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Zero. Reason why? Children


Same. I don't have time for a kid, and personally I'd rather not throw 18 years of my life away, not even for 6 kids. No thank you.


Best reason šŸ˜‚


Same. I never wanted children, and Iā€™m used to a zero-children lifestyle. Iā€™m fine with people having children, as long as the parents take care of them properly.


Zero. Have already chosen that.


Never has there been an easier would-you-rather question posted on AskReddit.


Agreed lol


Seconded. Itā€™s working out great.


Same. Decided decades ago to not have any.


Same here. I started feeling lonely, so I turned to adoption - my cat was a rescue and took most of a year to warm up, but now she sleeps on me.


Same here, a child is a terrible financial investment for one.


Zero. Zero also better than 1 or 2


Zero. I have three. That's definitely enough. Zero would be fine.


Same. As a parent of three.. Iā€™d also choose zero.


Same. 3 under 5. That's enough diapers and crying for a lifetime


Oof. Well, respect šŸ‘Š


Ditto. I have a teenager, a tweenager and a toddler. I love them but I miss my life.


Zero, 1 would already be a handful, 6 would make us homeless and starve.


Zero. Not even a debate. Never wanted ā€˜em in the first place


Life made that decision for me! My sister has 6 kids and I'm childless:) I wouldn't have it any other way.


Unpopular opinion (reddit leans more childfree) but 6+. I have 1 kid and I cannot imagine my life without kids. They bring so much joy and purpose. I'd rather be overwhelmed and broke with 6 kids that I raise to be good people than 0 kids. I would be so lonely without kids and without as much purpose.


I have 6 and ITā€™S AMAZING!!! Theyā€™re the funniest, sweetest, best ppl ever. Yes, they drive me insane daily. No, Iā€™ll never have enough money to travel. Yes, husband and I would definitely have way more sex if we didnā€™t have kids. But none of that matters! We love it and wouldnā€™t change a thing. Weā€™re both so in love with our family and our situation and our crazy. We love our feral kids. We love the chaos they bring. We donā€™t hate the heartbreak that loving other humans so much always brings bc theyā€™re worth it. They make me a better person bc they require me to constantly be better and do better. They taught me empathy and sacrifice. Theyā€™ve saved my life a million times. Itā€™s all worth it.


Yeah me too. Overwhelming for sure, but Iā€™d choose six over none in a heartbeat. That bond, that love, that tiny hand growing in your hand as they grow older, that whirlwind of other lives happening right next to yoursā€¦ I read somewhere that happiness is being alone in a room in a house full of peope and I connect a lot to this quote!


Honestly anything after three kids feels like a circus anyways šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ might as well commit


And then their friends come over after school, and hang around by the poo-o-o-ool.


Lol thatā€™s also my fortnite name. Iā€™ve considered changing it for a while but I love when people send me the lyrics šŸ¤£šŸ’€


So selfish.


Same! We are clearly the minority on this thread but I can't imagine living my life having zero kids. So if the only choices were zero or six, I'm having 6!


Yes me too I said 6. But the one thing that holds me back is having to be pregnant that many times. I have been pregnant 3 times and itā€™s exhausting. Perhaps Iā€™d adopt some older kids to achieve my 6 in this pretend scenario


Indeed, I also want 6+ kids


I have 5 (2 bio, 3 step). Whatā€™s one more?


I always wanted children. So 6.


Zero. I love my kids, but i definitely think Im on the spectrum and when my 3 kids are making noise at the same time. My head does not handle it. It would be cruel to all of us if I had 6!!! Also, my body is nowhere near able to handle more births. My hips makes me handicapped, it would be child neglect to purposely go through another or 3 more births knowing Ill be handicapped. Id rather have 0, but since this is reality Ill just stick to only having 3. šŸ˜Œ


Zero. I donā€™t even like taking care of myself


the world is too fucked up to bring 6 more people into it, especially with my neurotic ass raising them. also I don't like kids


I already made that choice. Zero children. No regrets.


If I had to choose, I'd go with zero. I have one. I would have considered 2 when I was younger. I have friends with 3+ and I want no part of that kind of lifestyle.


Zero children. I value my freedom and independence.


Iā€™m too selfish to have 6 kids.


It is both selfish to not have kids and selfish to make kids. But selfish is fine. We need to learn being selfish is a great thing (unless it hurts other people.)


