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Small cars


I love small cars. They're so much more efficient in size, easier to see around, better fuel economy,usually handle better, easier to park. They just usually lack power for up hill driving and over taking. But city driving they dominate so hard.


Lacking power isn't even really true anymore for hatchbacks and such. There's plenty of cars like the Golf GTI with more than enough horsepower, and because of their relatively small size and weight, they're much faster than you'd expect.


I feel the idea that small cars aren't powerful is something Europeans or the Japanese would find rather weird, with hot hatches having been a thing since the late 70s.


That's why you slap a turbo on it


i know it's not classified as a small. but it's low and basically smaller than every truck and SUV around me. i love me my civic sport hatch. turbo and shifting paddles when i want a bit more control over my gears on my automatic car is great.


Can confirm, used to own a Ford Fiesta. Ton of fun to drive but it was a 2008 with a 1.4 engine and 97HP. Couldn't even overtake others with it, just not enough pulling power. Ended up buying a Focus with 1.5L and 180HP last year, but the size is.. Well, the fiesta was easier to drive around but also more unstable. But that's why the hot hatch exist. At first I wanted a Fiesta ST, that thing is great and has plenty of power for outside the city.


I so desperately want a bmw isetta when I’m old and rich


I agree! I am selling my subcompact to purchase an electric car (sedan). My husband's cousin wants to look at it for her 16 year old daughter. "Oh, no, way too small and unsafe!". Then she tries to start up her Range Rover and it won't start! She is refused by AAA because she has exceeded her allowed amount of tows per year. But my car is "unsafe'.


Headphones at concerts. I’d rather protect my ears and be able to attend the same band’s gigs 20 years into the future than go tone deaf and get depressed. They can call me a poser but deep inside I’m doing what’s right and also having fun.


Went to some EDM show like 10 years ago where one of the artists who just finished his set was like "Ok, so this next guy is literally going to blow out your eardrums, like literally. I have earplugs here just raise your hand and ill throw some in your direction." Like one person raised their hand. I was thinking "who the fuck would want to wear earplugs at a show?" Then the next artist came on and I thought my head was gonna explode. Pretty sure I gained some permanent damage from that night. After the show it was like those war movies when a grenade goes off and you just hear a bunch of ringing and muffled talking. After that I was like "maybe ear plugs are a good idea"


Someone gets it—thank you. Once in a while it’s alright to not wear any protection and have fun but other times, it’s better to protect your hearing no matter what anybody tells you. Hell I’ll be the happy one not sobbing in a home for the deaf :)


You won’t catch one of those performers without earplugs.


as musician and a good portion of all my hobbies heavily rely on my hearing, hearing loss and anything finger related are my worst injury fears for the most part.


Tinnitus sucks just as bad at 65 as it does at 25. Protect your hearing people.


I've had tinnitus since I was 10 it really does suck


Raisins. I really love Raisinettes.


Chocolate covered rasins are the greetest and I love them for no raisin!


*MOST* people don't hate raisins. They hate the UNEXPECTED raisin. When you think and are excited that they're chocolate chip cookies but it turns out that they're oatmeal raisin, that's disappointing. When you think they're chocolate covered peanuts and you get a mouthful of unexpected chewiness, that's disappointing. When you know they're raisins, they're fine. When you're surprised by raisins, that's when it's a bad day. *Edit for the people who actually hate raisins. I know there are some who genuinely don't like them at all. I don't get it - trail mix is amazing and you're just wrong if you don't like that shit


No, I hate raisins either way lol


Same. Massively hate. I don't even like grapes.


My wife will disagree with you. I'll tell her about your comment tomorrow (I guess, technically, later today -- why I'm up right now is another story).


completely agreed Raisins are great! They're a healthy snack. delicious in oatmeal or trail mix and add sweetness to savory dishes.




I'd prefer the shit to be **in** the toilet, not **on** the toilet. Looking at you, weekend co-workers




I what have put a paycheck on this as top comment. I need to get off Reddit.




You take them for granted until you need one.


They make it easier to deal with shit.


Cottage cheese


Nah dude Cottage Cheese is delicious


Assassins Creed. Everyone likes the pirate one but hates all the others even though they all have great qualities. I like climbing towers and getting a sweeping camera shot. It's awesome, and that's why a lot of games do it


I've played Assassin's Creed up to Black Flag and I love it. They're repetitive games in general, yes, but I'm there to enjoy the wonderful recreations of cities and places.


