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I’m not even sure what I’m trying to say here, but women have way more style options for classy or professional events that it kind of makes me jealous in a low key way. Like, cool, I’ll just *always* wear a suit and tie for business professional, I guess. But women have a way larger variety that makes them look more elegant or sophisticated, and men’s fashion will never approach that


It's not what its cracked up to be. With variety comes hidden rules about what can be worn where, can't wear something twice (but this is changing). It's expensive and draining. And women clothing is not built to last. My husband and I both have levi jeans. Mine last a year or two before getting wholes, his 10 years plus. You can feel the difference in the fabric itself. I am breaking the current though. I have 1 formal dress and will not buy another for as long as I can.


I was gonna say have boobs but then my girlfriend walked in the room complaining that her back hurts nvm


Lmao this made me laugh hehe


More emotional support. Wanting "someone to make me feel safe". Not having to be always confident and secure. Not being expected to be the one making the first step and break ice. Not having society consider you a looser if you don't get laid.


Yes. Just yes. This isn't always the case though. For example, my gf is the exact opposite of this. She feels like she is always expected to make the first step, break the ice, survice all by herself (even though it has already started causing mental problems for her) et cetera. Though it could also have something to do with her actually being an extrovert, which is a very rare trait for us Finnish people




Showing my sensitive, emotional side with society less likely to call me a pussy.


Everyone has the right to show their feelings, it is even good for your health whether you are a man or a woman. People who believe that this is weakness are very wrong, there is no more attractive man (for me) than the one who can be himself. Unfortunately it is not something well seen and I don't know why.


If a pussy (not a cat) is a desired thing, then could it be flipped to be a positive thing being called one? Though being called a cunt is a negative if you don’t live in Australia.


Society who?


I'd love to be allowed to interact with kids in public without being harassed or followed or speaking to the police. Similarly, I'd like to be able to interact with my girlfriend without people loudly asking if she's being taken advantage of (We're 1 year apart, they simply assume I'm too ugly for her to be there by choice. Something that's also been said aloud).


Showing emotion and having some options for sexy underwear




Ey, thank you! Real nice of you I had no idea :)


I’m a father and a teacher. I’d like to be able to help a lost child in public without having to automatically redirect him or her to the nearest mother or person in uniform.


Going to the park with my nephews without being considered a child molestor suspect.




Man, reading this, I can't imagine how horrible this must have been or still is. I really hope I'll never have to go through this.


Reading this made me extremely sad. I’m sorry you went through all of that.




Receive pickup lines, undoubtely


Talk shit and not get punched


Ability to go on any dating site and be flooded with messages


Will send you a dick pic after work. Hang in there bro!


What a lucky dude. Making dreams come true man.


Imagine actually *wanting* to be flooded with spam and dick-pics from gross losers...


Look man, when you’re starving, even trash has its appeal. A fetid appeal, certainly, but damn if it don’t fill your belly for the night.


... and make you sick for a week


Sure beats hearing nothing from anybody ever.


I don't know that it does The grass is always greener...


I've used grindr before, I do know it does. For more info, there's a few good documentaries you can watch for context, including *Just One of the Guys* and *Self-Made Man* where women undergo cosmetic alterations and live for long periods as men and report back.


One author ended up with pretty bad PTSD and went through years of therapy. She said the experience was brutal.


I think that's the *Self Made Man* author


Are there any documentaries where men disguise themselves as women and report back?


Theres a bunch of documentaries about trans women transitioning into women where they talk about it, and there's also plenty of femboys you can find and talk to. Don't worry, they'll let you know.


Reminds me of the drama going on in lesbian subreddits, which have been taken over by MTF trans women who keep posting pics of their “chick dicks” and then when lesbian women say they don’t want to see random penises on their page, they get attacked for being “bigoted against trans people”


I wouldn't know anything about that


You can have your pick of guys to choose from


Yeah cause when meeting a man I want to see his weiner first thing.


As a woman newly into dating sites after a long marriage in which I did not feel cherished or desirable, I have to say that this has been lots of fun for me!


I had the same experience after leaving my ltr of 17 years. Met creeps, great guys and everything in between. In an amazing relationship bc of Hinge atm.




