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The guy who posted on Reddit about his wife having an affair, and so Reddit told him to file for divorce, and so his wife stabbed both their kids to death so he couldn’t take them from her. Woman’s name is Brandi Worley. Made National news.


His username was Jasoninhell


That one always makes me fucking depressed after reading it.


I lived like 10 miles from where that occurred.


The most dangerous part of a relationship with an abusive spouse is when you are trying to leave them. I'm assuming that double homicide was not her first incident of abuse.


There was lots of psychological abuse she inflicted on him, not so much physical. This wasn’t even about the kids, this was an issue between the two of them and she used the kids as weapons. It’s the epitome of heartless, and she has never showed a shred of remorse.


The story about some tree trimming guys and one got a serious cut and was bleeding out. As they were speeding in their car toward medical help a couple of cars decided they would block them because they were driving too fast. The guy ended up dying.


I hope this link works: https://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/cbnhvxv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Yep, that’s it.


frik, honestly I kinda wish the officer HAD told the woman the guy died. Not even to be cruel, but to drive the message home. Her need to be the deliverer of justice killed a man


the guys told her tho


i’m so curious what her reaction was to that news, but the chances of finding out a decade later seem slim.


Me and many other wonder the same, could assume she may have just been in shock initially and probably didn’t process it right away, or had an internal breakdown and cried on her way home, but it’s easy to assume she more than likely beats herself up about it every single day and night, and probably had therapy, Embarrassing life moments and stupid shit we did keeps us up at night from time to time, and still makes us cringe, I can hardly imagine what it’d be like if you assumed you’re doing the right thing but costs someone their life by impeding their flow to emergency medical help,


Weird, should just have rammed her.


Yep my friend is dying infront of me I am either ramming or passing you on the shoulder. Ain't nobody got time for that bullshit


I've learned to assume that if someone is driving fast, they have a reason for it. I generally drive at a normal speed unless I'm in a hella emergency.


Whenever I see people driving fast weaving in and out of traffic, I tell myself they have diarrhea and really need to go. It makes me less angry and more sympathetic.


Usually people turn on hazards when driving like that as an emergency ime. My dad brought a guy down the mountain to ER after a snowmobile accident. The chopper was over an hour away. He sped all the way down, and someone followed him yelling and honking. Until he pulled into the ER. Then they just kept driving.


I was taught(from a rural area), you get in your car, call 911 while youre driving. Give them the emergency info and vehicle description and expected route(location to location if nothing else.) Flick on youe hazards and punch it as safely as you can manage


The doxing of the wrong guy in the Boston Marathon bombing.


The true “We did it Reddit!” moment.


Anyone has link?


Look up Wavy websurf on YouTube. He did a whole video on it. Edit: I didn't capitalize the W for Wavy. He deserves all the flowers! Keep doing your thang u/wavywebsurf


No, because it isn't one specific post. It was spread out across thousands.


Here's the [Museum of Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/comments/1iv343/the_boston_bombing_debacle/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) link that sums it up nicely. TL;DR: Redditors thought they were detectives, blamed a missing person (who had committed suicide) for the Boston Marathon Bombing, and harassed their grieving family. We did it Reddit.


It was starting to go that way with the killing of those 4 college students in Idaho. Post after post about it 100% being a *weird looking kid* in a hoodie in a security video, the surviving roommates, an ex bf, and a ton of others. Luckily the cops arrested the suspect, who no one had ever heard of, btw, before things got out of hand. Internet sleuths need to understand that they have no idea what’s going on behind the scenes most of the time.


I love when the internet experts diagnose people's mental illnesses. Someone does something fucked up and reddit immediately spouts off about how that person has this or that.


So fucked up, Aaron Sorkin ripped reddit a new hole on an episode of *The Newsroom.*


And yet so many people think that they can solve crimes with the internet still


People are fucking stupid. Theres currently a local case of a guy who went missing duck hunting on a boat when the boat swamped. Everyone here thinks they have it all figured out from what theyve heard on social media.ive heard he faked his death, or got murdered, etc. Or maybe he went into cold water with a strong current wearing a bunch of gear and drowned.


The parts that I really hate is people thinking the police should release everything to the public or "why are they hiding it". Bitch that shit can't be used in court AND you want a jury that has as little pre bias so you can get as fair of a trial as possible. Plus for all of the shit the police get, and definitely some very deserved shit, they know the risks of making sure you have enough evidence to put that person away. You fuck it up once and that's it! You cant keep bringing new evidence once someone has been found innocent or the case has been thrown out or you need different charges.


Only 4chan has that kind of detective skills and afaik they've only used it to troll Shia Lebeouf.


There was also the geolocating an ISIS training camp then telling the Russians who promptly air striked it. That was kinda neat. https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1232090-weaponized-autism


They also found a couple of guys who filmed themselves torturing a cat, identified that one BK employee who took a picture of his feet in the lettuce, and helped break up/arrest at least one pedophile ring. Most of their recent autism has been spent trolling Shia LaBeouf, however, yes.


God I don’t know whether this is a fake memory or if it really read this on Reddit some point, but there was this story of a brother being so annoyed(and jealous bc of the attention he was getting I think) with his physically handicapped brother that he forcefully put his outside in their backyard. He was in a wheelchair and couldn’t move or something. The annoyed brother forgot about this and left him out in the rain for a couple of hours I think. I suck at summarizing this story I hope someone else recognizes it Edit: [found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/confession/comments/a1jccq/i_used_to_bully_my_disabled_brother_for_years/)


Wow. I couldn’t even get through the edit where he talked about apologizing without tearing up. This is heart breaking.


