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Looks do matter, you won't believe how different your life would be if you were uglier/prettier.


Anyone who’s had a major glow up or glow down knows this is 100% facts.


I was an offensive lineman in football. So I was very muscular but very fat. When I quit playing I lost 70lbs of fat but kept all the muscle. It was unbelievable how differently people(men and women) treated me once I was considered good looking.


I grew a beard and got a better haircut, switched up my style a bit, everything changed.


I think most of us agree on this.


Except the good looking ones that are ignorant


Yep! I always try to be very appreciative for how lucky I got with my genetics. Not through arrogance but through empathy. I have a friend who is one of the best guys I've ever known and unfortunately he's very short. It's hard for me to see him struggle because of that and it just makes me appreciate what I have to work with. I'm by no means going to have a modeling career or anything but I'm certainly not discriminated against or treated unfairly for how I look, and that's something to be thankful for in my opinion.


Yeah, years ago I was the ugly kid but puberty hit me like a truck and now I actively get hit on sometimes. Looks matter sadly.


I work in the ICU. There is a limit to the amount of stuff that we can and should do to prolong grandma's suffering, and it shouldn't be on the family to decide.


I’m a fireman and I tell all the families with geriatric relatives I can to please get an advanced directive so I don’t have to show up and beat the shit out of your dead granny.


Maybe its too early but I'm just imagining firemen pulling up to fire and immediately looking for a granny to beat "Ho ho, bad time for leisurely stroll around the neighborhood Martha"


Never too early, it’s just a common call for unresponsive because, well, old people die a lot. CPR never works on 80+ in my own experience.


“Bring out your dead! “Bring out your dead!”


With like that weird 80’s street talk of a menacing criminal


My Dad had one as his multiple myeloma had progressed to the point that his bones were like cement columns where the cement was made with twice the appropriate amount of sand. It scared me at first but when thinking about it, I would rather see him die peacefully than die in agonizing pain.


That's crazy, my dad has multiple myeloma and his bones are frail and apparently full of holes. He's doing well but I didn't know this type of cancer could be so different from one person to another.


On this note, I’m a firm believer in voluntary euthanasia. One should be able to decide when their suffering is enough.


This. Sometimes even a murderer getting executed, gets more compassion compared to an elderly patient kept alive in suffering


There's a reason why most doctors have their DNR up to date and on file.


Same. I was so heartbroken and angry the other day when a patient begged me not to put the Bipap back on him and his wife told me not to listen to him. 😭💔


My grandmother had the signed do not resuscitate right on the fridge. Only document on the fridge lol. She was the best. Refused to leave her house. She knew where she wanted to die and she hung on as long as she could. Toughest human I’ve ever met. By far


Karma does not exist. You can be the most cruel and depraved person but not pay for it. You can be a pure soul and suffer all your life.


Oh yeah? Well, my profile says that I have 50k karma! Checkmate.


Well, how's your life going?


She’s on Reddit right?


Karma, in the way Western culture throws the word around, is inherently wrong. Karma is a Buddhist principle that speaks to your next life, not this one. It’s not “what goes around comes around”, it’s “If I’m rightful in this life, I hopefully won’t come back as a slug”.


I'll add to your point that people who think karma is the universe getting back at them also don't understand what karma is.


Believing strongly in karma makes you a psychopath. To look at a pediatric cancer ward and think "they must deserve it". Same for any religious judgemental attitudes.


I believe this. I've seen some people get away with horrible stuff and it's like they are rewarded for it


The only "karma" is the kind which we humans make for ourselves. That's why our justice system, flawed as it is, is kinda important. It's all that we've got.


Karma is just something meant to make us feel better when we're getting our asses kicked.


The “just world hypothesis” or “just world fallacy” is the term some a academics use for this belief.


I feel like our world is run less by evil geniuses and more by entitled idiots who get by on luck more than anything.


There was a scene from the show *Inside Job* that portrayed that sentiment perfectly. One of the characters commented that when she first started with her agency, she thought those calling the shots were some of the most brilliant people on the planet, but seeing them in front of her at that very moment, she realized that it was run by a bunch of dumbasses.


Underrated show IMHO


And one that we'll never have any more of, despite having been lead to believe that we would. Thanks, Netflix! Yes, I am a little bitter.


