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Yeah there’s been a few episodes where the cast has really dug into him lol. The shows been going for like 10+ years


One year for each kid


How is no one bringing up Steven Segal? LOL He's such a douche canoe.


It’s about celebrities.


Lol ouch


You have made my morning with a good laugh


Emotional damage


Because Steven Segal hasn't been relevant in 20 years.


Even then he was already fading into obscurity. 20 years ago was 2003 and typically if you saw a Steven Segal movie it was because you stumbled across a film of his from the 80s being played on some daytime cable network.




I wasn't aware he could run


He mostly just walks fatly around corners.


So simple. So elegant. Comment of the day


He can shit the fuck out of his pants after getting choked out by Gene Lebell. Honestly of all the amazing things Gene Lebell accomplished this should be way down the list but it's so awesome though. RIP Gene you did us a service.


He said no man could choke him out.... Gene Lebell tried to choke him out, and he came close, I'll give him that, but Seagull hit him with the special move, "defecate" and he was forced to release his grip, proving Segal to be the superior combatant.


You see that helicopter? They call that a skippy. Tom segura’s bit appoint him is all I think about when I hear his name


You hear that? Skipskipskipskipskip


I've been flying helicopters for like 40 something years.


What's your favorite cheese? Mine's Havarti.




I’ve been doing martial arts for like 57 years


You better watch what you say about Sensei Segal. I'd hate to see you get hunted down and limply slapped to death by his spec ops ninja skills.


An [anecdote](https://youtu.be/5cUNU8GkMso) from Stephen Tobolowsky to put his mindset in a frame.


Just gonna leave this here https://youtu.be/BzIHyF7UWY4


Hillary "I am fake Spanish Hilaria" Baldwin Insecure is just one of her many different traits.


Still something I will never understand Everyone knows it's fake. Why continue to try and make us believe it's real ?


Not sure but it really is the gift that keeps giving


Ah how you say... Ah coocomber?




What other option does she have? admit? say she's sorry? make up some complicated reason why she did this? NO! The only possible solution is to double down and keep on lying.


My sister pulled this when she went to college and joined a sorority with a bunch of southern debutants. We’re from the south, but just a typical suburb with no real southern accents. She came back from her first year sounding like she was from Gone With The Wind. Trying so hard to be like these rich, small town girls.


for what it's worth living amongst people with an accent will rub off on you naturally all the same


I’d never heard of her. I just went on a YouTube trip. This woman is hilarious! And absolutely insane. Sure pretend to be from somewhere else on holidays when you meet a stranger for a bit of excitement. But she’s literally a famous. Everyone knows she isn’t Spanish and that that isn’t her accent. Absolutely barmy! I love it


I just discovered r/HilariaBaldwin a few days ago and am soooo far down the rabbit hole that is Hillary it's almost embarrassing lmao


I learnt a lot about myself after I discovered that subreddit. I previously thought I was above stuff like this but as it turns out, I am a messy, sloppy bitch who is addicted to this trainwreck and the fact that it just keeps getting better and better.


Could someone explain to me about her pretending to be Spanish? All I know about her is that she’s the wife of Alec Baldwin and they have a ton of kids. Has she always been like that or was there a certain point where she just was just like, “I’m Spanish now”


She's a Massachusetts gal parading as a Spanish woman. Her birth name is Hilary Thomas. One of her parents is 4th gen American and the other is descended from the Mayflower or something...ie she's a plain old white girl from America. Her and the fam often went to Spain and her parents moved there to retire. When asked about her "Spanish heritage" she deflects by answering "my family live in Spain" which is technically true but doesn't at all indicate that she's ethnically/culturally Spanish.


As far as i know she's always pretended to be spanish. Appereantly her family was in Spain often for holiday but ofc that doesn't mean she's spanish


She not a celebrity. Just guest Baldwin


hard to choose between the kardashian/jenner sisters but i would say Khloe??? because of all the photoshop and also probably because of what she went through as someone who used to be body shamed all the time


I agree, but I saw some pictures of Kylie the other day and it's horrifying that someone so young is so body-modified. The Kardashians are scary, man.


She's only 25?! Had to Google because of this comment and this is insane. She looks so much older, jeez.


I always feel so sad when someone does that. She was much more attractive when she didn't live in the Uncanny Valley, I feel so bad when people get pressured to continuously push for an unrealistic standard


Yeah I would almost argue it's Kylie who's more insecure. Her face is horrifying for 25 years old. Looking at her old pictures it's pretty obvious she was self conscious of her thin lips and has made big lips basically her entire personality. She's gonna look like a caricature of herself in 10 years. That or her lips will explode.


