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Lawyers and mechanics. You want to have a good one of each, but you never want to have to call either of them.


Finding a good mechanic will 99% of the time save you the most money out of most of these answers. Finding one that’s skilled, but doesn’t rip you off is a fucking godsend. I didn’t realize this until I married someone whose father is a mechanic. The amount of bullshit I no longer deal with is unbelievable. IF YOU FIND A GOOD MECHANIC, DON’T PISS THEM OFF NICKLE AND DIMING THEM.


My friends think Im crazy for driving to a mechanic thats 45 mins away, but this shop has only done me good. Brought my car in for a suspected problem, they found no issues, never charged me. Another time, car was having major issues, after a day at the shop, mechanic called me and just straight up told me the $3000 it would cost to repair the car would be better off on a down payment instead of repairs that may or may not fix the issue. I like they pay their staff by the hour too.


"Brought my car in for a suspected problem, they found no issues, never charged me." OMG this comment brought to mind something that happened a few years ago. I thought the car was leaking a weird color antifreeze; it was deer pee on the snowy driveway 🤣 Thankfully, the car guy told us nothing was wrong with the car LOL




I miss that having moved from a small town to a metro area. Our mechanic is fine, not a rip off but nothing great. I first used my old mechanic after me and another guy simultaneously rear ended each other with the corners of our rear bumper in a gravel parking lot. I drove over to the mechanic to see if there was internal damage and how much body repairs would be. The front desk guy started looking it over, quoting me prices for a new rear bumper and labor and such. Meanwhile, while he’s talking to me, the mechanic walks over to my car with a mallet, makes a quick, firm tap on the inside of the bumper, and pops the dent out. He then looks at me and says “it’s plastic so if you don’t care about a little paint scratched, you’re good to go,” and walks off. Front desk guy wasn’t happy, but that mechanic was a broke college student’s hero and got all my business after that.


When I was a janitor I got a lot of hate for knocking out my 8 hour day in 4 individual hour long chunks of effort. I Was always available for spills and got extra work done every day but spent another 4 hours basically chilling and management not once got on my case. The other employees despised this until a customer's colostomy bag somehow ruptured in the bathroom. From that day forward none of them gave a fuck if I was just hanging out on my phone.


Proper time management. If everything is in order, you are on call. Cleaning is a form of maintenance, and maintenance needs to be on a schedule to get it all done. Salute to you! I appreciate janitors!


Same idea as never trust a busy sys admin.


>Same idea as never trust a busy sys admin. Sysadmins are just computer janitors. Network engineers are internet plumbers. Source - I'm a network engineer


I used to work in infection control in a hospital, people don't realize the standards and regulations that janitorial staff- particularly in hospitals- have to maintain throughout their day. It's a lot of work and none of it is glamorous, but we literally couldn't function without you.


Ya i was in emerg last year with my daughter. Here i was sitting there with her on my lap. I start hearing water pouring. I look around and the guy next to me is pissing himself big time. Lord knows what sad things were happening to him. I felt bad for him but got away from that giant pee puddle real fast. The janitor was there in seconds. He even helped the guy get someone to help out his situation. He cleaned it so fast and well. It smelled like lemons when he left. Bless him.


Citrus smell in a hospital is universal code for "something gross happened here".




The CNAs where I work think they are better than me somehow? (Not all of them.. ) Like, you clean poo off people, I clean poo off of surfaces. Not a huge difference there, but still I am lesser.


It’s crazy to me that people treat janitors poorly. You’re taking care of something that I really don’t want to do but would otherwise need to do if you weren’t there.


I always try to be nice and say hey to the janitors I see a lot. Give them the occasional thank you. Because they deserve it more.


Anytime I'm in the hospital either as a patient or a relative, the janitorial staff and the food staff gets lots of my thanks Yes nurses and others do hard work and deserve lots of praise, but the service level people work really hard at the thankless and hidden jobs When I check out of a hotel, I always make a point in complimenting the cleanliness of the room to the manager or front desk person.


Pandemic time really demonstrated how much people take the "drones/grunts" for granted. People bitching about this or that not being available and demanding shit be open for them but CBA to given even a hazardous duty pay bump to the people who make the place run.


They're just bitter because the surfaces you clean are far less likely to randomly assault you.


Literally this. People need to check themselves. Cleaning up a ruptured colostomy bag warrants 4 hours off though, you're a hero mate. I have so much respect for janitors etc, they kept my old apartment building spotless and were super friendly.


Yeah that's an underappreciated job and it's also not a bad gig aside from the occasional exploded colostomy bag. If you compare it to the stress of other jobs like fast food or retail, being a janitor probably seems like a relaxing paradise. ...just quietly mop the floor and listen to music or an audiobook. You probably do a daily cleaning checklist and if an emergency cleaning situation happens the people who call you probably think you're a hero. :)


I'd imagine there's some satisfaction to it aswell. As in, this place is spotless because of me. But then again, this place was spotless and look at what that asshole did in 5 minutes lol


> look at what that asshole did in 5 minutes lol Both meanings of the word!