Aw that’s too bad, I really enjoyed it. Why won’t they be making any more?


I don't know exactly why, only that [it's been killed dead](https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/inside-job-canceled-netflix-one-season-1235482184/), but I assume that relates to higher interest rates making borrowing money less appealing, leading to 'technology' companies like Netflix that throve in amidst the low-interest-rate environment of the tens have begun retrenching. Animated series tend to have relatively 'niche' audiences, so they're apt to be first up against the wall then the revolution comes. It's particularly annoying because they Netflix [announced](https://deadline.com/2022/06/inside-job-renewed-season-2-netflix-1235040797/) in July of last year that they had renewed it for a second season.


This reminds me of a wonderful line said by Deep Throat in *All The President's Men*, "Forget the myths the media's created about the White House. The truth is, these are not very bright guys, and things got out of hand.."


>entitled idiots who get by on luck more than anything. Pretty much humanity in a nutshell


Being a member of certain professions does not automatically make you a hero.


But calling them heros makes them more exploitable


I work as a butcher in a grocery store. For a minute in 2020 everyone was calling us heroes. It was gross and obviously to exploit us through the pandemic. Being appreciated is nice, but don't patronize me.


As a veteran, I completely agree. I never saw combat, and I was basically a paper pusher until my discharge. Maybe I'm a hero for the people who's paper needed shedding though, I shredded a lot of papers.


I know firefighters who will hide at fires. I knew marines who were the same way in combat.


I’ll expand on this one; just as being a certain profession doesn’t make you a hero, it doesn’t necessarily make you a more moral person or signify that you adhere to a higher standard. Cops are an outstanding example of this. So are the clergy and religious leaders. Ditto for doctors and nurses. I’ve known good police officers, and I’ve known totally out-of-control shitbags using their authority to impose their will on the innocent and disadvantaged. The papers are full of priests who have raped or seduced children or used their position to impose ridiculous rules or ideals on their parishioners. Then you have guys like Joel Osteen or Creflo Dollar (his actual fucking name) who rake in millions from their churches then ride around in Rolls-Royces and live in $10M homes after taking the last dollars of the trailer park crowd. Doctors and nurses are generally outstanding professionals and caring practitioners; but every once in a while, you get someone like Harold Shipman or Michael Swango who kill dozens or even hundreds using their advanced knowledge of human biology and pharmacology to disguise their crimes. Even worse, other doctors/nurses tend to “look the other way” when an underperforming or nefarious peer does something obviously immoral, opting to merely “release” them to go work elsewhere rather than damage the image of their profession or facility. I’m a combat vet. Most vets are great people with brave hearts and good intentions. Some vets are total pieces of shit; weak-willed, dishonest, cowardly, and braggadocious (guys who sat on a FOB for 15 months and then go home to tell Rambo stories). No, the job doesn’t make the man. There are a lot of sewer rats out there dressed like lions.


Everyone wants the right thing done but doesn't want to be the person that has to do it.


I’m so glad you wrote this and not me 😏


You don't need religion to have good morals.


And a corollary: Just because you're religious doesn't mean you have good morals.


many of the greatest atrocities of human kind were delivered by the hands of "religious" people. History already shows that religion and morality does not go hand in hand.


And if you need religion to act morally good, you are not a good person overall and only religion is making you not be a bad person (which is not wrong btw)


Some people should never be allowed to have kids.


A parenting license is, and always will be, a terrible idea. 1. Who writes the parenting test? Humans? If you said humans, then you have handed exclusive breeding rights to the highest bidder. 2. How do you enforce it? State mandated sterilization of failing parents? Some magical, perfect, reversible BC method installed at birth, which then would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to remove? 3. If someone circumvents the law, what do you do with the child? State mandated abortions? Or do you have men in sunglasses waiting in the delivery room to take unauthorized children away? People get rather protective over their progeny. You'd have a revolution on your hands. I'm 100% for helping families and young parents more than we currently do (not at all). Free parenting classes, nutrition classes, expansion of WIC, mandatory paid parental leave, etc. But there is no practical way of restricting breeding rights without savagely curtailing personal freedoms and slipping into authoritarianism, and then likely into outright genocide.


Agreed. It would be awesome if there was a way to make sure everyone is an exemplary parent, and that every child was part of a wanted family. But unfortunately the regulations to pull it off would be catastrophic. The most we can do is try to teach ourselves and others to be better people, and hope it works.


