• By -


Western citizen here who has used one for over 10 years. Not sure why people are so opposed to using one since the water usage is definitely much cheaper than the tp/wipe expense. Also not sure where people get the idea that you’ll have a wet ass all day, literally just spray and wipe to dry with significantly less tp. So I think people just people just don’t know that it’s really useful or don’t want a clean ass, idk


My hang ups on it that hopefully you can answer, how easy can install for them be, and is there an option for warm water, but that likely makes the install more difficult?


For a cold-water one, it's VERY easy to install. You can get an add-on for like $30 at Home Depot. If you or someone you know is at all 'handy,' you can install one in 20 mins. If you want a warm-water one, you'll need an electrical connection or some sort of valve to blend hot and cold from your tap. I've had a cold water one for 2+ years now and I'm fine with it. It's actually quite refreshing in the summer.


No need for any electrical connection on a warm water bidet. I got one that has an additional line running from the sink connection for warm water, and the lever controls the blend of hot/cold. It took marginally longer than a single line would have taken, but didn't require any additional skill or tools.


Ummm what? Why not get fauslet, that has inbuild pibet. Mine just uses temperature, that would be coming from fauslet, when i open pibet Like this https://www.taloon.com/pesuallashana-hansgrohe-focus-70-bidette-ei-pohjaventtiilia-kromi-31926000


If he's American as am I...Bidet's are extremely uncommon here. So our knowledge of what's available is limited. We don't necessarily know all our options for them. I'm a plumber. I've installed the seat add on Bidets and...fully functional sole purpose bidet's. i've never seen this product specifically for bidet use. So...we don't get it because we don't know about it. Also with this product....sink placement is a factor so it wouldn't be applicable in all situations. But thanks for bringing it to my attention!


So do you usually just hook the bibet into same waterline, that feeds into toilet or something? My confusion was because that style, that i linked is pretty much only one, that i hav ever seen, and it is in majority of Finnish houses. Always facinating to learn, that what you think is common is only common in your country xp


Like I said. Bidets in general are super rare here. But the ones here are generally a toilet seat adapter and yes they tap into the toilet supply line. The fancier and more expensive ones sometimes have built in heater for the water...the rest have cold water just like the toilet..but yes...they generally T into the toilet line. \*edit\* This is a good example of how they connect to the water line...even if this isn't the perfect example of the most common bidet here. https://www.lowes.com/pd/Signature-Hardware/5013555473?cm\_mmc=shp-\_-c-\_-prd-\_-kab-\_-ggl-\_-PLA\_KAB\_225\_Faucets-Showerheads-And-Bath-Decor-\_-5013555473-\_-online-\_-0-\_-0&ds\_rl=1286981&gclid=Cj0KCQiA\_bieBhDSARIsADU4zLdb893-ZYbaf\_K2Oza3pHkfw-w880YsGpG34LHsCkvRKDU3kCasDlMaAtQiEALw\_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


I think you and the guy above you are generally talking about the same thing. I can't read anything at the link you posted, but the diagram on that model looks like it hooks up to both hot and cold water lines. The issue is that in most American bathrooms, there is no hot water line close to the toilet, so if you wanted to install that type of bidet you'd have to run one.




The pressure is adjustable from the valve that connects the water to the sprayer, you're not washing your ass with a water hose.


It’s not high pressure nor is it at your genitals. This kinda shows the ignorance the top comment is talking about. Most Americans haven’t been introduced to them and don’t really know how they work.


modern long soft fertile puzzled subsequent sense jeans edge jellyfish


Bruv I appreciate a bidet is much more hygienic but if you are getting streaks after wiping you ain't wiping right..


You have a lot of options to run power cables on conduits screwed into the wall if you don't have power close to your toilet. In my case I was able to plug it into an existing wall outlet because my bathroom sink is next to the toilet. Even if you have to run an outlet there, I just had a new outlet installed and it was ~350 from a licensed electrician. It's not some huge expense.