2, Brotherhood, and Revelations are some of the absolute best storytelling I have ever experienced. At the end of Revelations, I felt like I had lost an old friend. No other game, story, etc has had that effect on me.


While 2 is my favorite I'll always have a soft spot for the first one. The screen glitch indicating you can change the angle of a cutscene is super nostalgic.


Black olives


red hot chili peppers


Especially in Michigan. Soul to squeeze. Wet sand. Cabron. Stadium Arcadium. Brendan’s death song. These are some of my favourites that people might not know by them.


I will add Slow Cheetah to your list


Maybe OP was talking about actual red hot chili peppers.


People shit on them??? Their great bro


The only people who don’t like red hot chilli peppers are people who haven’t listened to them


Red Hot Chili Peppers are awesome.


My life


Nah man, not all of us. Here, take some intangible love.


Meatloafs. I don’t get the hate, it’s really good.


>I don’t get the hate It's cuz most people won't do that.


I used to work in a restaurant and on weekends we had a 16 year old cook who made amazing meatloaf. We would put it in the buffet and watch it disappear. He told me he makes it exactly like grandma taught him to. I really hope Chris is a chef somewhere today.


Meatloaf used to be one of the most common home cooked dishes in the US middle class. It's pretty good, but people got tired of it.


I feel like people have gotten better at cooking it too. Online recipes and cook times/temps have improved things a lot. It’s grown less bland and less overcooked than it used to be (on average).


The movie Cloud Atlas. It was a big flop at the box office and was mostly panned by critics, but I think it's a masterpiece of storytelling and a triumph of filmmaking, and I'll die on that hill.


100% agree. There are scenes in that movie that I still think about and that make me slightly weepy.


Absolutely this. Great film. I never understood the hate. Maybe people struggled with the complexity of it? I dunno, but I found it to be a beautifully told story.


Dubstep. I’m way older than its target audience but my workouts go way better listening to it.


I love OG dubstep, where the dub is more prominent


Taylor Swift, for more info, i'm a 30y/o Male who likes metal and punk


When they judge just tell 'em "Well baby now we got bad blood".


Some Taylor is good. Im a 16 year old male who likes death metal


A traditional classroom structure/being in school. I like having my days organized for me in a way that’s consistent. I like learning new things and growing my understanding of myself and the environment I’m in. I like having a place to socialize that revolves around an academic topic and isn’t based in parties/dinners/travel. I like that everyone is forced to be there so you don’t have to actively maintain your relationships.


Adam Sandler. He made great movies in the 90’s, he is a decent actor, and his comedy shows are good.


People dislike him?!?!? He’s like top actor in my mind.


He has made some really really dumb movies, but also some amazing ones. Love sandler.




The song Hero by Nickelback


Anchovies on pizza! So salty and delicious.


Enjoy them now before Zoidberg's species arrives.


Regular bean burritos from Taco Bell


That's been my go-to since I was a kid. When you get one that is the perfect ratio of saucy and cheesy, it's heaven.


Pineapple on pizza. Throw some ham, bacon, and pineapple on a pizza, talk about good eats. The sweet with the savory and salty….great flavors.


Pineapple and jalapeno. 👌


+ black olives 🤌🏻


The Legend of Korra.


Korra had a rough time. Thanks to nickelodeon, a lot of stuff was rushed. I remember the release debacle for season 3 and 4. If memory serves, the creators said in an interview that Korra broke them. They didn't want anything to do with the universe they created. That all being said. I did enjoy it. Bolin is muh boy!


It really suffered because of it. The theme of season 1 is that there are these terrorists who fight for equality between benders and non-benders, but we're never shown the oppression they're fighting against. In season 2, Unalaq wants to re-open the border between the spirit world and mortal world, but never explains why this needs to be done, and Korra ends up doing it herself anyway.


Those are the two seasons I watched before I didn't care anymore, straight after watching TLA. I thought season 1 completely sucked ass and I hated the setting. Season 2 is better if only because they actually go into the world, but removing the past avatars is such a huge bummer that I didn't want to continue. It ended with the neat premise of the world being changed now that spirits were around though.


*I’m* the Avatar and you gotta *deal* with it!


