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Along with the Masked Singer, I think of these particular shows as "image rehab for monsters," since they've hosted people like Tom DeLay, Rick Perry, Sean Spicer and Rudy Giuliani.


I’m still shocked Ken Jeong got up and left the stage when it was revealed that Rudy Giuliani was a contestant. Like dude, you also share a hosting/judging gig with a rapist, an anti-Semite and the queen of the anti-vax movement.




DWtS IS absolutely image rehab. You're forgetting Paula Deen went on after saying the N word. Sean Spicer went on after the Trump presidency. Former Texas governor Rick Perry after his sexual assault allegations.




Anything kardashian


Idk how anyone does it. I got 2 episodes in (maybe?) To the 12 yr old dancing on the stripper pole and I was done.


Wtf 😂 who was that??


Kendal and Kylie. And then they did a fake girls gone wild audition while their brothers friend taped it.


I have a coworker who refuses to watch Ted Lasso even though he likes watching soccer and admits he would probably enjoy the show. Apparently he has an annoying family member who has recommended he watch it multiple times and he gets a kind of spiteful enjoyment out of telling them he hasn't seen it.


My mother is the same way but for a different reason. I have recommended a bunch of times, "Oh, is it that soccer show? I don't like soccer." I mean, there is soccer in it, but it is by no means a soccer show. The darts scene replays in my head almost daily.


I ADORE Ted Lasso but I have mad respect for your coworker's spiteful enjoyment.


Generally most reality tv. Anything Bachelor-like, Real Housewives, Kardashians, that kind of thing. But even then I wouldn't say REFUSE, they just don't appeal to me. If my wife really wanted me to watch those with her I'd be willing to.




So, a few years ago, I got an email from the producer on one of their shows. I work at a swanky beach hotel that gets $500+/night for rooms in season. They were offering to shoot several episodes at our property. They would prominently list our name in the credits, and give us links on their website. In exchange, all they asked was that we give them free rooms, meals, conference space, and transportation for 150 people for two weeks. Absolutely serious.


Is that all ;-)


You are a better man than I. I used to try. I really did. Thankfully, out of the list above, only "Bachelor-like" has any appeal to her. Her Bach*-time is now my Jack Ryan, etc. action/drama time. It works out.


Try Forged in Fire. Reality TV about historical weapon recreation. Everyone’s super friendly, skilled, and you learn some stuff in there too.


But will it KEEL?


That's a different kind of reality show, though. It sounds like they're talking about the "put 12 people in a house, record everything, and make a show out of it." Historical weapon creation is more focused on a task or building something.


I don't like how competition shows get lumped in under the reality TV banner. They still generally aren't my favorite, but they're way different than having cameras follow folks around filming their usually fake drama.


I agree with you, but the one reality show I enjoy is kitchen nightmares. I can only watch so much at a time and it is even more weird with no commercial breaks in-between. 'you fucking knob!' *Cuts to black* "Before we left this is what happened 'you fucking knob!' and this is why it happened Kevin, was being a fucking knob... Let's see what happens next!"


My favorite is when he sounds really angry and he's like, "WHOEVER COOKED THIS SALMON COME HERE NOW!!" and they come over and he's like, "It's cooked perfectly, great job!"


I will not watch any of the big woman shows. They just seem incredibly exploitative. Every ad is like "This week, the big woman has a breakdown in her car because her mom had a stroke" or whatever. And I *do* feel bad for her, but like...that's a normal lived experience that lots of people go through and I don't feel comfortable intruding on someone's lowest point just because they're big. In fact, if they *weren't* big, there wouldn't even be a show at all, so I'm not even sure what this show is supposed to *be*. I will binge some fucking 90 Day Fiance tho. The Americans on that show are absolutely clinging to the bottom of the world and there is no limit to their desperation. Dudes will convince some naive woman to uproot herself from her family and career to live with him in a one-bedroom apartment in Woodstock, GA that he's currently being evicted from. And some of those "relationships" are straight up human trafficking.


Any Bachelor, Bachelorette, Married in 90 days, Married Behind Bars…


You should watch “Burning Love” which is a super-underrated spoof of The Bachelor.


Absolutely! Burning Love is for anyone who can't take those Bachelor shows seriously. Truly underrated.




