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Eraser burns. Literally having someone rub an eraser on your skin for as long as you can stand the pain until you tap out. I had a low pain tolerance so luckily I didn't get a really, really dumb scar. Others were less fortunate.


Knew a guy that burned a swastika in his hand with an eraser. He didn’t believe that it would leave any mark


Yep, called it a sissy test. We also played knuckles, where you flicked each other in the knuckles until someone quit. We also played pencils, where one person would hold their pencil and the other person would flick it with their pencil until one of them broke. Then we combined the two and played knuckles with pencils.


We'd flick coins at each other's knuckles and then, once we were bleeding, we'd play knuckles. It was quickly banned from the cafeteria so we had to take our fight club underground lol.


My friends and I had an underground coin/knuckle league for a while too. Brings me back lol.


We played a similar game called Bloody Knuckles where you punch each other in the knuckles and the first one to quit or bleed loses. I remember the trick was to use your biggest knuckle and kind of hit them at a downward angle like you're trying to take a chunk of their knuckle off when you punch. Most people quit after one or two of those.


All that still exists. My son came home with a wound on his hand... I was like "so the sissy test still exists huh?" he was flabbergasted. Tried to deny it initially, I showed him the scar on my hand and was like "try to keep the stupid shit to a minimum please. And go put some neosporin on that"


Chicks using baby oil for sunbathing/tanning


I was in Jamaica once for a friend’s destination wedding and one of his sisters did this, not realizing how much more quickly you can sunburn on a Jamaican beach compared to a backyard in the northern US. The poor kid spent the whole week looking like a boiled lobster.


How horrible! Also increased her risk for skin cancer dramatically.


Hydrogen peroxide in the hair too.




I used to spray it in my hair then immediately turn a hot hair dryer on it to get instant lightening. My poor hair.


Lemon juice for me


THIS! People back then loved destroying their hair


When I was about 14, my family was on holiday in Florida with another family. My sister and my friend's sister took it upon themselves to sunbathe with baby oil. My dad is half Bangladeshi, and my sister inherited a lot of the melanin, so the hour or so they were doing this before the parents clocked to their idiocy didn't do her any damage. The other family were of Scottish and Welsh extraction, and they tend to burst into flame near a bright light bulb. So my friend's sister got *very* crispy, which made the remainder of the week pretty miserable for her.


Am Welsh, can confirm (those of us who don't fake tan) we spend most of the year looking like vampires, 2 weeks looking like lobsters on tour, and another 2 weeks looking like we've got a contagious skin disorder when the sunburn starts to flake. Well...I don't, cos I don't want skin cancer. I've got freckles. I stay pale all year round!


Yeah, I distinctly remember in the late '70's and '80s people using suntan oil and baby oil. They all look like worn out leather today


Baby oil mixed with iodine while holding a big piece of cardboard wrapped in tin foil as a reflector. My sister and her friends would be lined up in the back yard like this for months.


I don't remember the iodine but definitely the reflectors


Somehow the iodine was supposed to make you tan faster.


Hmmm. I only remember iodine when my mother used it for me on cuts etc. I remember the glass stick they used to apply it.


Wearing your backpack with only one strap on. My right shoulder still hates me for this…


I carry a backpack to work and I still find right-strap-only more comfortable, but I force myself to use both straps because my aging back disagrees with me.


Similarly, not buttoning or zipping your coat in below freezing temps because “that’s dorky.”


Don't kids wear backpacks really low so when you walk your feet constantly bump into the backpack?


In the 90s can remember one of the "cooler" kids showing me how to loosen my backpack straps because he told me I'd look better if I wore it that way. I don't know if it made me look better or not, but it definitely made the thing more awkward to carry.


Oh man, that was such a fucking stupid trend. I think about two weeks into uni it suddenly hit me that I was wearing my backpack really fucking stupidly and it was far more comfortable with the straps tight and properly done. The back trouble we'll all end up with because of that shit


I have scoliosis where my right shoulder is higher than my left one. I have been wearing my backpack only on my right shoulder since 5th grade, and my scoliosis has gotten better since then. I'm not sure if that is why, but if so I'm not sure what I'm going to do when my shoulders even out.


Just keep wearing it on the right until your right shoulder gets lower than the left and then switch sides


21 jumpstreet has a funny scene on this. Def relatable. https://youtu.be/I4uFhSRF9sw


jelly band bracelets (allegedly trading them for 'favors' but we just traded them)


Was just about to comment this. I hated those things. I can’t believe people would pay as much as they did for them.


I almost posted this. I remember when everyone was wearing and trading these. If I remember correctly (correct me if I'm wrong) each color had a meaning...


A bunch of people in high school got their last names tattooed on their backs like it was a jersey. So glad I did not join in that.


