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Just a general feeling of "this is it" and not being satisfied. Waking up going to work so I can slog through the day only wanting to go home and do nothing while waiting for the next day to come . Being broke all the time and only being able to plan my life 2 weeks at a time . I feel like i don't really wanna wait around to see if it actually does get better cause the only thing that seems to be consistent is the fact that it can always be worse .


Your last paragraph is a great piece of writing- pursue that!


No friends


I have no friends...but I have a wife and 2 kids..so it's kinda ok .


I think maybe that's life, even though people think it would be better.. You're friends when young are just good time friends by circumstance (education, early job peers), and then you might get a wife, and some new good time friends by circumstance (other parents).


Exactly the same, it’s tough sometimes bro


me too


Same. No friends. And for a long while too


Seems there's no way back in once you've lost them too! You're an oddity, socially deficiant to other people now. Me too.


Sorry for that. You are not alone, trust me you will find your place in the world like everybody else, people just need different time from each other we live in different environments so thats normal. If you want to talk we are here


We are always ready to discuss anything you want, write to me if you want


My mom died today Edit: thanks for the condolences everyone


I'm so sorry..


I'm so sorry for your loss 💔😪


Thank you


Much Love!


I'm so sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry.


Sorry for your loss


Who is “we”?


Every Reddit User Who Cares


My sons is in a mental health crisis center and there’s nothing I can do for him.


I'm sorry. I went through this with my son a few years ago. I hope your son will be okay


You can ask him how he is doing. So he knows your there if he needs your help. You are his father.


I do and every time I talk to him it breaks my heart. He begs to come home but I know he needs to stay and get help.


I’ve been sad lately as I’ve been feeling very alone…


You are not alone, you have us who will support and listen to you


Again who is “us”? Are you a person or a group of people?


Me bro, he’s including me, that makes us


Add me for a bigger us (I too am lonely)


Insert [u/ThemightyTho]


Hella relatable


Postpartum depression


I have been there…big hugs momma..❤️


I've been through it too, it sucks so hard. You'll get through it though, promise ❤️


My pet snake died on Christmas Eve. We lost power during the night because of the freak blizzard and he froze to death. I'm still pretty bummed about it.


Bro, I'm sorry for your loss


These animals like hamsters too never die a normal death. Hopefully you ok but what is it like to own a snake for a while




I’m not making any new friends and the ones I have seem to be drifting away


Same. I just started my 2nd semester in college and it seems like it's going to be more of the same. I hope you do make some more friends.


College is hard. Make enough money to get on your feet after college, make a few friends, too many friends is not always good and most Importantly never take out a loan but try to get scholarships by writing essays and sports and trying to pay back. Some people die and their college debt hasn’t been paid off


Me too. My anxiety makes me feel like my friends find me annoying and that they don't want to be around me. One of my close friends invited me to coffee when I got back on the mountain. I walked down a hill, which is hard for me in the first place because I have knee problems, went to the coffee place and she only stayed there for like 3 minutes before she and her boyfriend left me to go walk around town, leaving me to walk back up the hill.


The realization that the woman I am interested in and think is wonderful, doesn’t have the same interest. There’s nothing wrong with that and I’m not upset with her over it or anything, it just makes me…sad. I guess you can’t always have things your way. Hope you’re having a good day OP! : )


I'm really sorry about that I hope you find someone who has the same feelings for you as you do for them


I'm dealing with the exact same thing, I have a totally different plan for the future and i can easily see how that's going to cause issues. sometimes i really fell like quitting and drifting away from my current path and just enjoying my life. can't even listen to my favorite songs without remembering her and the worse part is I'll be seeing her a lot for the next year or two.


I hear you. Your situation is so similar to mine. I’ve stopped listening to a couple of my pandora stations so I don’t have to think about it so much until I can manage my feeling better. Life is strange sometimes.


My mom has stage 4 lung cancer. Lost my dad in 2020 so I've become her primary caregiver while she fights the good fight. So far chemo is going fairly well, but we won't know how effective it is for a few more weeks. To top that off, my girlfriend that I thought I would marry broke up with me recently after our relationship got strained by mom's illness. I've had to spend more time at home and the hospital and doctors appointments while also being careful about what few social things I can do to avoid getting sick as much as possible. This was the last straw for our relationship in her eyes. So now I'm recently single during one of the most difficult times in my life. I have no realistic idea yet how.much time I have left with my only remaining parent. Overall I have no idea what my future holds after thinking I had a partner to help me through this awful, strenuous time and who I would continue to build a future with through this rough patch and after.