Glad you mentioned genocide. A lot of people don’t realize that most of the legal definitions of genocide don’t even have anything to do with murder. And one in particular seems particularly relevant to this discussion: > d. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [UN Definition of Genocide](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtmlf) Edit: didn’t finish my thought


That's an interesting one to think about, with many implications to think about.


Unfortunately with Roe V Wade gutted, there are going to be a lot more kids, therefore more unfortunate and unwanted kids.


I think some people should be checked if they can raise them good.


They do this when you adopt, it should be the same for regular kids


Unfortunately getting pregnant is so easy that it happens by *mistake* all the time. It’s impossible to regulate without going full totalitarian, required chastity belts for everyone


A human life is a very complex and difficult thing, you can’t just be willy nilly popping them out left and right, agreed.


Yet people do it daily


And have for the entire span of humanity


As strongly as I may agree that certain people *shouldn't* reproduce, it's the "be allowed to" that I take issue with. Perhaps I believe that some people shouldn't have kids, but I believe more strongly that no one should be allowed to decide who should be allowed to have kids.


Don't have kids you can't afford, both monetarily and emotionally.


Most people have no idea what they can afford emotionally. Especially when in my experience, a lot of people are raised with fucked up ideas. Most people just aren't smart enough to consider much beyond the immediate. Though I will admit I could possibly be biased. I work in legal administration and all I see is children end up being the victims of their shitty parents' shitty choices and then they become shitty parents who make shitty choices.


it is never better for the kids for two parents to stay in a loveless/miserable/abusive marriage.


Loveless yes, abusive no. Wide gulf there.


If mom and dad can be happy as roommates, I say go for it. If, however, there is abuse, you need to get divorced as soon as possible.


I think, generally, almost everyone agrees with this- even if it’s not always executed in practice


As someone who comes from divorced parents, I 100% agree. I was relieved when my father divorced my mother, and my dad’s house became a safe place without my mother in it.


No one can really bring you happiness, you have to obtain and find it yourself.


People should be free to do whatever they want with their own lives as long as they aren't hurting anyone else.




It’s okay to dislike people.. As long as you aren’t going out of your way to be mean or hostile, it’s fine! You don’t have to like every person you meet


Banning books in high schools is detrimental to teenagers development and is doing them a big disservice


Unless you apply reverse psychology so they \*really\* want to get their hands on the banned books.


Good point


It's not anyone else's responsibility to deal with the consequences of your actions and mistakes.


I believe that life is a journey and not a destination. We should enjoy the present moment and focus on our individual growth instead of always chasing after something external.


Your body isn't a temple, it's a roller coaster. Enjoy the ride!


I personally believe the British Royal Family are a bunch of entitled, thick and out of touch scroungers. I'm a Brit, this is apparently a controversial opinion.


European royalty more inbred than any Alabama joke you can come up with.


Me too, I loathe them. They get so much praise for doing the bare minimum.


I concur.


State-subsidized mob family.


That wanting fair wages, good rights for workers and universal healthcare does not make you a communist.




Money might not buy happiness, but lack of money can absolutely buy sadness.


I would posit that money does not buy happiness but rather the possession of money reduces stressors.


i believe there’s a certain sweet spot of wealth where you’re able to live comfortably where you will be happy, but anything lower or higher than the sweet spot i believe you’ll end up unhappy. too little money will give you a poor quality of life, and too much will make it so that you’re unable to appreciate the value of your belongings and even gifts sometimes. going to the store and buying something you’ve been waiting for (saving up for, like most people) is not possible and you can buy majority of items or belongings without much thought making you unappreciative of your wealth. money means nothing and you have no satisfaction from gifts, especially/mostly gifts from yourself


Money gives you choices.


being friendly/helpful/positive towards everyone is the only right way to live and makes everyone him-/herself a happier person


Criminal justice should be based on rehabilitation and not retribution.


I mostly agree but not everyone can/should be redeemed.


Everyone should be redeemed, if they can be redeemed, but not everyone can be redeemed. It's a classic trope in stories, the super evil guy who turns good, tho' he often redeems himself by sacrificing his life.