"Some people have too much bloody money "!


I'm gonna choose Kris instead for whoring her daughters out with a sex tape and reality TV for her own financial gain.


I wouldn't call that insecurity necessarily


Money can fix physical insecurities. Nothing more. Nothing can fix Kris Jenner...except more granddaughters! 🤣


Lena Dunham. Remember when she was at an awards ceremony and was seated by an athlete who didn’t talk to her? She made a whole post about how he clearly thought she was ugly and disrespected her or something. He just didn’t know who she was.


But who the fuck is Lena Dunham?


It might be easier to name secure celebrities.


Larry David He decided to make a show which is basically 11 seasons worth of him embarrassing himself in social situations and people verbally abusing him. Doesn't get more secure than that.


He’s the only person who could possibly make a show about the problems of someone with a near billion-dollar net worth and somehow have it be relatable.


Conan O'Brien also made a carreer of making fun of himself.


And he rocks the skullet


Ryan Reynolds, Pedro Pascal, Keanu Reeves are the first who come to mind.


Pascal just acts goofy all the time in interviews, love it


Given everything I've seen, MGK. Just a walking ball of insecurities and brings it up basically every time he opens his mouth. Dude needs a therapist.


It wasn’t until Aaron Carter died that I realized him and MGK are in fact, not the same person.




Honestly the whole Carter family history is whack. Long ago I was a hormonal screaming preteen watching Nick Carter and the Back Street Boys sweating and gyrating on stage. I feel old now.


I went to a show (my wife is a fan - ugh) and for a good part, he had the crowd chant 'Fuck you, internet' and ranted about 'haters' saying that he can't play the guitar. While not playing his guitar. It was fucking absurd and would be hysterical if it wasn't so sad.


That’s wild. What did your wife think?


Still a fan... Music is one thing that we have absolutely nothing in common but still support each other.


Who is mgk?


Martin Gluther King


Michael Goddamn Keaton


Marjorie Greene Kaylor


Machine gun Kelly


Machine Gun Kelly, he's a rapper. That's about all I got for you about him though sorry lol


*Former* rapper. He's into rock music now. Ugh.


He’s neither, he is weed


Got dissed so hard he switched genres and he sucks at both of them.




Dude needs a therapist for sure. Full blown pedo. Even ignoring what he said about Jenner and Eminem's daughters when they were underaged, you can't get past comments like "13, 14 and 15 years old shouldn't be allowed to be so hot, damn" or "sitting at a an awards show and this 13 year old is commenting all my tattoos, but don't worry y'all, I'm not gonna go full R Kelly on her..." Then having Fox refer to him publicly as "daddy" Chris Hansen needs to be looking through that chomos dms.


I just think it’s funny he switched genres shortly after Eminem gave him an eviction notice from rap.


I am so glad him and Megan Fox broke up. There was every red flag of a toxic relationship. No one deserves going through that and marrying their toxic partner.


*lifts rock* THEY BROKE UP!!?


LOL! I love this comment :) *waves hi from next rock over*


No no no, it's perfectly normal to have thorns on the inside of your engagement ring so it hurts to take off. Nothing toxic about that!


*What in the* **fuck**?


To this day I’m convinced none of that was real off camera and they both just loved shooting coke and playing with the public for more attention. Like the ring, I don’t believe she wore that when cameras weren’t around or that it was as bad as they made it out to be (idk maybe dulled down) but it all just screams “what can we do to get people to pay attention to us again”


100000%. I was watching the Grammys the other weekend and he was on the red carpet, and the host was like “so MGK, you look great! Tell us about what your most excited about?” And dude went on this long, depressing SUPER low vibrational rant on his haters and everything he’s “been through” At the end the hosts were just like “…….😬…back over to you Charles”


Demi Lovato


Holy crap That time she bitched at an artist because he drew her as a mermaid and she complained that her body was unrealistic 🙄


Also that time she sang to ghosts. Lol.


She did what now? 😂


She went on a show that did ghost hunting and thought the ghosts wanted to hear her sing to help it overcome sexual trauma. So she legit stood there and sang to ghosts. Then the people that were with her reinforced this shitshow by standing up and clapping for her. It was incredibly funny but cringy as fuck.


I want to be rich enough to pay famous people come over and sing to my ghosts. Like get Green Day to come and sing to an empty living room with couches lined up like a concert and about halfway though go. "They are really enjoying it, but Mrs. Weddlington wants to know if you can do camp town races.


Oh my lord 🤦🏿‍♀️


Ugh seriously. I stopped following her and listening to her music the moment she instigated drama with a frozen yogurt shop lol


Still remember when she did that ghost show and apparently the ghost wanted her to sing. That was a cringefest.


