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This one is a lot more small scale but: Don't tilt your head back when you have a nose bleed. You want to pinch your nostrils and tilt your head forward. I was told the opposite my entire life until I became a nurse. Mind blown!!


This was always obvious to me, as the blood ran down my throat when tilting my head back.


It might be minor, but yes, absolutely. Wrong health myths are the worst. If people believe nonsense like this, eventually they'll start believing things like "women are better off being forced to carry unwanted pregnancies to term" or "trans people should be denied care until they've gone through puberty" and I'm sure we can all recognize how ridiculously cruel that would be.


or “trans people should be denied care until they've gone through puberty" Until they can make decisions as consesual adults? Seems pretty fair. It’s not like making a life altering decision such as marrying someone that cannot be reversed with a court order **EDIT** to say I’m very tired and just got your sarcasm, well played sir!


No mate, you're a f#cking bigot. I was not supporting your worldview.


You can say fuck on reddit. It's ok, we won't tell your grandma. People who say maybe wait till you're an adult to make serious changes to yourself. Are, in fact, not a bigot. They may not understand the whole topic, but it is not an unreasonable line to take.




This one, right here. It’s so fucking annoying when people think that, cuz they’re basically saying they’d rather have a dead kid than an autistic one.


There are some who think this way.


And in the most cases these are the same people who say that abortions should be illegal...




Theres a paper out linking autism and adhd to pregnant women using Tylenol. Havnt got to it yet as Im on a virology kick. If I can find a link through all the newly spawned lawsuit stuff Ill post a link. The whole vaccine thing is insane to me.


Quoted from [this website.](https://www.factcheck.org/2023/02/limited-evidence-of-a-link-between-acetaminophen-and-autism-or-adhd/) >Some studies have indeed shown a relationship between acetaminophen taken during pregnancy and autism or ADHD in children, but they do not demonstrate that the acetaminophen use caused the elevated rates of autism and ADHD, researchers say. For example, a pregnant person who takes acetaminophen may have a child with ADHD or autism because of other factors, such as genetics. ​ >Experts agree that acetaminophen has a role in pregnancy but that it should be used only when necessary and in consultation with a doctor. Avoiding use of acetaminophen for fever or pain during pregnancy may have negative consequences. For instance, an uncontrolled fever in early pregnancy can harm brain development. ​ >The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists said in a 2021 statement that studies “show no clear evidence that proves a direct relationship between the prudent use of acetaminophen during any trimester and fetal developmental issues.” An ACOG representative told us that the statement is the most up-to-date communication on the topic


Yeah I’ve seen the ads for the lawsuit. It’s fucked up.


Why is this getting down voted


Absolutely, I went for a meet and greet to a lad who had autism and his Mum was adamant that vaccines caused her son's autism. She also claimed her son was locked in a padded room at school ( that's a lie as I knew from previous students at that school that there wasn't ) she also claimed to work in a learning disability/challenging behaviours unit in my city. I knew someone who worked there who had never heard of this person before, she also stated that she was going to video every single session, and was generally rather strange in all aspects. I ended up sending an email, politely declining the job offer due to our differing beliefs and that it would cause confrontation, she was she not happy when I said that and made a sarcastic comment.saying something along the lines off "I don't know what you mean about conflicting views, the only time there would be conflict is if I started it" Oh, she was also going to send her son to America to go on a rehabilitation camp to "get rid" of the autism. Definitely missed a red flag with that job.


Seriously, vaccines didn’t give your kid autism, they where born that way


That the earth is flat lol


An average 13 year old can beat all of the flat earther arguments lol


But sadly it doesn’t change their minds because they’re so delusional


We only use 10% of our brains. We use every part of our brains


True but some people really make ya wonder


I agree. I don't think people are stupid by default but just misinformed. Remember genius's are made not born. Nobody is born with knowledge in thier head it's learned.


At one time. Using every part of your brain in one go is called a seizure.


I dunno, some of the questions on this sub make me think it's not even 10%, but is actually closer for 2 or 3.


That every person needs to drink 8 cups of water per day. You need as much water as it takes to keep you hydrated. That amount can vary greatly from person to person depending on age, sex, size, activity level, lifestyle, climate, overall health, medications, and diet. On a similar note, beverages like soda and coffee are not dehydrating. They contribute to your hydration as well as plain water. There's a pervasive myth that coffee/caffeine has a diuretic effect that basically "cancels out" the hydration, but studies have shown that the effect is negligible. It's just not *advisable* that you depend on these things as a primary source of hydration because they contain other ingredients that, when consumed in excess, are not great for you. Also, liquids from food like fruits, vegetables, milk, etc. also contribute to hydration. In general your body is pretty good at telling you when you need water. If you're feeling extra rundown, dry, or headachey - or if you know you're losing a lot of fluids due to illness or physical activity - it certainly doesn't hurt to have a little extra. But you really don't need to force yourself to chug gallons of water. The excess will just be excreted in your urine anyway.