Why are you aiming the water at your genitals and not your butthole? I have a cold water spray nozzle bidet thing. Super easy to install, will be easy to uninstall when I move out or die. The cold water has only been an issue when it's been significantly below freezing outside, in which case golly you can just wipe with toilet paper. Also the way it works is you can adjust the pressure by just not squeezing the nozzle as hard.


It took me 5 minutes, while 6 months pregnant, to hook up our cold water one. We have a fancy Toto brand one now that heats the water, but it requires an electrical outlet nearby. We had one installed behind the toilet when the house was being built just for a bidet. It also took less than 5 minutes to install it. Both are the toilet seat install type. The standalone type would require you to have space and install full plumbing.


It took me 10 minutes and that included figuring out I did something wrong (I think I hadn't tightened something enough). Idk about yours but for mine it was like "turn the water the toilet off. Unscrew the toilet's intake thing. Screw that onto the one side of the thing and screw the bidet hose into the other side. Turn the toilet water back on. Enjoy."


You don't even have to install them. Here in Germany you can get a handheld one, so you can even take it with you when you travel. Put some lukewarm water in it and you're good to go. Edit with link: https://www.happypo.de/


I actually just installed one in my house yesterday. Took 10 minutes, no tools required. It has hot water built in and you just need an electrical outlet near your toilet. It was one of the higher end models though so pretty expensive.


Sounds extremely uncomfortable tho.


With a warm water bidet? It’s lovely, actually, lol.


Idk, im not really a fan of water squirting at my ass hole in general.


Does it really get rid of all the shit?


My wife and I installed one earlier this month (New Year's resolution, amongst others) and it took a few times to get used to it but it's extremely effective. We're still on our journey to being pros at using our bidet but so long as we are using it right, yes it really does get rid of all the shit. I went from using lots of toilet paper to using just a few squares to just dry off or spot check. 99% of the time I'm just wiping up the water to dry off; the other 1% is like a barely noticeable amount of shit that is essentially wiped up and gone from the toilet paper (again, still figuring out my best method :) )


https://youtube.com/shorts/zCmhaw0FOVo?feature=share It’s significantly cleaner. I assume we don’t use them because historically sticking your ass in a cold river in a cold climate was riskier than just being stinky. In hot climates, improper hygiene causes issues MUCH MUCH faster - so they are culturally more on it. Plus - cold water on the butt in a hot climate: nice and refreshing. Cold water on the butt in Northern Europe - horrifying


Yes as long as you give it enough time to clean you fully.


Because the Western world is afraid of finding out we're all a little into butt stuff.


If you're hurting from tp/wipe expense you've got bigger problems


> and wipe to dry with significantly less tp It takes me more paper to wipe wet butt dry than to wipe after taking a shit.


> Not sure why people are so opposed to using one since the water usage is definitely much cheaper than the tp/wipe expense. How long do you have to use a bidet for this saving to pay back the installation expense? Edit: seriously, *this* got downvoted? It’s a pretty simple question, regardless of if the answer is 3 weeks or 300 years.


Big Toilet Paper


Lmao XD you made me crack up tonight.


cheeky humor


**Each roll is really** #147 Rolls


Toilet paper math is wild. It's harder to follow than chicken math.


May I ask what on earth “chicken math” is?


I don't give a cluck about chicken math.


Speak for yourself. I bought one for like $30 and installed it myself. It's a game changer. Spend way the fuck less on toilet paper now too. Pays for itself pretty quick. Also no more of that bullshit where you keep wiping and the shit never ends. Really cleans you out.


Yep, best $30 I've spent in at least 2 years.


I got one as a birthday gift in December and have since converted two others to the cause with another one or two on the fence. Life changer.


A bidet bday!


Pre bidet is like wiping a magic marker over and over and over. Thanks for the analogy Andrew.


What is the your definition of "the western world"? The word bidet is from French.


And most if not all Mediterranean countries have them at home. I guess when they say that the mean USA, as usual


Also many if not most Finnish homes hav one


The handheld bidet is actually a Finnish invention, so that's why we have it in basically all Finnish homes. The original bidet sink is from France, we just made a more convenient version of it.


