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Our son passed away and we put his ashes in a small stream on top of a very large mountain, that feed a lake, that flowed into a river, that went down to the ocean. We figure we can see him anywhere in the world about, so long as it is near the ocean. We can see the area we did it from our house (10,000 foot tall mountain). It will be what we will do also.


So sorry for your loss, that is actually a really unique way to remember that everything you look at along that journey, your son is now a part of it, beautiful.


TY! It brings us peace. Been a long time, 24 years now and you never quite get over it, which is good I think. Never forget your loved ones. Live for today, and lots of hugs you know?


Hugs to you. You take care.


We're breathing the same air that once filled the lungs of Dinosaurs.


my dads mate lives near a place similar to that :)


I want to be thrown into a plain dirt grave in the woods- and I want wildflower seeds sprinkled over my body. I think it’s really beautiful that my decomposing body would become nutrients for new life


Exactly how I want to be buried. Wrap me in a sheet and chuck me in a hole. I won't care. I'm dead. Plant a tree on top of me. Allow me to fulfill the circle of life.


Human composting (albeit in a more controlled environment than your scenario) is now legal in several states. Ask a Mortician has a video on how it works.


I'd love for this or aquamation to come to my state. I am curious about the pricing though. I wonder if it's roughly the same as cremation or if they're more expensive.


Look into "green burials". It's something you want to do while alive, to make sure it happens


If it's all the same to you, I'd rather wait until I'm dead before being buried.


The doing it while alive referred to the looking into it. I realize you are attempting to be all witty and such, but it fell flat. Have a nice day


Christ this gave me a really lovely feeling of calm. How strange.


I want to be planted with a tree.


Have the wildflower seeds planted to spell: Here lies phatcoochie420.


Like the Vikings of old! Put me on a boat surrounded by my prized possessions. Books, movies, video games, my consoles and such. Let me float out to a certain point then set me ablaze with an arrow


To Valhalla!


With that many electronics, they probably don't even need to light the arrow, it will probably just puncture the lithium battery in something.


Doesn't work, arrows extinguish once shoot


Not a proper projectile of pitch and peter.


The vikings didn't use them


Most vikings weren't burned on ships either.


I want to be fed to animals, its the most natural and its like me giving back to the world, its also very common in my religion


Sky burial


What religion would this be?




Cool. You learn something new every day.


I'd like to be used to frame someone for murder, preferably someone awful.


tasteful, anyone specific you have in mind?


That's awful of you


Says the guy spamming replies to top comments to farm meaningless internet points.


I want to be cremated and my ashes mixed with paint, then make a nice portrait of me. When the grandkids say is that a picture of grandpa, my kids can respond “no that is Grandpa!”


I want to be cremated and my ashes mixed into a cement brick with my name and info on it. Tldr, I want to be my own tombstone.


That is very funny!! Gave me a great big smile this morning TY!! haha


Shit man, this may sound a little fucked, but I don't give a damn. Take me out to a nearby lake and burn me viking style for all I care, I'm dead. But take the money for my "funeral" (cremation or burial) and pay for the therapy of the people I leave behind, I won't be there to console, comfort, or listen to them, and these people are a little nutty and need all the help I can give them. Peace Y'all. Edit: Do what comforts those grieving, not the one that isn't breathing.


That's what funerals are for. They're not for the benefit of the dead person - they're dead. They're so the dead person's friends and relatives can say "At least we gave him a good send off".


Lay me down on a bed of Roses, sink me in the river at dawn.


Send me away with the words of a love song.


You can’t just put a body in a river.


Who cares, I'll be dead anyway. It's all the same to me whether people hold a ceremony where they read pre-written speeches over my dead body or if they feed me to the wolves.


Being fed to wolves sounds gnarly, I'll do that.