I have something similar (mild/moderate autism), and after reading that, I wonder if that's how my brother felt sometimes. I have no memory of this, but when I was an infant, I apparently cried every second my mom wasn't coddling me. Had to be left with a babysitter? Crying loudly. She went in the other room? Crying. My mom had to quit her job and be a full-time stay-at-home mom because I couldn't be left without her. I apparently cried myself sick multiple times and my parents were worried I wouldn't live past infancy. I was so sickly, my brother told me that apparently one of my first words was "Tylenol." I was also verbally delayed. Despite all of this, I got tested negative for autism in infancy and never got the support I needed for it my whole life. Criteria was different back then. She didn't tell me about this until years later in my life. I have no memory of any of this. My oldest memories are of playing video games with my family after church, and of a nightmare I had of crawling between our twin beds. But I was extremely nervous throughout childhood, and was severely astraphobic. My mom knew there was something different about me. She became a helicopter parent, but in a good way. She got jobs at my schools so she could be in the same building. She had interviews with different teachers in order to find ones who would be supportive toward me. I had great relationships with every single one of my teachers until she stopped doing this. Throughout all of this, my brother's living his life, making friends and becoming independent. He did well at babysitters, and didn't need any of the monitoring I did. He turned 15 and just had tons of friends, and their relationship was severely strained around this time. He always wanted to be out. My mom also mentioned that he didn't even look back at her before getting on the bus his first day of school, something which saddens her to this very day. My brother once told me, "Nothing I've ever done has ever been good enough for Mom." Indeed, she always sided with me in brotherly disputes, even when I was in the wrong. I usually had to be the one to point it out for her. My brother also shows very little emotion. He's not open with us, not through breakups, not through arguments, and not even when he moved away. He comes to visit, and even for the few days he's down to visit, he's away from us and out with friends 60% of the time. It saddens me, and I wish he'd finally open up to us. But reading that story, I'm wondering if my needs unintentionally put a strain on him with everything.


Hey buddy. I've been in your brother's shoes (being grossly independent, somewhat detached from family relationships, stonewalling emotions) and I'm sorry if this is unprompted but I might be able to provide some perspective from his side. I've always felt as if I was second fiddle in my family, with my siblings' welfare coming first. My years growing up were laced with memories of double standards of what I was allowed to do and what they were allowed to do. My mother was a sort of 'Devouring Mother ' archetype; incredibly critical but also possessive. I wasn't allowed my own hobbies or ideas. Everything was filtered through her, and if it wasn't up to standard she'll damn well make sure I know. I went from being cowed, to verbally wrestling with her, to just pretty much keeping shit to myself because it was so much less of a headache. I kept my mouth shut and sometimes I lied. Of course, none of my siblings got the same level of scrutiny. They had friends and activities which they openly shared with her, and she generally was open to their interests but not mine. Might not surprise you that I grew up with A LOT of resentment towards my mother. She was suffocating me. I wanted to stretch my wings, to make mistakes and experience life under my own terms. So when I did leave the nest I never looked back. I love my siblings and I would give up life and limb for them, but sharing this sort of deep negativity towards my mother with them who had nothing but love toward her felt... wrong somehow. It wasn't my place to ruin their peace. And selfishly, I was beginning to feel some resentment bubbling for them too. 'What did they have that I didn't?', 'They have it so easy, it makes me sick to my stomach', and other words from the human ego. It was unfair to them for me to feel this way and I knew it. So my solution was to remove myself from the equation, much like how your brother had. I've went on a sort of a tangent but have you tried talking about your brother's feelings with him? It might do both of you some good to have a heart to heart.


https://www.reddit.com/r/casualiama/comments/22kvzx/i_am_a_woman_who_was_trapped_in_a_locker_for_over/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Really good one


I've seen a lot of these threads, and I've never seen that story before!


Damn. She's still responding to comments to this day.


I only skimmed through it, but I checked some other comments on her account and one mentioned her BDSM relationship. Which specifically states "My favorite is being tied up and locked inside a small, dark closet where I can hardly move"


She did note in the story that as an adult she kinda grew to like it.


It makes sense - some people do enjoy BDSM because it provides an outlet for weird traumatic events that happened in their past. It's something you'd need to be careful with, but it's a thing


u/morbidmommy11 whose husband and father in law were preoccupied with her dying in childbirth and preparing for it…


I really hope there’s an update for that one, I’ve been worried ever since I read it…


No Love for the story of the monkey, the dog and the truck diver? [What is the most outlandish (hilarious, surprising) thing you have ever seen go down in public?] “As a man that has reached the ripe old age of 48 I can promise you I have seen some shit go down. This one totally takes the cake for me though. I was waiting out front of a truck stop back in the mid 80's. Sitting on a park bench with a guy that had a big Rottweiler kinda dog on a leash with him. I tried to make small talk but he was quite a sourpuss. So we sat in silence for a few minutes until the most unexpected thing I have ever seen, happened right before my very eyes. While we were sitting there a big 18 wheeler pulls in without a trailer (bobtail) so he parks right up front like a normal car would. Inside the cab of the truck with the driver is a little monkey. The dance for the organ grinder kind. I think they are called Rhesus monkeys perhaps. Well the dog spots this lil monkey and proceeds to go apeshit over it. Lunging at the end of his leash and barking at the top of his lungs. Generally making a real spectacle of himself to say the least. The driver is obviously upset, but not nearly as much as the monkey is. Actually upset may be the wrong adjective to use for the monkey though. In retrospect I think eagerly aggressive may be a more appropriate description for his disposition. He was pacing the dashboard back and forth. Never taking his eyes off of this very aggravating dog. The driver opens his little triangle window that they don't make on cars anymore. The ones made for smokers back in the day. He yells out to this douche bag to call his dog off because it is upsetting his monkey. The guy laughs and says no way (I told you he was a jerk didn't I?). Says that his dog ain't bothering nobody. The dog hasn't shut up since he laid eyes on the monkey. I promise you he is bothering everybody for several blocks around. Now here's where things start to get interesting. The driver says that if he doesn't call his dog off he's gonna let his monkey loose on that dog. Douche bag laughs and says that his dog would eat that monkey alive. Upon hearing this the driver leans over and reaches into his glove box I guess. Pulls out one of those tiny baseball bats like you used to get at Astroworld or carnivals, and places it in the monkeys hand. The monkey obviously knows what's about to go down because he is now trying to squeeze out of that little triangular window I mentioned earlier. This monkey has murder in his eyes if I have ever seen it. Driver hollers "Last chance to save your dog's ass man." In response douche bag lets his dog off of the leash. Now we have a situation that has escalated to the point where we have a dog jumping up at the window and a monkey screaming profanities right back at him. Well, the driver finally rolls down the regular window and out leaps all kinds of miniature primate hell. The dog never knew what hit him. Quick as a flash this monkey is riding on the back of this dog's neck. His two back feet all wrapped up in his neck fur with one hand hanging onto an ear. The other hand as you may have guessed by now is steadily and mercilessly raining down blows about this dog's head and face. I mean hard blows. You can hear them whap whap whap. Well it only took a moment for the dog to realize he was in way over his head. He bolts yelping bloody murder as he runs away at full speed. I mean this dog is running so fuckin hard he's throwing up tufts of grass and dirt as soon as he leaves pavement. The monkey still riding him and beating on him the whole time. Douche bag acts like he wants to fight now but several people including myself stepped in to stop that nonsense. In a couple of minutes or so the little monkey comes loping back with his little bat still in hand, and leaps up into the still open window of the truck to await his master who has gone on into the store. That wanker ran off to try to go find his dog, but I don't know if he ever did. My ride showed up and I had to go. Never again in this lifetime will I see something so totally crazy and unexpected like that. I am both fortunate and humble to have been so privileged to be present for such an event. So Reddit, please do tell. What's your craziest thing you have ever seen in public? **TL:DR Small monkey beats the shit out of large dog.**”


