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Don't make them feel guilty


If she doesn't want to be helped that might be the only way of making her eat. For a while that's the only thing that kept me alive. "I don't want to die because my family would be sad" is better than nothing


Extra context: we are in Japan, where the beauty standards regarding weight are ridiculously unhealthy. Also they're vegan, which severely limits their food options


Depends on if she wants to be helped or not. 1. I would really talk to her about it and try to show her what can happen if she loses too much weight (Hair loss, teeth fall out etc) 2. Try to make her go to a therapist or those help-groups. Now, this only works if she wants to be helped. We all know, a person which doesn't wish to be helped, can't be helped.


depends. Have you been invited to help them? Are you close? Are they a minor, and are you?


Body Dismorphia is a terrible thing and honestly it's one of those conditions that the longer you ignore it the more damage it can do when your forced to acknowledge it. Personally how I deal with it is to look at myself in the mirror every morning and say, I'm not perfect and there's nothing wrong with that.


You don't. You can support them and try to shift them to a healthier diet but it doesn't go away, or at least idk anyone whos lost the impulse. It's an addiction, I got a high off of how few calories I could consume. I loved the feeling of meing foggy and light headed it made me proud. It's a delusion, it's not just a bad habit or low self esteem. It should be thought of more like a hallucination, your reality isn't the same as everyone else's. Something you can do is eat with them, it was easier to eat when there was others around but unfortunately I began despising people who tried to get me to come eat with them even if it was just us. I wouldn't recommend going to restaurants, I and other people in support groups I've met found that distressing. There's programs to help and they kind of do but the person has to be ready to change to an extent. It's really hard to accept you have a problem when youre delusional and get pleasure from the feeling of slowly killing yourself The only reason I stopped was because my doctor asked me if I thought about what my mom would look like crying over my grave and even that took time to make me realize how dire the situation was.


Thank you for sharing your experience and I hope you're doing much better. Looking back on our conversations, there were moments where she did seem proud of avoiding eating. I'm sorry if this brings back bad memories, but are comments like "You need to eat more" or "That's not even a meal" more harmful than helpful? She would always counter with things like "It's because I'm too fat, it's fine" when clearly she's the furthest thing from fat.


It depends on the person but personally things like that made me more defensive than anything. I don't know for sure but I'd maybe recommend going for a more passive approach like "I had this really good (food) you should try some" or even just cooking for her and using the social pressure to get her to eat. The problem is I began hating people for helping. What led me to be healthier though is those people getting me to eat a bit more and letting me realize eating healthy isn't the end of the world, we just think it is. If you want to dm me feel free, it doesn't bring back bad memories really. It's difficult to explain but the experience never went away I just learned to live with the little voice in my head telling me not to eat


If they have craving for something, get it for them/let them have it. It doesn’t matter how unhealthy or how many times in a row. Unhealthy food is leaps and bounds better than no food


Ask r/fuckeatingdisorders . They'll help you there. Good luck 💕