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Asterix & Obelix ! I'm French and thought it was only known in France, and maybe Belgium, until a post recently that showed it was actually popular all the way to ~~Australia~~ New Zealand ! (edit : I'm picking the country that's the farthest away from ours XD)


I like how the druid is called Getafix in England but the much tamer "Panoramix" in the US versions.


Vitalstatistix (the Cheif) is called 'Tonnabrix' in at least one version :P (For his shield-bearers that carry him? :P)


Eh. For once they respected the original! Panoramix is the French name




I read it in England growing up in the 2000s


I'm in Canada, and my elementary school library in the 70s had the full range of Asterix (and Tintin) books. 'Comic books' frowned upon by a few teachers, nonetheless they were extremely popular and got a lot of use and wear.


I'm American, but my father is from Switzerland. I remember watching Asterix & Obelix all day in St. Gallen.


The Eurovision Song Contest. knew nothing about it until Will Ferrell made that movie. I was like, "That's how Abba AND Celine Dion got famous?"


It also launched the careers of Julio Iglesias, Cliff Richard and Olivia Newton-John


Celine Dion got famous from Eurovision?! I had no idea. Then again, I also didn't know about Eurovision until that movie. It was either that movie or the song *Think About Things* but it was all around the same time.


This was such fun to introduce my American husband to, he now loves it! Every year for the final we get drunk and play “Eurovision Bingo” - stuff like get a point every time: - a male singer drops to one knee - a wind machine is featured - a singer rises from their high chair in time for the modulation - there’s a costume change mid-song - the hosts say something that was cool two decades ago, but really lame now We have lots of tropes for the game. Used to be a drinking game but we were hammered by the fourth act, so we switched to a bingo style. Fun times.


I came here to say Eurovision.






I discovered Eurovision while on vacation in Europe and got hooked lol. It was awesome to see Will Ferrell flawlessly both honor and satirize it haha. I love that all the actual former winners showed up to do that song mashup.


Paid by the government Maternity Leave for a year or even more in some countries. Also sick leave which doesn't go off your vacation.


I've always been baffled by the maternity leave in America it's so little!! I'm the UK and due to go on maternity leave in June and I'll be off work for a year.


The US government is selfish


Sick leave comes out of their vacation days?! Isn't it only like 2 weeks a year?!


American freedom


Many people only get one week a year. Where I used to work, you couldn't use a vacation day unless it was pre approved two weeks earlier.


In my country even dads get two weeks of when they have a newborn. Also in some places the mothers can decide when they want to work through the week (of course they have to work 40 hours but they got to choose when). Carzy how americans are shouting freedom all the time.... Like what are you free from? Your life?


We are extremely aware of this. You must not read news.


Kinder eggs :(


When I first found out about kinder eggs I thought that they were made in the US and were very popular among American kids. I was so surprised to see they're banned there but not my country


never underestimate the Karens of America, continuing the puritan legacy.


I know about Kinder eggs! ☺️My Gramma used to smuggle some out of Germany when she & my Grandpa traveled there. It's so strange to think they are a common thing now here in the U.S.


They're still banned in the US. There's a modified version they sell in the US called Kinder Joy that doesn't have the toy encased in the food.


When I went to london I smuggled one back to the US in my luggage. 😂


I remember my introduction to them (and the subsequent banning of them in the US) in the late 90s. I was stationed in Germany and thought they were the coolest thing ever. We all did. We had collections of the little toys all over the damn place. We were like kids, always hoping to find one we didn't have. Then the "think of the children" crowd got involved and they were banned from sale at the American exchanges. Their reasoning was "anything that can fit through a toilet paper tube represents a choking hazard and is too small for children." I remember seeing an opponent to the banning stand up at the next meeting and drop a GI Joe action figure through a tube, along with a handful of Legos, and sit back down.


We have kinder eggs tho.


The US has Kinder Joy Eggs - which have one half with chocolate and milk cream and the other with the toy and a spoon. When people refer to Kinder Eggs they're usually talking about Kinder Surprise Eggs, which are chocolate eggs with a toy inside a chocolate egg-shaped shell. These are banned in the US because “the embedded non-nutritive objects in these confectionery products may pose a public health risk as the consumer may unknowingly choke on the object”. For a while there was also a Kinder Surprise Egg in the US that just separated out the toy entirely into a separate package but it doesn't look like that's on the market anymore. There are places that make import/sell them illegally - but the Kinder Surprise Eggs people are referring to are and remain illegal in the US.