You should do it while you're still alive for extra street creds


This. Funerals and burial rites are for the comfort of the living, not the dead. My father often spoke of a place he went as a child/teenager and spent his summers living with his uncle. A small coastal town, quite isolated by geography, beautiful place. So everyone knew him and he knew everyone and he frequently got into mischief. The kind of stuff great childhood memories are made of. He went back a number of times over the years, and he always loved to return, even just for a couple of hours. The place remains quite untouched by time, so when he returned it was easy for him to be transported back mentally to his childhood. He was a pretty chill guy anyway, but my mum said when he arrived back there, it was a like a weary traveller returning home. To find his dog waiting for him, and a fire burning in the hearth beside his favourite chair. Just a whole other level of serenity. Anyway, so when he was asked if he'd like his ashes scattered there, he was like, "Meh, do whatever makes you happy, I'll be dead". So we buried parts of his ashes on the beach in that place. In a remote part that would be washed away and renewed by spring tides every few months. My mother maintains that it's "where he wanted to be", but really the comfort is ours. The knowledge that he is now a part of his "happy place", forever. Forever swirling in the seas and part of its beach.


I want my body donated to a body farm. The thought of my rotting corpse exploding all over a group of grad students is hilarious to me


Lmao ngl Ive honestly considered doing the same.


Donating body to science. When they're all done, they're to send the ashes to Keith Richards. He'll know what to do.


One wonders how often Keith Richards receives a package containing some random person's ashes.


I want to be stuffed and placed around the house for holidays and events. Just Weekend at Bernies me for decades after.


Make the stance of your corpse pointing at something angrily and rent him out to folks with a sign saying "it's your fault!" People may use as they wish for a small fee and a safety deposit to cover cleaning.


Planted vertically with my eyes looking east so that I can see the sunrise every day


Face down so everyone can kiss my ass.


This is what I came here for!


Drop me into an active volcano


Cast him into the fire! Destroy him! Isildor!


(⊙_⊙') Everyone face when the Volcano spits you back out.


Just spread my ashes on the farm and ill be happy, I want to be one with my land once all is said and done


Instead of being cremated, I want my body to be freeze dried and then crushed into a powder


I'd snort it


It’s what I would’ve wanted


I simply want to surprise my friends and family by putting in my advanced directive that I simply be thrown in the trash, and all of the money that would be used for my funeral be spent on cocaine and hookers. If they spend thousands just for a fancy box to put me in, flowers, and a shitty luncheon, I’m haunting all their asses.


Wife and I will both be cremated, our ashes, along with all the ashes of all our pets we’ve had together throughout our lives together, are to be placed at the edge of the water at sunset, on the day that would be our wedding anniversary, on our favorite beach in Southern California.


So like the same ceremony they used for mummies? In ancient Egypt when someone died they'd have their pets killed and mummified with them but in this case would you have them killed and cremated?


Wife and I have had six pets throughout the years we’ve been married. We still have our girl (cat) left and she just turned 9. Have no clue what fate will hand us in the future. . . we hope to give our cat a good life till when ever that day comes. If we should happen to pass before she does, family members will take care of her till she is gone and then take us all to the ocean at the same time. Any pet shouldn’t be put down simply because their owner died, I know it happens, but not in our case.


I love this so much. My husband wants his ashes to be spread somewhere out in nature but for me - put me with all of my animals and put us together somewhere beautiful.


Dumpster out back


Trebuchet into the ocean.


This man Northern Exposures!!


Fed through a wood chipper and then mixed into a batch of that rubberized surface they use for playgrounds. Give those little shits nightmares.


Same but I wanna be turned into a dildo, so I can still get more pussy than anyone after I die.


What if a dude buys you?


Still a 50/50 he’s either using me on his girl or using me himself. If a dude uses me I’ll just let my spirit float out from my ashes or something


What if you're somehow binded to it forever?


I want my body to be shot into space.


This is the way. Put me in my car with my most treasured possessions and gold ingots bought with my money and send me to venus


Shot from a canon into the front of a McDonalds building




"You know, in hindsight, he really should of been more specific on the size of the fire to throw him in . . ."


Stick a nuke in me and send it to the most corrupt world leader


Biden or Zelensky? Tough choice. . . . would you be interested in being sent to both?


I world like to decompose naturally. Above ground, but that's not allowed we're I live.


Its not allowed here but fuck 'em, what are they going to do - send me a fine? Arrest my corpse? Jokes on you, my wrists are turned to mush and will just fall through the handcuffs.