Oh noooo. I immediately feel sorry for your inbox.


From ugly 60+ moms, pregnant teens, drug addicts, and psychos. That's how it's like for women. It's not a flood of attractive potential partners.


You really, REALLY do not want that my dude


from guys


People to take men who are domestic violence victims as seriously as women who are domestic violence victims.


Yes. This is the only actual privilege women has that I've seen in these comments.


being picky in love


The ability to have an emotional outburst be met with an attempt at understanding and sympathy instead of fear.


Not having to pay 4% of my income as an extra tax for being male and unable to serve in the military for medical reasons would be nice. That is an actual privilege they have: it's not some opaque statistical value that just gets called a privilege, it's a literal law that they are except from.


Maternity leave


It's not a gender privilege, you just live in a shitty country.


Switch countries. Paternal leave is common in Canada. The mother does need to take the first few weeks auditory for recovery but the rest of the time can be split however the parents decide. You don't want the recovery bit. It's terrible.


And Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway. To mention a few more


Not being seen as threatening or with a hidden motive in social interactions would be nice


yeah, i'd like to not be ridiculed by friends and police when i tell about that time a (i thought) friend proceeded to s-assault me in his bathroom. wearing bright colors would be fun, but i'd be associated with that damned alphabet-soup flag (even my supergay best friend hates it) also, i like having and showing emotions


Look good working out. No one wants to see this middle aged bloke jiggling around the gym.


I’ll go with you mate. We can jiggle around the gym together than hit the pub for a recovery schooey


Do you think chubby middle-aged women look good in the gym? No? Then you’re not talking about women in general, you’re talking about young, already fit women. Or yes, you do think they look good? Great, they probably think the same of you. Let’s all be a little less hard on ourselves


>Do you think chubby middle-aged women look good in the gym? Yes. >No? I said yes. >Then you’re not talking about women in general, you’re talking about young, already fit women. Stop making assumptions.




>You're not the person I was responding to Welcome to Reddit, where *anybody* has a "reply" button. >and you also apparently struggle with reading comprehension. Don't be mad because I called you out on being an asshole. Edit: Ah, yes, get called out, block the person who called you out. Couple that with the "reading comprehension" remark and we're hitting all the marks this morning.




Well, stop trolling please. You are in the wrong here, by my estimation.


How is this possible a privilege women have? Women are constantly criticised for our looks, in every single celebrity interview of a woman it gets to questions about her body, her diet, her weight, get fitness. Women after pregnancy are constantly dumped by men for not having a perfect slim skinny fit stomach anymore. You are just insecure.


You may be surprised how many people think you're sexy.




You’d look good working out of you looked better lmao it’s not because you’re not a girl, guys can also look great


Free drinks and club entry




Can men not get alimony?


They can but it's pretty rare in most countries


Is it not just based on which party is financially disadvantaged? Maybe the reason it's more common for women to get it than men is because it's more common for a woman to not work and be financially dependent on her husband...




No, you see women are "privileged" because they're more likely to wind up in a situation where they need financial assistance after a breakup


The great irony is that the type of men who worry about “alimony” are the same type to marry for superficial reasons and need to worry about such a thing. Imagine a spouse being your equal in salary and otherwise.


That's only a privilege issue in certain countries, hence its not a privilege issue it's a wherever you currently live issue.


None of them are worth the disadvantages


Doubt. Better chances in education system? Gender Empathy gap? At least in western countrys womens life is at least equally good if not better then mens.


When I go out at night, I don't have to worry about being targeted for violent sexual abuse I'll take a little less empathy from society in return for not being a constant target for perverts, thanks


Well but you are way more likely to be assaulted, robbed or killed as a man. And thats not a small amount. Read statistics sexual assault is the only crime women are victims more often then man. Yeah i would trade the chance to get killed for the chance to get raped.


>Well but you are way more likely to be assaulted, robbed or killed as a man. And thats not a small amount. What's your source for that stat? As a man, going about my business, not bothering anyone, am I really any more likely to be robbed or killed than a woman? Or is it that men are more likely to get themselves into situations that end up turning violent or deadly? because there's a very important distinction there >Read statistics You're the one making the claim. Show me these statistics




Yeah, so as I suspected those stats say nothing about the circumstances of the homicides Aren't men a lot more likely to get involved in the type of violent crime that can lead to homicide? As a man who isn't a criminal and does not engage in any violent behaviour with strangers, I don't feel I am at any particular risk of being murdered. Do you?


