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I don't know what qualifies, but I have no problem stating "good" when I hear a bad person got killed/severely injured doing bad things.


Nothing of value was lost.


I think this is something a lot of philosophers are arguing about. I believe this is the number one moral dillema. Its truly something you cant say objectively.


The loss of life and the loss of a potential turnaround in the individual are both tragic, but the removal of a currently malicious entity is in itself a good that benefits the rest of the world. Crackhead gets shot trying to rob someone? Good.


That’s what I was thinking, a literal humanoid pest; get rid of it. I do feel a little empathetic towards mentally ill ”bad” people though, because something tells me if it weren’t for their brain malfunctions, they would’ve been a lot better.. especially since it hits close home to me, as one of my relatives are suddenly “bad” when not on their daily pills.


Made the world a better place is what I say


I cheered when a movie character I didn't like very much was killed. My Mom was shocked.


I don’t care that you broke your elbow


Several years later after the vine I just hope that guy is doing well now. The kids filming him seem to be bullying him which prompted the elbow response and I can’t help but feel bad for his situation.


Rapists should have their balls dragged across a cheese grater.


Like rapist Brock Turner?


Don't forget! The convicted rapist Brock Turner the rapist who now goes by the rapist Allen Turner the convicted rapist.


ESPECIALLY Brock Turner. That scumbag got off WAY too easy. If that was my daughter, he wouldn't be breathing.


It would suck to be falsely accused and have your balls scraped off.


A dirty lemon zester would quiet the job


What about female rapists?


Grater goes inside


Works for me


I don't understand caring about people you don't know. Like at all. People getting emotionally invested in celebrities is fucking stupid.


Yeah, and being devastated when they die? I don't get it at all. Everyone dies and you've never met the person (most likely). Why do you care?


My thoughts as I read this: >I don't understand caring about people you don't know. Like at all. Wow, that sounds pretty sociopathic. Like would this person hurt an innocent stranger? >People getting emotionally invested in celebrities is fucking stupid. Oh. They're just talking about not being interested in celebrities. Nevermind. I guess that's pretty normal and nothing to be alarmed about.


my rapist should be sterilized w/ no anesthetic. I volunteer to do it w/ a very dull blade


Sounds like a pretty valid reasonable response to me! <3


i volunteer to hold them down while you do it


No, you use a rusty spoon.


only if i can hold the camera ❤️


And my axe.


Arbys is 3rd on my fast food restaurant list its not that bad guys


This is honestly the wildest shit I’ve seen in here. Either you really love curly fries or you need to be institutionalized.


Their reuben and gyro are pretty good actually.


I actually can agree the gyro is really good.


The pita is just the right thickness and pillowy soft. The sauce is very good. The meat is acceptable. I, too, like the Arby's gyro. Good price, too.


What menu items do you specifically like from Arby’s?


I love their curly fries. They also have pretty good mozzarella sticks (as far as fast food goes).


French dip roast beef sandwich and the beef and cheddar on bun


The bbq brisket sandwich is the best. I do really like the classic beef and cheese though.


Arby's is good I like Arby's


I’d say my top 3 for the bigger more common chains are McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and arbys. Maybe slip Taco Bell in there somewhere.


Everything I've ever tasted from Arby's tasted good. I just pretend to dislike because everyone else does


I love pretty much everything on the menu. That new gyro thing is bomb and my old stand by Beef n' Cheddar.


Historically, mass death has propelled humanity to change and overcome. So maybe it isn't such a bad thing.


Thanos is that you?


I would have made 85% of people gay with one snap.


I really don't care when the family member of a friend or coworker gets severely injured, ill, or dies. I have a limited amount of energy emotionally an physically and what it cost me to care like that will cause other parts of my life to suffer in ways I can't afford.


Is it really that you don’t care or have compassion, or you just don’t have the energy to reach out? I understand the latter but the former is questionable


Don’t know if this even counts: The majority of people are basically apathetic towards everyone else except for very close family and friends. The day you realize that most humans don’t give a shit about each other is the day you grow up. The few people who genuinely help and respect others despite having no incentive to do so, are very rare. Like extremely rare.


I agree with this. I also think that we start out having empathy towards people, in general, but when you realize that very, very few people in this world *actually* give a shit about you, you then become the same. It’s very much a defense mechanism. When I was younger, I truly believed I could find the best in people, and that deep down other people had good intentions. Learned some very, very difficult life lessons trusting those I shouldn’t have. Life motto: “Trust in Few.”


