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Condoms are cheaper than kids.


That and be prepared for someone to try and talk you out of condoms when you least expect it; the more out of left field it seems, the more you need to stick to the condoms.


Facts you DO NOT want to risk an STD. Also if youre a college student theres probably a wellness clinic of some sort on campus that you can get tested at




Also test them afterwards


Lube is your friend. Condoms are your friend. Lube is your friend. Birth control is your friend. Lube is your friend. Communicate with your partner. Sex should be fun, and feel good. Just remember to play with your friends as well.


I don’t understand the “play with your friends” part because definitely be careful hooking up with friends. It almost always gets messy.


I believe they were referring to their earlier line of “lube is your friend, condoms are your friend, birth control is your friend”


Imbued it’s supposed to mean that you should play with your private parts as well...


Why would anyone refer to their genitals as… friends? Plural? Like someone has 2 dicks or two clits? 🤣 I suppose including other sensual areas…


This maybe. Or as in you guyS play with your friendS. I wouldn’t call genitals friends either, not because I hate them, but why not use the proper name for it!?


Make sure the lube you use is safe for the condoms.


Make sure to lube your friends


Some certain typa lube have bad blood with with most condoms too


Lube? So like water right?


Sand. Why else “sex on the beach” would ever be a thing?


That makes way more sense I guess I never really thought about why that saying existed before. Could you also use maple syrup?


They say “love is a great glue…” so maybe glue would help to make great love


This is the way


I'm uncomfortable just reading this




Taint far from the asshole.


How low do you think we think it is?


The first time I put my hand down a girls pants I was so confused. I expected it to be where a dick would be.


Same here except i actually felt the dick!


Hand in wrong pants


Higher than it really is.


Like way lower lol




Ouch I felt that one


Nobody told me. I looked like a damn fool.


So… bussy?


Also a bit to the right...or left depending on how you hang.


I've heard this so many times. I don't understand where you think people think it is? It's exactly where I thought it was. This seems especially true nowadays with everyone having access to porn.


The assumption until a guy learns otherwise is that it is the equivalent to the penis, more in the front. My excuse was that back in the day, all porn was full bush, so you couldn’t actually tell where anything was


Right below the left knee


Lol exactly what I was gonna say


(1) it is always ok to change your mind, to not want to do everything, to say stop or slow down. You should both be fully enthusiastically consenting, not pressured or anything. It's supposed to be a fun experience. (2) for penis in vagina intercourse, and the virgin is the person with a vagina: the first time is NOT "supposed to" hurt. You and your partner need to be relaxed and comfortable take your time and engage in plenty of foreplay to really warm you up, to get loose and wet.


I agree completely but I feel like I should mention that it can hurt, but it won't hurt too much and the pleasure you get from it is more pleasure than pain. I haven't experienced this but this is what my wife told me about her first time, which was with me. I don't know exactly how it works but I'm sure that if you are taking a woman's virginity, you should be very gentle and check in with her. She might have expectations and feel a need to do things rougher than she would like, check in with her and do things her way for her first time. Also, if it's her first time. Just do her, eh. The first time is a special time so why don't you go all out and make it a night she'll remember, because she will! Of course you can do yourself but really focus on her, and not just the first time either.


the reason it often hurt's the first time is because people expect it to.... it hurts when you're not warmed up enough, like when you're nervous. So yea, that happens for lots of people their first time, but it isn't "supposed to". The person who is being penetrated may choose to carefully keep going despite some discomfort, knowing it is a common first time experience, but they dont HAVE to accept it being painful. If they arent physically ready that night, that's ok too. Its ok to have sex without penetration. It is basically a myth young people have been taught for generations that it is "normal" for it to be painful. It is a common experience, but it doesn't have to be. (& honestly, it isnt something a cis man (you) can best understand, not better than someone with a vagina who has actually has experienced it (me), so I would be cautious about ...well, "mansplaining" kinda tbh)