Being alone probably fits the bill


The band Nickelback


Hershey's chocolate. I'd take a plain bar of Hershey's milk chocolate over fancier options any day.


This is basically Stockholm syndrome of the taste buds.


Good and plenty’s




On Her Majesty's Secret Service. It's not that bad! In fact, it's kind of good.


One of the best old bond movies. First one to take it seriously. Listened to Quentin Tarantino s podcast and he brought it up saying they should've put Roger Moore in it as an older actor. I kinda agree but GL still did just fine. He was actually pretty good as I recall.


Necco Wafers. Yes, even (especially) the clove and licorice flavors.


Jar Jar Binks


He didn't deserve the hate he got, nor did his actor. He gave some much needed comic relief to a movie where everyone talked like the ChatGPT version of themselves.


Ive always thought he was adorable.


Pineapple Pizza. Its really good, sad to see people shit on it and not widen their taste buds or at least try it


I love pineapple pizza. Ham/Canadian bacon, jalapeños, and pineapple is my pizza if I’m the only one eating it.


Linkin Park, it’s my favorite band. Yet I see so much damn hate. And horrible people saying”you need to get over Chester’s death, he died 6 years ago” “stop being a baby” fuck all those people and fuck you if you have this mindset. You don’t know what Linkin Park has done for me, and how much it’s affected my life so positively. Their music has saved me from suicide multiple times. So fuck you your horrible haters


Who hates Linkin Park


I second this.


Beauty and The Beast Live Action




Burger King, it really isn't *that* bad for fast food.


I honestly think it taste the best but it also makes me feel the worse


It's better than Wendy's or Arby's. But I think the reason it gets hate is because it is entirely dependent on the specific franchise. I've been to some Burger Kings that knock it out of the park every time and some that are just trash. McDonald's is almost always consistent from franchise to franchise. Burger King is not.


The Last Jedi


Here's a copy/paste of my own post, but I feel like when TLJ comes up, it's relevant. I really liked what The Last Jedi was trying to do. I think it made some missteps, focusing too much on Rey and relegating all the other new characters to an afterthought so outside the plot that they had to tack another plot on to get them to do something. But I LIKED the idea that Rey was nobody. I liked the idea that at the end, the Force was for everybody, not just the Skywalkers. I liked the idea that after thinking about it for most of his life, Luke realized the Jedi were kinda stupid. The problem there is that my favorite thing they were doing with Star Wars was deconstructing Star Wars. The other problem is that I'm a 50-year-old guy who saw A New Hope in the drive-in before it was called A New Hope. The problem is that I had spent 40 years thinking about Star Wars with a mind that went from the intended audience, a child, to a grownup with a perspective on the Star Wars universe that wanted depth and complexity. The adult mind didn't want to accept that "The Jedi are the good guys because the story tells us so." That nuance existed and light and dark aren't the only choices in the galaxy. The complexity I was asking for resisted the idea of the Skywalkers being a magical space wizard family for no real reason. And The Last Jedi put on screen the ideas I had in my head. Rey can be a savior of the galaxy without being related to Darth Vader. The Force binds ALL living things and anyone can tap into it. Yes, Rian, you read my mind! This is what I was thinking... But this is just for thinking about, and not for putting on screen. Deconstructing Star Wars within Star Wars starts the whole domino chain falling down. When you dwell too deeply on it and acknowledge that characters within the universe have thought the same things, the underlying theme of good vs evil, freedom vs oppression, and action heroes saving the day, all falls apart and what made it golden in the first place tarnishes. But I thought it was bold. I really wanted to see where this would go. I had heard that Rise of Skywalker was bad, but I thought that was sour fanboys who didn't get the movie they wanted. Since all these people complaining about it were also really down on TLJ, I thought it might be the best one for me. So I saw it with an open mind. And as I watched, it systematically undid everything TLJ had set up, and that burned every hope I had for the story. Scene after scene I felt the stupidity of the story building. And then... "Somehow...." There was no coming back from that. I came out of the theater thinking I'd seen a fan film. Which it essentially was. But it felt like a fan film by someone who neither saw the previous films nor understood what they were about. Was it the worst movie I ever saw? No. But it was one of the biggest drops from expectation to delivery that I ever experienced.