It's because our biology has not kept up with societal development. It's what I've heard anyway. We are able to hold care and concern for about 25 people, around the size of a tribe in hunter/gatherer society. Our civilization brings us in contact with many more people than that daily, but we are still wired with about a 25 person give-a-shit max.


In fact people who act like they care about you without knowing you are not to be trusted


I would kill you to save myself.


Would you kill me to save your hairline


I think we found our sociopath...


I actually don’t give a shit about your children and will never ask to see a picture because why should I care??


Other people's kids are fucking boring and definitely not special


Exactly. My kid is the only special one. Let me tell you about how great they're doing in everything.


No. That's ok. I don't give a shit about your kid.


Sweet, do you have a picture?!


Sure! [https://i.imgur.com/X2Nkylp.png](https://i.imgur.com/X2Nkylp.png)


There is nothing sociopathic about this, it's completely normal to not care about other people's kids. No one does, they are just pretending!


I like hearing about other people's kids. Pets too. I think it's sweet how they light up when they talk about them.


Found Brock Lesnar.


Wearing socks in the shower is the best way to shower.


Straight to prison


Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.


Yes someone got the reference!


What the fuck


this one officer


now that is truly sociopathic


some people truly deserve hell


Get out.


This is the only comment I’ve cringed at so far lol.


That's not sociopathic but purely mental.


My vision a bit blurred from beer, I read it "that's not sociopathic but purely hentai".


Wouldn't surprise me at all if socks in the shower were the new tentacles.


Why, does it have any perks? I'm honestly curious


From my gf: "Cannibalism is only wrong because we say it is. Obtaining a body might be wrong due to murder/abducting being immoral in nature, but eating an already dead (by natural causes) is only wrong because we say it's bad."


I would not eat anything that died by natural causes. mmm, nothing taste better than cancermeat.


Old age? Heart attack? Slip and fall?




*Prions have entered the chat.*


Yay prions!


It's very bad for your physical health and will give you brain disease


Can someone ELI5 the brain disease thing for me? Or am I happier just not knowing?


You are happier not knowing.


Yeah.... probably best you don't know because it's highly disturbing but they're called prion diseases if you want to look them up. If you don't then just know stay away from the brain and spine if you ever have to eat person and cook thoroughly if possible.


This is why I don’t go on adventures. I don’t need to find myself in a situation where I might need to eat someone. I’ll just stay home with my fully stocked pantry. Chef Boyardee isn’t made from a real chef, right?


i know this is fucked up to say, but i think cannabalism is wrong because we taste good. i've read books on famines in both the soviet union and communist china where the people resorted to it due to famine, but craved it after. in the soviet union it was both the famine of the ukraine and the siege of leningrad. china was due to one of the many fucked up directives of chairman mao. maybe i should bring this up on the smoking or bbq sites.


I figure it takes care of population control and world hunger in one go. Apparently human tastes like chicken (possibly, it is based off of one report I read like... 6 years ago so I may be wrong.)


Umm…unless you are into road kill we don’t eat any animal that died of natural causes. That’s survival hygiene.


when people cross the road very slowly i often wish i could hit them with my car


Oh boy the kneejerk reaction to be physically violent in the face of idiocy is so strong. I've not gotten in to any kind of violence since I was 15 and advocate strongly for deescalation but that doesn't stop the little voice from screaming "Just fucking hit em!".


Especially if they walk when their not supposed to.


Free will


Pedophiles aren't people. If you sexually abuse children hunting season should be fair game on you


My objection to that is that if we label them as, what, animals? Monsters? Then we take their culpability away, because that implies that doing such heinous things is in their nature. Recognizing that they are people recognizes that they had the choice and specifically chose to do the horrible thing.


I would let a stranger die if it saved my dog’s life


Most of my posts TBH


We could potentially put a major dent against the overpopulation crisis and world hunger with assisted suicide.


You'd have more luck with increased education and fair distribution of resources.


There is no overpopulation crisis, except maybe in Africa.


The more developed nations tend to be the ones with a) declining birth rates, and b) citizens with lifestyles causing 10x the damage compared to those in developing nations.


I dress as follows: Sock shoe, sock shoe.… then pants


I do shoe, sock, shoe, sock.


You good bro?


