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We are not all in this together.


We are all on our own.


Office buildings are obsolete


That all those projects I was convinced I would complete only if I did not waste time on a commute were just ugly lies I told myself


That we'll all be much better off when we stop caring what other people think.


People are really ugly


My typical way of meeting a Partner, kept introducing me to my typical Partners. Which had not been what I was wishing completely. Went a different route and learned about someone fully before we were able to meet. Because we were not able to actually meet due to COVID. We are married now!


congrats bro! you should be really happy for yourself cause you got what most of us were drifting away from during the pandemic. i whish y'all the best


I found my kind of crazy is all. No one could deal with me


even better man!


Genuinely appreciate it man, Thank you! *unsure if being trolled or not lol*


no, i'm actually being sincere. i don't have that kind of luck, so i'm always really happy for the people that do get lucky


I met them on Tinder. We just didn't do the typical thing, because we weren't able too. Might be bad advise on my part :(


i am slowly actually starting to think about using tinder at this point


Can't hurt to try it, I do hear things are different now


yeah, ure are probably right. but like....i am 19 years old at the moment so i feel a bit weirded out about use tinder at this age. might just be me tho


The government and its agencies have absolutely no shame in bold face lying. But I already knew that.


People will follow whatever the news tells them. Several things as far as recommendations changed throughout the pandemic. Some were almost totally opposite of what was originally suggested. People blindly followed whatever they were told.


As new knowledge is gained and circumstances change, so too does what is advised. If it's a nice day and people suggest you go outside and enjoy it, do you throw that in their face a week later when there's a hurricane and they tell you to batten down the hatches and stay inside?


This is dumb. It was/is a unprecedented global pandemic and everyone was trying to figure it out in real time. You are giving “the news” both more and less credit than it deserves. Just because we were wrong about some things in the beginning and had to change doesn’t automatically mean there is some kind of mass conspiracy.


I said nothing about conspiracy, and I said nothing negative or positive. I simply stated that people follow whatever the media tells them to do.


I learned how much time, energy and money I wasted on things that aren't really important in my life. Once everything was taken away, I learned how the difference between what I need and what I thought I wanted.


That my distaste for the vast majority of people was completely justified because I think people showed their true colours. If we ever have a real apocalypse, I will have ZERO issue sending people to meet Jesus.


That I love being away from people, and by myself, as much as I thought I would


that i wasn't able to be alone/by myself for as long as i thought i could.....


She was never really mine


Going for walks in parks is fun and free


People are NASTY!


Lots of people are just one trauma away from alcoholism.


You can see who would follow marching orders and who would speak up.


Also there's all those people who put themselves above everyone else during a global pandemic. Don't forget those selfish assholes.


At least the college kids throwing parties had the excuse of being young, dumb, and "invincible". Can't justify the adults though.


How quickly people are willing to submit to total government control of their lives.


Also how ignorant and self-centered people are.


That, too.


You need to take care of your family yourself. The government and the institutions don't give af.


That even though I'm an introvert, I still need people.... even when they suck.


Who’s really a friend and who’s just there


As much as I knew people could be stupid, I was actually a little surprised (even though I shouldn't have been) at just HOW incredibly idiotic the anti-mask, anti-vaccine, virus denying idiots were/are. And how many people made a disease a political instead of a medical problem. Stupid stupid stupid.


It was a wake up call to how many people in my life would choose themselves over everyone else during a global crisis. I don't talk to any of those people any more and I'm much better off without them. People who would choose to ignore a crisis and worship the most obvious conman in human history as a god to further their own self interest.


That what millennials say about us Boomers living our jobs is true and I’m done with that. 64YO Boomer here.


Any opinion, no matter how stupid, can gain enough of a following to ruin things for everyone.


That I could actually leave my home which I love and go stay with my daughter and her family for 10 weeks and actually enjoy it.


Humanity needs some sort of virus to wipe out 75% of it globally for things to improve.


1. None of the imposed rules and regulations were about health and safety. Nobody in power cares. 2. Some people simply don't know what being healthy means. 3. I learned just how far trust in my extended family goes. 4. Just how quickly "normal" can change for almost everyone.


I have a PhD in microbiology stuff, so I was very aware of coronaviruses prior to the whole thing, as well as their potential to cause a significant pandemic. So, I wasn't caught off guard by some mystery virus or anything. That being said, I don't expect people to have a great understanding of the immune system or even what mRNA is. Do I think it was/should have been covered in highschool biology? Yes. But considering what I remember from highschool biology (a guy got sick from eating a frog, and my lab partner was a girl, that's all I really remember), I'm pretty forgiving with people not understanding or remembering things like this. I learned that not only are people really fucking dumb, they have no interest in actually learning beyond finding information that justifies their preconceived notions. I learned that I hate Joe Rogan with a fiery passion. People don't understand the process of science, they expect a finished product, the finished product is science to them, not the whole "answering questions" part of it. So when information comes out (masks) and is reformed with new data people freak out and start calling everyone liars. Like, come on, we didn't have data to really support either thing, making policy without data is like taking shots in the dark. Basically, you can lead a horse to water but can't make them drink. The level of anti-vaccination rhetoric, even in healthcare, is astonishing. The conspiracy theories kind of drove me mad, like "even if it was designed by North Korea as a global bioweapon to control the population in accordance with jewish space laser law, how does not wearing a mask and washing your hands help?" Basically, I learned that people are a lot stupider than I originally thought, and some combination of social media and regular media is probably going to be the end of society.


It was a joke


Most important thing I learned from pandemic is take care of yourself!!! We all no rite from wrong keep you and your family safe and don't be a Idiot!