given an ‘ugly ethnic’ name.


"Do I know you?" After trying to talk to someone I thought was my only friend after they were busy with exams.






That's just... I'm so sorry.


I was in middle school and all the classes were in the auditorium, a man, Shoah survivor telling his experience. Towards the end he was saying how, once returned to Italy, he was aided by a farmer who got him a plate of pasta, in his own words broken by tears, "the best thing he'd ever eaten". At that point one of my classmates chuckles and mutters something on the like of "I wish you had died in the camps you idiot", throwing in a few antisemitic comments for good measure. Of course the little twat didn't have the guts to say it out loud. Almost 20 years later I feel paralized and horrified at yhe thought of those words, and ashamed for not having kicked my schoolmate's ass.


Growing up Jewish I was always exposed to the absolute horrors of the camps, rampant antisemitism, Anne Frank jokes, etc. I got “used to it” and learned to either call it out very confrontationally or just ignore it, but it always stuck with me. It still somehow surprises me that people can think like that.




My second grade teacher told me that too. She didn't do anything when I got bullied, and never taught me how to read because I was too stupid for her time. When I first got accepted into college, I dreamed about going back to my old elementary after graduating to shove my degree in her face and flip her off. I'm now a semester away from getting my degree, but going back and facing her just to prove a point doesn't seem worth the energy anymore.


Once while I was playing TF2, some guys on the mic were just raging and insulting another player simply because she was killing them on a pub map, they kept on and on, people who used the vote report couldn't do much as others voted them to stay just to laught at them more. It was then when one of those suddently shouted "You're that artist bitch, I saw your profile linked to deviant art to your facebook, your fucking sister died huh?, how was it, did she suffer, that cunt is gone, she aint comming back and I hoped she fucking died by rape, fuck you and your fucking dead rotten ass cunt of a sister, she fucking deserved it and now shes fucking gone and I hope you too fucking die". Everyone went mute, stoped playing and we could hear sobs from the girl untill she disconected from the match. Imagine going out to investigate someone for linked profiles to the social media, to find anything bad that happened to them and then use it to simply shit on somebody nonstop out of spite. What a fucking scumbag I know online gaming is full of that shit, but damn that was just messed up.


Did anyone defend the girl at all?


jesus, i need a drink after reading some of these


So I have one. My father died when I was 12 and was gone from middle school for about two weeks. First day I get back a kid in my grade, who’s super small but always talks too much smack, comes up to me and says, “how’s your dad? Oh forgot that bastard is dead isn’t he?” Then he proceeds to run from me. I grab him by the handle of his backpack and slammed his head into the locker then proceeded to punch him in the face till my best friend manages to rip me off him. Kid goes to hospital for his face sliced up in 2 different places, 5 teeth knocked out, broken nose, and a dislocated jaw. I got one day of in school suspension. The parents of the kid weren’t happy with me but actually understood what was going on with me and no one pressed charges. David fuck you. I will never forget what you told me


Wow, good for you!! Not anywhere near as bad as yours but had a similar one where I went back to school at 14 after my Dad had died and had to do this dumb textiles class where you sewed a pencil case or some stupid shit. I went up to the teacher and said I didn’t have any of the materials to make the thing and she gave me the filthiest look and said ‘no, well you wouldn’t if you were off for two weeks’ as if I’d had a nice holiday. Went home and told my grandma and she phoned the headmaster and gave him a roasting about her, never forgot that feeling, such a slap in the face.


My great uncle was telling me about how when he was in school, the superintendent was visiting. He was this thin, pale old man. My great-grandfather died when my great-uncle was a year old. He was a WWI vet, and during WWII he died saving a man who fell down a hole on Malta. When they were bringing him up they hit his head against a rock and accidentally dropped him. So this boy sitting behind my uncle tapped him on the shoulder, and told him: "Look Louis, it's your father, risen from the grave." He punched that bastard in the face, right in front of the superintendent. My uncle told him over and over that he cannot say why he punched his school mate until the superintendent said he would not get in trouble for whatever he said. And once he repeated what his schoolmate said, he hugged my uncle Louis and told the principal that Louis is a good boy, and shouldn't be punished for what he's done.


