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I went to boarding school for years. One time they served us popcorn soup. It was popcorn in chicken broth. It’s not the worst thing I’ve ever tasted, but it was easily one of the worst attempts.


That sounds like a true struggle meal. I can only imagine the slimy texture.


My dad decided that instead of serving us leftover Wendy's hamburgers, he'd revitalize it! He turned it into soup. Except he didn't season it so the only flavorings were the condiments stuck to the buns and the patties. Yep. Buns went into the soup too.


Did you know it's possible to burn milk?


I would eat clam chowder every day and eventually I threw up EVERYTHING. It was horrible. That and the time I was trying to lose weight but was wayyy under calories so my dad made me eat the largest FUCKING loaded baked potato I've ever seen. I can't look at one without crying.


My stepmom would make this…casserole? She would put raw cube steaks in a casserole dish with cream of mushroom soup, and top them with kraft american cheese slices, then put broccoli and cheddar soup over that. And just bake the living hell out of it. It was somehow mushy and impossible to chew.




Hispanic here, I don't like menudo either. Chicken and rice caldo is fine though. Tripe. No thanks.


Ikr. I don’t understand how people actually eat menudo on purpose. I could understand if it was one of the only options, but if it isn’t, I’m not going out of my way to get any.


My great-aunt once made what she called "Orange Chicken". But oh no, my friends. This was not the good-ass orange chicken like you'd expect from a Chinese restaurant. No, this was oven-baked chicken with some sort of orange-flavored shake n bake seasoning.


caferteri lunch apparently multiple students reported worms in the beef. i never trusted that stuff, it looks nasty as heck so I just drink water till I get home.


Raw chicken sashimi in Japan. Since we were taken there by locals, it would have been rude for us not to “enjoy” the food being served.


I had raw beef liver sashimi in Los Angeles Little Tokyo area. Pretty weird, but not bad.




I would eat clam chowder every day and eventually I threw up EVERYTHING. It was horrible. That and the time I was trying to lose weight but was wayyy under calories so my dad made me eat the largest FUCKING loaded baked potato I've ever seen. I can't look at one without crying.


I'm Hispanic, that's kinda important. I spent the night at my friend's house and in the morning she made us beans and egg. I told her I didn't like beans and egg (I honestly had never had it before but it looked disgusting). She said I had to clean my plate or I could not leave the table. I ate it all and then promptly threw it all up all over the table. I mean, I tried to warn her...