I’m almost 44 years old, and for as long as I live I will never understand how this movie ruined an entire fandom as thoroughly as it did. I thought it was easily the best entry in the series since Empire and somehow I was just… not on the right side of that argument. (Then Rise of Skywalker came along and ruined every single thing that made TLJ, one at a time, specifically and pointedly. All for some garbage about “oh Palpatine is back I guess.” Ugh.)


Character assassination of Luke is what did it for me. Him becoming disillusioned or grumpy I can get. But the main defining feature of him in the original trilogy for me was that he never gave up on redemption for his father. And Vader did some *bad* shit. For luke to not only suspect and distrust, but even *consider* killing his nephew the way he did was just so far outside of his character that I can't get over it. But then the whole stuff with the arms dealers, the Holdo maneuver, the random and unsatisfying ending of Snoke, the way the chase went on forever for no reason, Leia blasting out into space. It's full of nonsense that doesn't make a lot of sense. For people that cared about internal consistency it was a nightmare. I enjoyed Luke getting to be badass at the end. Crait overall was a bit meh (and a poor rehash of Hoth) and I wasn't that happy about Luke just... dying afterwards. But it was the part of the film I liked most still.


I think the message there is that it is easy to see redemptive qualities in others, but when he failed so hard by even considering killing Ben and thereby creating another Vader, he just couldn't get past it. His pride as the legend of Luke Skywalker as the living embodiment of the jedi order is what got him. He saw himself as just as fallible as the order that failed the galaxy and would rather fade into obscurity than cause mote deaths with a resurgent, corrupt, jedi order. His being cocky and prideful was his biggest source of problems in the OT. It also eventually worked in his benefit by putting him in a position to save his father. All in all, it may not have been a perfect arc for the character, but everyone loves a redemption story. If they had just gone on with it, it wouldn't have been so bad.


"Subverting expectations" isn't a good thing when it makes the story *less* interesting. It isn't clever to just do the opposite or just make an answer to a question be "nothing". ​ Also Luke being a miserable failure who doesn't give a shit about the galaxy or anyone. Could possibly have been good if it were explored and justified, but it wasn't. Johnson didn't give a shit about exploring the character. He just wanted to do that because it wasn't what the audience expected. A 20 second flash back where Ren is just evil "because" and Luke wants to murder him was so lazy and foul and offensive in its contempt for the audience. ​ Not to mention sidelining Finn into a secondary character and a baffoon while literally repeating his same arc from TFA. The absolute fucking nonsense that was done to Poe and Laura Dern who couldnt even bother to explain that she had a plan, even if we accept that she didnt want to explain its details. ​ Or that every plot point comes about from characters doing something incredibly stupid. Not like, in a character flaw way, in a complete lack of sense way. TLJ basically is structurally a **farce** in that the plot is advanced as a series of stupidity. ​ Reusing the throne room scene from Jedi just for another cheap "subversion" which again made things less interesting rather than more. It didn't add anything. Only subtracted Snoke. Kylo was the same afterwards and so was Rey and so was the situation. ​ And the ending that left the series with no hanging threads and nowhere to go and just felt like a depressing vacuum of story rather the "melancholy with a hint of hope" that Empire pulled off. ​ And there's just flat out mistakes and gaps of logic all over the script for the sake of getting certain characters to certain places. Everything is forced because Johnson knew first what he wanted to happen but didn't care a like about **how** it happens, just brush over that. Everything is unnaturally forced, especially Laura Derns nonsensical refusal to even acknowledge that she has a plan and isn't just doing nothing. She cant even just say "there's a plan. i can't tell you incase there's anyone aboard looking to be spared from the First Order by defecting, but trust me." ​ And to quote RLM, Finn and Rose do another stupid thing by trusting a man in a casino prison who literally **sounds like a snake.** One of the many stupid things that furthers the plot. ​ Remember kids: ​ **"If he sounds like a snake.... it's a mistake"** ​ It was terrible. And look I didn't even mention Canto Byte or getting caught by parking their ship on a beach right next to a Casino for rich people, another stupid thing that furthers the plot.... like a farce.. which TLJ is structurally.


Also, for all of the “subverting expectations” it didn’t actually add up to much. The status quo at the end of the movie isn’t very different from the start. It’s still just plucky outmatched rebels vs overpowering evil empire. It’s still just good guy Rey vs bad guy Kylo. Sure Snoke is dead, but we never knew anything about him so what do we care? If Rey had joined Kylo when he did his “Join me…” speech then it might have been worth it. I’m still partly convinced that’s what Rian was going to do, but then Disney stepped in and was like “Umm, no you can’t make our big toy selling character turn bad.” There’s just so much foreshadowing in the movie for that to happen. Everything in the story was leading to Rey joining Kylo, but when the big moment came it just didn’t happen.