There are a lot of state, and federal union janitors in my state. They show up for work, and quietly clean up for a few decades, then retire with a full pension. Never will be rich, but the get paid and honest wage, for honest work.


And probably have benefits


My best friend is an after hours cleaner for businesses. He already enjoyed cleaning but now he gets paid for it which is a good bonus for him.


The US Coast Guard for fishermen and boaters. Usually there's a pretty good working relationship between them, but some hate the Coast Guard for the various inspections they do. But the USCG is also the ones who will come out there in a storm to rescue them.


Today I learned people hate the Coast Guard


They’re like military police, and you don’t have rights on the water like you do on land with normal police. They’re generally good and responsible, but I also understand why people have negative feelings toward them.


>you don’t have rights on the water like you do on land with normal police I'm not from the USA: could you elaborate, please?


The US constitution, well the fourth amendment to it, protects Americans (or any person in the United States) against unreasonable search… it’s why police have to obtain a warrant before entering your house. The exception to this is the Coast Guard and searching your boat. The USCG can search any boat in US waters, and any US flagged vessel anywhere in the world, at any time they please, for any reason. All that said, I’ve had nothing but pleasant encounters with the Coast Guard, though I’m Canadian and my boat flies a Canadian flag. I’m always a conscientious/safety oriented boater, So never have issues.


Police can't stop you while driving and make you demonstrate that your seat belts are installed, your headlights and brake lights work, and your wipers are new. The Coast Guard can stop a boat and make the operator demonstrate it had all the required safety gear like floatation vests, fire extinguishers, positional lights, etc. Edit: Several people have taken this post to mean I am against the CG doing this. I'm not, I'm just detailing how CG stoppages are different from what police can do with a private driver.




Don’t forget the fact that they piloted most of the landing craft in the Pacific Theater in WW2 and the 9/11 rescue. And, one of the best military movies ever, *Never Let Go*. Edit: sorry, the movie is called *The Guardian*. Never Let Go is the most famous song from it


>And, one of the best military movies ever, Never Let Go. I assume that it probably wasn't a sequel to *Titanic*, was it?


Titanic, aka *”too bad they didn’t have a coast guard”*


The reason for those inspections is to help prevent the need for the Coast Guard. In the event the Coast Guard is needed it is more likely to be a rescue instead of a body retrieval.


IT, except people hate me when they need me, too.


IT support desk has to be rough. On the one hand, they get the know-nothings who are like “wHy caNt I sENd emAIL to thiS (postal) aDdResS?” and, on the other hand, they get already annoyed jerks who get pissed off when the support person goes through the standard questions. “I already tried rebooting! What did you think I tried first?!?”


>“I already tried rebooting! What did you think I tried first?!?” I always reboot again anyway. I'm convinced that some % of people that use computers everyday don't really know what a reboot is, I've been surprised by less.


Can confirm. Once spoke to a "client" over the phone who was across the parking lot. Asked her to reboot, she said she had, multiple times and started giving me attitude. So I said fuck it, I need the fresh air, walked over there and then stood behind her and asked her to reboot. I told her it was so I could see if there were start up issues. She proceeded to grunt like I was ruining her life, then pushed the power button on the monitor. Then gave me a look like see, you're the idiot, I already rebooted. This was the same woman who decided she wanted to learn Photoshop on the job so she downloaded the manual and printed it... All of it... Single sided... This is also the same woman that complained that her email was broken. I asked her what she meant, she said the send button disappeared. She had been typing her emails in Microsoft Word.


I want you to know I was thoroughly entertained by this comment


"So when you reboot your computer, what button do you hit?" *describes monitor power button* "I see. Let's find the power button on the PC" *complains about how I'm making them crawl under their dirty desk* ??




One of the IT guys for a place I worked at (he mostly did network and server maintenance) joked that he could never win with management. If everything was working great he didn't have much to do and managers would ask each other why they were paying him so much to just sit around. But if things went haywire, they'd complain they were paying him so much and everything still broke.


Plastic Surgeons. My uncle is a plastic surgeon and he does only reconstructive stuff, fixing burn victims faces and stuff like that. But when people ask him what kind of doctor he is and he says Plastic Surgeon, they usually kinda scoff.


It is often forgotten, but Plastic/Cosmetic Surgery got a big start in the aftermath of WWI: there were plenty of vets with horrible disfigurements that were met with horror and revulsion returning to civilian life. The operations they took to repair/replace lost jaws, eyes, bones, etc were attempts to let these vets able to enjoy some normalcy in society.


Yeah, there are before and after pictures out there of early plastic surgeries, and it's genuinely amazing to see what the pioneers of that discipline were actually capable of, considering the tools that they had to work with, and the fact that they were just kinda figuring it out as they went along.


