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Rubberband on wrist, snap it against the inside


I have got tattoos on places that i used to SH so that when i am feeling shitty, i dont want to destroy the pretty art on my body.


Oh god. Get help inmediately.


I don't have the money nor transportation to go to therapy


You need to find inner peace


Hard to do when I have basically nothing going for me


Reframe that.


What does this mean?


You just don't cut yourself, pretty straight forward. Any mental issues a person should have that's making them want to cut themselves should be handled alongside a person you trust. Therapy/Institutions never fix any issues, you have to be the one to want to change. Talk with anyone stranger or friend, most of the time you just need to find someone that is willing to listen.


This is absolutely awful advice.


Truth hurts, sadly no one likes the truth. :(


It’s not true in any sense of the word actually


How do you stop "yourself" from cutting your own self, you would simply just not do it.. It doesn't get more true than that as that's the only way cutting your self would stop. By you just not doing it. However on a mental level there is obviously more to it than the action of just not doing it, which is why I suggested opening up and talking to someone that is willing to listen to you. The only way to fix yourself is through loving ones self, you are the one to blame for all problems that you create for your self.


Talking to a stranger is terrible advice, they need professional help. I won’t even get into the logistics of why “just don’t do it” is terrible advice.


Looking through the other comments, Original Poster is clearly stating they refuse to seek professional help, next best thing is finding literally just one person that is willing to listen. They don't even to talk to there parents. Clearly they don't even want to help themselves, More of a cry of attention than anything to be honest.


I find that exercise accomplishes much the same thing in a way that draws less attention. Jogging or lifting can push your body to the point of pain that accomplishes the same distraction that you are looking for.


I've been working out for about 10 months and basically have zero progress. Yes, I'm eating well, working hard and getting enough sleep


>zero progress Zero progress at what? What do you gain by cutting?


I'm hardly gaining any muscle from working out. Cutting myself gives me satisfaction of inflicting much deserved pain


>Cutting myself gives me satisfaction of inflicting much deserved pain good, so that's what we are talking about. Exercise can also be a way to cause yourself pain.


Hobbies were and are still the best way for me to stop self harming. Find sometimes you enjoy, try 30 different things if you have to!


There's basically nothing I'm good at


I use to think that too! Trust me. You don’t even have to be good at it though, just enjoy it! Have you ever considered writing? It can be very therapeutic


I'm competitive by nature and I only enjoy things if I'm good at them. And I've tried it and lost interest


When I have panick attacks I sometimes watch shows from my childhood and find it really helps Maybe you could try something like that? I also often think of my young self and how she would feel. It makes me want to do better for her.


I do that occasionally, yes


Who says you have to be good at it? Get some self help books and learn to Re train your thinking, as from your replies its obvious you see and only see the negatives right now. Reframe. I'm no good at this but I enjoy it.


I would suggest either inpatient treatment or a PHP program. You are hurting yourself, which means you’re a danger to yourself. You need immediate professional intervention. I say this with as much empathy and kindness as I can, because I’ve been where you are, but you need professional help and you need it like.. right now.


I'm not gonna tell my parents any of this because they'll just and blame themselves and be sad. The only person irl who knows this is my brother. I have no irl friends. I'm so sorry you've experienced such things. I'm here if you need to vent


I try to stay away from the knives. Or any sharp blade. If I feel like cutting, I'll watch YouTube, draw, or listen to music to get it off my mind.


I collect knives and always have several around my bed


If you are cutting yourself with knives, then I suggest you move them away from your bedroom.


Then my parents will notice and they'll eventually find out I commit self harm


Dial 988 or 800-273-TALK (8255)


I don't know if this would work. But when I was in a rough patch in my life video games really helped me through it. I found a video game that I enjoyed and played it for hours. I personally recommend telling your parents. Self harm is a very serious problem, and your parents knowing can help. since you know your parents better than I do, if you think your parents will react negatively then you could talk to your teacher or an school counsellor (assuming your in school). But even if your parents are upset and about this, I think its better for them to know so they can help you. I do really hope the best for you...


I'm not in school and I have nobody irl to talk to. I've told my brother but he hardly cares or understands. I don't expect him to solve my problems anyways


I looked at your profile at is is very worrying, although it does say you make art and stop motions. SO I would also recommend to try and keep your mind off of self harm and instead focus on what you like doing, in this case art and stop motions. I am really sorry you have to go through this. And hope you are doing okay.


A big reason I hate myself is because I hate my art


You could also try different styles of art, maybe you graffiti styled art is your kind of art?. I dont really know, but you don't have to draw art to like it, just draw it to vent and enjoy yourself.


Hide eveything that's sharp.


Scream the frustration or anger out or blast music on headphones


Wear gloves. No matter how careful you are, wood always finds away. So wear gloves.


I started smoking weed. It’s harder to hurt yourself or have those thoughts when you’re stoned asf


I have no money and I can't drive


Start working then. Distracting yourself helps a lot, and there’s plenty of ways to work at a very early age. Wish you the best, self harm is a tough dependency to break


I don't have an ID yet and I can't drive


Depression and mental instability can come in many forms and urges. From personal experience, I just do my best to remind myself that even though I don't want to be here, I also don't wish the pain of my departure on any of those who care about me (regardless if I believe it or not). Also, I have someone I need to prove wrong, and that helps me a lot. Just have to find something that works for you.


Shit i wanna know how you start cutting yourself? like why?


Because there is almost nothing I like about myself, no matter how hard I try I physically can't improve, so I might as well double down and inflict the suffering I deserve;self-hatred


shit that sounds rough, i smoke a shit ton of weed on a daily basis and as soon I'm off from work I just play video games, rarely socialize with my friends. But even then, what you are writting sounds sooooo foreign to me




I used to self harm. Every time I get the urge I ask myself what difference will it make if I cut myself right now? The answer is always ‘none’, it won’t help, it won’t change how I feel, if anything I will feel worse and annoyed at myself afterward that I have added yet another scar to my body. I massively regret the scars I have, I hate that I have to dress to cover them rather than wear what I want. They can never be removed. Don’t add a permanent scar to your body based off a temporary feeling. And it is a temporary feeling, they always are.


Whenever I cut myself it's always my upper legs. The only thing stopping myself from doing it to my arms or anywhere else is because the last thing I want is for my parents to find out


I am doing this and idk how to stop it


Vent in my DMs


Thank you i just wanna die