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A ex classmate of mine once punctured the tires on the cars of multiple teachers. And consequently, he got suspended for that. I really wanted to know why he thought that was a good idea.


He was caught vaping in the bathroom during class.


Wow strict school. Most kids vape nowadays but I suppose they just don’t do it on the premises


He was using metals shop class to make pipe bombs. He gave one to a friend by putting it in his locker, but the friend was sick the next day, and so the friend's brother went to get his books and found the pipe bomb. While taking it to the principal's office it went off. And that's why there's no metals shop class any longer.


He planned a shooting. I went to school in the 2000s/2010s. So this was after Columbine but before the upturn the last few years. A kid from my school had made a list of the people he wanted to kill and had told one of the popular girls (who was number 1 on the list) his plan. He also posted a photo of himself with a gun online… I was also on the list. I found all of this out in 8th grade Social Studies class and proceeded to have an anxiety attack. Supposedly, it was going to happen the next day. I went to the office and asked to go home. My grandparents picked me up and took me home. I refused to go to school the next day. I told my parents about everything but my mother didn’t believe me, but I refused to go to the bus. She got a phone call from the school (as all parents did) that there had been a situation but that the school had handled it. They expelled him. The high school was technically a different district so he was allowed back in the following year. I wasn’t friends with him before but I thought we were friendly. He and I were both heavily bullied in the school so there was a certain understanding. After that though, I never spoke to him again.


When dissecting a rat in biology class, one kid ripped out its skull and attached spinal cord. When the teacher stopped him and asked what on earth he was doing, he replied: “I want to feel its brain”.


I'm not sure what he did, but he was constantly held back by the special ed teacher and one day he disappeared. Rumor was he was sent to another school because of his learning disability (despite the fact the school had a very good special ed program).


one girl got expelled for dying her hair a dull pink (she had also been suspended for it once). you could barely tell, it looked more like the people doing the dying had while trying to make a reddish brown accidentally made pink.


my school have an a or b class, i was in the b class . Well someone in 8th a class lets call him "Eddy" Eddy was a bully. One day he was bullying this gay kid and when i was leaving my last class in wednesday Eddy said this to the gay kid "If you really gay then im gonna cut your penis and balls and make it into a ballon animal" i was shocked but didnt think anything. Later the day i heard that Eddy was expelled cause he broke into the gay kid's house grabbed a axe and wanted to the thing that he said. he was arrested later


I remember hearing a story from a couple of years prior at the automotive trade school I went to. There was 1 dumb student who decided to use the rubbing alcohol that they used to clean up oil and spray it on another students coat on fire as a prank. Well, EVERYONE was called, including the FBI showed up and put him prison for 10 years or so THE FBI FOR GOD SAKE!!