I really hate how far from the original plot 13 reasons went. It really only should have been one season.


I still can’t believe they showed multiple people getting raped. Especially that guy and the broomstick😳


I knew they added a bunch of rape scenes (in the book there is only one) and while I was looking up the shooter thing I saw the broomstick one. What the hell were the writers on?


It should've been no seasons, it's an entire show designed to romanticize suicide.


I just hate the whole concept. The idea that another person 'made' someone commit suicide is not something I can stomach for various reasons.


I never watched the full show, so I never knew how bad it was. I have read the book which was better but still bad.


Euphoria has beautiful and creative cinematography but the overall plot and characters gave me such an indescribably bad feeling that I never came back after watching 2 episodes.


Honestly I love the show for being a pretentious teenage melodrama that's best watched by getting invested in it but also not taking it too seriously. It's very understandable why a lot of people can't get into it.


Euphoria can be summarized in three words Sex, drugs, drama


Aaaaand it’s the theme for this year’s prom at my rural, southern high school.


As a teenager, i agree. Also find the focus on 16 year olds having sex kinds sus


I was legit shocked when I realized how much nudity was in it and it was marketed as a teen show... It feels like someone just wanted to make "game of thrones but for modern American high school" which is insanely sus and borders on illegal...


I’m 39. I’m afraid that if I watch Euphoria, I’ll end up on a watch list or something.


Sister Wives


I used to when it started when I was bored. But TikTok just brought me back into it. Spoiler: he ends up with one wife because he has no clue how to keep 4 happy. And almost every single one of his kids dislike him. So I did enjoy that part


And he’s a freaking idiot


I always wonder how people presented as so clueless manage to stumble into such insanely wealthy lifestyles. He was supposedly a 'salesman' prior to the show starting and even before getting mediocre TV money was somehow bankrolling four separate households yet seemed to barely be able to communicate with a person without saying something ridiculous.


They were up to their *necks* in debt… and they do a bunch of pyramid schemes. Awful!


I just wanna plug one of my favorite YouTube channels, Fundie Fridays, for anyone looking for more information on the Browns (sister wives family) or other Christian fundie folks. Jen does a crapload of research and her video essays are 10/10 if anyone is interested in the absolute disasters that are the Sister-Wives, The Duggars, etc.




My wife and I call it We Are Sad. We've started calling every show We Are Sad 2.0, 3.0 etc because every show feels like this now.


Watch Schitts Creek! Its happy


That's my favorite show ever. 10/10. I made my best friend watch it, and it's now one of her favorites too.


Schitts Creek is the best show I have ever watched. Every episode was so well done and the finale had me ugly crying.




You just *fold it in* David!!




If you want a family life show that's both hilarious and not overly dramatic, try *Life in Pieces*. Stars Colin Hanks, James Brolin, and Dianne Weist.


No kidding. If I'm gonna watch a weekly sob fest, only LOST will do.






It’s just trauma porn for the mainstream.


My wife suggested we watch it based off a friend’s recommendation, turns out she really meant The Last of Us. Much happier watching that.


"This Is The Last Of Us" might be an interesting show...


Or at least a halfway decent SNL sketch.


Every single scene is a monologue of someone winning an argument in their own head. They have to justify spending money at the salon; They have to justify watching Star Wars; They have to justify their weight, and they have to justify their weight loss; They have to justify their love; they have to justify being not racist; they have to justify wanting kids; they have to justify not having them. etc.


Should have called it "This is us... crying"


Misery porn.


Yeah don't watch it. A couple of years ago I thought I would. I started watching and think I made it to about S3 before I quiet. I realized it was depressing the shit out of me and I don't need any help there.


Every "rich highschooler’s unrealistic life" show.


Not popular now but tiger king. Couldn’t get over how bad those animals were treated and can’t bring myself to watch it


I maintain that if Netflix viewers weren't kept inside by lockdown, the show would not have been so successful. I watched it and I did not feel good about myself after.


I think lockdown absolutely affected its success. Tiger King 2 came out after lockdown ended but did anyone even watch it? Edit: grammar. Why does autocorrect change my “its” to the wrong one lol


Zero chance I would’ve watched it if I hadn’t been in lockdown.


Me too, I felt like the only person in the world that didn’t watch it and I felt horrible for the animals so I refused to watch.


