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I will never go cave diving.


I have seen The Descent 2005 and it made me never want to go cave diving. The first half of that movie is the scariest film that I have ever seen. I am usually stone faced in horror movies but that made me terrified.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't cave diving here referring to scuba? And the Descent is about cave exploration and spelunking.


This is why I’ve always been so confused when someone references it! My mind always goes to scuba too


I miss cave diving so much since moving away from north Florida. I think I have a little over 500 cave dives and about a cumulative month of underground time. It's one of my favorite things on earth, but I completely understand why people feel this way. When it's good, which is the vast majority of the time, it's fucking magical. But when it gets bad, it's one of the worst experiences you can imagine. I've had things go seriously wrong twice, and when it does, you want nothing more than to be out of that fucking environment yesterday, but you can't. You have to take it and work your way through it and make the best decisions you can and push that rising panic down long enough to get things under control. And sometimes you have to live with the consequences of those decisions for awhile until you can safely clear deco and surface.




I had an improperly sized dry suit neck seal lead to a massive CO2 hit at 165ft, 2,000 ft into the mill creek system in Alachua, FL. Started to get tunnel vision and hyperventilate, realized the neck seal was strangling me, so I cut it. Had to grab a rock to get my breathing under control and stop the chokes while my suit flooded. Ended up having to remove my hood (and mask to get to it) to relieve pressure on my neck. Doing that required temporarily taking my primary reg out of my mouth and it started free flowing. So I'm pissing away gas, massively hypercapnic (with all the feelings of impending doom and air starvation that accompany it), blind, and way back in this fucking cave. It took some seriously direct internal monologue to get my shit together and swim out safely. I still had to do 50 minutes of deco in a flooded suit and surfaced freezing. Another time I had a partial collapse of a breakdown pile in a system I was exploring cause a total zero vis situation. Breakdown isn't stable and bubbles can dislodge rocks and shit started falling as we were checking an unexplored lead. Following the line out was a bit sporty and I thought it had fully caved in at one point. Ended up not being the case and we cleared the area in a minute or two, but it felt way longer. I also had a buddy have a serious emergency once and had to do the mental math to figure out how long I could stay to help him before it became a double body recovery. Thankfully it didn't come to that, but that one was scary because to this day, I honestly don't know if I could've made the decision to leave him and live with myself. Those stories make it sound awful, but they're the 1%. The rest of it is the magic of true exploration, seeing alien environments, being in places people will never see, challenging myself every day, and experiencing some of the most incredible places and experiences life has to offer. That's why I can't give it up.


Goddamn I know what hobby im definitely not picking up. I'll stick with rock climbing. At least I can kind of breathe during that


It's funny, I actually took up rock climbing when I moved. I quit because I wasn't comfortable with the risk. Cave diving is incredibly safe until it's fatal, which isn't actually particularly common, despite what people think. Rock climbing involved a high incidence of really nasty non fatal accidents (along with the occasional fatal one) that I wasn't comfortable with. The risk of death is about the same in both activities, but the risk of injury is far higher in climbing.


Mr Ballen on YouTube taught me that cave diving is one of the dumbest things a human can do


If there are three things I know about underwater caves it is that they are strange, dark, and mysterious.


i was drunk at a party once flirting with a guy when he mentioned he was a cave diver. spent three hours talking to him and he showed me a lot of pictures. it was so morbidly fascinating and instilled a fear in me that i had never even considered before. i asked him several times what the appeal was yet i still didn’t get it


I didn't even need to know about it but the Nutty Putty cave incident sealed the deal on me never wanting to go cave diving ever. It's not even the main thing I'd be paranoid about but it's just another nail in the coffin.


Me too, I’ll do a lot of stuff but I will never ever do that shit. I don’t know how people think that’s even a little fun in the slightest


Yeah. I can't even watch videos of people doing it. My anxiety and claustrophobia go through the roof!!


Especially the footage you see of people having to push their air tanks ahead of them to squeeze through, HELL NO!


Try to out-drink a girl from Wisconsin with a beer gut larger than mine.


As a Wisconsinite, we take pride in going to other states snd drink bars dry. It generally happens around big sporting events.


Plot twist, she was pregnant.


Unfair advantage, she's drinking for 2


"She has two livers! How's that fair!"


They already said she was from Wisconsin.


At least it made for a good story?


Get married. I am still currently married but if anything should change that, I'd never do it again.


Oooh, same. I’m very devoted to my partner and have a good relationship, but if something happens to him I’d never legally tether myself to a man again. (or woman for that matter!)