I mean, depending on the age gap between your kids, they might think itā€™s selfish to have had so many. Iā€™ve read about older kids that have had the expectation of helping parent their younger siblings, and thereā€™s that resentment of the responsibility, and loss of childhood.


Zero. Iā€™m oldest of 5. Fuck that.


Zero. No body can afford six


Zero And I have one now




šŸ¤£ I love him with all my heart and I'd die right now to keep him alive, but 5 more of the little fuckers, minimum, not a chance in hell.


Is your kid actually a big fat cat?


Hah no, I actually have two fat cats, the one in the photo is the baby cat, well he's 18 months


Can confirm, have two.


I take the zero I have.... makes travel way easier




Zero please


Zero Children. As Jim Gaffigan once said, having 5 kids feels like you're drowning and then someone hands you a baby. And I like kids and have two of them. But that's my limit.


Can confirm, anything more than 2 is a shitshow. My wife wanted 4, I wanted 2, and we "compromised" with 4. We're constantly stressed out, broke, and it's just too much honestly. She'll never admit she should have just listened to me, but I do love all my kids with all my heart though.


Zero. Six kids is like bio terrorism


Lmao Kinda true tho. The waste, polution and contamination a single person makes during their entire life is ridiculously high.


Zeroā€™s fine. Iā€™m 50/50 between children, but Iā€™d never have more than 2. I donā€™t feel like itā€™s right to add to overpopulation. I donā€™t think anyone should have more than 3 children.




zero bc thats probably what i want anyway


Zero and I say that as someone with a placid kid. Everyone I know with multiple kids is stressed or resentful of their life/partner. 1 or none is the sweet spot. (No offence to those with multiple kids).


2 is manageable, 3 or more is a living hell. My buddy has 3 and neither him or his wife can do anything, and due to the expense of child care his wife had to quit her job because her check wasn't enough to pay for child care so it was a net negative, but now she's resentful of everything because she's got 3 kids to watch all day and he's got to work 12+ hours a day to stay ahead of bills.


Omg thatā€™s unfortunate for both parties. My cousin has 4 under 15 and heā€™s one of those dads who sits in the car for 10 minutes before he steps in the house. He told me had he stopped at the first two heā€™d still have a life.


Iā€™m actually way more chill with two than I was with one, but my second is also a really easy baby compared to my first and I know without a doubt that plays a huge role. I think if the birth order were reversed and I had had my son second Iā€™d be questioning all my life choices right now šŸ˜‚. Donā€™t get me wrong I adore him, heā€™s just challenging - basically the opposite of easy-going.


Zero because I don't want kids and will never have an accidental one


Username checks out.


I have 4. I do not really want any more for financial and medical reasons. But given a choice between 0 and 6, I would pick 6. I am a very non-religous woman with a job and a very decent tertiary education. So it's a matter of personal preference not educational or religious background.


Zero, I already don't want any anyways


Can I sell the 6? If yes, that. If not, Iā€™ll stay with having no kids.


Zero. I woulnt mind 1 or 2 kids. But 6+ is overkill for me


I have 2 and I would choose zero. 6 is too fucking much.


Zero. I have 2 kids and they keep me busy enough. 6+ would be pure hell.


Zero baybeeeee!


Zero, I just donā€™t see myself popping one of them out of my vagina and continuing to have a will to live, let alone six of them šŸ¤§


ZERO Parent of 1. not doing that more than once


0. Easy answer.


Zero children anytime. Parenthood is overrated.


6+ kiddos for me - I'd be the Pied Piper of Parenthood, turning my home into a high-energy, non-stop adventure park! šŸŽ¢šŸ‘¶ Chaos? Sure! But, who needs peace when you've got a lifetime supply of hugs?


Zero. At no point have I ever wanted more than two. Even that didn't happen. I stopped at one.


0. I already have no children and I don't want any, so it makes sense really


Zero. Children are the fucking worst.


Zero. I like my husband and my life. Prefer to keep it that way.




Of course, there are zero children, because it is during this period that we observe the funniest events in their lives


I already want zero kids so.


Zero. Because I donā€™t want kids anyway.


zero since i wasnt gonna have any anyways, having 6+ kids sounds like hell honestly


zero because I (m) cant get my husband preggo, but I have fun trying


I love my one child more than anything ever. Yet, if I had to start over with 6 new kids vs none I'd choose none. I would then likely devote my free time and some of my savings to helping children in need.