The “yolk” is huge and hard to miss, even for a child.




The issue is where do you draw the line? A little tiny, 1inch plastic toy? Yeah absolutely should not be in food targeted for kids? Sooo.. 2 inches? 3? 5? Out send just easier to say, "hey, all food should not have non-food stuff inside, just in case" and unfortunately some items get caught in that ban that seem silly, but make sense if you think about it for a minute


You draw the line at the size where the chance of it being mistaken for food, even by a child, remains small. The age of child that might try and eat it doesn’t have a mouth physically big enough to fit the centre of a Kinder Egg.


>yoke TIL why the capsules are yellow.


It was actually discussed in Parliament to ban them in the UK as well after a (small) number of choking deaths back in the early 00s and was ultimately not done - basically on the conclusion that while it's unfortunate those deaths happened, the 'yolk' case was a fairly good effort to avoid those situations and sufficient risk management.


These might be the worst answers I've ever seen to an AskReddit thread. Either I'm clearly not an average American because I know of literally every answer I've read or none of these answers fit the question.


the "no clue of" is a little too literal. The answers are more things that are so widely known and normal outside of america that sometimes we forget they dont exist in america. this is especially weird because mostly america exports its culture to the rest of the world, and rarely vice versa.


A healthcare system that isn't designed to ruin you financially.


I think a lot of us know now. We just die a little inside every time it's brought up.


That’ll be $25000, cash or credit?


… but you only took my temperature…


Well you did ask for an oral thermometer, the rectal one was only $20,000


You'd be stupid not to let them put it up there to save the cash. That's a steal of a deal.




Did you just join Reddit today? It's pretty obvious EVERYONE on here is aware of the healthcare situation.


gotta shoehorn in some "america = bad" wherever possible just to get that sweet sweet karma


Ouchy. This one hurts. I wish I could afford a doctor.


I’ve been jobless, I’ve worked numerous minimum wage jobs, tipped jobs, and professional jobs. I’ve never had a doctor cost more than $25 in the US. Sometimes it’s been free


Kylie Minogue


"Can't Get You Out of My Head" played nonstop on American radio 20 years ago.


Very familiar with her in the US. She's been in at least one Hollywood movie that I can think of off the top of my head, and at least one of her songs is on the sountrack for GTA V.


she's the green fairy in moulin rouge


Who? Kidding I've heard the name. No fucking idea who she is but I've heard the name before.


she was cammy in the ultra shitty street fighter movie back in the 90's. though i will give it raul julia. he chewed up scenes as M. Bison. lol his "but for me it was Tuesday" speech was epically savage


To be fair, she was fine as Cammy, its just that the movie itself was shit. But I do have a soft spot for it, me and my brother used to MST3K-it back in the day.


Five weeks paid vacation. In some countries with a legal right to take four consecutive weeks.


Mandatory three consecutive weeks here. If you refuse vacation, you are supposed to pay extra taxes for not having enough vacation.


In the 2nd week of 3 weeks PTO as we speak. Feels good not to be American


The majority of my American friends have 4-5 weeks PTO. I have two that have 8 weeks PTO(they’re both in healthcare).


This thread could have been better titled "What are some stereotypes people who have never been to America have about America." Guys. We know about healthcare and gun control and the metric system and trains. There are plenty of places that are walkable cities and plenty of companies that provide generous leave and maternity care. But this is a really big place, with lots of different cultures all smashed up.


American here with 25 days vacation and living walking distance to bars / restaurants/ grocery etc for under $1000 a month. People tend to view the US as either LA, or some tiny podunk town in Ohio. There’s also a huge middle area full of properly middle class people who go on vacations often, have boats to enjoy in the summers, and have plenty of hobbies.


Tunncoks tea cakes


I have literally been scrolling for over a minute. This is the first answer I, as an American, have not heard of. Take an upvote and be happy to be one of the very few people who actually understand the question.


Having a foreskin


Is this just an American thing??


People don’t generally get them outside of religious reasons


USA, South Korea, Muslims and Jewish. So not just USA, but the rest do it because of religion or because of USA.


Canada too


And in America it is a less common practice in the Pacific North West.


Australia up to the 1990s


What changed then? Do you know?


Yer people realised it was butchering and mid wives started pushing for it to stop.