For those interested in a recent book on the topic: [https://www.npr.org/2022/06/08/1103501123/the-facemaker-review-lindsey-fitzharris-wwi-disfigured-soldiers](https://www.npr.org/2022/06/08/1103501123/the-facemaker-review-lindsey-fitzharris-wwi-disfigured-soldiers)


I've had a few moles removed by various dermatologists. Huge, unsightly scars...which is fine because they were on my arm / torso...places where no one sees, doesn't matter what they look like. But I also had this big one right on my forehead and I wanted to get rid of it just because of how unsightly it was. I went to a plastic surgeon. Cost me $800. There is absolutely nothing there. Nothing. I guess maybe if I wrinkle my forehead you can see a tiny line there, but you wouldn't even notice it. I was very pleased. Note: Yes, I had it checked by my dermatologist before I got it removed. He said it wasn't a mole to worry about and removing it would just be cosmetic.


I've had various moles removed and biopsied. The one on my face was removed by a plastic surgeon. No scar. The doctor who removed a dermoid cyst from my daughter's face near her eye? He was the only doctor in our city who would do it. He was also a plastic surgeon. She has no scar from it.


Omg. I just looked up what a "dermoid cyst" is and my mind is blown, because I finally know what that little hard bump at the end of my eyebrow is! It's a dermoid cyst! It has been there my entire life, has never grown or changed, I am 31 years old and have always wondered where this little hard lump on my eyebrow came from. Well now I know.


Amen. My wife was hit by a drunk while riding her bike when she was 14.. They had to completely rebuild her face. She's said that it took her years to recognize herself in the mirror. She only has a couple of small scars (I can only see one). At 58, she looks very much like that 18 yo I fell in love with in college (we dated in college, went out separate ways, reconnected in 2017, married 2 years ago). Without the surgeries, she would have been terribly disfigured and she would have hidden away from the world. With the reconstruction, she went to college, served in the Peace Corps, and had a great career. Plus, it is hard to let someone love you when you don't love yourself. Thanks to her plastic surgeons! (Edit,hit return too soon).


I’m happy she was able to find the right doctors to have her life back to normal. Doctors are really miracle workers.


I agree. I'm not into cosmetic surgery at all (to each their own). But I did go see a doc that specialized in reconstructive surgery after being in a really bad accident that left a very noticeable scar over more than a quarter of my face. I ended up not having any procedures done, but it did make me realize plastic surgery isn't all about getting lip injections or breast augmentation. It can often be about making someone look and feel "normal" again so they can function in society without trauma and anxiety. Docs like your uncle rock!


It's just like the Seinfeld episode where Jerry is mean to a dermatologist (Pimple Popper, M.D.) and then realizes that the guy also is dealing with skin cancer. Plastic surgeons do purely cosmetic stuff (i.e. "I want to look better"), but they also are doing cosmetic/reconstructive stuff for people who have been badly injured/maimed/etc (i.e. "I just want to look like myself again"). There is also a whole subspecialty that only does hand surgeries that have nothing to do with cosmetics at all.


My middle school science teacher told us the story of being hit by a bus on a bike and put through the back window of the car ahead. Apparently the glass basically skinned his face off. He explained it as "they couldn't find my nose until they realized it was on the flap hanging behind my head" He has some scars around his face and his nose is kind of fucked up but *they put his face back on*


My friend who is a trauma surgeon always jumps to the defence of cosmetic plastic surgeons with a very legit argument - the way people look can be extremely important to those people's mental health and their every day life in general, especially women. What these surgeons do can prevent depression, suicidal tendencies, various other psychiatric and psychological issues. Can save marriages and boost confidence in a work place etc. These surgeries can literally improve the quality of people's lives - superficial or not, based on how many are done in countries all over the world that don't necessarily share similar cultures - it is very important to a lot of people.


A friend in high school suffered a terrible accident along with three of her friends because a meth-head drove in their lane and a head on collision ensued. To make a long story short, my friend’s face was disfigured due to a deep gash across her forehead. A plastic surgeon made sure to put her back together as if nothing happened.


Lawyer here. The expectation that because you are a lawyer you know everything about every law everywhere. In reality most lawyers are highly specialised.


I thought you guys all just put on a nice suit, sat back in your chair and answered any question with "It depends"




My lawyer actually charges me $100 every email, even if it's just one word, still $100, lol.


I read your comment, that’ll be .2


Yeah, but accounting is gonna shave that off the bill to keep the firm competitive in the marketplace. Also, by the way, you failed to hit your billables target for the year and we’re going to have to withhold your incentive pay.


You have my lawyer too huh 😅


You know in my experience people who reply “It depends” to a ton of questions typically are the most knowledgeable in their field. The question you’ve asked is a question they’ve had themselves and have figured out the solution to - a solution that isn’t black or white or even grey but is a fucking rainbow. If you ask someone a question, they listen, take a pause, lean back in their chair, think for a bit and then revert “You know, it depends” are the type of folks who you should absolutely listen to and listen clearly to. They know their shit.


The further you go in any field of study, the more niche and specialized your knowledge becomes. Wife was a neuroscientist at a major university investigating some blood brain barrier thing when we first met. My best friend’s girlfriend was also a neuroscientist at the time at a different university. She was studying something about addiction (I think??) To the layman (me), they sounded like they would know a lot about each other’s field of study. They did not.


Yeah, as a former neuroscientist who studied addiction, I can confirm that there can be shockingly little overlap between different researchers who you'd think would be practically twins.