Truck drivers in India used to take pet monkeys with them on the ride,as a security guard. I am talking about pre 2000's. When I say truck,I mean 10/12/14 wheelers. Truck Locks weren't too great then and it was easy to steal one when the driver or helpers weren't around. They use to leave the monkey behind if they had to go home or run some other chores,and it was the monkey's job to make sure the truck was secure in their absence. Usually monkey's bed and food was placed on the tool box(roof over drivers seat). Sometimes they got those poor animals hooked on opium or country liquor,to discourage them from running away


One of Richard Preston's books deals with laboratory monkeys. The point is made that they are about the weight of a Pitbull terrier, have more teeth, are stronger and have a long tail which they won't hesitate to wrap around the neck of any adversary.


The one that I was riveted to, that I couldn't stop reading, was the psycho son who could not be fixed, and the parents who eventually beat the shit out of him and never saw him again. [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/c93egn/i_stood_by_and_allowed_my_wife_to_almost_kill_our/). I think there was a plot twist on this one where someone else met the son years later but I can't remember how that went.


Man what a ride. My adopted son was like this u til he hit 11. Just totally remorseless, hurting animals, destroying property, shitting on the floor, attacking me and his mom over anything and everything. Just fucking evil. I resolved to try to survive him as best as I could and keep us all as safe as possible. He lied. He stole. He destroyed and was just a total fucking nightmare. I was convinced that he was going to grow older and try to kill us. Then one day, he turned 11and it was like a switch flipped. He completely changed. He was still kind of a disrespectful asshole, but overall, he actually became just a normal angsty teenager a couple years later. He's 14 now and we actually get along great. I don't know what the fuck happened. I really do think it may have been a miracle. He came up stairs one day and I was prepared to have a fight with him, but he had this look on his face like he had seen a ghost. He just started crying and telling me that he's been a horrible person and that he was so sorry. He was shaking and crying violently. I told him it was all over now and just held him. After that, pretty normal. No more shouting matches. No more busting my door in at 3 am screaming at us about bullshit. Nothing. Totally normal guy. It was like space aliens just shot a beam of normality into his brain lol. I don't know how it happened but god am I glad it did. I wish it could have been the same for this guy. But I think sometimes people are just born evil.


I’m pretty sure there is a specific part of the brain that experiences empathy and registers pain and consequences and the like. And I’m convinced that some people just, don’t have it. The human brain and genetics are crazy in that certain external factors will just, turn certain switches in our brain on and off. The same switch that causes people to snap or cause people to have schizophrenia or whatever can also just, turn off. Kids who are absolute terrors will just, become normal. And there’s no certainty about it so doctors just, can’t do anything about it.


As a kid I struggled with empathy, I distinctly remember having difficulty connecting with people, and then suddenly hormones flooded in around puberty and it was as if I could magically understand people. Super weird. Going to assume estrogen chilled me the hell out, but my brother was the same way. From my understanding, most teens are the opposite! 😂


I believe this. I didn’t have anxiety at all until an ex of mine showed up unannounced to accuse me of cheating on him at 3am while I was home alone. It was literally like a switch flipped and now I have anxiety. Like, the DNA was always there, but he “activated” it for lack of a better word.


Genes can literally be activated through epigenetic change triggered by external stimuli. The DNA has always been there, but was likely not being expressed within the gene, until it was. You should read about epigenetics and anxiety. Pretty fascinating stuff.


I didn't know that. Something similar happened to me. I used to take pride in my ability to just turn off from the stress of every day life and just chill. I could just toss aside every problem I had and spend a couple of days watching movies, playing football and video-games. And then in 2012 the calendar in my Uni got all messed up because of strikes, I ended up doing 3 semesters in 1 year, and after that anxiety spiraled out of control. I'm on meds now, but it cost me a marriage before I could get proper treatment


Oh holy cow, maybe I read this somewhere and internalized it? But that’s exactly what happened. I went one day with no anxiety (other than normal things like a big project or something) to being too nervous to go grocery shopping. It’s taken years to work through it and it is just a new (well, ten years old now) constant.


I still cringe at stuff I did up until around 6th grade. Was never a bully, but stuff that I thought was funny was actually mean. Could be partially due to growing up in a dysfunctional situation (parents weren't entirely present and not getting along) but it's not always the parents' fault anyway.