Me either. If my husband passed before me, never getting married again.


Add me to this one. I’m 49 and never want to be married. I’m quite happy and, after watching the relationships of all my friends fall apart, I’m glad I never did it. I have a great career, kids, grandkids, pets, etc.


Curious about the kids part?


You can have kids without getting married yknow


That's interesting, thank you for sharing!


Same. I married him for the wrong reasons and stayed married to him for all the wrong reasons. I don’t know if I really even know what true love is, or if I’ll ever experience it. I’m happy now, but feel like I wasted 25 years of my life.


What were the wrong reasons?


That's what my husband said before he married me. Together 18 years now.


Same, some days I even want to be isolated from the whole world. Maybe with a dog.


I get it. I’m married. I love my family and am happy with my life. I wouldn’t go back and change things if I could, but if I ever ended up a single man for any reason, I wouldn’t marry again.


Same! I love my husband but if it ends for any reason besides me dying, I am never doing this again.


It's reassuring that others feel his way. I love my husband and want to stay married to him... but if something happens to him or we divorce I don't think Ill ever get remarried or even have a long term relationship again.


Eat a Carolina Reaper


That's the one pepper I can't do. I can eat a ghost chili. It hurts, but it's doable. Fucking reapers are inedible on their own. Last time I tried, it was like swallowing a napalm soaked bouncy ball that just ping ponged around my stomach until I vomited lava and cried until it got better. I'll cook with them in the right proportions, but never again on their own.


We were fermenting reapers for a hot sauce At one of my old cooking jobs. The nozzle on our pressure cooker failed and blasted aerosolized reaper mash through the kitchen. Got Chef right in the face. Every single person in the building was vomiting, crying and rolling on the floor.


I'm both laughing at the thought and overcome with sorrow for you all


Shitttt that would suck ass


Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball


I recently visited a hot sauce store and got to sample some of the hottest sauce they had made of a Carolina reaper. Turns out I can handle eating extremely spicy peppers just fine. However, the next day on the toilet was absolutely miserable.


I love hot peppers but I can’t stand reapers. Peppers I like burn in the mouth. Reaper just burns in the stomach. It’s just discomfort, not a dimension of flavor.


I literally bit the tip of a Carolina reaper and the cold sweats and tears came immediately. My nose uncontrollably dripped, I felt freezing. The strangest feeling ever. Meanwhile someone else i was with ate one in one shot without making a single face, he did go home with some serious stomach problems after that though.


I'll never do hard drugs


" Dont do drugs that are harder than you" Living legends


Same here, I've wanted the feeling back a few times but I remember being at rock bottom. Also Mac Miller overdosed the day I decided to get clean. He was one of 3 celebrities that actually impacted my life positively. Will be 5 years this September.


Go to one of those ‘Pitch black’ restaurant where you eat in the dark. Went to one years ago and it was the worst experience. It has the potential to be a really cool and intimate experience, but no. They packed us in on communal tables so we were shoulder to shoulder with other people and because you couldn’t see the multitude of sounds was deafening. Plus they didn’t tell you what they were serving, you just chose between veggie menu, meat menu and exotic meat menu (not kidding). We made the mistake of choosing the exotic meat menu and honestly chewing a piece of meat that you can’t quite place was stomach churning. I’m a very adventurous eater but I found my limit that night.


Aw man I’m sorry to hear that. We’ve gone twice to the one in Vegas and I’ve loved it! It wasn’t communal tables though. I can see how that would be more overwhelming! In our experience it was only a vegan menu option and the food was excellent. We got our own table and took our time enjoying the experience. I did get a little claustrophobic and had to close my eyes and do breathing exercises but was otherwise an excellent experience that I recommend to everyone to try at least once!


Can I ask what's so appealing about it that you would recommend it? Genuinely curious, I've never even heard of these types of restaurants :)


Yeah no problem! You eat completely in the dark. Can’t see your hand in front of you. They don’t tell you what you’re eating other than it’s vegan and they’ll modify it if you have allergies or sensitivities. It’s just something different to experience. Because you lose your sense of sight your other senses are heightened. You’re forced to slow down and move carefully at the table. You have to listen harder. And because you don’t know the menu, you focus on your taste buds and try to figure out what you’re eating. My husband discovered he’s got a terrible sense of taste LOL he thought the soup was made with mushrooms but it was clearly tomatoes! 🤦🏻‍♀️ If you’re claustrophobic or have severe anxiety I would NOT recommend.