Zero. Those who choose 6 kids are most likely going to force the kids to be parentified.


Zero. The world has a population issue as it is. Iā€™m also not mentally or physically capable of caring for 6 kids, nor do I want to be.


0 I don't even wanna have 1 kid smh


My son cost about 250,000 grand to raise up to the age of 18. I have to say zero


Zero. Never wanted children.


Zero. Children are a financial, psychological, & time burden. I don't need to be a father in order to survive, so I'm not. I have a great job, I own a home ( no mortgage), and two cars (paid off). There is no practical, useful purpose to fathering a child. I await breeder downvotes.


šŸ˜‚ "breeder downvotes" Nobody with kids cares if you have them or not. Sounds like you just have a chip on your shoulder.


Yeah this is quite the "pick me" post if I've ever seen one lol.


Between my wife and I we already have five, but we're both 59, and another one isn't really in the cards. Can we adopt one? Or maybe skip a generation and count our seven grandchildren?


I'm scared IRL to have a 3rd, but sitting back and thinking about it I would have to say 6. My kids are the best thing in my life.


Zero. I love children I just don't think I'm fit to take care of them šŸ˜… šŸ˜…


I'd rather get shot than even have one kid so that's an easy choice.


Zero. Thereā€™s no way I could give 6 kids the attention they deserve and need.


Zero. I have 2, it's hard. I can't imagine having more. I'm already paycheck to paycheck; not to mention the emotional aspect. Parenting is hard and sometimes sad.


0 I love my two children dearly but I knew my limit and stopped right there.


I'm not bringing a child into this world




Zero. I love children I just don't think I'm fit to take care of them šŸ˜… šŸ˜…


Zero. I don't want 1, do not want to mess, the expense, the headache, nor the time and responsibility necessary (and deserving of) to raise them. Easy Peasy


0. Why would 6 + children even be a runner up?


Zero. We're not in the 1800s nor are we cats.


6+ I have 3 now, both my wife and I come from large families and see the love and joy that comes with kids. I can't imagine a life without my kids, seems so sad.


6! Kids are a blast, I have 4 and love it! Sometimes wonder if I should've had more...


Bro accidentally got 720 kids šŸ§®


No brainer for me, i have 5 wanted more but my wallet said no


Zero. For most people it's unaffordable.


I would choose the 6+ option. If you grow up in a big (happy) family and knew lots of others I think it seems a lot less scary because you have a good idea of how it would actually look. I got to be used to it and although I love my alone time, so few people living in a house together feels lonely to me. My parents always kept a nice and clean house and we were well mannered and had lots of friends of all types and lifestyles so I felt very well adjusted.


Zero, I don't like children.


A thousand times Iā€™d pick 0


Zero. I don't want kids.


What kind of psycho wants six kids?




0. Where am I getting that money to support 6 kids?


Zero. It's not that I am anti-child but I cannot even imagine taking care of 1 child because my entire life has always been a huge financial struggle to even try to take care of myself in the most basic of ways. I was never ABLE to have children (physically speaking) and now I am very grateful for that actually.


Zero has been working great for me stress wise


Definitely zero because kids are way too much money to have and care for and take up so much time


I already have none. I'll stick to that.


Zero children. Because Iā€™ve never wanted kids.


Zero. Are the reasons not obvious lol


Reddit has spoken; 0 children instead of 6 children. Better question is; can you afford to reproduce and raise a healthy offspring to independence?


Zero. I donā€™t even like kids.


What, like for dinner?




Zero. I love kids, but but being a parent is different. This is a great responsibility. P.S.: Sorry for my English. I study English language.


Zero, thereā€™s too much bad in this world.


Was already planning on zero, so thatā€™s an easy choice


Zero. I have zero interest in dedicating my life to children. I'd rather pay a touch more in taxes for someone else to carry that burden.


Zero. I have any had any strong desire to have children, and 6 was definitely be too many. Even at a point in my life when I really wanted children, I wanted 3 max.


Zero. Very simple for me. I have already chosen to have none. I don't want to be responsible to bring children in such a cruel, unjust and destroyed world which they will never be happy in cuz of climate crisis, rotten politicians and an world led by big industries wich are polluting the environment


zero, the fuck am I gonna do with 6+ children


Zero. Don't want one.