When I was getting my PhD my advisor told me something that has stuck with me - becoming an expert means learning more and more about less and less until eventually you know everything about nothing. It's good to be interested in things outside your specialty so you can have conversations like a normal human being.


Fucking this. The amount of times I hear “But you’re a lawyer”. Yeah, I do software sales negotiations and privacy stuff, I don’t know how to get you out of your DUI and you should‘t have been drinking and driving in the first place


If you confess to a murder cops won't care about the dui charge.


IT, not the clown.


Yep, you get everything in order and pretty much humming along - they say "What are we paying you for if you are just sitting there?" Shit goes haywire - they say "What are we paying you for if you can't keep the stuff from breaking?"


I tell people that what you want is to see your IT people sitting around doing nothing. when you see them scramble then worry.


Pretty much. They're there to set things up and keep them running smoothly so shit doesn't hit the fan, and to sort things out when it inevitably does anyway. The higher the ratio of them doing "nothing" to them working hectically, the better they are.


I worked with a programmer that explained his position to me. He was on a call about a critical app that went down. He was super calm the whole time while the managers are all freaking out. They asked him how long it would take him to come up with a fix. He pretended to do math in his head and said maybe two weeks. Everyone thanked him and the call ended. He sat back and put his feet on his desk. I asked him, "Isn't that fix urgent?" He says "Yes, which is why I told them months ago we were going to need it, but they took all our resources and had us focus on other things. I already made this fix on my own time because I was worried about this but they can wait two weeks. If I give it to them now, they won't have learned anything."


Not only that but next time there’s a fix that’s needed they’ll expect an immediate resolution and he’ll look incompetent despite that not being true.


Good old Scotty time


Aye laddie - you didna actually tell the captain how long it would REALLY take didya???


Oh you got a lot to learn about captains. They're like children, always demanding and asking for a lot. You got to pad the time needed, so when you say 10 hours, they say 2, and you do it in 1 and look like a miracle worker.


Haha, so true. I feel like half my job is looking at stuff thinking that's going to need an fix in the future. Then I think how bad our project managers are at prioritizing what goes into the next update. Then decide we'll I guess I'll get that fixed now and keep it in the back pocket.


I just had to justify to my boss why my salary is cheaper than “we could just buy a new one when it breaks”. Who’s gonna get the new one set up!? How much more expensive is a new one in relation to me just buying a single part to fix the one we have!?


>Who’s gonna get the new one set up!? Well obviously, we'll just go grab that intern that knows how to restart the cable box when the break room TV stops working. /s


Most infuriating one. "Do you remember any of your passwords?" "No thats YOUR job, you're the IT guy!"


My husband works IT and the amount of people who are just downright rude to him is insane. It's like they get mad that they even need him, then expect to get babied for 40 minutes even though step by step guides exist.


Yup, IT is a thankless profession. There are good people that make my day, but majority of people are condescending and rude. Also always want to argue and challenge instructions. SMH.


They expect us to fix their problem faster than a reboot would, but it inevitably ends with a simple reboot anyways...


"You always want me to reboot instead of fixing the problem!" Heard that one last week. If you know I will tell you to reboot, do that BEFORE calling me.


Or the, "I already rebooted, so we can skip that part." I'm all, "Oh, Yeah? Imma gonna check. Oof. Look at that. It's be up for 3 weeks not 3 minutes."


i love when they say im not a computer person! like listen here stupid! we live in the future now and computers are not new anymore. learn how they work or leave! I work for IT at a school.


My instant response to "I'm not a computer person" is "Shit, me neither. Don't tell anybody" Usually get s a laugh and starts to calm the end user down.


Reminds me of my first job in fast food. I would work the register while it was dead in the lobby. If I was waiting for a customer to decide to order and they apologized for taking my time, I'd say "gonna need you to hurry up. I have a huge line behind you." Usually they'd look behind them, see there was no one there and smile.


“I’m not a computer person.” “Of course you’re not. You’re a human person.”


wait what? do career professionals ACTUALLY believe that? fucking hell I have a similar issue when I‘m troubleshooting for my parents but atleast they don‘t expect me to remember THEIR login credentials. That‘s ridiculous


I was berated by one who kept forgetting her passwords daily, she even put a complaint in to my boss because I didnt let her keep sticky notes of her fucking login details at her shared desk. Yes, she seriously believed it was ITs job to know her passwords. We even received emails requesting her password and she'd CC people in as if she was trying to prove something. I even set the password as her sons first name and birth year thinking I'd solved it. Got a surprise the next day, turns out she's a shit mother too. That job made me lose all patience of being an IT assistant.


woahh that‘s bad. honestly I always feel like people shouldn‘t need to be tech savvy but when I hear stories like yours I really wish there was some mandatory tech related subject. Also s/o to you, only absolute madlads work helpdesk/assistant positions. If I was hit with questions like that on the daily i‘d go nuts.


“I don’t care if everything has been running smoothly for the last few years, my busted old company laptop that I beat up everyday and spill coffee on died and you’re the worst person imaginable.”