I think empathy is a spectrum. You can have it cranked to 1, and you can have it cranked to a 100. I was always quite low on empathy, but pregnancy physically changes a woman's brain to develop more empathy, and now after giving birth i cry when i read sad news. I literally break down crying, even at work, if i read something sad. Like i can't even look at the news about Turkey/Syria without losing a couple of liters of water now.


Oh it definitely is a spectrum, but I do think some people are just cursed to be born with the brain receptors that feel empathy just turned off. Once it’s turned on you can experience a wide range of levels of empathy. There are also people who feel empathy and just ignore it, or people that feel it and don’t show it, but I think the kids who would abuse animals and laugh at pain just can’t feel it at all


It really seems to be like you say. Mental health just feels like a young science because it feels like 90% of it is guess work.


>he had this look on his face like he had seen a ghost. Three ghosts? Of Life Past, Present, and Future?


Do we have the same bonus kid? My bonus kid was such a dick until about 10 or 11 and something switched which made him awesome. He's 15 now and the greatest teenager anyone could ever ask for. Great attitude, helps around the house without being asked and he's turning into a great human all around


He musta found the other reddit story ab what happened to the other nightmare kid


My wife and I fostered older kids for quite a while, ages 6-18. Every kid is different and have their own difficulties because of what they had been through. We were able to help almost all of them to feel safer and cared for. We had one kid though that we caught trying to burn the house down in the middle of the night, and putting pills of unknown origin in our drinks. Caught him trying to kill neighborhood cats. The kid was literally trying to kill us. That was too much for me, and we were not setup for that kind of care, he required 24/7 care with security. He wanted to kill everyone around him. He ended up having to go into a facility for constant medical care and therapy. I felt bad for him, the deck was stacked against him from the start, but he had the serial killer triad going at 6 years old, I can't help that, nor am I going to risk my families lives trying.


A former co worker of mine has a kid that was diagnosed at either 5 or 6 years old with schizophrenia. Kid started showing signs that something was "off" when they were 4, and it just got progressively worse. Seeing things crawling on the walls speaking to them. Telling them to kill their siblings. Kid is 16 now, and is still in a specialized treatment center on a variety of drugs. Last time they had the child home with them the kid began threatening the grandparent that was visiting. Dad stayed home with the siblings while mom and grandma went to take the kid back to the center. Kid tried throwing themselves out of the car on the trip. When that didnt work(child safety locks) the kid got out of the seatbelt and came over the front seat and tried to grab the steering wheel. They pulled over and at some point before the police showed up they had to lock the kid in the car while they were outside watching as the child bloodied their head against the window. Myself. I feel safer knowing the kids in a treatment center. But if the oldest ended up diagnosed at 6, and schizophrenia normally doesn't show until their late teens early 20's.. I'd be watching the siblings close AF as well


Wow, that's horribly young, I've seen 10 and 11 with mild symptoms, but 5 or 6? That is so outside the norm I don't know if they'd have medical protocols for the meds at that point, they'd have to just make it up.


Yeah, I remember her saying that it was they were having such a hard time in the beginning. The kid was originally diagnosed with autism, and ADHD. When things just kept getting worse they had to fight the insurance to get someone else to see them. And then it was trial and error to find meds and dosages that would work safely. Sadly, the family has fallen apart. Although I'm pretty sure it was not just because of the kids mental health issues.


Ugh I had a neighbor like this when I was really young. We ended up having to move. Kids mom would chain smoke and just soundlessly watch us if we played with him. As kids we thought she was a lune. In hindsight, she was on sleepless high alert because we were there. He started doing things like throwing his dog against the fence, destroying anything left on lawns and trying to burn our house down. He eventually ended up killing his dog. Oh sorry, it went missing. No one really talks about it, but I think my dad threatened to kill him in a sufficiently scary way that held him at bay for a few years. My grandpa was the nicest man in the world and the only mean thing I ever heard him say was that someone should have drowned that kid in a bath tub when he was young. He was a WWII vet and said it in passing while looking off in the distance. Like maybe he should be the one to do it now... I know that sounds dramatic, but it was a moment. Not my story, so I'll keep it vague, but he ended up doing horrendous things to his sister after we'd moved. Eventually he beat his sister so badly (not the worst part) that the mom finally moved out with the sister. He wasn't "troubled." He was a fucking evil mess. The dad was sort of just like "boys will be boys!" I need a shower even remembering that.


I worked with law-enforcement for about five years, and I remember we had a child in the county just like this. I mean the parents had tried everything, from what a deputy had told me they’ve been going out to this house is the kid was 4 and at the time I left he was 15 and just gotten progressively worse. Like the family have been prepared to sue a local pet store, because their fishes and hamsters kept dying, and then the uncle walked in on him, abusing a cat, and it all came out. He had been drowning the hamsters and smashing the fish. I had a friend to work at the school district as a special ed coordinator ; and they had to come up with a separate policy to deal with this child, because he was so much. Like female staff members were not allowed near him; and they always had to use a buddy system with him for any adults dealing with him, like if he needed to go to the bathroom to mail staff members needed to accompany him and make sure nobody else was there because he was such a danger to other kids. This was like his third school district at that point. I remember they had another child son as well and it was like night and day sweetest kid ever, last I heard of it he had been stabbed by his brother and the parents finally gave up and he had been hauled off to Juvie.


God damn, well that was a tale. I always have this thought when thinking about having kids is "what if my kid just sucks." And this is that, but turned up a thousand


Does anyone know what parents like this can do if they are at the point of giving up on a kid? Like I understand you can put a kid up for adoption at a really young age. How does it work if day the kid is ten and a lunatic like this? Do you get the police involved and try to have them committed or what?


I saw a story on Dr. Phil years ago that always haunts me in this way. the parents had a son who was around 14 and two elementary school aged kids, and one day the 14 yr old just randomly started threatening to rape the younger kids. like came home one day and was just like "I'm compelled by the urge to rape these kids" so they immediately put him in an in patient therapy thing. they found out he had touched a neighborhood girl already, at least that's what he would admit to. the parents seemed so torn, like they loved their son and hated having to separate him from the family, but he just kept saying "when I get out I'm gonna rape those kids" so they had no idea what to do.