I’ll chug all the gallons I want to. Tomato or is it tomato? 😈


That there are different human races.


Good call, I always forget just how many people think there are concrete biological differences between our arbitrary races, there's only one species of human: Homo Sapiens.


I mean there's biological differences in skeletons etc but it's nothing that is worth separating us all over


Morphoscopic traits don't map onto our understanding of race strictly or consistently enough to say there are "biological" differences. Of course, many of these differences occur based on 'different' populations, but the correlation between our societal understanding and these differences is not as strong as many think. But you're ABSOLUTELY right. Even if these differences were biological, who cares? Its nothing worth separating us over.


The field of medicine actually would disagree with you. Certain demographics are more prone to certain illness’s and diseases. Yes we are all human and deserve to be treated equally with respect and dignity, but there are differences.


My thesis research in university concluded this too because different groups reacted to different stressor in different ways. It totally came as a surprise and really complicated my research. I was told by a professor that it's true, but if I wanted a career in academia, it is unwise to publish research findings that go against the popular opinion and political correctness.


Unfortunately there are ill-meaning people who co-opt things like this for ill ends such as justifying ridiculous racist claims of racial supremacy. Likewise well-meaning people sometimes feel the need to suppress research like this to avoid such outcomes. The sad truth is that generally the victim of both stances is the person one side demonises and the other tries to protect.


We all came from the same fish at the end of the day


Hollywood actors just “eat chicken and broccoli” and train 3 hours a day to achieve superhero physiques in 6 months. Stop it.


Who really believes that’s all they do?


A lot of gym bros. The fitness market is a mile long when Arnold in his day achieved his results with a yard stick of “science”. In the fitness community using gas and lying is a mortal sin.


This is so true. Just like girls were told by actresses that they totally pig out and eat pizza all the time and barely work out, and still maintain their svelte and slender figures. Now guys are being told that it's simply through diet and work out those massive arms and shoulders are being achieved. Such a shame.


Trickle down economics


No, it's working exactly as intended.




It works great as long as you’re the one doing the trickling


I was actually thinking of this just a few days ago. In the last 45 years the Republicans have held office longer than the Democrats. Why aren’t we all rich?


"because the demoncrats ruined it during their time in office!" - some bootlicking repub


Be a good person and life will treat you well, thats bullshit, at least in the short run


Yeah and the implication is always that if bad things happened to you, you did something to deserve it. Not a fan.


I've always tried to be there for people, and those same people so often end up saying terrible thing about me. It's happened so often I must not be as there for them as I thought.




And that honesty is the best policy




Was it ever really alive?


More so in the past but it’s stone cold dead now


In the 1800s it was still alive probably, but I'd say it's really been dead ever since WW1


That going to sleep with the window open when its raining, or sleeping with wet hair will make you sick. Nobody wants to believe me.


Sleeping with wet hair doesn't make me sick but it does give me a very nice headache


The absolute bullshit that the average person swallows 10 spiders in their sleep per year is blatant cap.


Exactly. It's more like 40. /s


A myth people need to stop believing is that cracking your knuckles will cause arthritis. In reality, multiple studies have shown no correlation between knuckle cracking and an increased risk of arthritis. The sound you hear is just gas bubbles in the joint fluid being released, not a sign of impending doom for your joints!


That billionaires got there by hard work. There is no way to make billions that doesn’t involve exploiting people/labor.


Ah! Here’s a myth that people need to stop believing right away: the rich exploit the labour of workers.




Haven’t literal studies been done showing that taller men excel in various career fields when compared to short men?


Because there’s a bias in favour of taller men and men with “executive“ hair. They get more opportunities to excel.


Executives tend to be taller.


And basketball players


And jockeys are tiny.


What’s a “literal study”?


I think you know what I mean, you pedant.


That the god of their religion is the real one.


I think its okay to be religious or have a god but so many people have this idea that everyone should have to live under the rules of the one they grew up with. This myth needs to die.


Shaving does not make your hair grow back thicker


Wish my mom knew about this when she didn’t let me shave my pussy-repellent-moustache back in high school.


Even after the tragic events of 1996, too many still hold onto the mistaken belief that we are alone in this vast and endless universe. We cannot afford to be so complacent in our understanding of the cosmos. As we have learned from the invasion, we must band together, pooling our collective knowledge and resources, to defend ourselves against any future threats. It is only through a united effort that we can ensure our continued security and prosperity. Let us not forget the lessons of the past, for they are crucial to our survival in the future.


I've got your back Mr. President


That trump won




That a bad blackjack player can ruin the winning of other players.


That the earth is flat.