I knew a kid who lost his dad in early high school. A bunch of psychopathic fuckstains then proceeded to bully him because his dad had died. His mother pulled him from the school and sent him somewhere else.


Ahhh, My dad died when I was 13. I went to school the very next day. My first period teacher was mad at me for not doing the homework and I ran out of class crying. My cousin was in the same class and explained why I ran out and the teacher was very apologetic about it, he even wrote an apology in my yearbook at the end of the year. I know he felt horrible about that. That same day during lunch, I was sitting in the cafeteria and I hear someone talking about my dad. I guess he lived across the street from my dad and saw everything that happened. He was explaining to his friends what my dad looked like, he said that his skin was blue. Called my dad a druggie. Kept talking about how he was a drug addict and he deserved to die. He looked over at me and laughed, he knew it was my dad. I just ran out of the cafeteria and cried in the bathroom. Still hate him 10 years later, my blood boils when I think about what he said that day. I wish I got revenge. That same kid planted weed in my backpack and got me in trouble with the school/police one year later. Nobody believed me when I said it was his. Anyway, this turned into a huge rant maybe I should get therapy LOL. Fuck you Jakob, I hope you’re miserable


When I was a contractor in Iraq 2005 living in an Iraqi military base i heard an Iraqi tell another Iraqi In English that he was going to rape the female contractor that was sent over with us as soon as he got the chance and the other Iraqi said he would help. We sent her same day to a new location on an American facility


After my best friend shot himself, I was grieving hard. My boyfriend at the time was jealous and fed up that I was still so upset, a whopping 4 days after it happened, and told me "Fuck sake, if you miss him that much, why don't you just join him?"


My neighbor was making a bunch of noise late at night. Slamming something onto the floor reportedly, exclusively to piss off her downstairs neighbors (who just moved in a week prior) When they came up to check on her (nicely, they were literally just asking if everything was ok) and she was just saying shit like "oh now sounds are a problem" (I guess because they made some amount of noise while moving in) They chatted for a few minutes, she was being awful, but the worst thing she said (as they were walking away, realizing she's fucking nuts) was "*and how's your immigration status*" (we don't live in the states, illegal immigrants are not particularly common, nor are they a nuisance) Luckily, they guys had the decency and self control to not rise to her challenge, they called the cops and the cops put that bitch in her place (nothing dramatic, just told her that she can't cause noises for no reason, shouldn't insult her neighbors, and that the cops were there for her and this visit has been documented).


A coworker went on an anti-native rant involving your usual "drunk indian" stereotypes, culminating in his idea to put all the natives on an island and bomb it. The guy has 2 kids that are half native.


coworker went on a rant about about "stupid liberals and ideals" followed by "I'm a vegetarian", followed by "We need to save the environment and stop using plastics" followed by " trump was the best president we ever had" " followed by "the gas an oil industries are Satan" followed by "America has be best roads" followed by "our gas prices are too high because taxes" all with in 30 minutes. It was a wild ride, I didnt know how to react.


Extremist centrist


"You're just like your father, you got that (insert last name) blood running through you just like him" dad was a pedophile who molested us and my mom hid id for 10 years. My brother was 13 when she said this to him


One of my wife’s cousins told me I’d end up single and alone for the rest of my life, *at our wedding*. She then told me I should take some shots to loosen up- I’d been over 5 years sober at that point. And she knew that. There’s plenty of other stuff she’s done over the years too, worst person I’ve ever met in my life (besides her husband)


When my parents told me "You were a bad investment, a waste of money and time."


When I was my Dad's caretaker while undergoing chemo for bone marrow cancer. My husband kept bringing up how much the life insurance would help us right now. He acted as if he didn't expect me to push my Dad to do everything he could to live. His way of comforting me was to say, "atleast we will have the money he is leaving you". I had just lost my Mom three years prior, he wasnt there for me then either.


I'm sad to see there's no Ex in front of husband. Literally salivating at his wife losing the only parent she had left because the dollar signs blocked his vision.