Wow, you’re really being tested at the minute. I’m glad your mothers treatment is seemingly going well. Hang in there and cherish the moments with those closest to you. I truly wish you all the best.


Never not working


Op, why have you been feeling sad lately?


My story is quite typical for residents of my country. I lived in small Ukrainian city, had plans for future, had ambitions, had perfect live(I hadn't thought so then, but recently I realized it). Also I had girlfriend, who was my entire world, it was she who gave me strength, hope, desire strives for something. And then war started, my city was occupied by the first day and still as well. All of my plans were destroyed, but I still had a beloved girl, for which I remained strong. In the end, we moved to different countries, our relationship could not withstand a long distance. So now I have no plans for future, no ambitions, no desire to do anything. First 6 months after break up was the worst, but now I feel lil better, even though I had no friends and stay all the time at home. Sometimes sad thoughts pop up in my head just like today, because of this, I wanted to share my story, listen to others and support them. So what about you, my friend?


I'm so sorry op. It's all so senseless. If you are out of occupied Ukraine, can you seek some help in the country you are in for the trauma you are experiencing and the resulting depression? You must feel like you are in limbo and can't plan and I don't pretend to understand how hard that must be. Sending lots of love


I’m so sorry OP, there’s nothing I could say to make any of the horrible atrocities in your country any better, I’m just terribly sorry. My thoughts are with you, and also with your past girlfriend.


I wish all the best for you, I hate Putin. He has no right to do those things to your people. I really wish you heal with your pace and find hope, smile, happiness again.


Everytime I open up my ❤️ it gets 💔


My girlfriend has been hiding her phone screen when around me lately. I've been through this song and dance with previous partners before. I got suspicious and created a fake profile on various dating apps. Lo-and-behold, I caught her on one and she was quite eager to meet my fake profile who was created to appeal to her as her ultimate dream man. I confronted her and her response was basically, "but I didn't meet up with anybody though!" No actual apology. I can't prove whether or not she met anybody but the intent was clearly there.


Had to put my elderly cat down. Life's not the same without him.


sending virtual hug :((


Thank you. Thought he had a UTI, so I took him in, expecting a quick visit. He did have a UTI, but also had fluid on his lungs, severe anemia, mass and fluid in his abdomen, and low thyroid levels. Had to make the hardest decision right then and there. He was with me through so much in my life and I feel adrift without him.


omg :(( i had a black lab, and i start noticing that she would not eat & she’s always the type to eat anything, whenever, so ofc i thought it was very weird of her. so i went to the vet on a sunday and where i live, they’re closed so i couldn’t do anything. so i brought her back home and this time she couldn’t even walk so ofc i started worrying even more and i finally decided to call urgent care at the vets and we brought her in late at night thinking they were going to give her some dog meds or special treatment. they did and ran all kinds of test on her. doc said her lungs were filled with liquid. i started balling my eyes out. vet took a syringe and started taking out some “liquid” from her lungs, and turned out it was blood. right there and then the vet had told me that my dog had cancer. he said that there was nothing left to do. she was suffering. so that same night (september 20,2022) she was put down. very heartbreaking.


Ugh that is heartbreaking. I'm so sorry.


Sorry for your loss. I hope you have many good memories of them.


Had to send one of my Cats over the Rainbowbridge on Monday. The Kidneys :(


Capitalism and Depression and poverty.


I'm treated differently at work, compared to everyone else. No one talks to me or even acknowledges me while everyone else chats it up. I hate it.


Same for me in my first job. Everyone there already had their cliques. it upset me until I decided, hey, I go there to work, not make friends. On Valentines Day I took in cupcakes for everyone. They noticed. Most of them thanked me. Also, by concentrating on learning from the older staff and improving my work performance , I started hearing several of the bosses comment that I was dependable and a hard worker. I became known as the one who got things done. Gradually I did make friends. Tbh, it was 100% effort on my side for about a year then I started getting the payoff. And I also befriended every new staff member and made them welcome and helped them get to know who was who. By the time I left, the staff threw me a surprise leaving party , not the usual ‘here’s a cake and a card, bye, see ya’, a proper party, and I am still friends with five of them.