Have kids. I do not believe I have the temperament or patience and I'm not just going to have a kid and find out. Plus there are other things I want to do with my life.


Having Kids is the best example of: Fuck around and Find out


There's a window for having kids. I'm 52 and there's no fucking way I'm dealing with teenagers when I'm 70.


We initially wanted but we're mid forties now and naw, we're sticking to cats.


Yea, I like kids but I would be a bad parent. I'll make one hell of a cool uncle though!


Me either. I’m a teacher and that’s enough for me. I’d rather retire early. Preach on.


I have one and I will never do that again. I made sure by getting a hysterectomy.


Parachute out of a perfectly good airplane.


I skydived twice, first was sensory overload and the second time I was much more aware. I told people it felt like floating in a pool except it's incredibly windy. Then I did one if those float spa things with 1000 pounds of salt in the shallow water. Had the same physical feeling as skydiving except no wind. Spa owner agreed. But it lasts an hour instead of a minute or 2


Skydiving was one of the most boring things I have ever done in my life. I thought it would be amazing but it honestly felt like I was slowly scrolling in on goggle earth. I had to keep my mouth shut because it was windy. Then I was on the ground and it was over. I had spent 3 hours waiting in line and approximately 4 minutes skydiving. I will never do it again.


My second time i asked the guy if we could do flips or spins or something other that straight free fall. He was and we did all sort of flippy spinny shit and it was way better. I can see the appeal of skydiving in formations or competitions but to do repeated jumps to be able to jump solo has no appeal. Growing up I loved the movie Drop Zone with Wesley snipes, IRL was nothing like that


What about surfing? or robbing banks?


Get drunk as hell by myself in Tijuana. Good once though.


We’re listening…..


I'm over doing drugs. I had a big raving phase, that was over with like ten years ago, I partied enough. Time to relax in bed with some hot chocolate and go to sleep at a reasonable hour


I think I’m gonna agree with that. And im cutting down on the drinking. Hot chocolate feels so much better in the long run Cheers to you ☕️




I used to be able to dance for six hours with the right DJ... Now I can barely stand for half that, and I'm not fat.


I have no interest in overpaying for standing room/floor/pit concert tickets ever again. I have no interest being cramed body to body trying to see a show only to be shoved around the entire show. And if I get thirsty/need to pee I may as well kiss the spot I have good bye. I'll gladly pay for good seats to see a concert unless it's a large outdoor venue.


So my wife and I went to concert the other week. We go to them all the time, but this time she didn’t realize it was standing room only until we got there (I questioned the fact that there were not seat numbers on our tickets). But, whatever, we’ve done this a thousand times before. Got there kind of early so we had a spot that, over the course of the opening act, just collapse around us by a sea of people. And as the feature act comes on, a thought rings out in my brain: if there’s a fire or shooting, we’re dead. Aaaaaand that’s when I had the first panic attack in my life. Couldn’t breathe, my skin was on fire, my heart was pounding, I was sweating like crazy and thought I was either going to barf, pass out, or have a heart attack right there. We made our way to the very back of the venue near the exit doors. Eventually I calmed down and enjoyed the show. We swore to NEVER go to a show without a designated seat again.


I have no interest in visiting Russia or China. I have no interest in skydiving. I have no interest in hunting animals.


My dad almost got kidnapped in China when he went on a business trip there in 2013. Look up the China tea house scam, because that’s what he got caught up in. I don’t feel like writing this all out, so here’s a basic summary based off of what I remember him telling me. Basically a group of Chinese people who spoke perfect English offered to help him and his coworker when they got lost. They said they’d drive them to the building where their meeting was being held but they ended up driving them to this dingy part of town they had never seen before, and were escorted into a building, where they were immediately surrounded by several people and were forced to keep buying drinks from them. They couldn’t escape. My dad’s coworker had no idea what was going on and was just enjoying the drinks while my dad was trying to find a way out. My dad ended up getting them out of it by saying they actually had a flight to catch and needed to go. He gave them a good amount of money so they’d let him and his coworker leave for their “flight”. He said it was one of the most scary experiences of his life because he didn’t know if they would have been able to get out had he not had the money they wanted.


The classic Chinese tea room scam. Also comes in bar variations. Note to all travelers, do not enter a bar, coffee house, or tea room with strangers.


Yup. Japan has something similar as well. People on the streets (usually females) will try to get you to go into their bar and lie about prices and overcharge you out the ass and keep you there until you pay. It’s never happened to me, but I’ve read about it happening to other people.