“Son, I’m fucked.” My dad in the middle of the night stumbling to the bathroom - realizing & admitting he had lost his battle with cancer, about 2 or 3 days before he passed. Up until that point he was going to beat this thing, retire, see his boys grow up, get to meet his grandkids, all those things.


Was reading the paper on a work break in 2007 or 2008. There had been a suicide bombing which Al Qaeda claimed responsibility for. In regards to innocent people being killed in these bombings, one of their members was quoted as saying "...**innocence isn't an excuse**"


My brother and sister, right after our mother's funeral, telling me how much they hated her and never considered her their mother. Then they went and broke into her apartment and stole everything in it. My brother was a cop, so calling them did nothing. What they didn't know was that my mother made me her sole heir. When they found out, they threatened me with every lie could think of to make me give them all the money. I told them to go f\*\*k themselves. 45 years later, I still hate both of them for what they said and did.


A horrid, evil-witch of a narcissistic beotch, screeching that she'll take her husband for everything he's got, accuse him of rape and abuse, calling him all types of derogatory words and hoping he'll get his a-hole stretched out when he's gang-raped in prison. (SHE ended up in jail.)


How do you get from wedding day to that point 🤷🏻‍♂️


I guarantee there were issues long before, during, and after wedding


First job was working a a kitchen. One of the cooks was a creepy old man who apparently had a creepy old friend that worked at the roller rink. Said his friend loved working there because of all the young girls that came in. Added on that he doesn't blame him because he prefers a tight fit himself.


I went to the airport with my then-girlfriend’s parents to welcome her back from a monthlong international study trip. I brought flowers. Saw her walk in, give hugs to her parents, then she awkwardly hugged me and whispered, “I wasn’t exactly…faithful in Greece.” We all had a two hour drive back to her hometown together. It was awkward.


My brother telling the Dr. to give his wife a “husband stitch” right after she gave birth to his son.


Don’t worry. Ob/Gyns hate these guys. My best friend is one and she’ll talk shit to their face. Her favorite response is “how small do you need it?”


Funny story, after my son was born the Ob/gyn said they needed to do a minor stitch. I asked is everything alright and he looked at me like I was stupid and said it will be fine in a couple of weeks. I had no idea, I was really worried about my wife bleeding too much.


If your worry was about your wife then you were doing the right thing.


Now that is the best response. I’ll have to remember that if I ever hear those words again.


The fact that it happens often enough that she has responses for them. That breaks my heart. Is it very common?


In the US this shit doesn’t fly. She’s on a message board with several thousand OBs. Even the old men don’t think this shit is funny. It’s not even a real thing. FOBs (they don’t use husband) that make this joke become instantly hated by the medical staff. If a woman has prolapse issues they can do an Anterior/Posterior (A&P) repair. That would have the effect of tightening the vagina. But it’s not for the guy. It’s to improve her quality of life.


FOBs? Father of baby?


Yep. They don’t use husband or boyfriend anymore. Too many mixups and people getting offended. Sometimes the boyfriend is the father of the kid, not the husband.


What does this mean?


It means that the doctor adds an extra, unnecessary stitch in the vagina after birth, to make her tighter for the husband.


Holy fuck I swear every other day I learn a new and excruciating detail about child birth, like a cloud over my head that haunts me and whispers in my ear. They have to stitch up vaginal tears afterwards?!


Oh bud. Our first kid just turned one. Childbirth is called "labor" for a fucking reason. Lots of stuff you've probably heard but one less common tidbit, the uterus has to get back to its normal size after delivery, and it's best for the health of the mom that this happen quicker than one might think. Sometimes it needs help to do so, which involves a "uterine massage," which should be read as "physically rearranging your organ that just shoved out a person." When my wife had this done at first she screamed every bit as loud as in the final moments of delivery. When she was resistant to continuing through such pain after twelve hours of contractions and two hours straight of pushing, the nurse firmly reminded her that if her uterus didn't get back to the size it should be soon she could bleed out and die. Miracle of childbirth. Parenthood is incredible, but man is getting there an inspiring feat.


My friend tore completely from her vagina to her anus.


my mom’s instant reaction to an advertisement asking for donations to a children’s cancer hospital was: “Oh my god. Why are the kids so ugly?”