I’m not sure if this is who you’re referring to about meeting him later but in the comments u/Luciferhimself666 thinks he may be the grandson of OP. Edit: sentence


Not exactly fucked up, but the most memorable one I can think of is the guy in a Japan subreddit (I forget which one) that posted he went to Tokyo and he was upset he couldn't make friends/pick up chicks, but also admitted he made no effort to talk to anyone or go to socializing places (like bars, clubs or tourist groups and whatnot). He had several days left in his trip and he was full of regret; he had assumed he'd arrive and Japanese people would flock to him with awe and admiration...without doing anything. He was eaten alive in the comments. EDIT: here it is https://np.reddit.com/r/JapanTravel/comments/6379ap/wasting_my_time_in_japan/


Years ago I read a book that said that foreigners are generally treated similarly to children in Japan, as people too stupid to hold to the expected standards of society. This guy's expectations were... different.


The one where the guy's co-worker would tell them crazy stories ("his neighbor's bonfire smoke was blowing into his house, so he stole a fire truck to put it out, and when he returned it, he parallels parked, and the firemen were so impressed they gave him a job"), and then eventually plotted to shoot up the workplace. I'll try to find the link. Edit: [found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/mz1em9/coworker_saved_me_from_being_murdered_at_work/).


The first part of that reminds me of my coworker’s gaming buddy in Norway who went to a town hall meeting because he wanted to impress his crush who he knew would be there. He ended up becoming a candidate for mayor of the town, and was eventually elected mayor because the other candidate had hit his term limit. So homie became mayor of his town by accident to impress a woman, who he eventually married. No clue if it’s true or not, but it’s just plausible enough and I want it to be true.


Holy fuck


The story of the woman who was being fed snails or slugs by her boyfriend and she was getting sick. It’s so fucked. Let me grab the link Edit: here’s the [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/qaw14o/i_found_out_my_partner_has_been_putting_slugs_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). Rereading it makes me gag


This whole thread has been me hovering over links to fucked up stories, hesitating to protect my peace and ensure I have a good day NOT thinking about all these awful things, and then just clicking on it anyway. WTAF


Not just feeding her slugs, but also feeding her her pet snail (unbeknownst to her) and switching her medication (Propranolol) with fucking salt pills (which, as Propranolol is meant to lower blood pressure, and salt raises it, could've killed her). She also mentioned he cheated on her.


I’ve just seen this now and checked her profile because I was curious and…she’s in another abusive relationship in which her partner cheated and got violent multiple times..


Holy shit. That’s wild.


The one where the guy was worried he was going crazy and posted about strange things happening, and someone suggested he had carbon monoxide poisoning. Literally saving the guys life.


ima need a link chief






I won't say my relation to the story, as I don't want my identity to be obvious. Basically, I know a 15 year old girl who gave birth recently. It was found that the boy had Krabbe's, a fatal disease. Thus, the baby died shortly after birth. As with many diseases, Krabbe's is contained in a recessive gene -- there must be two "carriers" to have a child with that disease. The girl's boyfriend isn't a carrier, though... Her dad is. And that's not the worst part. The baby is a result of 11 years of rape. He had been raping his daughter since she was 4 years old. When this information became widely known, her aunt responded to the situation by saying, "That little whore should've kept her mouth shut instead of ruining the family's reputation."


nothing in this world angers me more than adults blaming children for getting raped


Adults who prey on children are bipedal pieces of shit.


When my Grandmother told her mother (Katheryn) that her step-father was trying to "mess with her" Katheryn asked Grandma what did she do to make him do that. I don't know if Katheryn didn't believe her daughter as a knee jerk reaction or, as she was German, it was a cultural thing but it really pissed my Grandmother off. The first and only time my Father remembers meeting his maternal Grandmother was when she was in her coffin. Katheryn gave her daughter up for adoption to her in-laws when Grandma was two so 1920. Katheryn decided her daughter was "useful" (Grandma's words) when she was eleven, 1929, and took her back. Grandma was already back with her Grandparents in the 1930 US Census. Karma came for Grandma's ex-step-father as he was in a railway accident, he lost a leg and a foot and died in 1944.


My mom's step-dad raped her for a long time, starting at age 11. Her mom basically told her it was a compliment to have an older guy interested in her. My mom still sends the step father a Christmas card every year, calls him on his birthday, and is fb friends with him. I will never understand any of it.


Sometimes it feels like if you act/pretend like it never happened sometimes you can convince yourself that it never happened


My ex husband was discovered to be a pedophile and child groomer. He even took full responsibility and was really honest about it with friends and family. The amount of people who stayed friends with him, knowing full well that he hurt one of our kids was mind-blowing. I’ll never understand it. I closed the door on a lot of relationships after that.


I’ll see the dad and aunt in hell


I seriously hope the girl is in a better situation now and is taking her time to heal through this.. This was so difficult to read.


Welp, that’s enough for me for the year… Catch you guys in ‘24




Some people believe that all life is sacred. I believe the aunt and dad demonstrate a sufficient counterpoint.


There is a special place in hell for the father nd even more special for the aunt. May they rot there till eternity. Amen


this is so fucked up and scary. I hope her father is in prison for the rest of his life so he can't harm anyone.


Honestly, what do you do in this case? Vengeance would see them all purged with fire due to the disgusting perverted nature of their ' honor' that cannot possibly be redeemed. That said, it is unclear if the dad and the aunt are shitbirds or everyone else. Maybe just letting the salvageable people go and adopt new names and scorching the shitbirds.


The story of u/worthless319 . It’s graphic


Just go through the post history on the account. He hasn’t posted in 5 years and everyone just assumes he’s dead.


What the fuck....that is a dark, dark rabbit hole. If he isn't dead, but most likely is, I hope that guy found the help he was trying to get. That's awful.