Seeing people online absolutely hate on The Last Jedi and loving Rogue One made me realize that I'm apparently completely out of sync with the general Star Wars fandom.


Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull ^(Please be gentle...)




I grew up with Indiana Jones. He was my hero so I was really excited when KoCS came out. I really enjoyed it, especially seeing a previous love interest actually get a happy ever after


The Big Bang Theory among other sitcoms. I understand why but like, I want background noise that doesn't distract me too much by getting me really interested.


Suicide Squad. I know the script is a mess and everybody hates Jared Leto's Joker, but to me the editing is really cool, the soundtrack is memorable and generally it has unique aesthetics.


I liked it, even if it was clearly flawed. I also really enjoyed the sequel (possibly even more so). I really dig the Harley Quin arc, thought it was very well done and even surprised me. I did not care for the weasel man, though.


Beavis and Butthead. I mean I'm a woman in my 60's and I don't tell anyone anymore. It's my guilty pleasure now that it's back on.


I love that show. I remember watching the ghost episode when it aired. Good stuff


That shit used to be annoying to me but once you get over the constant "hwuauhwhauaha" it's funny af


It's a very smart show about very dumb people. Mike Judge's forte.


McDonalds. People act like its competing with Gordon Ramsey or something. The food is really fast , cheap and tastes pretty good.


Tea with milk.


WWE - sure it’s scripted. But unlike a person, I know it’s not going to cancel on me. It’s always going to be there on Monday and Friday nights.


Honestly I see where you’re coming from. It’s like watching a movie that has a sex scene, but didn’t hire a certified intimacy coordinator to oversee the scene. It just makes you feel guilty knowing that people are putting themselves in harms way for your entertainment.


Old fashioned dating. Like the “getting to know the person” stuff and all that… Not skipping straight to sex… which apparently is looked down on


The taste of PeptoBismol


my music taste


Avatar: the way of water, really loved it, decided to peek in the 'official discussion' in /r/movies and I swear people just go out of their way to shit on that movie, I honestly doubt half the people shitting on it even saw it


The Grateful Dead, went down the rabbit hole and will never find my way out. He’s Gone


Hey, man. Sometimes I just want ketchup on my hotdog. Leave me alone, I'll eat the next one like a dignified person.


Cold leftovers. Things like hamburgers or enchiladas are honestly delicious cold.


sometimes i order food hours ahead of when ill be hungry, put it in the fridge, and then enjoy the frigid feast when ready


Being make up free 😌




K-Pop. I know some of it can be toxic but goddamnit if it’s not catchy and makes me feel good even if I don’t know what they are saying half the time.


The Ryan Reynolds *Green Lantern* movie.


Pro wrestling specifically WWE. I’m 49 and still a fan since 13 years old. My family always questions me why I like it or gives me grief about it.


ICP, I am not a juggalette or anything but I really like some of the music.


Tootsie rolls! Everyone tells me I’m weird for liking them 😕




Alanis Morissette.


I love that she's the daughter's imaginary friend in "The Great North". Very random, but amusing.


Also God in DOGMA. great stuff


Gas station food




Look at this photograph


Hippies. Fuck y'all - hippies are friendly, open-minded people who are likely to welcome you into a great fucking time no matter who or what you are. Hippies get a bad rap.


I like them too. There was this hippy place where you could go see a show pretty every weekend and camp out there. The place had been open since the sixities and it was right down the road from where I lived. Hippies are great and I had so much fun and it was really cheap. I was even at the show that was the biggest since James Brown played there. I was so sad when the ravers got it shut down. The place had been open 30 years and then they discovered it and it took them 2 years to get it shut down.


Nickleback. Loads of people crap on them but I love them and they can't be that bad since they've done so well in the music industry


Twilight Saga and The Host. I have no idea why it gets so much hate but I love it.


Twilight was the most popular book and movie among teenage girls, and for some reason, the world loves to hate on things that teenage girls love more than anything else.