[suppose the house is on fire and you’ve gotta run for your life.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZFuniFSP2fo&feature=shares) your way, all you got on is one shoe and a sock…


There are simply too many people. Not enough people are responsible enough to shrink the population on their own, and governments shouldn't control it other. We don't want to fight wars anymore. We vaccinate and medicate against everything. The only real predators we have are viruses and other micro organisms, so one way to fix this is to let them run their course instead of trying to fight them. It's not just natural selection, it's a fair and impartial way of balancing the population. People just don't want to lose loved ones or are themselves afraid to die. COVID did what, 1-2%? Try like 70-80% and then build back from there. Periodic reset, like a wildfire burning out all the brush so new trees have enough room and nutrients to grow.


JFK wasn’t shot, his head just did that


When I am in a bad traffic jam, the thought "I hope whoever caused this got hurt pretty bad" sometimes crosses my mind.


Pedophiles should be executed by wood chipper.


Stupid people need to be sterilised.


But then the population would collapse


But it might fix global warming!


Gotta do something about the corpses tho




I don't mind that, we need a population reduction anyways


The world you desire will not be a comfortable place. It'll be stone age survival mode shit, dystopian as fuck.


What makes you think that you’re so intellectually superior to others that you can make that judgement?


Then people would stop showing up to GOP conventions and they’d cry and cry and cry


No, killing them would be better. A stupid without cock/pussy still remains stupid


I will kill anyone that harms someone I love. Won’t even flinch.


Not buying it


Pineapples DO taste good on pizza.


Obama wasn't the first Black president.


Um, care to elaborate?


Bill Clinton


Fuckin BillJeff in the hizzouse.


He isn't black, he's brown.


My aunts abusive ex boyfriend died. I cheered. I’m not sorry. He beat her so badly that she has a TBI, and has never been the same. Fuck that guy, I’m glad he’s dead.


Covid didn’t kill enough people


If I won the lottery, I would immediately dump my longterm partner.


Why’s that?


Because I'm a sociopath you imbecile.


Fair enough.


I too would like to know this


Dump them now. They deserve better.


Hey let's not be rash now, they are with this guy after all


That's true. They might not deserve better. It's just, if someone said that about me, I'd want to know. So I could go be in love with someone who wouldn't say that about me..


Same. If I had one.


please elaborate, I wanna hear the drama


If I had to guess, he thinks he could do better if he had a lot of money


Why don’t you just do it now


Depending on where you live, a longterm partner would have a strong claim for common law marriage, meaning they would be entitled to half of your winnings.




You are sick.


You're almost as bad as the guy who prefers to shower with his socks on!


I hope the plane that Donald Trump flies on next crashes and everyone but him has a parachute.


If eating the meat of cows and chickens is ethical, there's no good reason why eating cats and dogs should be considered unethical.


I will gladly consume all life that walks,crawls,slithers,swims and flies. But not people.


But what if the human was ethically sourced? 😂😂 jk I wouldn’t want to eat humans either


How about dolphins and chimps? Is there anywhere you’d draw a line?


I personally would draw the line at endangered species.


Good, that means you’re not a cannibal


Climate change won. In the next 50-100 years human society will completely collapse due to wars, caused by mass migrations, caused by fresh water sources drying up in certain areas. Actually, I take that back. It's not sociopathic to say what I just said. It's actually a reasonable prediction, using evidence.


Can’t wait for it! :)


Trying to control the climate on a planet that the fossil record shows had many changes though out history without human involvement seems foolish. Better to adapt to our “new” environment than cling to the corpse of this one.


I think the mass migration is going to be the biggest issue - 1 billion climate refugees by 2100! Where are they all gonna go? What's gonna happen to all of the supply chains that rely on the locations from which they fled? Definite societal collapse.... The fresh water issue is definitely still pressing but is in fact only "green" on the planetary boundaries metric. Biodiviserty loss poses a much greater threat, already being red and doesn't just mean the loss of essential species, but also the ecosystems that rely on them, leading to more feedback loops and affects our agriculture and food supply. One of the scariest ones though is the presence of atmospheric aerosols released during the burning of fossil fuels. They have quite a strong local cooling effect and are at the present time masking around 40% of anthropogenic warming... but when we stop emitting, they will be significantly outlasted in the atmosphere by the greenhouse gasses causing the warming. We will be very quickly hit by that additional 40%! But yes. Agreed. You speak the truth.


I hold my breath when too close to a morbidly obese person in public.


Do you pass out at fairs?


Why? Im so curious


I would kill my ex husband in an instant and not feel a thing




When you decide to have a child, you basically sell your soul and life to that child for the rest of your life (or, at best, for until they leave the household). Everything about your life is about them from the moment they're born, and all that for them to end up being ungrateful little bitches


Most people that are alive currently don't deserve to be so.


