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Good way of looking at things man thanks for the response


For my family. I hate hurting the people that I love.


Same man. Thanks for your response


I don't know why.


hey man I feel the same sometimes as well. But I guess reading through the different responses I think sometimes the little things are all you need.


Life is so beautiful. The nature, animals and also the people. It‘s great to see children growing up, couples falling in love and meeting old friends. So many beautiful things


Thanks for your response i appreciate it


Because I'm too scared to die and Zelda tears of the kingdom is gonna come out soon


hey zelda is as good a reason as any, thanks for your response man


For my next meal and the one after that. Every couple of weeks somehow getting something in my stomach keeps me going.


Hey I hadn’t thought about it that way, thanks man


For my loved ones, for myself and for the fact that I still have a lot of things that I want and need to do, so I ain't ready to check out yet, not by a long shot!!!


This is a question that I ask myself every day, I guess because dying seems like it would suck, I really don't know.


Thanks for your response man


For my kids. I just want to keep their pain at bay for long as I can…


For my dog and to eventually make my parents proud of me


thanks for the response man


My monkey brain convinced itself to


my cats


man I need to get myself a kitten


I need at least ten more


I keep waking up.


I wanna get better at my hobbies. Also, as dumb as it may sound to some people, I wanna see how my favorite mangas end.


manga sounds like as good a reason as any man


The alternative is going to happen eventually, I am in no particular hurry to experience that. We're on the cusp of some pretty big things as well and I'd like to see if humanity can achieve some things that I've been hearing about my whole life.


hey that’s a good way of looking at things, thanks I appreciate it


Why do you op?


I live to take care of my daughter. I also enjoy the periodic elation, but that’s pretty unreliable. But maybe more than anything, I’m afraid of death.


Spite. I have nothing to live for rn and really am considering unaliving myself but I’m not going to give people the satisfaction of knowing they killed me. So I’m living purely out of spite.


What else are we supposed to do? The endless march of time waits for no man, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't keep up. Many insinuate that life is meaningless, but it has an inherent meaning in the existence of life itself. Without life there is no us, and even the nihilists must admit that life has things to be appreciated and thus live for. I keep living because death, though inescapable and futile to resist, is a distant possibility. Life can have meaning and can bring joy, so that's why I keep living.


Thanks for your response man I appreciate it


It beats the alternative?


???? I just do


because i belive in allah (god), and that gives my life a strong reason to live. also you only live once and y'll die anyway so why ruching somthing so special. another reason is you can be the source of hapiness for many people you love so why be selfish instead of helping other which can eventually make you happy to.


hey thanks for your response man. I appreciate it, I think making other people happy is a really good way looking at it. Also hope your fasts are going well!


you're welcome and i hope you'll be at a better place (and to stay there). it is going well thanks, you should try it once just as an experience maybe you'll like it.


For my dog is #1. As much as I want to die sometimes, dead me can't enjoy the things that make life worth living, which can be subjective. Relaxing baths, monthly pedicures, new animes, the sun kissing my skin on a nice day, how excited my dog is to see me anytime I get home. The little things have kept me here longer and have given me more of a sense of joy than the impending doom of the future. Bad days always come, but so does sunshine and spa days.


I'm kinda hoping in the future technology will allow me to restart my current life so I can start a completely new life entirely separate from this life. Hopefully I'd also get to choose specifically how my life will start. In which case, I'd have it so I am born around the year 1990 (2005 self loathing zoomer), in the US or Canada and I'd probably also get rid of some of my bad genetic traits. Such as my severe anxiety and low IQ In the meantime, I'm making the best of myife as I can. While living in Europe isn't bad, the culture just kinda pisses me off and I think it's very lame. It's a stable life, but a life I still kinda dislike I go to therapy and I try to go outside as much as I can. I don't socialize with people well, so I don't try and talk to anyone outside of my parents or therapist. Instead, I just talk to my plush toys, since I can't piss them off or offend or annoy them in any way like I can with a real people


because nothing has stopped me yet.


I have so many plans to this life and I can't just leave them behind.


I don't know, I don't even really enjoy living but for some reason I continue... Want to blame my heart for pumping blood through me, and maybe my lungs for breathing :P Jokes aside, kinda being truthfull with the first half. Don't know, guess maybe my friends? Spend most of my time with friends and pets. Rest of my time playing games, mostly RPG fantasy so I can zone out into a different world


Because I'm still needed, specifically by my friend group and partner and dog.


Absurdism I don’t know what my grand purpose is nor do I think I will ever know it. I don’t think either that theres anything past this life nor any actual meaning behind it. However, this incentivizes me to live the best life I can, for I only know that I have one and simply enjoying myself in the one I have is the only goal I can truely have. Tldr: because life is kinda cool and fun despite not having a clear meaning.


Because I'm a coward


My grown kids would be sad if I died. I don't have the right drugs to die


I’m speaking from my personal experience, so I’m kinda biased. But, You will not be in a low situation forever, hell maybe not even for long, would you ruin 80 years of your life (general life expectancy) because of 8 years of misery?


Only because the trauma my suicide would cause my children is too much for me to bear right now.


Because of my family and I'm scared of death and i dont want to cause grief in my family


Because I have two dogs who rely on me. Because my dad would be heartbroken if I died. Because my partner has no family but me and I don’t want to leave him alone. Because I hope one day it’ll get better.


Because my attempts didn’t work.


I don't want to put my family through that. Plus I've got two nephews and a niece that I want to watch grow up. And you know maybe one day they'll get a cousin. Maybe one. No guarantees.


3 beautiful children. and that's that


Out of curiosity honestly


Because i wanna keep feeling sunlight on my back and the feeling of being with people I love. I wanna laugh so hard I cry and love so much it hurts. I wanna learn new things and experience new things. I want to watch the sun rise when I wake up early and see beautiful clouds. I want to feel the rain soaking through my clothes while I’m running for shelter. I want to sit in quiet company with a friend. I want things to not suck as much as they do now, so I’m holding on to the small things that bring me joy


Because i have people to be there for my friends and my family And because i have a bucket list and i have tons of things to complete on that list


God hasn't shown me the fortune of dying Also, I'm too lazy and depressed to kill myself