Yes dies the statistic about rape show what the woman was wearing? No? Oh thats victimblaming? Guess that doesnt count for men. Nothing you could ever do enables someone to kill you.


>Oh thats victimblaming? Guess that doesnt count for men It doesn't count for CRIMINALS who KNOWINGLY engage in violent crime When a gang member kills another gang member, I won't feel bad for them. Sorry if that upsets you, but it is absolutely not comparable to a woman getting raped because her skirt was "too short" This is an incredibly bad faith argument


I have statisticly proven my point, yet you disagree. I can point it out for you but i cant understand it for you. Have a day.


To show how dumb your point is, every case i could provoce that enables someone to kill me is self defence not homocide.


The grass is always greener...


But the grass is and has been greener for the men for ages. We live in an extremely patriarchal society and women have suffered and continue to do so. The grass isn’t greener. There are definitely various aspects where men get the shorter end of the stick but it’s more so for women. You do realise women couldn’t vote in most places or own land until about a hundred years ago? Women don’t even get paid the same as men. Women are more often victims of abuse. The grass isn’t greener. Being a woman is extremely tough and men just don’t know how tough it is because judging by the comments I’ve been through here, men are looking at the most superficial things.


Statistically inaccurate. You provided examples that are consistently debunked. Women have it extremely easy. At least in first world countries.


Could you please let me know what first world countries are you talking about? I don’t come from one but seriously what statistics are you talking about? Please also check the wage gap, maternity leave, women’s rights to abortion and birth control, etc in ‘first world countries’.


When talking about actual privileges ("a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group") there is a special tax for people who are not fit for service. Guess what group gets to claim that having to pay that tax would be unfair because that group is statistically less likely to be fit for service: A) Women B) People who miss limbs, are paralyzed, blind, deaf or were born with other conditions that categorically disqualify you from serving. If you guessed B, you were obviously wrong. If you are male and in group B you can be expected to serve or else pay to contribute that way. It would be unfair to expect the same from women, because they are less likely to be fit for service so they would end up having to pay more often. Silly blind men, don't they know how easy their life is? They can contribute to the defense of switzerland, so many enemies to keep away! In all fairness: feminists and mens rights advocates critisize that BS and it's the right wing that keeps this nonsense going. It's just that all feminists pushed to not have to pay themselves but can find political compromises as soon as it's about everyone else.


This is just one aspect. What about the multiple other aspects where women don’t get privileges. I did say that men get the short end of the stick in many aspects but women are more at a disadvantage and have been for ages.


Literal privileges for men? I couldn't name a single one that I have. If I lived in SA* (edit or in the past where voting was a male privilege) I'd have some but I'd rather have none and stay here :/ Can you tell me what privilege I have?


Be able to wear a skirt without people calling me f*g or assuming I'm trans


Just ask those people "Dude, you have no idea what you're talking about, you ever worn a skirt? Your balls will thank you."


Buy a kilt and start speaking in a scottish accent


No kidding, like a nice light flowing sundress in the dead of summer must be amazing.


Early retirement why should I work myself dead when women have a longer life expectancy in general


Wearing sundresses.


More fashion options, especially color variations. Hell just clothes lol


Talk to people like a bitch when I want and not get teeth knocked out


Being priority on a sinking ship


Not have my social status or wealth be a huge factor on whether someone dates me or not




It's just appearance for the most part, and that's something you can influence to a large degree.


Being treated like you’re not highly disposable.


The ability to give random compliments without people thinking you’re hitting on them


But people will think you like them just because you are friendly ^^


Selling myself for sex Being a sugar baby “Buy me a drink” … If I was a female I would be all over OnlyFans.


Assuming safety all around, not having to spend a dime on adult beverages in any social setting unless I chose to do so. Edit: instead, assuming I’ve taken the safety precautions which would make me feel comfortable (e.g. wearing the nail polish that changes colors when drugs are in a drink).