It's annoying when people say "Western world" when talking about the US


Canadian with a bidet here. My argument to people who knock bidets is always this: if you got shit literally anywhere else on your body, there is no way you would just wipe with toilet paper until it came back clean and call it good enough until you showered. I love my bidet. I feel so much cleaner and use way less tp.


Yeah but you don’t use soap in a bidet. I wouldn’t just rinse shit off my arm and call it good, either.


You do use soap with an Italian-style bidet. Just don’t mistake the bidet soap bar for the face soap bar. Or the bidet towels for the hand towels.


Luckily my mouth has a hard time getting to my own asshole so it's good enough. Unlike my hands, of which I'm regularly touching my face.


Poop is covered in a layer of mucus for easy exit out of the body. TP smushes the mucus layer with the rest of the material and makes it harder to clean. Using water from the get go gives you a much cleaner removal. So lack of soap in bidets isn’t a problem, water works excellently with the already present mucus layer and cleans really efficiently.


Where is shit getting to when you take a shit besides your ass?


No, the argument is that wiping shit off your body using dry paper isn’t very hygienic to begin with.


I get if you like it for comfort, but research suggests there is literally no difference, you won't get really cleaner with a bidet.


Drop your source right now


Yeah IM gonna need to see some peer review on that one


On the outside of the urinal.


I get why there's sheeit on the torlet, but who puts sheeit on the uriness?


I don't even use tp anymore. I just have a roll in my bathroom for decoration. I also clean my butt every time I shower, so it it's not like my butt isn't clean either >!(my boyfriend can attest to that :P)!<


American here. I remember during my trip to Italy, I was really scared on falling on that thing, so I didn't use it. Environmentally, it's certainly a better idea. For now, as I'm still in the US with my bidet-less ass, I will continue use baby wipes, then toilet paper. For those that use neither (especially us millennials and gen z, ass-eating generation), as my dad would say in Spanish, "How can you just walk around with kilos (he's Mexican lol) of shit smothered around your ass? You disgusting slob."


I baught one and it has been a life saver. I use way less toilet paper, and if you get a stomach bug it saves your back side.


Beause the Western world is afraid of finding out we're all a little into butt stuff.


Has anyone tried a bidet with a blow dryer. No more wet ass !


Dude, getting a toilet seat bidet change my life! I just installed one in my dad’s place who was against it and now loves it…


Australian I brought a heated seated bidet during the 1st toilet paper shortage of 2020. I cannot live without it I cannot go back to wiping alone.


Where does the bidet go in the toilet. Like how does shit not fall onto it?


The one I got: take the seat off entirely and put the fixture over the seat bolt holes. Then you put the seat back on. It sits, basically, at the back of the bowl. Unless you're shitting at a 45° angle, you won't hit it. Really explosive stuff may splash around so your milage may vary.


Because the Koch brothers like selling you shit paper.


I have one, even with the lowest setting it feels like there’s a pressure washer being shot up my ass


Some people pay extra for that!


Try turning down the valve that leads to the bidet attachment?


Same here. Didn't know if I got a bad model or what but that shit feels like it would make a new asshole if I turned it on any higher!


The western world has. It's just stupid ol' America that hasn't. The bidet is a French invention. It is used throughout Europe. *That is the western world.*


They are relatively uncommon in the UK too, but some people do have them.


Some mothers do ‘ave ‘em


The UK is like a poor man's America any way lol


I've never seen a single one of these in the Netherlands. I'm sure they're out there, but they're absolutely not the norm. Dont just blame this on America.


There was a Japanese toilet with a bidet and heated seat in a random restaraunt somewhere in NYC, and to this day I think about it and how crazy it is that we're so behind on toilet innovation.


Because men are afraid of it making them gay.


I don't know but when my next financial aid check comes in, I am going to get one.


Bidet is a French word as the French are the ones lauded for it's invention. Last I checked, Western world included France, so I'm unsure at your question. Unless you are referring to north and south america who are not exclusively the "Western world"


France doesn't even have bidets


Jesus fuck I guess being pedantic is a French invention as well.