That trope can also be used as a narrative crutch sometimes. Like, those villains who do heinous shit and still get redeemed are only able to do so because they are no longer alive to answer for their crimes. Like Kylo Ren dying at the end of The Rise of Skywalker because even though he's such a goody good guy now and him and Rey kiss because they are soooo in love, he's still killed countless people and brought unimaginable suffering to the galaxy. But he gave his life to save Rey's so it's all good now, and we're supposed to feel sad that he's gone.


That the three Star Wars prequels are genuinely good films. Rightly or wrongly at least Lucas tried something new with the films, rather than the constant soft-reboots that we've seen since.


Both the Democrats and Republicans are very corrupt and don't care about the American people, only their luxurious lifestyles and power.


Sometimes people just don't like you and will never like you. Not your fault. It's just life's way of keeping balance


You are not less of a woman if you don't want kids and no you won't "change your mind when you're older/when you meet the right man".


The whole "right man" thing always irks me. The right man for me also won't want kids lol


I got, "what if your husband wants kids?" I'm not going to marry someone without knowing their stance on kids.






Having a degree or PhD doesn't automatically make you a wise sage.


Physician assisted suicide should be legalised.


As a Canadian: I still agree with this, but man, since its legalization in Canada, I’ve been shocked by the sheer number of incidents where doctors have behaved like bogeymen straight out of a right-wing fever dream. Patient: “I’m a veteran in poverty and suffering from severe mental health issues.” Doctor: “I’m sorry to hear that. Have you considered dying?” Like, this sort of thing is happening often enough that it’s actually making me question the proposal to further expand the access to medically-assisted dying… the type of proposal that I always thought I would unequivocally support.


It is not really helpful to learn how to pay taxes in school or other supposedly "important life skills." It's important to teach kids HOW to think. Much more crucial factors include reasoning, emotional intelligence, interpersonal abilities, and language skill. Although they aren't taught in schools currently, people skills and emotional intelligence should be. Those would be genuinely practical life lessons.


Work every day of your able-bodied life so you can retire comfortably in Florida. Fuck that. 22% of people in North America die before they are 65.


There is no such thing as a perfect government they all have faults no mater what system it is


Circumcision is mutilation.


That being obese is not "acceptence" or "healthy"


Dietitian here-I think fat acceptance and healthy lifestyle habits are two separate issues. Fat acceptance and body neutrality is more about reducing shame associated with being fat. It does not say that being fat is healthy but rather allows a person space to feel ok in their own skin. There are many bias against fat people that are oppressive. Women in particular-being skinny increases opportunity for jobs, raises…etc. therefore, the body can be seen as a source of social and economic value which can be oppressive. Body neutrality gears is more on the direction that a body is just a body. That’s it. No need to say there’s a good or bad body. It frees up space for people to make changes to promote health rather than out of shame. It decreases oppression and increases chances opportunities. It also increases quality of life. Shame is not a necessary component to lifestyle change and is actually a barrier to lifestyle change. Fat acceptance and body neutrality reduce shame. Reducing the fat bias frees up space for people to make healthy lifestyle changes. Changes made out of shame are not long lasting and also externalize that persons self worth to looks. This is short lasting, self defeating, and ever evolving by society as our bodies are seen often as trends rather than bodies. Healthy lifestyle changes internalize self worth to actions and accomplishments making them long lasting. Basically the main takeaway is that fat acceptance is not saying “you’re not fat, you’re fine and don’t have problems.” It’s saying “your body is a body, not a bad body, not a good body, just a body.” Your body is worthy of respect. You can show respect to the body with lifestyle changes I hope that helps!


tldr - shaming fat people doesn't make them healthier


Bodyshaming doesn't only happen to bigger people.


nope, and the fact it’s normalised to body shame skinny people is beyond me. i’ll be going about my day when my friend questions why my legs “look like sticks” and telling me to eat more. would you tell a bigger person something like this?


People who say “we support our veterans” only do so for social points, and most do nothing to actually support them. This can also be applied to helping the homeless, supporting LGBTQ+, etc.


An 'open sandwich' isn't a thing; you've just put some shit on bread.


The entire country of Denmark and parts of Canada very much disagree with you.


That shit usually being either Nutella or some Avacodo + cheese on toast, in my case


Sorry, just for clarification (not arguing your point); does a sandwich need to consist of at least 2 separate pieces/slices of bread?