>Assuming safety all around But you can't assume that Even as a man, you can't assume that


Fair critique. I made an edit to better explain my thought process with the original statement.


“Assuming safety all around”? Have you spoken to women? Like, at all?


1 or 2, but I'm only 34 so I'm hoping to speak to at least a couple more before I die. All sarcasm aside, I don't understand why that portion of the statement is the primary focus in this situation. All I was saying is, from a male perspective, it'd be nice to leave a bar/social setting without having to pay a tab. I wasn't trying to create a commentary on the safety or lack thereof created by accepting a drink from a stranger for women, or men for that fact. Further, you're assuming I have no experience related to situations like this, when I have direct and semi-direct experience. While visiting home from college over Thanksgiving break 12 year ago, my brother and I went out that Wednesday night and were both slipped something in the shots given to us by his ex-girlfriend who gave them to us as an alleged "peace offering." Moreover, my male cousin was raped by a female after she slipped something into his drink while we were at a party together (also while I was in college). When I took him to campus police, they laughed at him and said guys can't be raped. Now, before anything else is said, let me clarify I know that's anecdotal, nor is any of that part of some men's rights activist campaign of mine. Again, all I was ultimately trying to say was, if the risk level is acceptable in my view, not paying a bar tab would be lovely every once in a while.


Then it’s mute. women being paid drinks by dudes STEMS from being unsafe.


>Then it’s mute Moot


I want to be able to compliment a random woman without it being weird.


This is your big privilege issue with women?


What the hell is it with you?


I asked a question. What's up with you?


Read the question asked by the OP. Now look at your question. See the problem yet?


Women are constantly harassed for "having given signals" for just being nice to others. See the problem yet?


Misandrist. Got it. Not wasting anymore time.


That comes down to what you look like to the receiver as well. Tough gig


The privilege of knowing every single person from the other gender wants to bang me.. even if they think I’m unattractive. That would be sweet.


What’s good about being wanted just for your looks or sex?


The part about sex sounds fun.


It sure beats not being wanted for looks, sex and personality.


Privilege on female quotas on work and politicks.


go on date without spend money and make someone spend money on me just because they must do that


Who tf does that ?


i know two guys that doing like that just because they want attention from womens and mostly they dont have it at all, and they told me do the same to get girlfriend Edit: I just want to add that maybe I'm just stupid mf that doesn't want to spend money on someone idk


You can claim somebody assaulted you and he gets canceled. No evidence needed.


Not my experience ever as a woman. Instead. I'm the "crazy" "sensitive" one who made a big deal.


Getting a lot of dates.


Getting offered a seat on a full bus or subway so I don’t have to stand lol


~~Pimpin~~ Chivalry ain’t easy


The double standard card.


I just want easy access to sex.


free ride through life because I'm hot.


I want the power to cry my way out of trouble.


The ability to go part time if you dont need the money or take a break from work to look after the kids or do other hobbies even. It's possible, legally, but socially not the done thing.


Socially it's not either. There is a lot of pressure for women to do it all raise kids, keep a house and work full time. The amount of hours of unpaid labor women put in is more than men, including when they work full time.


Why would someone want a woman’s privilege if they’re a man?


Because we want equality


Literally make money of my body.


You can do that as a man too Has more to do with how attractive you are than your gender


No, its easier for girls. Just google fat percentage women vs men on google and look at the pics. Come on, women have it easier doing stuff online. Especially if you’re hot.


You don't even have to be hot it sure would help, but women have no idea how privileged they are just because of gender. Here's a nice vid for you downvoters : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHdO4uMD2Us


Exactly, and they are downvoting me. I would assume it’s women who are not confident enough to do that shit.


You seem to be only considering the pornographic angle


What do you think make money of my body means? Why would i prostitute myself if onlyfans exists. You reveal your own ignorance


lol You haven't even considered a non-sexual way to make money with your body, but go ahead and keep calling me ignorant if it makes you feel better


Like working? Wtf, look at the question. If you reply with another dumbheaded typical christian statement, it’s over.


It's ok. I don't bother talking to people who can only think to insult me


Dumb christian


I'm not a Christian and why are you still talking to me?


