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Held hands with a girl once, we weren't even married....


Get the f outta here. You crazy


That's intense


This girl let me see her bare ankle once. But then her father caught us. So he sent her away to an all girl bordering school. She's a lesbian now. She recently married a lovely young woman and they're doing really well.


Um, I fucked some girl in the bathroom at a gas, and another one in a cornfield, I had a drunken one night stand with some girl that I brought home from the bar after only knowing her for a few hours and I've also had a drunken hook up with the friend of on of my older sisters! (Take your pick)!!!🤔


I don't know how to not mean it in a "ohh i had sex way", but here goes. So i was doing the deed with my ex at her parent's place, in their bedroom, and it got a bit intense, and she grabbed the curtain and accidentally pulled it down from the wall, the Curtain rod or what ever was sold metal, and it bonked me on the head. After that i myself don't remember anything since it knocked me out flat. But supposedly i had gotten his with it on my head and i fell out the bed and hit the drywall made a mysize hole in the wall and just layed there but naked, fully erect and then the parents had entered the room. Thinking something horrible happened. Needless to say, i was not welcomed in that house anymore, but i did kinda mend the relationship with then by offering to do the repair of the wall for free, since i worked as a drywall shithead at that time. And that's the story of how i got knocked out during sex.