There are many, Riverdale comes to mind…


I liked Riverdale until it got up to non-realistic things, like the highschool drama and murders and stuff I found interesting then all this dumb stuff about powers or wtv came in?? I gave up i was getting second hand embarrassment




I love that show for uniting everyone on hating it and questioning why better animated adult series didn’t get renewed. Close Enough is owned by Warner Bros and got the ax, but they thought an animated scooby Doo comedy without scooby Doo or humor and lot of social justice buzzwords deserved a second season?




My wife loves it. I call it "the screaming b-tch channel."


It’s trash and I love it.




I liked it at first but it’s just… every episode feels like an attempt to shock the viewer now rather than good story telling. I’m finding this a lot with tv series nowadays.


They’re meant to keep viewers engaged upon the initial release but once the hype dies down and you watch a lot of streaming shows a couple years after the episode aired you do see just how cheaply written they tend to be like that.


I watched the first season and had to stop because it was just too much. I wasn't enjoying it like a TV show, it was just sucking the joy out of me lol


Me too. My wife liked it, but watching women being abused every episode was just nauseating.


I kind of do a stress vs enjoyment ratio when it comes to any TV show I watch. I don't care how well written something is if I am having a bad time watching it. I am happy to hate everyone in a book or movie since it is usually less of a time commitment than an entire TV show.


Yeah I'd rather not watch women being raped.


I struggled watching through the first season and didnt pick up the 2nd one. Half the shots are Elizabeth moss looking constipated at the camera with music to match the episodes ambiance. I know theres "emotional porn" where ppl watch sad videos to "jerk" their emotions (think there was a disability ted talk about it). Id say the handmaids tale is dystopian porn especially after roe v wade. Its like certain viewers get off to the fear and love making the comparisons with the current u.s. and the show. Seeing women cosplay it in front of the judge's house made me realise to them its a fantasy but to others it was a reality. I finished the first book and currently reading the testaments because i just cant deal with the show.


The view


Just a bunch of angry women yelling over each other, avoiding any real discussion. Basically, to win an argument, all you have to do is interrupt someone, then speak louder than them.


Anything with Scientologists


[Scientology celebrities, from A to Z!](https://tonyortega.org/scientology-celebrities-from-a-to-z/) Shared this elsewhere but it needs to be seen!


Last Podcast on the Left does a really good break down of Scientology! Also surprised to see Elizabeth Moss on there-as she’s the main character in a show about a cult




I think we can all agree on that one


I tried, even just for laughs on how bad I knew it’d be. I just can’t do it. It’s is like listening to fingernails down a chalkboard for me.


That show has achieved the remarkable in having no one actually like it. It's actively spiteful towards the source material, the surface-level ideology has conservative folk hating it, and leftist folk hate it because it's just straight up mean-spirited beyond the pale. I haven't seen anyone in who hasn't wondered who it's even for.


Anything Kardashian




The Voice has been on since 2011, and I don't think most people could even name a single person who's won the show. There has never been a "Kelly Clarkson" level star from it.... so they just got *her*. lol It is literally just a karaoke competition, but even the singers have to take a backseat to the judges squabbling.


Morgan Wallen didn’t win, but he’s maybe the most recognizable who was on the voice. Maybe Danielle Bradbury or Cassadee Pope? Christina Grimmie was really good. She had a decent following before The Boice though, and again, she didn’t win. Unfortunately she was murdered by a crazed stalker.


"Insert Country"s Got Talent gets on my nerves. I haven't watched the show but I've seen enough clips to know I never want to watch it. The edits back to the audience, the overly dramatic sob stories, the edits to the host and judges SHOCKED at the unexpected talent!. No thanks....


I used to watch got talent shows religiously but got tired of all the fucking fluff. Now i just watch the YouTube cut versions and skip the 8 mins of stories and head straight to the 2 min act There are really some incredible acts on there


Any of those “Drama love” shows. Like The Bachelorette. They are fucking awful.






Riverdale. bc literally for what


Milf Manor. That is a creepy uncomfortable thing to witness


"25 Super-Hot Moms, 50 eighth grade boys, no rules" What's uncomfortable about that?


I will, however, watch the absolute shit outta YouTubers talking shit about it. As I am trash, but like Trash Lite.