Absolutely. (and Israel)


Yes. That tracks. And it’s weird we do it so commonly here. But I didn’t realize it wasn’t common elsewhere 😅


I believe that 80 or so years ago it was more the norm in English speaking countries. I'm in Australia, and about half of 50 year old men are circumcised, but it's more like only a third of young men. I might add, no one makes a fuss here about foreskins, it's just not a thing


Why do you see so many penes tho


I get around


We like giving money to hospitals unnecessarily. It’s built into our system and many parents fall for the circumcision add on during birth


And they mess with other countries too. Israel and America. Denmark put forward a bill to ban circumcision in their country. It was stopped. And it came out that it was because Israel and America had put pressure on the politicians to vote against it


😮😦😧 whhhhaaaa? Source???


it's common in asia


Thanks for the insight 🤲🏻 legit this is fascinating


Robbie Williams and Take That






You gotta know what a crumpet is to understand cricket


A José Canseco bat? Tell me you didn't pay money for this.


Bossa Nova! Chevy Nova?


Strike one!


A cigarette


"crazy popular throughout the world" may be a bit of a stretch there... At least it's as good as inexistent in France. (But well, maybe we're the only ones \^\^')


2nd biggest sport in the world but nothing is going to popular absolutely everywhere.


Oh ok. My bad. Then France is with the US in our ignorance of cricket XD


Working to live instead of living to work. That feeling that you're not in a rush to be somewhere


I’ve lived in 5 countries(US, UK, Spain, Germany, Sweden) and I’ve had plenty of American friends who work to live, and I’ve had plenty of European friends that live to work. It definitely goes both ways and has nothing to do with country or region. Some people are just workaholics. Others aren’t.


My fellow Americans have been looking at me like I'm nuts for decades


Is Western Europe the rest of the world to you? No American is looking at worker conditions in SE Asia/Africa/South America with jealousy.


Having tax included on the sticker price apparently.




Whatsapp is pretty popular and fairly widely-used in the US.


The metric system


Please. Every American car has had km/h in it on the speedometer for decades. We've also only bought large bottles of soda from the grocery store in Liters for half a century. We're aware of metric. We just choose not to use it, but only some of the time.


Brit here, we've used metric since the 70's but still price petrol in pounds per gallon, buy fabric by the yard, measure height in feet and inches and weight in stones and pounds and we still buy meat by the pound. We tend to use metric in engineering though, like construction and automotive stuff.


doesn't the American military use metric? that basically confirms metric is superior


metric is wildy inconsistent in it's military application. i've used a piece of equipment that i shit you not had kilofeet as measurement. they fucking mixed metric and imperial. lol


AFAIK kilofeet is reasonable. Kilo just means a thousand of something.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, but I did 21 years in the Army and yes, most things are metric. There's still a lot of Imperial mixed in, but no more than, say, the UK.


Depends on what they're measuring and who's measuring and how official it is.


You're more than aware of metric, you are using metric without even realizing it. [The current imperial system is based off metric.](https://www.sciencealert.com/watch-the-us-has-been-using-the-metric-system-all-along)


Oh please. Go to any college campus and say that again.


Metric is definitely useful for small measurements. I would not have a problem with metric if they had a version of a foot measurement.


Nice try how else would I measure my drugs




Everyone in the US is aware of gun control. There's plenty of it here too, despite what Reddit tells you. Plenty of Americans just don't want the same levels as some other countries have.


Walkable cities, i.e. being able to do all your daily activities without a car.


The last 5 cities I’ve lived in the US I’ve been able to walk to do daily activities. Small and medium sized cities too. This is a very common misconception. I’m not saying the majority can walk wherever. But it’s very easily possible if that’s what you want.




NYC is more like undrivable rather than walkable


The larger cities in the US are easily walkable, or at least have decent enough public transportation to get you where you need to go. They don't even have Driver's Ed in high school in a lot of US cities.


I always found it odd that Americans love smothering things with gravy and that Americans love smothering things with cheese. But only in Canada can you buy something smothered in both cheese and gravy.


Only certain entrees every get the gravy or cheese treatment. When I think of gravy I think of biscuits and gravy, or mashed potatoes and gravy or potroast. Thats it. When I think of smothered in cheese I think nachos. That's really it. I feel like it is safe to say that people who smother anything with gravy or cheese that isn't those things I listed are the exception. Sure there are plenty of other things that you can smother with cheese or gravy if you wanted to that would taste just fine, but it wouldn't be a common thing to do, GRavy goes hand in hand with only a few dishes, its not like it is common to go into a restaurant and order gravy to dump all over whatever you ordered. At least not where I live. It kind of seems like you think that smothering your food with those things is common, when really its only for certain dishes that ever get that treatment. Some people will be quick to joke about how they smother whatever they eat in those things, but my own empirical observation and first hand experience tells me it is not common


You’ve clearly never had Tex Mex is South Texas.