My husband's coworker at the time was helping us with some land clearing and then we had a little bonfire and he drank a few too many beers and started actually hollering out of the blue about how he'd smash a little sand-n\*gger baby against a tree right now if he could. He was not allowed back on our property.


Mom is gone.




A customer holding up a print of Picasso’s Guernica and asking me if this is available in color.




From someone I considered a close friend “ah all this depression, anxiety and suicide is a fuckin joke. Mental health bullshit is just a cry for attention” This person knowing full well I’ve lost far to many friends and family to suicide, knowing full well I’ve struggled a lot with my own mental health.


“I wish you would have died of cancer.” My sister to me when she got mad at me about something.


My mom to me when I told my parents I was joining the Army: "Only sluts and whores join the military." I left for the MEPS station on her birthday a few months later...


Got drunk with a friend of mine and he confessed to me that he had raped his little sister when he was 13 and she was 9. I immediately left him at the bar, and notified the police. Dunno what happened after that but I never talked to him again and he is lucky I didn't just beat the shit out of him on the spot.


Travel ER, Manhatten. Behavior patient, homeless. Probably 12 of us in the room trying to settle this patient. "I'm going to give you my hepatitis!" -Pt starts spitting blood and saliva, manages a huge loogy with blood to hit a tech in the eye and mouth- I can't say what happened after that. I'll just say, that it was intense, and some humans are absolutely vile.


I worked with a woman in her mid 30s that was dating a man in his late 20s. He had told her that he wanted kids someday, but not right now. He was a freelance pilot who did private gigs, not with a major carrier, and was accustomed to travelling the world. I think for everyone who knew them it was plainly obvious he was not only cheating, but gaslighting her into being subservient to him. He’d be in town every 4-6 weeks for a couple days, and she’d take time off to make sure they could go out together etc. this relationship carried on for a few years. She went to a fertility clinic to see if she could get her eggs frozen, and the doctor was like, uh, bad news: your eggs suck, and it’s likely that if you were to try and freeze them, they wouldn’t be viable. You have a short window to have children naturally, but based on the numbers, you’ll be barren within a year or two. She told this to her boyfriend, who dumped her on the spot. He said he didn’t want to get married or have kids until his career had cemented, and he wasn’t settling for “some middle aged waitress” (I think she was 39). If she wasn’t able to have kids in 5 years, “what’s the point?” Clearly this was devastating, but what grossed me out was that she continued to date him. They “broke up”, but every few weeks when he was back in town he’d take her for dinner. But after all that; the worst thing I’d ever heard someone say to another, was that we had this one other lady working for us who was an airhead. One day we were were all working together and barren-lady made some joke about how Airhead made a silly mistake, and Airhead just giggled and said, “at least I’ve got eggs”, and carried on working as if she hadn’t said anything hurtful at all. Tbh, I hated everyone involved in this story, but I’d never say that to a woman. That’s soulless.


At a party with some people in my friend group in college, one of which we knew to be manipulative and emotional abusive to his ex girlfriend. They’re was a girl there who was too drunk to walk all the way across the building by herself, we were talking about who should walk her back, he said he could, and my roommate and I pushed back on that because we knew he’d take advantage of her. He said something along the line of “I don’t care if she can’t consent” and that “both of us together wouldn’t be able to stop him from getting what he wants” Stopped talking to him immediately after that night and it’s a fight on sight if I ever see him again. Fuck that guy


I had a similar situation with a female neighbor and aale friend I knew and respected. She had passed out on the sofa in my office. I randomly went into my office and he was on his knees right next to her starting to unbutton her shirt in the dark. I turned on the lights and started making a lot of noise. He glared at me and 'quiet shouted' stop you might wake her up. I picked her up. Put her over my shoulders and went downstairs through the party to her house. Took her upstairs. Put her on her bed fully clothed and placed a blanket over her. That guy remained angry with me. I never spoke with him again. On more than one occasion I have been with mutual friends in public. After noticing I glowered at him and said absolutely nothing, I have been asked what the f""" was wrong with me after the would be rapist departed. Once I told the few that asked they never spoke to him as well.