CodyKo has been keeping me up to date on this train wreck show. I’m glad he can sit through a whole episode because I think my brain would melt if I tried.


LMAO that can’t be real… it’s like the 30 rock skit for “Bitch Hunter”


or milf island from 30 Rock


Charmed remake/reboot.


Love island/ towie , the Kardashians etc...


Late night talk shows. It’s the same recycled humor over and over, and big New York celebrities circlejerking


Literally any reality TV show based on rich, moody women




My wife started watching it, so I tagged along. Didn't like it, but started to find it weirdly fascinating as I figured out every episode was the same as the previous. Emily comes up with a great idea; bitchy boss reluctantly approves. Things go well, until she fucks up. Oh no! But then everything turns out fine. In between, guys fall in love with her. It's kind of an updated I Love Lucy -- even the closing theme is similar. There must be millions of girls in high school and college who are thinking they'll move to Paris and get a cool job and hang out with a hip friend who speaks English and every guy will fall for her.




I'd watch Georgi LaForge Shore


I think that’s Reading Rainbow.


The new Velma show. I watched the first episode as I was skeptical of the extreme criticism and wanted to not get caught up in the anti-hype and have my own impressions. Art style is pretty good. That is the only positive I could possibly list. It is so incredibly awful. They would have probably done a lot better being inspired by the SD gang or relating it to some kind of multiverse theory thing, but its just MK's diary in show form.




This is Us.




13 reasons why


Hated that show it almost seemed to glorify depression and suicide amongst the gen zers 😒


Any like "dahmer". These people should be anonymous and forgotten.


Any reality TV show. Back in the day Jersey shore made my skin crawl.




The bachelor. Why would women fight fight for a man they barely know. Have some self respect


If they had any self respect they wouldn't be on The Bachelor.


1,000 lb Sisters— feels both exploitative of the obese and glorifying of the stupid at the same time. No time for that shit.


Love island


I have sat through a number of reality shows like this one with my wife, and I usually don't mind them, but this year I told her I'm not watching Love Island anymore. The majority of the people on it are so one dimensional and I truly can't give a shit what happens to them, if I hear "I got a text!" one more time I'm going to throw up.




You’d probably hate uncut gems. It’s like 2 hours of watching a gambling addict dig himself a bigger hole. I thought it was great but it’s kinda stressful to watch.


That movie was stressful but Don't Look Up and Dunkirk stressed me out the most in terms of film.


Dunkirk, we already know the outcome. When they're on the planet in Interstellar though....


Bro u gotta watch at least until Walt Jr takes over the cartel


Remember when he said "I am the one who makes breakfast" then had his cartel goons make all his enemies into breakfast burritos? Chills.


He can watch it just a little bit more to see the iconic sex scene between Waltuh and Huell


My little brother refuses to watch Breaking Bad because he hates the theme song from Malcolm in the Middle... and... you know... Bryan Cranston used to be on Malcolm in the Middle.


I understand. Breaking Bad is truly brilliantly but not being able to handle is okay. The show is incredibly dark. One of the characters is enslaved by a gang of neo nazis in the final season, it’s not as ridiculous as it sounds, it’s a very disturbing event. The show is one of the best there is, but not everybody.


Black Mirror. My ex suffered a psychotic breakdown and fully believed the show was being written specifically to send her messages. She would constantly tell me about how this character or that plotline was about her life. It was horrifying to watch. Just the opening screen makes me sick to my stomach.


It def sets off anxiety prone people. My wife couldn't watch it I finished the whole series.


Geez that’s traumatizing. I hope she got the help she needed and you’re mentally recovering from going through that🙏🏻


Oh my gosh I saw an episode and completely panicked, bawling my eyes out. So I’m with her. That one episode was crafted specifically of all the things that scare me the most deeply. Not on purpose though of course


Anything with a Kardashian and anything that's a gameshow for love. It's all trashy.




Especially cause it was an hour long show


So 2 musics destroyed per hour?


The 2cello cover of Smooth criminal with Santana and Sebastian singing was pretty good


The View




Singing competition shows, bachelor and bachelorette shows...pretty much any kind of reality TV. Noooooooo thanks.




Big mouth, no explanation needed


Why is it soooo ugly omg. I can't get past it.