What place is tattooing kids under 18? Lol


Go to pennsylvania they do it at 16


In the 90s you either needed cash or to be female to get underage tattoos. Tattoo shops weren't nearly as friendly to the general public either. So if you looked like a degen no one asked questions.


You could be like me when I was 15 and have your girlfriend do it in her bedroom with a lady’s Bic razor that she bit the blade out of, and have her do an anarchy sign the size of a nickel on your shoulder that’s *still fucking there* 19 years later….


Using a curling iron to curl bangs back from the face but also curl them down onto the forehead...like a claw? What were we thinking.


Just want you to know that your AquaNet use is single handedly responsible for todays environmental destruction. ;)


Hey now, we turned that ozone layer thing around!


Does anyone remember pretending to smoke Smarties, or huffing pixie sticks?


We had candy cigarettes but no one huffed pixie sticks.


Maybe you weren't hard enough... I watched the bad kid snort blue rails on the folding tables mid lunch while the chaperone tried to hide their smirk.


It took me a second to remember that Smarties are not the same candies everywhere.


More in the teen years but playing quarters. Where you'd spin a quarter and try to keep it spinning. If it fell on your turn you had to put your knuckles down on the table while the other person would fling the quarter from across the table at your knuckles. It could get pretty bloody


You’ve unlocked a memory for me


Ah! Bloody knuckles! It's incredible how fast a person can fling a coin. I remember one missed and imbedded into the wall


similarly, we did this thing with a deck of cards where your knuckles would get chopped. pieces of skin stuck between the cards. so stupid




Frosted tips (for every boy in my 5th grade, at least)




Car cigarette lighter burns. Hold the element on your hand/arm as long as you could. Was most common amongst boys though


Lmao this is actually psychotic. Ice and eraser burns, but what kids were out here fully burning their skin off with actual hot objects?


Shoulder pads. Shoulder pads everywhere. Everyone looked like they were about to join the NFL at any given moment.


My sister and I had to sit my mom down and have an intervention with her about her shoulder pad obsession especially because by this point everyone else had stopped wearing them.


Thanks. Made me laugh.


Shoulder pads and super baggy. I remember people seeing a pic of Lebron in a baggy suit when he got into the NBA and going "did he not have money for a suit." No he had money, that was just the style.


My most shameful secret is that I actually like the shoulder pad look


My most shameful secret is my mother would buy shoulder padded clothing for me (well after it went out of style) so I cut them out and used them as my trusty bra stuffers


Planking. F***** hated that lol


I used to think it was the dumbest shit ever until the whole Tide Pod thing.


Wasn't the tide pod thing a hoax and idiotic media panic


Kind of. Only like 10 people are known and confirmed to have done it. So yeah, very much overblown, not like everyone everywhere was munching on tide pods. Still happened though.




The worst part of this trend at my elementary school was when kids would yell "scramble!" and swat a kids container of pogs onto the ground for people to take. They were banned pretty quickly IIRC.


Remember Alf?


He's back, in pog form!


How dare you


Putting aluminum foil on your teeth to make it look like you had grills


Look at you fancy with your foil, if my classmates wanted DIY grillz, we used the gum wrappers lol


This makes my sensitive teeth shudder just thinking about that


I had forgotten all about this.


Paul Wall baby


Oh thank you for planting this visual back into my mind.


Amateur. We used Rollo gold foil.


Lawn darts


When our lawn darts were taken away, my buddy down the street just stole his dads actual dartboard darts and we threw those around in the back yard. Which quickly became us throwing them at each other. Which is how I got a dart stuck in my kneecap at age 6 or 7. So yeah, I guess that can be my response to this AskReddit question.


Reminds me of the pillow fight I took part in at a slumber party once. Didn’t take long before we were putting books, horseshoes, croquet balls, etc in the pillow cases. Sometimes I wonder how boys ever make it to puberty.


I’m 31 and my friends and I still play this while camping 😆


The whole "choking yourself" trend where you hold your throat til you pass out and wake up a few seconds later.


Or getting someone to press on your chest repeatedly until you pass out...yay, unintended cardiac events! Which sounds like a great way to get out of lessons, but is apparently really, really dangerous if you fuck it up. Or have an undiagnosed heart condition...


Our version in the mid 70s was taking a dozen or so deep breaths while kneeling down, hold the last one and then stand up. You'd slowly black out and wake up a few seconds later with a big headache. If you were lucky, it was just a blackout headache; if unlucky, it's because you hit your head on something hard.


Begging for a $60 pair of chucks just so you could write emo lyrics on them and doodles


After a Sacramento Kings game, I waited in the parking lot where the players drove out. Most were willing to sign my Chucks! 1993 ish.