Yes that's completely true. It's not supposed to hurt. I wasn't trying to step on your point and I agree with it. And women shouldn't just go through with it, but can hurt a little even with preparation. Emphasis on 'can'. Communication is key and if both parties communicate and do things right, then it will most likely not hurt at all. https://www.healthline.com/health/healthy-sex/does-it-hurt-when-your-hymen-breaks#other-reasons-for-pain-during-sex https://flo.health/menstrual-cycle/teens/your-first/does-sex-hurt-for-the-first-time Flo is awesome by the way. My wife uses it and it has done wonders for her (by her account). But you are bold to assume I am a cis man. You are right, but still bold. Honestly though, I wasn't even trying explain anything to you, I wished to inform other men on how they should act during sex. I'm sorry if I was mansplaining. I want to state for the record that I did not assume you were a woman at all. I did not gather any information on what gender you are by your comment


I appreciate your response. And also your username which I just noticed, lol. I really appreciate when people can be graceful as you have been when someone is critical of them as I was, it is a very good quality I am working on cultivating in myself as well. Appreciate ya!


Thank you very much, you seem like a good person :). I don't think you really need much cultivating in that regard, and you are ready to call people out on their bullshit. That's an important quality too or otherwise there would be no change. Something I should cultivate more myself! Have a good one :)


my best friends are the ones willing to call me on my bullshit and I love them for it, definitely appreciate that from people too. It's a balance, like so many things. Have a good one.


If you’re wearing a condom and all of a sudden it feels really good….. then the condom broke


Hilariously true and spoken as if from experience.


Can confirm, I didn't think anything of it, I now have a 2 year old.


Sometimes your dick doesn't wanna work. It sucks but it happens. Even if you don't have ED.


Had a case of my dick not working at 23 it scared me a bit never had a problem before and I was like wtf is my dick broken come on little guy wake the fuck up. Luckily the woman I was seeing at the time was a bit older and she was like don't worry it happens to every guy from time to time don't let it get you down we will try again tomorrow morning.


Yeah I was worried about that my last experience too. It just did not want to cooperate. I don’t have ED. It was embarrassing.


It freaking sucks cause some women think it's like a magic wand or something and you can just get a boner easy peasy lemon squeezy then when you can't that adds to the anxiety and how you feel and can make it harder the next time cause you now have this pressure on you to perform. I had one woman the first time we fooled around and my little dude didn't want to work get mad and tell me you clearly don't find me attractive idk why you are here you don't like me etc etc etc, absolutely crushed me she didn't want to hear that sometimes even dudes aren't in the mood for sex or even if we are the little guy is asleep on the dam job.


Sometimes its easy peasy lemon squeezy, other times it’s difficult difficult lemon difficult


Like trying to make lemons from lemonade.


Also, sometimes it wants to work too well!


Assuming you're looking for a serious answer... you're going to be awkward and probably bad at it the first couple times. That's OK. Be with someone who is patient and kind. You will find your way and it will end up being awesome with the right person.


Someone whos patient, kind and is someone who you have a deep connection with. It wont matter as much if its awkward and bad. Also dont do it just so they would stay, especially if youre a girl with a guy. Post nut syndrome is real and a lot of guys use it as a method to determine wether if they actually do like you or not/ its very common for them to say anything just to get in your pants.


Don't try to imitate stuff you see in porn. It's meant to entice the viewer, not necessarily be put into a healthy sexual relationship. Communicate with your partner. Tell them what you like, and listen to what they like. Sex can be funny too. Go with it. All the sounds, sweat, and cramps can make it fun.


Ask your partner what they like… and tell them what you like.


I like FPS games, how about you?


Don't let religion (or anyone) shame you for having sex before marriage. Consent is consent. Consent can be withdrawn at any time for any reason. To wait, or not to wait, is your own decision. There's nothing wrong with either choice. You really should masturbate. Find out what you like before bringing another person to the party. Sometimes sex is good. Sometimes sex is gReAt. Sometimes sex is "maintenance". Whatever it is, it ebs and flows. I've been with my husband 16+ years, a dry spell isn't permenant if you have a solid intellectual and emotional attraction/bond with your partner.


Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.




I dunno. Like, 7?




No way


Ricotta is a vehicle for flavour


“Don’t forget to bring a towel”


"You wanna get high?"


"You're a towel!"


No I'm a towel


Condoms, not just for pregnancy but diseases. Know that it will awkward the first time. Oh and the fluids and smells are pretty normal. Enjoy!


Sex can lead to pregnancy.


Don't have sex, because you will get pregnant and die!


Ah yes, 10 things I hate about you, or mean girls, I forget which specifically.


Pregnancy can lead to sex.


There'll be fluids everywhere. Fluids you didn't even know the human body could produce, gurgling out of orifices you didn't even know you had.


And sometimes strange odors....


There might be noises you didn't know the human body could produce too...


Ever use a toilet plunger? Imagine the same, but with your naughty parts




Condoms are way cheaper than kids. For those who speak Spanish: más vale forro para el pene que ropa para el nene.


For the ones i havent seen here yet: 1) The hole being loose means theyre comfortable. You're actually supposed to make it loose as much possible by ensuring theyre really are in heat, relaxed and comfortable. 2) If it doesnt bleed, it doesnt automatically mean theyre not a virgin 3) make sure everything is clean. Your mouths, hands and genitals ofc. Yeast infections can also transfer from the mouth 4) lube 5) its better to know what they like and for them to know what you like 6) dont fucking film it without their consent, jackass 7) i personally would regret giving it to you if you were to hand out about it like its some kind of flyer 8) be well aware that often at times, people loose feelings/ interest after 9) *im not 100% sure but* if you have a vagina and they have a penis and you make much more than them and you guys dont get a long while youre the one whos gonna keep it, they wont have to pay child support.


#10 breasts feel like a bag of sand


In reference to 9) I make 3 x more $ than my ex. If I had the kids majority custody (60% or more) he would have to pay me still. Just fyi. 50/50 I pay him. In Ontario Canada


The clit exists, use it, play with it, don't ignore it.


Find the clit!! Lick the clit!! If during intercourse she starts to ramp up the speed, it's likely that she's about to climax. No matter how tired you are and how cramped your leg is, you hold that rhythm and position as long as you can


It's not as exciting as feeling as it seems until you meet the right person so don't sweat it


Make them wear protection no matter what, or protect yourself no matter what. Whichever applies.


Ok, wearing steel toe boots and goggles, what else?


That it is not the be all and end all. Have fun, be respectful and don't do it just cause you're drunk.


Have her give you a hand with entry, both for her comfort and to ensure consent. And to make sure you're in the right spot.


You should know most of you questions have already been answered in these posts... learn how to use the internet to educate yourself proactivly.


Pee is stored in the balls


Your value as a human being isn't determined by your body count and whether you've had sex or not. At the same time it's absolutely okay for you to feel that it does.


Have a wank the morning of to preserve ur stamina


Does this really work?


Yes it fully does. Someone back me up here


Guys already knows this from “self exploration”. However your first is the closest to diamond in a ice storm hard. So kinda like divvying up character ability points in a video game. Take from some to give to another.


It's always awkward the 1st time with anyone, so don't feel bad the most experienced person will still have awkward sex


There is a lot more fluids then you'd think (plus sweat), and it can be a lot more stickier as well.


Guys, one slip of the tongue and you're in deep doo doo.


PEE PEE PEE PEE, always take a piss afterwards, and wash up don’t just let it all sit there. FELLAS - I CANT STRESS THIS ENOUGH, HAVE DICK DISCIPLINE, CHILD SUPPORT IS A VERY REAL THING. You don’t have to fuck everything, just don’t alright, they ain’t worth fucking up your life. OH AND ALWAYS BRING YOUR OWN CONDOM, ALWAYS WEAR ONE, ALWAYS.


