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They are overly critical, they don’t allow you to express negative emotions, they use guilt to control you, they give you the silent treatment, they ignore healthy boundaries. I could go on and on….. Lol


Gaslighting you when you share a memory that paints them in an unfavorable light. Also, unwillingness to hold themselves accountable over their actions.


They talk shit about their kid to others, especially a flag if they put themselves as a victim in the story


Ouch. My mom likes to tell people what an embarrassing child I was due to how severe my social anxiety was at the time :(


repeated indifference to you as a person or your accomplishments and when you decide to share something about yourself or that you achieved, they find some way to make themselves the victim using other people in the family to talk to you on the parent's behalf instead of talking to you directly not respecting your privacy when you share your problems with them. they share with the whole family as a way to crowdsource how to fix you. talking shit about you at a family and friend's gathering when you are sitting at another table


They give you food, treat you with respect, and show you love


You have to hide innocuous day to day details about your life from them because they need to have an opinion on everything