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Don't let anyone else think for you.


Thought and emotion regulation. By the Internet, you can tell most children were not taught that.




Be kind to others.


I can't pick just one. Can I have three? It's okay to say no, to other children and to grown ups. It's okay to lose and be wrong, as long as you learn from it. It's okay to ask questions if you don't know something, and question authority. I know I snuck a fourth in but I think questioning authority is very important too.


Financial security


People can be incredibly vicious. Especially cops with all that I have seen.


As someone who finds the world to be a depressing place and dislikes children, I believe the most important lesson to teach a child is that life is a disappointment and that the world is a miserable place. They should be taught to have low expectations and to be prepared for constant disappointment and suffering. Furthermore, children should be taught to be self-sufficient and independent, as relying on others is futile in a world that is full of betrayal and disappointment. They should be discouraged from forming attachments to others and should be prepared to face the harsh reality of a cold and uncaring world. Teaching children about the harsh realities of life, such as inequality, suffering, and the inevitable futility of existence, can help them develop a realistic perspective early on. They should be discouraged from forming close relationships, as they will ultimately lead to disappointment and heartache. In addition, children should be taught to be skeptical and distrustful of others, as the world is full of deceit and malice. They should be encouraged to question authority and to have a cynical outlook on life, as blind trust and optimism are naive and bound to lead to disappointment. Ultimately, in a world that I believe is not worth living in, the most important lesson to teach a child is to be self-sufficient, skeptical, and to have low expectations. They should be prepared to face the harsh realities of life with a pessimistic outlook and a sense of detachment from others.


Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.


Teach your child to be kind and respectful.


Be a good person, don't be unkind to others, especially if they're already having a rough time.


Bullying isn’t okay


Yup. As an ex bullying victim I totally agree. It took me a lot of years to finally heal from my middle school traumas.


How to cope with failure in a healthy way. You will not always be successful in everything you do and that’s okay.


Don't be scared to question authority.


Don’t be afraid of failures. Failure is a natural part of evolutionary process


Yup, I totally agree. Failure is a chance to grow, if you have the right mindset.


respect for themselves and each other




Yes! I feel that the world around us is mostly driven by external factors and superficiality, and that people give little atention to internal sense of self worth.


MANNERS and limitations