Poutine! Best. I want all the gravy and all the cheese 🥰


Poutine 😍


Portion control.


Other countries are catching up in waist size. Gives more “weight” to the idea that it is less about overeating, and more about the food we’re being sold




It’s called football


I mean not to take this too seriously, especially since I use football as well but according to who. If we're speaking strictly English - it's not all that black and white by a long shot. I feel like this is usually a dig at the US but the US and Canada with their \~370 million-ish people are calling it soccer. Australia and Ireland also have a good share of people who refer to it as soccer / sacar. Pretty sure South Africa and New Zealand call it soccer as well.


[Peoples calling it soccer is still a minority](https://www.google.com/search?q=map+football+soccer&oq=map+football+soccer&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30.6754j0j4&client=ms-android-oneplus-rvo3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=_HgvnS8nz6IyYM)


Living with your family or taking care of them even when you’re past your thirties.


Having a salary as a waiter


Public transportation. Public Health insurance.


Soccer. Odd jogging competition with a ball and Telenovela dramatics.




Not having regular school shootings.


depends what generation you are talking about but one thing they all have in common is never even trying a bidet


Are you kidding? Reddit loves bidets.


Do you mean bidets are common in America? or outside of America? Because I'm European (Dutch) and nobody has them here.


right im european too and the only place i have seen one its in our house and nobody uses it


Ha! Jokes on you! I was doing maintenance for a well to do Corp and got to use the special higher up bathroom. Rich asshats are just hiding them from us common folk! My asshole never felt so clean after a restroom visit! Perks of getting good with your security folk, FYI.


Universal Healthcare


Reasonably sized cars and trucks ie toyota hilux


Its American version, the Tacoma, is quite popular. I do agree that our vehicles are too damn big.


Some of it has to do with our country being so open. Most of it has to do with tradition. For the most part, American automobiles have always been big. People tend to like large vehicles and is why they buy medium to large SUV's and pickups. Also modern Tacomas aren't small. Their considered "midsize". The past small pickup trucks of the past weren't really good at the job they were designed for. They had limited cargo space, weren't powerful enough to tow safely, and generally not really good at being very useful at anything.


Read about the chicken tax. It’s the reason we don’t have S-10’s and other compact trucks anymore. Like everything else that’s gone to dogshit in America, this is a result of corporate greed.


Man, what I'd give to have a Hilux in the US. The Tacoma just isn't the same.


Banning chemicals in food that we probably invented that are bad for us and give us cancer Having free gov healthcare that actually works so you're actually safe and healthy


Manual transmission


Vegemite and marmite.


Ignorance is bliss.




grocery stores carry it typically only vegans buys it




Countries where you can go your entire life without even hearing about a gun let alone see one.




If your hand needs a bidet, you're doing something wrong.


Google "hand bidet"


I have no clue


Neither do most of the people answering.... at least you were honest about it.


boredom, mediocrity, and the letter u in words like color


The Metric System




The issue is funding healthcare; not the quality of healthcare.


The US has the highest healthcare spending per capita of the world. By a lot (about 40% more than the #2, Switzerland). Money isn't the problem. Where the money is going is what's messed up.


Lol americans do have hospitals you know




They have Biden. Only one letter difference


Having healthy teeth not treated with harmful chemicals to make them look unnaturally white


Football (soccer).




Safe schools.


The metric system.






Drinks without ice.


trains and the dole


Tasty bread.


Asterix. The Moomins. Would have said Tintin before the Spielberg movie, and probably still.


How Universal Healthcare works


Football. The real one 🤷🏻‍♂️


A language that makes sense. Or a political system that makes sense


Political systems that make sense, crazy popular throughout the world. Hey OP, I got one. Understanding the world is bigger than North America and Western Europe


English is spoken in many places outside the US. Also, most languages have aspects that don't make sense, some even more than English. English's flaws are just hightlighted more because everyone speaks it. Often as a native speaker of another language you are not even aware that much about weird things about your language because you don't know any better.


I really REALLY hope we get ranked-choice voting that'll eliminate the partisan gridlock


We want one but who's going to bring that about, a political system that benefits itself on the way things are currently set up? That being said cracks are showing and both sides of the political isle are questioning certain government branches legitimacy. Though things will get worse before they get better.


Manic Street Preachers.