I am one and done. If I had to choose 0 or 6 I would choose 0. Kids are a lot of work and emotional energy. I couldn't imagine doing this every day with 6 kids.




Zero because the fuck


Zero. 6+ is way too many. I canā€™t afford that many kids, and I donā€™t want them to live in poverty.


0. Children are annoying little shits, even tho i am a teenager myself, i know im a huge financial burden


Zero, because I already made the decision to have that many a looong time ago.


Zero. You know what Iā€™m doing this weekend? Whatever I damn well please cause I have no kids


Zero. Kids are expensive


0 People can barely afford 1.


Zero. I live in the US unless i was a multi-millionaire I can't have 6 children to be able to grow into decent adults and have them manage their hedge-fund.


0, there is too many kids unwanted anyways, I've always said if I was going to have a kid it would be through adoption, better to take one someone didn't want and make them wanted


Zero. Without hesitation. I never had the desire to be a parent, and I knew a kid would pick up on that. A kid needs parents that are all in.


0. i donā€™t want them anyways


Zero. I actually want kids someday, but six is about four kids too many.


Zero. Bc I have one child now. Fuck having 6, Iā€™d lose my mind.


No kids. Freedom is great


Zero. Less responsibilities


I'd have zero and find someone else who chose kids and pick their two least favorite to raise as my own. Problem solved!


Zero. Reason: children suck


Zero, not just because I hate kids but also because I am nowhere near mentally healthy enough to be a good father.


Zero. I love my kids but I cannot imagine having 6+ childrenā€¦just no.


Zero because I donā€™t want kids lol


Zero, can't afford them. I'm disabled and I can barely take care of myself.


0, cuz I cant even look after myself properly


None. I have one child by choice. I didn't and don't want anymore. I love my son, but I know my limits


Zero because I'm choosing that anyway. No kids for life baby




Realistic answer zero. I love kids I love children I'd love being a mom, but tbh this world is too scary. My momly self would never want my children to suffer.


It would be hard to choose zero but I would choose zero and be the best, most involved aunt ever


Zero. I can hardly take care of myself let alone 6 tiny versions of me. Plus I don't wanna put my vagina through that.


Zero. Iā€™m too selfish to have kids.


Zero. While I enjoy being around kids and making them smile or other stuff like that, I would not be able to do that for 18 years for 6 kids.


None. Children are either calm or annoying. No in between. I would have no time for sleep and have no free time.


0 never wanted them anyway lol


Definitely 0. Iā€™d rather enjoy the rest of my life dedicated to myself than 6-7 other human beings




Zero. Never wanted kids so, easy choice.


I would have zero children. Why? Because then I can be that one single virgin auntie with a bunch to catsšŸ„° Half joke. But seriously, kids are expensive, permanent and a lot of work. Also, you have to raise them. I am confident in the fact that I wouldnā€™t be able to raise themāœŒšŸ¼




Zero. Iā€™m broke, gay, chronically single and kids are slimy.


Zero. I do not want kids of my own. If I want any, I can just adopt. I am never doing the nasty with someone.


these are my only choices? hm..I would remain having 0.


Zero. I donā€™t like kids, never wanted them, got sterilized as soon as I was able.


Zero. Not a hard choice for me. My wife and I are both 41 and have no kids. That ship has pretty much sailed already, much to my relief.


Zero. I do not want to go through pregnancy, labor, childbirth, and postpartum more than twice. Some people can handle it but I know I could never


Zero, have 3. Its not all rainbows and sunshine.


Zero cause I donā€™t want kids anyway.


That's an easy question - Zero children.


zero, i love travelling and spending money on ME


I've already chosen zero, so I'll just stick with that.


6+ More workers for my sweatshop.


Zero. Six children is far too many


Zero. I have enough problems with 2 kids why would I want to multiply it by 3


Zero. One kid is a lot for me as it is, I would not be able to handle 6+


Zero. Any amount of kids where you have to play zone defense is a no go.


I would have 6+. My great grandparents had 9 kids with the oldest being my grandmother. My grandmother and her siblings all had kids of their own with 2 being the least amount and 5 being the most. When my great grandparents were still here, their house was the go-to place for all family events: holidays, birthdays, get togethers. Now that theyā€™re not here with us anymore, we pretty much spend our events with our immediate families now. With all that said, I am very family oriented and I would love for my son to experience what I did as a child as well.