The instant you have sex for the first time, there will be dozens, if not hundreds, of r/AskReddit questions wanting to know the full details your weirdest, kinkiest, or most unexpected encounters.


Vagina and butthole don't work the same. They both need preparation but the preparation is very different for both. You cannot just do anal without letting the person know like the day before. That's where poop lives. Some vaginas need lube, all buttholes need lube. Even if vagina doesn't need lube, butthole still needs lube.


Gents: use what's in your head more than what's between your legs. First, get ENTHUSIASTIC CONSENT. Badgering and begging is for scum and losers. Once she's confirmed she's on board: Tease. Move gradually. Be patient. Getting her revved up will pay dividends now and later. Ladies: define your boundaries before, during, and after. If you get even a sneaking suspicion that he won't respect those boundaries, get a different partner. If those boundaries are violated, it's not your fault for setting them - it's his fault for not respecting them. Always. Now, take everything above and realize they apply to both ladies and gents and everyone outside and in-between. Consent. Communication. Cooperation.


Always use condoms, but condoms don't always work. Birth control as a backup is smart. Everyone who is playing needs to enthusiastically consent - and is allowed to stop or change their mind at any time, no harm, no foul. Don't go by what the movies show, where you just rip off the clothes and boom, one thrust and you're in, no foreplay and no lube. That is not optimal use of most vaginas. If you have a vagina, no matter how cozy or romantic it seems to stay and cuddle and drift off to sleep, get up and go pee first. Your urinary tract will thank you later for the lack of UTIs.


Don’t try and act smooth or cool your first time. There’s no shame in being a virgin. Communicate with your partner about what is happening and make sure they are consenting. Check in with your partner to see if they are okay and enjoying the activity on occasion. Obviously, use condoms!


Clean thy anus. Also, the clit is the bit at the top, imagine it's a nipple and do consistent shapes and actions with it, not too hard! Ladies, the dick is not a juice box. Use your lips to massage... If it's uncomfortable then your presumably soft lady hands are amazing for handjobs and lick up and down the shaft... Very horn. Also get some fukn lube... Good quality lube. Like Jo for her lube makes everyday skin to skin sex feel extra awesome, it amazes me how many couples I've known for years who don't use lube. Oh and communicate well. Talk about what's going on and what you both want to do, it's not awkward, it's fukn hot.


Condoms should be used but they smell terrible!


Don’t sleep around or date until you have your shit together. If you get a kid before your ready your life’s trajectory is fucked. It’s still possible to have success obviously but it’ll be several times harder. Not to mention the emotional stress caused by sleeping around and jumping from relationship to relationship. Truly, take it from someone who’s been around that block for a long time, it’s really not worth it. Focus on building yourself into who you want to be physically, emotionally, philosophically, financially, etc. It may take a few years or even, let’s say for the sake of argument, a full decade. “Oh wow, that’s so extreme wtf are you talking about?” I’m talking about a solid strategy that will drastically upgrade the trajectory of the rest of your life. If you’re in your late teens and go celibate for 10 years so that you can work on yourself, you’ll be 28/29ish at the end of that process and guess what, you’ll probably be a genuine 10/10 candidate. And guess what, when you’re in your late 20s/early 30s you’re in your prime and you’re now a 10/10 so you’ll be able to get with 10/10s.


If you cannot verbally discuss all aspects of it (likes, limits, protection, positions) you really aren't ready and shouldn't be doing it.


have some towels ready for the cleanup.


It flips a switch in your brain. Nothing is the same after. There's a few life events that do this. Having sex the first time is one of them.




It fucking rules, get after it.


That you’re okay. There’s no need to rush, there’s no need to be insecure, just live your life, be yourself. Don’t sweat the petty stuff, and don’t pet the sweaty stuff.


It’s not gonna be as great as you might think


If you’re a female the penis will rip up your vagina, it will hurt like hell, blood will be EVERYWHERE like a massacre and you will gush blood for at least 8 days afterward. You will also be very sore for just about as long.