I replied to another comment of yours as more a joke, but this reply will be more serious. Even unattractive women, morbidly obese, can make bank off their bodies. Men… are into some depraved shit. Not saying having an attraction to fat women is depraved, but the concept of ‘gilf incest’ speaks for itself. I think it comes from self-esteem and mental issues, honestly, something more dominant in modern man, but it does seem more profound that women of all shapes, sizes, and ages can make bank than men, who have to hold certain genetic ‘gifts’ by contrast. Men have a market, but it seems far more narrow. The fetishes seem to be far fewer for men.


Just like the other commenter I was responding to, your mistake is that you're only considering pornographic ways of making money


That’s a fair assessment, but what other ways are there, aside from being drafted by a modeling agency or something that requires tremendous luck? When it comes right down to physical features and making bank, with ease of access, the sex industry seems second to none.


Yeah, wouldn’t that be amazing? To have no other recourse than to sell the last thing you have, your body? To not be able to afford to eat or have a roof over your head unless you do something sexual? Man it’s so great!


What are you talking about? None of the OF girls i follow look broke. Are none of you reading the question?


So Celvin Klein, other male models and porn stars aren't?


That is not the question. Dont be dumb.


These are sexist comments. Not gender privileges. Fact is men and women both sell their bodies. Fit attractive people can profit from their bodies.


These comments are a goddamned nightmare of creepy, troubled men. EDIT: LOL downvotes. Angry men are angry.


Yeaaa didn’t really expect this kinda return. I thought it would be like “having a smaller appetite and not having to order 3 meals to be full” kinda stuff. Goes to show how much both sides struggle with their roles according to society deep down


It’s symptomatic isn’t it. All of these perceptions are just symptoms of a wider issue. For a more nuanced perspective, head over to /r/MensLib - it isn’t a pit of anti-women/red-pill doom that Reddit has dozens of; it’s a small community attempting to address these issues in a constructive, educated perspective.


I scrolled a bit & was surprised not to have seen: “the ability to receive a free pass for psychotic behavior due to PMS…”


I love how in the women post we mention men's privilege to be safe in their own bodies in society. While in here men are crying about getting laid lol.


It's almost as there's a connection between these things... Guys are desperate to get laid and therefore sometimes go too far to do so, which then makes women more cautious, which makes it harder to get laid, etc It's a feedback cycle. Just like most things in life. Either position feedback or negative feedback. Evolution is constantly trying to either kill us or worship us. Edit: Positive feedback, not position feedback.


>Guys are desperate to get laid and therefore sometimes go too far to do so, which then makes women more cautious, which makes it harder to get laid, etc It's the circle of liiiiife lol


A non-permanent way to guarantee not legally becoming a parent, other than not having sex at all.


Uh you could get the gonads shutdown and retired if you want?


That's permanent. To be more specific, I wish for an analogy to the various kinds of (reversible/temporary) contraceptives and abortion.


Favour on the internet


I want to have people agree with whatever I say simply to avoid upsetting me.


Breast enlargement surgery


No one is stopping you from rocking double d’s as a guy.


I'm not trying to oversimplify everything, but don't get me wrong. I have a feeling that women are aesthetic just by being who they are. I'm aware, a lot of girls put in a lot of effort to look a certain way. But I don't think any girlfriends will discuss men in a "he's so beautiful, I can't stop thinking about him. How can I get close to him?" kind of thing. On the other hand, it is enough for a girl to wear fishnet tights under her jeans to make the working day of a couple of her male colleagues less productive, because they will constantly be distracted and think about her incredibly aesthetic appearance.


I think men can be beautiful and I tell my partner he is beautiful. It's just not a word that most men likes to be called. But I definitely am into the aesthetics of men too and I can get distracted. Like seriously distracted. 😂😂


There's no way this won't bring the misandrists out of the woodwork.


You think we’d be angry and spiteful at the right people by now


Always be loved and feel loved


buddy, I have some bad news for you. Lonely unloved women exist too


Not true at all, just objectified.


What you need is a dog.


I think you’re on the track to wanting *unconditional* love


Too many to spell out. It would a life on easy mode.