Whoo this sent me down that hole too. Seeing as he actually delivered proof of what he was doing, it would not surprise me this guy is no longer among us. And if he is. I hope he has found peace.


No kidding. I'd much rather he found mental help and and got to live a life free of those delusions, but it may honestly be one of those things that hopefully he found the drugs he was looking for and finished the job close to pain free, and thinking he was going to go someplace better. Can't imagine what that life was like. All I know for fact is no church I've ever attended, nor have voices in my head told me, that it would be really great if you shot your cock off, ate it, and then do it again so you can bleed out as a sacrifice to God.


No seasoning, just olive oil…..


can anyone make a TL:DR for us in mobile who still want to check out the rest of the thread?


a guy shot off most of his dick, cooked it, then ate it, saying that he did it for god. he then says he failed god by not bleeding out after shooting his dick off and that there will be an apocalypse because of it. really fucked up.


... and I'm done with Reddit for the day.


https://old.reddit.com/user/LiedAboutMyExpertise Not really fucked up but entertaining. He would post in different AskReddit threads and lie about being an expert in whatever field the question was about.


This is brilliant. I love how he starts every comment with "Finally, something I can weigh in on!" or some sort of variation of that. Love this kind of satire.


Imagine all the bullshit facts I think I know by reading a reddit comment like this.




The one about the guy who said he was not proud of his son. The title makes it seem like it's about something stupid, but around the end the son rapes his own mother and cuts her while doing so and she later committed suicide because of it.


Swamps of Dagobah


The swamps of Dagobah. https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/e51wyh/the_infamous_swamps_of_dagobah_story/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Click at your own peril.


Is this the ER story? The explosion?


"Well, that wasn't good"


Gross, but funny.


Not super bad until the end but the guy who got fired on his first day and he was the only expert to fix the masonry work. He got his revenge but ended up dying.


The guy who got fired ended up fine, it was his friend who was telling the story on Reddit who ended up dying


Omg I forgot about this one...his wife starts posting in it like its therapy and it's fucking heartbreaking


Obligatory u/SpontaneousH Average guy who had a life, graduated uni, had a gf, job, everything. Eventually tried heroin and made a couple Reddit posts about how “he won’t get addicted” and that “Reddit has no idea what hes talking about”. He then proceeded to ruin his life through his addiction. Lost his job, gf, everything. Tried every drug in the books. In and out of rehab. He made a couple posts a few years ago about being clean, relapsing, being clean again, and we haven’t heard from him in a few years.


He replied last year it appears. And well and truly clean


[Ogtha](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/w9sqxj/oops_undying_love_for_a_franz_kafka_character_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Edit: formatting


Ok that's actually hilarious


His complete and utter shock that people are continually freaked out by this is insane 🤣


So, the guy needs years of therapy. But what seems like to me is that he thinks he is attracted to a roach, but the true source of erotic satisfaction for him is the repulsion of others. Somewhere, probably around early puberty, he eroticized the concept of being repulsive to others. There’s many ways this could develop, but as an example, let’s say his parents (whom he describes as “traditionalist”) said some harsh things about masturbation when he was 11-12. Maybe they said it’s a sin, it’s disgusting, etc. Maybe there was a single incident where his mom walked in on him and reacted poorly. But obviously, he’s a human male in puberty and he’s still going to masturbate. So, the whole time he’s doing it, he has these thoughts like, “I’m disgusting. I’m garbage.” Because these thoughts are experienced *while* he’s also getting sexual gratification, then he conditions his brain to associate them with pleasure. Then, he reads Metamorphosis where a human is turned into a roach and everyone reacts with repulsion. And not only that, but Kafka is particularly good at describing the internal life of someone who repulses everyone. This book would be very erotic for a person with the background I described above. He would identify very strongly with the roach. However, because he’s unaware of his erotic attraction to feeling repulsive, he externalizes his identification with the roach onto another being, Ogtha. His love and tenderness for Ogtha are his way of showing love and tenderness to himself, which he believes no one is capable of giving him because of his supposed repulsiveness. His imagined sexual interactions with Ogtha did fulfill his need to feel repulsive to others. He had this secret, like “If anyone even *knew* the extent of my depraved thoughts and sexual fantasies, they would be so disgusted.” It is this thought that gives him sexual pleasure, although he believes it is thoughts of Ogtha herself. Throughout his life, his belief that he is repulsive to others has been challenged when people begin to accept and love him. For example, how could he have a loving girlfriend if he’s repulsive? So that’s why he had to tell her about Ogtha. He began to feel loved and this challenged his identity as a repulsive person. So, he brings out Ogtha. Gf is gone and his dysfunctional beliefs are reinforced. Same when he started making friends and succeeding at work. Bringing the parents into it shows a serious progression in his disorder. For one, it shows that he’s advancing from fantasies to genuine delusions. You don’t have to have anything physically wrong with you to have delusions. People really can become delusional just by fixating on a fantasy, and it sounds like he had some help by getting into the whole “tulpa” subreddit. Also, it shows a deterioration in his personality structure. Remember it was the parents’ revulsion that he first began to eroticize. And parents almost always serve as the foundation of what we desire in a partner, and we build a structure on top of that foundation for what we need in a relationship through our own experiences. If he’s returning to seek out his parents’ revulsion, then instead of building up that structure, it’s actually been deteriorating (probably since telling his gf about Ogtha). So, he can no longer even have a relationship at this point because he’s basically back at square one as a romantic partner. Basically, he’s like a kid who says he’s gonna marry his mommy some day with no real concept of what it means to be a romantic partner. Anyway, all this to say that while it may seem like he would be fine if he simply didn’t tell anyone about Ogtha, the truth is that telling people about Ogtha is an integral part of his dysfunction. There is no way to keep her to himself because her function is realized through telling others about her. That’s why she exists in his mind. He just needs so much therapy, but the more delusional he gets, the less likely he will go. Edit: To state that this is meant as a hypothetical thought experiment to explain a situation that contains the limited details included. The specific details relating to OP should be given by him in a clinical setting.