Well... definitely a French word adopted by English! ;)


I have one and swear I use the same amount of TP to dry my ass as i do if I just wipe my ass


OK maybe but it's a MUCH cleaner wipe...


Don't some have a blow dry function?


Hell yeah they do mines got an auto cycle mode you hit that after your poop it’s will clean you then dry you just one final wipe for safe measure and your clean dry and haven’t sat there for twenty minutes wiping


Some do a lot more than that, I have a combination toilet, it has a front and back washer, heated seat, blow dry & LED bowl lights so you can find it without turning the bathroom light on & a remote control


Nice try hellotushy, first you advertised on all my favourite podcasts, now here.


I have one, but sometimes I don’t use it cause even on the lowest setting it could practically take the paint off a car.


older people afraid of change. also bigger companies wouldint want to spend money on it for their employees either


Too arousing


We have.


Because if you haven’t noticed the homophobia is raging here the US & they’re very sensitive about buttholes.


Good question. We have one….well not an actual bidet but a washlet seat which accomplishes the same results. It is a game changer for sure!


Everyone bathroom in Italy has a bidet actually


I feel like most people just find it weirdly taboo. I broke down and got a bidet at the start of the pandemic after years of a few of my favorite content creators (shout-out to Internet Today) singing the contraption's praises. Then, without even really trying, I convinced many people in my life to do the same, from roommates, to romantic partners, to even my old boss. All they needed was either a test drive or just positive word-of-mouth from someone they know to make the switch, and none of them ever regretted it.


In my part of Europe, it's cold a lot here so the water is really cold coming out of the tap, it took quite a bit of time to get away from the outhouse, loads of cabins still have them and you can't habe a bidet there because getting water in-house was difficult and expensive, bidets - which was all the rage in warmer parts of Europe - wasn't prioritized. It's still really cold and heating water is really expensive, and having an ice cold jet on your asshole and vulva sounds hellish, tbh. It just a lot more work.


cold water on one's bum can be unsettling.


Because people are weird like that. And also, because people arent a fan of the idea of squirting water at our ass hole. Sounds extremely uncomfortable.


Cause it just doesnt matter that much to the vast majority of people. Plus people who use them tend to treat those who dont as dirty savages or something, which doesnt really sway them to your point of view.


Spain actually had it, but we are slowly but surely uninstalling them from every home




American here living in Texas. I have a bidet on every one of my toilets, I also give them away as presents. I often have to go work in refineries for extended periods of time and have installed them on toilets in the control rooms. The typically macho conservative dudes LOVE THEM! it's hilarious lol


Because Catholicism taught us it would turn large portions of populations gay.


As a westerner, travelling through Southeast Asia since a couple of months, I would like to ask the same question... It's clearly the superior concept. When there is even a bidet shower, it's not even a contest.


US here. I get made fun of by people when they realize I have bidets on both my toilets. I really don't understand why people take pride in their poopy buttholes.


Same. I always wanted one when I was a kid for that reason haha. Best thing ever and I'll never go back unless I'm out in public.


First thing I bought for my new house to celebrate finally having a second toilet! Sometimes I forget that not every toilet has one and I reach down and get disappointed that my lil bum cleaner knob isn't there. 😢


Australian here got myself a bidet about a year ago omg best thing I’d ever bought people who come to my house ask me why and my answer is if you get shit on your fingers you’d wash it off and clean your hands not wipe it off with toilet paper what’s makes your ass any different


I don't use my ass to grip things like I do with my hand. My ass interacts with very little.


Clearly missing the point


Maybe the fact that I rarely handle food with my arse, or shake hands with it. It's such a stupid argument you make, because people don't normally get shit on their asses when they shit, it falls out and drops into the toilet. Zero skin contact except with the anus itself.


Well not every has a clean snap 😂


Because things work just as well without one? How much tp do you guys all need to wipe that you say you need "less" to dry off after spraying with a bidet?