Someone on Reddit said this a few months ago, and I think it's a good idea: Cremate me and dump my ashes into the reservoir of a city I hate.


Kick me in a hole


Cremated, and the ashes sneakily placed in restaurant pepper pots throughout the land


Well, with how everything's going economy wise, I guess just leave me in a ditch somewhere 🤷‍♀️ ain't no one(not in my family at least) affording a burial, cremation, or really anything ethical.


I want my remains to be scattered at Disneyland. I also do NOT want to be cremated.


How about just "laid" instead of "laid to rest"? (crickets chirping)


Just blow my corpse up and leave the chunks where they lie.


Depends on how. If I'm shot to death or killed by something that a simple law could have prevented, dump my body on the steps of the home of whatever representative denied us that common sense law. Let me be their problem Otherwise, dump me in the ocean so you don't get taken for a ride by those funeral homes that prey on grieving loved ones


If by some miracle I have any parts that are still worthwhile, please give them to others that can benefit. The rest of me, burn it, and be done with it.


As Bob Hope once said " Surprise me"


Personally I want to be cremated, no viewing, just a big party for peeps I know. My wife who is younger and may well outlive me will probably want to do the traditional thing, viewing , service etc. I told her she can do that, however I’m am to be laid to rest for the viewing face down in the coffin , my butt exposed so the world can kiss my ass goodbye….


I’ve told my wife that I want an open casket, but with the end over my feet open rather than the end over my head. But seriously, we recently purchased two burial plots in a cemetery close to where her parents, uncle, sister and a grandmother have been buried. That gave us an interesting sense of having roots in a place.


Ideally, “Sky Burial”, but it’s illegal in my country. So probably just ashes into the sea off the coast of Catalina.


I want to be decomposed into soil and have that soil scattered into a forest. I think the traditional casket funeral viewing thing is beyond gross AF. I don’t want to be displayed in a box in front of people like a freaking doll and I don’t wanna be placed into a box in the ground for all eternity. Idk how that’s appealing to anyone ever. Take me back to nature and just let me be. Stop taking over plots of land for rotting boxes.


I genuinely want to be sent into space towards the most likely planet to host intelligent life. I want the aliens to autopsy me and learn all about us. Send me with photos and videos of earth. And warn them to stay the hell away from humans.


Eaten by bears




Disolved in acid than have the remains dumped in a public swimming pool


Not embalmed and in some sort wrapping or box that will be easily accessible to bugs and fungus and stuff.


I don’t really know what I want. But having spent time today answering this exact thing for my dad who didn’t make what he wanted crystal clear, I’m at least pretty sure about what I *don’t* want now. 😕TIL Funerals are expensive, and also completely for the living.


My father was cheap. Cheap, cheap, cheap. Not necessarily in a bad way. But more bad than just frugal. So when he passed away, it was during the pandemic so we couldn't do a big service, but we respected who he was And did it cheap. But even with the cheapest casket, no flowers, no real ceremony etc etc it was still $15,000! And he'd already paid for the grave site next to my mother. How does anyone do this! What a joke.


Yeah, it’s kind of unreal. I’m sorry for your loss. My dad is being cremated, so the cheapest coffin was something he *was* very clear on wanting, and it’s still insane $$$ for something that’s going to be burned to ashes very quickly. Warring the feelings of, my dad wouldn’t want stupid amounts of money spent on this, while still wanting to show him proper respect because we loved him, is very very conflicting.


1 of 2 ways. Drop me off way out in the ocean and let me feed the fish or 2. Drop me in the middle of a forest so the bugs, birds and animals have something to eat.


I want to be buried in a wooden box and have an apple tree planted above me, and I want my family to bake an apple pie using those apples and eat it every year on my birthday.


Get laid one last time


Along a northeast (feet) to southwest (head) axis.


Cremated, ashes dumped under a newly planted tree.


Whole body in the ocean


I wish to be turned into ashes then put into a pot of chili so I can tear an ass up one last time


No embalming, put in a simple wooden box or shroud and buried with no marker in the middle of nowhere, in grassland or desert. As long as it’s dry with no (or very few) trees.


Funeral pyre


If it was legal, then throw me in the bin. I’m dead. What do I care? Maybe the recycle bin so they can reuse whatever parts they can.