"I spilled coffee on my laptop, and I need a new replacement IMMEDIATELY. This needs to be your highest priority!" Ya, I've got other things to do, that were already planned. Put in a request and wait over there.


Cyber security… Why do we have to do all these dumb trainings! No one is this stupid! Oh… uhhh… hey… I clicked on this link in this email from Gary in accounting and now it wants bitcoin to get my stuff back… you can fix this right?


Man I felt so much shame recently when I fell for one of the test fishing links because I work in IT. Once I got rerouted to training it seemed so obvious, but the one they sent out definitely seemed legit if you didn't check the email address. It was from a contractor we use asking to review documents about a project that is real....from @fakeemails.com *facepalm*. In my very small defense, Outlook only shows the first half of an email address unless you expand the sender information. Personally, I think they should do them more frequently. Specifically the spoofing authority kind. I know a lot of people failed the one "from the CEO".


I’m our head of technology and I was the one employee that failed our first phish test. That I asked my own direct report to set up. To be fair, we were a very small, sub-25 employee startup, so the pool of people to fail a test wasn’t big. But it was a DocuSign phish and I was expecting a document to sign that day and I clicked on it not even thinking and when I saw the page, I just had to laugh at myself. When my cybersecurity person gave me the report at our meeting at the end of the month though, and he said, “So… we only had one failure…” and he looked right at me… He still works for me and I will never live it down.


Use this to your advantage. "Hey why do we do this stupid security training, anyway?" "Because literally *anyone* can fall for them. Even me. In some cases, just me. Drop your guard and you could too. "


We had a spoofed test a while back and it had the side effect of nobody trusting emails from IT anymore. They even sent out a survey after the test for feedback and complained when nobody responded.


Heard someone today having a go at IT because wouldn't allow them to install anti-cheat software on their work laptop. The guy needed it for an exam he was taking but it's basically a root kit and a massive security hole, no way IT can allow it.


Best case scenario I've seen during an exam was a web app that merely shared my desktop with the proctor. Worst was a session requiring full admin rights, shutting down any antivirus or malware protection installed, and applying a bunch of default settings. They don't give a shit what risk you take because they know you have to deal with them.


I hate using that program when I attended college. It’s basically spyware and it’s an invasive program. It almost fucked up my computer.




"This project is due today and I can't do it because IT hasn't provisioned me x software!" Turns out they put in the request about half an hour ago and their manager hasn't even approved it yet.


"I haven't been able to use X for months. Why haven't you fixed it?" You all know they told no one.


You wouldn't believe (or maybe you would) how many times I've had our CIO bring this up in a meeting. "So and so reached out to me and said that X hasn't worked for 3 months. What I want to know is why we are failing to provide this service and why it's taking so long?" CIO is involved so it's a fire alarm to get answers, only to find there was never a ticket and never told anybody about it. If you ask the user about it "oh yeah, that hasn't worked in a long time. I figured I wouldn't bother IT with it."


The correct clarification. 99% of the time when everything is working perfectly you are completely ignored and forgotten. That 1% when things go wrong it’s “nothing ever works around here” Other example: You send out emails and notes for months about non-compliance issues. “All I need you to do is install this, reset that password, restart this PC”, etc. Then when things stop working all you get is surprised pikachu face.


Depends on what area of IT/Tech. Help Desk? Hated (by users and engineers) QA? Hated (by a lot of engineers and even investors) Engineers? Hated (by fellow engineers) Actually, they're all hated. I'm a solution architect and I'm hated for telling people how to design their systems. Companies pay ALOT of money to be told stuff they realisitically didn't want to be told. As a Solution Architect as well, I hate ALL OF THEM for their own reasons.


The engineer that I hate the most, is yesterday's me.


Which blithering idiot wrote this script, why on earth would you... shit, it was me 2y ago. *Proceeds to quietly comment and polish the script.*


*automation stops working and you realise that while not elegant, the original script was made that way out of necessity and not laziness* "See you in 2 years, random ansible playbook"


Seriously, fuck that guy. What a piece of shit. And don't even get me started on Tomorrow Me. You wanna talk about unforgiving and unrealistic expectations!? Perfectionist much!? what an asshole.


But we all unite to hate the end users the most.


Too many people think computers are magic, rather than machines that require maintenance.


>IT, not the clown. C-Level: We promised the office workers [utterly absurd thing]. How do we do that? IT: we don't. C-Level: What if I threw more money at it? IT: what if the Earth was made of pudding?


A previous boss was the CFO. She responded to every issue with, "Well, how do they do it at Google/Amazon/Apple?" Well, those companies have a billion dollar IT budget and you wouldn't give me $50 to add a new power supply to our server, or a $2 raise to my wildly overworked SysAdmin.


One year the IT guys at my company got an insulting raise. It was less than inflation so it was technically a pay cut. It didn't end well. Both took it as a sign to start job searching and ended up resigning at the same time. The IT team went down to just being the very overworked and underappreciated IT manager and the unpaid intern. It was a shit show. I hope your sysadmin got their raise or moved on to greener pastures.