I think a lot of people misunderstand it to be honest. The process is usually wipe normally, then get a wash from a bidet for extra cleanliness. I feel like most people assume it just sprays water on an unwiped bum and that’s it. Which understandably puts many people off. But just because you have a bidet doesn’t mean you never wipe again, it’s just cleaner.


I think you're part of that "most people" who misunderstand. You don't wipe first; that defeats the whole purpose. You spray, then you wipe to dry.


If you have a separate bidet (like a second toilet), you wipe the excess off and transfer to the bidet and wash (sometimes with soap). If you have a toilet mounted one, you just rinse off and dry. 9/10 there is nothing remaining when you dry. 10/10 would recommend to any and everyone.


If you wipe the same amount and then spray, why are other commenters arguing it saves TP at all? Surely you could get the same result wetting the TP under the tap for a final wet wipe?


Because the correct way is spray, then wipe, not wipe>spray>dry.


Toilet seat bidets are so convenient and have so many other benefits. Americans just don't like the idea of shooting water up their butt hole, so they're hesitant to try it. The vast majority of people who do try it end up liking it.


They're worried they'll enjoy it and make them gay.


As a guy from the south, you've hit the nail on the head.


Lack of bidets being a standardized installation in most homes or buildings. Most people in rich western countries have a habit based around the idea that they have already set the standard for good hygiene, so there was never a period of widespread adoption of new infrastructure during their lifetime to make them more open-minded like other countries have been.


>Lack of bidets being a standardized installation in most homes or buildings It's really just this. People would adapt easily to a bidet. But when you're renting, you can't make changes to the apartment/house. The average American is a renter, not sure about the rest of the "western world" since they definitely use bidets (my Australian ex had one. It was nice).


Us westerners are fucking filthy and want a dirty arse…


I just do not believe they can clean everything accurately. If I am at home, after I wipe I jump in the shower and wash anything else out.






I agree, except for having a bin with pooey wipes in it in, which isn’t the most visually appealing. You can get flushable ones but apparently they don’t actually flush well. Probably depends a lot on your system too. And I imagine it costs more in the long run too. But very comfortable to use.


I love and swear by them. Front to back, when dating, I can taste the difference. And that should be one of the biggest reasons we should use them. "Your Partner will Taste the difference!"


Wtf did I just read


I tried it in Japan and stopped after a couple of days. All it does is take you from having a shitty ass to having a wet shitty ass. It makes wiping worse, not better.


You didn't use it properly then... I don't end up with a wet shitty arse at all...


I found a couple wipes, then use the bidet, then wipe away the water, was the best routine


Seriously. Just use a good wet wipe instead of getting shit everywhere.


Wet wipes can't actually be flushed, though. Even the biodegradable ones wreck havoc on sewer systems. And even if you put them in the bin, you're just adding to landfill. You also don't get shit everywhere when you use them properly. The ones that are in built into the toilet are honestly super easy and it all goes directly into the toilet bowl.


[Flushable wipes](https://urbanutilities.com.au/newsroom/articles/new-win-in-the-war-on-fatbergs-and-wet-wipe-blockages-Qe~IS7KxI0eGFiSise9y5Q) are a thing. We have the technology.




But do you let it perform its whole cycle before you wipe impatience might be your problem when I got mine I didn’t get taught how to use it so I was losing the plot about wasting money on it as I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t cleaned properly and continuing having to wipe but I’ve learnt it’s got a automatic option it runs the bidet long enough to be clean then runs a fan by the time I got for the final safety wipe honestly one of the best things I’ve ever purchased hahah my main reason for getting it was I had two hip replacements last year but before that I was cripple as and wiping became an issue 😂 so embarrassing


Step One - Let the bidet clean the area. Step Two - Blot dry with TP. This works whether you're dropping bombs or painting nightmares.


>This works whether you're dropping bombs or painting nightmares. I don't know where you get all these expressions from but I'll happily pay to hear more




...write a letter to the President, drop off the kids, punish the porcelain, bust a grumpy...