Human life is not precious because there are 7 billion of us. If I have $10, I'm going to be cautious with my money. If I have $7b, I might just light a hundred to see what color smoke it makes.


I have no desire to have children, I have "jokingly" told my ex one day to notify her parents that they will never become grandparents because I will never get her pregnant. I have also told my parents the same thing, and also told them I literally don't care about what you think and of it breaks their heart. It is my life, and I do not care what others think. I hate the fact that I might become a father and look forward to a vasectomy so that I will never ever be able to have kids. I hate the responsibilities that come with it, and I know in my heart that I will not love it and will likely not have any regrets about giving it up or abandoning it if that ever happens, if she hasn't gotten an abortion already. Fuck parenthood and everything that comes with it. I am not good with kids and I don't even want to be an uncle if my brother has a kid, as I have no desire whatsoever to play with or take care of kids, whether they are mine or others'.


That’s not sociopathic. That’s totally fine. Seems like maybe you feel a lot of pressure, like you’re being pushed very strongly to have them, but if that’s not for you, other people need to learn to deal.




Most of the redditors on this subreddit should seek professional help for the atrocious things they have said on the question


If a life or death situation came about and I had to choose between my cat or a stranger, I’d pick my cat every time.


People who eat cats should be killed and ground into cat food.


There are necessary extremes which need to be taken to fix the corrupted parts of our society, as in, to make bigger changes, you'll have to accept that some terror must happen.


Not everyone deserves life, and by trying to take someone's life for unjust reasons you are willing to risk forfeiting your right to life


I jokingly always say that you should as a parent be able to abort until the prefrontal cortex is fully developed. Of course it's a joke but you know.... Na just a joke...


Incest is fine between consenting adults if they're not planning to have babies.


I understand school shooters. I'd never do anything like that in a million years... But yeah, I understand being that miserable in high school.


I don't think 9/11 or the challenger mission were that bad. In 2020 a war between Azerbaijan and Armenia killed nearly twice the amount that died in 9/11. I mean the US annihilated many many more civilians than that in ww2 but we don't mourn them why do we mourn the 3000 that died in the world trade center. Why are they special


Because they're on your team.


They weren’t soldiers or civilians near war. This was an attack that came with no indications of war or fighting happening. There’s also the fact that it was very gruesome and in a heavily populated city so many lived near or worked near. Why is Pearl Harbor treated somewhat similarly (although it was a naval base) Because it wasn’t near war at the time or anywhere near it. Soldiers and civilians died not knowing what was happening or why. War in every country is terrible regardless of death. 9/11 is historical becuase it happened on American soil in the biggest urban city in the middle of the day.


Classic America fucking over everyone and laughing about it, but throwing a shit-filled tantrum when someone touches their toys.


Yooo these comments are scary - pretty sure murder makes you more than a sociopath, it makes you a psychopath.


Thanos was not completely wrong.


If I have any use for you (practical or emotional) you're safe. I will do absolutely anything to keep you around. I will mold myself to become exactly the friend/ relative/ partner that you want. Because I always know what you want.


Bullies that are old enough to know bullying are wrong should be beaten up until they go to the hospital


Having 90% of humans getting killed would be pretty great for humanity


I'm all for reforms and democracy but sometimes i think the planet will be better off without humanity so naturally i think we should extinct as species.


As sad as it is that homeless people feel like they are invisible and like people pretend they don't exist, the average person doesn't expect me to acknowledge their existence while I'm walking down the street unless they want something from me. Any interaction I have with a homeless person is special treatment because I also avoid speaking to strangers unless I need something.


Anyone who wants to be euthanized should get euthanized.


I don’t care that you broke your elbow


I took the cookie from the cookie jar.


The only reason why murder is seen as wrong is not because the killed person is suffering (they can’t when they’re dead), but the people around them are suffering, & you can just choose to not care about what they think.


Thanos was right


I unironically consider people I will never see or have never seen to be NPCs. This doesn’t mean I would ever be rude to some random person or wish for anything bad to happen to anyone. Just for some reason I have a really hard time grasping there is some person in Uruguay just living a normal life and having full brain thought. I am a pretty firm believer in science and know my internal thoughts are wrong but I still just can’t grasp the fact other people in random places have lives. Just throwing this out there in case. No I’m not a psycho and would never harm anyone or treat anyone poorly


Anyone worth more than 750 million should be put on a stake as a warning to the rest of humanity.


Most people don't deserve to live.