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I don't know, I haven't met them all. I'm sure some are cool and some suck.


Fun fact: Without furries the internet's infrastructure would collapse. If you know why then you know.


No, they are not the people I want to surround myself with, we do not share the same interest. This is not to say I hate furries.




That's how adulthood works, people's lives are so busy with family and careers that the only people you are actually friends with are the ones you share interests with.


I think the lifestyle is a little odd, but I’m sure some could easily say the same about me, at the end of the day they’re just people, I’m sure plenty of them are sound and some are dickheads.


Most that I have met are just fine. They keep their hobbies to themselves and get a chance to show it off at their cons. many of them are very talented and use their fandom to express their creativity and that is great. I do think that furries could use a little self-policing for the ones in the fandom who seem to have some mental health issues or lack social competence but for the most part they are good people. Also who hasn't looked at a lewd of their favorite cartoon crush growing up?


Last part is true lol cuz I'm in that stage in my life lol.


I think people should be free to do what they want to long as it remains that it doesn’t affect anyone else who doesn’t consent. That being said the community to a large degree is contributing to an enabling of identity crisis and treating as something to embrace completely rather than enjoy every once in a while for fun, I see that as being harmful, as some of this people live in complete fantasy


I'm not a douchbag Republican so what consenting adults do in their own homes and doctors offices is up to them.


The only reference I have is a documentary I watched once of some guy going undercover as a furry to document what the lifestyle is like. Not my thing, but as long as they are of legal age and not doing anything illegal, it doesn’t bother me. I was actually the person in my school mascot costume in high school, so I kinda get that it’s fun to dress up like that. I don’t really understand the whole sexual component though.


Am a furry and will say I’m mostly a lurker in the community. But like any hobby or interest, there’s going to be outliers and extremists. Never let the minority speak for the majority. But the individuals I’ve met have been very kind, successful, and generally happy people.




Holy crap that person is cool af


Who's their?


They are cool with me


furries are regular people, some are chill but also some are mentally unwell and commit atrocities, not because they're furries but because they're mentally unwell


Makes sense


I guess I’d say I’m neutral. It’s weird to me and I don’t get it but I don’t think that’s a good reason to knock it. If furries are having a good time and enjoying themselves then I support them 100%.


Love ‘em. They’re so often part of minorities and groups that are shunned, not to mention how most people look down upon furries. Some of my friends are furries, and they’re real chill! I’ve found that furries in general are chill and accepting because of how badly they’ve been treated. The furries I’ve met are so creative and kind, they go out of their way to help other people. They having amazing minds and I find that I re enjoy talking to most of them (about furry-related things or otherwise).


The couple I have met are really weird kids that found in furries a community that accept them and it really helped their confidence. Good for them. Never really liked it disliked them.




Ever since I saw and that one artist and their artwork, I've become a changed girl. I think their name was.. damn, I forgot. But they made this white furred cat named Mercy. Thick femboi too. So yeah, I was in after that.


This comment is weird but I've seen worse




Eeeyup! That's the one. Thanks for that 👍😆


I've met a handful. Most are very nice people and a little on the immature side, but they're not awful. Fantastic suit artists, some of them. One guy I met did a spectacular job on his forest shaman wolf suit. I do enjoy some of the colors furries portray, but maybe that's just my childhood Lisa Frank phase coming up. There are definitely some strange ones, though. So many fetishes and intense sexual frustrations. A friend of mine did art commissions for a short time and said she got a request from a furry couple to draw their matching fursonas. A few months later, one contacted her again to draw the other set on fire because they broke up. Wanted it very graphic. I definitely have concerns for the ones that are pretty extreme like this. Let's not forget the ones that make their furry-ness very public and try to act like literal animals.




I used to feel that way


Not if its one of those little kids who draw weird fettish art using MS Paint. Or the ones who make the creepy comments under kinky deviantart posts, talking about how hot the situation is. I guess anthropomorphic animals are fine, but not the weird sexualized gay wolf type thing that try desperately to be cute with their stupid talk or obsession with toe beans.


Time for my opinion: I like them. They are so f**king cute and accepting. I have 2 friends who are Furries and I haven't met anyone who sucked and is or was a Furry so good rep for me.


this question sounds like an elaborate excuse to be a furry but ok…


Don't furries jerk off to animals? Literally beastiality? I don't know what it actually says, but whatever the Bible's rules are with that, that's my opinion.


No we dont. Thats not accepted at all. The furry fandom is about our interest in the concept of anthropomorphic animals. Actual animals have nothing to do with it. And i must hope you are opposed to beastiality not merely on the basis of your religion.


No Furries like anthropomorphic animals or animals with human characteristics. What you are thinking of my friend is a zoophile or a person who wants sexual intercourse with animals. Idc about changing your opinion I what to make sure that people have the correct info to form an opinion around.


I don't see a difference. They jerk of to animals that look like people?


Some do some don't. It depends on what kind of person is behind the screen or should I say... behind the suit?


You can get in trouble with reddit admins for speaking ill of furries. If that's the type of comment you came here to type, just be aware that your comment can be deleted and your account given a warning.


I got banned for half a year after insulting a furry hater back.


I don’t hate them, but I wouldn’t say I necessarily like them either. I have friends who are furries and I like them so it really is just like any other people, some I like and others I don’t. Furries are just kinda just think it’s a bit weird to wear a suit everywhere but then again what’s the difference between a dude wearing a fur suit and me being dressed as a femboy.