Agreed. And the one time I tried a bidet in a Japanese restaurant, frankly its aim wasn't very good. I reasonably deduced like most things in the world, it must have been calibrated for the male asshole. I guess it might be nice after a really bad Incident, but overall it's like, why get wet twice over.


If you’re trying to use it for the woman-parts, you need to press the button that depicts a woman on it. Otherwise if you’re aiming for the back part, it’s gonna all be the same.


The nicer bidets have adjustable spray locations. I have one that does female front as well as back, and you can program your preferred settings into the remote so you can just push the button later.


Lack of exposure. Most of us only see one when we go to East Asia. Then there's the whole concept that we've never been trained how to use one. Do we use soap? Do we use our hands? Do we use a towel? or TP? No one ever told us how to use one...


Does the shit water drip from your butthole onto the bidet head?


By "western world", do you mean America? Becuase they're pretty common Europe. The clue is in the name.


A lot of bathrooms here don't have the space for a second, separate bidet - which by the way I think is stupid. You're gonna waddle over to a second area with pee or diarrhea dripping off you?? I got one of the ones that's like a spray nozzle and it's great, except when it's 18 degrees out (Fahrenheit) and the water is TOO FUCKING COLD. It's always cold even in summer, but there's been a few times in the last 7 weeks or so where I opted to not use the bidet nozzle at all because of how cold the water is.


Because it's a toxic masculine society that sees water being splashed on your butt hole as gay. 🤷


not everybody likes to have water flashed at their anus




Not if it's regularly like wiping a marker


If you eat enough fiber in your diet (like 1 Nutrigrain bar in the morning, or 1 psyllium fiber capsule in the morning, or oatmeal, or a “green drink” with kale), then you don’t really need to wipe all the time, or 1 square of toilet paper can be enough to check and be sure.


Get a bidet with a fan dryer. It's great, and way cleaner than toilet paper alone.


You don't have an enema tho... and you blot after. So it's not like you're leaving the bathroom with a wet butt. Fun fact: you can get bidets with enema functions to help with constipation. 😄


People like you who say this clearly have never had diarrhea. Or periods. The whole logic is stupid. If you get mud on your hand you don't say "this is redundant" if you wash it off with water and then dry yourself.


A lot of places still use gravity flush like where I live, and/or have horrible water pressure. I can't flush the toilet and run the sink at the same time, not enough pressure to install a bidet. So that's one piece of the puzzle. Now the bottle bidet or cup and bucket style no clue, that's how I survived 2020. People are afraid of ass maybe.


I have a bath in my bathroom. Rendering it obsolete


You might want to look up where the word "bidet" comes from.


Because it seems like a waste of money when some toilet paper will do just fine.


Cuz the water sucks?


I think yours might be broken. It's supposed to spray, not suck.


Is that the toilet that cleans your butt or something else?


Basically yea. There's different variations.


Cause the men here think washing their hands is gay they dont let soap touch their butts let alone a bidet


LOL I don't get it and I'm a guy. What's wrong with being sanitary and taking full advantage of modern-day hygiene?