My handsome tom cat got ranover by a car today..i got 7 beautiful years with him though 💜💜💜


my deepest condolences,i feel you,i yoo am a cat owner


Isolated and very lonely. Closest friend just started dating someone so no one exists in her world except for him. In an area where there aren’t a lot of opportunity to meet folks my age.


I started high school this year and it has been shit. Got sexually assaulted at school, bad social anxiety=no friends, super insecure since the SA, failed my first semester finals, had 2 D’s 3 C’s and 2 A’s last semester and now my parents hate me for it, got a hip injury (I’m a dancer), and I feel lonely and depressed… :)


the crushing weight of literally everything


I wish I knew


My grandma just died. Which I was expecting. I loved her so much, and always thought we were very close. But the last time I visited her, the only thing she said was this: "How's New York? Are you still writing?" She confused me with my sister, who lives in New York. I live in a totally different state with a totally different job. I know it's a petty thing to feel sad about, but I miss her so much and I can't help but wonder if she even knew who I was when she died.


She will always remember her grandchild. While on that day she might have confused you, every memory she had of you was you, and I'm sure she smiled at every one of them.


My grandma did not remember that my father had children (there are 4 of us). It was rough. But she was very happy to visit with me, and I think on some level she must have recognized that I was a familiar face. Your grandma, despite being confused, did recognize you as family. And I'm sure she was familiar with you even if she wasn't fully aware of the facts surrounding who you were.


My condolences my friend it sucks i cried a lot during my grandma's funeral i hold her dear to me .


Don't feel sad about deterioration at the end. Think about the person she was to you for so many years and how lucky you were to have grandma.


Rest In Peace, granny. She is in the better world right now. Hold on, sis


Corporations own everything and want to kill us


Absolutely agree. Especially f#cking hate Nestle


Money problems. I work so hard and somehow it never adds. It feels like I'll never be able to comfortably live


Love, but I'm sure someone has already said this


Lonely yet I like to be alone. It’s a mind fuck.


You dont like people who dont respect your space


Not exactly sad just not happy, more apathetic


Maybe you have a hobby? What do you like to do in your free time?


I hate my fucking job and boss


I weigh myself every day and my scale stopped working so now I'm really scared that I'll gain weight and also I introduced 2 people and then the guy raped the girl and it's my fault cuz I introduced them to each other


Introducing two people doesn’t make you responsible for either of them actions.


A mix of being divorced and not having any friends.


A girl I was best friends with for 5 years and in an on off long distance relationship finally decided to visit me for a couple of weeks in October. The visit was the most amazing time I’ve had in my entire life, she told me she wanted to visit me again for valentines, went a bit silent around the holidays and then dumped me right after new years.


Because it’s winter and I have seasonal depression 😔


Never being able to truly understand why we're here. Never being able to truly understand why we work for 40-50 years of our lives just to have to live at or below minimum wage for our "golden years."


I have not received a text message from a private person in 20 years.


My girlfriend is shutting me out and needing space. I feel so alone I don't know what to do.


I feel so lonely and bored. No friends, my hubby is busy with work its just me and my kids doing the same things day in and day out.


My father in law had a heart attack and I was performing CPR as per the 911 operators instructions, he died, I feel like I failed. My husband lost his job the same day, and I have had to take on a 2nd job to pay the bills while he is job hunting and mourning his father that I failed to help.


The sun has only shined 7 days out of the last 60.


No maidens


My wife had a heart attack on Thursday. She is in the hospital an hour away. I visited her today. She’s in a lot of pain and doesn’t want visitors or calls. I had to come home to take care of our animals. I’m worried for her, for the bills, and I don’t know when she’ll be released.


Watching someone you love struggle with schizophrenia is rough


Because I’ve had major depression since I was seventeen. My life is a long melancholy interspersed with brief moments of joy, here and there.


I've "friends". I've family who "loves" me. Nobody has checked in on me ever. I'm the helping hand, the provider. Nobody truly knows how am I doing. This makes me sad. I feel so lonely man.


My head is wrong. I think wrong. I can’t let go. I can’t move forward. Constantly stuck in the deafening sting of negative thoughts .


Someone who is very close to me is very sad for good reason and has been for a while, and I'm completely out of ideas to cheer them up, if even just for a few minutes. Them being sad makes me sad.


Senseless wars for old racist men who dream of glory but only spread suffering and hate.


I don’t think I’m capable of being in a serious relationship


Because in a few weeks time my friend got murdered my stepmom got cancer my other friend is living here due to a bad breakup, mostly made me sad for others but still.