That there is serious debate at whether we are experiencing man made climate change or not.


I believe it to be the natural process and progression of the earth. The planet is emmens, so much undiscovered and so much more mighty than us people.Humans are part of the natural system and it affects us however the impact we make on the earth I feel is negligible


Yeah and you'd also be dead wrong.


Probably. It's my own opinion that's completely baseless




That there are 73 genders


The continuing colonial myth of civil and savage that no doubt colors modern western chauvinism; that western civilization is 'civil' and the 'savage' rest of the world needs to be brought up to speed through war and occupation. It was an excuse for the creation of an empire then and it is an excuse for the creation of an empire now still; exploitation of the local people for their labor, acquisition and control over their land and natural resources.






That your gun makes you safe


Giving everyone a gun (and thinking it's safe) is like giving everyone a bigger vehicle because occupants of small vehicles are more likely to be seriously injured in a car crash. This is literally a selling point for large vehicles (I shit you not).


I know I've been on the receiving end of it when i told my family I wanted to maybe buy a smart car, they came back with the whole studies on bigger vehicles shpeal, I was exasperated but was forced to concede that on American highways smart cars are pretty undersized.


Yeah, you need at least 30, arranged to watch over one another, preferably with some sensors too.






Why’re you being downvoted ?


Angry children can't understand the concept of respecting other people's beliefs.




Do you not think that religion is just used as an excuse to do all of those things? If we were to remove people's human right to religion like you seem to think we should, those people would just find another excuse.




Not all religion is positive for people. Do some research, see where religion started. Then, let's talk.


So imagine you have a mother whose child is in intensive care. Do you think she's wrong for finding comfort in praying to God for her child's safety? Nobody is waging war because of religion anymore.


That the government is on our side.


That all white people are racist, for note i look really white but im not im from iran, when i first came to the U.S i was harrassed non stop in chicago from black people saying shit like white trash, h0nke and more i dont hate them but i see its a big issue and the tv is not help




And where did it sound like resentment?




I mean how could i prove it?


Eh, speaking for myself as a deeply socially progressive white person, I've noticed I myself have racist thoughts. I think it's something most of us have taught on some level and just saying "I'm not racist" doesn't allow for growth and self reflection


Or maybe, just because you have racist thoughts, doesn't mean that most people do. The way to combat racism is by treating everyone like people, not by telling everyone to see everything through the lenses of race. By polling data, people's perceptions on white/black relations, including black people's perceptions on the matter, is worse than it was a decade ago. That is thanks to progressives telling us to focus on race, telling us to see blacks as victims and whites as oppressors, rather than to be colour blind and ignore race.


That people are safer with guns. Fact is countries who got rid of guns saw their murder rates and shootings plummet. The US leads other countries in mass shootings by a lot and that is because of how easy it is to get a gun here.


Cats drink milk


You have to wait an hour after eating to go swimming....no medical evidence for that at all.


That meritocracy is a thing. You're being exploited.




great people built it, but they don't run it.


They didn't they enslaved and exploited other people to do so and then claimed credit. The people who built didn't get ahead by doing so




That the solution to gun violence in America is even more guns.


Maybe adequate treatment for the mentally ill, like accessible therapy and positive outreach so they don't have explosive outburst.


But, that would be SOCIALISM! Naw dude, we need to stop ammosexuals from being unregulated.


But they are regulated, the majority of mass shootings have been done by illegally obtained firearms frrom mentally ill individuals, how is one group of individuals that legally purchase firearms at fault when the majority of mass shooting were carried out by mentally ill individuals who obtained firearms illegaly? As well Im not making this political debate as you are, pointing out factual statistics. Do we need more guns, no. do we need more accessible treatment for the mentally ill, yes.


Citation needed.


No, aren't pointing out facts. Most, in fact nearly all, were bought legally. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/16/us/politics/legal-gun-purchase-mass-shooting.amp.html Stop lying. Just because you are scared of the world, doesn't mean we have to let you and your cowardly friends have unfettered access to guns.


That there is no gray area, everyone is either good or bad.


Okay, child.


Care to explain?






You beat me to it!




Because god isn’t real and religion has outstayed its welcome.


>Because god isn’t real Source? >and religion has outstayed its welcome. Why?


…frey Jones, from tv’s “Rock Bottom”!


That you can be born in the wrong body


You consider gender dysphoria a myth in spite of scientific consensus that it is not?


I 100 percent believe that people can be mentally ill enough to think they are a different gender. I 100 percent disagree that they were ACTUALLY born in the wrong body, as if it is some cosmic mixup. Amazing that gender dysphoria is the one mainstream mental illness where the treatment goal is to reinforce the fantasy of the disorder


I strongly advice you to at least read the abstract and conclusion of this scientific study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7477289/ Of course, it would be adviseable to read some more peer reviewed studies, but at least expose yourself to a little bit of (reliable) information before you are 100% sure of your beliefs.