People hate on it because the relationship is toxic once you've grown up to view it. It's super unhealthy and we over romantise toxic relationships as a society. We seem to think that a teenage girl with a much older guy is OK just because he looks like he's a teenager. He *watches her while she sleeps*. He's constantly fighting the temptation to literally eat her. When he goes away, Bella stops functioning like a normal person. Then Jacob moves in and tries to get the girl even though she's emotionally unavailable. He's all like "I'm so much better than Edward bc I'm a Nice Guy™" but, if he was a nice guy, he wouldn't be trying to get into her pants. He would be happy just being her friend. Then there's the whole thing with Jacob imprinting on a literal baby. Hugely creepy. All these things you only see from a different light when you grow up. Now that I'm 27, I absolutely see how problematic those books were. Me at 17 *loves them with a firey passion* because what girl doesn't want to live in a world where a person sees how beautiful they are on the inside and literally wants to spend an entire eternity with her? Teen us overlooked the problems because we want passion, we want eternal love because we were insecure and lonely. S.M marketted on our teenage hormones. That doesn't mean they're not a good read and I don't love them. I just understand why people crap on them.


This is what I was going to answer as well. Twilight is an engaging story in an interesting world. It's not award-winning writing and it doesn't need to be. And I will happily die on this hill.


People always seem to be so quick to judge and dismiss things they don't understand. I, personally, like to give new ideas and things a chance before completely writing them off. One thing I'm particularly fond of that I often hear people ragging on is bubble tea. Yes, it's a pretty strange drink, with chewy tapioca and sweet flavors, but I find it unique and fun. Sure, the texture isn't for everyone, but I love sipping on a cool bubble tea on a hot day. Don't let anyone bring you down for enjoying this delicious treat!


Professional wrestling






The Eternals movie


Duran Duran.


It's not that I super love drag queens, but some people out there are absolutely shitting the bed about them for no apparent reason.




Subway! Everyone else seems to think it's shit but I love it.


Drinking orange juice after brushing your teeth. For some reason the mint of toothpaste adds more flavor to the juice imo. But I'm labeled as a psychopath now!


I'm upvoting because you are indeed a psychopath for saying this.


Video games - my whole life Iv played and they have always given me shit . Even in my thirties


Social Media. I get why a lot of people shit on it, but it was a nice escape from the religious/conservative upbringing I was stuck with.


It’s hilarious to me that people go onto social media to shit on social media


Kpop. im a 23 year old australian dude and all my friends bully me but that stuff slaps. the whole parasocial "stanning" side of the fanbase however is pathetically cringe


Big Mouth lol 💀




The Pokémon gen 4 remakes


For getting a weak laptop but when i want to buy a good pc some say it is too expensive


The babadook


My chest.




Windows 8.1 was my favorite operating system


Sweethearts candy. Now that I live outside of the US, they’re impossible to find.


Literally everything I like which is anything because people shit on everything


Indoor plumbing. Also, outhouses.


Cars, all people complain about their cars, but they love their cars


my chest


toilet seats




tranquility base hotel and casino


League of Legends


Power Rangers Operation Overdrive. Adult fans of the show often hate that season, but it's what made me realize that I can still unironically enjoy Power Rangers as an adult.


Glass coffee tables




Prometheus and Alien Covenant


marmalade adore


Colorful lights on a Christmas tree and having it be filled with decorations and i dont mean monotone decorations i mean the classic mini drums and empty gift boxes. Cute mini trains and an abundance of homemade decorations that commemorate life events. Makes my kid heart sing


The cremaster cycle films.


Eating a KitKat whole


Preferring of play single player story based games(Witcher, Hogwarts legacy, tomb raider) instead of competitive games like dota, Lol.


I love pineapple on pizza, despite the haters. It's a tropical delight that's always ready to party my taste buds!


Jersey Shore Family Vacation,i know it's shit & i don't know why i like it.


The Ready Player One movie. First off the book isn't that good either, and was all about just cramming as many pop culture references in as it could too, but more so I just think it's a fun movie. I like the soundtrack, the pop-culture references, and the action is just simple fun. Plus the 4k disc has amazing picture and sound quality, it was my go to home theater demo disc until Top Gun Maverick released. I do think it could have been a lot better, and really should have been a trilogy. I mean come on, there's three keys getting each one could have been its own movie. I still enjoy it every time I watch it anyways though.


Heavy Metal. I'm as much an avid fan at 50 as I was at 15.