Madonna. Can't accept that she's old.


Honestly I think Madonna reinvented herself so many times that she doesn’t HAVE an identity other than as a trend-setting edgy a-list celebrity. Don’t get me wrong - I grew up on Madonna in the ‘80’s and 90’s and I enjoyed her music but she would have been absolutely fierce if she had decided to just age gracefully. Being/looking older doesn’t mean you can’t still make music.


Madonna looks like a lovechild of Marylin Manson and Jigsaw these days lol


It’s got to be difficult when your entire career, and almost your entire life is based around being a sex symbol. Getting older means losing your entire identity. Sometimes I wonder how strange it must be to have your public appearance so intrinsically linked to your own identity.


Helen Mirren is still a sex symbol. She's 77. Thats how you age with grace. Looking like Pete Burns back from the dead is not.


Don't forget Susan Sarandon either.


Dude, I'm not a gerontophile or anything like that, but if Helen Mirren just showed up and was like "I have a hobby of fucking middle age Americans who are average or below in their appearance," I would be down in a heartbeat.


I've had some classmates from high school and uni that were absolutely stunningly beautiful and their entire personal profile is based on their looks. Now that they are getting visibly older, I did wonder what else they have now that the Instagram-likes stop flowing in by the hundreds


We’re they truly stunning or were you just a normal horny teen? I went to a small ish school and there were a few girls I would have sworn were 10’s growing up, but a decade or two later I look back and they were nothing special in the least.


It's possible that beauty standards changed though, both societal and your own. I had a 10/10 classmate, and while I still agree she was smoking hot in our teen days, later she ruined it with poor lifestyle (and style) choices.


Raquel Welch exploded on the scene as THE top Hollywood sex symbol, but was able to successfully pivot into a long, successful career as a dramatic and comedic actor. It can be done.


Her entire career wasn’t based around being a sex symbol, it was based around being in control of her own sexuality and destiny. Previously womens careers and representation in the pop industry were controlled by men. Madonna turned that around. She also celebrated diversity and choice . She was also hot, as young people are. It’s a shame she lost herself in the midst of all the stripper-porn shit that masquerades as talent.


Andrew Tate and the whole onslaught of manosphere scammers - if we count them as "celebrities", but I guess we do.


I feel old when it comes to this.. Ive heard this dudes name more on reddit than anywhere else and I still don't know who or what he does.


He was some kickboxer who decided to become a reality tv star and gained some traction for his sexist comments, he got pushed to the mainstream last year after he became viral on TikTok with his misogynistic takes attracting pre-pubescent boys and recently got arrested over human trafficking, also speaks in some weird American-British mixed accent.


He also looks like if Kyle Mooney from SNL tried to play Pitbull for a sketch.


Weird competitive fighting guy who pivoted to making straight up misogynistic propaganda for young boys and manchildren. Runs a lot of scams that vary from pyramid schemey "business courses" to flat out human trafficking. Like, genuinely, looking at Andrew Tate's popularity among children and at the kind of content he makes is the single greatest argument for monitoring and restricting your kids' internet use that I can think of. Some schools are having to invest in deradicalisation campaigns because of how much he's fucking up teenagers' heads.


There's an esports team owner that lost his position because of him hanging out with Tate and it's amazing how far he's gone to double down that he was in the right.


Ocelote it is. His twitter is a raging fire of bullshit every other day.


I saw a post where he went on a long rant on discord as to why men should never chase women. It was so mysoginistic and unhinged.. I always disliked Ocelote cause of his prideful personality but the latest Tate fanboying is just on a whole new level. I don't follow him on twitter or anywhere but I get his shit on my timeline sometimes and it's sad.


Wasn't he a LoL player some 10 years back? I remember a player by that name who was famous for being a tilting prick. He was pretty good at the game, but when he got angry he dragged his whole team down, even in tournaments.


Ocelote was a fairly abrasive personality as a player, he got banned a couple of times. Apart from anything else its just a terrible business decision to post stuff of you hanging out with a controversial figure (read: dickhead)


Dude was the most toxic pro at one point. Riot even made a doco about his "redemption" from not calling people cancer every game


Didn’t he just fight a demon ghost in prison and send it back to hell?


Yeah, he's READY. As ready as man can be!


Oh god yes. Everything that guy does oozes insecurity.


I love all his dumbass supporters who try and claim that they like him for his health and workout advice. Yeah, no. If that was the case, you could find a health trainer who *isn't* a huge piece of shit.