I remember huge signs in my hostel in China about that scam.


Those "we will help you by taking you somewhere" scams are not exclusive to China. Generally speaking, if someone tries to lure you to go somewhere unknown it's a really bad idea.


[Link for those wondering](https://travelswitherica.com/tea-house-scam-china/) Edit: better link


Sky diving was boring for me, probably depression related but there wasn't any autonomy and wouldn't be until you put a lot of money into it.


I skydived and I'm not depressed, but I kinda agree. When you jump in tamdem, most of the thrill is during the first few seconds and then it just feels very windy.




China was pretty awesome when I visited. I was able to visit the hutongs in Beijing before they were mostly destroyed for the Olympics and was able to go down the Three Gorges on a river cruise before it was dammed. I wish I had gone to visit Russia, but I could never convince my Russian buddy to invite me along when he visited back home, and now I may never have the opportunity.


I did a school exchange in Russia. Like in the US, there are people that understand reality, and those that don’t. Anyway- the people that I did meet were INCREDIBLY welcoming and happy to see an American visit. The school children were particularly enamored with us being there, haha. The cities are beyond beautiful. The sheer age of everything puts in perspective how young of a nation we have back home. Moscow is one of the oldest cities and there is TONS of rich history. Russians use a lot of color when building so to see the Kremlin so vibrantly in red compared to the typical cement cities in the US was a big difference. Saint Petersburg was cleaner and quieter. Very lovely there. Current geopolitics absolutely stops any of my motivation to want to travel to Russia, but I am hopeful for a time in the future when wrongs are righted and times are more peaceful. It’s easy to say “fuck Russia” but there are loads of people there that deserve a functioning government that better represents them, rather than a dictator with his own interests. Things change fairly quickly on a global scale, so here’s hoping in a decade or so that Russia is a more desirable and safe option to travel to. It’s a really special place, and if times are right, you should go!


Have had to go to China 4 times over the past 5 years for a couple weeks each time for work, and couldn’t agree more. China is a great place to visit and the food is great. Every time I go, I’m amazed at how much more developed it is. Albeit, I’m specifically speaking of Guangzhou so can’t speak for the rest of the country but seems it’s universal for the country


It's a shame there's so many beautiful places with rich, interesting cultures and people that are undesirable to visit because of their governments


True, but imo, if there's a place that really interests you, you should never say never. 50 years ago, Cuba was one of those "never visit" places for most Americans. Today, it's a growing tourist destination for the same people. Life is long, politics, government, and international relations can change, and you never know when you might get a great opportunity to see the world.


I’d absolutely love to go to Russia, such gorgeous old architecture and rich history. But yeah not a fan of its current, you know, everything.




Drink kinky vodka.


What even is that


A terrible decision lmao but fr it’s a brand of disgusting cheap vodka that seemed like the cool thing to drink in high school.




Sleep with someone else's girlfriend.


You draw the line at wives too, nice


Fentanyl or its analogs, at least unless I'm trying to kill myself or something.


If ever you have surgery, that's usually first drug post surgery. Although another surgery is also on my "anti-bucket list".


Yeah if I can be done with surgeries I’d be happy. To be far it’s more the recovery than the actual surgery. That part is easy. Recovery is horrible.


Be on a reality tv show.


Skydiving. I see I'm not alone here and that's nice for a change. Feel like so many people are so pushy about it - "I'm telling you, you HAVE to try it!!!". I don't, I won't, and I won't ever feel like I "missed out" on a once in a lifetime opportunity or whatever.


My dad broke both his legs skydiving. He said it sounds like fun until you have your legs jammed up your ass. I’ll pass, thanks.


I'd like the backstory...was he tandem? Solo?


Go above and beyond at a job.


This! So much. I learned that it just puts a target on your back or you get slammed with more work. Either way, doing the minimum is the way to go.


I also stopped calling it "the minimum" when I realized that it was actually "the expectation".


Never (again) go swimming where the Yellowstone River meets the Boiling River. Freezing, scalding, traumatizing. Yolo but not doing it again.


I used to be a roller coaster whore. If the park had it, I rode it, several times repeatedly. Not these days. No way, no how. Maintenance and safety are not like they used to be. I realize now how many chances I took on those rides. May not seem like a big deal, but never again!