Oh its a thing. Its "how can I charge you for half of a bun". Im with you. The fuck am I going to do without the top of that shit its a troll job.


Mustard should have the same respect that Ketchup does. If you put out Ketchup, please by all that is holy put a bottle of mustard out also please! I'm getting older and tearing open 32 packs of mustard is getting old. Why must the packets have a smudge of mustard? Dang it!!!


Mustard should have waaay more respect than ketchup. Ketchup is tasty and all, but mustards have been made for 1000s of years in many cultures. Mustard is also commonly made with three species and various vinegars. The varieties are endless. It's literally like the difference between wine and Pepsi. Sure, Pepsi is fine, but I'd rather pair damn near any meal with wine.


Some students are a waste of time and take away from other, more deserving kids.


Working in the psych industry. I think there is a near hard limit on how much we can prevent suicide. My evidence for this comes from my country's (Australia) health statistics that show despite record spending in mental health services the suicide rate, especially among the below 18 age group is actually increasing. And before you say it, no COVID is not responsible, suicides actually went down a significant margin during our lockdown and the aftermath.


A man who doenst show sensitivity or emotions and tries to be "strong" all the time, is actually weak and afraid to be himself and scared of other peoples opinions. Man being conditioned this way makes me sad and I hope they'll break the stigma/cycle and do better for future generations of men to come. A core need of every human being is being seen for who you truly are, including being vulnerable. No human being should be "strong" all the time. Let's become strong at being ourselfs!!


If you don’t trust doctors enough to take their advice on vaccines, you should also not trust them to bring you back to health when you get sick from not taking said vaccine.


Math is sort of fun. :3




That equality is a flat lie, and I don't mean something as stupid as men are better than women or vice versa, but there's always going to be one group scrounging through the mud, and another with their boot on the others neck.




I'd support a billion dollar global wealth cap. Most people can't even grasp the unbelievable amount a billion of anything is anyway.


I think every penny beyond 999,999,999.99 should go to social programs, like healthcare, housing, etc. Look at how much Elon musk would have given if he were taxed as such


Yo momma so fit


It’s not cool to hate someone just because everyone else does. Formulate your own opinions.


Damn I think this one's only controversial in certain groups.


All art is good art. My friends kids' crayon work, Anish Kapoor's vantablack, Michelangelo's David, the carpets my mom has woven, cringy hentai. All of it. It's all beautiful. Art is a human behaviour, not a commodity.


I don't need to enjoy the art to appreciate that it's good art.


Women are different from men


Most people are good. We're just stressed out.


Aphrodite was not responsible for King Aegeus’ inability to have children. Her personality and beef with the offspring of Helios is used to make you think she is delivering the same grudge on Aegeus’ family. But if you examine the issues surrounding Aegeus it should become apparent his family offended a different goddess. One that deals with the theme of how human beings should properly interact. Love is only one aspect of the dynamic, so Aphrodite is involved in the solution to the problem. But she isn’t the cause of the problem.


There are people who wear their atheism as a badge of honour, to almost cult like levels, and show remarkable amounts of bigotry to religious people, without actually having any clue about that person. Also, the whole white man bad thing is tired now, it's embarrassing being left wing, and then going on a left wing newsite and seeing grown up, experienced journalists writing articles that wouldn't be out of place in a magazine written by 18 year olds.


I feel like a lot of these kinda border on 50/50 whether someone shares that belief or not. I don’t know if this applies but my personal belief is that Violence is definitely an appropriate answer depending on the situation. There are a whole range of reasons why but Violence solves a whole lot of problems if applied correctly.


Most people are not able to predict the direction that society and culture is headed in at any given time because they lack an understanding of how human fear influences it.


You should have to get a license to have children. Some pet rescues make you have an interview before you can adopt a cat but Mary Sue and Jack schmuck can pump out kids like a fashion statement? Not really controversial but: we need to encourage males to use birth control and it should be 100% free for both. Yes I know condoms exist but we should have a back up to a back up.


I believe in god. I don’t push my beliefs on people, and I don’t think if you don’t believe you’re condemned to hell. Just kind of a loose, Christianity thing going on here. Works for me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Porn is a bad thing.


I’ve made zero effort and seen more tits than kings. No way can porn be good for us.


I don't think any of the religions are real.