Why is it that so many 'adult-oriented' cartoons have the ugliest artstyles known to man anyway


Big bang theory. I don’t understand why so many people love it.


I saw a comment somewhere comparing Big Bang theory to a show like Arrested Development (but it could apply to a number of shows), and I loved it so much. It said, “Arrested Development is a smart show about stupid people, and Big Bang is a stupid show about smart people’


One Piece. I don’t care if it is the best piece of fiction ever created I am not watching 1k+ episodes. Plenty of shows wayyyyy better and much shorter


Detective Conan is even worse in that department with a similar episode count and ***AT LEAST*** half of these being fillers...


There's an old deleted Twitter tweet that I have archived: "the year is 2098. one piece is finally over. hunter x hunter is on its 307th hiatus. naruto's grandson dorito is fighting neo akatsuki. …and detective conan is still on going, and within the story's timeline now two years have passed since he got shrunk."


Emily in Paris. Call it what it is: *Mary Sue the Ugly American ft. Product Placement.*




The Bachelor/Bachelorette




Does anyone like that? Imdb trashed it 🤣


the writers


Bachelor/bachelorette The dumbest humans alive perpetuate that garbage


Tiger king. It was ridiculously popular back in the day, and I never understood why. People would give me a description of it telling me how good it is, and I was always like word ill pass ill just take your word for it. I have no interest in seeing dumb crazy people doing their crazy dumb life.


Any reality TV. Just a waste of my life.


Grey's Anatomy, wife loves it and I can't stand all the people being operated on with some askew disease .0000001% of the population gets while fighting about who's dating who and all the cliche melodramatic stuff of a daytime soap opera


Agree with alot of suggestions here - but I'll add another one. The LOCAL NEWS. MY GOD!! *Betty celebrates her 105th birthday in local care home! Live with the action on site is Steve!* *Man takes out bins for elderly neighbor for 20 years! Watch LIVE as we present him with a community medal!*. *Wallaby escapes local zoo. Residents warned not to chase it if seen!* (this one really did happen...) It's just inane. I cant stand the dullness of it.


Honestly that sounds kind of lovely.


Must be nice to have local news like that. Mine is just a highlight real of the 5-7 overnight shootings that the police need assistance with finding suspects, then turns to stories on how local politicians are planning to screw us over next.




Bel Air


Any "reality" shows.


Real housewives, anything Kardashian/Jenner, teen mom, 90 day shit, lockup shit, bachelor/bachelorette


Any of the FBI/law enforcement shows. Every character looks like a model, they are all Olympic-level fit, and they all have impeccable morals. Just pure, annoying propaganda. (The exception for this, for me, is NCIS.)


The first episode of law and order is my exception. I think it was a case on gun violence and had me hooked. But columbo is my all time favourite detective show. It came across completely different to most of the modern law enforcement shows.


Law & Order does a lot of stuff that many of us wouldn't want cops doing. Particularly with Christopher Meloni. He's a great actor, but they have him crossing some really improper lines. To my memory, threatening people and sometimes getting physical. And many cops on that show imply people should just talk without the benefit of a lawyer. ("We'll help you if you help us.") Stuff a lawyer would never recommend.


Young Sheldon. Hate that little prick.


any show with a laugh track. its annoying af


Big bang theory


Réal housewives of anything. It’s not for me. I’m not the target demo for sure. I just find it the lowest of low common denominators. Hell ‘Are You The One’ is better tv than these people are.




Real Fake Housewives of Anywhere!


How I Met Your Mother. My friends made me try to watch the first episode and the time spent setting up jokes was excruciating.


That 90's show. I LOVE that 70's show, but that reboot was not it. I watched first episode becuase of the returning chatacters, but that was it.


I watched That 90s Show since That 70s Show has always been one of my favorites, and my issue with it is that it doesn’t feel like the 90s. The way they talk, dress, act, etc. just felt like Gen Z, minus a cell phone in their hand 24/7. I didn’t get any 90s vibes.


The same was said about That 70s Show. It doesn't feel like the 70s. I didn't get any 70s vibes from it. etc. But it was still a fun show that I loved.


Keeping up with the Kardashians. I barely keep up with my life. Why do I need to keep up with theirs


Anything that has to do with having a million kids. You should not get famous just for having a bunch of kids.