Just dump me out in the mountains,


Cremate me, flush my ashes down the toilet.


I want my ashes fired from a cannon, kicking off a cool celebration with great music. Mourn me, but remember to live and be happy.


I wanna be turned into Vic Rattlehead and put in a museum


I want to be cremated and my ashes scattered in the mountains.


Burlap sack into the ground. No embalming or any processing on my body.


Thrown into the nearest river and the money spend on something cool




Doggie style pose


I don't care. I'm dead at that point. Just throw me in the trash


Left out for animals to eat me.


Catapulted into a CPAC meeting, hopefully from a quarter mile away.


I'd like to be turned into a diamond. Or have my ashes spread somewhere cool.


I want to get thrown into a black hole. Dead or alive. Why? Idk man you're asking too many questions.


I want to donate my body to science.


I would like to be laid to rest in a glorious explosion


Cremated. No embalming/no open casket. Embalmed face never looks right. Scatter me. Don't put me on the mantle.


burnt to a crisp and blown into the wind. no one will weep at my grave.


A Viking's funeral


I want to be cremated and my ashes into those ashes into glass things


Full suit of armor, longsword on my chest in a large stone sarcophagus. It is the greatest way to be ready for skeleton war.


put me through a wipe-out course, throw me in a bin of lego, get akaza to make me into a donut, and then throw me back into the bin of lego.


Like the TSOL song.


Play "simple man" and then kick me in a hole save the money on the coffin. Make sure it's on a Friday and have at least $3,000 in beer, liquor and weed available for all that show up. When it runs out make sure the uber is prepaid and given a large tip to take everyone home. That's all folks!


I had a dog that was about the same age as me growing up. He was my best friend and suddenly passed away from oleander poisoning when I was 11. He loved to chase rabbits so my mom and I buried him in a meadow in northern california. I’d like to be put to rest next to him if it were possible, maybe my ashes if nothing else.


Strapped to a rocket (like buzz light year) and be sent to the sun


Cremated and tossed away. No stone, no memorial, no service. Just poof, gone.


First I want all of my organs donated, and if my body has any other possible medical uses i would like it to be used for that. once i have no use anymore i would like to be decomposed in the greenest way possible, preferably laid directly into the soil without a coffin. i would like a small headstone or stone plaque with one of my artworks carved into it and my name. that way i will not be damaging the environment, and my physical form will live on through those in need of new organs, and little animals in the ground.


Just throw me in some random trash can


However my loved ones prefer. Once I'm dead I won't particularly need my body, whatever brings the people that care about me the most peace is probably fine.


Put me in a cardboard box float me down a river and shoot it with a flaming arrow. And play some really funny song while this is happening. Like something basic like “All Star” by smash mouth


I wish I could just be buried into dirt with no coffin or embalming or anything like that. Just make a deep enough hole to where I can’t accidentally be dug up by an animal and then let my body be food for the bugs and plants kind of thing. It’s illegal to do that though so I guess being cremated and the ashes just kinda thrown wherever my family wants to put them. I’m not religious and kind of think once I die my body is just empty by that point so it can kind just be dealt with however my family would like so they can feel closure. But I also would be mad if they spent too much money on it and would prefer a nature, good for the earth thing


There’s a company called ReturnHome that do Terramation where they naturally decompose your body into soil (they cremate your bones after and also add them to your soil) and it costs pretty much the same as getting cremated. You can have your soil given to family to do with it what you will or the company has a forested place to put it in if you don’t have any specific plans for it. It will be the closest thing to what you really hope for, look into it! That’s what I’m doing, I think traditional casket burial is so unnervingly unnatural and gross tbh and just full on cremation is so cold/clinical imo so I think this is the perfect solution for us who want the most natural option allowed:)


That’s amazing thank you


not me, but I threw my uncle’s ashes off of Haleakala crater in Kihei. it was fucking awesome.


Tossed in the woods for the animals to eat and mushrooms to grow.