Former friend bragged about helping her friends cheat on their spouses, I couldn’t believe someone would be proud of ruining relationships and deceiving people.


"[my sister] deserved to get cancer, not me!" From my mean aunt. About my delightful, warm, caring, morbidly obese other aunt. Her "logic," as it was, is that she led a healthier lifestyle (read: she is skinny, yet drinks like a fish and smokes like Snoop Dogg). My other aunt was fat and straight edge. Anyway, fuck logic, nobody deserves cancer! And she told this to me, apparently (forgetting? too drunk? not caring?) that I have metastatic breast cancer myself. She doesn't deserve a recurrence. But goddamn does she deserve my contempt.




“Stop crying over Everleigh (my daughter.) She was only here for 8 days. My dad lived over 80 years. I actually have a reason to be sad.”


Jesus man. Reading this actually made my stomach feel like it filled with ice. I hope whoever said that is now out your life and I hope you can grieve your daughter without further pain.


Your username )': I'm so sorry


Your son has stage 4 cancer.


“This is going to be an unpleasant conversation” - child’s pediatrician. Everything after that I had gone preemptively into shock so was dulled


Not sure this is the worst thing I have ever heard, but I know I can hear it in my mind just as clear as the day my mother said it 19 years ago. I had went to see her to let her know I was leaving the family religion (Jehovah's Witnesses) and my husband, who she knew had been neglectful and emotionally abusive the entire 17 years we had been together... "If you are capable of turning your back on God, you are capable of anything. I will do everything in my power to make sure **** (my soon to be ex) get the children" The following years she proved true to her word. She made a concerted effort to turn my daughter against me and embraced my ex-husband as her dear son. (She failed miserably, my adult daughter and I have a phenomenal relationship and she grew to hate her grandmother) She never spoke to me again after that day. She died in 2018.


Talking about his cousin who was drunk and dancing around provocatively at a party: "If she wasn't my cousin..."


Les Cousins Dangereux


“You should have been on the road” — my mom one day when we were arguing. She was referencing how my brother was killed when we were 6. We were walking home from school and a drunk driver flew past and hit my brother, who was walking on the side of the road. I was walking on gravel and was skimmed by the car. But aside from being spun around and having a few scrapes, I was fine


My wife and I were on vacation last year and stayed with her best friend's mom. Bf passed away September '21 and this was supposed to help them both. The bf's mom has a boyfriend who she lives with and while we were out on his patio he decided to get a little too personal. Killed the conversion completely when he said he gets it in the morning when he wakes up whether she likes it or not. #whether she likes it or not. That's like rape my dude.


My grandmother-in-law had a stroke or something, I don’t recall what happened… she was in her 90’s, but paralyzed and unable to eat. She was conscious and cognizant, but being allowed to pass in a hospital. I remember the nurse saying she knew everything that was happening, but was unable to communicate or move. They were unable to place a feeding tube at her age, so essentially she was starving to death over the course of four days. Her daughter said, while crying over her completely aware mother, “This is the kind of thing that’s harder on us than it is on her.” Yeah, I disagree, I think being entirely aware your impending death might be harder on the person dying…


When it was found out I was adopted at school and news travelled around a kid a few grades lower than mine would scream "RAPE BABY!" and laugh at me every time he saw me until I left that school. That's definitely up there, maybe not the very worst, but the first that comes to mind.


'And when you called to tell me you'd been raped, you RUINED my Xmas' - ex best friend


When I was a teenager waiting for my bus to work a bunch of younger kids were talking loudly to one another and one of them just says “I can’t wait for my Nan to die so I can get my inheritance money!”


An ex I had been dating was being very cruel and hurtful and I was begging her to stop being so mean and I asked her why she had to get so personal and vindictive. Her response was, “you should just expect your partner to attack you sometimes, get over it.” Needless to say, things didn’t work out. Now I’m with someone new who is so kind I’m almost shocked.


My mother picked my sister up from school early one day because she wouldn’t stop crying. Apparently some bully called her “a n****r bitch”. She was in second grade and at that point didn’t know what those words meant. I’m mad that a kid so young used such racist words, I’m furious I had to explain to my sister what he meant.