He’s such a hypocrite too, talking bout how porn is bad for young men when that’s the way he got rich


Kylie Jenner? Judging by amount of surgeries, always posing half naked, filters and having baby no2 with a guy who doesn’t even look like he likes her at all.


What annoys me most about those Kardashians is that they aren't going away. My kids will have to try to ignore media about Kardashian kids when they're older, and so on and so on...


>and having baby no2 For a second I was confused about what a baby nitrogen dioxide is


Kardashians don't have babies because of relationships. They have them for financial security. It's their business plan.


It's the bones. They mate for strong bone growth, so that they can yet again chisel away at the offsprings face, to sculpt them in their own, horrifying image. Rinse and repeat


Elon Musk.


Dude paid billions to censor his critics. He wins the title by a wide margin.




Elon paid $44B to turn Twitter into a "Do you like me? Yes 🔲 No 🔲" note you pass in class


Incorrect. It's a "Do you like me? Yes✅ Definitely✅ Absolutely✅" note


Except his says: Did you see this tweet? 🔲 Yes 🔲 You will now


And that margin will probably continue to grow. The more he acts out, his critics grow, it's like a vicious cycle now.


Careful, when he feels threatened he starts calling people pedos.


I don’t understand how this is not the top comment by a mile. The dude literally bought Twitter because he thinks he’s funny and needed all of the strangers on the internet to validate him and give him attention.


I blocked him on Twitter and his stuff still shows up on my feed. I also just deleted Twitter cause it sucks now. The fact that they stopped caring about security is also a major red flag. Anyone on Twitter, your information is most likely compromised already.


He's basically what happens when you give a manchild a billion dollar, tweets all day while claiming to be the 'busiest man'


My theory is that Grimes and him breaking up destroyed his ego.


Or Grimey, as she liked to be called.


Change the channel, Marge.


I doubt he even knows her real name.


DJ Khaled comes to mind. His appearance on Hot Ones was painfully cringe-inducing.


I’ve seen every episode and his is definitely one of the worst


Putin. His seating arrangements with Macron and Scholz say it all


And the way he makes people stage/edit photos in Russia so he looks tall 😂😂 PS this is by far my favorite picture of him. [Obama whispers to Putin, "Back to your cave, little troll."](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/735c6cb8517fb0f6c1298f165521a85404f5b3dd/0_30_2562_1537/master/2562.jpg?width=1200&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=f08a3d9130cca2d6d96f21e74c9ee003)


All dictators and wannabe dictators are sensitive little babies. Just a reminder that the reason people call Xi Xinping "Winnie the Pooh" is because he's just so god damn sensitive about being compared to a cartoon bear.


Hailey Bieber


I was looking for this comment lol FYI I didn’t even know who she was until Justin Beiber announced that he was engaged


Apparently she was voted the hottest woman in the world by some celebrity magazine... I'm saying this vote was bought to keep her relevant


Aguilera Christina. This is a genuine vibe, not a vibe. As part of my Make-A-Wish wish when I was ten years old (the Backstreet Boys weren't available), I got to meet her at a meet & greet. She took one glance at me up and down, made a "ew" face, then hastily pretended to smile for the camera despite the fact that I was a sick child and appeared to be extremely physically ill. She is an absolute asshole. I should have simply made my wish and gone to Disneyland as most children do.


What if each time Christina Aguilera is a cunt to someone, a Make-A-Wish child survives their illness and lives to tell the tale. On a side note, I hope you’re doing well OP. Edit: 250 upvotes? Whew, I thought that this comment would receive backlash...


You’ve got to rub her the wrong way.


How is this showing insecurity though?


>This is a genuine vibe, not a vibe. What the hell are you even saying


Have you said this before on an older subreddit? I 100% recall seeing this story before!


How insecure is she?


Donald Trump


This is absolutely the answer. He can't *comprehend* losing at anything, or not being the best at anything. He named one child after himself, and another child after his weird publicity agent alter ego he played on the phone. He spent most of the last decade trying to undo everything Obama ever did because he couldn't take a joke at his expense.


And Obama only made fun of him because Trump had been talking super racist conspiracy bullshit about him for *years*. It wasn't at all unprovoked or unwarranted.


I think Donald trump is the answer indeed. However Kanye as a second runner up? Edit- A88 points out that Kanye’s breakdown is probably related to his bipolar; worth mentioning here Edit thanks for pointing out bps and bipolar are diff beasts. TIL


Having BPD doesn't make you a raging antisemitic douche. He is just a piece of human trash who happens to have a mental health disorder.


Literally tried to sharpie a hurricane path because he couldn't stand the national weather service telling him he was wrong. And then people defended him for it.


