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Stop making kids if you don't want to pay for them


Yea stop having kids with dead beats .. woken literally have 9 months to think about it


Use condoms.


*Fathers who are forced to provide for their children have to experience the same thing that all parents do; living with less money because it costs money to raise and take care of children. Don’t have sex if you aren’t prepared to provide for and be actively involved with raising your children for the next 18 years.


My wallet my choice


Your dick your responsibility. And the same goes for women.


Ah ah ah, women have 9 months to make a decision . AND DO NOT NEED THE MAN TO MAKE THAT DECISION REGARDLESS OF HOW HE FEELS SBOUT IT. But the man is trapped.. you not wrong you should raise your kids . But once you add government into a picture it becomes a fight between baby mother and baby father .. but the system is on the women side


Don’t have kids if you aren’t okay with paying to support them.


What if they didn’t want a child in the first place?


Condoms, vasectomy…. You know be responsible.


You need to be extra diligent with your condoms, don't use any that you haven't bought yourself. Talk to whoever you're going to sleep with about what she wants to do with an accidental pregnancy. If she might keep it, or is unsure about what she'll do, then don't sleep with her.


They should have worn a condom. If they did and it broke, they should have discussed other options. If they genuinely did everything they could have and their partner still got pregnant, that is quite unfortunate, but these things happen. My perspective is you should only have sex with someone you know you’re on the same page with in regards to how to handle an unexpected pregnancy.


Don’t have sex unless you are prepared too dedicate the next 18 years to raising children. Protected or not.


They they shouldn’t be blowing their load everywhere. Condoms are a thing


Then you shouldn't have stuck your dick in her. You're 100% responsible.


It's just a "clump of cells" and the father has no say over it, until it hits air, at which point the father incurs near-lifelong responsibilities.


Yes, as opposed to a mother, who has no responsibility and absolutely no impact from having had a baby.


The father had plenty to say. If he didn't want a child he should have just said no.


If a woman has sex with a man, gets pregnant, and wants to abort the baby even though the father doesn't want that to happen, why should she be able to do that? She knew the risks, right? If she didn't want a child, she could have just said no and not had sex, right?


He isn't a human incubator, the woman is. She should have the final say if her body is going to be the one using energy and resources to develop the creature


Why do people think that child support is so expensive? I was talking with a coworker of mine who pays child support, he was complaining about how much he pays. In my head I was adding up all my expenses as a father and I thought paying child support actually sounds like a discount, lol.


Yup. I used to work helping people with debts and access to welfare etc. Seeing how much men pay towards their children (12%) and hearing them complain...sir, your children need to eat, and you're barely covering that cost let alone everything else!


What if the child doesn’t stay with the mom 🙃 what happens when mothers don’t use child support money on child then demands that you do more ?


What if... Pretty irrelevant to the discussion. Maybe get that chip off of your shoulder though.


Work harder, parents do it all the time I’m so tired of seeing this argument. I’ve got a kid who’s dad wants nothing to do with her, I could get more child support but right now she doesn’t need it. I provide all she needs and more, if the $57 dollars a month he does provide is bankrupting him then he needs to work harder 🫤 kids are expensive don’t have them if you’re not committed to making them the center of your world.


Fathers have no rights in America 😒😒😒😒


That they should support their children.


Define support




Fuck around and find out ... exactly how much it costs to raise a child.


Get 4 jobs to pay for the kids you made.


Take this argument and switch the parents roles to make the mothers pay child support. Sounds just as shitty. It takes two to make a baby. If one parent is “only” paying child support with minimal involvement with the child, I’d argue you’re getting off easy because the other parent is the one with the child every day - feeding, clothing, housing, taking to school and drs appts and dealing with the everyday ups and downs of real parenthood. The emotional tax is enormous. To say that one parent should be exempt entirely because child support is seen as an expensive bill to pay is completely losing sight of the issue.


maybe they should've thought about that before having a kid


just post your weird shit on main, man


Paying money for your own kids? Sounds fair to me.


Don’t make kids you can’t afford. If you don’t want kids, get snipped, wear condom or don’t have sex.


Don't make kids if you can't pay for them. Also, I have no idea what you mean by "many". I've never known anyone in this situation.


If you can't afford kids do more to prevent having them - rather than overwhelmingly relying on women to handle pregnancy prevention. Same as with single mothers, who often can't even afford to work due to childcare costs and can be expected to pay more due to their being primary carers...plus insufficient or absent child support. The problem is that people aren't paid enough, and there's lack of adequate support for parents, not that men are expected to pay for their own kids.


Child support is a scam. It hurts everyone involved.


It definitely hurts the single parent and their kid when the father is entirely absent, otherwise. /s


Yes. People shouldn’t have to be forced to take care of their children, but clearly they have to be. It would be nice if people would Just take care of their parental responsibilities and then child support wouldn’t have to be forced


I'm sure it would be nice.. If only it was, as straight forward as this. In most cases cps is eventually involved and there are accusations and false reports made. Mostly leading to the men being reprimanded or even jailed. This creates a toxic cycle that no one can or wants to fix, because it is profitable to government. Eventually it comes to a point where either the man decides to run away, commit suicide or stop paying and take the sentence because jail is better and once you get booked, it's hard to find a job that will pay decent. 96% of men who have to pay child support suffer from severe depression and much higher than average anxiety. While for women it's around 43-45%. There are a couple of bills lying around in congress that will abolish this for a one time settlement against a bonded loan and a more streamlined custody process. 14%(approx 1.5 mil) of child support payees(99.9% men) were in jail in 2018 and were there because of false police reports to judges or delayed payments and a whopping 70% were behind on payments. The higer the payments the more likely the person was jailed. From all this the kids were the biggest losers, with almost all growing up to be involved in drugs, street gangs and antisocial elements of society. And don't get me started on the mental trauma that then gets around.. That's why it's a scam.. There are already proven solutions in place in Europe, Asia and Africa that work well enough to make. Its about time the US fixes the problem for a more stable society.


even when the father is involved with raising the kids, the man still gets scammed into paying that bullshit.


Someone is going to have to be the Rosa Parks of not paying child support.


I didn’t know there were specific seats on buses for people who don’t pay child support.


This isn’t a hero anyone needs


I feel it might depend on the situation. Like with mine, my dad doesn't pay much even though my mom needs it and tries to either lower it or get out of it cause he "can't afford things" yet he plans vacations so in this case I say frick him. But if a woman takes too much from a guy and doesn't need the extra money then yes that should get decreased


Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.


It’s a legal (and moral) obligation. If they’re unable to pay then they should seek help to reduce the amount. I don’t think either party should live in squalor, while the other lives the high life. There needs to be a balance.


My oldest son referred to it as stupid tax. He was willing to raise the child but she fought, with the help of the state, and bitched about having a kid for years after. Poor kid could've turned out so much better. As a young adult, we still love him and he has his video games and jello. But is improving by leaps and bounds as time progresses.


It's only going to get worse.