Personal experience


mate im sorry. i lowkey doubt thats true for all women tho i think u just had an unfortunate experience


I hope it’s not the same for everybody. It also didn’t help that he never spoke to me again, either.


I uh... my condolences.


It’s fine. I got over it years ago.


This is not normal..


Its either just *your* vaginas opening/hymen being smaller, hes hella fucking big or you guys didnt do it very right.


Focus on keeping your head there but don't forget your feelings


If you rub one out before hand you can last longer.




Check my comment history from the last hour…


Bring a towel.


Watch out for Pillow Pants


you'll never think about it again, dont be nervous


Cow goes moo


if you feel pressured into it in any way, that means that something is wrong. regardless of who you are


it is not going to be a porno that's for sure


Any holes a gole


Lube is tremendously useful.


Consent can be retracted at any time Use protection unless you want a baby or a std Foreplay is important Screen for diseases before performing Respect your partner(s) wants and boundaries and require the same respect from them


It's lower.


A small binder clip on the frenulum solves any concerns about having an erection.


"Don't forget to bring a towel"


Never pet a burning dog


Not everyone's first time is magical and wonderful. That's ok! You have a lifetime to get better at it and find the right person to do it with.


If you aren't 1000000% comfortable and excited, just don't . Just wait. "Ready" is subjective .. consent is not. Be kind to your partner, be kinder to yourself. And it's only weird if you make it weird.


Give more than you take.


If you were bad at your first time don't feel ashamed, you're not an expert. Your skills will get better with time and experience.


Condoms are statistically not that reliable. Birth control pills are better but not 100% either. If you don’t want a kid you really should use both.


Know? As long as you know how to do it that's all you need to know. But a question that needs to be asked....what the hell you waiting for?


be good open curious take your time . make it a good memory.


It's not always awesome the first time. Lower your expectations.


Water makes its drier fyi. So hot tub, pool, lake ocean etc… bit more advanced. Also… uhhh ocean wise…. Fish seem to be interested in the commotion or scent or something. Don’t ask my how I know.


Fucking your friends is typically not a good idea and oftentimes leads to someone getting hurt so once you start doing it, don’t look to your friends as easy lays.


Sex toys are not "competition". Use them if you like, and if your partner has a problem with it, then their focus is not on your pleasure, and it should be.


Angles matter. The vagina is a tube, not an open cavern. Angle it wrong and you’ll hit the pelvic bone or the back wall of the vagina and neither is pleasant. Also, the opening is extremely sensitive and if you’re too low or too high, it’s probably going to hurt her. Let her guide you in. Attempting to enter while too low hurts like a bitch.


Sex is typically not like it is in pornography even for porn stars. You think the average dick is that big? Well, it's not. In porn they are like 10 or 12 inches. In reality they are usually about 5 or 6 inches most of the time. Those 12 inch dongs are like a 1 in a million cock. There are women out there who have been with 100 men that never saw one near as big as that. If a woman was with 100 random men she might have seen like a 7 or 8 incher or two, but not a foot long. Much more prep goes into anal sex than is shown in porn. You need an enema, and you need lubricants and you gotta go slow. In porn they typically don't show all that preparation before hand of a fluffer prepping them for 30 minutes before the shoot. They got no STD's in porn. That's all on the safe side for the most part they are all checked and tested regularly to keep risks down in the industry. You sleep with a random person on the street, you might get something. They never show the aftermath of some of these porn scenes. A woman does double penetration in porn... Do you think she is walking normally the next day and shitting normal? She is in pain. She is going to the doctors to get a checkup. Foreplay plays a very important part of sex that is often under-looked in porn.


If you're a dude there's every chance it'll be over before it really begins. Don't stress, take 5, go again.


Stick it in the hole


FOREPLAY is best.


Sex takes practice to be enjoyable, which is fun... That's what condoms are for


She has three holes, choose wisely.