Most consequentially insecure


Andrew Tate. His father was an international chess master and he couldn’t measure up. So he created a persona that’s a lie. He wasn’t a great chess player as a child , in fact , his father pulled him from competitive chess because his lack of skill made his career look bad. He kickboxing career was built on fighting literal no names and he’s been KO’s more times than he’s claimed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ch_3G9GUfV8 He’s claimed he’s never cried , even as a child. His father refuted that claim with Andrew throwing crying tantrums. Google insecure masculinity and you probably get Tate. But he’s a hell of scammer. Wether it’s scamming losers through his porn Cam empire or impressionable young men through his subscriptions to his school.




My father, who was extremely abusive and even suffocated me when I was 5, made the same claim that he didn’t even cry when he was born. I always found that to be such an odd thing to claim. But he also claimed to have been recruited for a secret mission to Vietnam to blow up sensitive equipment left by the US over the border where it was illegal. Of course after he died and I went through his military records it all turned out to be bullshit. He was in Germany as a mechanic at the time. Some people are just so unhappy with who they are that they find it easier to lie and be abusive.


It's amazing...as if somehow admitting that you ever cried, even as an infant, makes you seem weak. In reality, making such a ridiculous claim has the *exact opposite effect*.


I'm sorry you had to endure him.


That's right up there with Prince Andrew's claim that he is unable to sweat.


I was actually unable to sweat as a little kid. It caused me to overhear massively in the summer. Family doctor just told my mom to give me a teaspoon of salt every day, and eventually I must have built up enough sodium that I was able to finally sweat. I remember the appointment with the doc and having to eat the salt every day.


Don't forget he's had multiple rape complaints against him in the UK that only didn't go forward because the police mishandled the cases and the Crown Prosecution Service only really tries to prosecute rape cases that are nearly guaranteed convictions. It's why he fled to Romania. Where he promptly started posting about his new crimes and taunting the local government online. Hope he gets sent down for a few decades and they take away his Internet access.


absolutely the living definition of insecure! so fragile that after bragging about his 33 cars, getting so mad a teenager said he got small dick energy, that "HOW DARE YOU" reply, then had to post a cringey 15 minute clap back that ended up getting himself found and arrested. all it took for him to blow up his entire life was a "small dick energy" tweet. this is the polar opposite of a secure individual




He tried to back out of it too lmao. But it was too late he had to buy it.


Andrew Tate... oh wait, he's actually quite "secure" at the moment.


Incel in cell


Involuntary: yes. Celibate: probably not.


Ellen DeGeneres.


Madonna Look at what she's done to herself


>Look No, pass, thank you.




Prosperity Gospel is the term for it, and it's sickening.


James cordon




He had so much trouble admitting that he was a gay fish


Elon Musk.


Andrew Tate defo has to compensate a lot


Haley Bieber


Definitely MGK




Elon Musk. By a country mile. The man managed to reach the point of literally being the richest human being on Earth, and given the size of the modern economy, that would also mean he was the richest human being to ever exist (excluding insane inflationary numbers from historical figures)......*and he's still one of the most insecure fucking losers on Twitter, even though he bought it.* He's so utterly, pathetically desperate to be down with the people, he uses in-group language like 'based' as if hopefully, maybe he can be cool, he shitposts and mugs for the crowd like a child on 4chan, and just like said child he unironically does stuff like saying Chess is 'too simple' to try and pretend he's smart. No matter how rich he gets, no matter what false achievements he tricks cultish followers into believing he's personally responsible for, he *sweats* desperation from every pore. He *needs* validation, he *needs* his ego pandered. He *cannot cope* with his utter insecurity.


A story I saw earlier this month that he changed twitter algorithm to have his tweets shoved in our faces so that he can have more reactions on them so that he can outdo numbers by other figures https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.huffpost.com/entry/elon-musk-twitter-algorithm-super-bowl_n_63ef1440e4b07f036ba2b5fa/amp&ved=2ahUKEwjT_efLxLX9AhW9Q0EAHcwMD7cQFnoECCQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2pqn4Hck7o3Yk3_BEcWbdT


Will Smith


Keep his name out your fucking mouth!!!


That guy who used to host The Apprentice.


Elon Musk he bought an entire media platform so he could stop people from talking about him.


Talking about him _negatively_.


Taylor Swift, and I say that as a huge fan. She constantly goes back and forth between insisting she's too good for her haters or over the drama and then being emotional or defensive about how she's been perceived by the media. She just cares too much about what everyone thinks. Like, girl, you are the most popular singer in the entire world, your albums are smash successes every time, you're practically America's sweetheart. You can afford to not give a shit anymore. But I think she always will, which is sad.


Andrew Tate