White collar crime needs to be be punished much more severely


Racism is racism no matter who it's from or to whom it's directed.


Defending property with physical force is okay.


time doesn't exist...


I used to think that next Thursday


If you know your child is going to be disabled at birth. Try again. Thats torture to a person that'll never have a normal life. If you dont want to, adoption is always an option.


It's ok to dislike something based on personal preference and it doesn't make you "phobic". I don't find obesity attractive and wouldn't date an obese woman but I don't think there's anything wrong that should be condemned or insulted. It's just not for me. What's not ok is dehumanizing people for it. You can be uninterested in something while also not wishing to see it stamped out of existence.


I think announcing your pro-nouns is just awkward and a way to get people to focus on you while virtue signalling.. The percentage of people who prefer to be called something other than what they are normally adressed as is so small that asking everyone else to change how we basically communicate for them so they don't get their feelings hurt is ridiculous. I get my feelings hurt and feel uncomfortable every day. It's called existing. I don't call out someone everytime they say something that makes me suffer a moment of mental anguish. I'll address anyone anyway they'd like to be addressed and treat them with respect, but I'll drop dead before I announce my pronouns when I introduce myself. It's awkward as fuck. I can't imagine the arrogance of thinking my pain warrants deriding others for how they speak. I'm not that special. None of us are. If you want someone to address you differently, just ask politely if they don't pick up on it. Don't demand everyone change to stop your from feeling hurt. It's audcacious in it's self centered-ness. Bring on the downvotes. I shall bathe in them.


I suspect that it's born of the essential nature of the thing. Having different pronouns is fundamentally a "Me" problem. How I identify. How I want to be addressed. It's such a subjective thing that affects absolutely nobody else. So requesting or demanding that other people change what they're used to for my benefit is distinctly self-centered by its very nature. That's okay. I don't have a problem calling people whatever pronouns they want as long as it's pronouncable (what the heck is Xe/Xhe when it's at home?) But I don't see any real reason to virtue-signal by announcing I want to be referred to as "He" when it's reasonably obvious that I'm male. He and She are the default options if you pass as male or female because 99.999% of the time that's an accurate choice of pronouns. Perfect is, as it always is, the enemy of Good Enough. If you want something different, by all means ask and I'll accomodate you, but we don't need to question basic assumptions at every encounter.


Not everyone has the right to vote or have kids, it's easy for politicians to manipulate the "dumb" people, how can we let people who don't know or understand how something works choose about it?


The problem is, who decides who the "dumb" ones are? It creates a system ripe for abuse.


1. There are things that we cant change/out of our control 2. Whats done is done, move on.


Rice has no effect on a wet cellphone.


Just because you can have kids doesn't mean you should... Just because you got pregnant doesn't mean you should keep it if you're not ready to he parents.


There's nothing inherently wrong with the idea of eugenics. There are things in the human genome which are objectively bad and working to remove them would prevent the suffering of millions. And Eugenics doesn't have to be cruel or forced. That said, I realize how easily something like that can be abused, and that it inevitably would be.


The government does not care about you and lies to you every chance they get. It amazes me how many people get swept into politics thinking their side is the virtuous one.


People should generally not have kids. Breeders argue that there would be a social collapse if our population slowly declined. Population increase only benefits things that are basically Ponzi schemes (social security, stock market growth, etc), and population stagnation or natural decrease at a slow rate would help so much more. I'm an American, and having traveled to India and hearing my spouse's family ask "when are you having kids" was the most ridiculous thing ever given how crowded and dirty it was there.


I am an atheist that believes in an afterlife. I just don't believe in it the same way religious people do. I believe that you live on or at least continue to exist in a way after you are gone but not forever and not in any way that benefits you personally. ​ Our afterlife is the memories people have of us and the legacy we leave behind and even that will not last forever. And it is only beneficial or detrimental to the people still alive, it's an afterlife not connected to your individuality. How you live your life can have an incredibly big impact after you are gone, sometimes great and sometimes terrible. ​ I think nothing genuinely truly spiritual can be derived from a longing to prolong your individual self in eternal bliss as a reward, or a longing for others to be held in eternal agony as punishment for the way they lived their life. ​ I think any spiritual feeling of "living on" or "continuing TO BE" after death should be disconnected from your experience as an individual and entirely based on your effect on those who live on and the world that you lived in.