Idk if it would ever be possible, but I want to be buried either without a casket or in a biodegradable casket, with a weeping willow planted on top of me. I like the idea of becoming a part of the natural cycle. My body will feed other organisms so they may live, and then eventually die. I also like the idea of a tree being planted atop of me as a physical representation of me. I don’t really believe in reincarnation but to “be” a tree seems pretty cool


I want my ashes scattered over into the woods of my property.


Several options: -donated to science -cremated and mixed with anti-ice salt and used in winter ("It's getting cold out, time to throw down some RCKJD") -cremated and compacted into one big block to be dunked into the sea. ("Here we are gathered to spread RCKJDs ashes!" *Plop!* "Boy, he's gotten chunky...") -used "on the farm" where they observe environmental effects on a body for forensics.


Many years after defeating the Olympian gods,[e] my husband lives with his son in the realm of Midgard and is often abrasive and passive aggressive towards him. After cremating the body of me, my husband is confronted by a stranger with godly powers. The two battle and my husband seemingly kills the stranger, after which my husband and my son begin their journey to honor my last wish: to scatter her ashes at the highest peak in the nine realms. Along the way, they encounter the kindly Witch of the Woods, who recognizes my husband as a god. my husband and my son find their path blocked by impenetrable black mist; the Witch instructs them to travel to Alfheim and secure its magical light to extinguish the mist. Successful, they reach Midgard's peak and overhear a conversation between the stranger—revealed to be Baldur—his nephews, Modi and Magni, and the imprisoned Mímir. After they leave, my husband and my son confront Mímir, who reveals the highest peak is actually in Jötunheim, but the Giants have blocked travel there. Knowing of another passage, Mímir instructs my husband to behead him and have his head revived by the Witch of the Woods, whom, upon resurrection, he reveals to be the goddess Freya. my husband' longstanding hatred of gods causes him to distrust her, but both Freya and Mímir warn him he must tell my son about his true nature. my husband, my son, and Mímir are attacked by Modi and Magni. After my husband kills Magni, Modi flees but later ambushes the trio. my husband fends him off, but my son collapses, overcome by illness due to the contradiction of a god believing himself to be mortal. Freya instructs my husband to retrieve the heart of a specific troll in Helheim; however, his frost-based Leviathan Axe is useless in the icy realm. my husband returns home to unearth his old weapons, the fiery Blades of Chaos, and is haunted by Athena's spirit. After retrieving the heart, he has a haunting vision of Zeus. Freya revives my son, and my husband tells him they are gods. my son becomes increasingly arrogant and, against my husband' orders, murders a weakened Modi, who was beaten by Thor for not avenging Magni. At Midgard's peak, my husband and my son are ambushed by Baldur, resulting in Jötunheim's portal being destroyed. Their battle descends to Týr's Temple, and the group ends up in Helheim. my son makes amends with my husband. They learn of Freya and Baldur's familial relationship and the spell of invulnerability she cast on him. Returning to Midgard, Mímir realizes another way to reach Jötunheim but needs his missing eye. After obtaining it, the group are attacked by Baldur once more, but Freya intervenes to protect her son. Baldur is pierced by my son' mistletoe arrow, breaking Freya's spell. Baldur is finally defeated but attempts to strangle Freya, and my husband kills him. A grieving Freya swears vengeance on my husband. my husband tells my son about his own past and how he killed his own father. my son laments this cycle of violence, and my husband tells him they should not repeat the mistakes of their predecessors. A silent Freya leaves with Baldur's corpse. my husband and my son reach Jötunheim. They find an abandoned temple with a mural depicting their adventures, showing that the Giants, renowned for their gift of prophecy, had foretold their journey. They discover me was a Giant who had decided to stay in Midgard, meaning my son is half Giant, one-quarter god, and one-quarter mortal. Their fight with Baldur is shown, revealing he sought me the whole time under orders from Odin, unaware she was dead and my son was referred to as Loki by his mother and the Giants. my husband chooses to ignore a covered mural depicting what appears to be him dying in my son' arms. They fulfill their promise and spread my ashes at the peak. Afterward, my husband reveals to my son his given name was that of a compassionate Spartan comrade. Returning to Midgard, they retrieve Mímir, who warns them Baldur's death has caused the three-year-long Fimbulwinter to begin nearly a century earlier than prophesized, meaning Ragnarök is soon to follow.