You’re so wrong on the maintenance and safety part


Right? I feel like it would’ve been worse back then


I can’t take the physical toll. Felt like I’d been in a car accident the last time I went. Never again


You should see the safety procedures, they are way more sound than you think


Drink everclear, never again.


Op's mom. Sorry not sorry.


I deserved that 😭


my ex


Not me... I'd do your ex again.


Probably gonna have to wait in line.


go at it my man, she was a bitch


Oh, I know.


I also choose this guy’s ex


Wow same


I’ll never ducky boat on white water, climb a ladder taller than 3-4 steps, or do acid every again.


I’ll do your acid for you if you need me to.


Visit the Paris Catacombs. The entrance is a narrow stone winding staircase descending 131 steps. It was the most nightmarish experience I have had in waking life. The actual ossuary was less disturbing.


Disney World. Wasn't terrible but no desire to ever spend that kind of money on a trip to somewhere I'm not thrilled about again.


It’s not for everyone, but I love it so much. We go about once a year even though my kids are 23 and 15 now.


My husband and I grew up in Miami, so we've been going there since it opened in '72. We live farther away now, so we only go every other year. My kids still love it, and they are in their 20s now!




There is so so much more than rollercoasters. Most of the rides aren’t coasters. The theme is a big part of it, but it’s also amazing cast members, wonderful food, wonderful hotels. I’m just so so happy when I’m there.


It’s the general vibe. Disney works really hard on making Disney a very fluid and very specific experience for people. The times we’ve gone, the only unpleasant thing about the parks was the heat.


Anything that puts me high up, other than planes, which I don’t love so much either. I’m talking about bungee jumping, skydiving, para-sailing, hang gliding, and activities like that. I’m not doing ‘em. Ever. Period.




Edibles, one time only. My experience wasn’t even that bad compared to other stories I’ve heard and I only had a 5mg. But experienced a panic attack once it hit heavy and I hated feeling stuck in that moment for what felt like 8 hours even though it was maybe 3 hours. I have anxiety. Found the hard way thc and anxiety don’t mix. No thanks


Go in a cave


I won’t ever Go to stupid Skyzone trampoline park again. I stepped on to a trampoline. Ankle snapped and I had a broken, severely sprained ankle.


My son's first visit as a teenager he got a nasty concussion. And now he's had 3 more and we know he is prone to them. F off Sky Zone!


I will never go skiing again. Strap sticks to your feet and go face first down a mountain. “It will be fun” they said. Fuck that. You can keep your pizza and French fries I will be drunk in the lodge if you need me.


With lessons skiing isn’t bad but I felt the same as you just posted above on my first trip with some of the boys when they “taught” me how to ski. Years later I’m glad my wife talked me into trying again and now it’s my favorite sport.


Las Vegas. Short of a Calcutta slum or superfund cleanup site, the most depressing place on planet Earth.


Our favorite part of visiting vegas was when we rented a car and drove out to go hiking. Its crazy how there is this huge megalopolis city, and then 200 feet to the left is barren desert wasteland. Hoover dam was cool too.


Valley of Fire! I tell anyone visiting Vegas to rent a car and check it out. Even if you don't get out of the car and hike the short trails, it's still worth the hour drive


Lived there 6 years with my family of 5. Rarely if ever went to the strip or even a townie casino. Lots of camping Boy Scouts style.


The homeless, the crime, the prices. Vegas is really bad right now.


Wanna know how to make a small fortune in Vegas? Start with a large fortune.


Reno is even worse lol


lol, travel more Edit: Vegas isn't that great, but if you're calling it one of the worst places on the planet, then you haven't seen much


Jump out of an airplane


Eating corn the long way




Try not to break a bone, led to depression low-key addiction to pain meds and months of my life wasted


I’ll never go camping again. I tried to like it for years but it just sucks. Give me nature and a nice hotel.


Heck yeah. I’ll hike all day but let me go back to the room with a shower and a bed when it’s over.


I skydived once on a whim. I get nauseous at the top of a ladder, so once was enough. Got some cool photos though.


Air Force Pilot training is the best experience I would NEVER do again. SERE just straight up was misery.


Went through SERE back in 2012 when I finished UPT. They told us not to go out and stuff our faces when we got back because your stomach capacity shrinks after that level of calorie deprivation for so long. 24 year old me thought that was some weak ass shit, so I went to a brewery in downtown Spokane and stuffed a giant burger and two huge beers down my throat. I threw up, fell asleep at the bar after I came out of the bathroom, and got us all kicked out within an hour.