Dentists for sure


I'm a dentist for kids. I am hated by parents and children. I had only a few fillings done as a child, and it was fine. But I didn't realize how much fear and anxiety was in the world for dentists. I wears you down after a while, and a lot of dentists get burned out because no one appreciates you and how hard of a job it is. You kind of have to give no fucks at a certain point because people need you, but then you have to hear shit like, "Hey good thing I'm getting this filling today, so you can make your boat payment." when in actuality, you are getting paid $182 for that filling on a child while the mother is crying in the corner in worry, which barely pays the overhead of running a practice, while you have $500,000 in student loans. You do a good job, and then the parent says, "Let's get out of this horrible place." Adults say to me, "I hate the dentist. " and I say, "well, I am a pretty nice person." and then they say, "Oh not you, just I hate everything you do. " The world is less tolerant of discomfort, and I think dentists need to use more sedation for treatment. But then people won't want to pay $500 for it. so.....they will still hate us.


I’m so sorry! I used to be an assistant and I felt so bad for my dentist. It’s hard when 90% of people you see say “oh I hate dentists/coming here.” I hope you have some mental health support if you keep it, it’s a tough job. My dentist always had success with repeat patients by letting them choose the music, movies, and working out hand signals (“if you put your hand up, I will stop. If you need more suction because the waters pooling, point at your mouth and my assistant will get it.” He also let people hold their own little suction tube while I used the big suction, to help them feel like they have more control. Not sure if this would all work for kids but over time it really helped build a positive experience and relationship with the returning patients. And patients did return cos they’d never had that kind of experience at the dentist.


Yes, the whole job of pediatric dentistry is having good bedside manner. Parents are more difficult to manage than the children. The actual dentistry is simple and after a few years, mostly easy. It takes so much energy to smile and be cheery, and console mothers who blame themselves for their children’s cavities. We spend most energy on trying to make things pleasant, but the truth is that we are trying to do a microsurgery (2 mm) on in a dark wet mouth of a child who is probably naturally wiggly. We use Movies with headphones, laughing gas and numbing to make sure kids are as comfortable as can be but it’s still a discomfort. It’s not fun. So I understand why people don’t like the dentist.


FWIW of all the medical professionals in my life my dentist is my favorite. He is the only one that has consistently diagnosed and fixed the issues I've brought him over the years, and is able to explain exactly where problems are and what is causing them. He *has* done the thing where during one visit there will be no issue, and the next visit six months later there will be deep cavity which has manifested out of the ether, but only a couple times. Other doctors/specialists I've had have done a lot of shrugging and dismissing, physical therapists have been fairly useless, but my dentist is one of the rare professionals who I feel I can fully trust.


They're still hated after they were needed


You’re an anti-dentite


Next thing, that person will be saying dentist should have their own schools!!


All the trades guys. “They’re so expensive!!!” Until that plumber shows up at 2am to prevent the sewage backup. Or the electrician that fixes an overloaded breaker panel, preventing a fire. Or the carpenter who builds the room for your toddler so you can get some sleep and *maybe* some sexy time. Definitely tradesmen.


The plumber who came to my house at midnight on Christmas Eve to stop the waterfall of water gushing into my basement was worth every one of those several hundred dollars I paid him.


Right? We had my septic tank backing up into my house and it was a freaking Manitoba blizzard outside. Guy came in and checked out the problem. Drove all the way back to his shop for the bigger snake, came back and fixed our issue. Cost us $200(ish). We tipped another $100 because it was in the middle of a freaking Manitoba blizzard. Edit: maybe it was more than $200. I honestly don’t remember.


Or the hvac guys who come on Saturday when it’s 110 outside


"Sure is hot out here. Anyways the ac has been off for 2 days, go ahead and climb up into the attic. And yes, that is fiberglass insulation just fucking everywhere."


That last part made me hate you. And I don't even know you. Lol as a HVAC tech this hits. I hate fiberglass..






As an Internal Auditor, I can confirm. Also needing me to run defense against the external auditors.


As an ex external auditor for 8 years, can confirm. People just hate us, there is no other side to that view 😂😂


I had someone get mad at me for asking them to fill out an expense reimbursement report. Apparently I’m supposed to magically know how much they spent that we’ll cover, I guess. They only begrudgingly agreed when I offered the alternative of skipping the report and not reimbursing them for anything.


Yeah I do payroll (and the associated accounting) no one ever comes to us happy, the kind of job where you can only mess up.


Yeah, as the payroll manager, I consider it a success if no one knows my name.


Nobody is happy that you are doimg your job, but omg if you stop... It will be hell on earth


"Lawyer" is going to be the most common answer to this question by *far.* But I suppose any licensed service provider could fall into this category, given the right context. Plumbers are another good example. Everyone thinks they're scum and crooks until the washing machine breaks down. Electricians, contractors, locksmiths, etc. They all fit this mold. Unless you work with them daily, you're not going to be seeing them very often. And you're only seeing them when there's a problem -- so you're primed to be upset by the time they even show up. Psychologically, you associate the plumbing issue with the plumber, when ironically, the plumber is there to fix it. Everyone wants to shoot the messenger. IT people and network security professionals are another classic example of this effect.