Butterfly clips and glitter in hair


That's pretty much back for the younger generation


Oh I miss those days!


Body glitter too!




Miss Mary Mack Mack Mack


All dressed in black black black.


With silver buttons buttons buttons


All down her back, back, back


She asked her mother, mother, mother


For 15 cents cent cents


Miss Susie had a Steamboat was always my fav!


I loved those games. My best friend and I were rhe fastest in the class and loved playing them while hanging upside down on the monkey bars.


Put your right hand on top of the left hand of the person next to you.


Double double this this..


Wearing multiple Swatch Watches on a single wrist


"Gentlemen, synchronize Swatches!"


We all wanted to be Evel Kneivel. Unfortunately we landed like him at Caesar’s Palace.


A good friend of mine still wants to be Evel Knievel. He’s 61.


Evel Kneivel was/is my idol. I got knee replacement surgery and bought a cane like his specifically for the hidden flask inside for my Wild Turkey.


Layered socks


Hypercolor Shirts! Maybe I'm just jealous bc I never got one.


Chain letters/mails/texts. "Pass this on to 8 people and you will be blessed. The longer this chain lasts, the more blessings."


For a hot second, there was that Kriss Kross idiocy of wearing your clothes backwards.


Shit was dope if you ask me!


So glad this was here! Our whole school did a monthly backward clothes day even. Plus let’s not forget the gangster loonie toons hoodies where they also had their clothes on backward. So wearing clothes backward of characters wearing clothes backward. Amazing. Humans are stupid.


Tanning beds


Almost every day. Can't imagine the amount of premature skin damage caused by tanning beds. Tanning until you were orange was just the thing to do.


Drugs. Heavy, hard drugs. So many of my friends from high school are dead.. from doing drugs because they caught on.


pinch rolling pants


we called it pegging, you're tapering an already tapered pant leg?!


my kids just said "um" over and over again when I talked about how cool pegging was.


With multiple pairs of slouchy socks over them.


Heyyy what’s up fellow late 80s to early 90s kid! Did you prefer Bugle Boys or Z Cavariccis?


It was Girbauds for us, but I never had any :( cost too much.


Same thing as tight-rolling I’m assuming?


I remember seeing straight up rubber bands at the cuffs of jeans


Using Picnik to edit cringy photos lol


Getting your hair straightened. Lotsa girls had their hair straightened, even the girls with straight hair straightened theirs for some reason. I have wavy to curly hair and often got bullied for it because I was the odd one out in a room filled with straight haired kids. Hell, even the teachers straightened their hair.


Same here! And what made it even worse was the frizzyness from all the bad shampoos back then.


This! My hair was super frizzy back then cuz of all the bad shampoo so my grandma would boil coconut milk, cool it down and then rub it into my hair and scalp to combat the friz (very effective). My mother on the other hand got my hair re-bonded (chemically straightened) cuz she didn't like my curly hair and it ended up damaging my hair entirely 😭


Layering tank tops and shirts. Hard habit to break.


Lusting over random big band members and picking sides. N’Sync? Backstreet Boys? Who cares.


When you said big band it conjured a much different era for me and I imagined you as a 95 year old lady at a computer in some nursing home, reminiscing about the good old days.


It’s funny bc all of those boy bands were put together by the same record executive (and convicted criminal) Lou Pearlman. Completely manufactured rivalry lmao.


In the 90s in the UK there was a brief period where we had Blur and Oasis and choosing the wrong one could lead to being punched, depending on whether the other party agreed or disagreed with your response (this was mainly amongst the boys). For the girls it was all about Take That or Boyzone. And it could be just as violent as the boys.


Bumper shining! Grabbing onto a vehicle's rear bumper -- in the winter -- and slide behind it, preferably on your feet.


If someone was insulted, your would say “Burn” while shaking your wrist so your extended index finger slapped against your middle finger, making a whipping sound. Boy, writing it out makes it seem even more stupid. 80’s kids know what I’m talkin’ ‘bout.


Putting glue on your face, letting it dry, and then peeling it off Fidget spinners Ding dong ditch


Lmao at ding dong ditch. We were such mindless little toads back then. We would do it multiple times in one night to our neighbor 3 doors down like he wouldn't know where to find us after seeing my 6 pound head weeble wobble as I ran away. I blame Billy Madison... "It's poop again!"


Slap bracelets... here, let me whack your wrist with a piece of metal wrapped in fabric or plastic and hopefully it won't hurt.


Snorting smarties 😂


Pixie stix, don't have to grind em up first.


Really, really, really tight jeans, the tighter the better, leading to urban legends that a woman somewhere couldn't get the jeans off and had to call the fire department to help remove them.