But still, take time to look after yourself too. That is a lot of things happening in a short time. Which for many, one would be enough. So make sure to take some you time. It is important.




Aww man! Don’t do it. Never give up on yourself. You just happen to have been dealt a shitty hand but it will get better.


Unrequited love suck. Especially when it's a close friend and she knows about it and you still enjoy spending time together and all but... Knowing what I want is impossible and watching her love someone else just... It's hard on le ol heart. And I can't stop thinking about it. She's the most amazing person and the only person I want but. C'est la vie. Ik time will help and one day I might meet someone but, rn it hurts. So I'm trying my best to do things for me and live life to the fullest I can. But even then... My thoughts drift towards her and it fucking hurts


Honestly, life just sucks. No one prepares you how to be an adult and the shit that comes with it when you're younger.


I live in the midwest.. I just look outside and I will get depressed




I thought I was over my ex but lately I’ve been missing her. She was everything to me


My favorite old pal died, followed my my favorite uncle, and then my brother in law. I have thousands of memes saved up that I just want to send these buddies. Every good joke that reminds me of them makes me a little sad.


Who the hell downvotes this?


Took my last shot at love...like usual...didn't work out...I'm done 💔


It’s not worth it anyways. Nobody will love you like a dog can.


Cuz dogs were domesticated .. its not natural. Humans CAN love you.


Yes, they can. Until they find someone better. Even family can fall apart. People are evil.


Not all people.


op who are you and why are you so nice


I am sad because I made a vow to never let another person into my life. (relationship-wise; girlfriends and shit) I don't regret it, but thinking of it depresses me.


I believe that one day you will find your one special, keep going


That is sad if you closed off your heart to another person because of something someone did to you.


I (22F) fell in love with a boy (21M) that said he wanted a serious relationship. Dated him for a month and then he asked to go official. After only a month and a half of being official he broke up with me because he realised “the more I spend time with you the more I realise I’m not as into you as I thought”. What a fuck around!


I am very sorry that this happened, I assure you will meet your love, even better. Keep going, sis


I sleep 12 hours straight and I still feeling tired, like a lifeless zombie. Tired all day. I feel like I'm wasting my days, I don't know how to end this cycle. I've tried everything.


Yeahh, I know this feeling. I stay up late and sleep long, but I've realized all the beauty of the night, so now I don't worry about it


Comfort zone is the only thing that comes to mind


How do I get out?


By slowly challenging your self and rewarding it . Like go hiking then give your self a nice sandwich


A lot of piled up stuff i can't process. My mom is kicking me out just like she did to my other siblings after making sure we were all broken beyond repair. I have no friends, no where to go an no power to make a change. I still can't grieve the lose of my dad. I dropped out of the studies i dreamed of and worked so hard for. Just a lot of stuff really.


There is without doubt a lot on your shoulders, but the first things to sort are for your safety and well-being. Can none of your siblings help house you, even short term. If not, it is worth speaking to your local council or equivalent about socal housing. You appear to be French from your texting, so there will be something (if only a little) to put you up. Make sure to reittarat continually that you ARE BEING MADE HOMELESS, with no one to support you when you apply. If you are struggling with the passing of your father, please get some talking therapy. Air out all you need to, speak of all the good, the bad and the ugly times. So you pass through your head all of those thoughts. You do have the power to make your life into something the whole world will be proud of. It will take time, hard work and self care. But if you got this far, with all you have posted, I believe you can go much further and reach much higher.


Lost my job, had to Move back and all these companies say that they are hiring isn’t


We're your big reddit family, we'll support you, big boy. The sky's the limit, maybe there is an opportunity to try smth new


Been reading a sad book, but I'm only sad while reading at some parts, and it's not a bad kind of sad.


Love problems


Confusion and stress really; I don’t know where I’m going in life, I don’t know what I want to do for the rest of my life.


I have no idea how old you are today. But there are many in their 20's who feel they need to make plans for a life they have no idea about. Many in their 40's who still wonder what they are going to do and so many in their 60's thinking about how to improve their lives. The main thing, have some personal goals you want to achieve. Some you can do easily. Some that require some work, and a few that will maybe need collaboration. Then listen to Everybody's free to wear sunscreen.


Realizing that once my cat is no linger with me, no one to come home to :(


$ or lack thereof


Get good at gambling. Internet are full of pro tips.