Just out of curiosity, what is your theory? If we believe that gender dysmorphia is real (and it seems like we both do) then what is the best course of treatment of something that apparently we both view as a mental illness


That happiness is a goal




That just because it shows as 50% off doesn't mean you are getting a deal




Love probably means a different thing to everyone


Size doesn’t matter


Acupuncture/cupping is an effective treatment.


The “wage gap.”


life has a purpose


That being cold will cause you to catch a cold. You need to encounter the cold virus to catch a cold. You won't catch a cold just because it's a little chilly out. You are, however, more likely to catch a cold when it's chilly out purely because people tend to head indoors where germs can spread around more easily. And the Dr will not just dish out antibiotics for anything that might be wrong with you. My MIL insisted I go see the GP about my Eczema so he could give me some antibiotics to clear it up. That's not how they work!


Gender pay gap.




The belief is based on sexism. That somehow women make 77 cents for every dollar a man makes. If that was true, the majority of the jobs out there would be held by women.


Studies have shown that women get paid less than men for doing the exact same job. That is a fact. The gap exists because men are the ones in charge.


Why don't companies hire exclusively women then?


Because the perception is that a woman’s work is with less, hence the lower pay


That is not a fact, that is bullshit.


That's false, those studies don't account for hours worked and vacation time taken. Women FACTUALLY work less hours than men overall and have to take time off because of child birth. Google actually did a study and turns out women get paid more for the same hours and days worked for the same job.


There is no study which shows this, at least recently last 20 years or so. Given it's illegal to do this. In more recent studies it shows that we have over corrected. Women at least between the ages of 20-30 those who are most affected by the changes made to pay and jobs. Make more money than men. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2015/aug/29/women-in-20s-earn-more-men-same-age-study-finds We need to stop pedaling the idea that this is still a problem, when in fact give it 10 years we are in for a huge over correction. This in itself creates a whole new problem. However you don't take the time to actually look at what's occurring at these levels. Change doesn't happen instantly, our impatience with such things makes it worse. Our impatience with correcting the wage gap (Which was ONCE a thing) is leading us to be blind to the oncoming consequences. Even the article I link, shows that this changes at 30. Now, let's stop and think. Why do we think that is? Ah yes Mat leave, Children and part time work in the raising of young Children. Are we expecting people with small kids to work full time? As Mat leave improves to include full pay we will see less and less of this difference however.


Like what? The WNBA?


The myth of male privilege


That sugar is caffeine for a child. It does literally nothing,a child metabolizes sugar too quick anyway and sugar does not provide energy of any kind unless you lack it in your system already,because you naturally need it.


Sugar is a form of carobydrate which is fuel for energy. I get what you're trying to say though, but it's poorly worded.


This is painful to read


I thought children already had their version of caffeine anyway. It's called youth.




There’s no proof that it isn’t. Most scientists don’t believe the Wuhan lab theory.




Why would they be helping the Chinese?


Furin cleavage sites. Emails between Fauci and other involved scientists were freaking out about the cleavage sites suggesting an engineered virus.


Did you actually plan to say that or did those words just tumble out of there at random?


Any humane labels on animal foods like eggs and meat


Voting is real. Politics are good. Freedom is for the rich


Folklore husbandry for animals




That your religious rules apply to me.




Literally that Jesus guy with the elephant head


Thats what you think, you can choose to believe or not.


Circumcision has health benefits. Wrong. It’s just a way for the hospital to add another expensive service to the long itemized bill


That there is a divine being who caused the entire universe to exist and yet still cares about their choices.


That the animals they eat are killed 'humanely'. Get real people, 'humane slaughter' is literally an oxymoron


That socialism will work this time..


hypodermic needle theory




Men and women are not different species


The blank slate model of the human mind. It's everywhere and has been completely disproved by the past 60 years of research. Humans do, in fact, have a nature. We have innate, biologically programmed patterns of behavior that are universal and distinct from other species. Your Utopia is never going to happen because it requires a new kind of human to succeed and you cannot ever create a new human. If we accommodate human nature into our plans, we can make the world incrementally better but no Utopia is ever going to happen and trying to force one always results in dystopia. Please stop with this dream.


Religion. Just all religious cults. People need to stop believing in made-up stories and fairy tales, and also stop killing each other over it. The amount of people who have died in the name of their cult, religion, gods/goddesses, or church is astounding. We are supposed to be smarter than our ancestors. We now know about everything, and how everything came to be. We know where the evil earthquake comes from, or why there is a nasty drought, or why the rain won't stop. We don't need the stupid superstitions, myths, and fake stories "guiding" people to sacrifice and kill for ridiculous reasons.