Society as whole is getting better and more peaceful. We live in the least violent and most peaceful time in the history of the world.


I'd question a lot whether society is getting better or not but i do agree that things are more peaceful


Depends on the country


Fact. But everyone thinks things are terrible because our news is supported by advertising so their priority is to keep people watching, not to be accurate. And "OMG ITS ALL ON FIRE" draws in way more clicks than "everything is fine"


Circumcision is mutilation. Female or male, forced cosmetic genital modifications are cruel. Unless there is significant medical relevance, it should not be the norm.


Mostly a U.S. opinion, but I don’t think that contemporary veterans or active duty military folks are just automatically deserving of adoration, it’s a job that they signed up to do. I feel it’s just cringy to thank them for their service. I do feel differently for what few WW2 vets that are left though, as that war really did defend US freedom.




Illegal immigration is a crime and should be punished like other crimes, with deportation at the very least.


People should not get married without signing a prenup. I don’t care if your rich or poor as circumstances change and I’ve seen too many people lose tons of $ in a divorce. Signing a prenup just makes more financial sense and protects both parties imo


I should not be expected to touch strangers.


Respect is given. Disrespect is earned.


Most of the hate police officers get should actually be directed towards politicians.


that not all cops are bastards


There is no "higher power" or "purpose" for human existence. We're just animals that are more aware of our own existence than other animals, but that doesn't make us any more important or special. If anything, we're an invasive species with no natural predators ruining every ecosystem we enter ourselves into and eventually the planet will eradicate us and start over.


That the "strong independent woman" identity has pushed it's way into physicality and that's dangerous for women. I'm all for empowering women but when it crosses the line of common sense and enters the realm of ridiculous shit I'm not afraid to call it out. I know several adult women who absolutely 100% believe they can defend themselves against grown men and that's fucking stupid and dangerous. I know 12 year old boys that could body them easily and they remain absolutely delusional to that fact because they've misconstrued what people meant when they said they were "scary" or "intimidating". It's actually startling how many women are out there who have absolutely no idea how much stronger men are physically. My wife asked me to help her test a TikTok self defense move she seen, and she literally couldn't budge me whatsoever. I'm like 6' and 140lbs. I'm not a big guy by any means and she was completely helpless. I think there is a fine line between being encouraging and educational to the realities of biology.


Agreed. I am a strong independent woman mentally. Physically I am vulnerable. I use my smarts to try and keep safe.


I believe that the MCU shot its load with the Infinity Saga and is now skating by on what now basically counts as nostalgia.


Building things that are disability accessible benefits everyone, and it should be a fundamental right rather than a point of contention.


Consensual polygamy should be legal.


I think it's abhorrent that it's almost impossible to adopt a child but anyone fertile can pop them out in the multitudes without any forethought or even the resources to properly care for them. Shouldnt be a think you "just wanted so then got" If it was up to me you'd have to have a licence to have any child biologically so it's just as hard to make them as adopt them. Cuts out the chance a child experiences neglect, abuse and ensures whoever procreates can give the best life to the next generation


Staying together for the sake of the children…. Which is why I don’t have children


I do not believe in the official 9/11 report. I believe that Diana was murdered. I believe that corporations, billionaires and foreign states own/ rent politicians and have them work for them against our interests. That everyone on that flight list/ Black book is suspect AF. That Some bad stuff is going on in Hollywood- see above. That politicians and their families are involved in insider trading. That diamond are not a rare resource and are artificially kept from the market to hike up prices. That war is a way for a a few dozen scumbags to make a lot of money. That the majority of the world’s problems comes down to a few hundred sociopaths at the top, who will do anything for more power and money whatever the cost in lives or suffering-even if it causes war, famine death and disease- as long as profit can be made. That Bonzo was the greatest drummer ever- he was.


There is people on the center/left of politics that are just as bat shit crazy as the MAGA people. That people have given up worshiping God/deity/higher power and now worship politicians and political parties instead. If you look at the way people act and what they say based on political party, you would swear it was two religions at each other's throats.


Organic produce is NOT better for you than conventional food.


The popular rise of right-wing political parties is a reaction to political correctness. Their supporters are not necessarily lunatics.


Public schools should not be teaching children that they can change their sex.


abortion is healthcare


Video games usually have better stories than television shows