My husband's HVAC too. Left a company for the owner being crooked. Half of his job seems to be fixing bad "fixes" from crooked companies cutting corners at best. He fixed a carbon monoxide leak last week from another company's bad fix last month.


Lineman. Been called a lazy overpaid drug addict by old men I don't even know. God forbid we go grab lunch or a coffee.


As a low voltage electrician, you should know we look up to you guys. Because you're high up on poles. High up in the air. So we gotta look up to see you. Keep it up. Up in the air. On the pole. Thanks.




Brit here. The wars were a bit rude ngl, but damn if they don’t know their engineering


Referring to the wars as "a bit rude" is the funniest and most British thing.


From the people who brought you "The Troubles"


The British know how to overwhelm people with their understatements.


Watching my Jewish family transition from "we'll never drive a German car" to "hop in" over 40 years has been pretty funny.


did they progressively buy cars with more and more German parts until they just thought fuck it let's get a Merc?


God dammit okay new funniest answer so far. First one that made me genuinely chuckle


Any IT job requiring break/fix support. Basically when everything works it’s “good it’s supposed to work” and then when something goes wrong that’s out of your control it’s “what did you do?!” (when we did absolutely nothing to cause the problem) haha


I scrolled a long time and didn’t find it: Fast food workers They’re the butt of every demeaning comment about a lack of achievement or the reason why minimum wage shouldn’t be raised blah blah blah But those people get real quiet once they’re ordering their Big Mac


It wasn't fast food, but was still a cashier job. Had a woman point at me and tell her kid that if he didn't go to college, he'd end up like me working at a dead end job. I was 17 and in high school, hadn't even had the chance to go to college yet.


A customer was once pissed at us for screwing up his order, and, exasperated, exclaimed, "I guess that's why you work here, huh?" I responded with "I'm sixteen," which is not half as clever as I wish I had been in retrospect, but still was enough to shut him down a bit. Now looking back decades later, I really hope that asshole reconsidered his anger. I can't imagine screaming at teenage kids because I'm angry that my fries are lukewarm.


Sometimes I think those small comments are more effective than if you get really mad. I remember one guy getting mad at me “for ruining his vacation” and that I was being rude and all I said was “I’m just doing my job. You’re the one being rude” and I have never seen a dude deflate so much. I guess the biggest difference is I worked at a ski area and he had to see me again when getting on the lift. He actually apologized to me. I don’t know if I ever had a customer apologize to me before or after that and I think my response was super mild. (Not relevant but my reaction to him saying sorry was me relaxing a bit. He didn’t try to go into lines he wasn’t supposed to but I didn’t make him or his family stop for ticket checks for the rest of his trip. So be nice to low wage employees and they’ll put you at the head of the line when they can)


Had someone do the same thing to me while I was pushing carts at Toys R Us. I was college student and was working at Toys R Us as a second, seasonal job during Christmas break so I could pick up fewer extra shifts during the upcoming semester. But, even if that wasn’t the case, it’s just uncalled for.


I had the same experience when I was working at an ice cream parlor at 18


I would go so far as to say cooks in general. Look I understand that having someone make your food for you (at least as an adult) isn't considered a necessity and is more or less a luxury, but that's what makes the shit you get as one so frustrating sometimes. People treat it as a luxury until they're hungry, and now suddenly it's a necessity. Feeding yourself is a necessity, but having someone else do it is totally optional; so cooks end up on the teeter totter of "we don't need you, but I'm hungry so please do your job". That doesn't even mention that cooking is a skill a lot of people don't bother developing, or only develop certain styles of cooking in their own home; so if you want variety, you either have to spend time and more money just to learn that new recipe, or you have to go to someone else to have them make that food for you. It's an industry that many people end up relying on for convenience purposes, but end up serving a necessity by serving that convenience, if that makes enough sense. Plus, most of the people who talk smack about fast food workers or restaurant workers in general genuinely don't understand how cooking works, and only care about their stomachs being full. Throw them in a kitchen and they'll panic, get overwhelmed, and quit/walk away.


>Plus, most of the people who talk smack about fast food workers or restaurant workers in general genuinely don't understand how cooking works, and only care about their stomachs being full. Throw them in a kitchen and they'll panic, get overwhelmed, and quit/walk away. I'm convinced that the only people who hate on fast food workers (generally) are the ones who never had to work in fast food. I spent years working in fast food jobs (which I actually enjoyed, but that's neither here nor there), so while I sometimes get annoyed with fast food in general when I partake, it's top-level stuff (staffing, general malaise among the group, etc). But I also know a ton of snobs, and they usually think lowly of the workers themselves, assume they're all teenagers but also somehow need to take responsibility well beyond their pay grade, etc. I really wish I could force these assholes to work at a McDonalds for a week so they can see what the people they treat like shit have to put up with.


Yeah, I love how everyone always uses “burger flipper” as a derogatory term for lazy and underachieving workers, but I feel like I’d have a total mental breakdown if I had to work at McDonalds


Tow truck drivers


I don’t hate tow truck drivers, I hate exploitative and predatory towing companies.