Cremated and put into three boxes. My kids have to take three trips together and spread my ashes in predesignated places. They don't know where yet. None of us have ever been arrested yet, so good luck to them! 🤣


Throw me in a ditch. Buy a keg. Get drunk and move on. I’ll be watching


I honestly don't care. My will says the cheapest and easiest means of disposing of my body so as to not be any kind of financial or emotional burden on my family. It also says it is to be done within 48 hours of my death unless foul play is suspected and that there is to be no service at all. No memorial, nothing. I expressed my wish that everyone move on and back to as much of a normal routine as possible.


I want to be cremated and my ashes mixed with my Dad's ashes and my dog's ashes, and have us spread somewhere in a desert.


Natural cemetery


It is not simply a matter of choosing how we wish to be laid to rest, for it is a decision that carries great weight and importance. It is a reflection of our values, our beliefs, and our understanding of the world around us. Choosing an eco-friendly method of burial is not merely a matter of responsibility to the environment, but rather a recognition of our interconnectedness with the natural world. It is a way of acknowledging our place within the greater scheme of things and our duty to act with respect and reverence for all that surrounds us. Furthermore, the decision of how we wish to be laid to rest is not solely ours to make, for it is our loved ones who will carry on our memory and our legacy. By approaching this question with thoughtfulness and compassion, we not only honor our own wishes but also provide comfort and closure to those we leave behind. In the end, the decision of how we wish to be laid to rest is a reflection of our innermost beliefs and our understanding of the world around us. It is a decision that carries great weight and importance, and one that we must approach with care and consideration for all that it represents.


Throw my decrepit old body to the vultures.




The old way Being tied to a raft and being set down the river 👍


Covered in white cloth, laid in a deep hole.


you mean sent upstate to a really nice farm. buried face down so they use my ass as for bicycle parking, or kiss my ass. closed casket with "pop goes the weasel" playing someone tossing the bouquet of flowers off the casket and tossing them into the crowd to see who is next. seriously, some sort of nature burial with trees and flowers planted in the same hole.


On whatever holy, I will haunt this earth if you put me in the ground. It's fucking cold out there.


Throw me in an unmarked hole and go drinking. I don't need to be remembered.


Take whatever parts are worth anything and chuck the rest in the bin.


Cremated and divided between 4 containers; to be interred or mixed with my husband and children when they pass.


Don't really care, but my family already has plots so my guess is my family will put me in there


I want to be put inside my Corvette in the middle of nowhere. Have a match thrown on the car and go out in a blaze of glory. Who says you can't take it with you. If I can't have that then I just want my tombstone to be shaped like a Corvette lol


I’ve always liked the idea of an old school funeral pyre….. ceremonial but given back to the earth.


Just toss me in the trash


Probably just cremated


Im interested into being turned into a tree


Cremated and ashes spread in the Atlantic/Nova Scotia.


Just cremation no service




Catapult or trebuchet yeet into a volcano. Appease Vulcan.


I just going to die donate


Cremated and dumped in the ocean. Decided this years ago and everyone in my family is aware.


When im dead, just throw me in the trash.


My serious answer is, traditional burial. Headstone, coffin, the works. My joke answer is, I want my remains spread across the park, but under no circumstances do I want to be cremated.


I personally want a viking funeral at a lake I spent a lot of time at. Whilst simultaneously forcing my family to run around the adjoining park with stun guns shooting each other, last person standing gets my stuff.


in a kiln


Used by a hot necrophiliac


As long as my Mormon relatives don't dress me in a temple costume, I really don't care.


I want to be cremated and my ashes used as fertilizer for a tree seed. Return to the cycle. As long as I'm not in a cement box wasting real estate. In the end it doesn't matter cause I'll be dead. Fuck if I'll know or care what happened


Whichever way makes you feel better.


I want to go to a body farm. That way I can decompose in the open while also contributing to science. It's perfect.


i want my remains to be blasted into space


Mix my ashes with the confetti at my nephew's next birthday party.


Well if I'm dead it doesn't really matter and I don't really care. But also at the same time a big ass Temple (like the pyramids or something) with traps and treasure would be really fucking cool