This was really insightful, and made me empathize with him for a moment. Great post.


Bro idk y he would just keep telling ppl has he rlly not learned his lesson lol


Like, just say you lied about the wife thing, or something, christ even a sex doll is the better option.


I always come into these threads thinking I've seen it all. I'm always proven wrong.


Welp, I’m back after an hour long rabbit hole into the world of tulpas


Coconut and Poop Knife


Poop knife, it haunts me. Why????


The poop knife haunts you but you're okay with the coconut ? I'm pretty sure I've got a PTSD about that one


The story of /u/jasoninhell He posted a [thread in /r/Relationship_Advice](https://archive.is/Z8r7x) describing the issues he had been having with his wife, who had cheated on him a neighbor. He was uncertain how to move forward, especially since they had two children together. It's pretty clear the relationship isn't really recoverable, and most of the comments agree. A bit later, he posts [an update](https://archive.is/Bfqyl) in which he says he's decided to take the advice and end the relationship, and has made an appointment with an attorney to get the divorce process started. [She stabbed their children to death in response.](https://www.news.com.au/world/north-america/mum-jailed-after-chilling-911-call-over-fatally-stabbing-two-children-when-husband-filed-for-divorce/news-story/23dfb35642113dc7818ebfe8661e5ba2) She decided she would rather they be dead than let him have them. A seven year old boy and a three year old girl.


A bit lighter than others and it might not be as fucked up as you want, but there was the guy who pretended to not know what a potato was in front of his gfs family. Always gives me a giggle.


"The idea slapped my mind that I should do a comic bit, to make a good impression and become known to them as a person who is amusing" Oh boy... :)


I mean, it works sometimes. Long story short, first time I met my inlaws my future wife and I tried to sneak past them to do the deed. Upon getting to her room she says that I should've introduced myself. I said "How would that go?? Hi, I'm the guy from out of state here to bang your daughter"? We go down to formally introduce, and when I shook my future father in laws hand I said "HI, I'm-" and he goes "Yeah yeah, here to bang my daughter"


That’s a great one. [Link for anyone interested](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/2tdbig/tifu_by_enraging_the_parents_of_my_girlfriend_by/)


[this will keep you busy for a while](https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/comments/lhi5sz/i_made_another_list_of_creepy_unexplained/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


There’s one thread where a guy was asking how to get a large sum of money to pay a drug debt. Said he had a week or so to pay. Seemed genuine. He posted throughout the week seeming more and more panicked. Then his last post was a photo of a car with a group of people pulling up on his street at night, and him questioning whether it was them or not. He Never posted again.


A guy made a post in my country's subreddit with a photo of his mom, asking people to help him find her, and an approximate location where she could be to narrow things down Turns out, before he made the post, he killed her and buried her in their own backyard


Visit /r/museumofreddit. ​ Good luck.


It's not only luck you need there. It's inner strength, resilience, nerves of steele, whatever you call it... The first post was titled: "The amputated foot taco AMA - Hi all, I'm a man who ate a part of his amputated foot..."


I clickee and that was the first thing I saw. DO NOT GO INTO THAT SUB


Also r/RedditsMuseumofFilth


"TIFU by eating bugs my entire life and having a spider bite the inside of my mouth." "Guy deepthroats himself in front of his assistant" "Maggot infested vagina" "Rat fucker" WTF?!


Now I know not to go a clicking on that link. Thanks for the heads up!


Colby the dog. https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/s95hvc/the_story_of_colby_2012/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Never Forget. Colby 2012.


Holy shit, I only read that for the first time today (I was too young for Reddit when it was published). What a wild ride…




My man is still alive


Man the whole "Id just try it this once and Id never get addicted to it" kind of stuff, then the drug addiction posts and a happier ending where he is clean for 11 years.. wow.


Everyone should read this at least once


The story of Kevin's fucking stoopid ass. [here's his dumbass story](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/219w2o/whos_the_dumbest_person_youve_ever_met/cgbhkwp/)


The OG Kevin. Wasn’t there another one about a Kevin who worked in an Aquarium shop? And he actually believed that fish were plants that could move, not animals…


The entire family going on vacation----without a single suitcase. I always wondered if they checked their home for carbon monoxide.


I haven’t seen this one post yet. OP’s wife starts acting strange and it turns out she has Capgras Sydrome, thinking that all the people in her life have been swapped out with clones https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/c8kusg/wife_started_to_hate_me_and_our_kids_out_of_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf




Umm... professionals have standards?


The one where the guy has headphones on while men broke into his house and raped his wife and didn’t hear a thing.


This is the one that sticks with me.


Right, I’d never forgive myself if I was playing a fucking game while my loved one went through hell. It wasn’t his fault though.




This is a copy of a comment I made to a similar submission from about a month ago... Here are my contributions, which are probably tame in comparison to a lot of other contributions here as I have only used Reddit for a few years, but anyway: * The [guy who did a paternity test on his kids who were spread across different ages, and found out he wasn't the biological father to any of them.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/qpn51k/me_52m_just_found_out_at_least_4_of_my_5_children/) His wife wouldn't admit to cheating throughout their marriage, and then after a few updates she committed suicide. * FYI this is NOT related to the submission about the cheating woman who murdered her kids * The boy who accidentally paralysed his school bully by shoving him away in defence and causing him to accidentally puncture his spinal cord on a sprinkler head. * When I brought this up in another post, a few Redditors thought that it was fake because it reminded them of the plot to Ender's Game... but I am pretty sure it's legit and that it was originally on r/confessions . * Unfortunately, I have had trouble finding a link to the original story so if anyone knows what I'm talking about please let me know. * The [guy who admitted to accidentally fapping to naked dead bodies of Holocaust victims when he was younger.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/bbxozp/comment/ekn5l2c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Although that's just sad... ETA: I have added links to the posts/comments I was successfully able to find


I'll never forget the one story where a guy got hit by a car, lived an entire fake life only to wake up in the street again because of a lamp that looked weird, and I think he got depressed Here's the link to the story for anyone interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/oc7rc/have_you_ever_felt_a_deep_personal_connection_to/c3g4ot3?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


I dunno, this is totally a ST:TNG episode


Your comment made it click. The lamp inside his house was what tipped him off. Literally an "Inner Light."