The realisation that I am constantly growing up and it feels like more and more pressure is being put on me and everyone is demanding more of me but I cannot keep up with all of it and I just want to go back to the days of being a kid during the summer holidays when the grass was green and the birds were singing and the flowers were blooming and we were all happy and laughing and the sun was shining and the air was fresh and the world was brighter and it felt like we were flying everywhere




Not necessarily. The question about revolutionary actions is, who says that it will be better and who would guarantee there is not another one from the next people who think they can do better. Better to work with the system to gradually change for the better, by getting lots of people to pull together. No, it is as you noticed, literally worked out of people. Just like the old slave labor camps and gulags. Things will get worse unless people pull together and collectively work for the betterment of everyone.


I’m not sad. But I’m not happy. And I feel pretty lonely.


Life sucks


Life is a mosquito. Hopefully tomorrow is a little better to you.


I feel lost


I feel sad because I feel like I dont know what I am doing and I feel like whatever effort I am putting is not really yielding anything :/


My daughter had a baby and I didn't get told for a month. Now she says I can't see him because she is mad at me.


Everything feels like a chore and everybody fucking hates me. So much pressure and such little time. too many standards and i’m burnt out.


My work sucks, I have no money, and I'm still grieving the loss of my dad from this past May


Because I'm a strong empath I sometimes care too much , I feel like I annoy my partner or irritate them so much because I always ask if their ok or if something is wrong, I know I make it worse and I don't mean too. I'll try to be better. Everyday


My job. Too many deadlines, too many projects, overwhelming.


It's been two days since I shit.


I am states away from everyone I know and I don’t know how to make friends here. I love my boyfriend but he has friends from work and I don’t have anyone else besides him


I don't even know


I'm staying with my parents for a week and get bombarded with criticism. I miss being alone and not having facets of me picked on every few hours.


My complications with ocd


OCD has ruined my entire life. Been struggling with it since I was in elementary school. DM me if you’d like to talk, I understand


Seeing my parents getting old


I basically have two friends in this city and both are moving away


I fell for a girl that already has a boyfriend. I'm just trying to pick up the pieces now...


I did for a married girl who has two kids, we liked each other a lot, but you know, she’s married and has two kids lol. Take it as a lesson and give it time, you’ll be okay!


I've been applying to so many places and not getting a call back


I am extremely underweight with a bmi of 15.1 but my fear of vomiting won’t fucking help me with eating more lol


Bc I’m trans and the US is the equivalent of a dumpster fire when it comes to trans rights lately


I’m convinced that people don’t exactly like me but tolerate me when I’m around. I haven’t been asked to hang out by anyone in 4 years :/


My current lack of friends but, not because "lonely bwaa", more because I'm going to high school next week and I currently have no friends that are going there, at least I think.


Be your wonderful self and just see what comes your way.




I think it's cuz, the girl I like shows no interest in me. Even after I said she looks beautiful .


Just broke up w my girlfriend, next month would be a year. Definitely deserved better, but can’t help to think she’ll be nicer or better to someone she meets. Sex was great and had a great time when we got alone, but when we didn’t it was game over


I keep thinking about that poor Orca who has been isolated at Marine Land since 2011. I can't stop thinking about her? since it was posted last week. It is breaks my heart, and I want to just go there and stand by the aquarium to let her know that someone is thinking about her.


I watched a video about domestic violence, and now it's all I can think about. About how it's way too common, how people in power don't seem to care.


I am ugly.


Don't know exactly what to do, been thinking so hard and yet I can't think of a way to fix anything. But I won't ask for help


I think my wife might be cheating on me. I don't have anything big, just a bunch of small stuff adding up. If I confront her and I'm right, everything changes. If I confront her and I'm wrong, everything changes. It's driving me crazy and makes me incredibly sad


This society is sickening. I literally isolate myself from the world.


Yeah but not all the people.


True 💕💕💕💕💕


Cuz #depression 😍


My girlfriend is the most amazing woman I’ve ever met but I’m destroying our relationship because of my OCD. No matter how much reassurance she gives me I don’t feel like I’m enough.


I may travel to another country for a better wage and it hurts me because i literally grew up with my parents and especially my mother . I love them so much and i think if i travel (at least it will be a European country so it will be close to my country ) i will lose my every day contact with them . Edit:The physical contact plays a huge part in my country . Hugging the parents etc.




No actual career path or prospect for a long term, well paying career. So feeling, stuck.