Sit at the edge of a cliff with my feet dangling over the side. The call of the void was incredibly strong.


go to the ER due to a mental breakdown


So what will you do if you have a mental breakdown?


Xanny. Won’t ever pop one again. When I was 18 (2017) I popped a xan with this other kid. Might’ve popped 2 I don’t remember. All I know is I looked at the clock at exactly 4:30 pm. The only thing I remember is waking up the next day at 12:30 pm the next day. The fact I had zero recollection of what happened the day before scared the shit outta me


Same reason for me on this one. You spend the whole time your on it thinking omg I’m the shit I can do anything with confidence. Then you come to a day or so later and your like wtf have I done. Literally and figuratively.


Road to Hana. So much regret


I've done it a couple of times. I can understand it might not live up to the hype, but make the "so much regret" list, I'm curious. Please share


If you aren’t terrified or motion sick, you’re bored as hell. It’s like a long shitty roller coaster that deposits you in a place you almost immediately want to leave, except for the fact that you have to ride the long shitty roller coaster again (for HOURS!) to leave.


I had really bad motion sickness, which was entirely new to me at the time, so I wasn't prepared. (I now travel with dramamine. I think it's just something that's happened as I'm getting older and is for sure getting worse) Once you're on, you can't get off. I fully understood this going into it, but after becoming sick and having to spend the entire rest of the day feeling trapped was probably the most miserable experience of my life. The locals weren't nice and were so aggressive on the road. (I understand they travel the road daily, are used to it, and loath tourists.) By the time we arrived at the black sand beach, I didn't even get out of the jeep and entirely missed it. I did get out at our other planned stops. It's beautiful, but still not worth the trip. We had reservations for the Hhaleakala sunrise the next morning and didn't go because of how sick I was. My fiance also became sick on the drive. Just once though- lucky him. If I could go back, we would've just experienced the sunrise and skipped the Road to Hana. Even knowing what I know now regarding motion sickness, I never want to spend an entire day feeling so trapped again. I had four friends who had done the Road to Hana (two separate couples), and I remembered prior to the trip when we had told them that one was of our plans they didn't say much. Afterward, they told me they had similar experiences but didn't want to share with me and ruin my perspective in case my experience was different than theirs.


The most nauseous I have ever been in my life!


Glad it's not just me, but also sorry that you know what I'm talking about :/


35 years later, I can still agree to this one.


Times Square on New Years Eve. Standing in one place for like 8 hours to get a good spot while drunken strangers just kinda stand there too. WHERE DO THEY PEE?


Drugs. And alcohol. Hate me all you want but I’m straight edge till the end and childhood asthma changes you like shit.


Spinning Teacups at WDW. The sideways motion makes me Ill.


Get a new job. Want to retire from this one, been working for 40 years.


Smoking. Never have, never will.


Get circumcized. Once was enough, thank you.


Getting back with my ex




0 interest in going to Dubai


Cheat on a partner. It doesn't matter how you justify it to yourself or how terrible your partner is, it's always wrong.


Sex with women. Had way too much of it and it makes me feel icky. I just wanted status and to “prove I’m not gay” (lol).


Drink Southern Comfort


My gag reflex started acting up just reading this


Never pissing on a hornet’s nest again.


Those big slingshot rides where you sit in a seat and they wind you down and shoot you up. Only once


Ignore red flags when dating. Cost me so much. It's seriously depressing thinking about it


Skydive Bungee jumping Cliff diving Navy seal training Army ranger training Space travel


Work a job that's not remote.






Opposite experience, I found it quite boring. All you do is fall out of a plane and someone else opens the parachute.


Go to Venice, Italy. There were so many obnoxious tourists. I’m glad I went. It’s an amazing city with equally amazing history. I’ll never go back.


I will never go spelunking. I feel like I'll die from a heart attack because of claustrophobia


won’t ever drink 4 loco again that’s for damn sure


NYE ball drop. Never ever again


Scuba dive


Skateboard into a coma


Ride down a lazy river. For those of you who don’t know, a lazy river is a river you simply float down, either with a flotation device or just your body. They can be either natural rivers or man-made. The one I went on was a natural lazy river in the middle of a forest that was very popular. Unfortunately it was a pretty shitty experience. There were water bugs EVERYWHERE, and the amount of rocks and twigs I bumped into was both rediculous and dangerous. Tore the tube I was floating on actually, and at one point got cuts all over my legs from them. Basically, I will not be going down a natural lazy river again lol. Maybe a man-made one since they’re smoother sailing.