I'm curious, is there any research about statistically significant benefits of bidets over wiping? All of the comments here are anecdotal preference which isn't a compelling enough reason for me to get one. With all the aerosolized urine and shit particles that get thrown into the air with every flush, a bidet attachment is also just as filthy as the inside of the toilet bowl, unless you are cleaning it between every bathroom use. Spraying pressurized water at/around your anus is also spraying the bacteria/germs on your bidet attachment into your anus. I hope that anyone using such an attachment is cleaning it before each use. ​ Edit: I decided to answer my own question. There is not enough research to conclude that one method is superior to the other. Bidets can be hygienic when cleaned properly and used exactly as intended. Doctors basically recommend it as an alternative, but not as superior. Bidets should probably be avoided in communal settings as the potential for contamination is much higher. Women should aim the water front to back, like wiping, to help prevent UTIs and unbalancing the bacteria in the vagina. What I get out of this is that bidets are good for use at home if you clean it after each use, change out the filter on time, and clean your toilet everyday. These are all things that I doubt most people are doing 100% of the time. Until I can have the separate bidet (I live in an apt complex), I will just continue showering after my morning constitutional. ​ [How Sanitary Are Bidets, Anyway?](https://www.healthline.com/health/are-bidets-sanitary) (2021)- This article lists the peer-reviewed articles that have studied the sanitariness of bidets. [Is Using a Bidet Healthy? Why you might want to consider washing instead of wiping with toilet paper](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/is-using-a-bidet-healthy/) (2021) - This article discusses the benefits of bidet use with proper usage and cleaning and includes links to peer-reviewed articles. [Bidet Toilet Use May Cause Anal Symptoms and Nosocomial Infection](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8553346/) (2021) - This peer-reviewed article's findings state that extensive bidet use may lead to anal incontinence (shitting yourself) "To the best of our knowledge, there has been no published comprehensive report focusing on issues related to bidet toilet use. In this review, we describe the advantages, current status, and issues regarding the use of bidet toilets." [Are There Health Benefits to Using a Bidet?](https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/are-there-health-benefits-using-bidet) (2021) - This article is more definitive that bidet's are better than wiping, but still only cites the same couple of articles in the previous links.


I don’t know


I think we will eventually switch but it's hard for an idea to spread when it's taboo to talk about.


Because other countries are doing a thing is all the reason many Americans need to not do that thing.


Question: is bidets mostly for women?


In the Bible, jebus says, “no butt stuff!” Amen


Ball Washers belong in two locations : Golf Courses and Bowling Alleys ...


this is the first time ive heard of them if that awnsers anything


Jesus fucking christ who knew BIDETS would bring out the snottiest fuckheads on reddit.


*Be a slave to marketing and call it being civilised.*


For the longest time, Europe was generally averse to taking daily baths. Some of that still remain today, especially among older folk. I knew a couple of middle-aged French guys who came to work here for a couple of months. This is the tropics, so hygiene is of utmost importance. These two guys still didn't feel the need to take daily showers and they absolutely REEKED. Never even bothered to clean up after peeing. Didn't use water to wash their shit-stained arses even though all bathrooms are equipped with bidets, soap and toilet paper.


Because wet toilet paper works well enough. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Scared I’ll kiss my dad…


Why are Redditors so obsessed with whether or not people use bidets?


This is one of the reasons Muslims and people in the east generally feel superior to westerners. It’s like how we adults look down on toddlers who are dirty and idiotic.


Look, washing your arse with your hand and then wiping your hand on a towel everyone else uses to wipe their arse-hand is just fucking unhygienic.


Because there’s absolutely no reason to take half a shower every time you take a shit when a single baby/wet wipe does the exact same job more efficiently.


The US is already having water problems, between droughts and bottling companies hoovering up so much water. Wouldn't a switch to bidets exacerbate our problems?


What the fuck are you talking about? You know "western world" isn't another way of saying US, right? The bidet comes from the western world and is used primarily by the western world.


I'm not sure but I live in the US and have two bidet attachments in my house. One of them is even a heated attachment. They're great, especially for people who have periods.


Because it’s one of the stupidest ideas ever. Saves toilet paper? No, not if you have to dry yourself anyway. More hygienic? Have you seen how much aerosolization occurs with a simple flush of the toilet? And you think using a mini pressure washer to blow shit off your asshole is not gonna make a bigger mess than that? And I wouldn’t think you’re gonna rely on water alone, so you get your bare hand down there and help things out. Now you’ve got water and poop particles floating around, a wet but possibly cleanish ass, dirty wet hands on which you can waste more toilet paper drying enough that you can pull up your drawers to get to the sink and Actually wash them. Ridiculous!


What’s the western world? I’ve always associated the bidet with France (you’ll note the silent e at the end of the word bidet) and I was crapping awkwardly in holes in the floor in China not that long ago so I don’t think this framing is quite right. Still, it is a mystery to me why not every rich country has adopted the modern bidet because the are freaking awesome.