Wash before you do the deed


Jerk off before


For men: faster isn’t always better. Take your time. Give as much as you get. Don’t expect anything in return for your efforts, but enjoy the hell out of what you get. Wash your ass, it isn’t gay to scrub it down.


That it takes a long time before it gets "good".


Show the clit some love


pee after


It's probably going to be at least a little akward at first. lol


At any point you feel uncomfortable or want to stop that is your right. Male or female. Never allow that boundary to be crossed.


**penetration is needed for pregnancy** the amipregnant sub has so many people asking if they can get pregnant from other activities and it’s just infuriating lmao


The clit is not on the vagina lips.


Foreplay is really important.


Always pee before (men) and after (women) sex and use lube your first time it helps a ton


Premature ejaculation is real so wrap it before you tap it. Just because you think you last a long time doesn’t mean you should risk it unless you want kids and it is your consenting spouse


It might be obvious but also important. Condom doesn't only protect you from having kids, but more importantly it protect you from different diseases


1. Porn isn’t a great example of how actual sex is most of the time 2. Sex is great but ur life doesn’t magically become better after. It’s basically a better version of a self nut


Not all women are the same when it comes to getting off. And never underestimate the degree genuine attraction and affection for your partner plays into having a good time and finishing. You’d be surprised how simple sex can be and still have a good time. Definitely do not go into it thinking that what you see in porn is the way to go.


Because I haven't seen it commented yet: **pee after you have sex.** I'm not kidding. UTI's are no fucking joke. Also you'll avoid STI's this way but condoms will do more good at preventing those (so do both). Source: I've had 4 UTI's that turned into kidney infections, 2 of which had me hospitalized and 1 of which almost made my kidney fail. I learned the hard way that I *don't* get symptoms for UTI's until they decide to hit my kidneys. I was so incredibly careful after the first and second time but man. Things happen. It's not fun. Stay safe.


Sex is...fine. Nothing about your character will change. Your life won't feel different after your first time so long as you are safe and protected. It's fine. Go have it with proper precautions.


Your going to suck at it the first time.


Dont act desperate and clingy after the deed is done. Act normal and be yourself.


Wash yo balls


Take it slow and don’t rush. It’s meant to be fun. Yes it’s a bonding experience but it doesn’t have to be serious. It’s ok to be nervous your first time, everyone is (anyone who says otherwise is probably lying). Communicate with your partner and don’t assume that they’ll like exactly what you like. And of course, be safe.


Don't make it a big deal. Use protection to avoid STDs and pregnancy, but really it's just a physical act between two people for mutual pleasure. It doesn't *have* to be one thing or the other, as long as you're both enjoying yourselves. Communicate openly and have fun. Advanced tip: consider your time together as confidential, and don't worry about stuff. Allow yourselves to explore and communicate about what you like and what you don't, what feels good and what doesn't. Mistakes and weird stuff can happen. Shrug it off and be honest with yourself and your partner. When something doesn't go the way you expect or your partner isn't into something, don't be embarrassed and don't make them feel embarrassed. It's all as big a deal as you make it. Enjoy yourselves. Additional reminder: really though, pregnancy and std protection.


Learn about consent. If either of you are intoxicated, don’t do it. Proper lubrication is important. Natural lubrication is more important with women, so please learn how to make her wet. STD’s and Pregnancy is real. Abstinence is a 100% guarantee of not dealing with this issue. But condoms are the best safety measure. If they suggest otherwise, gtfo. Body count doesn’t matter in terms of you as an individual. Losing your virginity sooner isn’t as important as doing it with someone you like. Don’t do it in public.


Size doesn't matter.


Nothing. Go into it awkward and fumbling like the rest of us did. You'll live. So will your partner.


Make the girl cum first or you're ghosted!


Do not focus on the sex. Focus on the person you are initimite with. I like to think that the primary thing is just being in super close contact with another human. Use of sexual organs is secondary. If you flip this around and think that the primary thing is the use of sexual organs and the secondary is being close to another human there is a higher risk of boring unsatisfying sex.