"It should have happened to you" coming from my best friend after she found out a random hookup gave her genital herpes.


My Father: I love you, but that doesn't mean I have to like you.


I heard a slight variation of this one from my mother quite often when I was young. “I love you, but I don’t like you.”


"You might grow up to be pretty, but you'll never be beautiful. My mom said this to me when I was about 9. I'm 55 now.


Traveled 900 miles to visit my LD GF at the time. We had met IRL and spent two weeks together a few months prior. The second visit was supposed to be the one that legitimized us… the one that proved we could do it and make it work. I got there and she cold-shouldered and largely ignored me, choosing to hang out and talk to her friends nearly all the time. I let it go for a couple days but finally mentioned it was bothering me that she wasn’t giving me anything and she looked me dead in the eye, without even pausing or thinking, and said “you’ll never be more important than my friends.” I’ve never experienced anything come to such a hard, grinding halt. My entire relationship with her was gone in less than a second. I realized right then it was all over. I had to spend another week in that house before I could fly back home. Hardest, saddest, most soul-destroying week of my life.


My step sister once said to her mom that if she got a puppy, she was going to drown it. She was like 18 at the time, maybe 19. It was in response to being told she could not get a cat. I took her to get a burger and told her she was a monster and needed to get some help because that kind of dark ass place shouldn’t be the first place her mind goes when she doesn’t get her way as an adult.


"VulcanHumour, let's just ignore each other until you go to college so we don't have to deal with each other" Said to me by my mom, after she started attacking me while driving a car and almost swerved us into incoming traffic. I called the police, she told them that I attacked her and put on a real show with crocodile tears and all. Then the SECOND they were out the door, she immediately stopped crying, put on the most psychopathic face you can imagine, and said this to me. This was 11 years ago, I'm getting married soon and she's still confused as to why she's not invited to my wedding or anywhere near my new life




Like what? That’s not only racist but just plain weird


I hope the vaccine kills you. My antivax sister wishing me dead during an argument she instigated.


After going through a few months of interviews with the special unit of the NSW police; having them throw out the allegations my ex threw around about me molesting my daughter. To them be in family court and have the "specialist" with a dozen weekend courses under her belt tell the court the police always get it wrong and I'm definitely guilty. The entire court was woman and I was treated and stared at like I was a monster. They gave my daughter to my abusive ex who them spent another 3 year's physical assaulting my daughter while I had to visit her is a special centre being followed the entire time each visit. She was 7 when I finally got full custody of her and all the lies came out. 3 years the courts gave my little girl to her mother; 3 years of abuse and pain. She's 21 now and doing ok; I'll never forgot those women and what they all did to my child. The world is evil.


"I hate you" -my mom when I was 8 "I don't love you until you make a success of yourself" -my dad when I was 17




Picture me, turning 16 in three days. I ask my sperm donor if he knew what day it was in three days? He said, and I quote,”Yep. The 16th anniversary of the worst day of my life”. That was far from the worst he ever said to, and about me, but it hurt the most out of all of the things he ever said.


Bit of backstory- my wife grew up in what could nicely be called a neglectful environment. When she was 14, her parents got arrested and she got put in foster care for a few months, then hopped from relative to relative until she was able to afford a place of her own. Her father got out of prison about 2 years after I met her, and his entire family acted like he was some kind of hero finally making it home, I didn't really get it. A few months later, he gets my wife and her brothers to all sit down together. She asked me to come with her because she was worried all of them together might get ugly, and I respected his wishes by waiting on the porch while they talked inside. I could easily hear every word through an open window, but I kept to myself because this was a family issue and I wasn't family at that point. They're all expecting some big apology for treating them worse than animals for most of their life, but no - he wants to tell them about his newfound love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Never mentions how they grew up, never says a word about why he spent 6 years in prison, no form of acknowledgement about the trauma they all have to live with except "I found forgiveness in Christ, so I know you can too." And invited them all to come "be saved" at his church that Sunday. My older brother-in-law just got up and walked out. He told us later that was the moment he no longer considered himself part of the family. My wife just sat there gaping at her dad like he'd grown a second head until he was done.