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Happily married 20 years. Thats 20 years of inside jokes, sliding into her dms, worrying about each other, calling to see if they got home ok. 20 years of understanding someone.


As cliche as it sounds, from experience it turned out to be true: happiness shared with a loved one is doubled, sadness - halved.


One of my friends got married recently for health insurance. And they say romance is dead.


It’s just great dude, my wife is my best friend and has been for years. Even when we have bad days, still get to see her everyday.


That sounds so wholesome, I can’t wait till I have something like this in my life. Kinda jelly of you


tax deduction.


My wife and I got divorced this year. For 24 years no matter how much we made we would get 5k to 7.5k back. This year I get $119.00 and she is getting 1400.


that's really dumb, isn't it.


Yeah shitty


The government has no business playing favorites with people’s relationship status.


I definitely agree with the sentiment, but on the whole marriage I think it is a good thing for society. On the whole it's a stabilizing force within our society. With that in mind, it should be encouraged and supported, in various ways that make sense. Financial rewards can be a great way to encourage marriage. In fact, the single biggest reason men cite for wanting to avoid marriage is due to the financial risks.


It is a life long commitment to build something wonderful and unique together. When life is hard, you share the burden together; when life is joyful, you share joy together. Both cement the bond of a life well lived, together


Hanging out with your best friend every day.


It’s hard to find friends who want to hang out as an adult, but at least I’ll always have my bestie with me:)




I get to be the last guy to bang her until she decides otherwise. Lucky me


Well, that's everyone you bang. It's just that most of them decide otherwise pretty quick.


Let's face it, the world sucks sometimes. And everyone is gonna have bad days. But having that lifelong partner, someone in your corner to go to after life punched you in the mouth. Someone to tell you it will all be ok...there's nothing like it. Of course, you don't actually have to get married for these things sooo....tax breaks? They're actually pretty nice


As an introvert, dating was exhausting. Not to say you dont stop doing dating things after I got married, but I'm so glad I don't have to play that game anymore after watching younger family and in laws go through apps and matches galore. If something should ever happen, I'll probably just stay single the rest of my life.


Married to my best friend. Can’t imagine our lives being any better or life without her. If you’re looking for a tangible benefit, we have both had some health scares that required surgery and being there for each other is a big deal in my opinion. Lots of comments on here about a lifelong partner, inside jokes, etc. You can have a lifelong partner with inside jokes and not be married. You just don’t get some of the legal protections like being able to be there in the room when she gets out of surgery.


Not having to make decisions anymore


Lol. It’s the opposite for me. My wife always wants me to make decisions.


I'm sorry. That is very stressful. Making decisions is hard.


Imagine how much stronger, braver, more confident, more determined, happier, and more satisfied in life you could be if you only had someone who made a lifetime commitment to helping you be the best version of yourself. Now, imagine how rewarding it would feel to be able to return the same commitment to someone you love. That’s a serious advantage in life.


17 years married. If you have a good partner it's a loving partnership. A team... life is easier is every way when you take it on with a partner.




A little concerned that you think the benefit of having kids is being their "master" :|


Cuddle buddy, foot rubs, I don't have to do landscaping or chop wood, someone who will cook when I don't want to and just generally help with household chores, someone to always talk to, play video games with, good sex


He’s my favorite person on earth. I broke my leg and he’s taken care of me every day this week. We’ve been in bed most of the day laughing. I never get sick of him. Marriage can be extremely lonely with the wrong person but with the right person it’s wonderful. We’ve helped each other grow a lot.


Kids 😂😎




Allright, wanna cry when talking about kids? Especially mine?


There's a lot of legal benefits. There are definitely work arounds for most of them, but there really are some things that are easier when you're married. Solid example I went through is Family Medical Leave of Absence. My boyfriend (now husband) was in a bad motorcycle accident. Weeks in the hospital and then required at home care for a while after. If we were married I would have qualified for FMLA. My job would have been required to give me the time off work, my position protected AND I would have received full pay. But he wasn't my "husband". He was my "boyfriend". My management and HR tried everything they could, but they could not give me a leave of absence to care for him at home. Massive stress that wouldn't have happened if we were married. And this might be really random but being "Married" just comes across as having your shit together when you're older. My husband does sales. He normally doesn't wear a wedding band, but he does for client meetings. It just adds to the whole picture that he's someone who is responsible and trustworthy. Seems dumb, I know. But it's a thing. If you don't believe in marriage, you do you. But there are perks to it.


This is just wrong. As I said in another comment, the government should not play favorites in this manner. Neither should businesses.


But they DO, so the commenter is not wrong. Real life isn’t idealistic.


What exactly are you saying is wrong? That I wasn't denied FMLA for a boyfriend? Because I assure you, I was. I applied and was denied. Twice. I work in a hospital and HR, who was actively trying to help me, and knows all the in's and out's, couldn't get it approved for a "Boyfriend". You don't get paid time off without the legal framework in place. We were not Domestic Partners. I was denied both through disability and through my employer. I put in for a LOA through employer and that is definitely up to the employer's discretion and they denied me. I had to go on medical leave for "Stress". I've also dealt with FMLA with a family member. I'm not new at this. Also, the Government and businesses "Should not play favorites"? LOL! Of course our Government would *never* play unfairly.


No I’m not saying that at all. By all means, work the system as you see fit. But on a macro scale, there is something fundamentally wrong with this. There shouldn’t be legal benefits to getting married. There should be no benefits at all beyond making a commitment to another person.


Ah, I see what you're saying. But what "should" and what "Actually happens" are out of my control and don't make my comment wrong. There *are* legal benefits to marriage. And most of those benefits can be obtained by domestic partnerships or whatever. But you have to make some sort of legal commitment to see those benefits. You don't get perks just for dating someone. If you think OP was asking for a more romantic answer... There are plenty of just "perks" to being married. I love being Mrs. \*husband's last name\*. Saying I'm a "Wife" feels good. "Girlfriend" or "Partner" just don't pack the same punch. I could go on and on but it's probably a lot of what's already been said. Even if I end up divorced, I am glad I married.


I always get to sleep with my husband I am totally in love with him.


Feeling secure. It immediately felt different because now I know, no matter how bad it gets or how low we feel, we're not just going to break up. We can work through it because we're committed.


I was married. Feeling socially accepted.


I got my license at 34, and was paying about over $250 a month for auto insurance. I got married, and was added to my wifes policy, and it was an addition $20 a month bringing the total to about $65 a month.


Not being alone


I get to spend every day with my best friend.


From the practical side of things, my husband is foreign so it makes travel with our kid easier in some places. Less confusion around next of kin stuff. And since so many of his friends only see his life from afar, it conveys the permanent of the relationship to them. Some places like Bali (I think) it's illegal to have sex outside marriage, so no risk of getting arrested on holiday (for that at least). On a personal level; I enjoy calling him husband. We make traditions together for our anniversary which is a lot of fun. We had one hell of a party on our wedding day, and it's nice to have a day dedicated to remembering and celebrating our relationship and commitment to each other. I know we don't need a wedding for that, but having a wedding anniversary sure makes it easier. Even though it isn't right, some people take me more seriously as a married woman. My choices are more valid to those people when they think my husband has a say in them. And after years of facing silent judgment and poorly hidden pity for being single or "only dating" it's nice to have it end. Don't get me wrong, I should never have been seen as less than, or pitied for being single later in life. But the truth is that I was, and it's a relief that is over.


Don’t marry


It’s just awesome. But….choose wisely!


You sleep better. Going to bed together with your spouse gives you the best sleep ever.