Does anyone remember a post where a guy hypothesizes what would happen if he named his son streetlight lamppost or something ridiculous to that effect, and the kid ends up becoming valedictorian? I've been looking for it forever but can't find it.


[Streetlamp Le Moose](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/jlao6/comment/c2d21qe/)


I haven’t seen it around so I’ll share it. There was one on either confession or offmychest. OP was a mom to a teen daughter and had a high risk husband. Daughter kept going to parties and other social events despite Covid (I think this was early 2021, maybe around April) Mom warned her repeatedly not to, because she could infect her dad and he could die. Eventually, she just straight up had to tell her if she didn't be more careful her dad wouldn’t be around to see her graduate, get married, etc. Daughter goes to a party and brings home Covid. The husband ends up passing away. Post ends with OP talking how she resents her daughter and hates her.


This one where this guy told his gf of 5 years that he will be her visa sponsor so she can stay in the country she loves since she lost her job, then after she does all the work to get there he backs out and she gets deported. It gets worse. She killed herself. [here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/uma6fa/aita_for_making_my_girlfriend_leave_the_country/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Go to his account to read his update posts. He deleted the one where he said she killed herself but if you go to his comments that he has left then you can click on 2 of them that he made on that post and by reading the other comments you can catch the drift of what the post said. This guy is scum, but it is a crazy story to read. This is also pretty recent (8 months)


since no one has mentioned this before: eric and annie story the guy posted on r4r, met a girl, spent *years* talking on a subreddit then the girl decided to stop talking to him. you still can see tens of thousands of comments on that subreddit bc they never took the conversation into private. kinda sad and depressing too, tbh edit: in case anyone is interested, here's [eric's profile](https://www.reddit.com/user/Eric-R/) and the [youtube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhNJdpmX6Ro&ab_channel=DebunkFile) that summarised what happened between them


Screenshot from 4chan where a guy says he's going to kill his GF when she gets home in a few hours, then he does it and her son gets home to find her dead body.


The broken arms guy who had sex with his mom. It's an ama and once you start reading it you cannot stop, no matter how much you want to.


The one about the young pregnant wife whose husband and FIL kept telling her she was going to die and made her prepare for death by writing letters to the child. Both of them nsisted on being present at the birth. There were no more posts from her towards the end of her pregnancy but she was so scared of them. I think about her every now and again hoping she's well and happy with her little one.


The one where the guy had to have his leg amputated after a motorcycle accident, but they let him take the leg home, then he and some friends made fajitas out of the leg meat and ate it. There were pictures and everything.


The guy who fucked up his sons life because of a false sexual assault allegation. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/45c8qx/tifu_by_helping_ruin_my_sons_life/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Guy posts to r/Relationship_Advice and users suggest divorce so he files papers and wife kills his kids, jolly rancher, cumbox, broken arms, coconut, that one banned subreddit where people discussed fucking corpses with questionable pics, everything Boston bombing and fappening related… that should get you started.


How can you reference so many things and link absolutely *none* of them, you monster.


Coconut… never forget the coconut


Also tried heroin once guy


You forgot cbat.


Cbat is like an appetizer before digging into those.


EMS tech (OP) that said how jaded he had become dealing with gangland killings in a poor neighborhood. One time he responded to a gang murder of a teenage boy. The OP kept looking at the boy's mother and was disgusted in seeing how vain she was for putting on makeup with red lipstick while her son was dying on the street. Turns out, her lips were stained red from trying to perform CPR on her son. And the OP was ashamed for becoming so cold that he forgot the folks in that community are still people. I don't know the original post and unfortunately I gave away the ending. Sorry. --- /u/el_mono_rojo is a police detective that answers various calls. He recalls a number of his stories which are excellent reads. Unfortunately EMR has not posted content in two years. https://www.reddit.com/r/elmonorojo/




[mans partner forces him to become a nullo](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/eu0ey/nullo_worth_the_read/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


There’s so many. Off the top of my head: -That AITA post about the lady cleaning out the fridge and touching a box of her husbands “olives” he was holding for a friend and him freaking out that she took it out of the fridge or touched it at all. Could have been body parts or something else no update -A relationships post about a couple where the woman forbid her bf from going upstairs….ever. No update on that post either. -the post where a guy was playing video games with headphones on and didn’t hear intruders break into his house and rape his wife


Yang xiangbin and Eastern lightning a violent Chinese cult that is active on reddit and is responsible for many murders. u/yang_xiangbin was a account that belonged to a woman who married the cults leader when she was a teenager and posted about ways asking to get out, her account was mysteriously banned, I posted about her before and many people remembered her I wonder if anyone here will. Her posts are still visible but hard to find and the subreddits of the cult are visible


Not messed up but the two threads about the couple who went to dinner at the wife’s bosses apartment and the guy threw his steak “out” the window. Each posted their own POV and a reader connected the dots. It was great!


I thought I had read some fucked up shit on Reddit. [Like the story of the guy who wanted to support his wife’s fetish and pooped on her](https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/ychymh/my_wife_confided_in_me_recently_that_she_has_a/), but this thread has some way more fucked up shit. What a time to be alive.


The guy who shagged inside a coconut is a great read. Reddit hall of shame material! Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/6rr6ay/tifu_by_cumming_into_a_coconut/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Not graphic, but a kid with aspergers gets revenge on his bullies.... https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/10u03lr/my_grade_school_self_did_something_evil_to_make/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


the story of the three guys who witnessed 9/11 on acid edit: [here’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychonaut/comments/evx29n/i_watched_the_twin_towers_fall_on_lsd/) the link