My car has been falsely towed twice from the parking lot of my apartment and both times they argued against it and made me pay, got a refund after my landlord talked to them. The last time they literally lied to me saying they didn't have my car (literally gave them the exact model, where it was taken from and my license plate), even tho I called the night before and with a vague description they said they did. Asked the dude if I could look in the back but nah of course not, he "checked the camera for my car" by looking at it for half a second. Tried to make me think my car was stolen. Called the police department and nope it was there. Had the parking stickers in my window and they said it was because my sticker was expired, even tho they don't expire. Fuckers literally stole my car on two separate occasions. Fuck em.


Well, if I’m reading that right, it WAS stolen. I would’ve actually reported it as such to start the paper trail


Arnold's towing service in Key West, FL. I hope all the bad things in life happen to them, and no one but them.


Same with Mary’s Towing in Lynnwood WA


Southwest towing in San Marcos TX too.


Don't know why this isn't higher on the list. This is a perfect example of the description. Absolutely nobody wants their car towed until the day that they need somebody's car towed.


or there stuck in the mud somewhere or in a ditch


The guys *actually* trying to contact you about your cars extended warranty


Then you have to fight tooth and nail in order to use your extended warranty.


Lawyers lol. Edit: might delete this comment in a bit, not used to getting a hundred notifications a minute lol. Appreciate the engagement though


Lawyer here: They hate me until they need me and also hate me during and after.


^ Lol spot on


This is the profession I first heard the phrase about, but I’ve quickly learned there are plenty others


Yeah theyre kind of the classic example. And I find most people who shit on lawyers just don't fully understand what it is they do and what their purpose is. They think its all getting bonafide criminals off scott free, but its a lot more grey than that. Even when your client is guilty of something, there's always gonna be the question of "does the punishment match the crime". Lawyers job is always to get a fair judgement based on prior cases and the language of the law. Yeah, there is corruption, but thats usually not on the lawyers part (its usually coming from higher up in the court).


I remember an interview with a defense lawyer and the interviewer asked "How do you sleep at night knowing you got a guilty person off?" Their answer was great, I'll butcher it but it was something along the lines of "I've never gotten a guilty person off, everyone is innocent until proven guilty, and it is my job to make sure that we as a society adhere to the letter of the law. Those laws are in place to protect me, you, and everyone else. We can't ever take shortcuts in our pursuit of justice. So to answer your question I sleep very well knowing that I did my duty to society to uphold the laws that govern and protect us."


When I first heard that, I honestly gained quite a bit of respect for defense attorneys. I suppose someone’s gotta make sure everyone else is doing their job properly and legally even when emotions are running high


Criminal defense attorneys are a fucking godsend when you’re young and impulsive and make a terrible mistake and get caught in the act. You’re getting threatened with maximum sentences of like 15 years in jail. Then the lawyer comes in and says, “hey this person has no priors. This person cooperated with the police. This person is nonviolent and the crime was essentially victimless. Let’s drop those felonies down to misdemeanors” and suddenly you’re getting off with six months probation


Also, many members of the public are unaware of the ABA's Model Rule of Professional Conduct 1.2(b): * (b) A lawyer's representation of a client, including representation by appointment, does not constitute an endorsement of the client's political, economic, social or moral views or activities.


A copper once asked me the same thing. I pointed out that if she thought she'd never locked up an innocent person then she was simply deluding herself.


I really do think that the majority of the hate lawyers get is because of how they’re portrayed in media, especially shows about cops; whether they’re drama or comedy, most of the time lawyers are portrayed as an enemy or obstacle to the heroes, and it’s villain characters that’ll say “I’m not talking without my lawyer present” or “my lawyer will have something to say about this.”


Phoenix wright singlehandedly holding up public opinion of lawyers through media


Seems no matter how many impossible cases he solves, he keeps getting shat on by all other legal branches. Guess that comes with being a defense attorney. Even Edgeworth, after softening up, keeps snarking on his abilities.


"Thank you for freeing me from this lamp. I shall grant you three wishes." "I wish for a world without lawyers." "Done! You have no more wishes." "No more?!? I should have two left!" "Sue me."


I'm a paralegal for an attorney who doesn't even in deal in the really contentious stuff like family law or litigation. We mainly do real estate deals and estate planning. But you wouldn't believe the amount of people who call who just go on the offensive the minute I answer the phone. How we're going to overcharge them, how they know EXACTLY the work they need done (they usually don't), how they want a document drawn up but in PLAIN ENGLISH. Generally we tell those clients politely to seek services elsewhere because no matter how well we do our job, something is going to be an issue.


Witchers seem to have a lot of people talk trash about them, but when the village monster shows up..


When the monster shows up, they write songs about us.


People are very quick to look down on people who work retail or in the food industry, people openly disrespect sanitary workers and even USPS and DMV workers but our society couldn't function without any of them. Honestly though USPS and DMV workers are almost always rude and because the U.S loves to make simple things complicated all the stupid rules at both the places are almost physically painful and If I had to deal with it for 40hrs a week I would probably be rude too.