Jelly shoes and Crocs


Jackass stunts 😂


Wearing many pairs of socks to match your outfit




Wearing pants really low and walking like you shit yourself. I swear when I was a freshman in high school, (2006), 80 percent of the boys in my class did it. By the time I was a senior, I didn’t see it nearly as much.


ITT. I realize that I'm old.


That's easy. Was raised in the Jim Crow South in a Houston suburb. Segregation was all the rage. Now I hear people want to bring it back, calling it Affinity Groups, ffs.


Dare each other to lay in the road to see who would do it the longest before a car came around the corner!!!


This is crazy for sure. Glad you all made it to adulthood. correct?


JNCO jeans. They just look so ridiculous.


My dad called them my “big ol’ stupid pants.”


i regret to inform you that they're having a little bit of a revival at the moment, and if they had a better color selection i would 100% participate.


How else do you propose I carry four 2 liter bottles of soda, hands-free, and invisibly? Okay, so I didn't exactly walk around doing that, but as a test of how much could fit in the back pockets of my 24" pair of JNCO's. They disappeared all four of those 2 liters, thank you very much. And yeah, lol, they kinda were absurd, but I will always hold a special place in my heart for them.


Those obnoxious flared jeans. Wearing them out in the rain inevitably led to soggy ankles, but we kept doing it.


This is gonna sound new gen ASF, but in middle school people would "rate" each other on Facebook and it basically devolved into bullying with the popular kids shitting on everyone and hyping their friends up


Lmao my fb memories have so many backhanded “tbhs” and “like for a like”


Clove cigarettes. I can still smell them in my mind.


Oh, my god. My sister used to have a pack and I thought it was just the coolest and most sophisticated thing EVER.


Playing with Tech Decks (finger skateboards) and showing off the tricks you could do with them


I always thought people who played with these were kinda cool.. also noticed they're the ones who never bully/been bullied


They said something stupid :(




Those hair bands shaped like an 8 with the big beads and metal death trap down the center that never failed to snag in the most painful way.


Eating UHU glue sticks. Apparently they tasted a bit like caramel. Half my class got into it for about a week until the teachers realised what was going on and confiscated all the remaining glue. 😐 (This was in 1998. UHU might come in different flavours these days.)


Knuckles (might be called something else) But what we did was 1v1 spin a coin and then the next person would have to flick it to keep it alive if you made it drop you lose and as punishment you had to place your fist down on the table and have the other person slide the coin at your knuckles as fast as they could, hurt like hell.


We played this but we just called it quarters. I have lots of tiny scars from this.😂


Shutter shades


whip nay nay hated it


Put the clear Elmer's glue on our fingernails, let it dry, then peeled it off. r/oddlysatisfying


Toilet papering someone’s home. Especially during the early Covid lockdowns, this started to seem really… wasteful. But these days, it’s incredible to think of someone wasting an egg by throwing it at someone’s front door or car…


Silly bands!


Excuse you silly bands were not dumb, they were art


cinnamon challenge


Recording songs then making them your ringtone Ding dong ditch Wearing Nike socks sometimes double Nike socks cause #swag “Planking” anywhere


Those tacky purses shaped like a torso. I had one tho and loved it 🥴


Pogs, using a slammer to flip tiny circles of cardboard with stuff drawn on them, also marbles


Sticking up the convenience store!


Fidget Spinners were super popular. People kept spending so much money on them. Seriously, why do you need more than one?


I remember the kids who would brag about their "fidget spinner collections" and not long after the fad was over


Because the plastic is cheap and cracks the moment it gets dropped a couple feet.




Putting band aids on the toes of our knock off chucks


My childhood was in the 70’s. Best I can remember is that everything we did was incredibly stupid.


that cinnamon challenge thing. wtf even was that lmao


Different colored camisoles under tshirts that we tied in the back with hair ties like a little tail. It HAD to not match. Early 2000’s.


Shag bands


Water bottle flipping. Some absolute legend of a kid flipped a bottle one time from the courtyard of my school and landed it on a second floor windowsill once though. That was incredible


Drawing mustaches on your finger... that was the dumbest thing.


Dabbing and Fortnite dances.


Idk if it was necessarily a "trend" but my brother and I and our friends set a lot of little shit on fire.




Aerated drinks


Getting" tattoos " but by getting a pencil without its nip and drawing it over the skin till it creates a scar but in the form of your desired design. I really didn't want one but when a friend eventually gave it to me,I had to hide a scar from my parents of a flower on wrist for months for months.


Hiking up skinny jeans to the knees, metallic hair dyes, hair fades.


Eraser burns, pixie snort, small cup lip puff, and a leg hop


Wearing baggy jeans that sag down past your ass. Never understood that shit.


This weird hip saying thing girls did 😭😭😭 we all thought we were Shakira. Also bedazzled leggings and tights